Why are Catholics accused of worshiping Mary?
Catholics are accused of worshipping Mary because they are taught by Roman Catholicism to worship Mary. It is wicked and idolatrous.
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "Why are you accusing us of worshiping Mary?"
Why do you think the Roman Catholic Church found it necessary to change the Second Commandment? Ex 20:3.
[Roman Catholics change God's Second Commandment Ex 20:2] "You are ignorant or you are lying."
Do you mean to say that
you believed
them and never
checked for yourself?
Ac 17:11. Your Bible
has enough dust on it to write "Damnation" across the top doesn't it?
Let the reader decide.
Walk in any Roman Catholic church or school and take a look for yourself.
No Altering Commandments
Worship of Mary is one of many false teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. "1922 Virgin Mary proclaimed co-redeemer with Jesus by Pope Benedict XV..." Full text: Roman Catholic Traditions http://pro-gospel.org/x2/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=34&Itemid=1
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "Talking to Mary healed me of something..."
If you talk to Mary do you believe that she can hear you? If she can hear you, wouldn't that make here something besides a human being? Ex 20:2, Lk 16:26.
are Catholics accused of worshiping Mary?