Why Obama Is Merging the EPA With Churches
The council hopes the new EPA faith office will also
help churches and other non-profits improve "access to financing," including
"establishing revolving loan programs or working with utility companies to help
finance greening building projects."
Obama is merging the EPA with churches to make it easier for churches to get
loans to green up and push green initiatives on their parishioners. On the one
hand, if you don't cooperate, your 501c3 status could be in jeopardy, but if you
help with the administration's agenda, why the government could help you build a
new chapel..." Full text:
Why Obama Is Merging the EPA With Churches
Pelosi lecturing Catholic bishops
Ditch 501c3's?
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "...Force God out of churches under the lie of Separation of Church and State, then invade the sanctity/sovereignty of the Churches by using environmentalism as a back door."
It's an easy sell to dirt worshippers (Enyart).
Ro 1:25.
Why Obama Is Merging the
EPA With Churches