So I was wondering, what about other religions, why do you only mention the bible, there are religions that have been on this earth just as long, with stories of exactly the same values, why do you not mention these stories in your website? They are just as valid.
Another thing why are Christians so concerned with converting every non-Christian? Can a man not practice his own religion loving God in his own way with peace? Why does an organization made by a human influenced by God have the right to tell people what is right and wrong?
Please answer these questions to another fellow man of God.
Hello and welcome to our website.
So I was wondering, what about other religions, why do you only mention the bible
Actually, there are a number of occasions when we have mentioned other religions. See, for instance, 3369, 3656 and 5142
In fact, this article discusses the Koran: 10076.
there are religions that have been on this earth just as long
The length of time a religion has been around is no guarantee of its authenticity. A closer look reveals that these other religions have not been around as long.
Belief | Claimed date of origin | Does this seem reasonable? |
Christianity/Judaism | At the beginning (~4000 BC) | Yes, since Christ is the Creator. |
Islam | AD 570 | Yes, this was about the time of Muhammad; few dispute this date of origins. |
Hinduism | Writings originated ~1400 BC to AD 5001 | Yes, following Babel, as people traveled and lost information about God, this view could easily have taken over. |
Buddhism | 560 BC2 | Yes, this is when Buddha (Siddhartha Gautama) was born and later began his teachings of enlightenment. |
Confucianism | 550 BC3 | Yes, this is when Confucius was born and later began his teachings and political career. |
Secular Humanism | AD 1933 | This was the date of the first Humanist Manifesto, but the movement extends back to the Renaissance. During the Renaissance, the belief in God and the supernatural was still acceptable but has since been changed to naturalism/materialism. |
Atheism | No date claimed that I have found | The logical time would be soon after Cain. Cain believed in God and acknowledged Him but his descendants with many others rejected God. So many atheists could have come about just under 6,000 years ago (just after 4000 BC). This is the closest religion to the biblical date, and yet it is still not as old. |
However, we claim, as you must have noted, that the Bible is the inerrant Word of God, so we claim to have the authentic, original account of the origin of the universe. More later on why this is a rational view.
with stories of exactly the same values
In what sense can the stories of other religions be said to be of the same value as the truth of the Bible? You see, the Bible does not give us that option. Instead, it claims exclusivity to the truth.
Do not add to His words, Lest He rebuke you, and you be found a liar (Proverbs 30:6).
Jesus said to him, 'I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me' (John 14:6).
In the past God overlooked such ignorance, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent (Acts 17:30).
You may not like the Bible's claim to exclusivity, but you cannot escape from it. It is not possible to believe the Bible and believe the stories presented in other religions' literature. Please see: Aren't All Religions Just Different Ways to the Same Place?
why do you not mention these stories in your website?
The answer to this should be clear from the above. We do not include the teachings of other religions, even if those religions accept a creation account, because our position rests on the truth of the Bible. (See 3656.)
They are just as valid.
Dear AiG:
I just wanted to commend you for the work that you do and the uncompromising position you hold on the truth and eternality of God's Word. I know that the battle is hot and relentless and folks like you need encouragement to press on and know that you are indeed touching many lives, even as many more scoff at you or ignore you.
Having read the 5365 in its entirety, I was struck at how difficult it is for some Believers to get out of their mindset and theology as it relates to creation and evolution. It truly is a stronghold and the only thing that can tear it down is repentance and humility in the heart of the Believer. Until someone wants nothing more than to know Jesus and His truth about the world above and beyond any preconceived ideas and beliefs, the stronghold will stand. But when Christians repent and come away from their acceptance of man's wisdom, the door is opened to learn the truth and see this whole debate in a new light.
I believe that when this humbling and repentance sweeps the church, it will be nothing short of worldwide revival. Thanks for laboring towards this goal with all of us. It's an honor to fight along side AiG!
In Messiah,
Pete Dean
In fact, they are never as valid. The Bible is the only religious 12523 that contains verifiable history. The Bible makes a number of factual claims, which are testable, and found to be self-consistent. In this, the Bible differs from the Koran, for example, which contains many abrogated verses and passages.
Another thing why are Christians so concerned with converting every non-Christian?
Again, you might not like the answer, but it is entirely self-consistent. If no one can come to the Father but through Jesus, then it is important for us to tell people that. It is a mark of our care and love. If you saw a man drowning in a river, and there was a life-belt [life jacket] in front of you, you would throw it to him in order to save him. Failing to do so would be a dereliction of duty. In the same way, it would be a dereliction of my duty and responsibility to care and love others if I fail to proclaim the path to spiritual salvation.
Can a man not practice his own religion loving God in his own way with peace?
You can make a good case that this should be guaranteed by law. In the same way, you can make a good case that a man should be allowed to try to convince others of the rightness of his position. To forbid this is to forbid freedom of religion and expression.
Why does an organization made by a human influenced by God have the right to tell people what is right and wrong?
As an organization, Answers in Genesis was indeed founded by human beings, who prayerfully sought (and continue to seek) God's will in establishing and guiding the organization. As a specifically Christian organization, it is not only our right, but our duty before God to tell people the message of salvation. This passage explains why:
And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen. (Matthew 28:18-20)
As followers of Jesus, we must obey the commission that He gave us. Christians who do not do so are neglecting God's command.
It is an old chestnut to assume that there are no moral absolutes. The Bible makes it clear that there are indeed moral absolutes. These moral absolutes are underpinned by the events of Genesis. Adam and Eve were not given Ten Commandments-they were given a major one. Yet they broke it, and brought sin and death into the world. It is only this understanding that helps us make sense of a world that contains joy and sorrow, beauty and pain, life and death. The cure to this sin is found only in the work of the Last Adam, Jesus Christ.
Please answer these questions to another fellow man of God.
If you are a fellow man of God, you will be equally concerned to bring people to the truth of Scripture, and to salvation through our only hope, Jesus Christ.
Paul Taylor, AiG-UK
- Josh McDowell, A Ready Defense, compiled by Bill Wilson, Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, 1993, p. 272.
- Ibid., p. 277.
- Ibid., p. 284.