Why do atheists crave debate?
Why do you think atheists crave debate?
"The human self requires rootedness in others. This is primarily an ontological matter--a matter being what we are. It is not a matter of what ought to be. And the moral aspect of it grows out of the ontological.
Most fundamental "other" for the human is, of course, God himself. God is the ultimate social fact for the human being. That is why people in general think more often about God than about any other thing, even sex and death. But because all are to be rooted in God--and really are, whether they want it or not--our ties to one another cannot be isolated from our shared relationship to him, nor our relationship to him from our ties to one another. Our relations to others cannot be right unless we se those others in their relation to God. Through others he comes to us and we only really find others when we see them in him.
"If someone says, 'I love God,' and hates his brother, he is a liar," John unapologetically said, "for the one who does not love his bother whom he has seen, cannot love God whom he has not seen" (1 John 4:20). We only live as we should when we are in a right relation to God and to other human beings--thus the two greatest commandments... (Willard, pg. 36)."
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "Why do Christians crave debate?"
"I'm not gonna debate with you, Jerry!"
~ Carl Showalter, Fargo
Michael J. Davis' words not mine.
Response to comment [from an atheist]: ". . . [S]eems to me there are more Christians dirtying up this forum in "debate" than atheists/agnostics . . .perhaps I've missed something . . ."
This was a question posed by an atheist on Twitter.
I thought I would do a community service and offer an explanation here.
I'd last three seconds on their site.
Silence the critic.
". . . [T]hen . . . you failed . . . epically."
I don't think
so. Ask yourself why you are here.
". . . [S]o many Christians . . . so little time . . . "
To do what?
Re 14:10.
Response to comment [from an atheist]: [Voltaire Quote: "This belief of ours is sacred to us and your attacks on that belief are done with the intent not only to shame us out of the belief but to make us feel like idiots and sub-humans for holding such beliefs."] ". . .[Y]ou doubt your own beliefs having only yourself to blame else."
Left (Eccl
10:2) argues with ad hominem attacks
--is the point.
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "There is a difference between being a critic and being a troll."
Stop stalking
"I don't do that..."
You have standards?
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "...[P]ride, the root of all..."
Period. Dot. Bingo (Pr
You're smart. You make things go (Pakled Captain Grebnedlog
Star Trek
Response to comment [from an athiest]: [Pride] [...blah blah]
Ouch." ~ E.T.
"...[T]hat which is asserted without evidence is . . . dismissed . . . without evidence."
You have internal evidence (Ro 2:15), external evidence (Ps 19:1) as well as the scriptures.
". . [I]n other words . . . no evidence at all . . . absent declaration . . ."
In other words, you are without excuse (Ro 1:20). Too bad you love your sin (Jn 3:19).