Women Pastors. Good idea, bad idea?
Bad idea (1
Ti 2:12). "Woman, get back in here and make me
a sammich." ~ Fox Mulder
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "If a woman can do the job, then why not..."
No one questions the job they do.
Should they lead?
...feather problem.
"He loves nature in spite of what it did to him." ~ Forrest Tucker
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "I don't see a problem with it..."
Shouldn't you figure out which end is up before you answer this question?
Deut 22:5,
Mt 19:4.
You reject God's order (1
Pe 3:7).
"...but I can count on one hand the number of times I have set foot in a church."
We know.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "There are some women who would be very capable of pastoring a congregation."
Should they lead the congregation? 1 Ti 2:12. "In the church, God assigns different roles to men and women..." Full text: Women pastors / preachers? What does the Bible say about women in ministry?
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "Playing basketball is also a bad idea for them and they should limit themselves to: softball, volleyball, tennis, swimming, track, soccer and mud wrestling.
"He can compress the most words into the smallest idea of any man I know." ~ Abraham Lincoln
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "Shouldn't you quit obsessing over how I dress?"
You've got bigger problems than
wearing white after Labor Day (1
Co 6:9,
Deut 22:5,
Mt 19:4).
"I'm sick of her stalking me, I reported her.
"I am stabbing an apple and pretending
it's your head. Good night."
~ Forum user re: posting limit
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "I put the chances of SD's banishment at 0%."
I usually get banned this time of year.
I've already bought my summer reading material.
You think TOL is not an equal equal opportunity employer?
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "It's harassment and stalking at this point."
"[I]t's not at all relevant to the thread."
This thread is about the natural
order of things.
"There are no laws of nature. There are God's laws. Nature obeys them." ~ Adrian
"...[Y]our trolling and harassment is not going to change me."
I realize that you are not
interested in the things of God (Mt
7:14). My comments are directed toward any
other Sodomite who might tippy toe to TOL (Jude
"These that are women pastors, women missionaries, women evangelists, women Sunday school teachers, etc., would you have them quit and go home..."
There are many ways for women to serve. Leading the church is not their role.
Why not answer the above question: [W]ould you have them quit and go home?
Do you mean if a woman is presently the senior pastor and has disregarded scripture on this matter? 1 Ti 2:12.
"...These that are women pastors, women missionaries, women evangelists, women Sunday school teachers, etc., would you have them quit and go home..."
Female senior pastors are in the wrong role. No one is speaking about other postions in the church. Other positions are fine. 1 Ti 2:12.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "I believe she should retain the pastorate. "
She should not accept the position of senior pastor (1 Ti 2:12).
If nominated, I will not accept; if drafted, I will not run; if elected, I will not serve. William Tecumseh Sherman quotes
Response to comment [from an atheist]: ". . .[H]as anyone mentioned the fact that Christian scholars have recognized 1 & 2 Timothy as forgeries..."
your long-toothed lesbian (Giles) church?
Response to comment [from an atheist]: ". . . [C]heck your avatar sd . . . who has long teeth?"
". . . better to be gay (which I'm not)..."
...Not that there is anything wrong with that.
"...than . . . a Christian of your 'persuasion.'"
There are believers (Ac 5:14; 1 Ti 4:12) and there are non-believers. You cannot be almost pregnant and you cannot be almost Christian (Jn 5:24). Psa. 1:16; Psa. 11:5; Psa. 17:14, 15; Psa. 32:10; Psa. 37:1722, 37, 38; Psa. 68:6; Psa. 73:128; Psa. 75:10; Psa. 91:7, 8; Psa. 107:3338; Psa. 125:5; Prov. 10:6, 9, 21, 2325, 28, 29, 30, 32; Prov. 11:3, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 1821, 23, 31; Prov. 12:3, 57, 13, 21, 26; Prov. 13:6, 13, 17, 21; Prov. 14:19, 22, 32; Prov. 15:6; Prov. 21:18, 26; Prov. 22:5; Prov. 28:1, 4, 5, 13, 14, 18; Isa. 32:18; Isa. 65:13, 14; Mal. 3:18; Rom. 2:710; Eph. 2:1214; Phil. 2:15; 1 Thess. 5:58; Tit. 1:15; 1 Pet. 4:17, 18; 1 John 1:6, 7; 1 John 3:317.
". . forged books are used in . . . your church."
Response to
comment [from a Christian] : "(1 Timothy 2:12) seems to be the only verse
you throw out there..."
There's more.
does the Bible say about the role of senior pastor?"
Equal value. Different roles.
"...From the very beginning, women fulfilled a vital role in the Christian
church (Acts
2428; Rom. 16;
1 Cor. 16:19;
2 Tim. 1:5;
4:19), but not one of
leadership. The apostles were all men; the chief missionary activity was done by
men; the writing of the New Testament was the work of men; and leadership in the
churches was entrusted to men. Although the Apostle Paul respected women and
worked side by side with them for the furtherance of the gospel (Rom. 16;
Phil. 4:3), he appointed
no female elders or pastors. In his letters, he urged that men were to be the
leaders..." Full text:
Role of Women Grace Community
Let the woman learn in silence with all
But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to
be in silence [1
Tim. 2:1112].
"These verses have to do with the learning and teaching of doctrine. Keep in
mind that the women led in the mystery religions of Pauls day, and they were
sex orgies. Paul is cautioning women not to speak publicly with the idea of
making an appeal on the basis of sex..."
McGee, J. Vernon: Thru the Bible Commentary. electronic ed. Nashville : Thomas
Nelson, 1997, c1981, S. 5:440
Response to comment [from other]:
"Well, I reckon we can all agree that SD certainly shouldn't become a pastor..."
Me? No, I
work in the
nursery (2 Chr. 6:41; Isa. 61:10; Rev. 6:11;
7:9, 13, Mt 22:11).
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "Keep talking, you're the best argument my side has in this debate."
Huh? What?
But yesterday was Thursday, Thursday.
Today ih...is Friday, Friday?
We, we, we, so excited.
Party-in, Party-in...
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "I could scarcely imagine a worse pastor than you."
Do I know you?
...But Ooy vol
I tub.
Women Pastors. Good
idea, bad idea?