[You’re getting closer, Dr. Ross! D. Russell Humphreys, Ph.D., Ph.D. Physics]
Another open letter to Dr. Hugh Ross
July 6, 2003
Dear Dr. Ross:
Thank you for your July 2 reply to me on your website. Although it is an “open letter” to me, you again failed to send me an e-mail copy of it, or have your organization notify me. Again, that makes me think you are more interested in what your audience thinks of you than in having me read your reply.
I’m glad you now express willingness to debate at Los Alamos National Laboratory. However, I want the whole lab to come, not just “research astronomers.” That is because I want to confront you in a wide range of sciences. I’d like astrophysicists to come, because cosmology is their home territory. I’d like geoscientists to come, because the earth is part of the cosmos, requiring any would-be cosmology to explain evidence for a young earth. I’d like physicists to come, because general relativity and nuclear decay dating are two of the relevant areas we need to discuss. It would be wrong to exclude everybody except those people you are most comfortable with.
I quite agree with you that you do not want me to expose the deficiencies of progressive creationism to your supporters. That is why you want only those people most committed to your position to be present. And that is why you have not provided your supporters any weblinks to my open letters, to let them see what you are replying to. Possibly that is why you don’t provide an archive of your past statements, but only keep on revising the same page over and over. Are you afraid to allow your supporters to evaluate the whole discussion for themselves? Are you really interested in a debate where you might risk losing financial support? If your position were really as strong as you claim it is, you would have nothing to lose by allowing openness, both in the debate and on your website.
In contrast to you, ICR has been including weblinks to your site as well as to my past letters. We believe strongly that it is good to let our readers see all sides of the issues.
Finally, I am again sending your organization an e-mail copy of this, because I believe in freedom of information for you as well as everybody else.
Sincerely in Christ,
D. Russell Humphreys, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Physics
Institute for Creation Research http://www.icr.org/article/youre-getting-closer-dr-ross/
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