Chimp genome sequence
very different from man
“Evolutionists have claimed that chimp and human DNA is up to 99% similar. These studies only looked at gene coding regions, which are a tiny fraction of the 3 billion base pairs in the human genome. When the chimp genome was sequenced, the number was reduced to 96%, twice as much difference as was previously thought. No matter what the difference, evolution would predict it, and evolutionists would claim it as proof. It is estimated that 40 million mutation events would be required to produce 125 million differences in the DNA sequences. There’s not enough time in the evolutionary explanation for this to happen (Haldane’s Dilemma), and no new information is generated in these types of mutations anyway.
Some scientists are surprised at the anatomical, physical, and behavioral differences between man and chimpanzee when they see so much apparent genetic similarity. With a philosophy that excludes a Creator God, they are forced to accept similarity as evidence of common ancestry. However, similarity can also be the result of a common Designer. The differences make the difference, and the most important difference is that man is created in the image of God.” Evolution Exposed, Second Ed., Chimp genome sequence very different from man, DeWitt,
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "Are you even reading what you're writing SD?"
I can't understand anything I read.
Ad hominem.
"Whoever writes these things is clueless..."
Ad hominem.
It's not an intellectual issue. It's a heart issue.
Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding (Pr
3:5). Those who hear the gospel but do nothing
with it remain in unbelief and go to hell. "He who rejects Me and does not
receive My sayings, has one who judges him; the word I spoke is what will judge
him at the last day (Jn
12:48, NASB)." It is the word that you have not
accepted which condemns you in the last day. You hear His words and reject,
which is literally "to count them as nothing" in the original language.
Everlasting life is not based on performance it is believing the word of God.
The word is eternal life. It's believing Jesus Christ. "What I speak, therefore,
I speak just as the Father has told me (Jn
12:50, ISV)."
My God Would Never Send Me to Hell
Chimp genome sequence
very different from man