Degrees of punishment in hell


Have you shared the gospel with someone who has rejected the truth? Creation alone is enough to reveal God to individuals (Ps 19:1) but if you have shared the gospel with others and they reject, their punishment will be greater (Lk 12:46-48, Matt. 10:15; 11:22,24; Mark 6:11, Heb. 10:29).

[The Great White Throne Judgment, Part 2
Re 20:11-15 by David Jeremiah] "...[W]hen men stand before the Great White Throne Judgment to hear the sentence that has been passed against them, some will receive a heavier sentence than others and the reason seems to be only this--because they have had the opportunity to do something about it and their opportunities have been multiplied. To whom much is given, says the scripture, much is required. That leads me to believe that a man who grows up in a pagan country and has only the witness of God's creation--which the bible says is sufficient to draw a person back to his creator--that that person who has never heard a clear, verbal presentation of the gospel; such as that which we are exposed to day after day after day in our culture--that person, though he will be assigned to an eternity apart from God, will not nearly experience suffering for eternity than that a person will experience who has trodden under foot the gospel of our God and has rejected time and again the opportunity to be saved.

Men and women if you have come to church and you have heard the gospel and it's been preached to you and you've been witnessed to--and your friends have told you about Jesus Christ and you've heard that voice speaking in your heart and you know it's true but you haven't responded--when you stand before God some day, you will be passed a stiff sentence from the Lord as you pass out into eternity and I am not just saying that because it makes good preaching. I am saying that because it's the truth. God is a God of justice and he will deal with those who reject him in a just manner. That is the purpose for the judgment at the [Great] White Throne Judgment..." Audio:
The Great White Throne Judgment, Part 2 Re 20:11-15 by David Jeremiah

Degrees of punishment in hell