Did humans really
evolve from apelike creatures?
“Many popular magazines and television programs show evidence purportedly proving that humans evolved from an apelike ancestor. Is the evidence real, or are they making apes out of men and men out of apes? Starting from biblical assumptions, we see clearly that God made man in His image and did not use evolution. Some Christians who accept evolution say that man’s soul was created by God, but evolution made the physical form. The evolutionary assumptions demand that man evolved from an apelike ancestor and discount biblical authority. Paleoanthropologists don’t ask if man evolved from apes, but which apes he evolved from.
The fossil evidence of hominids (alleged human ancestors) is extremely limited, and very few people actually get the fossils or pictures. And because jaws and teeth are the most commonly preserved primate fossils, these become a key part of the interpretations. The fraudulent Nebraska Man, including his family and livestock, was identified and drawn based on a single tooth, which was later found to be from an extinct pig.
Skull anatomy is also important, since brain capacity and facial features are used to demonstrate the supposed human-like features in some ape fossils. Leg and hip bones are important in demonstrating how the hominids walked. Those that walked upright are more human than those that didn’t.
To make an apelike human ancestor appear out of the fossil record, paleoanthropologists do one of three things. First, they combine pieces from an ape fossil and a human fossil and call it a hominid ancestor. This happened in the case of Piltdown man, which was identified as a hoax after being promoted as man’s ancestor for 50 years. The second way is to emphasize the ape features of a human fossil, such as oversized jaws, sloping foreheads, and other features that are found within the range of human variation. Finally, they emphasize the human features on an ape fossil. This is evident in the fossil “Lucy,” an Australopithecus afarensis specimen. Even though A. afarensis hips don’t support the idea that they walked upright and the foot bones are curved like an ape’s, it is usually shown standing with human feet—a blatant misrepresentation of the fossil evidence.” Evolution Exposed, Second Ed., Did humans really evolve from apelike creatures? Menton. www.answersingenesis.org/articles/wow/did-humans-really-evolve
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "...[A]nother creationist lie. I suppose if you're too busy putting your hands over your eyes and ears lest you see the evidence you can make this complaint."
Exactly. We can clearly see that we are not monkeys.
People are made upright (Ec 7:29) and intelligent (Col 3:10) in God's image (Ge
1:26,27; 1Co 11:7) and likeness (Ge 1:26; Jas 3:9). Monkeys are not (1 Kin.
Error comes when we lean on our own understanding (humanism [Pr 3:5]).
"God didn't make man a monkey. Man made a monkey of himself." -J. Vernon McGee
Did humans really evolve
from apelike creatures?