Finding a church

Jahdal View Post
"What do you do if you can't find that one church where you like everything about it?"

Do they preach and teach the word? That's what's important.

Jahdal View Post
...The problem comes is the doctrine.

You could be stuck on one doctrine (like many TOL members) or you could pray for your pastor. That's what he needs. I don't agree with my pastor on all things.

"One man asked the pastor, 'How many active members do you have in your church?'

He said, 'They're all active. Half are building us up and the other half are tearing us down.'" ~ Adrian Rogers

"...I've been attending a "non-denominational" church (it's in quotes because they say they're non-denominational but their services hover between Pentecostal and Baptist...)]."

Pentecostals don't know their bible and Baptists don't have the spirit.

"It's easier to cool down a zealot than it is to warm up a corpse." ~ Adrian Rogers  

...Even after I pointed out the words of Jesus about giving a certificate of divorce for fornication he still refused to budge. I talked to most of the church members who told me, in low voices, that there are some cases where divorce should be allowed. The problem is they come out of a background where the elder is never questioned and the people who do question the elders are almost shamed (as I was). 

You're looking for a church to compromise on so-called divorce?

Are you looking for a bar or a church? Mt 19:8

Recommend reading:

The Divorce Myth by J. Carl Laney  

Recommended sites:

Christian Divorce and Re marriage Joseph Webb

Marriage Permanence

Permanence of Marriage Until Death Walking by the Spirit Always  

Jahdal View Post
No no no, I don't agree with someone who just divorces for piddly reasons. I think a couple should try to work things out. But if one of them just doesn't want to try and they divorce the other because they're "in love" with someone else then they should be allowed to go...

Divorce occurred during the betrothal period. If he found out, for example, that she was a dirty ho (not pure) then he could give her a bill of so-called divorce due to bait and switch prior to marriage. What is occurring today in Sodom aka America is not what God intended (Jer 16:2).

Finding a church