God Enthroned Between Two Cherubim?
[God Enthroned
Between Two Cherubim? Proclaiming
the Gospel Ministries]
"The "humble" Pope Francis enthroned
himself on a great white throne
between two cherubim while
celebrating the sacrifice of the
Eucharistic Jesus at the basilica of
St. Paul. How could he do this if he
knows the significance of sitting
between two cherubim as revealed in
God's Word. "O Lord of hosts, God of
Israel, enthroned above the
cherubim, you are the God, you
alone, of all the kingdoms of the
earth; you have made heaven and
earth" (Isa. 37:16). Is this a sign
of things to come? The apostle Paul
warned, "Let no one deceive you in
any way. For that day will not come,
unless the rebellion comes first,
and the man of lawlessness is
revealed, the son of destruction,
who opposes and exalts himself
against every so-called god or
object of worship, so that he takes
his seat in the temple of God,
proclaiming himself to be God" (2
Thes. 2:3-4)."