Christian Hoteliers Charged with Insulting Muslim Guest
Response to comment [from other]: "A Christian couple who run a hotel have been charged with a criminal offence for allegedly insulting a female Muslim guest about her beliefs." Story
Will so-called hate crime legislation in the U.S. lead to this?
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "What should we expect? ... to be accepted by the world? We need to rejoice, that God has allowed us to suffer for the sake of His Word."
You're right. We know it's coming (Mt 24:9).
Emboldened by political correctness gone amuck, one Imam in Brittan said that
the queen will wear a burka!
Response to comment [from a Satanist]: "They may have poor manners but
this is certainly not a "crime."
Hi Granite. Glad you are back [banned]. This
was a conversation. Obama just signed hate crime legislation (of
course preaching Romans 1 is hate speech today). So, can we count on you
to defend the Christian when he or she is dragged out of church and hauled off
to jail?
"It's a poorly-written ambiguous law which, hopefully, would be overturned or limited in court if it occurred in the U.S. Can't say the U.K. courts are as likely to see it that way though."
Would you defend the rights of Christians to preach against homosexuality, fornication, adultery, abortion, etc.?
Of course. I'd just probably also think that they're idiots for some of those views.
What about teaching creation in public schools? Do you agree with Bill Maher, that Christians are stupid and they should be "drag[ged] to" the truth?
"[I]f Romans 1 is a "crime" today..."
Preaching Romans 1 is a crime in the state of Colorado (SB 200).
"You can count on me, but I doubt you'll agree with my method of defending you. Christians in general are not comfortable with the idea of someone resorting to violent or lethal behavior on their behalf."
It's nice to hear you are willing to fight to protect free speech. Atheists often think that we should have freedom from religion not freedom of religion.
Someone said it is the Second Amendment that protects our First Amendment rights. We are encouraged by Jesus to be armed (Lk 22:36).
What do you think of the government trying to enforce gun registrations?
"In the name of anti-terrorism, craven gun control advocates in Congress such as Barbara Boxer, Hillary Clinton, John Conyers, Tom ("Puff") Daschle, Diane Feinstein, Barney Frank, Ted Kennedy, Joe Lieberman, John McCain, Charles Schumer, Charlie Wrangle, et al are trying to attach riders to Homeland Security and other bills that would ban gun shows, make it illegal for private citizens to sell their guns directly to other private citizens, and register all of the privately owned firearms in the USA..." Full text: Just Say "NO" to Gun Registration
Response to comment [from a Satanist]: "[S]how me a single person arrested for this "crime," shall you? One."
It is a law on the books. That does not mean it is presently being enforced. Do you think it cannot be enforced?
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "[S]ince this is a secular country by law, your religion cannot enjoy special endorsement by government."
There cannot be a state religion. However, the founders encouraged promotion of Christianity.
"There is another thing that protects the First Amendment. The courts. But why resort to law when bloodshed is an option?"
Some say that our country is in a silent civil war now.
But I think we agree, we should solve our differences peacefully when it is
Response to comment [from other]:
"First they came for the Jews. I was silent. I was not a Jew.
Then they came for the Communists. I was silent. I was not a Communist.
Then they came for the trade unionists. I was silent. I was not a trade
Then they came for me. There was no one left to speak for me.
~ Martin Niemöller"
Good quote from Martin Niemöller. I hope it doesn't come to that.
Response to comment [from a Mormon]: "Though the implications of SD's statement worry me."
I think it is important to remember that rights come from God not the government.
"I do think, however, that all children have a right to an education, which should include evolution, whether or not their parents like it."
Teaching Darwinian evolution leads to Columbine-style massacres.
Brian Rohrbough on the Amish School Shootings
You really think that schools should have authority over parents? Hillary Clinton would agree with you by the way.
"...[M]y rights began the moment I was born as a United States citizen and are every bit as relevant as your rights. Your religion should never interfere with my rights to live my life freely and in accordance to the laws which are set down by our government."
Bible believing men would founded this country gave you that system. Christianity is the basis of freedom.
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "There are culture wars going on, certainly, and there are always battles between secularism and sectarianism, but none of that even begins to compare to the War Between the States."
It won't compare, you are right. It is going to get far worse.
"If you think man has messed up the world wait until you see what Jesus is going to do with it. This planet was made disposable by sin." ~ John MacArthur
Someone said the preverbal "happy ending" is only happy if you're a Christian. It will be a happy ending for some and disaster for others.
Response to comment [from a Satanist]: "Posts like this [Christianity basis of freedom]..."
Christianity is the basis of freedom. You won't understand this until you are freed in Christ (Jn 8:36). Legalistic religion is bondage. The founders called America an experiment and an idea. It worked when we honored God. Our country has since turned from him and it will be our downfall.
I met a man on a flight who was an atheist. He flew around speaking at conferences. His label pin said "Freedom from Religion". I said, "You know, we want the same thing. I love Jesus and I am freed from religion." He thought I was being insincere but I wasn't. Christ came to set the captive free (Isa 51:14). Some are held captive by false religion. Man is hopelessly religious. If you do not worship the true and living God you will worship someone or something else.
"...and your Columbine missive make me wonder if you have an original and factual thought in your head."
You know the teachings of Charles Darwin. His was not an original thought. Aristotle and others toyed with the idea of evolution. Darwin sought to explain all of life without God.
Frederick Nietzsche got an idea from Darwin. He said that men could be made into "super men".
A mad man got an idea from both Darwin and Nietzsche, his name was Adolf Hitler. He sought to make an Arian race of superior men. In his book Mein Kampf Hitler said, "I have a right to eliminate an inferior race that breeds like vermin." These men rejected God and believed the lie of evolution.
Godless men like Hitler and Stalin alone are responsible for the deaths of 57 million people (a conservative estimate) [Rogers: Can an Intellectual Believe in God?]. Believing lies has consequences.
The Columbine killers believed these lies too. One of the murderers wore a t-shirt that said "Survival of the Fittest". You think rejecting God and believing in Darwinian evolution leads to good things?
Response to comment [from other]: "Not all of the founders were Christians...[W]hy do you suppose the founders would not mandate religious conversion for all."
True, not all of the founders were Christian.
They came from a state religion. They wanted men to be able to choose what to believe. This is a biblical concept by the way. Christ wishes to spend an eternity with those who freely choose him.
Response to comment [from a Satanist]: "Darwin wrestled his entire life trying to reconcile his own theories with those of a creator."
Learn history. Charles Darwin thought he could explain life without God. For 35 years, he was sickly--hating God, hating his father, hating everybody. He effectively said, how do you have a creation without a creator?--so he thought. The theory of evolution is the next best guess of the mind and the man that rejects God (Rogers: Can an Intellectual Believe in God?).
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "I'd say the end is...the end. It's not really happy, but I think it's better than if it went on forever."
You'd say. But God says differently. We are eternal beings. Life does go on forever with or without Christ (2 Cor 5:8). God will not spare you. If God would have spared anyone, it would have been his one and only Son. The depth of his mercy is great so men are without excuse (Ro 1:20).
Response to comment [from other]: "If you choose to put your child in a public or private school, then the school should have authority over your child during the time they are under their roof. There is the option of homeschooling if you do not want other educators influencing your children."
I think homeschooling is a great idea--anything but subjecting kids to the godless public school system.
“Education without values, as useful as it is, seems rather to make man a more
clever devil.”—C.S. Lewis.
Response to comment [from an atheist]: [Creation vs Evolution in school] "If Hitler was nice to his dogs, does that make dog lovers Hitlers-in-waiting?"
It's a poor analogy.
Schools should teach what is true based on the Bible. They should not teach man's opinion (e.g. the theory of evolution) as fact.
“Knowledge becomes evil if the aim be not virtuous.” - Plato. We've seen that at Columbine and we will see it again in additional murder/suicides. I don't think anything will wake you up to reality.
[Charles Darwin, daddy problems] "Get a clue and start getting some thoughts of your own in your head."
Powerful argument.
I learn from other Christians. How about you? Or do you already know
it all?
"not a single original thought"
I believe the Bible. That is not an original thought. Are you interested in new or true?
"I doubt you've ever actually read Nietzsche..."
It was required reading in college. I'm guessing you love him.
"much less have his work in your personal library..."
Yep, many notes. Any other ad hominems?
"Stop acting as though you know more than you do..."
When did I claim to know more than you? Many know these things. I don't care for history being reinvented, that's all.
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "God is so merciful that he'll condemn people to eternal punishment based upon what they believe. I'm just overwhelmed by his compassion."
Jesus died for your sin and mine. You should be overwhelmed by this act of mercy for all of us.
"You have a library...of notes."
I write all over my books, yes.
"You don't know your history terribly well."
I do not see your list of factual errors refuting what I have said.
" eating atheists..."
Are you an atheist or a Satanist? Men are atheists not for intellectual reasons but for moral reasons (Ro 1:28).
"I don't appreciate being told why I believe what I do."
I believe that the Bible makes an accurate appraisal of the wicked (Ro 1:28). Maybe you don't like mirrors either.
"SD, there's next to nothing left to say to you if you keep this up."
There's no way around that (Ga 3:24). Subject...yes. Maybe you consider the Muslim your friend more than the Christian?
Response to comment [from a Satanist]: "Here's a tip: every single time you've made a guess or assumption about me, you've gotten it wrong. Maybe time for you to stick with what you know."
I would never dare to make a guess or assumption about you. God would (Ro 1:28).
["Maybe time for you to stick with what you know."] "That would make for a short conversation..."
First to defend the terrorist and Satanist--the picture of you becomes clearer everyday. I hope you do not fool anyone here at ToL.
"Why don't you man up and stop hiding behind your religion? I can't stand when you guys do that. By the way, how about we both stop hijacking this thread?"
Christians tell the truth (Pr 31:9). That's not hiding. It is the atheist who hides.
You see no moral difference between the Christian and the Muslim?
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "In all fairness almost every "Satanist" I've ever met doesn't believe in Satan or God. I've been told that it's "just a flashier name for atheism". Granted, there are people that honestly worship Satan consciously (it's easy to do it unconsciously), but Granite doesn't seem the type."
I got that impression as well. Look at me--I'm a Jew. Look at me--I was a Christian. Look at me--I'm a Satanist. It's toying with dangerous things.
[Being overwhelmed by Jesus' mercy] "Why?"
No man chooses to die. Jesus is the only man who ever chose to die (Jn 10:18).
"Um, no."
The wages of sin is death (Ro 6:23). Jesus did not sin (Jn 19:6).
"Are you going to get around to saying why I should be overwhelmed by gratitude to Jesus, or are you just here to dance?"
I did say. Jesus saw a need in man (Eph 2:1). God is merciful (Eph 2:4). God showed his kindness to us by the sacrifice of his one and only son, Jesus (Eph 2:7).
If I asked you to give me your son so that I could beat him and spit on him and torture him, would you? I would not give you my son for that.
But God's mercy is without limits. He gave his precious Son so that we could be saved (Jn 3:16).
Christian Hoteliers
Charged with Insulting Muslim Guest