Medvedev sees chance
for new world order
Medvedev, the Russian president, said Moscow was bidding to help lead efforts to
build a new world economic order after the old system collapsed in the global
financial crisis.
Opening Russia’s annual economic forum in St Petersburg where hundreds of global
chief executives have flocked, Mr Medvedev said the renewed interest in Russia
this year was a sign of
a changing world in which the institutions of the western-dominated world order
had had their day amid thousands of corporate defaults and the threat of
sovereign defaults..."
Re 13:17. Story:
Medvedev sees chance for new world order
Response to comment [from an atheist]: [Russia] "So, is this supposed to be Gog or Magog?"
[short answer] Gog.
Joel Rosenberg's blog
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "I know it's hard for you to believe, serpentdove, but the US and Israel aren't the only nations in the world who have legitimate national interests. Russia does too."
Communism is godless.
Response to comment [from an agnostic]: "Russia stopped even pretending to be Communist in 1991."
Can an Intellectual Believe in God?
"How does that relate in any way to what I said?"
Communism is godless. :Commie: Many promote it still. Watch out for ghosts like Gamera aka PlastikBuddah.
"Karl Marx wrote the Communist Manifesto in 1848. He took Hegel's dialectic argument and he called it dialectical materialism (another word for communism). What he believed was that capitalism--the right to own property, and the right to be productive for yourself--was wrong. That, he said, is the thesis. The antithesis is the desire for equity and fairness in the hearts and minds of the working people. He said if you take that thesis and that antithesis, you will come to a synthesis which will be socialism and communism. That's Marxism. That's Hegelian philosophy and the ideas of Feuerback put together because communism is godless. It's not just another form of economy, it is unspeakably immoral because it does not recognize the worth, the dignity, of the individual. The individual is nothing. Marx said that they way to set all of this about is a revolution. He said it doesn't matter if there is suffering. He believed that there must be violent change. He said that we must be like a foreign body within the existing system that will accelerate its death. So, millions and millions were put to death under godless communism. 40 to 50 million were executed. Why? Because there is no God. If there is not God, there is no fixed standard of right and wrong. Therefore, we as human beings, all we have is materialism. And what we've got to do is to somehow bring in a humanist, godless utopia. Revolution was necessary and here is what Marx said, "The suffering and sacrifice of violent change constitutes the price that mankind has to pay to have any essential progress at all. So, he said, we want change. We want it violently. Marxism and Leninism affects American life today..." Full text: The Ghosts that Haunt Us by Adrienne Rogers
Love the coin. :BRAVO: Re 13:17.
One World Religion