"20K Pieces Of Mail Found In Mailman's Philly Home...
Philadelphia - Checks, bills
and even a college acceptance letter from 2007 were among 20,000 letters found
inside the garage of a Philadelphia postal carrier.
When the mailman missed several days of work in April, postal officials went to
his Port Richmond home and found tubs and tubs of undelivered and unopened
mail..." 20K Pieces Of Mail Found In Mailman's Philly Home
Your government hard at work.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Yeah, this guy represents the whole government."
You love big government, don't you?
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "Depends on how you define big."
Should a person decide for himself what kind of car to drive? What kind of food
to eat?
Lightbulb to buy? Temperature to keep his house? Or are these decisions for
Should people resist the human tendency to want to be taken care of?
"We can't drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72
degrees at all times..." Obama said. "That's not leadership.
That's not going to happen."
My shopping list is getting so long...guns, big SUV, french fries, regular