Will You Pray for Me?
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "May be so and that is good if
one is praying for my salvation and deliverance. Not if one is praying
that God curses me until I either snap
out of this or destroy myself. Is that pray which MaryContrary uttered,
O.K. with you as well? Is that the code of some religion and/or some
leader which Mary and you are following?"
There are times when we stop witnessing/fellowshipping with people (1 Cor 5:5). Why don't you repent and answer MC's prayer? Christians care about you. Why are you being difficult?
Response to comment [from a Mormon]: "Now that is a dangerous misquote...Let's look at the verse in context shall we?"
You are a Mormon--not a Christian at all. If you
speak of "folds", you are clearly outside of the fold of Christianity. You
are in the kingdom of the cults . The God of the Bible is not tri-theistic
as Mormons teach. I would advise anyone to stay clear of any explanation
that a Mormon would give (2 Jn 1:10).
Paul gave a tool for the Christian. If someone is not willing to forsake his sin, sometimes it is better to put him out and deliver him over to Satan. Once Satan has done his work on him and he repents, we can fellowship again.
There are times when we stop speaking with an individual (Mt 7:6). Sometimes it is wise to speak (Prov 26:5). Sometimes it is wise to remain silent (Prov 26:4). We are guided by the Holy Spirit (this is a born again believer). A born again believer is freed from the lies of the cults and 'isms (Jn 8:32).
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "He did make Peter the rock on which he built his church."
You know Christ (not Peter) is the rock on which the church is built, right? (Mt 16:18). Christ is the foundation-stone of the church (1Co 3:11; Eph 2:20; 1Pe 2:4,5).
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Pray seems to be a good thing, something to be encouraged, if it is not centered on asking God to curse anyone."
What about when people will not hear us? What if they are determined to continue in sin? (I'm not speaking of you, just hypothetically--I don't know this situation). God is interested in the big picture. We should judge ourselves so that God does not have to take us to the woodshed (1 Cor 11:31).
Response to comment [from a Mormon]: "I could pull scriptures to try and censure you for your behaviour..."
Pull out the scriptures. We love scripture.
Christians clean up their own house first. Then, we speak with others. But you, being a Mormon, are not a Christian at all. I would not want you to be deceived. More importantly, I would not want you deceiving others. When a Mormon gives a biblical interpretation, it is like fingers on a chalkboard. Repent of your sin, be saved, then Christians would love to discuss theology with you.
"[S]how me where I deny the Christ."
You deny his deity, his nature, who he is (Jn 1:1-3). God is the creator. You are his creation. God will always be God. You will always be his creation. Worship the God of the Bible and you will go to heaven. Worship the god of Mormonism and you will go to hell.
"Christ is God."
Always the tricky words. The God of the Bible is one (Deut 6:4). He is not tri-theistic as Mormons teach. You will never be a god.
"Those are far better verses to use for the situation you were originally appearing to address..."
I am not sure of their specific situation or dispute. I am speaking in general. What the apostle Paul said, is a very scary thing.
"[I]t is good to see that after that little rant of yours that we actually agree."
Don't be an Agrippa (Ac 26:28).
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "[O]nce you see Peter as Satan you can see that Peter is the rock He built His Church on you got to like this!"
Christ is the rock not Peter (Mt 16:18).
A Scriptural Response to St. Joseph's Communication
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "There are two gospels."
There is one gospel--the gospel of grace (Eph 2:8). Men have always been saved the same way--by faith (Ga 3:6). Circumcision profits nothing (Ga 5:2).
"Peter is the rock on which Jesus built His Moses-ian church..."
Jesus is the rock not Peter (Mt 16:18). Christ is the foundation-stone of the church (1Co 3:11; Eph 2:20; 1Pe 2:4,5).
Response to comment [from Freelight]: "One Ocean, many rivers..."
How poetic--but wrong. You reject the Bible (Jn 14:6). And why do you quote "I am" when you don't acknowledge who He is? Stop perverting scripture. "I am" (God) was revealed to Moses (Ex. 3:14). "I am" was said by Jesus (John 8:57, 58). He was claiming to be God. Gnosticism is false teaching.
Response to comment [from a Mormon]: "I believe more people than you think are more interested in their own ideas then the truth of the gospel."
I don't care for my ideas. I love God's ideas (1 Cor 1:25). The teachings of the Bible are at issue not me. You reject the true Jesus (the second person of the trinity) and replace him with a false Jesus (who became a god) as taught by Mormons. The Jesus of Mormonism never existed. Believe in that Jesus and you will perish (2 Pet. 2:1, Re 20:14).
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "The rock on which Peter's church was built is circumcision, i.e. laws, both Moses laws and the love commandments."
Response to comment [from a Mormon]: "Christ did not become a god He is God, Alpha and Omega, Lord and Creator of all, etc. He surrendered His authority and glory to live among us for a season that is all."
I cannot speak to what you personally believe. I can only speak about what Mormons teach. Mormons are cultists. They reject the deity of Jesus Christ (Jn 1:1-3). When a Mormon comes to your door, they sound like Christians, they talk like Christians, but when you get a few more details, you see that they are not Christians at all.
Mormons teach that God is tri-theistic. This is false. He is monotheistic (Deut 6:4). It is not a small issue. If you get it wrong about Jesus, it doesn't much matter what you get right (Geraci).
You are a Christ-denier (2 Pet. 2:1) and a truth resister (2 Tim. 3:8).
"Trinity is not Biblical, though portions of it are."
The doctrine of the trinity is provided in scripture (Mt 3:16,17; 28:19; Ro 8:9; 1Co 12:3-6; 2Co 13:14; Eph 4:4-6; 1Pe 1:2; Jude 1:20,21; Re 1:4,5). See why I said, fingers on a chalkboard?--savage wolf (Mt 7:15). You mix truth with error--it is just enough to send a person to hell (Ga 5:9).
Every time you pervert our faith, you testify to the value of the real thing.
Response to comment [from Freelight]: "One Sun, yet many rays..."
There is one way, one truth and one life--not many ways, many truths, many ways (Jn 14:6). Your way leads a person to death (Re 20:14). You are totally destitute of the truth (1 Tim. 6:3–5).
"I Am" this...It is eternal."
God is a person. Gnosticism perverts biblical teaching.
You used to call yourself Hindu, now it's pagan. To be grounded in the truth, humble yourself before your creator (Jas 4:10).
Response to comment [from a Mormon]: "If you really want to talk about trinity v. Godhead, verse by verse point and counterpoint PM me and we can start a thread on it and focus on it for a few days.
Mormons pervert the true nature of the Godhead (Acts 17:29; Rom. 1:20; Col. 2:9). There is no debating who God is--there is accepting or rejecting historical, biblical Christianity (Eph. 4:14). You will not get Christians to agree with you because God's witness is greater (1 Jn 5:10).
"[Y]ou know what must be done, serpentdove. Say it. Say what must be done. What is the only way to deal with such an enemy?"
The only way to deal with such an enemy is to share the love of Jesus Christ (Mk 16:15). We certainly don't let Muslins achieve their plans of infiltrating our military. We must remember who we are (a Judeo-Christian nation) and pray for revival in our country.
Response to comment [from a Mormon]: "There are many aspects of historical Christianity that are not biblical. there are many aspects of biblical Christianity which have not been historically popular."
We go with tradition based on scripture (1 Cor. 11:2; 2 Thess. 2:15; 3:6) not Latter Day Ain'ts. The gospel is the power of God onto salvation (Ro 1:16; 1Co 1:18; 1Th 1:5). Only a false gospel and false prophets come out of Mormonism (2 Pet. 2:1), especially as we get closer to Christ's return (2 Tim. 4:3, 4).