Christians and Race Relations
Response to comment [from a Christian]: [Civil Rights] "It's become a business that will do anything to put money in their pockets."
That's right. Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson use racial tensions in our country as an income source. They don't help. The Bible says that we are one race, the human race (Ac 17:26). Whether we descend from Shem, Ham, or Japheth (1 Chron. 1), we have one skin color with a little difference in melanin underneath.
America is the least racist nation in the world. Didn't the election of Obama help to clarify that?
Recommended Reading:
Shakedown: Exposing the Real Jesse Jackson by Kenneth R. Timmerman
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "nation of people"
I like that phrase. It's better than "race". Ken Ham argues that we should avoid using the term "race". I agree. It only divides and we have enough division in our country.
"He [God] called them wicked nations and tribes. Not because of pigment, because of how that group of people acted."
"And yes, white America elected Barack Obama. Because he pretended like he was going to be Reagan to middle America."
And you'd think after electing Obama, those who called us racist in this country would apologize. I'm waiting...
like Reagan. We sure were sold a bill of goods with that one, weren't we?
He's Lincoln. He's JFK. He's Reagan--all wrapped up in a bundle of
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "I think we "will arrive" when a non-white male or a woman becomes president and no one mentions that they are non-white or a woman."
But will we arrive. That's the question.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "The
buying of kidnapped Africans by African warlords and selling to Europeans for
trade to America was wicked and wrong.
Thank God for the Union Army."
We should remember: "The medieval slave trade in Europe was mainly to the East and South: Byzantine Empire and the Muslim World were the destinations, Central and Eastern Europe an important source." Full text: African Slave Trade. There was black on black slave trading as well.
We should hold the perpetrators of the crimes responsible. We hate what they did (Ex. 21:16).
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Many [Christians] owned slaves and they weren't going to go out of their way to help them when it would damage their life styles."
I think you are right. There was never an excuse to own a slave. It goes against the teachings of scripture (Ex. 21:16). I think they will answer for it--like we will answer for worshipping the god Molech (Lev 18:21).