Slip of the Lip?
Michelle Obama: Barack's Home Country Is Kenya:
"...[V]isited his home country in Kenya..."
Don't blame me
I voted for the American.
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "All right, so Obama's a Kenyan
Muslim Communist who's a dupe for the Antichrist One-World
I guess now we need to figure out who the Real Deal™ is. I suppose that will he
[will be] the first head of state to come back to life after dying from a sword
wound to the head..."
I doubt it. If he's the antichrist, I'm
57 states?
He's an antichrist. It's unlikely he's the antichrist (1 Jn 4:3).
Did you hear the passionate Easter speech by the way from Obama at the prayer breakfast? Joel Osteen was there; I guess it had to sound good (Mt 6:33).
...Oh, and the polls are down--time to pander to Christians.
Response to comment [from an atheist]: [It's unlikely he [Obama] is the antichrist.] "I'm aware of that, which is why I want to find out who the real capital-A-Antichrist is."
There's always a type to fit the bill. Re 20:14.
Who cares?
keep our eye on Christ (Deut 31:8)
not the antichrist.
"He's somebody who is alive and plotting today..."
Don't know? Don't care (1 Jn 2:15-17).
We just do our part and keep our eye on the prize (James 1:12).
There is enough trouble in each day to contend with (Mt 6:34).
We should just be about our Father's business (Lk 19:13).
"I've never watched or listened to any of Obama's speeches; I have more interesting things to do with my time."
I'm with you.
"Frankly, the only thing I know about the man is that he's a geek who knows what the Vulcan salute is."
Isn't he more of a fist bump kind of guy?
Did you catch the White House released photo of him fist bumping a soldier?
Are 9th graders in charge at the White House? How the mighty fall.
"Beyond that, he's a complete non-entity as far as I'm concerned."
Let's start a thread
Obama were a Star Trek character, which one would he be?
The borg? "Freedom is irrelevant. Self-determination is
Or, if Obama were a character from the movie Saving
Private Ryan, which one would he be? Is he the guy standing by while the
German heads upstairs to kill the American?
Or, is he the German who stabs the American slowly with a knife and asks
him--"shh"--to shut up about it?
Or is that Nancy Pelosi? It's so hard to keep up with these characters in
[The polls are down--time to pander to Christians.] "And they soooooo love to be pandered to..."
You've met a few of us.
[Don't blame me , I voted for the American.] "Americans, of course, being inherently better than all other nationalities."
Thank you.
America is made up of people from many cultures. E pluribus unum ("Out of many,
By the way, have you heard Michelle Obama running all over the county, finding it such a surprise that American's are so generous. They are so kind. Shocking!
I guess America isn't quite the "downright mean
country" she said it is after all.
As long as she lives in the White House
we are good people.
Remember, if you do not reelect her husband, you are a racist (if you did not
vote for John McCain you are a reverse-racist
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "[Y]ou voted for the guy we know was born in Panama."
Where did I state that? I did not vote for John McCain. I do not like John McCain.
John McCain's citizenship was clearly established during the election. Do you remember the left demanding his credentials? He obliged. Do you remember the right demanding the same from Obama? He did not.
"[F]or some reason Hawaii isn't good enough."
Hawaii is good enough. Obama was not born
in Hawaii. Michelle just confirmed this. We did not know previously
if she knew about his lie. Now we do.
"Oh wait I know it's cause there's an "R" by the one's name and a "D" by the other."
I did not vote for the "R" or the "D". I voted for the "A" (the American Constitution Party), Alan Keyes. :rolleyes:
...feather problem.
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: [Obama's birth certificate] "Obama did [provide his original birth certificate], multiple times. It's just that whatever is put out, it's never good enough for conspiracy theorists like you."
He has never provided an authentic birth certificate.
What conspiracies do you claim I believe in?
"If your dad was from another country and you never knew him, you might feel some strong ties to that country too."
If my dad were from another country but I was born in America? No--I'd still feel American. I'd especially feel American if I were born in America.
"Also if everyone kept telling you you weren't a citizen, maybe you'd feel like you had another "homeland" too."
If everyone kept claiming that I was not a citizen, I'd take twelve minutes and produce a birth certificate. I'd do it in eleven minutes if I were the President of the United States and it would create a distraction not to settle such a thing. I certainly would not seal my official documents. I would not provide two locations for the hospital where I was born. I would not claim another person's social security number.
"You voted for someone [Alan Keyes] that couldn't possibly win!"
"Do right. Risk the consequences." ~ Bob Enyart.
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "Notice you said "authentic". He's provided his birth certificate."
I chose my words carefully. He has provided a
birth certificate. He has not provided an authentic birth certificate.
It depends on what the meaning of "authentic" is, right?
"You just don't want to believe it..."
I believe he's a liar. It's a shame that the
first black American elected President is a fraud and a despicable leftist.
I understand why people voted for him. They were wrong (Eccl 10:2).
"...and apparently believe his parents conspired to have his birth announced in Hawaii."
His dad was a pig (Ex 20:14). His mother
was a Marxist (Ex 20:15). Did they lie for him? I don't know.
We don't know much because he will not release his vital records.
Historians will have a fun time with this one.
Most people are perfectly willing to share this type of
information so that hospitals can get a fancy plaque, etc. When you spend
you life lying to the infidel, I guess these things get confusing.
"Now can we please stop the nonsense?"
I agree. Impeach him. It is an impeachable offense to 1. Use your position to bride another individual (which he's done). and 2. Hold the office without being an American (which he is doing).
He hates America. He hates Americans.
["Do right. Risk the consequences." ~ Bob Enyart.] "Not really into taking BEs advice on elections since you need to recognize what the ultimate outcome of your actions will be."
I obey the Holy Spirit not Bob Enyart. Truth is
truth independent of me, independent of Enyart (in fact I think he said that).
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "Do you believe Obama is in cahoots with the Muslim terrorist organizations who have smuggled thousands of sleeper agents into the country..."
I think Obama is an ideologue.
"...who are just waiting for the signal that will tell them to strike at unwitting Americans?"
Is Obama organizing such a thing? No.
Rome never died and we are becoming irrelevant.
See Borg cube analogy.
Response to comment [from a pagan]: "Hospitals get a plaque every time some one shows or offers proof they are an American?"
* First, though Obama maintains he was born in
Honolulu, Hawaii, the exact location of his birth hasn't been disclosed to the
* Second, it has been reported that Obama was born in a hospital, and thus
far, only one of the American presidents born in a hospital has so much as a
sign commemorating the location.
* Third, in an exclusive interview, the National Park Service described to
WND the slough of red tape and practical obstacles that may prevent Obama's
birthplace from ever being honored by the NPS..." Full text:
Where's monument for Obama's birthplace? Most presidents have parks, plaques,
but No. 44 could be left out
Response to comment [from an atheist]: [Is Obama organizing such a thing? No.] "Can you prove he isn't...?"
No. He's got plenty of evil plots in the mix.
I just don't think that's one of them. You don't have to point a gun to
every American's head. Rome fell from the inside and we are doing the
"We tend to assume that the life cycle of empires,
great powers, and civilizations has a predictable regularity to it. Yet the most
striking thing about past empires is the extraordinary
variability in the chronological as well as geographic expanse of their
dominion. Especially striking is the fact that the most modern empires have a
far shorter life span than their ancient and early modern predecessors..." Works
Cited "EMPIRES with EXPIRATION DATES." Foreign Policy 156 (2006): 46-52.
MasterFILE Elite. EBSCO. Web. 14 Apr. 2010.
Average Duration of Empires and Dynasties (in years)
Average Duration of Empires and Dynasties (in years). Works Cited "EMPIRES with EXPIRATION DATES." Foreign Policy 156 (2006): 46-52. MasterFILE Elite. EBSCO. Web. 14 Apr. 2010.
[Rome/Borg] "I couldn't make any sense out of that part of your post."
Rome is coming back and Obama is like the Borg.
Are you a Trekkie?
"Gibberish is not a language I'm conversant in."
I'm purposely vague in this area with you (Mt 6:33).
It would be like speaking Swahili to a Frenchman.
You do not believe the Bible. This is "Christian talk" so to speak.