Superbowl Commercials

There was an interesting dialogue on the Superbowl commercials on Dennis Prager's show today.  He said two that stood out were (in his words) "the Audi 'green police' ad and the Doritos "undermining adult authority and behaviors accepted by children" ad.

I did not see the commercials.  The "green police" one sounded funny--it's probably the future, considering where lib's are taking our nation.  But I disagree with his take on the Doritos' ad.  One caller nailed it--the man was leering at a boy's mom and the boy called him on it.  Prager said that this was too strong a word (leering)--and regardless--men do this.

Prager proves yet again that he loves his sin (Jn 3:19).  He justifies it weekly.  Prager hosts a "male/female hour" each week, encouraging women to understand this behavior as a given in men and encouraging men to accept it themselves.  If you can't be 'em join 'em--cozy up to your sin.  Prager is admittedly a behaviorist.  To him, it doesn't matter what a man thinks inside.  It only matters how he behaves. 

This is why the commercial disturbed him so.  Call to Prager--repent dirty old man!  Eze 18:30-32; Ac 17:30.  

Superbowl Commercials