The geologic column:
does it exist?
“The geologic column exists in only one place on earth— in the textbooks. The geologic column consists of the layers (strata) of rocks from the crystalline basement rocks to the most recently deposited soils. The actual geologic column, representing the maximum thickness of all of the layers, would be over 100 miles thick, which occurs nowhere on earth. Now, parts of the 10 major layers are present on top of one another (up to 16 miles thick), but the column, as a whole, is a composite of local layers that are assumed to fit one atop the other. The index fossils that are said to be evidence of the age of a given strata are rarely found directly above older index fossils in the same area. To relate the index fossils, the layers from one area must be artificially placed above those from another area. Roughly 1% of the earth’s surface is covered by the 10 layers in succession, but these areas have not all been classified accurately based on the index fossils and other signs of life found in them.
It is not necessary for Flood geology to explain the strata of the geologic ages covering the whole earth because that covering does not exist. Creationists are currently working on models to explain the local layers by Flood-related processes.” Evolution Exposed, Second Ed., The geologic column: does it exist? Woodmorappe,