The Offense of Religion  

Robert Pate View Post
...Example. You have a medical problem. So, you call a specialist and make an appointment to see him, but you want to bring along your old practitioner when you go to see him. How do you think that the specialist (Jesus) is going to feel about you needing your old practitioner (religion) there...

The old practitioner is usually self. We must get past being offended by him (Re 3:5). Job had to (Jb 1:21).

He can loosen Orion's belt. Jb 38:31 He's doing that right about now.


Planet X

Religion and self are good friends.

Religion is a bad word (2 Tim. 3:5).
Robert Pate View Post
You have been reconciled to John Calvin. Will John Calvin vouch for you in the judgment?

No kidding. No more praying with Calvinists for me. What a bunch of wet blankets (Ro 8:14).

I can hear it now, "But Lord, Lord, wasn't I a Calvinist".

They're so sure that they're saved--but based on what pray tell?  Could be a house of cards if you ask me (Ro 8:14).

The Offense of Religion