New health care law could treat erectile dysfunction for sex offenders
"Sen. Tom
Coburn, R-Okla., has released the memo from the Congressional Research Service
regarding sex offenders and Viagra coverage under the new health care reform
Coburn asked the CRS to look into whether convicted sex offenders can get
taxpayer-funded coverage for erectile dysfunction medication under the new
health care law and CRS's response indicates they are eligible for those
Harry Reid's Viagra For Sex Offenders Problem
Should taxpayer money go to ensure the sexual function of predators?
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "A convicted rapist or child molester, why does a corpse need Viagra?
A corpse is a good description (Eph 2:1).
We are to put sin away (Job
11:14) but Obama wants to pull it out again so that our citizens can be
victimized all over again.
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "...[Y]ou are...assuming/implying that providing the drug makes them more likely to offend, actually I would suspect sexual frustration from not being able to perform with a consenting partner may make them more likely to offend. Either way removing access to such drugs does not seem to be as obvious a need as you seem to claim."
When we do not follow biblical justice, problems arise. Rapists should be put to death (Deut. 22:25–27). They should not be sent to the country club we call prison, given food, or provided healthcare. They should be put to death swiftly and painfully to deter crime.
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "[H]e who is without sin can cast the first stone."
Won't your good works take care of you on
health care law could treat ED for sex offenders