Human body/technology
Internet of Bodies (IOB)
We interrupt this regularly scheduled
series by David H. Hitt] "Science is on the verge of a quantum
advance, one that will bring into existence objects and creatures we
have never seen before having abilities we cannot imagine. The ultimate
objective of this new science is nothing short of revolutionary – to
transform and recreate mankind itself. If you are accustomed to thinking
of yourself as being at the top of the food chain or the final rung on
the so-called "evolutionary ladder," you can put those thoughts to rest.
You are well on the way to being last year’s model.
[Thoughts, questions, concerns on transhumans?] "What are yours?"
It's wrong to create a freakshow of
Response to comment [from a Christian]: [China] "...[T]hey are
going to be ahead of all the other western nations in terms of transhuman soldier technology?"
Aren't they already ahead of us on
super computers?
What Judeo-Christian ethic will restrain them?
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "[Restraint] From doing
Messing with genetics (Lk 17:26).
"What does that have to do with me wanting a pet xenomorph and naming it
"What does that have to do with anything?"
1 Cor 6:9.
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "Perhaps they do know, and
don't care."
That's a possibility.
The author claims to be a Christian. He's been
investigating this (according to him so is the U.S. military). He said
that he sells the book from that site for the package deal with other
books because it's the best deal for the buyer.
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "What about changes not for
war? How about improvements to the immune system? Intelligence?
Resistance to aging or diseases? The ability to digest cellulose?
Stronger bones? etc."
When men believe that they evolved from goo to the
zoo to you, why not try to speed up evolution?
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "You are aware that human
beings have been doing genetic manipulation of themselves and other
organisms for centuries, yes?"
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "You appear to be prepared
to take his outlandish claims at face value."
You don't think men would attempt such things?
Jer 17:9. Haven't you seen Frankenstein?
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "You do realize that Marry
Shelley's novel is fiction, right?
Hope so.
Response to comment [from other]: "It wouldn't surprise me if SD
thought Skynet is operational..."
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "I believe John Connor
should be 23 years today."
"People like
Vladimir Putin
Vatican Priest Claims 12-Year-Old Victim Was Impregnated By Holy Spirit
Superhumans: Chips in brains delete
memories, fight disease
Transhumanism And The Future Of Humanity: 7 Ways The World Will Change
By 2030
AI-based method could speed development of specialized nanoparticles
Crispr Fans Fight for Egalitarian Access to Gene Editing
Pentagon Seeks to Store Data in Human DNA
Major research reveals CRISPR gene-editing could
increase cancer risk in cells
Gene therapy reverses rat’s paralysis
Chinese scientists test CRISPR on monkeys and find no off-target mutations
CRISPR Gene Editing Used on Mammals for the First Time
Editing human embryos ‘morally permissible’
CRISPR causes significantly greater DNA damage than previously thought, study
Louise Brown, world’s first test tube baby backs genetic editing of human
It’s Official, The Transhuman Era Has Begun
Christian Transhumanism: ‘Ye shall be as gods’
Short-Term Superhuman: If We Create Augmented Soldiers, Can We Turn Them Back?
CRISPR used to control which genes are passed down in mice
New U.S. Experiments Aim To Create Gene-Edited Human Embryos
Landmark research creates “universal” stem cells using CRISPR gene editing
China’s CRISPR twins might have had their brains inadvertently enhanced
Humans could get X-Men ‘Super Vision’ to see in the dark after nanoparticles let
mice see infrared
Human enhancement: Is it good for society?
CRISPR Research Moves Out Of Labs And Into Clinics Around The World
CRISPR used to build dual-core computers inside human cells
Elon Musk says Neuralink machine that connects human brain to computers ‘coming
‘Exhilarating’ implant turns thoughts to speech
Powerful CRISPR upgrade uses ‘jumping genes’ to directly insert DNA
Biochip advances enable next-generation sequencing technologies
It all started innocently enough. Decades ago, newspaper articles began
to tell the story of scientists’ successful experiments with hybrid
crops that grew faster and in harsher climates, resisted diseases better
and yielded more food per acre than previously thought possible. Later,
TV programs touted artificial insemination and test tube fertilization,
which allowed infertile couples to experience the miracle of life. Not
long after that stories were popping up on the World Wide Web about
monoclonal antibodies that promised cures for dreaded diseases, robots
that looked and acted human, and the mysterious Human Genome Project – a
massive effort to reverse-engineer the very operating system of the
human body. The most immediately impactful technology was the Web itself
– a user-friendly medium for connecting people all over the world not
only with each other but to an inconceivably large repository of
Full text
Pr 16:4, Dan 7:6-7, Mk 5:3b–4, Re 4:11,
Related:for the purposes of war.
Man is made in God's image
(Ge 1:26,27; 1Co 11:7) and likeness
(Ge 1:26;
Jas 3:9) for His purposes (Pr 16:4, Re 4:11). The Chinese
need to know this.
[The Chinese have begun attempting this already.] "Documentation,
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "Dude! That would be
Ge 6:5,
2 Pe 3:12,
Re 6:16,
Re 22:11.
Mt 19:4 is not
going away.
"Websites like that are the result when one tries to cram ten pounds of
crazy into a five-pound bag."
Ge 6:4
How Genetics, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Synthetic Biology,
Nanotechnology, & Human Enhancement Herald the Dawn of
Techno-Dimensional Spiritual Warfare
The author is encouraging nations to discontinue this ghoulish science.
~ Sarah Connor
Warns About Super Soldiers
Read a Harvard geneticist’s plan for redesigning humans
China, Israel Seal ‘Landmark’ Agreement to Advance Cellular Nanotechnology
Scientists Attempt Controversial Experiment To Edit DNA In Human Sperm Using CRISPR
Doctor from Peru claims that recent advancements in brain chip technology could be due to “secret, forced, and illicit human experimentation”
Israeli Tech Expert Warns: “In Less Than 25 Years, You’ll All be Cyborgs”
Elon Musk’s Neuralink Brain Chip Will Soon Allow Users to Take Charge of Moods
and Emotions
Your Brain, With a USB Port in It: Elon Musk’s Neuralink Vision Divides Experts
Elon Musk unveils brain chip implant: ‘It’s like a Fitbit in your skull’
Brain implant allows mind control of computers in first human trials
Nanotech Agenda Being Forwarded by Operation Coronavirus
Human 2.0: Wake Up about Covid 19 Vaccine Dr. Carrie Madej
Converging Technologies for Improving Human Performance
Scientists Are Weaving Human Brain Cells Into Microchips
Global Covid Vaccine Psyop Designed to Deceive Humanity Into Transhumanism and Worse
New CRISPR technology offers unrivaled control of epigenetic inheritance
Advancing AI With a Supercomputer: A Blueprint for an Optoelectronic ‘Brain’
Transhumanism and future of humanity towards digital slavery
Covid vaccine: transhumanism, becoming a beast
First ever thought-to-speech brain implant successfully trialed
Toward next-generation brain-computer interface systems
French researchers develop a prototype for an artificial neuron
The Covid-19 Vaccine Is Now Being Called A Mandatory ‘Software Update’ For A Human Operating System
Did the World Economic Forum admit something very unnerving?
Meta Is The World Your King James Bible Warned You Would Come In The End Times
Defense Intel Chief Worried About Chinese ‘Integration of Human and Machines’
The Metaverse – Much, Much Bigger Than Facebook
Expert: iPhone will be replaced with ‘augmented reality’ device by 2032
World Economic Forum Sees Synthetic Biology as Force to Reset Living Systems
Is Anyone Really Surprised That Bill Gates Had A Video Game Created For Microsoft Windows Called ‘Omikron’ In 1999 About Demons Harvesting Souls?
The Virtual Land Rush: What Makes Metaverse Appealing To Investors?
Kill Grandma For “Your Safety”
Nano-Technology in Covid Injections – It’s for Communications, It’s Technological Parasitism
Yuval Noah Harari: Humans are now hackablle thanks to vaccines
Chile Approves a Law to Protect Employment Rights of Mutants and Genetically Modified Humans
Nano-Technology in Covid Injections – It’s for Communications, It’s Technological Parasitism
Endowed by their Creator: exploring ‘human’ rights in the age of transhumanism
Cemetery Filled With Bluetooth Signals As Dead Vaccinated Emit MAC Addresses From The Grave
What Klaus Schwab, WEF and WHO Reveal About Genetic Engineering
Globalists Want to Replace Children with Virtual Computer Fakes
The first CRISPR gene-editing drug is coming
“Theragrippers” Synthetic Parasite: Anally Inserted, Man-Made Parasites Grip Intestines
CRISPR gene editing may cause permanent damage
Scientists discover ‘Carbon Nanotech’ & ‘Radioactive Thulium’ in Pfizer & Moderna Covid Vaccines
Digital Clones Of Deceased Loved Ones Chat With Mourners At Own Funerals
The Global Currency Reset is already happening Pimpy's Investment Chat
Biden ‘transhumanist’ executive order: ‘We need to program biology’ like we ‘program computers’
Gene Therapy and Human Cyborgs
People implanting chips in hands and heads
Patenting Genetically-Modified Humans
Nanostructures Constructed by Micro-Machines
Biotechnology is Being Forced onto Us Without Anyone Knowing the Consequences
Under the Great Reset you’ll be a robot or a ‘useless eater’
Elon Musk “Confident” Brain Chip Company Neuralink Can Begin Human Trials In Six Months
New CRISPR cancer treatment tested in humans for the first time
Elites Want to Genetically Alter Children in the Womb, High-Bred Globalist Kids
6G tech could turn humans into walking batteries for their personal electronics
Hackable Humans at WEF: ‘We Can Decode Faces in Your Mind, Your PIN’
NZ’s new Bill is designed to restrict Natural Products & unleash Biotech and Synthetic Foods
Biohackers with the help of Big Tech are conducting unregulated and risky gene therapy experiments
“Unprecedented” Chinese Genetic Experiment May Lead To Army Of Radiation-Resistant Super Soldiers
Billy Crone: The Coming Genetic Apocalypse
Defense Intel Chief Worried About Chinese ‘Integration of Human and Machines’
Devious New Form Of Slavery Being Ramped Up To The Highest Levels
Nanowire networks learn and remember like a human brain
Dr. John Coleman: The transhumanist agenda is Satanic
Nanowire networks learn and remember like a human brain
Synthetic biology aims to replace natural life forms with something that is man-made
The digitalisation of social interactions has enormous consequences for society
Operation Coronavirus is Working Hand-in-Hand with the Nanotech Agenda |
Covid Vaccines have caused a Dangerous & Deadly Alliance between Graphene, mRNA, and Nanotechnology
Scientists Working on Merging AI With Human Brain Cells
Globalists Promise To ‘Improve’ On God’s Design Of Man
Australian Intelligence Agency Funding Research To Merge Human Brain Cells With AI
‘Nanotechnology Detected in Both Vaxxed and Unvaxxed’
Humans to Achieve Immortality by 2030, Google Engineer Claims
Karen Kingston: Nanotechnology injected into our bodies damages our brains, minds and spirits
The Vaccine Study That Should Have Brought Down The Empire
Search algorithm reveals nearly 200 new kinds of CRISPR systems
UK Approves CRISPR Therapy to Treat Blood Disease
‘Biocomputer’ combines lab-grown brain tissue with electronic hardware
Enzymes can’t tell artificial DNA from the real thing
Musk’s Neuralink implants first brain-computer interface in human, hopes to achieve ‘AI symbiosis’
Scientists create the first “functional” 3D-printed brain organoids
Tucker Carlson calls out transhumanists who ‘think they’re God’ at World Governments Summit
Klaus Schwab: Your avatar will live after you die and your brains will be replicated with algorithms
The End of Humanity As Planned By Global Leaders
Nikola Tesla, robots and the transhumanist cult
China Unveils a Brain-Computer Interface Implant, Rivaling Elon Musk’s Neuralink
Swiss company announces world’s first “bioprocessor” made using human brain tissue
Elon Musk’s Neuralink Prepares For Second Human Trial, Aims ‘Superpower’ Capabilities
“Transgender” ideology is a political coup of the transhuman agenda
Those who push for a transhuman AI future are part of a clinically insane, anti-life demonic cult