Answers in Genesis "I am Not Ashamed" Campaign
An excerpt from their press release:
The first of a series of three advertisements appeared in yesterday’s largest
U.S. newspaper to announce the launch of the “I am not ashamed” campaign...The
concept is to let the Bible speak for itself and call on Christians in America
to be more bold in standing up for God’s Word. The advertisement yesterday read:
The Bible speaks for itself on marriage—God made them male and female, Mark
People were then directed to the website. Today’s
advertisement deals with abortion—get your copy of USA Today and see how boldly
and unashamedly we are quoting God’s Word publicly in dealing with this moral
issues. On Wednesday, the advertisement deals with the state of the nation.
Also yesterday, we launched television advertisements on the Fox News channel.
These advertisements show a number of people stating they are not ashamed of the
gospel and not ashamed of the Word of God and encourages them to become a part
of the world’s first online video Bible. Then people are directed to the website.
On the website, you will be instructed on how you can be one of 8,000 people
reading four verses of Scripture to produce the world’s first online video
Bible. Anyone can do this from anywhere in the world...
...These billboards deal with five topics: marriage, abortion, racism, the state
of the nation, and creation. There will also be advertisements placed in various
Full text:
Answers in Genesis Press Release
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "[W]hy not actually focus on . . . you know . . . the gospel..."
What do you think they do everyday? The gospel is not your slice and dice version--it is the entire Bible from cover to cover. It is truth (Jas 1:18). Answers in Genesis works to restore the foundations of the Bible that cultural Christians like you attempt to undermine daily.
...feather problem.
"I am not ashamed of the Gospel..."
"I am ashamed of the other things Ken Ham and his organization has done."
Ad hominem.
Ken Ham will be honored in heaven for standing for God's truth. You (if you make it) will smell like you were bought at a fire sale (1 Cor 3:15).
"I am concerned by the conflation of the gospel with political positions on controversial issues..."
I bet you are.
Meanwhile, the rest of us occupy until Jesus' return (Lk 19:13).
"It blunts the Gospel and causes people to shut Christian messages off."
No, that's what you do as you club scripture.
Without the foundation of Genesis, the rest of the Bible is rendered meaningless. Your daddy knows this and he works toward destroying the truth found in the book of Genesis (Jn 8:44).
"[M]arriage should be between a man and a woman..."
He throws us a bone
you playing church today?
"...tired issues where everyone already knows where we stand?"
We are a nation of Greeks not Jews in our thinking.
From ‘Jews’—to ‘Greeks’
"Evolution in Ancient Times
Now in Acts 17, Paul was preaching to Greek philosophers. In their culture, they
did not have any understanding of the God of creation as the Jews understood.
They believed in many gods, and that the gods, like humans, had evolved. The
Epicureans, for instance, believed man evolved from the dirt (in fact, they were
the atheists of the age).
The Greeks had no understanding of sin or what was necessary to atone for sin.
God’s Word to the Jews had no credibility in this evolution-based culture. Thus
when Paul preached the same basic message Peter gave in Acts 2, the Greeks did
not understand—it was “foolishness” to them.
As you read on in Acts 17, it’s fascinating to see what Paul tried to do in
reaching the Greeks with the gospel. He talked to them about the “unknown God”
(referred to on one of the Greek altars) and proceeded to define the true God of
creation to them.
Paul also explained that all people were of “one blood” (from one man, Adam),
thus laying the foundational history necessary to understand the meaning of the
first man Adam’s sin and the need for salvation for all of us as Adam’s
descendants. 3 He countered their evolutionary beliefs, thus challenging their
entire way of thinking in a very foundational way.
Having done this, Paul then again preached the message of Christ and the
Resurrection. Although some continued to sneer, others were interested to hear
more (their hearts were opened) and some were converted to Christ.
Even though Paul didn’t see 3,000 people saved as Peter did, Paul was
nonetheless very successful (from a human perspective, knowing it is God who
opens people’s hearts to the truth, as 1 Corinthians 2:14 teaches).
Think about what he had to do: Paul had to first change “Greeks” into “Jews.”
In other words, he had to take pagan, evolutionist Greeks and change their whole
way of thinking about life and the universe, and then get them to think like
Jews concerning the true foundation of history recorded in Genesis.
No wonder only a few were converted at first. Such a change is a dramatic one.
Imagine, for example, trying to change an Aborigine from my homeland into an
American in regard to his whole way of thinking? Such a change would be
extremely difficult, to say the least.
The Culture Change
Now let’s go back to 1959. At that time in Australia’s history, it was common
for public school students to have prayer (even reciting the Lord’s Prayer) at
an assembly before the start of the day. In elementary schools, it was also not
uncommon for students to be read a section of the Bible or a Bible “story”
before they started the day. On the weekends, many children went to Sunday
schools. Then through the week, ministers of religion even visited schools and
taught students about the Bible.
I suggest to you that generations ago, even in Australia (which did not have a
strong Christian heritage that America had), the culture was somewhat like the
“Jews.” Most people knew the basic concepts of the Christian religion concerning
creation, sin, and the message of salvation. So when an evangelist came and
preached the message of the Cross, it was sort of like Peter preaching to the
Jews in Acts 2. They had the foundational knowledge to understand the message
and responded accordingly.
Now, even though much of the Australian society was like the “Jews” in the sense
that many people could understand biblical terms—because of the relative
familiarity with the Bible “stories”—I believe these “Jews” were already
becoming “Greeks” in regard to their thinking about reality. Fifty years ago,
Australia’s public schools were teaching millions of years and evolutionary
ideas. In a low-key way, these schools were subtly undermining the credibility
of the Bible’s history.
This is one of the reasons that I believe there seems to have been no real
lasting Christian impact on the Australian culture, and the culture has
progressively become more anti-Christian since then. Underneath it all,
Australians still had questions about the validity of the Bible as a whole.
Now today in Australia, saying a prayer during a school assembly or sharing
Bible “stories” to start the school day are unheard of. In addition, evolution
is also taught as “fact” throughout the education system..." Full text:
How Can I Use This Information to Witness?
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "...Paul said he is not ashamed of the Gospel, and that he proclaimed "Christ crucified". I'm not seeing the Gospel in that list."
"Paul went to the Book of Genesis and its account of Adam and the Fall. In other words, one cannot really understand the good news in the New Testament of Jesus’ death and resurrection, and thus payment for sin, until one understands the bad news in Genesis of the fall of man, and thus the origin of sin and its penalty of death..." Full text: What is the gospel?
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "[H]ow many people are going to get saved by telling them "marriage is between a man and a woman?"
"Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness (Mt 6:33)." Trust God's way not your own way (Ac 5:29).
"I'm ashamed of [Ken Ham]."
That's because he preaches the gospel and worships God (Ro 1:16). You preach lies and worship yourself (as scientists tend to do).
"I find AiG to be a destroyer of Christianity..."
Do you mean your own idolatry? Ro 1:25; Isa 44:20. Better not get carried away (1Co 12:2).
"...[Y]ou busy yourself yelling at everyone's bad marriage..."
When did I yell at a bad marriage? Are you
referring to homosexuals perverting and inverting God's word? That is not
marriage. Marriage is between one man and one woman (Ge
2:24). We had not been discussing marriage--but let me guess--you
are pro-homosexual, too?
"...not actually telling them about Christ."
Answers in Genesis works to restore the foundation of
the Bible which is the book of Genesis. People like you attempt to
undermine it. Do undermine God's word and then go on to talk about Jesus?
Bad roots bad fruits (Mt 7:16). You're a bad apple (Jude 18).
"Your simplistic view..."
Genesis is a simple book (1 Cor 1:27).
Do you spiritualize it? Do you spiritualize the resurrection too?
Stating what marriage is is "playing church"?
Is it your view that Christians who walk out of church should refrain from telling others the truth? Pr 31:9, Pr 27:5.
"Is that all they talk about in your church? Marriage and abortion?"
"If so you need to find a new church."
So I can become a humanist like you? Ac 5:29.
and what else not to be...
"This is the problem, the culture war is not in scripture."
You believe that because you are not in the battle (Eph 6:12).
"The Greek/Roman culture Paul worked in was far worse than American culture."
Dismembering babies by the millions isn't a bad thing?
"[Christianity is...] changing [the culture] through actually converting people."
Your undermining of God's word beginning with the book
of Genesis helps in this effort how?
...feather problem
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Give them suggestions on how they might improve their facility and website. Be part of the answer to the problem of the fractures and brokenness in The Body of Christ, not a boil on the buttocks."
Good idea (1 Pe 3:8). :thumb:
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "You choose to believe those that lie for the truth..."
Jesus affirmed the scriptures (Lk 16:29). He was a young earth creationist (Ex 20:11; 31:17). Are you calling him a liar too?
"...They are false prophets telling you whatever you want to hear."
I want to hear truth. What do you want to hear? That you can act like an animal because you came from one? Jn 3:19.
"Why would you get the idea I "worship myself"?"
You study science as god not the God of science. You place unwavering trust in man's word (speculation) not Gods' word (revelation).
"A Christian with a witness in his heart is never at the mercy of a man with an argument in his mouth (1 Jn 5:10)."
"What was my entire last post about? About CHRIST..."
Lots of people talk about Christ. It doesn't mean you believe a damn word he says (Lk 6:46). :idunno: He tells you to believe (Mk 9:23).
"...too many Christians need to get the planks out of their own eyes..."
Jesus loves you (Jn 3:16). Jesus is willing to save you (2 Pe 3:9). Repent (Eze 18:30-32; Ac 17:30). Believe (Mk 9:23).
"If there's something undermining what you believe about God's word, it's the creation itself."
Ps 19:1.
"Take it up with God, not me."
He's already spoken (Lk 16:31). Believe him (Ex 20:11; 31:17).
The theory of evolution has been around for a long time. You believe one of Satan's old lies.
"Charles Darwin was not the first to come up with the theory of evolution. Aristotle and others toyed with the idea of evolution. Darwin sought to explain all of life without God..." Full text: Can An Intellectual Believe in God?
"If I told you AiG was in any was correct on how they portray creation I would be a liar. I will not tell you lies like AiG."
You believe they are all liars.
I do not.
Let the
reader decide.
"Where are my bad fruits?"
Believing in the theory of evolution among others.
Don't believe in 'isms. Believe God.
Modernity & Postmodernism An excerpt from The Truth War: Fighting for Certainty in an Age of Deception by John MacArthur
"Disagreeing with you on a scriptural issue..."
Truth is truth independent from me (Jas 1:18).
"I'm really panicked, considering the fountain of knowledge you have been. All you can do is copy and paste from websites."
Ad hominem (Jude 18).
I would not have to repeat myself if you would believe (Mk 9:23). It's not an intellectual problem. It's a heart problem (Jn 3:19).
Christians believe that the Bible is true (Jas 1:18).
"Genesis isn't a simple book. Its actually quite complex with many different stories and time periods put together."
A child can understand the book of Genesis (Mt 18:3).
The word of God can be a wadding pool or a deep ocean of unfathomable depths. Seek the kingdom and his righteousness (Mt 6:33).
"[W]hy stand on the street corner telling them homosexuality is wrong."
Who does that? You believe the Christian should not tell the truth? Pr 31:9.
"...[W]hen you could stand on the street corner and tell them that Christ is risen and can forgive them of sin!"
When you undermine the foundation of the Bible found in the book of Genesis, why should anyone believe the rest of the Bible? If you spiritualize Genesis, why not spiritualize the resurrection too?
When do you start believing the Bible?
Response to comment [from a Christian]: [Jesus affirmed the scriptures] "You know he believed the earth was 6000 years old? And this is stated specifically in scripture where?"
You'll believe God (revelation) or man (speculation) (Ex 20:11; 31:17).
"God has given us a standard to uphold, origins have nothing to do with it."
Genesis is the foundation of the Bible. How are you doing with those standards by the way? (Ga 3:24).
"I am telling you the truth SD, I always have been, you just don't want to hear it."
I'll go with what God says (Ge 1:1). But you are free to act like a monkey if you prefer (Jn 3:19).
"Frankly SD everything else you've posted is a repeat of things I've already responded to..."
That's correct. We disagree. There are plenty of others who will gladly agree with you by the way (Ex 23:2). Men love to be lied to (Eze 13:19). If you'd like to be correct, you'll believe scripture.
"...and debunked here and elsewhere."
Scripture stands. Your arguments are weak. Again, same data. Different interpretations.
"I didn't post in this thread to argue creationism with you."
God's account of creation is true (Ge 1:1). The world was created in six normal days. The Bible gives no reason to believe otherwise (Ex 20:11; 31:17).
"My point is still, Christ is the center of Christianity."
Only the true Jesus can save. Why do you call Jesus "Lord, Lord" when you don't give a damn what he's said? (Lk 6:46, Ge 1:1; Mt 24:21, Ex 20:11; 31:17).
"You are distracted by issues-based Christianity."
The book of Genesis is the foundation of Christianity. When do you start believing the Bible?
"That's what this campaign is all about."
I give out the word of God. What you do with it is your business.
"It has little to do with the gospel or Christ."
The gospel is the Bible from cover to cover. Christians believe that the Bible is true.
"...[Y]ou think those that disagree with them aren't Christians!"
Only God knows the heart. We are fruit inspectors (Mt 7:16). Bad roots, bad fruits (Mt 7:17). You do not have a biblical worldview.
"This is truly a sad state of affairs, SD."
It is (Jn 5:47).
"I am concerned your confusion will lead you astray if it has not already."
Sure you are (Mt 12:34, Lk 19:22).
Jesus loves you (Jn 3:16). Jesus is willing to save you (2 Pe 3:9). Repent (Eze 18:30-32; Ac 17:30). Believe (Mk 9:23).
Answers in Genesis
"I am Not Ashamed" Campaign