Meet "Ardi" our 4.5 million year old ancestor

Response to comment [from an atheist]:  ["Ardi"]

"To place Ardi into human ancestry, as these authors insisted, creates more problems than it solves. For example, Ardipithecus' body structure shows no objective or undisputable transition toward uniquely human features. The authors themselves listed some of these differences: Humans have unique and interdependent sexual organs and reproductive biochemistry, unique feet, ankles and musculature, unique hip structure, unique teeth and crania, totally unique cognitive abilities, a distinct “gut structure,” upright walking, unique vocal apparatus, a “precipitous reduction of olfactory receptors,” mammary glands that retain a stable size, unadvertised female proceptivity, and an “unusually energy-thirsty brain...Speculation and evolutionary guesswork, not scientific observations, are offered to bridge these gaps..."  Full text:  Did Humans Evolve from 'Ardi'? by Brian Thomas, M.S.

Response to comment [from other]:  [From a biblical worldview] "[Y]ou're saying that it's possible for man to get it right..."

If men believe in evolution, they cannot trust their own logic.  Ken Ham put it this way: 

"[I]f you are a product of chance, your brain is also a product of chance. Therefore, the thought patterns that determine your logic are also products of chance. If your logic is the result of chance processes, you can’t be sure it evolved properly. You can’t be sure you’re even asking the right question because you can’t trust your own logic...”  Full text:  Creation is Religion

If men come from a biblical worldview, life makes sense.  God is the ultimate authority.  The Bible is true.  What we observe in the natural world affirms the teachings of the Bible (e.g. the fossil record, evidence for a worldwide flood, etc.)  

Response to comment [from other]:

[Ge 2:18-20]

Genesis 2:18
"At the end of the six days of creation, God saw that everything He had made was “very good” (Genesis 1:31). The last act of creation, however, was that of woman; hence, prior to this final work, the creation was yet incomplete. Man, especially, was incomplete without woman; and this was not good (this does not mean it was evil, but only that it was unfinished and therefore imperfect). God Himself, therefore, said: “It is not good that the man should be alone.”
All the animals had been made both male and female (Genesis 6:19) and had been instructed to bring forth after their kinds and to multiply on the earth (Genesis 1:22, 24). Man alone, of all God’s creatures, had no such companion.
Therefore, God set about to make “an help meet for man” (literally, “a helper like man”). As He had personally formed man’s body, so He would set about personally to form woman’s body. Furthermore, He would do this by a remarkable method rich in symbolic meaning which neither the man nor the woman would ever forget.
Genesis 2:19, 20
First, however, God arranged for Adam to become familiar with many of the animals by personal inspection. This was apparently for the twofold purpose of acquainting him with his responsibilities relative to the animal kingdom (Genesis 1:28) and also of emphasizing to him that, though he could exercise rulership over them, he could not have fellowship with them. There was not one among them qualified to be a helper suitable for his own needs. He was yet incomplete without such a helper, but this would require another act of creation on God’s part.
Many people quibble at verse 19, professing to find a contradiction between this account of the formation of the animals and the account in the first chapter of Genesis. According to the latter, the birds were made on the fifth day and the land animals on the sixth day, all prior to Adam’s creation. The second chapter, however, seems to say in this verse that these animals were only created at this time, after Adam’s creation.
Such an interpretation, however, is alien to the context. It would in effect, charge God with first trying to find a helper for Adam by making a lot of animals and then, when this failed, finally deciding to make woman. God had just expressed His purpose to make a “help meet for man,” and it is absurd to think He would set about to carry out this purpose by first making animals.
Actually, all these animals were already in existence, exactly as the first chapter of Genesis says. All this had already been recorded in chapter 1; so there was no need to go through the entire chronological record again in chapter 2. There was no need even to mention the animals, since the account was concentrating on giving details of the later part of the sixth day, until the point at which the animals were actually to encounter man.
When this point is reached in the narrative, verse 19 merely calls attention to the fact that God was the one who formed the animals and that their bodies had been formed out of the “ground,” even as Adam’s body had been formed from the dust of the ground. However, though the physical elements were the same in the bodies of both man and beast, there was still no real fellowship possible between them, as Adam would soon learn when he examined them. He had been created “in the image of God” and would require a being of like nature to himself.
As a matter of fact, it would be quite legitimate to translate verse 19 as follows: “Also out of the ground the Lord God had formed every beast of the field and every fowl of the air; and had brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them.” The Hebrew conjunction waw can just as well be translated “also” as “and.” Furthermore, the word “formed” as in the King James (Hebrew yatsar) can, in the context, legitimately be translated “had formed.” In any case, the obvious intent of the passage is to tell us that certain of the animals, already in existence, were now brought at this time to be inspected by Adam. There is no contradiction, either real or apparent, with the “official” order of creation in Genesis 1.
It was only those animals in closest proximity and most likely as theoretical candidates for companionship to man that were actually brought to him. These included the birds of the air, the cattle (verse 20—probably the domesticable animals), and the beasts of the field, which were evidently the smaller wild animals that would live near human habitations. Those not included were the fish of the sea, the creeping things, and the beasts of the earth (Genesis 1:24), which presumably were those wild animals living at considerable distance from man and his cultivated fields.
It is not likely that all these animals actually lived in the garden of Eden, though they may have had access to it. Therefore, God must have directed them to come to Adam in some unknown fashion, so that both master and animal might learn to know each other. We have no way of knowing exactly how many “kinds” of animals appeared before Adam, but it was clearly not such a large number as to be incapable of examination within a few hours at most. It is not unreasonable to suggest that Adam could note and name about ten kinds each minute, so that in, say five hours, about three thousand kinds could be identified. Clearly, this number seems more than adequate to meet the needs of the case.
As the animals passed in review, Adam gave each a quick appraisal and an appropriate name. What language he used, and on what basis he selected names for them, there seems no way of knowing. The fact that he named them, however, indicates (as we would expect, in view of his recent creation in human perfection by the omniscient God) that he was a man of high intelligence and quick discernment. There seems to have been no need for second thoughts and later changes in those names. “Whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof.”
As one after another of the animals passed before him (no doubt in pairs, male and female) Adam could not help but be impressed with his own uniqueness—not only in intelligence and spirituality, but also in “aloneness.” Each animal had its mate, “but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him.”
There was clearly no kinship in any manner between man and the animals. None was like him; none could provide fellowship or companionship for him. It is abundantly clear and certain that he had not recently evolved from them! If the latter were true, and his body were still essentially an ape’s body (or the body of whatever “hominid” form may have been his immediate progenitor), it seems strange that he could have found nothing in common with either parents or siblings. On this point, as on many others, the notion of human evolution confronts and contradicts the plain statements of Scripture.
In all the animal kingdom, there could not be found a “helper like him.” He alone, of all creatures, was really alone. And that was not good! Before God could declare His creation “finished” and “very good,” this all-important deficiency must be eliminated. God would provide such a helper and companion for Adam, one “like” him, and yet different, perfectly complementing him and completing God’s work.
Flesh of His Flesh
The account of the creation and formation of Eve is the despair of theistic evolutionists. Even if one can bring himself to believe that man evolved from an apelike ancestor and that this is what Scripture means when it says Adam was formed from the dust of the ground, there seems to be no way at all in which the account of Eve’s unique mode of origin can be interpreted in an evolutionary context.
To make matters worse for the evolutionist, the New Testament explicitly confirms the historicity of this record. “For Adam was first formed, then Eve” (1 Timothy 2:13). “For the man is not of the woman, but the woman of the man” (1 Corinthians 11:8). All other men have been born of woman, but the first woman was made from man.
It is significant that the first human institution established by God was that of marriage. The long period of human infancy and helplessness requires careful protection and training of the children by their parents. In His wisdom, God ordained that the home, built on the mutual love and respect of husband and wife, should be the basic human unit of authority and instruction.
From the authority of the father in the home there would develop, as populations grew, the patriarchal and tribal systems, and, later, still more elaborate governmental structures. Similarly, from the fundamental activity of the parents in teaching and training their children, schools and other educational institutions would eventually be established. The church also, which has the function of teaching and authority in the spiritual realm, is likewise patterned in many respects after the home.
The way in which God made the first woman is certainly not what one would naturally expect. It would seem rather that He would form her body in the same way He did Adam’s—directly out of the earth itself. But instead He “built” her out of the body of Adam! Adam’s life would become her life.
God must have had a good reason for “building up” Eve in this peculiar way. From the New Testament we infer that there were certain great spiritual truths which were being pictured in this symbolic action, as well as the more immediately meaningful truth that Adam and Eve were truly “one flesh” and should thus serve their Creator together in unity and singleness of heart."
Morris, H. M. (1976). The Genesis record : A scientific and devotional commentary on the book of beginnings. Includes indexes. (95). Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books.


"...Cain was in the first generation of children ever born. He, as well as his brothers and sisters, would have received virtually no imperfect genes from Adam or Eve, since the effects of sin and the Curse would have been minimal to start with. In that situation, brother and sister could have married (provided it was one man for one woman, which is what marriage is all about, Matthew 19:4–6) without any potential to produce deformed offspring.
By the time of Moses (about 2,500 years later), degenerative mistakes would have accumulated to such an extent in the human race that it would have been necessary for God to bring in the laws forbidding brother-sister (and close relative) marriage (Leviticus 18–20).

(Also, there were plenty of people on the earth by now, and there was no reason for close relations to marry...) Full text:  Cain's Wife--Who Was She?

[1 Cor 6:6-7]

I speak to your shame. Is it so, that there is not a wise man among you? no, not one that shall be able to judge between his brethren?
But brother goeth to law with brother, and that before the unbelievers [1 Cor. 6:5–6].
"Of course, not every Christian is a capable judge, but Paul is saying, “I speak to your shame, isn’t there a wise man among you?” When you go to a secular court, you are saying that none of the saints are capable of judging. Well, I know some dear brethren in the Lord with whom I would be willing to risk my life. I am confident they would render a just verdict.
Now why does a Christian have a capability to judge? Paul will give us three reasons:
And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God [1 Cor. 6:11].
“Ye are washed.” It is “not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration …” (Titus 3:5). We have been born again, washed. Because the mercy of God has reached down and touched us, we ought to know how to extend mercy. We can be merciful because we have experienced mercy. We should recognize that there are many wonderful believers today who have been washed. We should trust ourselves to them rather than to the unsaved.
“Ye are sanctified.” Sanctification in the Corinthian epistles is of two kinds, but I think here it means positional sanctification, that is, being in Christ. This means that Christ is on our side and all believers are brothers in Christ. If another Christian judges me, it means that one of my brothers is judging me. I would be willing to trust myself to the judgment of a brother. A little girl was carrying a heavy baby down the street. A man saw her and asked, “Little girl, isn’t that baby too heavy for you?” “Oh, no,” she said, “he’s my brother.” The relationship makes a lot of difference. A brother is not too heavy. I am in Christ and my brother is in Christ; so I should be willing to trust my brother.
“Ye are justified.” The third reason my brother is capable of being a judge is that his sins are already forgiven, as mine are. He has been declared righteous before the throne of God, as I have been. “Who shall lay any thing to the charge of God’s elect? It is God that justifieth” (Rom. 8:33). “But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness” (Rom. 4:5). A fellow Christian knows this, and I feel that he could handle my case better than anyone else."
McGee, J. V. (1997, c1981). Thru the Bible commentary. Based on the Thru the Bible radio program. (electronic ed.) (5:29). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.

Response to comment [from a Mormon]:  "There are other "biblical worldviews"..."

There is one correct worldview (Jn 14:6, Ps 119:89).  When we add to or take from God's word, error ensues (Pr 30:6).  For example--there are no "Latter Day Saints"; the canon of scripture is closed.  We will never be gods (We are God's creation--He will always be God--We will always be his creation.)  Cults, like Mormonism, mix truth with error (Ga 5:9).

The Bible can be believed from Genesis to Revelation.

Response to comment [from other]:  "[T]he only explanation that relies on nothing more than [the Bible]...a lousy basis for asserting it as "absolute truth"..."

Absolutely?  Why should we believe your claims?  What do you base absolute truth on?  Your heart (Jer 17:9)?  Your feelings (Mark 5:4, 5)?  Why should others trust your truth?

"[Y]ou have no other choice but to believe as you do because you simply don't have the education, background, awareness, nor even the discipline to learn enough for anything else to make sense..."

Ad hominem.  I have a choice and so do you (Josh 24:15).  Every person makes a choice.  No choice is a choice--to chose to live a life apart from Jesus.  God does not drag people kicking and screaming into heaven.  Wouldn't that make heaven hell?

My choice is to trust that the Bible is true and that Jesus is who he said he is (Jn 1:1). 

Response to comment [from other]:  "Belief in something does not mean it's true."

Truly?  What should others believe your claims?  Your heart (Jer 17:9)?  Your feelings (Mark 5:4, 5)?  Why should others believe what you say? 

Response to comment [from other]:  "You're imperfect and fallible...yet claiming perfectly infallible spiritual insight..."

No I don't.  Men are imperfect (Job 11:12; Jas 2:20).  God is perfect (Ps 18:32; 138:8).  The Christian is not perfect but he is positionally seen in Christ's perfection (1Co 2:6; Php 3:15; Col 2:10). It is the word of God that is designed to lead us into Christ likeness (2Ti 3:16,17).

"My point [is] that their belief...doesn't make something true."

Unbelievable.  How do you know that?  Why should we believe your claims?  What do you base absolute truth on?  Why should others trust your belief?

Response to comment [from other]:  "If you find Ken Ham and Henry Morris credible then I think you are either ignorant or gullible."

Ad hominem.  Address the issues.  Look at the facts.

Response to comment [from other]:  "...[N]o, believing in something doesn't make it true."

That is true.  There are people who believe in God.  There are people who do not believe in God.  There are people who believe that God is knowable.  There are people who do not believe that God is knowable.  They cannot all be right.  So, "taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him (Ps 34:8)."

Response to comment [from a Christian]:  "You would do well to do some looking into the facts yourself instead of getting your spin from AiG.

Ken Ham, Jason Lisle, Henry Morris--are a whole lot smarter than me.

"Henry Morris is dead. Ken Ham is an idiot."

Well, he's still smarter than me.  Henry Morris wrote The Genesis Record.  It is considered "the Bible" of the book of Genesis. 

Incidentally, Henry Morris' son, John Morris is also a smart guy.  He is the president of the Institute for Creation Research in Dallas, Texas.  He wrote The Young Earth and has led several expeditions to Mt. Ararat in search of Noah's Ark.  He is sort of the "Indiana Jones" of the creation science world.  He's been shot at with machine guns.  It's all very fascinating.  I met him at a conference last year with John MacArthur and Ken Ham. hominem.  Argue the issues.  Ken Ham does.      

"So are the mainstream scientists who are actually well-versed in biology and the evidence for and the implications of ToE. Try checking out what they have to say."

I went to public schools.  So like most people I received a naturalistic evolutionary education.  I do not think that most people are lacking for this type of education.  It is in every text book in public schools.  In fact, if you would like your children grounded in truth, you will be hard pressed to find a biblically sound school--even in Christian schools.  I believe there are only six Christian colleges that teach young earth creation and a literal reading of the book of Genesis.   

Response to comment [from a Mormon]:  "Your view that a literal Genesis is the only possible biblical worldview is silly.  And your idea that the fossil evidence supports the notion of a worldwide, Noachian flood is even sillier."

Sillier than believing that special underwear will get you into heaven (e.g. Mormonism)?   

The evolutionary scientist does not have one piece of evidence for his theory.  They have not found one transitional form to prove the theory of evolution.  A six day creation week makes the most sense.  Evidence overwhelming points to a worldwide catastrophic flood and young earth creation.

When you begin the the Bible, you get good science.   

"Where Is the Evidence in the Earth for Noah’s Flood?...

...For this they willingly forget: that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of water and in the water, by which the world that then existed perished, being flooded with water (2 Peter 3:5–6).
Evidence of Noah’s Flood can be seen all over the earth, from seabeds to mountaintops. Whether you travel by car, train, or plane, the physical features of the earth’s terrain clearly indicate a catastrophic past, from canyons and craters to coal beds and caverns. Some layers of strata extend across continents, revealing the effects of a huge catastrophe.

The earth’s crust has massive amounts of layered sedimentary rock, sometimes miles (kilometers) deep! These layers of sand, soil, and material—mostly laid down by water—were once soft like mud, but they are now hard stone. Encased in these sedimentary layers are billions of dead things (fossils of plants and animals) buried very quickly. The evidence all over the earth is staring everyone in the face..."  Full text:
  Was There Really a Noah's Ark & Flood?

Response to comment [from a Christian]:  [Not Teaching Literal Genesis in Bible Colleges] "I wonder why? Probably because there is no science of any kind to back that [creation] account up with...Makes for a short class, at least.  "Goddidit, scientists are liars..."

The evidence does not support "millions of years" and evolution.  For example, the magnetic field of the earth is decaying (getting weaker): 

"Though complex, this history of the earth’s magnetic field agrees with Barnes’ basic hypothesis, that the field has always freely decayed.... The field has always been losing energy despite its variations, so it cannot be more than 10,000 years old.  Earth’s magnetic field is fading. Today it is about 10 percent weaker than it was when German mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss started keeping tabs on it in 1845, scientists say..."  Full text: Doesn’t Carbon-14 Dating Disprove the Bible?


The Earth's magnetic field and the age of the Earth

Response to comment [from a Mormon]:  [Christian colleges that teach young earth creation and a literal reading of the book of Genesis] "I hope that such teaching takes place only in a religion department and not in a science department..."

I think it is more dangerous to teach people that they can be a god (e.g. Mormonism).  You will never be a god.  God is the creator.  We are his creation. 

Who has a more reasonable answer to the question of dinosaurs?   

"Why Such Different Views?...

...How can there be such totally different explanations for dinosaurs? Whether one is an evolutionist or accepts the Bible’s account of history, the evidence for dinosaurs is the same. All scientists have the same facts—they have the same world, the same fossils, the same living creatures, the same universe.

If the “facts” are the same, then how can the explanations be so different? The reason is that scientists have only the present—dinosaur fossils exist only in the present—but scientists are trying to connect the fossils in the present to the past. They ask, “What happened in history to bring dinosaurs into existence, wipe them out, and leave many of them fossilized?”
The science that addresses such issues is known as historical or origins science, and it differs from the operational science that gives us computers, inexpensive food, space exploration, electricity, and the like. Origins science deals with the past, which is not accessible to direct experimentation, whereas operational science deals with how the world works in the here and now, which, of course, is open to repeatable experiments. Because of difficulties in reconstructing the past, those who study fossils (paleontologists) have diverse views on dinosaurs. As has been said, “Paleontology (the study of fossils) is much like politics: passions run high, and it’s easy to draw very different conclusions from the same set of facts.”

A paleontologist who believes the record in the Bible, which claims to be the Word of God, will come to different conclusions than an atheist who rejects the Bible. Willful denial of God’s Word (2 Peter 3:3–7) lies at the root of many disputes over historical science.

Many people think the Bible is just a book about religion or salvation. It is much more than this. The Bible is the History Book of the Universe and tells us the future destiny of the universe as well. It gives us an account of when time began, the main events of history, such as the entrance of sin and death into the world, the time when the whole surface of the globe was destroyed by water, the giving of different languages at the Tower of Babel, the account of the Son of God coming as a man, His death and Resurrection, and the new heavens and earth to come.

Ultimately, there are only two ways of thinking: starting with the revelation from God (the Bible) as foundational to all thinking (including biology, history, and geology), resulting in a Christian worldview; or starting with man’s beliefs (for example, the evolutionary story) as foundational to all thinking, resulting in a secular worldview.

Most Christians have been indoctrinated through the media and education system to think in a secular way. They tend to take secular thinking to the Bible, instead of using the Bible to build their thinking (Romans 12:1–2; Ephesians 4:20–24).

The Bible says, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge” (Proverbs 1:7) and “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” (Proverbs 9:10).

If one begins with an evolutionary view of history (for which there were no witnesses or written record), then this way of thinking will be used to explain the evidence that exists in the present. Thus, we have the evolutionary explanation for dinosaurs above.

But if one begins with the biblical view of history from the written record of an eyewitness (God) to all events of history, then a totally different way of thinking, based on this, will be used to explain the same evidence. Thus, we have the biblical explanation given above..."  Full text:
 What Really Happened to the Dinosaurs?

Response to comment [from other]:  "Tell me the last time Ken Ham actually argued an 'issue' without the risk of his nose growing a meter..."

Ad hominem.  Address the issues.  I think I am safe in saying that Ken Ham has thought through these issues more than most people. 

"And tell me what kind of idiot would keep going back to look for a boat that, if it existed at all and was made of wood, would have rotted away centuries ago."

"Where Is Noah’s Ark Today?...

...Then the ark rested in the seventh month, the seventeenth day of the month, on the mountains of Ararat (Genesis 8:4).

The Ark landed in mountains. The ancient name for these mountains could refer to several areas in the Middle East, such as Mt. Ararat in Turkey or other mountain ranges in neighboring countries.

Mt. Ararat has attracted the most attention because it has permanent ice, and some people report to have seen the Ark. Many expeditions have searched for the Ark there. There is no conclusive evidence of the Ark’s location or survival; after all, it landed on the mountains about 4,500 years ago. Also it could easily have deteriorated, been destroyed, or been used as lumber by Noah and his descendants.

Some scientists and Bible scholars, though, believe the Ark could indeed be preserved—perhaps to be providentially revealed at a future time as a reminder of the past judgment and the judgment to come, although the same could be said for things like the Ark of the Covenant or other biblical icons. Jesus said, “If they do not hear Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded though one rise from the dead” (Luke 16:31).

The Ark is unlikely to have survived without supernatural intervention, but this is neither promised nor expected from Scripture. However, it is a good idea to check if it still exists..." Full text:
 Was There Really a Noah’s Ark & Flood?

Response to comment [from a pagan]:  "To make evolution out to be wrong is to make the universe out to be inscrutable.  You Genesis crackpots wouldn't know evidence if you were sitting on it, which incidentally, all of us with tail bones are."

We all have faith in something.

Spiral galaxies are a problem if you believe in "millions of years":

"Spiral Galaxies...

...A galaxy is an enormous assembly of stars and interstellar gas and dust. Galaxies occur in a range of sizes and can contain anywhere from a million to a trillion stars. Our galaxy (the Milky Way) contains over 100 billion stars. Galaxies also come in a range of shapes. Many are round or elliptical in nature. Others have an irregular shape, such as the clouds of Magellan—two satellite galaxies of the Milky Way. Some of the most beautiful galaxies are spiral in nature. A spiral galaxy has a flat-disk shape with a central bulge. The disk section contains spiral arms—regions with greater numbers of stars which extend from the periphery of the galaxy to the core.

Differential rotation of a spiral galaxy...

...Spiral galaxies slowly rotate, but the inner regions of the spiral rotate faster than the outer regions; this is called “differential rotation.” This means that a spiral galaxy is constantly becoming more and more twisted up as the spiral becomes tighter. After a few hundred million years, the galaxy would be wound so tightly that the spiral structure would no longer be recognizable. According to the big-bang scenario, galaxies are supposed to be many billions of years old, yet we do see spiral galaxies—and lots of them. This suggests that they are not nearly as old as the big bang requires. Spiral galaxies are consistent with the biblical age of the universe, but are problematic for a belief in billions of years.

Secular astronomers have proposed “spiral density waves” to create new spiral arms as old ones become twisted beyond recognition. The idea is that waves of pressure travel around the galaxy and stimulate new star growth. Of course, such waves have not been observed, so the idea remains a conjecture. Furthermore, the spiral density wave notion assumes that stars can form spontaneously. Although virtually all secular astronomers assume this, star formation has significant problems of its own. Furthermore, there are difficulties in starting any supposed density wave in the first place. Such complications are not necessary if we accept the most straightforward interpretation of the evidence: galaxies are not billions of years old..."  Full text:
 The Age of the Earth

Response to comment [from a Christian]:  [Earth's magnetic field] "This argument has been discredited so completely..."

Let the reader decide.  There are additional problems like radiometric dating:

"All radiometric dating methods are based on assumptions about events that happened in the past. If the assumptions are accepted as true (as is typically done in the evolutionary dating processes), results can be biased toward a desired age. In the reported ages given in textbooks and other journals, these evolutionary assumptions have not been questioned, while results inconsistent with long ages have been censored. When the assumptions were evaluated and shown faulty, the results supported the biblical account of a global Flood and young earth. Christians should not be afraid of radiometric dating methods. Carbon-14 dating is really the friend of Christians, and it supports a young earth.

The RATE scientists are convinced that the popular idea attributed to geologist Charles Lyell from nearly two centuries ago, “The present is the key to the past,” is simply not valid for an earth history of millions or billions of years. An alternative interpretation of the carbon-14 data is that the earth experienced a global flood catastrophe which laid down most of the rock strata and fossils.... Whatever the source of the carbon-14, its presence in nearly every sample tested worldwide is a strong challenge to an ancient age. Carbon-14 data is now firmly on the side of the young-earth view of history..." Full text:
 Doesn't Carbon-14 Dating Disprove The Bible?

And a message for those who call themselves Christian:

"It is as if these theologians view “nature” as a “67th book of the Bible,” albeit with more authority than the 66 written books. Rather, we should consider the words of Charles Haddon Spurgeon, the renowned “prince of preachers,” in 1877:
We are invited, brethren, most earnestly to go away from the old-fashioned belief of our forefathers because of the supposed discoveries of science. What is science? The method by which man tries to conceal his ignorance. It should not be so, but so it is. You are not to be dogmatical in theology, my brethren, it is wicked; but for scientific men it is the correct thing. You are never to assert anything very strongly; but scientists may boldly assert what they cannot prove, and may demand a faith far more credulous than any we possess. Forsooth, you and I are to take our Bibles and shape and mould our belief according to the evershifting teachings of so-called scientific men. What folly is this! Why, the march of science, falsely so called, through the world may be traced by exploded fallacies and abandoned theories. Former explorers once adored are now ridiculed; the continual wreckings of false hypotheses is a matter of universal notoriety. You may tell where the learned have encamped by the debris left behind of suppositions and theories as plentiful as broken bottles.

Those who would use historical science (as propounded by people who, by and large, ignore God’s written revelation) to interpret the Bible, to teach us things about God, have matters front to back. Because we are fallen, fallible creatures, we need God’s written Word, illuminated by the Holy Spirit, to properly understand natural history. The respected systematic theologian Berkhof said:

Since the entrance of sin into the world, man can gather true knowledge about God from His general revelation only if he studies it in the light of Scripture, in which the elements of God’s original self-revelation, which were obscured and perverted by the blight of sin, are republished, corrected, and interpreted. ... Some are inclined to speak of God’s general revelation as a second source; but this is hardly correct in view of the fact that nature can come into consideration here only as interpreted in the light of Scripture.

In other words, Christians should build their thinking on the Bible, not on science..." Full text:  Could God Really Have Created Everything in Six Days?

Response to comment [from a Christian]:  [C-14] "Wishful thinking with no actual science to back it up with."

Let the reader decide.  More problems like coral growth:

"Many claim that coral reefs, such as the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, are so massive that they must have taken hundreds of thousands of years to develop. However, this relies on estimations of the current growth rates of coral in present environments. If coral has grown or does grow faster than our estimations, this proof is no longer a proof. And, in fact, there is evidence that the growth rate can be much greater than uniformitarians currently assume..." Full text: 


■  Aren’t Millions of Years Required for Geological Processes?

■  Telling a Geological Tale

Response to comment [from a Christian]:  "Did you think that the assumptions about evolution are based on little things like this?"

Yes, and they are false assumptions. 

"Do some actual reading about what evolution is, what the evidence for it is, and how it fits into a broader understanding of an "old" earth."

Read their claims. 

More Problems like Continental Drift:

"Some geologists claim that since we can measure the current rate of continental drift, we can also measure how long the process has been occurring. However, such a claim assumes that the rate of drift is and has been the same for much of earth history and ignores the growing evidence for catastrophic (rapid) plate tectonics in the past..."


■  Can Catastrophic Plate Tectonics Explain Flood Geology?
A Catastrophic Breakup: A Scientific Look at Catastrophic Plate Tectonics

More...And More...And More...Problems:

Geomagnetic Reversals...

...Geomagnetic reversals (when the earth’s magnetic field changes polarity) are recorded in the geologic record of the earth. Currently, the method that most scientists postulate for such an event to occur would seem to indicate that the earth is millions of years old. The problem is that their model for the generation of the earth's magnetic field, the dynamo model, is not testable and fails to explain the evidence that the reversals were rapid. So, the assumption of age depends upon the prior acceptance of the secular model. Creation geologists have found, instead, that the Genesis Flood offers a better explanation for the reversals in a much shorter period of time.


■  Fossil Magnetism Reveals Rapid Reversals of the Earth’s Magnetic Field
The Earth’s Magnetic Field and the Age of the Earth

Ice Layers...

...When scientists drill down into layers and layers of ice, many claim that they can read the years into these layers based on what they believe about the past history of the earth and radioactive isotopes. Much like tree rings, the layers, they claim, show them age and even the climate and other events hundreds of thousands of years ago. However, you will often notice that evidence of rapid layer deposition in the present is quickly discounted. Once again, such age claims depend upon untestable assumptions about the past and a prior commitment to an old earth. Creation scientists, however, know that these supposed annual layers provide astounding evidence for a post-Flood Ice Age in the recent past.


■  Do Ice Cores Show Many Tens of Thousands of Years?
Still Trying to Make Ice Cores Old

Petrifaction (Petrification)...

...You may have read from some skeptics that petrifaction (the preservation of wood) takes many millions of years to occur. However, the process of petrifaction has been shown to take only months in laboratory experiments, and the same chemical components and conditions used there are also found today in natural settings, which provide documented instances of accelerated petrifaction. It’s not just theoretical; it’s observed.

■  ‘Instant’ Petrified Wood
Petrified Forests in Yellowstone


...Varves, put simply, are alternating bands of sedimentation said to represent a year in the geologic record (light and coarse for summer, dark and fine for winter). In the Green River Formation in the western United States, for example, uniformitarians claim that these millions of varves represent millions of years. They also claim that pollen levels and sun cycle data correlate the “varves” to an annual deposition. But do you notice the problems?

First, there is abundant evidence that varves are not varves at all, but rather rhythmites (any repeating unit of sedimentation not tied to specific time spans). For example, the regularity of the sedimentation calls into question annual deposition, as do the fossils contained within. Laboratory tests and field experiments have shown that multiple layers can be and are formed rapidly (See Are There Half a Million Years in the Sediments of Lake Van?). Secondly, the supposed confirmations of the varves depend, as is often the case, on the presupposition that the sedimentation is annual and that present processes explain the past (e.g., with sun cycles).


■  Green River Formation Very Likely Did Not Form in a Postdiluvial Lake

■  Are There Half a Million Years in the Sediments of Lake Van?

■  Experiments on Lamination of Sediments

Response to comment [from an atheist]:  [Video] "Just join the YEC evolution denying troll club will ya?"

You found Obama's brother who lives in the hut!  He's just as good on teleprompter, don't you think? 

"Claim: Biblical Creationists Are Anti-Science and Anti-Logic...Biblical creationists love science! In fact, most fields of science were developed by men who believed the Bible, such as Isaac Newton (dynamics, gravitation, calculus), Michael Faraday (electromagnetics, field theory), Robert Boyle (chemistry), Johannes Kepler (astronomy), and Louis Pasteur (bacteriology, immunization). Francis Bacon, a Bible-believing Christian, developed the scientific method.

The reason such fields of science developed was the belief that God created the universe and that He instituted laws that we could investigate. Even today, many great scientists believe the Bible and use good observational science on a daily basis...[duh!]"  Full text:
 Don’t Creationists Believe Some “Wacky” Things?

Response to comment [from other]:  "[I]f you really believe these were smart fellows, and the science developed since then is valid, then you have no other choice but to accept the fact that the Earth is old."

"Science" said the earth is flat.

"[T]he science that these bright fellows signed onto..."

You act as thought young earth creationists have no empirical data.  Scientists all have the same data.  They interpret it differently.  Evidence points to young earth creation but that doesn't matter.  The real issue is one of a person's worldview: 

"[T]hey call ‘science,’ versus the ‘young Earthers,’ who are said to be ignoring the overwhelming supposed ‘scientific’ evidence for an old Earth...our emphasis is on Biblical authority. Believing in a relatively ‘young Earth’ (i.e., only a few thousands of years old, which we accept) is a consequence of accepting the authority of the Word of God as an infallible revelation from our omniscient Creator..." Full text:  A young Earth—it’s not the issue!

Response to comment [from a Mormon]:  "Actually, "science" has pretty much always said the world is spherical. Even the ancient Greeks knew this."

We call this revisionist history.  Let the reader decide.  "The future is assured. It's just the past that keeps changing." ~ Russian saying. 

[Same data.  Different interpretations. Sphere.]  "Serpentdove, you are most certainly wrong on this point.  And where in that thread is it shown that the Greeks didn't know that the world was a sphere?"

It took "science" to call the world flat.  Learn your history.  Stop believing myths.

The shape of the earth is the least of your problems.  The Bible is given not to understand the heavens but to understand how to get to heaven.  You need a savior (Jn 3:16).  You won't be a god.  You cannot save yourself (Isa 64:6).  

"Yet, serpentdove is a little bit correct..."

A "little correct" is just enough to send men to hell (e.g. cults and 'isms) [Ga 5:9].  Men love to be lied to (Ps 4:2).   

Response to comment [from a Mormon]:  "[Y]ou are taking specific statements and then giving them blanket application to justify your position..."

Response to comment [from a Christian]:  "And you were refuted at least 4 times..." 

That doesn't make my position incorrect.  When you read the Bible with understanding, you see that God got it right all along.  Science often needs to catch up to be right.  Reading Genesis correctly will give you an accurate historical narrative.  Those claiming to be Christians often interrogate the most:

"Claim: Biblical Creationists Take the Whole Bible Literally...

...It is better to say that creationists read and understand the Bible according to the grammatical-historical approach to Scripture. That is, we understand a biblical passage by taking into account its context, author, readership, literary style, etc. In other words, we read and understand the Bible in a plain or straightforward manner. This is usually what people mean when they say “literal interpretation of the Bible.” This method helps to eliminate improper interpretations of the Bible.

But we have renounced the hidden things of shame, not walking in craftiness nor handling the word of God deceitfully, but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man’s conscience in the sight of God (2 Corinthians 4:2).
All the words of my mouth are with righteousness; nothing crooked or perverse is in them. They are all plain to him who understands, and right to those who find knowledge (Proverbs 8:8–9).
Reading the Bible “plainly” means understanding which passages are written as historical narrative, which are written as poetry, which are written as parable, which are written as prophecy, and so on. The Bible is written in many different literary styles and should be read accordingly. Genesis records actual historical events; it was written as historical narrative, and there is no reason to read it as any other literary style, such as allegory or poetry.

For example, a non-Christian once claimed, “The Bible clearly says ‘there is no God’ in Psalms 14:1.” However, this verse in context says:

The fool has said in his heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none who does good (Psalm 14:1).
The context helps determine the proper interpretation—that a fool claims there is no God.

Someone else claimed, “To interpret the days in Genesis, you need to read 2 Peter 3:8, which indicates the days are each a thousand years.” Many people try to use this passage to support the idea that the earth is millions or billions of years old, but let’s read it in context:

But, beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is long-suffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance (2 Peter 3:8–9).
This passage employs a literary device called a simile. Here, God compares a day to a thousand years in order to make the point that time doesn’t bind Him, in this case specifically regarding His patience. God is eternal and is not limited to the time He created.

Also, this verse does not reference the days in Genesis, so it is not warranted to apply this to the length of the days in Genesis 1. When read plainly, these verses indicate that God is patient when keeping His promises. The gentleman that spoke to me had preconceived beliefs based on man’s ideas that the earth was millions of years old. Those beliefs led him to this strange interpretation as opposed to using the historical-grammatical method.

So, biblical Christians read the Bible plainly, or straightforwardly, and in context. Accordingly, we learn from what God says and means, and we don’t apply strange literalistic (in the strict sense) meanings on metaphorical or allegorical passages, and vice versa." Full text:
 Don’t Creationists Believe Some “Wacky” Things?

Recommended reading:

Why Do You Take the Bible Literally?

Response to comment [from a Mormon]:  "YECists ignore or discount as false much of the data."

So only young earth creationists are lying about their finding?

"And it isn't merely a matter of worldview. It is a matter of methodology."

Those with a biblical worldview use deceitful methods?  Is this how Mormons speak about Christians?

"YECism not does not follow a scientific methodology to prove its claim."

Young earth creationists fail to follow scientific methodology?

Ok--you believe that those who hold to a biblical worldview are liars.  I don't.  Is that why you are a Mormon?  At least you are consistent. 

The following chart must be false because it was compiled by young earth creationists from data gathered by secular scientists.  Don't let facts get in the way of your antichrist bias.


Radiocarbon Measurements on "Dead" Carbon:

Apparent C-14 Age + 0 0 C14/C ratio (pmc) ++ 0 Material Reference
39,700 years +- ? 0.71 +- ? * Marble Aerts-Bijma et al. 1997
41,000 +- 1400 years 0.61 +- 0.12 Foraminifera Arnold et al. 1987
41,000 +- 500 years 0.60 +- 0.04 Commercial graphite Schmidt et al. 1987
42,000 +- 600 years 0.52 +- 0.04 Whale bone Jull et al. 1986
42,000 +- 1000 years 0.51 +- 0.08 Marble Gulliksen & Thomsen 1992
43,000 +- ? years 0.5 +- ? Dolomite (dirty) Middleton et al. 1989
43,000 +- 1000 years 0.5 +- 0.1 Wood, 60 Ka Gillespie & Hedges 1984
44,000 +- 600 years 0.42 +- 0.03 Anthracite Grootes et al. 1986
44,300 +- 1500 years 0.401 +- 0.084 Foraminifera (untreated) Schleicher et al. 1998
44,800 +- 890 years 0.383 +- 0.045 Wood (charred) Snelling 1997
45,200 +- 710 years 0.358 +- 0.033 Anthracite Beukins et al. 1992
45,600 +- 830 years 0.342 +- 0.037 Wood Beukins et al. 1992
46,000 +- 2300 years 0.34 +- 0.11 Recycled graphite Arnold et al. 1987
46,000 +- 1000 years 0.32 +- 0.06 Foraminifera Gulliksen & Thomsen 1992
47,000 +- ? years 0.3 +- ? Coke Terrasi et al. 1990
47,000 +- ? years 0.3 +- ? Coal Schleicher et al. 1998
48,000 +- 600 years 0.26 +- 0.02 Marble Schmidt et al. 1987
48,700 +- 1900 years 0.2334 +- 0.061 Carbon powder McNichol et al. 1995...Full text:   Radiocarbon Measurements
on "Dead" Carbon

Also see:

List of No So Old Things

"save himself" or "save herself." I certainly have never believed such a thing. 

Every person must to come to Jesus (the God-man [Jn 1:1]) to be saved (Jn 3:16). 

Response to comment [from a Christian]:  "The man is ridiculous. He definitely serves as a warning to others of how not to be."

Maybe you meant me.

Response to comment [from a Mormon]:  "[R]ead Genesis symbolically and figuratively..."

If you choose to read Genesis only symbolically and figuratively then the rest of the Bible will not mean much.  We really can believe the biblical account of history:

Claim: Biblical Creationists Believe the Earth Is the Same Now as It Was at the Beginning of Creation...

...Biblical creationists believe that significant changes have happened to the earth in its 6,000-year history—two very catastrophic ones: the Fall and the Flood.

The Fall was when Adam and Eve disobeyed God. Prior to this, the earth and all of creation was perfect (Genesis 1:31; Deuteronomy 32:4). Adam was given only one command in this perfect world, not to eat from the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. If he ate, his punishment would be death (Genesis 2:17).

But Adam ate, and he died (Genesis 3:19, 5:5), and now we die because we too sin (disobey God). Death and suffering entered the creation as an intrusion.

There were also other results of Adam’s disobedience (Genesis 3). One was that the ground was cursed. Another was thorns and thistles. There were changes to the animals and humans.

The Fall was a significant event that definitely caused the earth to change (Romans 8:18–22).

The Flood was God’s judgment on the people of the world who had turned their back on Him (Genesis 6–8). God said He would destroy them with a Flood, and He did.

This Flood was a global Flood that demolished everything. Many biblical creationists believe there was initially only one continent (Genesis 1:9). This original continent broke apart and was rearranged catastrophically during the Flood and the following years and finally became what we have today.

This massive Flood buried many animals, plants, and marine life, and many became fossils. A vast portion of the sedimentary rock layers we find throughout the world today is a testimony to this global Flood.

The Flood also caused ocean basins to sink down, mountains to be pushed up, etc. Major geological features resulted. Additional after-effects of the Flood were the Ice Age, plate fault lines, etc...."  Full text:
 Don’t Creationists Believe Some “Wacky” Things?

"The reason to read it as a non-literal text is because it matches the style of other creation stories of the time, because when taken figuratively its teachings fit into the overall structure of the rest of the Bible, and because it doesn't match reality if taken literally."

"Refuting Common Objections to Six Literal Days...


“Science” has shown the earth and universe are billions of years old; therefore the “days” of creation must be long periods (or indefinite periods) of time....


1.The age of the earth, as determined by man’s fallible methods, is based on unproven assumptions, so it is not proven that the earth is billions of years old.23
2.This unproven age is being used to force an interpretation on the language of the Bible. Thus, man’s fallible theories are allowed to interpret the Bible. This ultimately undermines the use of language to communicate.
3.Evolutionary scientists claim the fossil layers over the earth’s surface date back hundreds of millions of years. As soon as one allows millions of years for the fossil layers, then one has accepted death, bloodshed, disease, thorns, and suffering before Adam’s sin.
The Bible makes it clear24 that death, bloodshed, disease, thorns, and suffering are a consequence of sin.25 In Genesis 1:29–30, God gave Adam and Eve and the animals plants to eat (this is reading Genesis at face value, as literal history, as Jesus did in Matthew 19:3–6). In fact, there is a theological distinction made between animals and plants. Human beings and higher animals are described in Genesis 1 as having a nephesh, or life principle. (This is true of at least the vertebrate land animals as well as the birds and fish: Genesis 1:20, 24.) Plants do not have this nephesh—they are not “alive” in the same sense animals are. They were given for food.

Man was permitted to eat meat only after the Flood (Genesis 9:3). This makes it obvious that the statements in Genesis 1:29–30 were meant to inform us that man and the animals were vegetarian to start with. Also, in Genesis 9:2, we are told of a change God apparently made in the way animals react to man.

God warned Adam in Genesis 2:17 that if he ate of the “tree of the knowledge of good and evil” he would “die.” The Hebrew grammar actually means, “dying, you will die.” In other words, it would be the commencement of a process of physical dying (see Genesis 3:19). It also clearly involved spiritual death (separation from God).

After Adam disobeyed God, the Lord clothed Adam and Eve with “coats of skins” (Genesis 3:21).26 To do this He must have killed and shed the blood of at least one animal. The reason for this can be summed up by Hebrews 9:22:

And according to the law almost all things are purified with blood, and without shedding of blood there is no remission.
God requires the shedding of blood for the remission of sins. What happened in the garden was a picture of what was to come in Jesus Christ, who shed His blood on the Cross as the Lamb of God who took away the sin of the world (John 1:29).

Now if the Garden of Eden were sitting on a fossil record of dead things millions of years old, then blood was shed before sin. This would destroy the foundation of the Atonement. The Bible is clear: the sin of Adam brought death and suffering into the world. As Romans 8:19–22 tells us, the whole of creation “groans” because of the effects of the fall of Adam, and the creation will be liberated “from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God” (Rom. 8:21). Also, bear in mind that thorns came into existence after the Curse. Because there are thorns in the fossil record, it had to be formed after Adam and Eve sinned.

The pronouncement of the death penalty on Adam was both a curse and a blessing. A curse because death is horrible and continually reminds us of the ugliness of sin; a blessing because it meant the consequences of sin—separation from fellowship with God—need not be eternal. Death stopped Adam and his descendants from living in a state of sin, with all its consequences, forever. And because death was the just penalty for sin, Jesus Christ suffered physical death, shedding His blood, to release Adam’s descendants from the consequences of sin. The Apostle Paul discusses this in depth in Romans 5 and 1 Corinthians 15.

Revelation 21–22 makes it clear that there will be a “new heavens and a new earth” one day, where there will be “no more death” and “no more curse”—just like it was before sin changed everything. If there are to be animals as part of the new earth, obviously they will not be dying or eating each other, nor eating the redeemed people!

Thus, adding the supposed millions of years to Scripture destroys the foundations of the message of the Cross..." Full text:
 Could God Really Have Created Everything in Six Days?

Response to comment [from a Mormon]:  "[Y]ou have only one of several slightly different 'biblical worldviews.'"

This from a Christ-denying Mormon (1 Jn 4:3).  Thanks, I'll stick with Christianity (Jn 1:1). Jesus in not the spirit brother Lucifer.  

"As a Christian myself..."

Mormons deny the deity of Jesus like all cults and 'ism (Jn 1:1).  Mormons are not Christians (1 Jn 4:3).


Ten Questions and Answers on Mormonism

I Bear You My Testimony (Tract)

Another Jesus

"Why are you dragging in my religion here when it is irrelevant to the discussion?"

You claimed to be a Christian.  Mormons are not Christians.  They are cultists.  Religion will not save a person.  Jesus will (Jn 3:16). 


Cult Toasters Mormons

"[E]ven if every measurement there is real, it is not a scientific argument for YEC.  It is simply a list of data points that doesn't necessarily prove anything at all..."

That's right.  The data means nothing to an ostrich either.   

"[I]t does matter what a Christian believes concerning the days of creation in Genesis 1. Most importantly, all schemes which insert eons of time into, or before, creation undermine the gospel by putting death, bloodshed, disease, thorns, and suffering before sin and the Fall, as explained above (see answer to Objection 1). Here are two more reasons:

1.It is really a matter of how one approaches the Bible, in principle. If we do not allow the language to speak to us in context, but try to make the text fit ideas outside of Scripture, then ultimately the meaning of any word in any part of the Bible depends on man’s interpretation, which can change according to whatever outside ideas are in vogue.
2.If one allows science (which has wrongly become synonymous with evolution and materialism) to determine our understanding of Scripture, then this can lead to a slippery slope of unbelief through the rest of Scripture. For instance, science would proclaim that a person cannot be raised from the dead. Does this mean we should interpret the Resurrection of Christ to reflect this? Sadly, some do just this, saying that the Resurrection simply means that Jesus’ teachings live on in His followers.
When people accept at face value what Genesis is teaching and accept the days as ordinary days, they will have no problem accepting and making sense of the rest of the Bible.

Martin Luther once said:

I have often said that whoever would study Holy Scripture should be sure to see to it that he stays with the simple words as long as he can and by no means departs from them unless an article of faith compels him to understand them differently. For of this we must be certain: no clearer speech has been heard on Earth than what God has spoken.39
Pure Words
God’s people need to realize that the Word of God is something very special. It is not just the words of men. As Paul said in 1 Thessalonians 2:13, “You received it not as the word of men, but as it is, truly the word of God.”

Proverbs 30:5–6 states that “every word of God is pure ... . Do not add to His words, lest He reprove you and you be found a liar.” The Bible cannot be treated as just some great literary work. We need to “tremble at his word” (Isaiah 6:5) and not forget:

All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work (2 Timothy 3:16–17).
In the original autographs, every word and letter in the Bible is there because God put it there. Let us listen to God speaking to us through His Word and not arrogantly think we can tell God what He really means..." Full text:
 Could God Really Have Created Everything in Six Days?

Response to comment [from a Mormon]:  [Every person must to come to Jesus (the God-man [Jn 1:1]) to be saved (Jn 3:16).]  "I agree."

You agree that Jesus is not the spirit brother of Lucifer?  He is the uncreated, creator God?

Response to comment [from a Mormon]:  "You are believing the Bible first..."

That's right.  Christians believe the Bible.

"If YECism were really a scientific theory, there would be a body of evidence..."

That is true.  There is a body of evidence and it is overwhelming.

Response to comment [from a Christian]:  "What were the Spaniards afraid of when Columbus wanted to sail to India in the opposite direction?"

That's a good question.  I hope you weren't waiting for an honest answer.

Resonse to comment [from a Mormon]:  "Which Spaniards? The common people? The ones who followed the Greek philosophers and "scientists"? The sailors?..."

Only those Spaniards who argue your case, PMcN. 

You can spend your life trying to undermine the Bible--adding to or taking away from the word of God.  That is what cultists do after all (Rev. 22:18, 19).  But the word has stood the test of time and it will continue to stand (Mt 5:18).

Lighthouse and I, being Christians, believe the Bible (Ps. 119:161).  We accept it as God's word (Ac 11:1).   

Response to comment [from a Mormon]:  "[Y]ou want the prestige..."

I want prestige?  Who wants to be a god?  Check your pride--it's a killer (Mal 1:3). 

"...and acclaim of being "scientific" while not following the methodology."

I am not a scientist.  I follow the work of other scientists who use the scientific method.  You believe their methods are deceptive.  I do not. 

"[W]hen someone starts out by saying "this statement is true" and then takes the approach of "what can I do to counter the arguments against this statement," he/she is not following a scientific methodology..."

When I meet:  "...Isaac Newton (dynamics, gravitation, calculus), Michael Faraday (electromagnetics, field theory), Robert Boyle (chemistry), Johannes Kepler (astronomy), and Louis Pasteur (bacteriology, immunization) and Francis Bacon, a Bible-believing Christian, [who] developed the scientific method...(Ham, pg. 205-206, cited earler)," I'll have to ask them.  They were all biblical creationists not evil scientists.

"The evidence FOR YECism is purely religious---an appeal to a certain way of interpreting the first two chapters of the Bible."

I admit my bias (Ro 1:16).  Admit yours.  I believe that the Bible is true from the very first verse (2 Tim. 2:15).  You do not.

Young Earth Creationists have more than enough evidence to convince any reasonable person that God's word can be trusted.  Honest scientists who are by no means Christian admit that evidence points to intelligent design and a young earth.   

Response to comment [from a pagan]:  "Really? Creationists always seem so desperate to me."

Ad hominem.  Address the issues.  The world seems pretty desperate to me (Ac 17:27).

"They have no explanation for so many things-- for why groups of fossils form neat little chronological layers..."

Young earth creationists have an answer for that.  It is a worldwide flood as given in the Bible (Gen. 6–8)

"...We've found countless species that are extinct, and you think they all vanished-- and were replaced no less-- in thousands of years?"

Young earth creationists realize that animals became extinct.  They have a better answer than an asteroid colliding with the earth.  It is called a worldwide flood as given in the Bible (Gen 6-8).  After the catastrophic flood the earth changed.  Some species dies out due to these dramatic changes. 

"We've found the evidence, and never once did Fred Flintstone turn up with a dinosaur lawn-mower."

"Were Humans Concentrated in High Density Pockets that Have Not Been Discovered?...

...Today, humans tend to clump together in groups in towns, villages, and cities. In the same way, people were probably not evenly distributed before the Flood. The first city is recorded in Genesis 4:17, long before the Flood. We know that most of the population today lives within 100 miles (160 km) of the coastline. One report states, “Already nearly two-thirds of humanity—some 3.6 billion people—crowd along a coastline, or live within 150 kilometers of one.”

This is strong evidence that the pre-Flood civilizations probably were not evenly distributed on the landmass. If man wasn’t evenly distributed, then the pockets of human habitation possibly were buried in places that have not yet been discovered...

...Think about It—Would You Want to Live with Dinosaurs?...

...Often, people believe that if human bones aren’t found with dinosaur bones, then they didn’t live at the same time. Actually, all we know for sure is that they weren’t buried together. It is very easy for creatures to live at the same time on earth, but never even cross paths. Have you ever seen a tiger or a panda in the wild? Just because animals are not found together does not mean they do not live in the same world at the same time.

A great example is the coelacanth. Coelacanth fossils are found in marine deposits below dinosaurs and in other marine layers that date about the same age as dinosaurs...

...Coelacanths aren’t the only example. We find many examples like this, even with creatures that did not live in the sea. One popular example is the Wollemi Pine, which was fossilized in Jurassic deposits, supposedly 150 million years ago...

...What Can We Conclude?...

...If human and dinosaur bones are ever found in the same layers, it would be a fascinating find to both creationists and evolutionists. Those who hold a biblical view of history wouldn’t be surprised but would consider several logical possibilities, such as human parties invading dinosaur lands for sport or for food, or merely humans and dinosaurs being washed up and buried together.

Evolutionists, on the other hand, who believe the geologic layers represent millions of years of time, would have a real challenge. In the old-earth view, man isn’t supposed to be the same age as dinosaurs. Yet we can be sure that this finding would not overturn their starting assumptions—they would simply try to develop a hypothesis consistent with their preconceived view of history. For example, they might search for the possibility that the fossils were moved and re-deposited.

So, ultimately, the debate is not about the evidence itself—where we find human fossils and dinosaur fossils. Nobody was there to actually observe humans and dinosaurs living together. We are forced to reconstruct that history based on our existing assumptions about time and history, as well as our limited fossil evidence from the rocks.

As biblical creationists, we don’t require that human and dinosaur fossils be found in the same layers. Whether they are found or not, does not affect the biblical view of history.

The fundamental debate is really about the most trustworthy source of information about history. Do we start with the Bible, which God says is true in every detail, including its history, or do we start with the changing theories of imperfect man? God tells Christians to walk by faith and that “without faith it is impossible to please Him” (Hebrews 11:6). But this is not a blind faith. God has filled the world with clear evidences that confirm the truth of His Word and the certainty of the Christian faith. The fossil record itself is an incredible testimony to the truth of God’s Word and His promise to “blot out” all land dwelling, air-breathing animals and humans in a worldwide catastrophe..." Full text:
  Why Don’t We Find Human & Dinosaur Fossils Together?

Response to comment [from other]:  "Which scientists have come up with a theory of divine creation?"

Perhaps you are confused.  God gave the creation account.  This is fact.  Men gave an alternate opinion.  This is theory.  There are plenty of scientists who believe the creation account as given in the book of Genesis. 

"And they were all wrong about cosmology, just as they would have been wrong on a whole range of matters, including quantum physics and the structure of the atom."

No.  The best were God fearing and correct: 

Johannes Kepler (astronomy)

Isaac Newton ("...[U]sed atomism in the 17th century.  for instance, in his development of the corpuscular theory of light" [])

Albert Einstein (quantum mechanics), etc.

"There is an important distinction between these scientists and modern creationists..."


[Honest scientists who are by no means Christian admit that evidence points to intelligent design and a young earth.]  "Name two."


Do real scientists believe in creation?

Some modern scientists who have accepted the biblical account of creation

Do a Google image search.  See if they have evil mustaches.   

Response to comment [from a Mormon]:  "[Y]ou made the statement "'Science' said the earth is flat."  That statement is false. Religionists said the earth is flat. "

Sorry, you have it backward.  I understand that you believe this myth.  Most people do.  We were speaking about ancient Greece.  The Bible (not the Book of Mormon) got it right all along.  I realize that your work it to undermine the Bible.  Go back, then go back farther in history if you are truly interested in the truth.  

Response to comment [from a Mormon]:  "Newton, Faraday, Boyle, and Kepler knew nothing about bacteria or virii..."

Louis Pasteur (referenced earlier) knew a thing or two.  It obviously bothers you that the greatest scientists were God fearing men.  As usual, liberals only argue with ad hominem attacks.  It is easy to dismiss scientists who believe in young earth creation so that you do not have to deal with the facts.    


"...Those who would use historical science (as propounded by people who, by and large, ignore God’s written revelation) to interpret the Bible, to teach us things about God, have matters front to back. Because we are fallen, fallible creatures, we need God’s written Word, illuminated by the Holy Spirit, to properly understand natural history. The respected systematic theologian Berkhof said:

Since the entrance of sin into the world, man can gather true knowledge about God from His general revelation only if he studies it in the light of Scripture, in which the elements of God’s original self-revelation, which were obscured and perverted by the blight of sin, are republished, corrected, and interpreted. ... Some are inclined to speak of God’s general revelation as a second source; but this is hardly correct in view of the fact that nature can come into consideration here only as interpreted in the light of Scripture.
In other words, Christians should build their thinking on the Bible, not on science..."  Full text:
 Could God Really Have Created Everything in Six Days?

Response to comment [from a Mormon]: 

"I'm not at all bothered by God-fearing scientists. I delight to see their faith..."

Is that true?  Do you ever go door to door in an attempt to undermine the biblical faith of others?  If you are so delighted that others believe the Bible, why do you seek to undermine what the Bible teaches in these threads.   

"Your misuse of them [biblical scientists] as witnesses becomes absolutely apparent when we consider other beliefs that those men held."

The discussion only reveals your bias toward biblical scientists.  We have not even begun to discuss their findings or the findings of modern scientists (secular and religious).  The point is, you will not investigate the facts if they do not lean toward your worldview.  This is all too common.  There is much evidence that points to young earth creation.  Even Richard Dawkins admits that the "facts" he would love to give the world have never been observed:

"...We have seen that the Bible does not teach evolution. There is no demonstrable evidence for the big bang, and chemical evolution has failed miserably in spite of evolutionists’ attempts to create living systems in the laboratory. Similarities in the structure found in living systems can be interpreted better as evidence for a common design rather than a common ancestry. In spite of billions of fossils being found, there are no unquestionable fossils that show a transition between any of the major life-forms.

Natural selection (done in the wild) and artificial selection (as done by breeders) produce enormous varieties within the different kinds of plants and animals. It has proved an impossible feat, however, to change one kind of creature into a different kind of plant or animal. The so-called “kind barrier” has never been crossed. Such evolution has never been observed. This has been pointed out by none other than evolutionary Professor Richard Dawkins, who confidently asserted in an interview that evolution has been observed but then added, “It’s just that it hasn’t been observed while it’s happening..."  Full text:  Hasn’t Evolution Been Proven True?

You used the word "witnesses".  That is correct.  Christians are witnesses, testifying to the change Jesus (the Lord--not spirit brother Lucifer) has made in their lives.  We are not lawyers, though at times we must defend the flock from wolves who try to undermine the Bible. 

"Their unbelief in true principles of nature (such as germs, atoms, age of the earth, etc.).."

Ad hominem.  The biblical creationists mentioned (Pasteur, Newton, etc.) had a greater grasp on the natural world than you give them credit for.    

"I am only undermining what you are teaching in these threads.  I trust the Bible.  I don't trust your interpretation..."

What I think is irrelevant.  What God says is all important (Jn 5:47).  If you trust the Bible, then trust the Jesus of the Bible (monotheistic) not the Jesus of Mormonism (tritheistic).

[Pasteur, Newton, etc. ad hominem]  "It is certainly not ad hominem. You have been making the argument that since these guys were scientists, then we can trust their view on all topics..."

Where did I say that we can trust their views on all topics?  For all I know Einstein kicked his cat.  I said that the great scientists of the past have been God fearing men.  Do Bible believing individuals bother you? 

"...I just proved you were wrong."

How is that?

"You have committed the logical fallacy of appealing to authority."

I have made a claim that the great scientists of the past were God fearing men.  The truth of history stands.  Being a liberal, you will now no doubt change the history.  The authority I appeal to is the word of God (Ps 138:2).  Do individuals who trust the word of God bother you? 

"Not only that, but you appealed to an authority that turns out not to be authoritative in the field."

Which field? They were top men in their fields--top men.

"None of those people were scientists in the area of earth sciences..."

So they are not allowed to have an opinion about the origins of the earth? 

Which biblical creationists mentioned bothers you most:  Isaac Newton (dynamics, gravitation, calculus), Michael Faraday (electromagnetics, field theory), Robert Boyle (chemistry), Johannes Kepler (astronomy), Louis Pasteur (bacteriology, immunization) or Francis Bacon, a Bible-believing Christian, developed the scientific method?  (Don’t Creationists Believe Some “Wacky” Things? by Ken Ham).

"...There is no evidence that their view on the age of the earth was any more authoritative than that of the "man on the street" in their day."

Their view is not more authoritative than any man on the street who believed the Bible.  Man's view is irrelevant (Ac 5:29).  God's view is all important.  

There's no debate.  You either believe God's word from the book of Genesis or you don't (Jn 5:47).  It is his universe.  He rules and reigns. 

A man squishes an ant that disturbs his picnic doesn't he?  He has every right.  So too, God will destroy men who refuse to bow to him.  He'll be your rock of salvation (Ps 62:2) or rock of judgment (Deut 32:4).  

Response to comment [from other]:  "I don't think the Serpent even really knows what an "ad hominem" argument is."

Another fine example of the left's use of ad hominem...

"ad hominem:  attacking the person in some way. 

For example:

Attack their expertise, questioning their qualifications or experience
Criticize their physical appearance or dress
Comment on their inability to make a good argument
Point out their junior status
Attack their values as being contrary to social norms
Interpret a minor error as major
Attach them to discredited others


You are not qualified to make such a statement.

You would say that, wouldn't you.

And who do you think is going to believe you.

Of course you will defend your own department.

You mean you have not considered Wikkin's work? That is a serious omission...Full text:  ad hominem

On a side note...The leftist is similar to the terrorist in that he loves ad hominem attacks (Jn 10:10).  CAIR's game plan, for example, is:  discredit, blackmail or distort.  A new book out discusses this:  Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld That's Conspiring to Islamize America by P. David Gaubatz and Paul Sperry.

Response to comment [from other]:  [Attack their expertise, questioning their qualifications or experience.]  "Sometimes it's a matter of the truth."

Then keep on keepin' on then.   But it doesn't help yer argument.

[Comment on their inability to make a good argument.]  "Sometimes...often here...that's the truth, too.

Try to stick to the issues.  I know you can do it.

[Point out their junior status.]  "Often that's the truth, too, especially with regard to science.


[Interpret a minor error as major.]  "A matter of interpretation...[C]reationists think of God's word as major.  [N]aturalists think of God's word as minor.  So, you would see an ad hom['] even if it wasn't one."

This must be why people avoid talking about religion and politics at family gatherings.

[On a side note...The leftist is similar to the terrorist in that he loves ad hominem attacks (Jn 10:10).]  "You're waaaaaay too sensitive...and you also throw generalizations around which are, by your own criteria, ad hominem attacks because you're throwing things at people that don't apply to them."

I am rightly pointing out the similarities between leftists and the terrorists.  The liberal always comes to steal, kill, and destroy (Jn 10:10).  Read:  Liberal Fascism by Jonah Goldberg.  :firechyld

[CAIR's game plan, for example, is: discredit, blackmail or distort. A new book out discusses this. Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld That's Conspiring to Islamize America by P. David Gaubatz and Paul Sperry]  "This is a perfect example of your own hypocrisy-- complaining about ad hominem attacks while conducting your own."

Again, I correctly point out that there are character traits of those on the (not so thoughtful) left [Eccl 10:20] and the terrorists which are similar.  Bad roots--Bad fruits (Mt 7:16).  Perhaps you recognize these tactics in Washington, too? 

Am I saying that all leftists are terrorists?  No.  Am I saying that all politicians are terrorists?  No.  However, people do tend to eventually act on their beliefs (Jn 10:10).   

"[Y]ou can't see your own arrogance...can you?"

Ad hominem.  Since you did not address this thread to anyone in particular, I will not assume that you meant me. 

Response to comment [from other]:  "[W]hy don't you directly deal with the very good science, science of the same caliber that Pasteur or Newton performed..."

That--biblical creationists--Pasteur and Newton performed?  You make my point--your bias will not allow you to interpret the facts any other way.

"To deny an old Earth is to deny the credibility of science. To affirm the credibility of science is to affirm an old Earth."

That would be the logical conclusion for a person with your bias, correct.  Don't let facts get in the way. 

"Is science credible...or not?"

It is a battle over worldviews not science.  The science overwhelmingly points to young earth creation.  But that doesn't matter (Lk 16:29).  You believe man's opinion over God's word.

"[W]hy do you complain about others who follow the word of man when that's all you're doing yourself?"

I believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God (2Ti 3:16).

"[T]he issue is the Truth, isn't it?  [Y]ou...continue avoiding the substance."

Truth is the issue (Jn 14:6).  Science is the friend of the young earth creationist. 


Evolution vs Creation

[I am rightly pointing out the similarities between leftists and the terrorists. The liberal always comes to steal, kill, and destroy (Jn 10:10). Read: Liberal Fascism by Jonah Goldberg.]  "See what I mean? When you use ad homs, you rationalize it. But if others even appear to use the same kinds of arguments, you call it "ad hom".  You're a hypocrite, Serpent."

I made a truth claim.  You may accept it or reject it--either the liberal (Eccl 10:2) comes to steal, kill and destroy (Jn 10:10) or he does not.  Unlike the humanist, I do not make the claim on my own authority.  I make the claim based on the word of God. 

An example of a hypocrite would be a person claiming to have standards when in reality he has none--e.g. the humanist who believes man's opinion over God's word--He has no standard beyond himself.

"[W]hy do you think that your repeatedly avoiding the issues helps your argument?"

I pointed to the science (link provided Evolution vs Creation:  T-Rex BBQ, Trilobite Eye, Evolutionary Transitional Forms, DNA, Ida, Grand Canyon, Worms, Eyeball, Butterfly, C-14 Molecule, Spiral Galaxies, Earth's Magnetic Field, etc.)  But I believe I made the point--the science won't matter.  It is an issue of worldviews. 

"[W]hy don't you directly deal with the very good science, science of the same caliber that Pasteur or Newton performed, that points clearly and unambiguously to an old Earth?"

Did I give radiocarbon measurements obtained by biblical creationists Pasteur or Newton?  No.  Did I give radiocarbon measurements on "dead" carbon obtained by modern scientists?  Yes, earlier in the thread. 

"I've asked you repeatedly to let us know how much thought you've put into this process by explaining the details of the science supporting an old Earth, and then detailing the exact nature of the problems with that science that would justify your continued belief in a young Earth...[T]hen take each one of the details and use good science to rebut them..."

Now I am supposed to make your case?    Seriously though, if I gave you all your little heart desired, would it matter?  (Lk 16:29).  Science is only "good" if it agrees with your worldview.  I believe we've established that.

I went to public schools and was therefore indoctrinated with Darwinian evolution and "millions of years".  I bought it hook, line and sinker like most people--I don't need any more of that education, thank you very much.  I am interested in the truth (Jn 14:6).

"Sheesh, Serpent. You complain about ad homs...but yet the site that you link to has this idiotic comment, which you swallow hook, line, and sinker:  "People must believe in evolution so that they can do what they want. If we are not responsible before a holy God, then we are free to act like animals."

I believe it because I wrote it.   It is not an original thought-- I picked it up from some other brilliant Christian.

"That comment has nothing to do with the issue. The issue is the science itself."

So you say.  I believe otherwise.  I believe that the real issue is one of worldviews--one godless, the other spirit-filled.

[Science is the friend of the young earth creationist.]  "If that's true, then how come no scientists of any repute believe in a young Earth?"

That's your bias showing.  I thought you learned something earlier in the ad hominem section.

"[Y]our site focuses only on errors, and never any mitigation processes for those "proof" that radioisotope dating isn't accurate."

Don't you love the T-Rex though? 

"New studies by the RATE group have provided evidence that radioactive decay supports a young earth. One of their studies involved the amount of helium found in granite rocks... The decay of 238U into lead is a slow process (half-life of 4.5 billion years). Since helium migrates out of rocks rapidly, there should be very little to no helium remaining in the zircon crystals...

...Why is so much helium still in the granite?...Based on the measured helium retention, a statistical analysis gives an estimated age for the zircons of 6,000 ± 2,000 years. This age agrees with literal biblical history and is about 250,000 times shorter than the conventional age of 1.5 billion years for zircons. The conclusion is that helium diffusion data strongly supports the young-earth view of history..."  Full text:
  Does Radiometric Dating Prove the Earth Is Old?

[Truth claim based on word of God] "Uh...and who's authority are you relying on to make the claim that it's the word of God?"

On God's authority [2Ti 3:16].

"Your stated belief is that we shouldn't follow man's word. But...

1) the Bible is a book of stories invented by man, written by man, compiled by man, read by man, and interpreted by man;
2) you're using a man's mind (your own) to make determinations about it..."

I don't accept claim 1 (2 Ti 3:16).

"Van[A]nne's site is nothing but man's word (it's not the Bible, is it?)"

Would it matter if it quoted the Bible?  You reject the Bible.  At any rate, VanAnne's site quotes the Bible.

"[Y]ou're only giving one side of the story...and promoting it as if it was the entire picture."

Evaluate both sides of the issue [young earth, creation, is the Bible true?] and decide for yourself.  I have decided that the Bible is true based on an abundance of evidence.

"[Y]ou're making this perfectly infallible determination with a mind that you acknowledge is imperfect and fallible?"

I make a determination based on the teachings of scripture. 

"[B]elief/faith is the religionist's strongest argument, because it acknowledges both preference and doubt simultaneously..."

Men have a will to chose God or not.  Christians have a faith which can be defended.  It is not a blind have as some have accused.  Most Christians I know have tested everything (Isa 1:18). The Bible has answers to all of life's questions for those willing to take a look.     

"Show us that the story of creation was not invented by humans."

Consider the first verse of the Bible:

"The first verse of the Bible is the foundational verse of the Bible. If the Book of Genesis is indeed the Bible’s foundational book, as shown in chapter 1 then it is obvious that the first eleven chapters of Genesis, which deal with the whole world and with all the nations, constitute the foundation for the rest of Genesis, which deals specifically with the beginnings of the nation Israel.
By the same token, chapter 1 of Genesis is the foundational chapter of these first eleven chapters, since it summarizes the creation of the world and all things therein. Finally, Genesis 1:1 is the foundational verse of this foundational chapter, speaking of the primeval creation of the universe itself. It is the foundation of all foundations and is thus the most important verse in the Bible. It undoubtedly contains the first words ever written, and, since it is the opening statement of the world’s most often printed book, these are surely the most widely read words ever written. Most people at least start to read the Bible and, therefore, most people have read at least these opening words in the Bible, even if they never got any farther.
It has often been pointed out that if a person really believes Genesis 1:1, he will not find it difficult to believe anything else recorded in the Bible. That is, if God really created all things, then He controls all things and can do all things.
Furthermore, this one verse refutes all of man’s false philosophies concerning the origin and meaning of the world:
(1)     It refutes atheism, because the universe was created by God.
(2)     It refutes pantheism, for God is transcendent to that which He created.
(3)     It refutes polytheism, for one God created all things.
(4)     It refutes materialism, for matter had a beginning.
(5)     It refutes dualism, because God was alone when He created.
(6)     It refutes humanism, because God, not man, is the ultimate reality.
(7)     It refutes evolutionism, because God created all things...


This first occurrence of the divine name is the Hebrew Elohim, the name of God which stresses His majesty and omnipotence. This is the name used throughout the first chapter of Genesis. The im ending is the Hebrew plural ending, so that Elohim can actually mean “gods,” and is so translated in various passages referring to the gods of the heathen (e.g., Psalm 96:5).
However, it is clearly used here in the singular, as the mighty name of God the Creator, the first of over two thousand times where it is used in this way. Thus Elohim is a plural name with a singular meaning, a “uni-plural” noun, thereby suggesting the uni-plurality of the Godhead. God is one, yet more than one."
Morris, H. M. (1976). The Genesis record : A scientific and devotional commentary on the book of beginnings. Includes indexes. (39). Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books.

A quote comes to mind from A.W. Tozer, "The doctrine of the Trinity is truth for the heart. The fact that it cannot be satisfactorily explained instead of being against it, is actually in its favor; such a truth had to be revealed, no one could have imagined it."

"The Bible is not such a book as man would write if he could because it condemns him or could write if he would because it surpasses him." ~ Louis Chafer.  What man would come up with the cross (1 Cor 10:32)?  Why can't men dismiss Jesus?  What could turn the apostle Paul from terrorist to evangelist?  These are just a few of the questions that people begin to ask when they consider the claims of the Bible. 


Inspired Scripture

"[S]how us that [the Bible] was written by anyone other than humans."

The Bible was written by men inspired by God (2 Tim 3:16).

Response to comment [from other]:  "Humans wrote the original contents."


How We Got the Bible

Response to comment [from an atheist]:  "Ardi does establish some new understanding of human evolution..."

You're going to tell this precious little baby we see here (avatar) that she comes from a monkey?  How cruel.  

Response to comment [from a Christian]:  "Why is that cruel? Even if it were, does it matter if it is also true?"

Hi PB.  Because if she believes that she came from an animal, what will stop her from acting like one?  Where does one get meaning in life if we are all the product of random processes?  If she goes to public school, they will teach her that science has proved that God is not necessary.  He did not create this universe and life, etc.  She will learn that pain and suffering are necessary parts of life (not an intrusion to life as is biblical).  How could God be loving if she is taught all of this?  Young people are hurting and we wonder why.

There is a creator God and we are responsible to him.  The sooner a person knows this, the better.  Years of pain can be sparred a child if parents will teach kids this.  She needs to know that there are moral absolutes and they come from God.  But instead, she will be taught that all views are equal and valid--but that won't include Christianity because Christianity says that Jesus is the one and only way to heaven (Jn 14:6).  She will learn that truth is relative in an increasingly secular education system and culture.   

Response to comment [from :  "I bet you also believe seat belts are dangerous based on the mountains of evidence and cases of death caused by seat belts."

False analogy.  Ad hominem:  distracting from the argument. 

Response to comment :  "...their a priori position."

You've got it backward.  Believing in evolution takes blind faith:

"If real science supports the Bible’s claims about an eternal Creator God, then why isn’t this readily accepted? Michael Behe answers with this:

[The]...most powerful reason for science’s reluctance to embrace a theory of intelligent design is also based on philosophical considerations. Many people, including many important and well-respected scientists, just don’t want there to be anything beyond nature. They don’t want a supernatural being to affect nature, no matter how brief or constructive the interaction may have been. In other words ... they bring an a priori philosophical commitment to their science that restricts what kinds of explanations they will accept about the physical world. Sometimes this leads to rather odd behavior...."  Full text:  Is There Really a God?

"You are picking and choosing evidence and discarding the rest..."

Ad hominem.  Naturalistic evolutionists have the same empirical data as biblical creationists.  They interpret the data differently.

Response to comment [from a Christian]:  "ToE doesn't pretend to be a source of moral guidance...Finding faith is something that must be done individually."

Moral authority comes from God in scripture.  We are commanded to repent (Eze 18:30-32; Ac 17:30) and believe (1 Jn 3:23).

"You can't try and put the burden on science or science teachers to reconcile the ugly realities of this world with the search for meaning and the Divine."

Schools in America began with that purpose in mind.  How the mighty fall.

"...[I]t is unconstitutional to teach give preferential treatment to anyone's pet theory..."

False.  Our founding fathers encouraged the Christianity to be taught and promoted in public. 

The Bible is a "pet theory"?  What is it about the name of Jesus that bothers you?

"That may make you uncomfortable but it is our responsibility to teach science and history as they are..."

Man's opinion vs. God's word. 

Response to comment [from an atheist]:  "My daughter does not come from a monkey. She...shares a relatively recent common ancestor with all other higher order primates."

Did you just call your daughter a primate?

"I am certain my daughter will be able to understand this fact...and that she will be able to work to negate the willful ignorance that you embody."

Man is made in God's image (Ge 1:27; Isa 45:12).  I pray she does not follow your instruction (Jer 9:14; 1Pe 1:18) or example (Eze 20:18; Am 2:4).

Response to comment [from an atheist]:  [...ranting] "I'd rather be a monkey."

I can tell.

Response to comment [from a Mormon]:  [Ad hominem]  "Serpentdove, those are not ad hominem fallacies. You need to understand those terms if you want to pepper your posts with them..."

Memento Mori accused me of "picking and choosing evidence and discarding the rest..."  This is an attempt to attack--not the issue--but the person (in this case me).  It is an ad hominem attack and it is false.  

"No that would be an attack on your methods and scholarship not on your person or beliefs."

First of all, I am not a scientist so I do not pick and choose evidence to keep or discard.  Insinuating that I intentionally deceive is a personal attack (ad hominem) and a weak argument. 

Memento Mori said ""You are picking and choosing evidence and discarding the rest..."  Focus on the issue not the person.   

Why don't you just say "thank you" for the fact that I pointed it out. Now you know better.

Response to comment [from a Mormon]:  "To charge someone with failing to look at all the evidence is a perfectly reasonable and entirely relevant issue."

Does Memento Mori know what evidence I have considered?  No.  That is why it is best to stay on the issues themselves.

"You are mistaking the ad hominem fallacy for any negative statement about an opponent."

An ad hominem attack is a negative attack on an opponent.  It is attacking the person not the issue.  

"If you are ignoring evidence that works against your conclusion, it is extremely relevant..."

That's a big "if".  I, like most people, was indoctrinated with naturalistic evolutionary teaching.

"The fact that such an action (if it is true) on your part may indicate something negative about you (your sloppiness, lack of skill, deceptiveness, stupidity, ignorance, or whatever) doesn't invalidate the charge or render it fallacious or irrelevant."

You could spend your time accusing me of:  being sloppy, having a lack of skill, being deceptive, being stupid, being ignorant, etc. (which is typical of the left) or you could focus on the issues.

"...[I]f he were to accuse you of being a racist or a sex offender as part of his attack on your views of the age of the earth, such a thing would indeed be an ad hominem fallacy."

If I get to choose between:  being sloppy, having a lack of skill, being deceptive, being stupid, being ignorant, etc. or being a racist or a sex offender...I 'bout stay on the issues.

"For example, every time you have brought up the fact that I am a Mormon, your have committed the ad hominem fallacy."

To be accurate, you could accuse me of poisoning the well.  And you would be correct.  I claim that Mormon teaching is poison and I warn others about the poison of your false teaching.  If anyone swallows it, they will die (Jude 1:4).  People can accept or reject this.   

"It is irrelevant to the issues of the scientific evidence for the age of the earth and evolution..."

You're right.  But when you discuss God--who he is, why he came, why man was created, what is man's purpose--then I must challenge you.  Jesus is the creator (John 1:3, 10; 1 Cor. 8:6; Eph. 3:9; Col. 1:16, 17; Heb. 1:2, 10; Rev. 3:14).  You are free to discuss anything but I should also be free to call you on the points where you depart from historical, biblical Christianity.  

"[I]t is simply your way of dismissing what I have to say or to garner support from others reading this thread who may have negative feelings about LDS Christians."

I do not wish to dismiss you.  It is my hope that you come to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus (Jn 1:1).  When you make a claim as you just did:  "LDS Christians" I must clarify to the reader that Mormons are not Christians.  Because Mormons deny the deity of Jesus (Jn 1:1-3), that puts them in the kingdom of the cults.  The reader will accept or reject this.  You will accept or reject this.    

"If you want to respond logically, you will challenge him on what evidence it is that he thinks you are ignoring, and then you will deal with..."

Present the evidence.

"If you want to run and hide, accuse him of ad hominem and then pretend that it is Mori that has the problem."

He has no problem if he stops using ad hominem attacks.  

["An ad hominem attack is a negative attack on an opponent. It is attacking the person not the issue."]  "This statement proves that you don't know what you are talking about. Please educate yourself. Ad hominem is an irrelevant appeal to something about the person."

Yep, that too.

"There are many, many instances in a debate where something negative about a person is absolutely critical."

Right, like a Mormon discussing the nature of God and Jesus' relationship to his disciples.     

"I could give you hundreds of examples where saying negative things about a person was exactly on target, perfectly relevant, and thus not an ad hominem fallacy."

Um hmm.  And charging me with not having reviewed the evidence would be false. 

"Please respond. Are you ignoring evidence and, if so, why?"

The answer was "no" then.  It is "no" now. 

"The accusation against you [picking and choosing evidence and discarding the rest] is entirely relevant to the discussion at hand and to your claims and arguments."

It would be relevant if it were true.

[Poisoning the well]  "To be accurate, "poisoning the well" is generally a kind of ad hominem fallacy..."


"...But in this case you brought up my religion after we had already started discussing the issue, so it really isn't a good example of "poisoning the well.""

I called you on your false teaching.  We warn others when wolves are in their midst (Mt 7:15).  If they don't believe me, then one like you comes knocking on their door and then they are ready for a lie (2 Thess 2:11).

"So you now admit that your arguments were off-topic, irrelevant, and fallacious..."


"You brought up my religion to side-track the discussion about the age of the earth and to attack me personally." 

You are free to discuss the age of the earth all you'd like.  When you mix truth with error, people should know that Mormons do not come from a biblical worldview (Ga 5:9).     

Response to comment [from an atheist]:  "Yes, my daughter is a primate and so are you as well. We humans are all primates. Are you uneducated?...Keep praying, it will do about as good as it does now for you.

"[H]e was saying that you are choosing the evidence that you will discuss and the evidence that you will not discuss. That's no accusing you of deception, that's stating distrust in your method."

The reader will decide what to accept and what to reject.  I try to stay on topic and discuss issues that are relevant.  

"By calling it an ad hom and blowing him off you're just proving that he is correct to distrust your method."

I call an ad hominem an ad hominem.  If you distrust my "method" there is nothing to speak about.  You are free to dialogue with someone else.

Mori is within his rights to question your intent. If you are not trying to intentionally deceive, you should call him on the assertion and explain exactly why you have chosen to ignore evidence that contradicts your claim.

I reject his assertion.   You are free to accept it.  The reader will decide for him or herself.

"You really need to take a college-level course in logic, Serpentdove. It seems that you have a superficial, google-level understanding of logic, rhetoric, structured arguments, and so forth. It is clear that you don't know the meaning of the words you are using."

"Judging from your track record you are either willfully ignorant, delusional, or not very observant. This is not an ad hominem, it is a valid criticism based on the evidence you have supplied."

Ad hominem.  Are you making any argument?

"You present a site that openly admits to only ever taking note of evidence that supports what they expect to find. As a consequence, no amount of evidence could change their mind. It follows that evidence is not their concern...Why would you regard this as authoritative if you were interested in the evidence?"

Ad hominem.  Discuss the issues not the people presenting them.  And, you've got that backward. 


Protecting Evolution Regardless of the Evidence

"[S]erpentdove obviously applies the same silly standard to accept or reject evidence in making his decision regarding this issue."

Ad hominem.  What standards to you use to accept or reject evidence?  If the evidence does not affirm your worldview, will you consider it?

"[C]alling a person stupid would not be an ad hominem fallacy if a person's stupidity were relevant to the argument."

Ad hominem.  I know you can get through a sentence without the use of an ad hominem attack. 

"Oh, sure, a theory about God that doesn't require amazing leaps of faith in an ancient book."

Believing the Bible does require faith (Jn 20:29). 

"SD, why do you only use AiG?"

I do not only cite Answers in Genesis.  They do answer the top 25 questions (discussed at ToL from time to time).  There are other reputable sites as well: 





Heavens Declare

His Glory Blogsite

Evolution Fairy Tale

NW Creation

"You have no science background..."

You did not address anyone.  Am I to assume you mean me?--Again.   If so, ad hominem.  Address the issues.  Anyone can present them.  For example, a man can have an opinion about the morality of murdering children even though he's never had a child. 

"Whether you intentionally deceive or deceive's still deception."

If you believe I am out to deceive, there is nothing to discuss.

"You make yourself an issue..."

I would love to not be the issue.  In fact, if you would stop making me the issue, that would be helpful.  

"...your own ignorance and hypocrisy."

Ad hominem.  If I am an ignorant hypocrite then why discuss anything with me? 

"...your own assertion that this stuff is not about the evidence, but rather "worldview"."

I believe the real issue to be one of worldviews.  You may accept or reject that claim.

"That's a direct claim that you are the issue, not science..."

You can make me the issue or you can look at the science.

"Serpent...if you can be such a hypocrite without really realizing it...just imagine what else is going on inside of that head of many other false ideas..."

Ad hominem.

"When you post the assertions of a source, it is not an ad hominem to question their authority on legitimate grounds."

You are free to question their authority--and you have done that.  If you question the authority of the scientists at Answers in Genesis or other young earth creationist sites, fine.  I do not call their authority or credibility into question.  They are reputable.  Let the reader decide. 

"...[T]he MO of a site like AiG means that we have very good reason to suspect that they do not have good grounds."

You suspect them.  I do not.  I suspect that they bring an honest challenge to the claims of evolution and an old earth.

"They are categorically incorrect on many counts.."

You believe this.  I do not.

"[S]ince if we point this out you will just churn out another AiG article..."

If you reject any evidence that Answers in Genesis submits, then what is there to discuss?  Let the reader decide which theory seems more reasonable based on the evidence.

"So if we can establish that they have a dishonest approach to the evidence..."

I realize that you would like to discredit them altogether.  You are free to believe what you'd like.  I do not hold their theories in disrepute.  It is helpful to discuss issues-- not websites or people (ad hominem).

"...and you start quoting sources that are honest, we can start having a meaningful discussion."

I believe that the biblical creationist scientists present honest facts.

"I described how science works..."

And you got that scientific method from a Bible believing Christian (Francis Bacon).  Do you reject his work as well? 

"...and it has mechanisms of accountability in it to protect it from the sort of behavior that AiG admit to engaging in."

Provide a statement from Answers in Genesis where they declare that their methods of evidence gathering are deceitful. 

"Science does not have a pre-existing commitment to evolution."

You have a commitment to reject young earth creation.  Why would scientists be any different?  I believe that worldviews are at issue when it comes to interpreting empirical data.  You may accept or reject that claim.

"If it is shown not to be the best model for the evidence there is, it will be replaced by the best model."

You'd think.

"But AiG can never, ever, admit that their model is wrong, no matter what the evidence is."

They never stop asking questions and formulating theories.  It's a ridiculous charge.

"They have a commitment to their version of events, not to the evidence."

They interpret empirical data differently than those who believe in naturalistic evolution.  To my mind, young earth creationists present a far more reasonable theory.

"...when AiG gives an overview of evolution, they do so in such a way as to sweep under the carpet all of the evidence that does not fit their viewpoint..."

You believe they are out to deceive.  I do not.

"It is unbalanced, dishonest, and completely unscientific."

I don't think so.  Again, I think you have it backward.


Protecting Evolution Regardless of the Evidence

"Serpentdove has made it absolutely clear that (1) he hasn't a clue about what the ad hominem fallacy is..."

Alleged Certainty.

"... and (2) he hasn't a clue why his sources are being attacked and dismissed."

I understand why you attack (Jn 15:20) and dismiss the sources (Eze 13:19).

"It is both amusing and painful to watch him squirm about on this and other threads with his dreadful and tiresome "ad hominem" mantra..."

Ad hominem.  Did you have a topic for discussion in there?

"And serpent, here's something you seem to have me and the scientific community wrong on:  I have no commitment to evolution.  If it is wrong, either in part or completely, as it stands, then I want to see it corrected as soon as possible.  If there was evidence for a different model that outweighed evolution, I would be all behind it.  I am interested in investigating the natural world to increase our understanding. That is it. That is all." 

Good. :thumb: Never stop asking questions (Isa 1:18). 

"[Y]ou are declaring that, first, one decides what the truth is then, second, he interprets the evidence in the context of that decision."

"Even if all the data point to an intelligent designer, such an hypothesis is excluded from science because it is not naturalistic."  —Dr. Scott Todd, Kansas State University, Nature 401(6752):423, Sept. 30, 1999...Proverbs tells us that the fear of God, not science, is the beginning of knowledge..."  Full text:  What Is Science?

"This assertion by you makes you the issue..."

Only if you make me the issue.  So, don't make me the issue.

"...your underlying premise."

I believe the Bible.  Many fine scientists have believed the Bible too.

"Your own premise...that it's a matter of faulty to begin with.  You are creating your own problem...and then blaming everyone else for it."

I am offering a counterargument.  You are free to accept it or reject it.  And you can do all of this without brining Answers in Genesis or me into the picture.

"You are your own enemy here...not everyone else."

You make me an enemy for your own reasons (Gal 4:16, Eze 13:19).

" have made yourself the topic...and then you blame others for "ad homs" when they call it to your attention."

I call an ad hominem an ad hominem.

"If you make yourself the topic...then it is on-topic, and not ad-hom."

I do not make myself the topic.  You make me the topic.

"If you want the topic to be something other than yourself, then focus on the actual science..."

Imagine that.

"[T]hat is, real science, not cherry-picked, strawman-infused, half-truth AIG science...and we will, too."

Great.    Let's talk about science.

Young earth creationists are of course "real" scientists as well.  They reevaluate evidence all of the time. 


Can Creationists be “Real” Scientists?

War of Worldviews

"[S]cience...starts out without making unnecessary assumptions and looks for the best model."


Science and Bias

"[C]an you explain to me in your own words what the first article you linked to has to do with mutations in yeast coding genes?"

I do not care to debate with you.  You have a counterargument to your claims.  


The Natural History of Retroviruses Exogenization vs Endogenization

A Review of Mitoribosome Structure and Function Does not Support the Serial Endosymbiotic Theory

"I'm starting to think you're about as wise as a dove and as intellectually honest as a serpent."

Ad hominem.  Let the reader decide.

[Science and bias]  "Talk about blatant misrepresentation of the meaning of hypothesis in the scientific method."

Now Answers in Genesis is even wrong about science and bias?  Anything they say on any subject must be wrong.  Your bias is showing.  You believe what you want to not the truth.  There is nothing else to discuss.   

"So all major scientists in the world are being dishonest?"

Of course not.  All scientists have the same empirical data.  It is the interpretation of that data that is at issue.  

"They should put at least a little bit of effort into offering theories which are scientifically based."

You'll only agree with them when they agree with you.  It is not truth you are after. 

"[Young earth creation] basis in science."

Empirical data is the same.  It is the interpretation of that data which is at issue. 

" appeal to authority."

It is an example of your picking and choosing what to believe.  Who is dishonest.  Who refuses the truth?  You may believe that you are intellectual but the real intellectuals of history have believed God:  Socrates, Bacon, Galileo, Newton, Pasteur, Einstein, Werner Von Braun. 

When men love to be lied to (Eze 13:19), they cannot be helped.  

"Why don't you just answer the question about Bacon's opinions on the topics mentioned? Can't do it?"

It wouldn't matter because truth is not appealing to you. 

"At first I was surprised, then amazed, then amused, now bored."


"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed.  Third, it is accepted as being self-evident." -- Arthur Schopenhauer, German philosopher (1788 - 1860)


[Former debates with young earth creationists]  "He and I went head to head a number of times."


Each time you choose to believe what is untrue it has consequences (Ga 6:7). 



"[S]omeone who hasn't even bothered to give himself the most rudimentary education in what ToE actually is..."


I do not know a person not educated in Darwinian evolution.


"...proclaiming the hokum on AiG as absolute truth..."


I claim that the Bible is true.  Answers in Genesis provides scientific answers for those willing to hear and understand the truth.  People have believed lies in the theory of evolution.  It is not fact.  It is man's theory.  Most people do not want their beliefs challenged.  That is why all the hostility toward Answers in Genesis.  If the Bible is true, then men are responsible to a holy God. 


You are committed to the truth that you want to be true.  That is why any biblical answers are refused.   


Response to comment [from other]:  "Not everything posted at AIG is wrong. That's your bias showing, not mine."


You believe something that Answers in Genesis states?  Pray tell, what is that?


Response to comment [from an agnostic]:  "[Y]our claim that new information cannot be added..."


That is correct:  "Not even one mutation has been observed that adds a little information to the genome [Ibid., 159–160]..."  Full text:  Is There Really a God?


If you believe you have facts that prove differently.  Please state them.   


Response to comment [from a Christian]:  [It takes more faith to believe in "molecules to man" evolution, than it does to believe God in the Bible.]  "Faith in what exactly?"


When you reject God, you believe man's next best guess.  That is faith--misplaced faith--but faith no less.  



Response to comment [from a Mormon]:  "I pointed out that there are vast throngs of Christians who believe that the Bible is God's word but that the creation story is not to be understood literally, all you can say is that those other Christians are evil and believe lies..."


People go to heaven or hell based on a right relationship with Jesus Christ (the true Jesus, not the Mormon Jesus who is tri-theistic, a created being, and the spirit-brother of Lucifer).  People do not go to heaven or hell based upon their belief about origins.


I do not call Christians (believers) evil.  I call false teachers (make-believers) evil.  As usual, being a false teacher, you are mixing truth with error (Ga 5:9).


[You sure work hard to undermine Christianity and the Bible. No surprise there (Eph. 4:14).]  "Ad hominem."


You could call scripture an hominem attack against false teachers.  So be it.   


"...your particular brand of Christianity..."


There are no brands of Christianity (Jn 14:6).  Christianity is a person, Jesus--not a cult or 'ism. 


Response to comment [from a Mormon]:  "I am looking for evidence for a 6,000 year old earth."


Start here.




Deflating "Millions of Years"


Response to comment [from a Christian]:  "So far all I've seen is links to AiG..."


So far, I've only seen you attempt to undermine the word of God yet you claim to be a Christian.  Being that you do not have a biblical worldview, why do you call yourself a Christian?  You say you believe that Jesus is the Son of God but so what.  Even the demons believe that and they are going to hell (Jas 2:19).  What evidence can you give us that you are a Christian?



Response to comment [from an atheist]:  "serpentdove, what are your educational qualifications? I'd like to know."


For what purpose? 

"You claim to be educated in the ToE, yet you seem to not be able to show that you grasp even a rudimentary understanding of it."


Who does not know this theory? :idunno:  You would have to have lived under a rock to not have been exposed to the theory of evolution.  Education is not the problem.  Heart trouble is the problem.   


"Also your understanding of formal logic is superficial as evidenced by PaulMcNabb, PlastikBuddha and others."


So you say.  I'll take God's wisdom over worldly wisdom any day (1 Cor 1:25).


"I would really like to know what you have studied and where."


I am sure you would.  You are so generous in dialogue toward Christians.  I am sure you are dying for another pearl of our wisdom (Mt 7:6).  

"This is not an ad hominem attack on you. Maybe if we understand where you are coming from, we can collectively as a group work to help you gain an understanding of our viewpoint instead of dismissing you as being a willfully ignorant person."


Your sincerity is dripping into your trough. 



Response to comment [from a Mormon]:  "[T]here are vast amounts of data that are simple ignored by creationists..."


Creationists are lying about the empirical data?


"...creationist arguments are making no attempt to support a hypothesis that explains all the facts."


Creationists come up with theories every day just as secular scientists.  Why do you dismiss them?  Because they believe the Bible? 


"creationists are looking for evidence that supports a certain hypothesis..."


They are vindicated by what they observe in the natural world.


"...and not dealing with most of the evidence that contradicts the hypothesis."


Why don't you do a little research into who has bigger problems--the naturalistic evolutionist or the young earth creationist.


Like your cult, when error is laid next to truth, they appear the same (Ga 5:9).  Remember, Satan has no raw materials.  He must mimic reality.  With a little research and a lot of repenting (Mt 6:33), you will find that this theory of evolution is not even a good lie.


Response to comment [from an agnostic]:  "Science offers a way to test various interpretations against each other..."


You can thank a Bible-believing Christian for that, Francis Bacon.


"Your side is not practicing science..."


You keep saying the same thing.  Keep thinking.  I know you can get it. 


"...the kind of resistance you show to good science..."


Is science only "good" if it agrees with your godless worldview?  Keep thinking.  You can do it.


"...[I]t only took the church 400 years to forgive Galileo for being right. You're even slower than that."


When you say "the church" do you mean legalistic faiths or Bible-believing Christians?  The true bride of Christ is an organic body of believers worldwide.  Christ is the foundation not Rome (1Co 3:11; Eph 2:20; 1Pe 2:4,5).  Galileo was a Christian.  It is unlikely that those who persecuted him knew the Lord.


"The last inquisition period is known as the Roman Inquisition and it was established in 1542 when Pope Paul III established the Holy Office as the final court of appeals in all trials of heresy. This group was made up of cardinals and other officials whose task was to maintain and defend the doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church. This group played an important role in the Counter-Reformation, and it was also this body that condemned Galileo for “grave suspicion of heresy” and banned all of his works in 1633 for teaching that the sun was the center of the universe and that the earth rotated around it. In 1965 Pope Paul VI reorganized the Holy Office and renamed it as the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and it remains in effect today..."  Full text:  What Were the Inquisitions?


Meet "Ardi" Our 4.5. Million Year Old Ancestor