"Body of Christ" = "The Church"
Your religion
has nothing to do with Christ
"If your religion has not changed your life, you'd better change your religion."
~ Adrian Rogers
[Exchanging Religion for an Eternal Relationship with God by Mike Gendron
Proclaiming the Gospel Ministries] "Nineteen years ago we began inviting all the
Roman Catholics we knew into our home to
watch a video called Roman Catholicism: Crisis of Faith. The video explains the
difference between belonging to a religion and having an intimate relationship
with God. Former priests and nuns shared how our Sovereign Lord opened their
eyes to see and believe the Gospel of grace. Every Tuesday night we had a
different group of Catholics watch the video. Their responses varied from one
extreme to the other. Some stormed out of the house very upset and offended, but
others stayed to ask questions. We invited the truth seekers to return on
Wednesday nights for a Bible study on the Gospel of grace. Within three months
we witnessed 17 Catholics exchange their religion for an eternal relationship of
peace with their all-sufficient Savior. God was glorified as His Spirit and His
Word brought forth new disciples for His Son! " Full text:
Exchanging Religion for an Eternal Relationship with God
"Woe to you...hypocrites! For you shut up the kingdom of heaven against
men...[and don't] allow those who are entering to go in (Mat
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Jesus predicted the spread of his message throughout the world.. not the construction of a monolithic church that worships his mother and only mentions him casually..."
You mean you won't be sending
this Christmas card out?
Ex 20:2,3;
Deut 5:7
No Mary Worship
[Sky quote: "The Holy Bible 66 Books..."] "...[O]r not..."
Why Isn't the Apocrypha in the Bible?
Did Constantine Decide What Books Belong in the Bible?
What Occurred at the Council of Nicea?
Did the Roman Catholic Church Give us the Bible?
What is the origin of the Roman Catholic Church?
"...[T]he Catholic Church has never taught the divine "worship" of Mary..."
"Whether the practice is described
as "worship" or "veneration," or any other term, the problem is the same...."
Full text:
No Mary Worship
Also see:
your Christmas card something look like
There's a twist.
"...The bronze serpent raised up by Moses in the wilderness serves as a symbol
of the saving power of Christ on the cross (John 3:14). By His
crucifixion and resurrection, Christ has crushed the head of the serpent
(Gen. 3:15; Rom. 16:17–20)." [Emphasis added]. Youngblood, Ronald F. ; Bruce, F.
F. ; Harrison, R. K. ; Thomas Nelson Publishers: Nelson's New Illustrated Bible
Dictionary. Nashville : T. Nelson, 1995
[The Exchange of Religion Proclaiming the Gospel Ministries] "The apostle Paul not only exchanged his religion for an everlasting relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, he considered all his religious accomplishments worthless rubbish. If anyone had reason to boast and be proud of his religious status, it was Paul, "a Hebrew of Hebrews; as to the Law, a Pharisee; as to zeal, a persecutor of the church; as to the righteousness which is in the Law, found blameless" (Phil. 3:5-6). Yet, he considered all this contemptible compared to changing his relationship with God from one of enmity and hostility to one of peace and harmony (Phil. 3:7-11; Col. 1:20). The notable religious credentials, which he once thought profitable, were actually worthless and damning to his soul (Luke 18:9-14)." Full text: The Exchange of Religion
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "...[S]implicity of Christ"
God is good (Phil
[The Bondage of Religion Proclaiming the Gospel Ministries]: "True
disciples of Jesus are those who have been set free by the truth as
they abide in His Word (John
8:31-32). Those who do not know the
truth will continue to be enslaved to the bondage of religion.
Throughout history, the goal of every religion has been to control
people. This has been accomplished with religious traditions,
legalism, pride and deception. One example of this fierce religious
loyalty is a comment we hear so often from Roman Catholics: "I was
born a Catholic, and I will die a Catholic." Yet, true conversion
can only take place if they confess: "I was born a sinner and will
die a saint." And what a way to die! By God's amazing grace, saints
are elected in Christ (Eph.
1:4), called to Christ (1
Cor. 1:9), have believed the truth
about Christ (Rom.
10:14-17), have turned to Christ in
repentance (1
Pet. 2:25), are justified by the
blood of Christ (Rom.
5:9), are united with Christ (Gal.
2:20), are being transformed into
the image of Christ (2
Cor. 3:18), are being kept and
preserved by Christ (1
John 5:18) and will one day gain
the glory of Christ (2
Thes. 2:14). Why would anyone chose
to be enslaved to religion when they can become a blessed and
privileged slave of the Lord Jesus?"
The Bondage of Religion
Repent of all your religion.
[The End of Religion by Mike Gendron Proclaiming the Gospel
Ministries]: "The Lord Jesus Christ never came to start a religion,
in fact He put an end to the only religion God ever ordained.
Ironically, the rulers of this God-ordained religion had become so
corrupt they plotted to murder their Messiah (John
11:53). There was no
more need for religion after Jesus, the perfect and eternal High
Priest offered Himself, the perfect sacrifice, to a perfect God who
demands perfection. The veil that once separated sinners from their
holy God was torn open from top to bottom (Mat.
27:51). The one
mediator between God and man provides access to the Father (1
Tim. 2:5). By faith in
the shed blood of Jesus, repentant sinners can enter into the
presence of God with confidence (Heb.
10:19-20). No more
religion, no more priests offering sacrifices for sin and no more
religious rituals or ceremonies. In place of religion, the risen
Savior mediates a relationship with God through faith in His one
sacrifice for all sin, for all time (Heb.
Christianity in its purest form is not a religion but a
Spirit-sealed relationship with the God of all creation. Catholicism
is Christianity in its most debased form. It became corrupt when it
denied the finished and all-sufficient work of Jesus and perverted
His Gospel. This warped Gospel of works leads people to a Christless
eternity. To avoid deception, Christianity instructs people to study
the Bible and believe what God says. Religion, on the other hand,
requires people to believe what man says God says. When people
without discernment, submit to men who are naturally prone to error,
they are easily deceived. Catholicism tries to overcome this by
declaring its popes are infallible in matters of faith. Christianity
is when God's children follow the Lord Jesus, the only one who is
immune from error. I will never forget what my uncle, a Catholic
priest of 58 years, said after I read to him Scriptures refuting
Catholic traditions. He said, "God doesn't mean what He says there;
let me tell you what He really means...The fiercest opponents of
Jesus and the most influential pawns of Satan were the spiritual
rulers of Judaism." Full text:
The End of Religion
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "...[S]traightforwardly false statement..."
Mary was a sinner. She needed a savior (Lk 1:46).
[Repent of all your religion (Ga 1:6-8).] "Repent of yours..."
We don't have a
We are saved by grace
alone (Eph
2:8-9), through faith alone (Eph
2 Ti 1:10), in Christ
alone (Isa
Ac 4:12). Roman Catholics
deny this (Jude
[The Deception of Religion by Mike Gendron Proclaiming the Gospel Ministries]:
"When you ask most religious people what they are trusting to gain entrance into
heaven, they rarely mention the name of Jesus. That's because their religion is
ultimately the object of their faith. They trust their self righteous clergy and
their religious works and rituals to keep them heaven bound. Tragically, they
cannot see the glory and sufficiency of Christ Jesus. They have been blinded
from the truth of the Gospel by religious indoctrination, a most effective tool
of Satan (2
Cor. 4:4). His primary goal is to confuse
people by corrupting and mangling truth as much as possible. Many victims of
religious indoctrination are content to blindly trust their unregenerate
spiritual rulers, who are willfully ignorant of biblical doctrine and are more
interested in holding onto their power than seeking the truth. We have found
that indoctrination is so powerful that many Catholics refuse to engage in
conversations about spiritual issues with non-Catholics. I recall, as a young
indoctrinated Catholic, how "lucky" and proud I was to be born into what I was
told to be the one true church. I felt sorry for Protestants who were not as
"lucky" as I was. So blinded by Catholic traditions, I did not realize my zeal
was misdirected. I was honoring God with my lips, but I was submitting to
another Lord - a pope." Full text:
The Deception of Religion
Get yourself a savior (2 Ti 1:10).
[The Attraction of Religion Proclaiming the Gospel Ministries]: "One of the
primary attractions of a religion is its appeal to the flesh. The world tells us
that “seeing is believing,” that we must see before we can believe. This
explains why it is so easy for religious people to believe what they can see or
touch. Catholics worship and consume the Eucharist, a "god" they can see. They
go to a priest they can see to receive sacraments they can see to merit the
graces necessary for salvation. They light votive candles as a visible sign of
their offerings. And yes, they bow down and pray toward statues they can see.
Those who have a relationship with their Savior walk by faith not by sight (2
Cor. 5:7). Since faith is the conviction of things not seen, we fix our eyes not
on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what
is unseen is eternal (Heb. 11:1; 2 Cor. 4:18). Jesus said only those who believe
will see the glory of God (John 11:40).
All religions teach that you must do things to appease their god or gods. Every
religion has a works-based system of righteousness that instructs its followers
as to what they must do to achieve spiritual blessings. This checklist mentality
appeals to the natural man, but man's best efforts are but filthy rags in the
sight of a holy God (Isa. 64:6). Many do their good works because of their zeal
for God but they are ignorant of what God's righteousness demands (Rom. 10:1-4).
Christianity is set apart from all religions because its founder has done
everything necessary for repenting sinners to have a right relationship with
God. Spiritual blessings are available by God's grace to all who trust what
Jesus Christ has accomplished through His sinless life, death and resurrection.
All religions say "DO" but true Christianity says "DONE." Those who desire an
eternal relationship with God must trust in what has been done by the Lord
Jesus, apart from anything they do for Him (Ephesians 2:8-9)." Full text:
The Attraction of Religion
[We don't have a middleman.] "Nope, you go right to Self..."
We go to him (Heb
4:16). We don't trust our own righteousness (Ga
Ro 3:20). We trust his (Ro
[The Loyalty of Religion by Mike Gendron Proclaiming the Gospel Ministries]:
"Religion stirs up a passionate loyalty to its rulers instead of to the Lord
Jesus Christ. Who can forget the images of Pope John Paul II's funeral?
Thousands of misguided Catholics stood in long lines for up to 18 hours to
venerate a dead man with an unbiblical rosary in his hands and a twisted
crucifix by his side. What a sharp contrast to those who have an everlasting
relationship with the only Holy Father. They refuse to listen to the voice of
robbers who are out to steal and destroy their souls. They flee from them and
instead follow the voice of the Good Shepherd who gave His life for His sheep
and calls them by name (John
10:3-11). They come to Him for eternal life
mourning over the sins that nailed Him to the cross. They recognize their
unworthiness to be in His presence, yet they rejoice in the hope they have in
His Word (Psalm
130:5). Christ and His Word are so connected
that one cannot have a relationship with Him apart from His Word (John
Those who desire to have a relationship with the true God must seek Him from the
only infallible source for truth. All religious teaching...must be tested for
veracity by searching the Scriptures (Acts
17:11). Those who cling to religious teachings
while rejecting God's Word will be condemned on the last day by the very Word
they rejected (John
12:48). Conversely, those who believe the
Scriptures have been born again through the incorruptible seed which is the Word
of God (1
Pet. 1:23). As children of God, it is their
ambition to be pleasing to the one who set them free from the bondage of
religion (2
Cor. 5:9-10).
...[W] must take the same approach Jesus did by refuting religious error and
opposing those who spread it. Religion can never save anyone, in fact it cuts
them off from God and the saving power of the Gospel (Rom.
4:2-8). Let us exhort
those who are enslaved to their worthless and empty religions to become
privileged slaves of the Lord Jesus Christ." Full text:
The Loyalty of Religion
"...[S]erpent, as he denies and rejects Christ's own Body, the historic Church..."
False premise (Eph
"...[L]et’s examine the Roman Catholic claim that it is the “first church.”
Nowhere in the New Testament will you find the “one true church” doing any of
the following: praying to Mary, praying to the saints, venerating Mary,
submitting to a pope, having a select priesthood, baptizing an infant, observing
the ordinances of baptism and the Lord’s Supper as sacraments, or passing on
apostolic authority to successors of the apostles. All of these are core
elements of the Roman Catholic faith. If most of the core elements of the Roman
Catholic Church were not practiced by the New Testament Church (the first church
and one true church), how then can the Roman Catholic Church be the first
church?" Full text:
What was the first / original church? Is the original / first church the true
The Roman Catholic Church is an apostate church (Rev.
A Scriptural Response to: Biblical Evidence or Catholics St. Joseph
"You do not need a faith plus works. You need a faith that works." ~ Jim Andrews
“[S]erpent has already been thoroughly refuted on this point above.”
Non causae ut
causae (claiming victory despite defeat)
Liberal protestant churches are
guilty as well.
[Wooing the World into The Church Proclaiming the Gospel Ministries]:
“Proponents of the church growth movement have developed attractive gimmicks and
techniques to invite the world into our churches. Their thinking is this: "If we
can get the world to like us, maybe they will like our Savior." Their approach
to post-modern ecclesiology has been labeled "seeker-friendly" or, more
profoundly, "sinner-friendly." Jesus is being disguised to make Him and His
Gospel "less offensive" to seekers. Their goal is to make sinners feel
comfortable by giving them what they want instead of what they need. Their
strategy is to throw soft balls at non-Christians rather than challenge and
confront their unbelief with convicting truths from Scripture. As the goats are
being entertained with this nonsense, the sheep of the Shepherd are being
deprived of His Word.
We must ask where does God's word tell us to woo the world? Did not Jesus say,
"The world ... hates Me because I testify that its deeds are evil" (John 7:7)?
James wrote: "Whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy
of God" (James 4:4). Church history confirms this and we should learn from the
past. The churches and denominations which made friends with the world began a
downward slide into apostasy. By trying to woo the world, they had to compromise
their preaching, tolerate sin and immorality and abandon nearly every doctrinal
position they once held.
Those who remain faithful to the Gospel will be an offense to the world because
the Gospel is inherently offensive. Christ Himself is offensive to all who
reject the truth. He is "a stone of stumbling and a rock of offense" (1 Peter
2:8). The message of the cross is also a stumbling block and foolishness to
those who are perishing (1 Cor. 1:18; Gal. 5:11). Tragically there are
multitudes who profess Christ but cannot articulate the Gospel's basic elements.
What is left for the church if it can't communicate the only message that brings
forth life?
The decline of doctrine (and ultimately the ability to discern) occurs in our
churches when anyone of three things take place. First, when drama and
entertainment become more important than preaching the word. Secondly, when the
pastor's goal becomes "making people happy instead of holy." You know this is
taking place when he shifts his sermons from "this is what God says" to "this is
what I think people want to hear." Thirdly, when the pastor spends more time
addressing "felt needs" over "spiritual needs." Eventually these churches become
filled with gullible people who believe their lovable pastor is speaking for
God. Might they consider a quote from A.W. Tozer who said: "Gullibility is not
synonymous with spirituality. Faith keeps its heart open to whatever is of God,
and rejects everything that is not of God."
Wooing the World into The Church
Response to
comment [from a Catholic]: "A Catholic Understanding of Christian
Christ's Church = the "Body of Christ" (Eph. 1:22-23)
Christ's Church = the historical, hierarchical Catholic Church (Mt. 16:18-19)
Thus, to be part of the "Body of Christ"---to be a "Christian"---is to be part
of Christ's historical, hierarchical Catholic Church"
The church belongs to God not Rome (1
Ti 3:15). Christ (not Peter) is the
foundation-stone of his church (1
Co 3:11;
Eph 2:20;
1 Pe 2:4,5).
Christ (not the Pope) is the head of his church (Eph
5:23). The church was
purchased by Christ's blood (not your "good works" [Ac
Eph 5:25;
Heb 9:12]). The church is
sanctified and cleansed by Christ (not your priest) [1
Co 6:11;
Eph 5:26,27].
The church is subject to Christ (not the Pope) [Ro
Eph 5:24].
Eph 1:21-23 J. Vernon McGee
16:18 J. Vernon McGee
A Scriptural Response to: Biblical Evidence or Catholics St. Joseph
"The church belongs to God not Rome"
You removed the
scripture from my quote (Eph
4:14). The church belongs to God not Rome (1
Ti 3:15).
"Straw Man Fallacy."
Would you like
to retract this statement:
SD: [Christ is the head of his church….The statement is true or it is false.]
Cruciform: "It's false..."
2 Pet. 2:1
"Christ (not Peter) is the foundation-stone of his church"
You removed the
scripture from my quote (Eph
4:14). Christ (not Peter) is the
foundation-stone of his church (1
Co 3:11;
Eph 2:20;
1 Pe 2:4,5).
"False Dilemma Fallacy."
Same question as above.
"Christ (not the Pope) is the head of his church"
You removed the scripture from my quote (Eph 4:14). Christ (not the Pope) is the head of his church (Eph 1:22; 5:23).
"False Dilemma Fallacy."
Same question
as above.
"...[Y]ou desperately need to take an 'Introduction to Logic' course before you embarrass yourself further."
[You removed the scripture from my quote (Eph 4:14).] "That's because your misinterpretations and misapplications of the Bible are absolutely irrelevant..."
That's because you are deceitful (Eph 4:14).
[SD: Christ is the head of his
church….The statement is true or it is false.
Cruciform: "It's false..."
2 Pet. 2:1]"Would you
like to accurately quote your statement..."
The quote is exact.
"...[O]r do you intend to continue lying?"
Proof please.
Understand the spirit of antichrist (1
Jn 4:2-6).
The Jesus test, the gospel test, and the fruit test
of Christ" = "The Church"