Buying Votes
A cup of cool water in Obama's name.
Did Obama Buy California Congressmen's Votes with Water to the Central Valley?
"...[I]magine everyone's surprise when the Department of the Interior announced
yesterday that it is dramatically increasing the water supply to the valley's
parched lands. And what a coincidence, now the two California congressmen who
were once "undecided" are being moved over into the "yes" column..."
Full text:
Did Obama Buy California Congressmen's Votes with Water to the Central Valley?
Chicago meets Washington...
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "And this is news how? Just more political horse-trading, just like what's been going on since the foundation of the country. Nothing new under the sun."
You're right. I just had to point it
Can we agree that man cannot rule and reign?
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: [Mocking]
"...Seriously- is there nothing derogatory you read or hear about Obama that you
won't swallow hook, line, and sinker, serpent?
You have compliments for him?
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: [SD believes] "Some random guy on the internet who just happens to say whatever I want to hear."
you're just still bothered about what scientists supposedly observe in creation
(though they don't observe what you believe they do).
FYI, God's word is more trustworthy than your senses. See how generous I am
making "senses" plural just for you PB? Don't say I never compliment liberals.
You can walk and chew gun at the same time (Heb. 5:14). Keep looking (Ps 19:1).
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Hate to
tell you but Washington taught Chicago everything it knows."
If we throw all the bums out, do you believe that bums behind them will be
worse? Ex 23:2.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "There's a good possibility that
37 states are going to be involved in lawsuits, suing the govt."
Very interesting. I'm glad states will assert their
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "You have no idea what scientists observe, so your comment is puzzling."
We've been over this. You believe all creation scientists lie. I do not.
"All you know is what AiG tells you..."
All you know is what secular scientists tell you.
Again, same data. Different interpretations.
You have bad roots (Mt 7:16) so naturally your fruits will be bad too (Mt 7:17).
Modernity & Postmodernism An excerpt from The Truth War: Fighting for Certainty in an Age of Deception by John MacArthur
"You have no interest in science..."
Creationists love science. It vindicates the Bible.
"...only propaganda and talking points."
Christians believe the Bible. Jesus affirmed the scriptures (Ge 1:1; Mt 24:21). Are you calling him a liar too?
The world was created in six normal days (Ex 20:11, 31:17). The Bible gives no reason to believe otherwise.
People will believe God's word (revelation) or man's
opinion (speculation). I believe the former. You believe the latter.
"How can you read God's word without using your senses?"
Use your senses properly (Heb. 5:14).
"You should try thinking these things through before you post more stupid."
You'll need the Holy Spirit to think correctly (Isa 11:2; 40:13,14).
Jesus loves you (Jn 3:16). Jesus is willing to save you (2 Pe 3:9). Repent (Eze 18:30-32; Ac 17:30). Believe (Mk 9:23).
Response to comment [from a "Christian"] :Commie: "What is that supposed to mean?"
That is a hammer and a sickle. This symbol represents the fruits of bad thinking (Mt 7:17).
"Charles Darwin thought he could explain life without God. For 35 years, he was sickly--hating God, hating his father, hating everybody. He effectively said, how do you have a creation without a creator?--so he thought. The theory of evolution is the next best guess of the mind and the man that rejects God.
Charles Darwin was not the first to come up with the theory of evolution. Aristotle and others toyed with the idea of evolution. Darwin sought to explain all of life without God.
Frederick Nietzsche got an idea from Darwin. He said that men could be made into "super men".
A mad man got an idea from both Darwin and Nietzsche, his name was Adolf Hitler. He sought to make an Arian race of superior men. In his book Mein Kampf Hitler said, "I have a right to eliminate an inferior race that breeds like vermin." These men rejected God and believed the lie of evolution.
In 6000 years of recorded history in religious wars about 3 million people died and that's regrettable. Hitler and Stalin, who rejected God, alone are responsible for the deaths of 57 million people.
We are talking about all religious wars: Muslims, Hindus and oriental religions. If you talk about religious wars that involve "Christians", it's about 1.8 million. If you are talking about those who are Bible-believing, what we call Evangelical Christians, it is less than 1/4 million. Those who reject God--57 million and the number is growing." Edited Notes based on Adrienne Rogers Sermon: Can An Intellectual Believe in God?
"Charles Darwin was not the first to come up with the theory of evolution. Aristotle and others toyed with the idea of evolution. Darwin sought to explain all of life without God..." full text: Can An Intellectual Believe in God?