Can We Recognize
[Can We Recognize
Inspiration? by Steve Ham]
"If anyone ever asks me a way they can find out how the bible is really true, my
answer is always the same: read it. Scripture has a ring of truth that no other
book can even come close to.
As we read through the New Testament, we see that many of its authors refer back
to the Old Testament Scriptures. This is part of the seamless message of Christ
throughout the entire Bible....[P]eter had clearly seen the ring of truth in the apostolic teaching
of Paul. Many of us can sympathize with Peter that sometimes Paul’s writing is
hard to understand. It is deep and rich and steeped in strong theology. But
there is also something that Peter does not deny. Some people have twisted
Paul’s words “as they do also the rest of the Scriptures.” Peter clearly
recognized that Paul’s words were the inspired Word of God. It was not left up
to any council 300 years later to decide the inspiration of Scripture. This was
already decided and confirmed.
God spoke through men moved by the Holy Spirit to bring His Word to the world.
Peter recognized a godly wisdom in Paul’s writing. This was the philosophy of
the unique Omniscience that can only come from the unlimited God and not from
vein human deceit. Paul’s wisdom in matters of the human condition—his
understanding of grace, faith, mercy, justice, and forgiveness—were of no human
comprehension; His appointed apostolic authority leaped from the pages as moved
by the Spirit of God. Peter also recognized that only the wretched human
condition was capable of twisting those words to change a message of true hope
into a message of destruction.
Peter read the words of Paul and recognized the ring of truth that is consistent
throughout the entire Scriptures. It is that ring of truth that we should all
become very familiar with in order to recognize the deceivers of our own day."
Can We Recognize Inspiration? Ham.
Is the God of the Old Testament the same God of the New Testament? Does God's character change? Should the church be divided over Peter and Paul debates? What type of meaning should the Christian pour into the word "omniscience"?