Does a Christian, who is not in fellowship with God make sense to you?
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Through the years of debate, discussing, etc... I've noticed a trend for someone to feel the more Christian clichés they knew the better their faith. ...[T]o be in fellowship you must walk in the light..."
Take Barbarian.
He would have you believe that he is not a racist; yet, he believes in Darwinian
theory. If you ask him about his beliefs (e.g. Did "special" monkeys
develop along special lines?
Are some people groups farther along the evolutionary line than others?
Why is it wrong to be racist?
he doesn't not have much to say.
When you are indwelled with the Holy Spirit, you are indwelled with the the
spirit of truth (Ac 17:26). Our values are based on scripture which is a solid
foundation (Jas 1:18). Some may attempt to
talk the Christian
talk but they do not walk the Christian walk (Jn 16:13). They are frauds.
"Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive
out hate: only love can do that." ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.
"...[I]f you are still in the flesh, the Spirit does not yet in dwell you."
The Holy Spirit
leads us into all truth (Jn
16:13). We understand
the make-believer's
worldly reasoning but we reject it (Heb
And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness
comprehended it not [John
"That word “comprehend” is an unfortunate translation. And a wiseacre did not
help it by rendering it, “and the darkness was not able to put it out.” That is
no translation at all. The word in the Greek is katelaben, meaning actually “to
take down.” It is the picture of a secretary to whom the boss is giving
dictation, and she stops and says, “I can’t take that down. I am not able to
take it down.” The light shines in darkness and the darkness is not able to take
it in. That is it exactly. Someone said to me, “Boy, was I in darkness before I
received Christ! And I don’t know why I didn’t see.” Well, that is it: you were
in darkness and you did not see. The darkness just cannot take it in.
Now this is something quite interesting, and it is not true of physical light.
You go into a dark room, and the minute you switch on the light, the darkness
leaves, it disappears. Darkness and light cannot exist together physically. The
moment you bring light in, darkness is gone. The minute light is taken out,
darkness will come right back in. But spiritual light and darkness exist
together. Sometimes there is a husband who is saved and a wife who is unsaved—or
vice versa. Here is a believer working next to another man who says, “What do
you mean when you talk about being a Christian? I do the best I can. Am I not a
Christian?” There you have light and darkness side by side and the darkness just
cannot take it in. That is exactly what is said here, “The light shineth in
darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.”"
McGee, J. Vernon: Thru the Bible Commentary. electronic ed. Nashville : Thomas
Nelson, 1997, c1981, S. 4:373
Response to comment [from a Muslim]: "Does a believer who does not have eternal life make sense to you?"
[1 Jn 5:13] "What do you think that means?"
I think it means that we are eternally secure.
Once Saved Always Saved?
Eternal Life
"I believe in the assurance of the believer, and I believe in the non-assurance of the make believer." ~ J. Vernon McGee
"...It[']s apparently saying your walk new be changed before we are in fellowship within God. That doesn't mean you aren't saved. It means people led you to believe a claim that [J]ohn clearly shows not to be accurate here. Not everyone saved is yet in fellowship with God.......yet..."
We come to the
Lord as we are. Justification is a one-time event. Throughout our life, we are
sanctified and one day we will be glorified.
1 Jn 5:3 J. Vernon McGee
"Most in the west believe of they say they believe that is enough. But 5:18 says if [you] are born of God, you will not sin. Can't make that claim yet."
We have yet the
remains of sin in us (Ro
Ga 5:17)--except Nick.
We know that whosoever is born of God sinneth
not; but he that is begotten of God keepeth himself, and that wicked one
toucheth him not [1
John 5:18].
"“We know that whosoever is born of God sinneth not.” As we have seen in this
epistle, you and I have two natures: an old nature and a new nature. That new
nature will not sin. It never sins but has a desire for God and for the things
of God. That old nature will sin, and it is because of it that a believer does
“But he that is begotten of God keepeth himself, and that wicked one toucheth
him not.” This is another verse which makes me believe that the child of God can
never be demon possessed. I believe that Christians can get to the place where
they are oppressed by demons, but if they are actually demon possessed, I would
question their salvation—even though they may think that they are born again.
Why? Because “greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world” (1
John 4:4). The Holy Spirit would not be
dwelling where a demon was."
McGee, J. Vernon: Thru the Bible Commentary. electronic ed. Nashville : Thomas
Nelson, 1997, c1981, S. 5:820-821
Also see:
Ro 7:17-7:24 J. Vernon McGee
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Aye, the words are true mate, but your narrow, eieigetical [sic] self-serving interpretation of them creates a conundrum...."
You've seen the
new Johnny Depp movie.
"Is life the breath of life, or Is it the blood. Your inerrant book says both, doncha know..."
Move over Sophocles (Ingraham). :rolleyes: Understand the difference between soul and spirit:
"...[S]oul is/was that life spark..."
Did you get this theology from
Optimus Prime.
"New agers call this, energy..."
How do you measure this energy?
Proof please.
New Age
[How do you measure this supposed energy?] "No clue..."
You'll need
more proof.
The Bible is true. Read it.
What is a Biblical Worldview?
a Christian, who is not in fellowship with God make sense to you?