Response to comment [from other]: "Dogs are not members of a family and if you consider a dog to be your best friend where does that leave Messiah? You are an idolater."
Jas 1:17
Response to comment [from other]: "The word dog in scripture always refers to Gentiles, but the manner in which it is used is useful when attempting to understand the contempt in which both were held. Jews were often heard to say they were eternally grateful not to have been born a dog or a woman."
A gentile, a slave or a woman. Not a bad prayer. 1 Pet. 3:7, 1 Sam. 25:3–42, Luke 7:38–50
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Gentiles ate Jezebel's corpse?"
...And then
there are those. Prov. 7:10
[Not a bad prayer. 1 Pet. 3:7, 1 Sam. 25:3–42, Luke 7:38–50] "I am fully aware of those scriptures and I am also aware of the context in which they are written and to whom they were and indeed are directed. Were you attempting to make a point? If so try making it instead of picking random scriptures and posting cartoons."
"Well, excuse me." ~ Steve Martin
Women are
weaker (1 Pe 3:7), understanding of
them is rewarded (1 Sa 25:3–42),
they are completely devoted (Ge
3:16, Lk 7:38–50). The rest, I shall
leave for you to figure out.
[Referring to self in third person] "Truster does not hate any animals. What he does detest it the manner in which pets are treated as idols, given human names and treated as family members. What he does truly hate is when people deny that they commit the sin of idolatry and will show hatred to a fellow human being who dares to speak out against the sins. Turn or burn."
So you'd
really hate this.
"Go and do a study on the term idol and idolatry."
...And this
would perturb you.
...And this
you would find this simply
"What I hate is people like you who
prefer to mock piety in favour of
When an
individual makes his personal
preferences another's obligation
it's called legalism.
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "I think it's silly when people act like dogs and cats are people. Especially when they hate children and then treat dogs like children. But idolatry? Seriously? Companion animals should remind us that God loves us."
Adrian Rogers spoke with a couple at their home and noticed that they treated their dog over and above with TLC. He commented they showed such love to their animal--what a shame it was that they didn't have a child to pour all of that love into. The wife left the room in tears. The husband told the pastor that they did have a child and he died. The reason they treated the dog so lovingly was because their child loved that dog. They believed that loving the dog was a small way to honor the memory of their son.
"I don't find it in keeping with Acts 20:20 and I find your particular flavour of hypocrisy vile."
Polka dots aren't profitable?
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "I've never seen anyone hate dogs as much as Truster. The only others I know of are cats and Muslims, and I doubt he's a cat."
Is that it?
Response to comment [from other]: "I used to breed and train German Shepherds. I was as much a dog lover as anyone on TOL if not more so. I was then converted and my love is now directed elsewhere. I have been where you are, but you couldn't possibly imagine what happens when a man is saved."
Converted to
Response to comment [from a Christian]:
And Nathan
said to David, Thou art the man.
Thus saith the LORD God of Israel, I
anointed thee king over Israel, and
I delivered thee out of the hand of
And I gave thee thy master’s house,
and thy master’s wives into thy
bosom, and gave thee the house of
Israel and of Judah; and if that had
been too little, I would moreover
have given unto thee such and such
things [2 Sam. 12:7–8].
"It took courage for Nathan to say
this to David. In my judgment he is
the bravest man in the Bible. I know
of no one who can be compared to
him. He said, “David, you are the
guilty one.” What is David going to
do? He is going to do something
unusual, I can assure you of that.
Dr. Margoliouth has said this: “When
has this been done—before or since?
Mary, Queen of Scots, would declare
that she was above the law; Charles
I would have thrown over Bathsheba;
James II would have hired witnesses
to swear away her character;
Mohammed would have produced a
revelation authorizing both crimes;
Charles II would have publicly
abrogated the seventh commandment;
Queen Elizabeth would have suspended
Nathan.” Years ago, the Duke of
Windsor would have given up his
throne for her. We have had some
presidents who would have repealed
the Ten Commandments and appointed
Nathan to the Supreme Court. David
did not do any of these things. His
actions will reveal his greatness.
God would have given David anything
his heart wanted, but David longed
for something that was not his. The
new morality today says it was not
sin. God still says this is sin, and
the man after God’s own heart cannot
get by with it." McGee, J. V.
(1991). Thru the Bible commentary:
History of Israel (1 and 2 Samuel)
(electronic ed., Vol. 12, p. 240).
Nashville: Thomas Nelson.
"Your judgment is warped if you think Nathan is the bravest man in the Bible."
It's a
"2 Sa 12:1–14 Psalm 51 records
David’s words of repentance after
being confronted by Nathan over his
sin with Bathsheba (cf. Ps. 32,
where David expresses his agony
after Nathan’s confrontation)."
MacArthur, J., Jr. (Ed.). (1997).
The MacArthur Study Bible
(electronic ed., p. 442). Nashville,
TN: Word Pub.
Veggie Tales: King George & the Ducky
Yes, it took
courage on Nathan's part.
Thankfully, David responded
correctly and we have Ps. 32 and 51.
We love our pets and they love us (2 Sa 12:3).
I'm sure Adam enjoyed snuggling up with a Leopard (like Putin ) but the
leopard was not suitable (Ge 2:20). God gave him a perfect mate (Ge 2:22).
"It's a good thing." ~ Martha Stewart Pr 18:22