Don't Mess with Texas
[Texas executes 500th
person since state resumed carrying out
death penalty in 1982 by Juan A. Lozano]
"Texas marked a solemn moment in criminal
justice Wednesday evening, executing its
500th inmate since it resumed carrying out
capital punishment in 1982..." Full text:
Texas executes 500th person since state
resumed carrying out death penalty in 1982
Another One Bites the Dust
- Queen
Man convicted of double murder is second
Texas execution this week
God and the Death Penalty
Also see:
Response to comment [from other]: "Is that you dancing on graves?"
I love when the lights dim a little in my hotel in Texas. That means they've just used the electric chair (Don Imus, paraphrased). Eze 13:19
TX prison system running out of execution
God and the Death Penalty
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "It is extremely grim and very disturbing to be happy and have a smiley dancing about someone being executed..."
Having "guts" to
commit a crime? Are you suggesting that that
is a good thing?
Should criminals receive biblical punishment
for: murder (Exodus
kidnapping (Exodus
bestiality (Exodus
adultery (Leviticus
homosexuality (Leviticus
being a false prophet (Deuteronomy
prostitution and rape (Deuteronomy
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "This does not display a person who has the heart of God."
They should have been
put to death sooner. If they run out of the
execution drug,
a rope will do
just as well.
God and the Death Penalty
Showdown: Texans
Organize 'Troop Training' Counter Op
Hundreds of
residents to keep tabs on military
Surveillance teams
shadowing troops
NYT: Memories of Waco Siege Continue to Fuel Far-Right Groups
Texas Permanently Bans Sharia Law
Ge 16:12,
Jer 7:6, GWT
Reply to
[Claims there is revival in Texas because he is here
I found
one God-fearer presently in Texas 6,998 to go.
We’re going to be big! 1 Ki 19:18
Reply to
Steven Scuba Is for Christ
Forsake your cigarettes, your cussing, your fornicating…
We don’t go to heaven or hell
based on smoking cigarettes.
We go to heaven or hell based on a right
relationship with Jesus Christ (Jn 10:10).
Reply to DAR- Edwards
All the people I know including all family members, will only go to church for a funeral, wedding or christening.
[Funeral] It’s the only time
when people will listen.
Texas shuns BlackRock, other leftist firms for support of radical climate ideology