Big Climate
Climate Change Alarmists
Net Zero
[Al Gore explains why he’s optimistic about
stopping global warming] "...Well, I think
the most important part of it is winning the
conversation. I remember as a boy when the
conversation on civil rights was won in the
South. I remember a time when one of my
friends made a racist joke and another said,
hey man, we don’t go for that anymore. The
same thing happened on apartheid. The same
thing happened on the nuclear arms race with
the freeze movement. The same thing happened
in an earlier era with abolition. A few
months ago, I saw an article about two gay
men standing in line for pizza and some
homophobe made an ugly comment about them
holding hands and everyone else in line told
them to shut up. We’re winning that
The conversation on global warming has been
stalled because a shrinking group of
denialists fly into a rage when it’s
mentioned..." Full text:
Al Gore explains why he’s optimistic about
stopping global warming
Am 8:5
"All left wing hysterias involve bigger
- Dennis Prager
Ge 8:22
Homosexuality is: forbidden (Lev.
18:22), considered an abomination (1
Kin. 14:24), punishment for (Lev.
20:13), unclean (Rom.
Planet X
One World
Department of
Martial Law
US Department of Agriculture
Agenda 21
New World Order
Big Banking
Police State
Surveillance State
Department of
China Rising
National Debt
Save the King
Borders, Language,
Trump & Conspiracy Theories
Freedom of Speech/Press
Study: Wind farms killed 67 eagles in 5
Response to comment [from an atheist]:
"...Gore makes a clumsy comparison and some
magnificent birds are killed by windmills,
so therefore global warming is a myth?"
is warmed by
the sun.
So is Mars.
Global Warming
Study: Wind farms killed 67 eagles in 5
Response to comment [from a Muslim]: "You
are by far the most ignorant member of this
Ad hominem
"...[Y]ou have a lot to learn from Gore..."
"I'm super cereal."
"...[W]hat was the point of the OP?"
To thank Al Gore for inventing the internet.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Earth Gains A Record Amount Of
Sea Ice In 2013 — ‘Earth has gained 19,000 Manhattans of sea ice since this date
last year, the largest increase on record’. Raw data available. Unlike the
climate gate hoaxers trying to pull of socialism via made up weather."
"Being on the Left means never having to say you're
~ Dennis Prager
Eccl 10:2,
Jn 10:10
Al Gore 'extreme' weather and other "extreme events'
LA Times Will Not Publish Letters from Global Warming Deniers
Gore wades into Oz debate linking bushfires and climate
Atlantic hurricane season quietest in 45 years
Aussie PM: carbon tax is 'socialism'
Wind Turbines Blamed in Deaths of 600,000 Bats in '12
Solar Panels Fry Birds Along Major Migration Path
Prairies vanish in the US push for green energy
Islamic groups using 'global warming' fears to increase recruitment
Liberty, Free Markets and Peace
Green energy could crash power grid, officials say
President allows wind farms to kill more eagles
Global Warming: Coldest Temp Ever Recorded -135.8°
Reddit bans comments from global warming skeptics
2013 Will Finish One Of Ten Coldest Years In US History
Global Warming Researcher Gets Stuck in Ice
Ice that Al Gore said would be gone by this year
Out: 98% of Network Stories Ignore That Ice-bound Ship Was On 'Global Warming'
Climate Change Groups Seek New Leadership as Movement Loses Steam
Al Sharpton dons white lab coat, explains global warming
bay froze so quickly -- fish swimming in it froze solid
Coldest Month in Century
CNN's Tapper to Obama: What Happened to Lowering the Oceans? Were You Naïve?
"Being on the Left means never having to say you're
sorry." ~ Dennis Prager Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10
Two-thirds of U.S. submerged in snow, ice, rain
House launches 'climate hubs'
Alaska Warmer than Lower 48 States
4,406 record cold temperatures in January; 1,073 Snowfall records
Great Lakes Record Ice Cover
Most Ice in 20 Years
Over two-thirds of continental USA covered
Gore warns Kansas: 'Dust Bowl coming back, quickly, unless we act'
Report: 'Green energy' buildings in D.C. consume more power
Falls Freezes
Global Warming Will Not Cost the Earth, Leaked IPCC Report Admits
Crackdown ordered on UK climate skeptics
The Snowiest Winter
'Global warming' biggest science scandal ever
Al Gore: ManBearPig Deniers
Must be Punished
Middle schoolers trudge through snow storm to hear 'global warming' speech
FEMA toys with denying disaster funds for states that doubt global warming
Lefty lawmaker warns: Climate change makes women prostitutes
Response to comment [from a Pinko Commie]:
"Those skeptics of 'global warming'
tend to have the same "mind set" on other issues."
True (Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10).
Left vs. Right: Political and Religious Divisions
Time's up: UN scientists issue 8 year tipping point to act on 'global warming'
Climate Alarmists Fudge Data to Eliminate 18-Year ‘Pause’ in Global Warming
Obama plans more 'executive actions' on environment
...Will use IRS
Ge 8:22,
Ex 20:15
warn sun will 'go to sleep' in 2030
Temperatures to plummet
Iran Win, Obama Plans Aggressive Action On Climate
Response to comment [from a Christian]:
"It's a sad statement on our society
that Al Gore didn't become irrelevant after his failed Presidential bid."
Al Gore is always relevant. He invented the
betrayed this country. He played on our fears." ~ Al Gore
Scientists Ask Obama To Prosecute 'Global Warming' Skeptics
Francis: Addressing
Climate Change "Can no longer be left to a future generation" Ge
8:22, 2
Pet. 2:1
Pope Francis: 'Revolution' needed to combat climate change
"All Americans, from every background and every faith, value the role that the
Catholic Church plays in strengthening America." ~
Barack Obama
One World Government/Religion
Top International Lawyer: Make Climate Change Illegal And Silence Skeptics
John Kerry Predicts Millions Of ‘Climate Refugees’ Will Need Special Status
Gore: 'Global warming' making people dumber
UN planning court for 'climate justice'
Top meteorologist who questioned global warming fired
Exxon Investigated for 'Climate' Crimes
Ge 8:22
Bolivia gives legal rights to the Earth
Cassidy and the Sundance Kid arrive in Bolivia
Response to comment [from other]:
"The fired person was NOT as meteorologist,
rather he was a journalist-presenter. You really should check what you post for
at least a plausible level of accuracy.
article states he is a "top French
[Believes error in article]
"Ten seconds on Google/Wikipedia reveals..."
Wikipedia is not a source to be used. Anyone can edit
"...his bio as a journalist and TV weather presenter. (Don't tell me that
warming denier site '' is misrepresenting the guy's credentials
for a headline! Tell me it ain't so!)."
Kinda funny lookin' ~ Fargo
"That's why I used it to find the guy's home page..."
You can wait outside his front door, too.
hosting 24-hour live climate webcast from Eiffel Tower
Feed cut after 5 hours; terror interrupted
Prince Charles: 'Climate change' root cause of Syrian war
Scientist Declared 'Global Warming' Caused Hitler
"Our biggest threat is
those who say that global warming is our biggest threat." ~ Dennis Prager Ge
8:22, Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10
Response to comment [from a Christian]: ""
I'm cereal. ~ Al Gore, South Park
Who's the dumb one? Obama reacts to Trump climate criticism
Climate Negotiators Hail 'Historic' Paris Draft Agreement
Ps 83
Blow to fossil fuels
Satellites to police gas emissions
BBC removes radiohost after mocks 'warming'
Head of Russian Orthodox church quizzes penguin on Antarctica visit
White House Warns ‘Thousands to Tens of Thousands of Additional Heat-Related
Deaths’ Coming from Climate Change
Prof.: 'Climate change deniers deserve punishment'
Ge 8:22
They are similar in that they all seek to achieve a sense of their own
self-worth and self-righteousness by denying and belittling the worth of
They don't buy into your climate hysteria (Ge 8:22).
Global Warming
As a reminder PureX is number 37 on
Satan, Inc. (TOL Heretics list)
"The 'Jesus is not God' people (Non-trinitarians) category.
Dem AGs, climate change groups colluded on prosecuting dissenters
Bill Nye Warns Moviegoers to Shun Climate Skeptic Film
Weather Channel founder slams 'pretend scientist in bow tie'
An Inconvenient Review: After 10 Years Al Gore’s Film Is Still
Alarmingly Inaccurate
Dem AG Targets 90 Conservative Groups in Climate Change Racketeering
School board bans 'climate change-denying materials'
‘It’s Not Fair’ Obama Apologizes For Western Civilization’s
Contributions To Climate Change
Also see:
Ex-HAARP Engineer Reveals Links Between HAARP, CERN, Wind Turbines,
Fracking & The Space Fence
Obama: Prepare to
Flee Climate-Caused
Hurricane Devastation
Vatican Telescope
Obama [Gog]
Planet X
Obama Warns: Manhattan Will Be ‘Underwater’ If We Don’t Act On Climate
Planet X
News Flooding NYC]
Climate changes.
Why do you think that is?
Obama Falsely Links Fires to Climate Change at Yosemite
Warns Mark Zuckerberg: Planet Will Be Under Water if World Doesn’t Change
Scientists FlipFlop Back to Global Cooling?
If you're not going in the rapture (
no oil in your lamp foolish virgin), better head for
safe space.
Like a Virgin
~ Madonna
Planet X
First meat-free city?
...Protect environment
One World Government/Religion
No Mary Worship/No Dirt Worship
Believe the Lie
Obama Attendance at Paris 'Climate Change' Conference Cost Taxpayers
Scientist Predicts 'Global Cooling' Ahead
Climate Alarmist: Why won't you believe my propaganda?
George Soros paid Al Gore millions to lie about global warming
I clicked on your link an 15 user trackers loaded onto my computer.
Are you getting paid per click?
terrible. You'd better
(Ro 14:4, Ps 105:15) report me
--or you could get Norton.
...Petrochemical billionaires, the Koch brothers, have funded
Americans for Prosperity, The Heritage Foundation, the Cato Institute,
and the Manhattan Institute, all of which continue to lie about
global warming.
Explain what's happening to the planet. We're all
Why is NASA predicting earthquakes by the way?
Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10
Lyin' NASA: The Donald &
Isn't that for Windows viruses and trojans and other malware? Your link used
multiple trackers — different things.
Then you have a case to make.
"Truth is hate to those
who hate the truth." ~ Bob Enyart
Mk 9:41,
Dan 10:13,
Ps 105:15,
Ro 14:4,
Mk 6:11,
Is 45:24,
Re 12:10,
Mt 13:7,
Jud 1:9
Your link doesn't seem to mention NASA. Do you want to
try again?
You'd have to read a little
closer. Or, you could use the Google.
You directed me to a site that uses fifteen as time as many trackers
that can track you across multiple sites than ToL uses.
It can't be worse than Breitbart.
...I only asked if you were getting a cut for the personal data you were
directing their way.
No and you're welcome.
Truth is hate to
those who... disagree with Bob. To be more accurate.
I disagree with
What's your point?
Why should I do your work? You made the
claim, after all, and you linked me to a page of links, and none appeared to
mention NASA as you claimed.
The link
works fine. You didn't read the thread.
Like mama's special pasta sauce--it's in there.
You believe it's Al Gore. I believe it's
something else.
Some scientists in NASA have made a prediction that there will be a
99.9% chance of an earthquake 6.0 or larger in California before April
Because it's space-related.
Between now and Dec if it's this year.
First, the left coast.
Obama: Climate Change ‘Could Mean No More Glaciers In Glacier National
Park,’ Threaten the Statue of Liberty
I found the original paper, and it turns out (who'd of guessed?) that it
is not "NASA says..." paper but one written by a bunch of geologists,
and some author credit was given to JPL (a division of NASA) because
they supplied satellite imaging and GPS resources and expertise.
But I'd bet that you haven't even skimmed the paper's abstract, have
you? How can you tell it's a lie when you have no understanding of what
the paper says? Numpty.
Your article is from 2015.
He was probably referring to
this article (18 Aug 2016). And no, I do not look to NASA for the truth.
You can disagree with it all you'd like. The issues isn't--is it
coming. The issue is--why is it coming? You think it's the fat, windbag. I
don't. Ge 8:22
I do not
look to NASA for the truth
] read them, it'd save me time pointing out the blindingly obvious all
the time.
It'll get obvious for you
soon--between now and December.
[Obama: Climate Change ‘Could Mean
No More Glaciers In Glacier National Park,’ Threaten the Statue of Liberty
Ge 8:22] Third hand scientific quotes are
sooo 20th century. Original sources are IN.
You believe
CIA operative Barry.
I do not.
1 Thess 5:3
... I prefer reality...
get some reality (1
Thess 5:3).
Professors tell students drop out if dispute 'climate change'
Jn 8:36
University of Colorado Bans Free Inquiry of Students Questioning Global
You believe it is man-caused global warming.
I do not.
"I prefer clarity to agreement." ~ Dennis Prager
Planet X
Silence the
Obama tells DiCaprio climate change 'contributed' to Syrian war
Al Gore Declares Climate War on Donald Trump
UN bans skeptical journalists from climate summit for holding views not
‘particularly helpful’
France’s Sarkozy Urges Tax On US Goods If Trump Exits Paris Deal
Donald Trump looms large over future of climate action
My Unhappy Life as a Climate Heretic
Trump ignores Gore’s advice, instead picks skeptic to head EPA & dismantle
climate agenda
Environmentalist Hyperventilates When Tucker Asks Simple Question
Catholic Priests Expected to Preach 'Global Warming'
Report: Obama Fired Top Scientist to Advance Global Warming Hysteria
...Intimidated staff 'ordered to obstruct Congress'
Am 8:5,
2 Thess. 2:7,
Obama bans oil drilling 'permanently' in millions of acres of ocean
Trump & Prince Charles in Climate Storm
U.N. Official Admits Global Warming Agenda Is Really About Destroying
Re 13:1-18
Climate Change Caused Brexit Explains Al Gore
Environmentalists Aren’t Just Wrong. They’re Loathsome And Evil Too
View Post
I love the climate change. I live up north and we
haven't had a blizzard this year. Spring has come a couple of weeks
early. It is beautiful outside and the April Showers in March will bring
the May flowers in April. It's glorious. Keep this up and we will have
elephants in Alaska by 2200...
This has nothing to do with ManBearPig and everything to do with so-called
Planet X (not a planet at all).
Barack Obama: Eating More Steaks Contributes to Climate Change
Pope: 'Listen to Cry of Earth'
2 Co 2:11,
...Blasts 'Climate Change' Doubters: Cites Moral Duty
to Act
Calls To Imprison “Climate Change Deniers” Grow In
The Wake Of Hurricane Irma
EU pledges to ‘make our planet great again’
Canada now investigates ‘climate denial’
Netflix’s ‘Magic School Bus’ Warns Kids: ‘Use Green
Energy or Monster Will Eat you’
John Kerry: Bible Says U.S. Must Protect Muslim
Countries From Global Warming
Climate Hysteria Science Implodes as IPCC Climate
Models Found to be “Totally Wrong”
NASA: Heated rock and volcanic activity is the real reason why the ice caps are
Pope rebukes 'climate' deniers as 'perverse'
2 Co 2:11,
Tidalgate: Climate Alarmists Caught Faking Sea Level Rise
Bill Nye: Blue States Will ‘Impose Economic Sanctions’ Against Climate
Change-Denying States
485 Scientific Papers Published in 2017 Undermine Supposed ‘Consensus’ on
Climate Change
Now global warming blamed for refugee madness
Delingpole: The Shocking True Story of How Global Warming Became the Biggest #FakeNews
Scare of All Time (Pt 1)
Federal court will hold first-ever hearing on climate change science
Global warming data faked by government to fit climate change fictions
From ‘global warming’ to ‘climate change’ to ‘climate restoration’
Pelosi Laments ‘Rising Temperatures, Surging Seas and Record Floods, Fires and
Death threats against climate 'deniers' increasing
U.N. Says Climate Change Is ‘Single Biggest Threat to Life, Security and
Prosperity on Earth’
Inuit Elders Are Warning Humanity: ‘The Earth’s Axis Has Shifted’
Global Warming: Media Ignore Sharp Drop In Global
Temperatures Over Past Two Years
G6 leaders break with Trump, move forward on climate action
Williams: Berkeley Declares ‘Climate Emergency’ Worse Than World War II
TV weathercasters now push ‘global warming’
Happy Birthday, Global Warming! 30 Years of Failed Predictions and Counting
Scientist Behind Global Warming Theory Admits Data is False
The death of climate change
Global warming? 2018 year of ‘lost summer’ for Arctic
Global warming data faked by government to fit climate change fictions
Study: Electric Cars Actually Increase Pollution
Gallup: No One Believes ‘Climate Change’ Is America’s Biggest Problem
The “global warming” hoax: 30 years of failed predictions that never happened
3 decades of alarmists’ false climate prophesies unfulfilled
Climate Change Audit: Global Warming Figures Based on ‘Careless, Amateur’ Data
A $240 Per Gallon Gas Tax To Fight Global Warming? New UN Report Suggests Carbon
Ocasio-Cortez compares 'global warming' to Nazism
Catholic Bishops Call For Immediate Action Against Climate Change
Environmentalists: To Save The World, Dump Your Pets
White House: Federal Climate Change Report ‘Not Based on Facts’ Or Data
Global warming data Faked by government to fit climate change fictions
Insect-Borne Disease Outbreaks Linked to DDT Ban, Not Global Warming
Katowice: COP24 Climate change deal to bring pact to life
Church Choirs Singing ‘Climate Change’ Christmas Carols
Democratic ‘New Green Deal’ Is Another Way Of Saying New Taxes
Jerry Brown: Climate Change Is an ‘Enemy’ as Devastating as ‘Nazis’
Greenpeace’s Ocean Plastic Pollution Scare – Biggest Lie of 2018
‘97% of scientists agree on climate change’ is an engineered hoax… here’s what
the media never told you
2018 Saw A Global Revolt Against Climate Change Policies
“Green New Deal” pushed by Democrats would cost 3,600 times the price of a
border wall
Carbon Footprint: Environmentalists Take 1,500 Private Jets To Davos,
Switzerland, ‘Climate Change’ Gathering
Bizarre Theory Linking Global Warming To ‘Polar Vortexes’ Resurfaces.
Scientists Are Pushing Back
Australia PM’s adviser says climate change is ‘UN-led ruse to establish new
world order’ – do you agree?
The Riddle of Climate Change
Australian official: Climate change is a U.N.-led conspiracy to establish a
new world order
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Hints That People Will Need To Be Prevented Through
Forced Sterilization From Having Kids In Order To ‘Stop Climate Change’ From
Hamas: Global Warming Launched Our Rockets
Climate change scare stories reach the point of psychological terrorism while
scientists blame the fear on the “climate crisis”
A Government Environmentalist Experiment in Brainwashing Parents Through
Children in North Carolina
Environmentalism: Evidence Suggests it Was Always and Only About Achieving World
National Park Quietly Removed Warning That Glaciers
‘Will All Be Gone’ By 2020 After Years Of Heavy Snowfall
Does America’s next civil war begin in Oregon? Gov. Kate Brown orders state
police to round up Republican lawmakers at gunpoint
Investors with $34 trillion demand urgent climate change action
Scientists Find “Man-made Climate Change Doesn’t Exist In Practice”
We have 18 months to save world, Prince Charles warns Commonwealth leaders
Sorry, climate change
fanatics: Turns out, Greenland’s glaciers are actually
Over 30,000 scientists say ‘Catastrophic Man-Made Global
Warming’ is a complete hoax and science lie
They’re coming for your straws, cheeseburgers, and light bulbs: Here’s what the
2020 Dems plan to do for climate change
If You Can’t Sell Your Hysteria to Adults, Try Kids
Remember the dog sled picture the media claimed was proof of melting glaciers?
It was just another climate change hoax
George Soros Emerges as Key Funder of ‘Global Climate Strike’
Bill Gates wants to spray millions of tonnes of dust into the stratosphere to
stop global warming
The religion of climate change & the new doomsday scenario
Exposing The Bogus “97% Consensus” Claim Over Climate Change ‘
Paris climate accords: US notifies UN of intention to withdraw
Liberals Swoon As The Reproving Gaze Of Climate Change Bully Greta Thunberg Now
Stares Down From San Francisco Skyline In Massive Mural
Just as we suspected, climate youth puppet Greta Thunberg is controlled by
George Soros
Scientists: Dishonest Or Afraid?
Alarmists Propose Rebranding ‘Climate Change’ for Greater Shock Value
Students stage global strikes to pressure U.N. climate summit
Climate protesters block stores, disrupt Black Friday shopping
UN chief says humanity’s ‘war against nature’ must stop
UN Crying ‘Climate Crisis’ as the Means to Interfere In 2020 Elections?
Emma Thompson foresees people eating pets for ‘protein’ due to ‘climate crisis’
Danish Academic: U.N. Might Use Military to Enforce Climate Agenda
Tidalgate: Climate Alarmists Caught Faking Sea Level Rise
Teenage Climate Change Dictator Greta Thunberg Exposed As Social Media Creation
By Radical Leftists To Push Liberal Agenda
Barack Obama Becomes Latest Liberal Climate Change Fraud To Buy An Oceanfront
Beach House Despite Claiming That The ‘Oceans Are Rising’
Guardian Promotes ‘Global Lockdown’ Every Two Years To Combat Climate Change
Bahrain, US discuss enhancing cooperation in climate, environment fields
China and US Under "President" Biden pledge climate change commitment
"President" Biden Admin: Blinken Says That Climate Change Is The Center
Piece Of America’s National Security Policy And The Tool To Fight ‘Systemic
Democrats Reintroduce Green New Deal; GOP Denounces Plan as ‘Socialist
Fake climate change warning issued by IEA, blaming post-Covid re-opening of
small and medium-sized businesses for 5% spike in CO2 emissions
Biden Considering Offering Asylum to People Displaced by Climate
The Far-Left Climate Change Fascists At Time Magazine Now Say Your Home Air
Conditioning Systems Must Be Sacrificed In Order To Save The Planet
Nissan being sued for electromagnetic radiation emitted from electric “Leaf”
Record growth of coral cover on Great Barrier Reef provides latest proof that
‘human-caused climate change’ is a hoax
UN Secretary General António Guterres Declares A ‘Code Red’ Global Climate
Change Emergency Saying The ‘Alarm Bells Are Deafening’
Overnight Nancy Pelosi Changes House Rules in Order to Ram Through $3.5 Trillion
Green New Deal and Forever Change America into Failed Marxist State
Statistical Method Used to Link Climate Change to Greenhouse Gases Challenged
Doconomy Teaming Up With Mastercard To Unveil Highly-Invasive Credit Card That
Shuts Off When Your ‘Carbon Footprint’ Gets Too High
‘Transaction denied’: Get ready for credit card that cuts off spending once you
hit your CO2 max
Analysis: Corporate business travel ‘carbon budgets’ loom for airlines
UN Tells Greta Thunberg To Pound Sand Over Climate Complaint
"President Biden" Report: Climate Change Calls for
‘Realignment’ of U.S. Economy
Barack Obama To Be Keynote Speaker For Gaia
Celebration ‘Dear Earth’ From YouTube Proclaiming Our Planet As The ‘One Who
Birthed Us All’
1.6%, Not 97%, Agree that Humans are the Main Cause
of Global Warming
Climate change conference will use coal-powered
charging stations and diesel generators to charge electric vehicles
United Nations Launching Their COP26 Climate Summit
On The Devil’s Feast Day Of Halloween As New World Order Minions Gather For
Their Coven
Climate Change Activists Experiencing Mental Health
Issues As Their Constant Non-Stop And Unscientific Propaganda Outbursts Driving
Them Mad
Global Warmist Buzzkill: Arctic Ice Is Poised to be
Its thickest in a Generation
Princeton physicist Dr. Will Happer: ‘Is climate
change a problem? The answer is NO, it’s not a problem at all & co2 is not a
problem at all’
Flurry of active volcanoes will cause global cooling
and crop failures… global financial and political systems on the verge of
Global Coal Power Demand On Track For Record As Green Energy Transition Crumbles
Carbon taxes are here: World’s largest carbon capture pipeline to be constructed
in the Upper Midwest
Bizarre World Economic Forum Video Orders Citizens to Stop Washing Their Clothes
to Fight Climate Change
Billionaires are Stealing Millions of Acres of Land Using ‘Climate Change’ as
Their Justification
"Preident Biden" Colludes with World Economic Forum to Reward Climate Cronies
Green energy flop is costing Europeans big time: Prices spiking amid shortages
as winter’s cold hits
Pacific and Indian Ocean sea levels rising much slower than model predictions
Climate indoctrination inhibits people’s ability to use logic and reason
Global warming statistically insignificant: Climate emergency is imaginary
In order to fight “climate change,” fanatics now want people to wipe their rear
ends with “reusable” toilet paper
New study finds corn-based ethanol fuel is actually worse for the environment
than regular gasoline
Globalist Agency Calls for Energy Lockdowns including Banning Cars on Sundays to
Achieve Climate Goals
WEF Puppet Zelensky Pushes Europe to Transition to “Green Energy.”
World’s Largest Carbon Removal Facility Designed to Fight Global Warming Suffers
Major Setback After Arctic Blast Freezes Machinery
Earth Day Still Focussed on Immoral Climate Crusade
Greenpeace Co-Founder: Global Warming ‘Is A Complete
Hoax And Scam’
Plastic Grocery Bag Bans Actually Boost Sale of
Small Plastic Garbage Bags: Study
International Energy Agency demands Worldwide Lockdowns to meet Climate Goals
Green energy insiders admit 90% of supply chain does
not exist to build electric cars
The Globalist Psychopaths Pushing the Climate Change
Scam Believe That the Real Enemy Is Humanity Itself
“Climate change” fairy tale is simply an excuse to
destroy the physical infrastructure that keeps civilization alive
Climatologist Dr. Judith Curry testifies that the
man made climate change theory is a hoax
Climate Activist Smashes Cake Into Mona Lisa At Louvre
World Economic Forum Urges People to Eat Seaweed,
Algae and Cacti to Save the Planet
Inconvenient truth for globalists: Arctic ice at
30-year high
Efforts to Cease the Use of Crude Oil Could Be the
Greatest Threat to Civilisation’s Eight Billion People
FedEx announced plans to go all-electric by 2040;
promises to pull carbon out of the atmosphere, depriving food crops of nutrition
NY Times argues bad economy, hyper-inflation for
Americans is a good thing because it will usher in the “green agenda” faster
It’s actually 100% green energy that could destroy
the planet
Flashback: The Great Global Warming Swindle
More Climate Insanity: Prince Charles Wants Cows to Wear Face Masks
Great Reset: Globalist Controlled New Zealand to Introduce ‘Climate Tax’ on
Cattle and Sheep
Higher CO2 makes food crops and herbs more nutritious and medicinal
U.S. Supreme Court limits federal power to curb carbon emissions
UK Gov 2019 Report states all UK Airports must close
within the next 10 years, beef and lamb is to be banned, and construction of new
buildings must cease in the name of “Climate Change”
is their
climate change plan
Climate Change Dictates Are Self Destructive – But
Also Part Of A Bigger Agenda
You must die to save plant Earth: Center for
Biological Diversity pushes mass starvation and poverty for humanity through
emergency executive order roadmap
Flashback: In Their Own Words Climate Alarmists
Reveal Their “Climate Change” is A Hoax
Biden admin says climate change can ‘force’ military
Climate Alarmists Manipulate the Presentation of
MIT researchers propose ‘solution’ to climate
change: Blocking the sun with shield the size of Brazil
Germany Hits Wall Of Reality, Reconnects First Coal
Power Plant To Energy Grid
EV market depends almost entirely on communist China
– “going green” actually means going commie
The Big Green Lie Almost Everyone Claims To Believe
Plant-based roads: Iowa researchers to pave
roads using soybeans and recycled asphalt
Over 1000 Scientists and Professionals Sign Formal Declaration: “There is No
Climate Emergency”
Green Party Official Tells Germans to Use Washcloths
Instead of Taking Showers
Canada building interrogation rooms with weapons armories to arrest and
prosecute people for “climate crimes”
The Man Who Invented Climate Change – Maurice Strong
Climate propaganda exposed by critical scientists
and citizens
The Birth of a Worldwide Green Police Force,
Complete with Climate Crimes Prosecution and Interrogation Facilities
Leak: Trudeau installing weapons armouries,
interrogation rooms for Ministry of Climate Change
Net Zero Climate Change
Why “Zombie Ice” and other claims of Greenland ice
melt raising sea levels are just modeled hokum
Amazon Took All Rooftop Solar Panels Offline After Danger Became Impossible to
Greenpeace Co-Founder Patrick Moore Says Climate
Change Based On False Narratives
“Nothing To Do With Man” – Astrophysicist Says
Climate-Cultists “Are On A Gravy Train” To Make Money
Climate Change: A Path to a Global Social Credit
New Jersey to Become First State to Introduce Global
Warming Curriculum in Public Schools
Germany’s Net Zero Carbon Disaster and The Great Reset Criminal Conspiracy
Green group influencing Biden admin has deep ties to Chinese government
Guardian: Leaked Plans for a Global Carbon Tax
Climate change-obsessed media giants lie about
hurricanes in total contradiction to actual science
Climate activists say food production is the cause of global environmental
UPI hiding the decline in order to promote climate
change agenda
World Economic Forum Spreads Climate Misinformation
and Refuses Open Scientific Debate with CLINTEL
‘Sabotage Is Most Effective’: Swedish Eco-Terrorism
Advocate Given Platform By The New York Times
UK Gov. “Nudge Unit” is working with Banks to
implement Social Credit System disguised as ‘Carbon Guilt Trip Tracker’
Mount Sinai preparing to host climate summit – a new
global ‘religion’
Under Banner Of Climate Change Led By Emmanuel
Macron, The United Nations New World Order Marches Forward
Covid PsyOps Are Now Being Used for Climate Change
“Ten Principles for Climate Repentance”
Israel joins US-Canada plan for net zero carbon
emissions in government by 2050
UN Climate Conference Approves Climate Change
Reparations Fund
New Study: Climate Models Got It Wrong, Eastern
Pacific Ocean Is Cooling, La Niña Winters Could Keep On Coming
The Dark Agenda Behind the WEF’s Green Energy Push
Northern Hemisphere Snow Cover At 56-Year High
France Bans Short-Haul Domestic Flights Because of
‘Climate Change’
Biden Climate Czar John Kerry Says American Taxpayer
Money Should be Used to Pay Other Countries Climate Reparations
Factory Wrecked by 200-Strong Eco-Mob Cutting
Cables, Starting Fires
UK Gov. Report demands closure of all Airports by
2050 to meet “Climate Change” Targets & fuels fears of ‘Climate Lockdowns’
Antifa terror cell arrested, found with bombs… while
Bloomberg News headline calls for climate terrorists to carry out “property
destruction” nationwide
World’s largest carbon tax scheme just imposed by
EU; more inflation and less trade to follow
Global Warming? It’s Snowing In Miami At
Packers-Dolphins Game
NYC Electric Garbage Truck Plans Hit Wall After
Trucks “Conked Out” Plowing Snow After Just Four Hours
Green energy failed to meet power demand when it was
most needed
NY Times Op-Ed: ‘Mate With Short People To Stop
Climate Change’
UN’s “sustainable” goal for renewable energy is
UN’s goal to reduce carbon emissions is a scam to
enable the rich to become richer off the backs of the poor
Individual CO2 Limits Needed for Climate Change,
Says German Scientist
Researchers Claim Coffee Is Contributing To Climate
Al Gore WEF Meltdown: ‘Boiling the Oceans,’ ‘Rain
Bombs,’ a Billion ‘Climate Refugees’
Individual CO2 Limits Needed for Climate Change, Says German Scientist
Davos: Electric Cars for Commoners, Fuel Cars for
WEF Elites – RAIR
UK’s “Nudge Unit” recommends various online psychological manipulations when
people shop and travel to push a “net zero society”
Dozens of Scottish Windmills are Powered by Diesel Generators
Shell’s board of directors sued over ‘flawed’ climate strategy in
first-of-its-kind lawsuit
Norwegian Shipping Company bans electric vehicles on its vessels
Journalist Receives $100,000 From Bank For Promoting Climate Alarmism
UK wants to bring back food rationing to combat climate change
World Bank President steps down after accusations of “climate change denier”
Environment Police Want to Reduce Car Ownership Because EVs Are Not Enough
Climate “scientists” push for society-wide food rationing to fix global warming
ESG – A Potent Force for Evil
The UN Discusses Darkening The Skies to Combat Climate Change
UK Forced to Use Emergency Coal Plants for First Time
Epidemic Of E-Bike Fires Rips Across America
The Agenda’s “Net Zero” could mean “zero” of anything and everything
Experts Tell Congress ‘Green’ Wind Turbines in Atlantic May Impair Ship Radar,
Threatening National Security
Ford expected to announce huge losses in EV sales
Eminent Oxford Scientist Says Wind Power “Fails On Every Count”
World’s Biggest Seller of Carbon Offsets Accused of Being a Scam
John Kerry Says New Climate Change Executive Orders Are Coming
Huge Block Of Gulf Of Mexico Auctioned For Oil Drilling, Infuriating Biden’s
Climate Activists
UK: All Airports must close within the next 10 years, beef and lamb will be
banned, and construction of new buildings will cease in the name of “Climate
Change” according to Government Report
Peak EV: Electric Vehicles Will Fade As Their True Costs Become Clear
The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (“IPCC”) adjusts
temperature data to create the impression of catastrophic global warming
The world has woken up to the Climate Scam
Minnesota House passes ‘green shaming’ bill
Just 0.3% of Scientists agree Humanity is causing Climate Change; NOT 97% as
falsely spread by the UN
Climate Cultists Blame Global Warming on Rice
New York’s plan for transforming its electricity generation will reduce
reliability at extreme cost
Feds Have No Data On How Regulations Reduce Emissions: Audit Finds
Biden Creates New White House Office in Executive Order on “Environmental
Solar Projects on Farmland Meet Community Opposition in the Midwest
Climate Change Skepticism Is Growing Despite Nonstop Propaganda
Exxon Crushes Progressive Dreams That “Net Zero” Has Any Chance By 2050: It
Would Mean Collapse In “Global Standard Of Living”
“Global warming” is not global; the northern hemisphere is cooling
Climate activists blacken Trevi Fountain over Italy floods
Lies told by Climate Change Alarmists
Eco-Money Laundering and Crime
Net Zero. Green levies to be imposed in the UK from April next year will
increase food prices
WEF document calls for limiting ‘private car use,’ drastic reduction in the
number of cars by 2050
WEF Wants To Slaughter Millions of Pet Cats and Dogs To Fight Climate Change
Japanese N-Ark floating city being built to save mankind
Majority of 2,500 “climate mitigation” projects funded by the World Bank have
little to do with climate
Greta Thunberg Deletes June 2018 Tweet Saying The World Will End In 5 Years If
We Don’t Stop Using Fossil Fuels
French President Emmanuel Macron Calls For ‘Finance Shock’ As He Opened The
Summit For A New Global Financial Pact Meeting In Paris
...International Taxation System to Subsidise Green Agenda
Climate change fanatics demand a new financial system
Exceptional volumes of sea ice are a headache for climate alarmists
Mysterious pile of ‘dumped’ PPE angers people in New Forest
Energy Corporation Says Up to 30 Percent of Its Wind Turbines Could Be
French President Macron Calls for International Tax to Finance Climate Scam
‘Very Troubling’: US Honeybees Just Suffered Second Deadliest Year on Record
King Charles III And London’s Muslim Mayor Sadiq Khan Activate A Doomsday
‘Climate Clock’ Set To Go Off In The Next 6 Years
UK report recommends a 50% reduction in emissions by 2030
UN SDGs implant “human rights” and attempt to override our inalienable rights
Biden Admin. issues report: Plan to block sun to counter global warming
Green Murder
Net Zero policies will make people poorer, colder and less free, MP says
Climate scientists told to ‘cover up’ the fact that the Earth’s temperature
hasn’t risen for the last 15 years
Climategate is the worst scientific scandal of our generation
“The science” is dependent on manipulation of facts and data
Hero speaks and releases a new cache of emails proving Climate Change Fraud
John Kerry crumbles when confronted with FACTS on Co2
Dutch economist let the cat out of the bag about “carbon emission rights”
UK Local Councils Ignite ‘Climate Emergency’ to Implement Dystopian Control of
Public Life
From Global Warming to Global “Boiling” the Left’s Fearmongering Gets Hotter
Climate Lockdowns
16 Million Trees Axed for Wind Farms in Scotland
WEF Orders Govt’s To Ban Public From Driving Cars To Fight ‘Global Boiling’
Things are not looking good for UK’s Net Zero Zealots and offshore wind
Renowned climate scientist blasts ‘anti-capitalist’ climate agenda,
‘manufactured’ consensus
Biden Administration launches “HeatTracker” tool for tracking heat-related
Politicians Must Act as ‘Ringmasters’ to Push Green Agenda, Says U.N.
Climate Hysteria Ramps Up in Antarctica but Recent Data Shows Sea Ice Levels
Similar to 1966
Scientists discussed editing the human genome as a way to solve “climate change”
years ago
United Nations Climate Chief Conducts “Doomsday” Interview Revealing That
Globalist Leaders Must Become “Ringmasters” in Pushing Green Agenda
Exploding E-Bikes: Lithium Battery Fires Spread In New York And California
Study calls for a shareholder-based carbon tax as 69,700 of the wealthiest US
households are found to be “super emitters” of CO2
Bill Gates is funding a scheme to cut down 70 million acres of forests in North
‘No, Thank You’: Red State Regulators Reject Green Pipeline Opposed By Many
Rural Landowners
Over 1,600 Scientists Sign Declaration – “There is No Climate Emergency.”
The waning Sun instantly flushes climate alarmists’ claims of never-ending
rising temperatures down the pan
"President Biden" Signs Executive Order to Establish ‘American Climate Corps’ to
Fight ‘Global Warming’
World Leaders Adopt
Sweeping Political Declaration Reaffirming Commitment to Achieve Sustainable
Development Goals, as Summit Commences
Bill Gates Suddenly Abandons Climate Doom Narrative
Climate crisis activists seek to put meat on their list of banned “fossil fuel”
“You Have the UK’s Full Support” – Coffey To The UN General Assembly
“Fossil Fuel Treaty” activism is funded by a small group of global foundations
Fletcher Prouty: Oil is not a fossil fuel; it is the second most prevalent
liquid on Earth
Europeans say you should only be able to fly 4 times in your life due to climate
Mining for electric-powering minerals has left 23 million people exposed to
toxic waste, 500,000 km of rivers polluted and 16 million acres of farmland
The Myth Of US Green Science
Norwegian gov’t agency publishes paper dispelling myth of man-made ‘climate
Net Zero Ship Starting To Sink
Bill Gates is funding 70 million acres of Deforestation in North America
Vermont: Electric Planes Take to the Skies
Google’s 100% Electric Bus Loses Power, Causes Mayhem in San Francisco
British Medical Journal published an editorial which urged doctors to think less
about the health of their patients and more about the health of the planet
Green Party of Germany: Unless Germans can achieve net zero in the coming
decades, they will face a civilizational catastrophe
“We Might Need To Let It Burn”: Firefighting In The EV Era Is A Whole New Game
Koalas could be ‘euthanised’ with hammers to make way for Queensland, Australia
wind farm
Achieving “Net Zero” will be so expensive no Government will even attempt to
Estimate the Total Cost
Vid: Each individual charging station uses the equivalent power of 280 homes
every hour
Sahara Expert Says Desert Shrinking, Calls Alarmist Tipping Points ‘Complete
Private Jets Headed To Global Warming Conference “Literally Frozen On Runway”
After 30 years of climate alarmism, a new book challenges the climate
catastrophe doctrine
Message from an African small-scale farmer to COP28: “Africa needs fossil fuels”
Some Democrats join Republicans in voting to strike down Biden’s EV mandate
Richer countries seek to grab large swathes of land in Africa as “carbon
credits” to offset their own carbon emissions
COP28 UN Climate Summit: The Elite’s Unsatiable Quest For Power
Scotland’s wind turbines secretly use generators powered by “fossil fuels”
U.S Signs United Nations Climate Deal Agreeing to ‘Transition Away from Fossil
Scientists Now Say ‘Breathing’ Harms The Environment
Climate Activists Depict Having Children As Unethical
London’s spontaneous bus combustions
Critics Warn UN Climate Plans Would Usher In ‘Insane’ Totalitarian Form Of
Global Governance
Seizing Private Land Is Next Step in Fight Against Climate Change
How Globalists Are Using The ‘Climate Emergency’ To Bring About A One-World
China Boasts of Vast Coal Supply as Record-Low Temperatures Hit
Canadian government is funding “sustainable” carbon capture projects because
they’re financially unviable
Experts Warn – WEF’s Net Zero Goals Will Kill 4 Billion People
‘Crack’ Removed From Christmas Crackers To Save The Planet
Scientists Propose Radical ‘Sunshade’ Plan to Fight ‘Climate Change’
Sydney’s Pro-Hamas,
Hinduphobic Muslim Senator Calls for ‘Criminal Australia’ to Pay Climate
Reparations to Pakistan
Vid: WHO head Tedros declares war on meat and traditional farming to fight
‘climate change’
German TV Promotes
Great Replacement Climate Plan: Stop Having White European Children ‘Aryan CO2
Emitters,’ Import Third World Migrants Instead
New EV Deemed Total Loss After Battery Replacement Costs More Than Car Itself
Australian government is coming for your Utes, SUVs and cheap fuel
WHO head Tedros
declares war on meat and traditional farming to fight ‘climate change’
Crisis: We are actually moving into a cooling period driven by the only thing
that really matters – the sun
It’s Too Cold for Electric Busses
The wind turbine industry is harming whales
Hertz Selling Fleet of Electric Vehicles, Shifting Back to Gas Cars
Another London bus bursts into flames day after double-decker caught
Extreme cold turns electric vehicle charging stations into ‘car graveyards’ in
Ford Prepares To Cut F-150 Lightning Electric Truck Production
Religious Leaders Join UN, WEF To Push the Global Climate Agenda
New tires every 7,000 miles? Electric cars save gas but tire wear shocks some
Florida drivers
The Cult of Global Warming
Climate Scientists Want an Umbrella the Size of Argentina to Block Out the Sun
Professor Norman Fenton: The climate crisis, like the covid crisis, is massively
exaggerated by flawed models and statistics
U.S. Allots $15 Million to Help Islamic Nation that Hates America Fight Climate
Electric vehicles prove bad for business
“The Great Reset” Is Here: Follow the Money. “Insane Lockdown” of the Global
Economy, “The Green Agenda”
Alberta rejects Trudeau’s ‘unconstitutional’ oil and gas emissions cap
Dutch Member of the European Parliament (“MEP”) Rob Roos: The EU is attempting
to seize complete totalitarian control
It’s time we all demand answers to the real-world costs of “renewables”
Canada’s carbon tax: Stop trying to rebrand it and just get rid of the whole
Parts of the East Coast are sinking
The European Union Propose to Ban Repairs on Cars Over 15 Years Old
Horizon Europe is a euphemism for technocracy
Carbon removal is a very expensive product that no one needs
"President" Biden’s green energy plan is a gift to China, experts warn, amid
fears Beijing could plunder more than $100billion from US taxpayer under scheme
designed to boost American manufacturing
Coast Guard Refuses to Enforce New California Regulation
UK’s planned energy transition to net zero is an unprecedented act of economic
Dutch Member of the European Parliament (“MEP”) Rob Roos: The elites have
decided we are “living wrongly” and “everything must change” in the name of
“climate change”
John Kerry: People would “feel better” about the war in Ukraine if Russia would
“make a greater effort to reduce emissions”
First ever prosecution for importing greenhouse gases into the USA; “It will not
be the last,” US Attorney says
No Significant Warming in One of the Most Climate-Sensitive Parts of the Planet,
Ice Core Data Show
Sweden is Charging Electric Busses with Diesel Generators
The Norwegian Illusion: EVs Are Not More Energy Efficient
WEF’s Net Zero Goals Could Kill 4 Billion People
Climate alarmists are warned that banks won’t play their part in “net zero”
Australians are facing a new “climate criminal” – soil
Flashback: UK Labour attempted to implement a nationwide carbon rationing scheme
17 years ago
EU is realizing it is too expensive to implement its “Green Deal” and it can’t
afford it
Biden Admin Targets Lightbulbs as Part of Climate Agenda
German transport minister under fire for weekend driving ban threat
How Climate Change Narrative Is Preventing Africa From Modernizing And Gaining
Climate Scientist Suggests “Culling” the Human Population with a Deadly Pandemic
to Solve the “Climate Crisis”
Microplastics and geoengineering: A danger to all life on Earth
Failing EV industry is a lesson to businesses; never underestimate the power of
Many electric vehicle owners want to go back to normal cars, study finds
Prof. Murry Salby: Atmospheric carbon is not a pollutant and humans cannot
regulate it
‘Climate Change’ Is An Unscientific Fear-Based Religion… And It’s All About
Climate and climate change do not cause or influence weather
A legal brief filed in New Mexico describes the dangerous impacts of smart
meters on human health and wildlife
Gassy cows and pigs to be hit by carbon tax in Denmark in world first
Supreme Court decision could make it easier for American courts to block
ambiguous regulations aimed at combating climate change
Islands that climate alarmists said would be sunk by climate change are actually
GM To Pay $146 Million In Penalties For Emission Violations On 5.9 Million Older
The climate change agenda and Rockefellers’ frontmen
California To Launch ‘Hydrogen Hub’ To Expand Zero-Emission Technology
Zero” will destroy you and everything you care about
Wanted: Climate Researcher to Write Extreme Weather Just-So Stories to Serve Up
to Credulous Media
UK: Starmer pushes ahead with a state-owned “green energy” investment company
which will be devastating to nature
Bill Gates: I don’t plant trees, planting trees is nonsense
“Nasty fibres” given off by wind turbine blades are as dangerous as asbestos
Logitech CEO talked about a computer mouse that you paying a subscription for in
a plan that is touted as cutting carbon emissions
North Dakota challenges California zero-emissions vehicle law
Attorneys General of 24 States Ask Supreme Court to Block EPA’s Methane
Reduction Rule
Since 1959 increases in atmospheric CO2 is due to sea surface temperature
UK: Royal Society underestimates the cost of “Net Zero” by £500 billion
Leaders of climate science societies are suffering from mass delusion
Labour’s masterplan to defund pensioners so the UK Government can fund offshore
wind projects
UK: Car manufacturers are limiting the production of fuel-powered vehicles
Carbon dioxide and a warming climate are not problems, peer-reviewed paper says
Britain will be the first country to be killed off by “net zero”
All UK Airports to close by 2029 & Beef and Lamb to be banned for Human
California Crews Begin Mowing Down Region’s Iconic Joshua Trees for Solar Farm
Officials warn that EVs could catch fire if inundated with saltwater from
Hurricane Helene
Jeep announces recall for almost 200 thousand plug-in SUVs at risk of
spontaneous combustion
US Closes $1.5 Billion Loan to Resurrect Shuttered Michigan Nuclear Power Plant
The Sun, not CO2, drives the Earth’s climate, a new study says
Battery storage for solar farms poses a growing threat of catastrophic and
uncontrollable fires
Net Zero is a
scam, built on the myth of climate change
Scottish government plans to “build, back, better” with its National Adaptation
England: School indoctrinates children to such an extent that children ask for
the heating to be turned off to reduce the school’s carbon footprint
We are witnessing the rollout of the final stages of a plan that has been 50
years in the making
The Green
New Scam Is Dying
Azerbaijan is Utterly Unfit to Host the UN’s Climate Change Conference
Argentina Exits UN Climate Summit: President Milei Calls Climate Crisis a
‘Leftist Lie’
As the madness of “Net Zero” accelerates, time has already run out for many of
UK’s most vulnerable citizens
California’s Regulations Causing Truck Shortages, Rising Costs Industry Says
“Doesn’t Fit MSM Narrative”: Latest Arctic Ice Data Shows 26% Larger Than 2012
Jeff Bezos gives Pirbright Institute £7.3 million
to “define” what an anti-methane vaccine for cows needs to achieve
scientific evidence shows CO2 is life-is life-sustaining, the “official
narrative” continues to gaslight its crucial role in our world