God Save the Queen


[Queen fights for gay rights by Simon Walters] "The Queen will tomorrow back an historic pledge to promote gay rights and ‘gender equality’ in one of the most controversial acts of her reign.

In a live television broadcast, she will sign a new charter designed to stamp out discrimination against homosexual people and promote the ‘empowerment’ of women – a key part of a new drive to boost human rights and living standards across the Commonwealth..." Full text:
Queen fights for gay Am 8:5, Luke 4:6–8; 2 Thess. 2:3, 4

Homosexuality is: forbidden (
Lev. 18:22), considered an abomination (1 Kin. 14:24), punishment for (Lev. 20:13), unclean (Rom. 1:24, 26, 27).



Planet X




Big Climate




Response to comment [from a Christian]: ["He preached hellfire and damnation to Queen Mary of Scotland, and also to Bloody Mary, queen of England..." Full text: John Knox Quotes] "John Knox was right..."


She's no Victoria.


[Gay marriage would 'force Queen to break sovereign promise': Legalizing gay marriage could force the Queen to break a sovereign promise, a former senior bishop has said by Alice Philipson] "Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali, who was Bishop of Rochester for 15 years, said that the Queen took an oath to "uphold God's laws" when she was crowned.

But the Bishop claimed that signing into law a Bill that would allow same-sex couples to marry would force her to break that promise she made upon her Coronation..." Full text:
Gay marriage would 'force Queen to break sovereign promise'


Response to comment [from a Christian]: God save those who put their trust in earthly princes and not in God...especially Republican political princes."

I'm not a RePublican. Ps 33:22


Response to comment [from a Christian]: "...I agree with the title of this thread though, God save the Queen."


Hope so. Ro 10:13


Response to comment [from a Christian]: [ACW] "...[H]e believe he has the monopoly on the truth and I'm still just as much of a 'sodomite' (as he puts it, I hate that word) as I always was."


The word Sodomite is appropriate but not for you. That is not who you are.

And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God (emphasis mine,
1 Co 6:11 NKJV).


"To use the term sodomite though excludes female homosexuals doesn't it?"


No.  Any perversion. 


"That's why I prefer to simply use the term homosexuals."


It's too clinical. 


"It also seems more polite and rational..."


These perverts are in rebellion against God. It is important to retain the social stigma. 1 Co 6:9


"...than using terms such as sodomite or fag."


We use fag and gay to describe anything pathetic like (e.g. That's a gay little dog).

"Amen to that scripture!"




Pakistan's Malala Yousafzai meets with Queen Elizabeth at palace


*****-cat, *****-cat, where have you been?
I've been to London to look at the Queen.
*****-cat, *****-cat, what did you there?
I frightened a little mouse under the chair.


Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "It's official.  The Queen is an idiot."


The girl escaped the Taliban and their values only to be introduced to the Queen and her values. I'm more interested in the little mouse under the chair, too.

Lev 18:22, 20:13, 1 Ki 14:24, Ro 1:24, 26, 27  


[Thread closed by moderator] "Truth is hate to those who hate the truth." ~ Bob Enyart Mk 9:41, 13:7, 25:8, 40, Dan 10:13, Ps 105:15, Ro 14:4, Mk 6:11, Is 45:24, 54:17, Re 12:10, 12, Jud 1:9


David Furnish, Sir Elton John sex scandal: British media forbidden from covering the Sodomites  

Human rights concerns won’t stop Prince Charles visiting weapons buyer Bahrain Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10  

Prince Charles warns of return to 'dark days of 1930s' Re 6:6

Prince Charles Raises Specter of Holocaust in Warning Against Rising Tide of Populism

Prince Charles Urges Brits To Think of Muhammad This Christmas, Speaks Out Against ‘Aggressive Populism’


One World Government/Religion  

Police Hope LGBT Police Car Will Boost Reporting of ‘Hate Crime’ Lk 17:26-30

The wickedness of Sodom ([
Ex 20:14] heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13]) was notorious (Gen. 13:13).


Prince William warns there are too many people in world 


Georgia Guidestones  

Hemi View Post

There is no use for a Prince or a Queen, and any of the monarchy's welfare support.

If they’d like to pay for that lifestyle for a bunch of inbreds, that’s their decision.  If I had that racket going, I guess I’d try to keep it, too (Mt 19:23). :idunno:

Prince William argues for urgent depopulation efforts in Africa

junkyardboy replied 
[Prince William argues for urgent depopulation efforts in Africa (naturalnews.com)]

What does that mean?

A few housekeeping items: Cleaning Windows emoticon (Housework emoticons)

Links are not permitted on this site. You are free to search that site for additional information on the topic if you're interested. 

Prince Charles declares “Let’s remember Mohammed on Christmas.”

The Queen's Beasts Parable of the Vineyard

London Votes To ‘Arrest & Prosecute’ Pro-Life Christian Protesters

Reply to Nancy Paps

[Queen’s message at Christmas]

I'm calling for the depopulation of Buckingham Palace (Pr 8:36).

Prince William argues for urgent depopulation efforts in Africa

UK backs homeless crackdown for royal wedding

Julian Assange Implicates British Government in Dirty Anti-Trump Dossier 

Russia claims Queen 'downs cocktails all day' and PM 'has brandy habit'

Queen Elizabeth likens Trump to noisy helicopter  

Royal Family calls Israel ‘Occupied Palestinian Territories’ in latest disgraceful act against the Jewish State

Netanyahu Criticizes Itinerary for Prince William’s Visit: ‘Jerusalem Is Israel’s Eternal Capital’

Westminster Abbey urged by African ambassador to hand over looted relic

Historians believe Elizabeth II is a descendant of Mohammad

Things heat up as Netanyahu indicted, while Trump declares war on the Queen   

U.S. officially demands U.K. hand over Prince Andrew to be quizzed over Epstein

A trumpet sound and a shout .... and we fly away Sabine Vlaming

Prince Charles’ charity got donation from bin Ladens

Prince Charles Opens The 2022 Birmingham Commonwealth Games With An Idol Of A Raging, Fiery Bull Prompting Comparisons To Baal Worship

Queen Elizabeth dies at 96, ending an era for Britain

Queen Elizabeth Is Dead, Prince Charles Who Called For ‘Trillions’ To Be At The Disposal Of Antichrist Will Now Be England’s First King In A Generation 

King Charles to recognize all religious faiths at coronation

Knighthoods are being given to those the UK state wants to protect from prosecution 

Queen’s Former Chaplain Warns ‘Multicultural, Multifaith’ King Charles III Threatens British Monarchy

New batch of King’s Coronation oil features some extra special ingredients

People living in the UK among least religious in the world: study

King Charles III And His Climate Doomsday Clock

Royal Navy Tells Sailors to Introduce Themselves with Gender Pronouns

King Charles demands $5 trillion per year to tackle climate change

Selling Heathrow to the French and Saudis is just the latest sorry story of how some of Britain’s greatest assets are owned by foreign governments and firms

King Charles Delivers Highly-Politicised Speech To Support Collectivist Net Zero Project

The UK is Unlawfully in The WHO 

Britain’s King Charles diagnosed with cancer

British prince drops family name

Charles III Unveils Creepy First Oil Portrait of Him as King 

Britain considering lowering voting age to 16

God Save the Queen