
[American Family Association Tim Wildmon] "Tomorrow, April 28, the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments for and against redefining marriage in America. The very institution of God's design for marriage as only between one man and one woman is on trial. As hard as it is to believe, nine people will decide if our nation will honor God and obey Him, or turn its back on the most fundamental building block of society and on God himself. This will be the most important decision in the history of America. I'm urging you to do just one thing...Pray. Here is a link to four prayers to help your prayer time. Please, for the sake of our nation, Pray." Gen. 2:18–24, Ps 50:18, Heb 13:4

"What is honored in a country is cultivated there." ~ Plato, Republic

Recommend reading:

The Divorce Myth by J. Carl Laney  

Recommended sites:

Christian Divorce and Re marriage  

Walking by the Spirit Always

CPR Ministries

Marriage Permanence  



Morals in Modern Day Society

Sign of the Times

Disposable Culture

Egalitarian society

Freedom of Religion/Expression

Post-Christian America

War on Christians



Response to comment [from a Christian]: "With all due respect to Tim Wildmon, is he not aware that we as a nation quit respecting God decades ago?"

We have. Joel Rosenberg recently said he believes that our country is already under judgment--past the point of no return.

Interesting times.

[Will the War of Gog and Magog happen before or after the Rapture? By Joel Rosenberg] "The truth is we simply do not know the answer for certain, because Ezekiel does not say. Many of the theologians I have cited in this book believe the war will occur after the Rapture. In the novel Left Behind, Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins describe the War of Gog and Magog as having already happened before the Rapture takes place. In The Ezekiel Option, I also chose to portray the war occurring before the Rapture.

In Matthew 24:14, Jesus says, “This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come” (NASB). We also know from Ezekiel that God will use the War of Gog and Magog to display his glory to all nations and to pour out his Holy Spirit, particularly on the nation of Israel. As a result of the entire world seeing God defend Israel from the onslaught of the Russian-Iranian coalition, a dramatic spiritual awakening will occur around the globe. It would certainly be consistent with God’s heart for humanity that he would cause this cataclysmic moment to occur before the Rapture in order to shake people out of their spiritual apathy and/or rebellion and give them at least one more chance to receive Christ as their Savior before the terrible events of the Tribulation occur.

But let me be clear: I believe that the Rapture could occur at any moment, and I would certainly not be surprised in any way if it occurred before the events of Ezekiel 38 and 39 come to pass.
Christian theologians speak of the “doctrine of imminence.” This means that according to the Bible there is no prophetic event that has to happen before Jesus snatches his church from the earth. That is, the Bible teaches us that we should be ready for Jesus to come for us at any moment. I fully believe that. But it should be noted with regard to this doctrine that while no major prophetic event has to happen before the Rapture, that doesn’t mean no such event will happen first. Perhaps the clearest evidence of this truth is the rebirth of Israel. This major prophetic event was foretold in Ezekiel 36–37, yet its fulfillment happened before the Rapture. Thus, it is certainly possible that other events—such as the events of Ezekiel 38–39—could happen before the Rapture as well." Prophecy Q & A

Ready to Go ~ Republica

"There are a lot of people out there that share Rosenberg's defeatist attitude.  I'm glad that I'm not one of them."

He is witnessing men coming to Christ in the Middle East (Lk 15:10).

[2 Timothy 4:7]

It takes more than posting homo photos to engage in the battle (1 Pe 2:12).

"So Rosenberg's defeatist attitude is global, and just not in places like Colorado?"

He speaks at many churches (via satellite in the States now).  His message is one of encouragement not discouragement (1 Thess 5:11, Ro 11:25).

"So you, like GFR7, just go to my thread for the pictures sd?"

There are mental images I wish I could un-see (Phil 4:8, Isa 25:8).  


Mt 24:32-51 Matthew Henry

Mt 24:36–41 Bible Knowledge Commentary

Texas lawmakers consider unprecedented anti-gay marriage bill Heb 13:4

Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "Do you vote Republican?"

Hell no (Pr 8:36, 23:7) .

"Give me a break about Jeb Mush or Ruby Tuesday." ~ Michael Savage


"The purpose of marriage is to protect the child."

 A childless marital couple has no purpose?

"Marriage: Purposes of: Man’s happiness (Gen. 2:18), Continuance of the race (Gen. 1:28), Godly offspring (Mal. 2:14, 15), Prevention of fornication (1 Cor. 7:2, 9), Complete satisfaction (Prov. 5:19; 1 Tim. 5:14). Denial of: As a prophetic sign (Jer. 16:2), For a specific purpose (Matt. 19:10–12), As a sign of apostasy (1 Tim. 4:1–3), To those in heaven (Matt. 22:30). Figurative of: God’s union with Israel (Is. 54:5), Christ’s union with His Church (Eph. 5:23–32)." Thomas Nelson Publishers. (1996). Nelson’s quick reference topical Bible index (pp. 400–401). Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers.

Response to comment [from a Christian]:

chrysostom View Post
The purpose of marriage is to protect the child.

TrakeM View Post
Exactly, that's why we require all married couples to have children and why it's a crime to have children if you're not married! Oh wait...

You're pro-bastard? Do you live in the ghetto?

In The Ghetto ~ Eric Cartman

Co-habitators less likely to get married than ever new study Mt 15:19, 1 Co 6:9-11

Supreme Court Approves Sodomite Marriage

Response to comment [from a Christian]: "It is done. Sorry to shout but I just want to emphasize everything that is taking place must occur for the ultimate establishment of the one world government/economy/religion to be established, as foretold in God's Word. Disbelieve that if you want but as you see us heading more and more in that direction, I'll let you explain to us how the most amazing coincidence in the history of mankind is taking place."

Isa 55:6

Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "You got what you voted for..."
Mt 11:24

Response to comment [from other]: "SCOTUS has ruled in favor of marriage equality. Excellent!"

If it feels good, do it. Matt. 15:19, Pr 16:18

2 Thess. 2:7, 8 Here comes polygamy. Deut. 17:16–17, 1 Kin. 11:1–4

'Love Is Love,' Obama Says After High Court Legalizes Same-Sex Marriage

Love is love lust is lust 1 Tim. 6:9

Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Two of the judges were Obama appointees."

Isa 40:22-23

Response to comment [from a pinko commie]: [Rare sheep ‘sacrificed to Satan’ on Dartmoor Luke 4:6–8; 2 Thess. 2:3, 4] ...The man of sin,antichrist,booger man(what ever we want to call him) cannot come unless there first be "a great falling away" and then (only when there is a falling away) will he be permitted to come. Just like the other examples they obey,they stand,,,if they don't they fall victim to a cruel ruler. So as long as there are people in the world who are Christian the man of sin "cannot come",,,again when the world completely descends into this "great falling away",,,well then they will have the king and government over them they wanted,,,that old serpent satin.

2 Ti 1:7

Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Exactly.  Liberals in these conversations always avoid the word lust. They simply roll it into 'Love' which is a disservice to the actual meaning and the rest of us that are also restricted to using the English language."

If one is willing to commit adultery/fornication ([Ex 20:14] heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:13]), he is also willing to manipulate words (2 Cor. 4:2, 2 Pet. 3:16). The Left (Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10) is better at language if one prefers to live in delusionland (Ps 10:1–11, Lk 12:17–19, Lk 13:23–30, 2 Thess. 2:1–12, 2 Pet. 3:5, 16, 17).

"I was talking about one side of the argument limiting the vocabulary they are using (often times purposefully by the intellectual elite of one group, so their less bright members have simple slogans to chant)."

Spoon-feeding the wicked (Jer 5:31, 2 Ti 4:3).  “One with God is a majority” ~ Martin Luther

"In this case liberals, the group I was addressing, like to boil arguments down to selfish humanism."

If it feels good do it. 2 Tim. 3:2-4, Phil 2:21

"...I certainly believe gay people can love each other."

Sodomites ([Ex 20:14] heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:13]) do not love one another. People do not love others when they sin against themselves and another (1 Co 6:18). Love wants what is best for his neighbor (Mt 22:39, Judg 21:25, Jn 10:10).

"...'[R]ights' cases that the current struggle for 'gay rights' liken themselves to."

Men have the right to obey (Ac 5:29). Obey God and live. Don't and you won't (Re 20:14).
"You can build on him (1 Cor. 10:4) or stumble on him (1 Pet. 2:8). He'll be a stepping stone (Ps 18:2) or stumbling stone (1 Cor 1:23, Luke 20:18)." ~ Adrian Rogers

"And sticking with the topic of how this affects our speaking English.  What do members here think about using another word now for holy marriage? Stick with the term "matrimony" perhaps? The pairing "holy matrimony" always comes to mind for me."

Our word is marriage (Gen. 2:18–24). Their word is rebellion (Heb 13:4). God does not leave covenant relationships (Mt 19:6, Rom. 7:2, 3). A marriage is worthy of his presence (John 2:1–11). A sham is not. God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen. 13:13, 19:1–28). He did not parTy harTy with them.

Response to comment [from other]: "Protecting children was never the primary function or reason for marriage."

Marriage is honorable with or without children (Heb 13:4).  God wants godly offspring (Ge 1:28, Mal. 2:14, 15).  Marriage was given not just to the Christian but to the world (Gen. 2:18–24).

"If it were, child bearing would be a mandatory requirement for marriage."

Right. Man and wife make a family (Gen. 2:18–24). Children are a blessing (Ps 127:3) but not necessary.

Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Ancestry, descendants, and the natural family were always the foundation of marriage, and many infertile couples are bitterly angry that gays capitalized on their misfortune to redefine marriage."

A Sodomite can't redefine anything (Rom. 7:2, 3). Laws come from God (Ge 2:7, Ro 2:15) not man (Ge 11:4, Ro 1:18). This is God's universe (Ps 103:19). He rules and reigns (Heb 13:4).

But the righteousness which is of faith speaketh on this wise, Say not in thine heart, Who shall ascend into heaven? [that is, to bring Christ down from above:] [Rom. 10:6].

"He talks about ascending up to heaven to bring it down, or going down to hell and bringing it up. My friend, the righteousness that Paul is talking about—he quotes from Deuteronomy 30:11–14—is available!" McGee, J. V. (1991). Thru the Bible commentary: The Epistles (Romans 9-16) (electronic ed., Vol. 43, p. 43). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.

Response to comment [from a Christian]:
View Post

You are responsible for your blatant disregard of those very children you claim to care about if you do not hold husbands and fathers to the same standard as you hold wives and mothers.

Both are held to the same standards (Gal. 3:28).

View Post

Agreed.  Equality means equal responsibility for men and women based on gender.  But equality doesn't mean individuals are equally responsible for crimes.  Blaming the victim is an example of trying to press equality too far.

Parents are responsible to raise their kids right (Pr 1:8, 22:6). In general when they raise them right, they get godly kids.


Walking in the Way of a Father by Charles Stanley

Robots -- get married Matt. 19:5

What are the implications of the Supreme Court’s marriage decision? Four key things to consider.

First Sodomite Divorce Firm Opens In Philly


A transsexual marrying under false pretenses

Homosexuality is: forbidden (Lev. 18:22), considered an abomination (1 Kin. 14:24), punishment for (Lev. 20:13), unclean (Rom. 1:24, 26, 27). :vomit:

Nathan Collier: Montana man inspired by same-sex marriage ruling requests right to wed two wives Ex 20:14

Millions Reclaim the USA for God on July 4th and All Month Gen. 2:18–24

Response to comment [from an atheist]:  "I read the prayer. Says "Americans are God's people..." Do you need to be a citizen?"

1 Jn 3:12, NIV

"If you are one of The Donald's nasty Mexicans, are you not one of "God's people"?"

God's people could care less about ethnicity or skin color. In fact, when we say that we are called microagressive. Christians believe we are one race--the human race (Ac 17:26). In fact, when we say that we are called microagressive.

Explain where the Donald got the facts wrong. You thought all illegal aliens were valedictorians?

"Why are Christians so frightened of homosexuals?"

Why are God-haters so frightened of Christians? Ac 20:20 Would you like to make Christianity illegal?

"I don't want to make Christianity illegal, just don't want its ignorance shoved down the peoples' throats."

That's what all the adulterers said (Ex 20:14) who started all of this (Pr 6:14).

"...The social sexual revolution of our time." ~ Hugh Hefner 1 Co 6:9-10

"Hugh Hefner gives a lot of money to women's organizations to feel good about himself." ~ Dennis Prager 1 Tim. 2:9

Chief Justice Roy Moore Says Supreme Court Justices Can be Impeached

Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Sure. It was tried once, initiated by the House in 1805 before the Senate killed it. All you need is a serious violation of law or ethic. You can also raise an amendment to the Constitution, but both are arduous tasks and this one is a fool's errand..."

Or don't appoint lawless men in the first place. 2 Thess. 2:7, 8

"They aren't lawless until adjudicated as such, your inclinations notwithstanding."

Who cares what I say? What has God said? Gen. 2:18–24, Heb 13:4

Laws come from God (Ge 2:7) not government (Ge 11:4).

"...Laws come from God not government."

You removed the scripture from my quote (Eph 4:14).

Laws come from God (Ge 2:7) not government (Ge 11:4).

"Not if..."

God said it. That settles it (Prov. 29:2).

[You removed the scripture from my quote (Eph 4:14).] "I always do..."

You do (Eph 4:14).

Response to comment [from a Christian]: [To TH] "Wise up. "That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness." "But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.-" If the Government fining a small baker $130,000.00 for not baking a gay union cake, is not reducing that baker under absolute despotism, I don't know what is."

Jn 8:36, Eph 6:13

Democrats Introduce Bill to Ban ‘Husband’ and ‘Wife’ as ‘Anti-Gay’ Words Gen. 2:18–24, Heb 13:4

"You removed the scripture from my quote."

Response to comment [from other]: "The same government agency awarded a Christian $325,000 from his employer for discrimination on the basis of religion. Where was your outrage then?"

Why would that be outrageous? Christians are the only ones fit to lead (Titus 2:15).

Sodomite divorce Gen. 2:18–24


A transsexual marrying under false pretenses

Homosexuality is: forbidden (Lev. 18:22), considered an abomination (1 Kin. 14:24), punishment for (Lev. 20:13), unclean (Rom. 1:24, 26, 27).

We Will Not Bow, Part 1 by John MacArthur

Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Those who desire to de-sexualize marriage, wish to end the cultural foundations, deeply embedded in our civil society, history and culture, and enthrone the new, ‘partnership’ understanding, which assumes that any legal distinction between same sex and male-female unions is arbitrary and discriminatory. Put simply, the law declares that all those who hold to the conjugal understanding of marriage are little better than racists. They do this for one purpose, the economic reality of such strange structural arrangements."

It's not about homos. It's about destroying marriage (Heb 13:4).

"My point is most relevant today. Do you understand what I said?" 

I do. I disagree. Even if the whole culture agrees with them, Sodomites won't experience joy (Is 57:21). 

This isn't about their finances. This is about their idolatry (2 Cor. 6:15–18) and the lack of fulfillment that follows (Ga 6:8).

Texas Man Proposes to Another Man in ‘Church’ Despite United Methodist Ban on Same-Sex ‘Marriage’

Global Coalition Calls for Nine Days to Pray and Fast for the Sanctity of Life, Marriage, and for the Synod on the Family October 16 - 24, 2015 2 Chron 7:14

'I do, I do, I do:' Brazilian female trio get hitched

Marriage is one man, one woman (Gen. 2:18–24) in covenant (Matt. 19:6) for life (Rom. 7:2, 3).

Response to comment [from a Christian]: "With none of the responsibilities, no doubt.  Like finding a suitable man and learning to love him till death."

Covenent schmovenent they say (Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10, Heb 13:4).


Disposable Culture

Response to comment [from a Buddhist]: [Abolishing marriage] "[H]ow [would] this contract would be enforced sans legal means?"

Marriage has been instituted by God (Gen. 2:18–24).

Father, Adopted Son Seek Right To Marry Each Other Gen. 2:18–24

Man 'marries sex doll' Gen. 2:18–24


Dozens of people mistake robot for real woman - and they think she's 'sexy'

Sodomite marriage "legal", but not on some tribal lands Gen. 2:18–24

Mississippi same-sex divorce granted Gen. 2:18–24

Rabbi ‘kidnapped, tortured’ husbands into granting wives divorce Gen. 2:18–24, Mt 19:8 ESV, Rom. 7:2, 3

Couple seeking to undo their divorce get turned down Matt. 19:6, 1 Cor. 7:10–17

Response to comment [from an agnostic]: "A question for the anti-gay marriagers here: if a different term was used for homosexual unions (like mirage, I guess) and all the same rights and benefits that heterosexual married couples receive were extended to these eloped homosexuals, would that be cool with you?"

Who cares about what's cool with me? What has God said? Gen. 2:18–24, Eph. 5:23–32, Ac 5:29

“Behavior is the mirror in which everyone shows their true image.” ~ Goethe

University moves to fire professor for defense of man-woman marriage  

Erotic Sex? It's a Gift from God Says the Pope Prov. 5:15–20

2016 March for Marriage Set for June 25 in Washington, DC

Judge blocks Mississippi anti-LGBT 'religious freedom' law  

Father Dies Minutes After Dancing with Daughter at Her Wedding Ruth 1:11–18 Woman's Best Friend Jer 16:2

Obama Removes Wedding Ring

Mexico- Thousands protest against same-sex marriage proposal

'DivorceHotel': Check In Married, Check Out Divorced -- All In Weekend Jer. 16:2

Black Flag "Roach Motel" Commercial Heb 13:4
paxvobiscum View Post
The first reason for marriage is sociological and that was to put the sex genie in a bottle.
You must not have read Song of Solomon.

The song of songs, which is Solomon’s [Song 1:1].

“I suppose one could liken this book to a piece of folk music, or more likely to an opera. These canticles are put together to give us a glorious, wonderful story. This is one of the methods God used in speaking to His people. It rebukes asceticism, but it also condemns lust and unfaithfulness to the marriage vow. This is no soap opera. It is not a cheap play in which the hero is a neurotic, the heroine is erotic, and the plot is tommyrotic. Rather, it is a beautiful song of marital love.” McGee, J. V. (1991). Thru the Bible commentary: Poetry (Ecclesiastes/Song of Solomon) (electronic ed., Vol. 21, p. 111). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.

The government should stay out of what is "marriage".

Laws come from God not man (1 Ti 1:8-10, Ac 5:29). Men make it up as they go along (Heb 13:4).

Serpent D...

Do you know how to use the ‘reply’ button?

A law is defined as an ordinance of reason for the common good…

Laws come from God not man (1 Ti 1:8-10, Ac 5:29). Make it up as you go along (Re 22:11). Most people do (Mt 7:13-14).
Madonna Offers to Remarry Sean Penn for $150,000 Deut. 24:4
quip View Post
Else religion would feel entitled to define/enforce marriage by their exclusive interpretation...

God's interpretation (your word ) is the correct interpretation. Gen. 2:18–24
For me...absolutely.

It wouldn't be for you if it weren't for everybody (Eph 4:14).
paxvobiscum View Post
The government should stay out of what is "marriage"...

Laws come from God not man (1 Ti 1:8-10, Ac 5:29, Ps 33:12, Heb 13:4).
Daniel1769 View Post
The government should not be involved in marriage at all.

The law does not regulate morality. The law regulates immorality (Lev. 20:10–12).
paxvobiscum View Post
I think the issue was defining what is a marriage--if  society states...
God states (your word ) what marriage is (Gen. 2:18–24). Societies make it up as they go along (Ps 33:12, Jer 16:2, Heb 13:4).
Daniel1769 View Post
Our government is the biggest negative effect on society. They're going to somehow help society?

They don't. That's the point (Is 5:20, Jer 16:2, Heb 13:4).

Why This $130 Wedding Ring Set Went Viral Heb 13:4
The Horn View Post
Humans created marriage, not God.

God created marriage (Gen. 2:18–24). Honor it (Heb 13:4) or don't (Re 22:11).

No whoremonger, nor unclean person, nor covetous man, who is an idolater, hath any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God (Eph 5:5).

Married Italians will no longer have to pledge to be faithful Pr 20:6

View Post
...rate devalues whatever 'family' there is after initial divorce.  It's a sad state affairs, which does more damage then homosexual marriage could ever do.  If you 'divorce' someone and get involved with another person, then it's adultery...

That's correct (Rom. 7:2, 3).


Cuckoo birds

aCultureWarrior View Post
...[D]o you fix an invaluable institution that is in need of repair by redefining it?

There is no redefining it. Marriage is instituted by God not man (Gen. 2:18–24, Ac 5:29).

Woman in  love with robot and wants to marry

 We don't hurt anybody' 

It's National Marriage Week--Campaign to Promote Marriage and Its Success 

A 70-year-old love story celebrated with a 166-year-old wedding dress Ps. 45:13–15

Couple with Down Syndrome to Celebrate 22nd Anniversary: 'I've Never Seen Love Like It' Mt 18:3

Ever Wondered Why There’s an 'R' in 'Mrs'? 

Young Americans Are Killing Marriage Jer 16:2  

Tolpuddlematyr replied
No generation has the right to impose its views and mores on the next…

Laws come from God not man (1 Ti 1:8-10, Ac 5:29). Marriage is one man, one woman (Gen. 2:18–24) in covenant (Matt. 19:6) for life (Rom. 7:2, 3).

juglans1 replied
Nothing in any of that for a need to have a legally signed marriage contract.

Are you shaking up with your concubus or concubine? Ex 20:14

vibise View Post
I think that the abandonment of marriage is not linked to any age group, but is a socioeconomic issue...

If you enter into marriage with the mindset of a businessman, sure (Mal 2:14, Jer. 16:2). If you enter into marriage for what it is--a covenant between: God, man and wife (Matt. 19:6):straight:--then you stick it out in sickness and in health for richer or for poorer.

View Post
As evidenced in this thread, our decadent culture and law have gutted the meaning of marriage. Millennials aren't getting married because they have been convinced that it is meaningless.

The culture calls it meaningless (Jer. 16:2). God doesn't (Heb. 13:4).

View Post
[...Marriage is one man, one woman (Gen. 2:18–24) in covenant (Matt. 19:6) for life (Rom. 7:2, 3).] ...[D]on't think you can use man made laws to impose them on the rest of us.

Laws come from God not man (1 Ti 1:8-10, Ac 5:29). God's word is the final word (Ac 5:29). :Poly: You can say gravity doesn't exist, too; but, try jumping off a cliff. :dizzy:

America View Post
What's changed is that it's become more inclusive in the US, and that angers Christian conservatives.

Marriage is what God says it is (Gen. 2:18-–24, Matt. 19:6) :listen: not what you say it is. Make it up as you go along if you'd like (Heb. 13:4). Payday someday (1 Co 6:9-10).

Denial of marriage is a prophetic sign of the end times (Jer. 16:2).

HRG View Post
[Laws come from God not man (1 Ti 1:8-10, Ac 5:29). Marriage is one man, one woman (Gen. 2:18-24) in covenant (Matt. 19:6) for life (Rom. 7:2, 3).] Not in a modern country.

"New world order is old disorder (Ac 15:18)." ~ Adrian Rogers
Tolpuddlematyr View Post
...I have managed to live without God for over sixty years. Your threats are toothless.

My threats are irrelevant (Ro 12:19). God's threats are relevant. You thought he wouldn't follow through on his promises to you? Ga 6:7, 1 Co 6:9-10 Hell is excited to meet you (Is 14:9).
Burlow Beanie View Post [To another member pro-Sodomite] What right are you talking about specifically? The right to call it marriage?

The left makes it up as they go along (Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10). They do not see themselves as accountable to God (1 Pe 4:5). They will find out soon that they are not God (1 Co 6:9-10). :burnlib:

And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting; being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness; they are whisperers, backbiters, haters of God, violent, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving, unforgiving, unmerciful; who, knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them. Romans 1:28–32 (NKJV)

America View Post ...Marriage is what the US States and (to a lesser extent) the Federal Government say it is.

Go with that (Ps 50:21). :idunno: See if that flies at the Great White Throne (Re 20:11). :Popcorn: Don't be standing too close to me though. I don't want to get singed. :burnlib:

Go with that.

You removed the scripture from my quote (Eph 4:14).

Go with that (Ps 50:21).

You and I both do, as it's the state and federal governments which make the laws.

God’s law is higher not lower than your vain imagination (Prov. 12:20, Jer. 18:12, Mt 5:48, Jn 17:16).

See if that flies at the Great White Throne.

You removed the scripture from my quote (Eph 4:14).

See if that flies at the Great White Throne (Re 20:11).

Non-existent chairs aren't worth worrying about.

One of those (Ps 14:1). Good luck with that (1 Cor. 3:11-–15, Re 20:15). :juggle:

America View Post God’s law is higher not lower than your vain imagination.

You removed the scripture from my quote (Eph 4:14).

God’s law is higher not lower than your vain imagination (Prov. 12:20, Jer. 18:12, Mt 5:48, Jn 17:16).

[Marriage is one man, one woman (Gen. 2:18–24) in covenant (Matt. 19:6) for life (Rom. 7:2, 3).] [I]t's your imagination which is demanding authority, not mine.

:yawn: My imagination is irrelevant (Eph 4:14). What God has said is relevant (Heb 13:4).

Your imagined laws aren't higher than mine.

Let’s see who’s right at the Great White Throne which you also claim will not exist (Re 7:9).

...[L]et alone the state's or the federal government's.

Nations are judged. Judges are judged. You will be judged. Being a God-hater, you have no comprehension of justice (Pr 28:5). You will.

America View Post [Y]our vain imagination which is demanding authority, not mine.

:yawn: My imagination is irrelevant. God’s law is relevant (Mt 5:18).

Your imagined laws aren't higher than mine…

You are your own god and your law is based on your whim. Meanwhile the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End has a reality check on the horizon for you (Rev. 1:8, 17, 18; Rev. 21:6, 7).

[L]et alone the state's or the federal government's.

What’s your complaint? You’ve got the lawless government you always wanted and you’re still not happy? We just want you to be happy (2 Cor. 13:3–5). :sigh:

The latter define marriage; your imagined deity does not.

How many lives have you destroyed so far? Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10, Heb 13:4 :juggle:

Burlow Beanie View Post
...[B]efore you start judging people look at your own 'sins'...

:yawn: Pr 31:9

I do not recognize any authority in calling some words that people wrote 'scripture'.

Good luck with that (1 Co 6:9-10, Re 22:11).

America View Post
Your imagination is what you're pushing...

"We give out the word of God. What men do with it is their business." :Poly: Ac 20:20 ~ J. Vernon McGee

America View Post
We give out the word of God.

You removed the scripture from my quote (Eph 4:14).

"We give out the word of God. What men do with it is their business." :Poly: Ac 20:20 ~ J. Vernon McGee

Written by men.

If you're right (Ps. 119:142, 151, 160), then you have nothing to worry about (Rev. 21:8). :idunno:

Couple struggling to conceive discover they're biological twins

Divorced couple, new spouses win co-parenting at daughter's soccer game Is 5:20, Jer 6:15, Heb 13:4


The Conquering Christ by Adrian Rogers

Couple Married for 69 Years Dies 40 Minutes Apart, Holding Hands Gen. 2:18–24

Kirk, Anne Douglas' Deut. 24:4

lightbeamrider replied
Known billionaires like Trump have their pick for the most part. There is no shortage of females who find him incredibly interesting, married or not. The rest of us, not so much.

He's a winner (Heb 13:4). :freak:

[Y]ou don't have to be married to have children and on the other hand it is kind of selfish to be shacking up if the couple has bio children. It saves the child some embarrassment since their friends may come from traditional households.

Reprobates defile the land (Gen. 1:27, 28, Mal. 2:14, 15).

The school [where] I work is young professional and they are mostly married?

"Mostly." ~ Eric Cartman Deut. 22:13-19

...with kids, law abiding...?

Laws come from God not man (1 Ti 1:8-10, Ac 5:29).

jgarden View Post
How ironic that many of those who demand a return to traditional marriage voted for Donald Trump - the least monogamous president in history!

How'd you like to be in eternity having to tell everyone that you voted for him?   Pr 8:36, Ex 20:14 

Elderly Couple Married 67 Years Has Hospital Beds Moved Together to Spend Final Days Side-By-Side  

Conqueror View Post

An annulment is anarchy before God and ridicule of civil authorities

 Rome (Jud 11) :olinger: likes to pretend all sorts of things (Heb 13:4). :dizzy:


Roman Catholicism

Ric View Post

[Annulment is anarchy before God] Indeed!

Marriage is one man, one woman (Gen. 2:18-24) in covenant (Matt. 19:6) for life (Rom. 7:2, 3). :straight:

relling View Post

The civil authorities in the United States who have legalized abortion and same sex marriage were "appointed by God".

Laws come from God not man (1 Ti 1:8-10, Ac 5:29).

relling View Post

Let us pray for one another and love one another.

Love your neighbor enough to tell him the truth (Ac 20:20). :Poly:

Conqueror View Post

Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities.  For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God (Ro 13:1).

God's way is the best way. :thumb:
When the foundations are being destroyed, what can the righteous do? Ps 11:3

Conqueror View Post

Trust in the Lord Jesus Christ to deliver the promised salvation despite the circumstances.

Unlike you (2 Pe 2:1), I trust his word (Ps. 111:7, 8).

As a reminder Conqueror is number 78 on Satan, Inc. in "The 'Jesus is not God' people (Non-trinitarians) category.  :burnlib:

Conqueror View Post

You have already explained how you trust in the papacy's tare filled canon...

:yawn: Strawman (Eph 4:14).


Did Constantine Decide What Books Belong in the Bible?

Ric View Post

[Marriage is one man, one woman (Gen. 2:18-24) in covenant (Matt. 19:6) for life (Rom. 7:2, 3).]

Tell me something I don't know.

Not my job. My job is to state the obvious every day (Ac 20:20). :skeptic:

Ric View Post

Okay, Captain Obvious...

"Repetition is the mother of pedagogy." ~ Dennis Prager

Reply to HamrickCE

Why are you trying to re marry when you're already married? :freak: Rom. 7:2, 3


Jesus on Marriage and Divorce Michael Youssef   

My former wife committed adultery.

So did my husband (Jer 3:1).  That doesn’t make us unmarried (Matt. 19:6).  That makes us bummed out (Heb 13:4). :sigh:

I divorced her because she admitted to adultery.

That doesn’t make you free to marry a concubine (Matt. 5:32).  You are free to remain celibate (Mt 19:11).  Get your portrait on God’s walls in his mansion (Is 56:4-5). 

So, no... I'm not married.

Is your wife alive? :smokie:Rom. 7:2, 3

I'm also not trying to get married. Trying implies and active attempt. I'm waiting on the woman God showed me I would be married to some 16 years ago in a dream.

He’s not interested in fulfilling your prophecy.  He’s interested in you remaining faithful to him.  Be faithful to your wife even though she’s evil (Ruth 1:14–18 ).  She has a name.  It’s not ‘what’s her name’ or ‘ex’ (Ge 9:6).

Men make it up as they go along.  :dizzy: Honor God (Ps 51:4). :straight:

 My ex-husbands girlfriend…

Is he still alive?  The, he’s not ‘ex’.  God gave him a name.  It is not ‘x’. Rom. 7:2, 3  The woman’s proper title is not “girlfriend”.  It is adulteress (Matt. 5:32).

…[C]ontinually wants to challenge my children's faith…

Jer. 16:2

…He has a girlfriend (live in) that is a blasphemer and is constantly asking my 15 and 11 year old boys to defend their faith and Christian walk.

I’m sorry one of you filed for divorce.  Whomever that is—you’re evil (Mal 2:16).

…[W]we must pray for her.

That’s the most coherent things you’ve said all day (Mt 5:44).

They get angry and frustrated with her because she insists on challenging them on Bible knowledge…

You send them out as missionaries when you don’t even defend the faith yourself (Heb 13:4).

…I feel that I can only pray for spiritual protection on them…

Beg the Lord to forgive you (Heb 13:4).  They will go in the rapture (along with any child in the adulteress’ womb).   

…[W]hen they go to their dad’s house and I do not know how to prepare them for this kind of battle.

The Lord is going to rescue them from all of you (Heb 13:4).

Has anyone else had to go through this?

You live in Sodom aka America, don’t you? Jer 16:2   

I am great full for being out of a marriage that was soul crushing…

It’s all about you (Heb 13:4).

… I am remarried to a good man…

Good men don’t commit adultery with married women (Rom. 7:2, 3).

George View Post

[Private messages]

I found out that private message--isn’t so private.

Reply to Hamrick

[Ge 3:16 discussion]

Wrong, crotch humorist (Enyart). 

You've caused your wife to become a serial adulteress--evil.  If you find out that you've married your cousin (e.g. close kin:  Kevin bacon, Kyra Sedgwick--that was to what Jesus was referring [Mt 5:32]).

Ge 3:16 is a prophecy.  Her first desire should be toward the Lord, but it will be toward her husband.     

Truth7t7 View Post

[Serial adulterer Prager] ...He is on his third marriage.

He has one wife (Rom. 7:2, 3) :dizzy: and two concubines (Luke 16:18).   

simplicio View Post

Should the state recognize common law marriage?

Why?  :idunno: The fornicators didn’t even bother to get married (Heb. 13:4).  

simplicio View Post
No. And as far as I know the constitution does not forbid homosexual marriage.

Do the Sodomites ([Ex 20:14] heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13]) have to enter into every discussion?

JamesTheLesser View Post

I would think people today would need to be concerned about the institution of marriage...

You'd be wrong :5020: (Jer 16:2).:reals:

Reply to HamrickCE

What God showed me…was that I would be married….Explain it to me.

You are married.  :hammer:You just kicked her to the curb.  :reals: God’s right (Matt. 19:6).  You’re wrong.  Maybe you thought you were advanced dating (e.g. prostitution) :idunno: [Jer 17:9].   

God is good.  He didn’t allow you to defile yourself as you’d planned (Rom. 7:2, 3).

On our five year wedding anniversary, I served her with divorce papers.

You’re evil (Mal 2:16). 

davidbrainerd View Post

Divorce law is a practical matter

Not too practical for the spouse you kicked to the curb (Heb 13:4). :idunno: Prepare to meet your maker (Heb 10:30).

She has a job so what's the problem?

Laws come from God not man (1 Ti 1:8-10, Ac 5:29). See how that works out for ya (Heb 12:29). :burnlib:


Jeffrey Dahmer and Son of Sam got saved.

Georgetown LGBT Lobby Calls to Defund Pro-Marriage Student Group 

Reply to HamrickCE

If I wanted to get married so bad [sic], I would take care of it on my own.

You are married (Rom. 7:2, 3). :dizzy:  You just kicked her to the curb because you’re evil (Mal 2:16).  Don’t defile another woman (Luke 16:18). 

If your videos aren’t mocking the watchmen, they are advertisements to this poor woman—Marry me now for $19.95 and you, too can sail on my cheap boat.

I’ve been single for ten years…

You’ve been married for ten years (1 Cor. 7:10–17).  See how that delusion works out for you at the Great White Throne when you appear without your esha.  :hammer:The Consuming Fire (Heb 12:29) is eagar to meet you (Is 14:9). :burnlib:

We got divorced in 2007.

Do you mean you divorced her? Mal 2:16   

Reply to Winfrey  

[Won’t go to a homosexual so-called wedding, all of my comments removed Winfrey's chanel ]

But you will go to a second marriage (Rom. 7:2, 3) when one’s spouse is still alive (Ps 50:18, Matt. 23:6, 7). :reals:

Reply to JP D'LemurLover  

[Toney serial adulterer (Rom. 7:2, 3)]  Wow, you must be God…

Something about do not commit adultery that you don’t get? :smokie: Ex 20:14


Paul’s Final Remarks, Rare Qualities Michael Youssef

Judge Rightly Is Not Some Guy's Name Bob Enyart

…This is a free gift of God…

For those who repent (Acts 2:37, 38). :hammer: You have not repented.  We know love (1 Jn 3:14).  :straight: You know wrath abides (Ps 7:12, Jn 3:36, Heb 10:27). :hobo:

Jesus loves you (Jn 3:16). Jesus is willing to save you (2 Pe 3:9). Repent (Eze 18:30-32; Ac 17:30). Believe (Mk 9:23). 

Reply to Toney

[Serial adulterer (Rom. 7:2, 3), his home decorated for Christmas (refuting watchmen vid: VLOG- Merry Yule | Lying about Christmas | Grace in a pagan religion Hammrick CE)] Call me a pagan…

Ps 127:1


Essentials for Growth and Godliness Pt 1A, Pt 1B MacArthur   

Reply to HammrickCE

[God told him to commit adultery :freak:]

God does not tell you to do something that violates his law (Rom. 7:2, 3) or his word (Jer 14:15). :dizzy:

America View Post

[Marriage is: one man, one woman (Gen. 2:18-24) in covenant (Matt. 19:6) for life (Rom. 7:2, 3).] A description isn't a definition…

God, not you (Heb 13:4), :reals: defines marriage (1 Ti 1:8-10, Ac 5:29). 

America View Post

[God defines marriage as: one man, one woman (Gen. 2:18-24) in covenant (Matt. 19:6) for life (Rom. 7:2, 3).] Man, not God, says that…

Laws come from God not man (1 Ti 1:8-10, Ac 5:29).

HeraclitusHeraclitus replied

…I'm sorry, marriage is a legal thing not what one's magic book says.

You’ll find out soon that you’re not God (Ps 50:21, Heb 10:31). :juggle:

You cited legal prescience…

Laws come from God not man (1 Ti 1:8-10, Ac 5:29).  Ask John the Baptist.  He cites God’s law and was murdered for it (Matt. 14:3–12).

…[S]odomy is a legal term as well.

A Sodomite (heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13]) is one who engages in sexual sin (Gen. 13:13).    

Tim H replied

[Laws come from God not man (1 Ti 1:8-10, Ac 5:29).] Not in this country, they don't.

This country was founded on Judeo-Christian values (Ps 33:12).  Presently, you’ve got it your way (Mic. 7:3).  :idunno: Enjoy it while it lasts (Re 22:11). :burnlib:

Tim H replied

[America] It's a secular democracy.

It’s a moot point.  It’s gone (Eze 38:2-3).  

Tim H replied

My constitution guarantees freedom from religion too.

False (Eph 4:14). You have the freedom to love Jesus or stab him in the back (Ge 2:17). :idunno: The law is for the lawless (1 Ti 1:9).  

GISMYS View Post

[Jack Van Impe] Yes! Jack says...

Problem with Jack :freak: is--he doesn’t believe in capital punishment for deviants (the heart of the gospel of Jesus Christ). He must be nicer than God. :idunno:

Nicer than God by Bob Enyart

GISMYS View Post

...[L]et Jack help you see the truth...

He should find an honest job.


Capital Punishment  

Couple married 71 years die minutes apart 

Reply to WILDflower

…[T]hey both have issues…

Toney is a serial adulterer (Rom. 7:2, 3). Hamrick is thinking about  becoming one (Heb 13:4). :freak:

Reply to Blue Vireo

“…[N]o one can stand before the Lord without His forgiveness and grace. Extend that to your brother.”

If your brother sins, rebuke him, and if he repents, forgive him (Lk 17:3). 

Reply to

…[B]oth of your channels are turning into the Jerry Springer Show.

Neither one of these men honors marriage (Heb 13:4).      

Reply to jewels G

Unforgiveness will eat you up.

If your brother sins, rebuke him, and if he repents, forgive him (Lk 17:3).  

Reply to Cie

If they are children of God, He will get them sorted out.

It will all come out in the wash—or not.

Whoever is of God hears the words of God. :straight:The reason why you do not hear them is that you are not of God (Jn 8:46–47). :reals:

Reply to Horvath

[“I was married for five years…We had Michelle…I left...”, quotes, Joel 2:25: I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, “She’s gonna wanna see daddy’s side of things…Locust, demons--they tried to destroy my relationship with my daughter.”

Is that like the devil made me do it? Ps 68:5, Mal 2:14-16, Rom. 7:2, 3, Heb 13:4 

Reply to Potter


You spiritualize clouds?  :squint: 1 Thess. 4:16, 17

[Adultery] “Trump has never done anything wrong in that regard as far as I can tell.”

He’s :greedy: a serial adulterer (Rom. 7:2, 3). :squint:

All of the traditional ideas of marriage—which didn’t come from God by the way.

Marriage was instituted by God (Gen. 2:18–24). 

They came from men who want to control men and women.

No one is interested in controlling you (Ga 5:23). :granite: Control yourself (2 Pet. 1:6).

Liberty is freedom.

“You are free--to obey... If you break the law, we’ve got a law for you.” ~ J. Vernon McGee

…with responsibility.

You don’t sound too responsible. :idunno: What have you done to a woman? :nono: Heb 13:4

Paul said all things are lawful for me...

You’re no Paul.  Paul was married and widowed or abandoned.  Paul passed from death to life (1 Jn 3:14).  If you have not loved your brother (how much more—your wife), then what reason would you have to believe that you belong to Christ?  He is love (1 Jn 4:16).

Multiple relationships—that’s not right either—depending on the circumstance.

Under what circumstance is it right to have two wives?  :peach::peach: When you’re the president?  :greedy: One in the White House and one living down the street in a hut? :peach: Rom. 7:2, 3

Some of you will say God created one woman for one man.  That’s the first level of meaning.

Whoso hath found a wife hath found a good thing (Pr 18:22).  You’ll notice it does not say wives (Gen. 2:24). :dizzy:

Marriage is:  one man, one woman (Gen. 2:18–24) in covenant (Matt. 19:6) for life (Rom. 7:2, 3).

…There’s another meaning entirely.

In Sodom (heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13]) aka America (Ge 13:3).  :idunno: Specifics, Bob. 

You’re free to commit adultery (Ex 20:14).  :idunno: See how that works out for you at the Great White Throne (1 Co 6:9-10, Heb 13:4). :burnlib:

They bishop shall be the husband of one wife.  Ok, I’m not a bishop.

No one would accuse you of being a leader.  :idunno: We, the church, are kings and priests (Re 5:10).  :straight:You stay outside with the pigs where you belong (Re 21:27). 

The prodigal son cleaned up and went to the Father’s house because he was a son.  :straight:The prodigal pig remained outside in the mud where he belonged (McGee). :reals:

“A hog has never said 'I need a bath." ~ Adrian Rogers

How does all of this related to Trump?  Do not judge him—the relationships he’s had with women.

Pr 31:9

He has not disobeyed any commandment.

Ex 20:14

Not one in that regard.

Ex 20:14

That is a commandment—you shall not bring false witness.

The Donald is a serial adulterer (Rom. 7:2, 3).  :greedy: You cast your lot with adulterers (Ps 50:18b).  :idunno: You’ll answer for it (Heb 13:4, Ro 14:12).

They...make sex look like it’s evil.

Sex outside of marriage is evil (Ex 20:14). :hammer:

Don’t fall into that trap.

We won’t (Is 5:20).

Righteousness is the right use for something.

God gave you your eyes for one use.  You’ve used them for another.  God gave you your hands for one use.  You’ve used them for another.  God gave you your feet for one use.  You've used them for another.  God gave you your penis for one use.  You’ve used it for another.  God gave you your heart for one use.  You’ve used them for another.  Good luck with that (Prov. 2:16–19).

"The greatest sin is sinning against love." ~ J. Vernon McGee

No, things are a lot different than we see.

Agreed.  You’re going to see what God thinks of marriage (Is. 54:5, Eph. 5:23–32).   At the same time, you’re going to learn that you’re not God (Ps 50:21). :burnlib: 

Reply to Patrick

[Harvest Bible Chapel Denver] I know things aren't right.

I don't go there anymore.  Pastor Jeff is evil.

What happened?  Talk to me please.

He said: “If you came to Christ and you’ve been a drug dealer, Paul’s not saying remain in the situation you’re in—just keep selling drugs for the Lord.” Link

I’m confused because the week before he told serial adulterers (Rom. 7:2, 3)  to remain in their marriages (Matt. 14:3–12) so that grace can abound (Ro 6:1).  He said if you believe otherwise, you’re immature (Matt. 19:6).  I’m too immature :Poly: to attend his brothel (Ps 50:18); but, I know a few unrepentant, serial adulteress who were tickled pink (2 Ti 4:3).  :BRAVO: You heard them laughing, didn’t you?  Pr 1:26, Ps 50:21. Link

I didn’t know that pastor Jeff had these views on marriage.  I could have been golfing all this time. Sometimes it takes a while for their horns to show—but they do show (2 Pe 2:1).:reals:

My prayers matter.  I'll take them to a sanctuary that's not defiled (Deut 22:24).

Reply to P

...You know my situation (similar to you yours).  I never want anyone to go though what I went through and with pastors like Jeff cozying up to evil (Ps 26:5)—they will if they believe his lies (2 Ti 4:3, Heb 13:4). :reals: 

Our small group just discussed all of this.  A couple there said that they were thinking of leaving the church, as well (no relation to my concerns :idunno:)...    


...I had addressed false teaching before with pastor Jeff (Calvinism, settled view, etc.).  He didn’t budge Noway (a product of Dallas Theological Cemetery :freak:).  Those weren’t hills to die on; so, I let it go.  Marriage; however:straight:—that’s a hill to die on.    


GISMYS View Post

Liberals have made a mess of the world!

That's what they do for a living (Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10). :idunno: 

Roy Moore Files Lawsuit for Voter Fraud Tracy Beanz  

Reply to Hamrick

[Divorces wife, compares self to Job :o]

Learn to speak in the active rather than passive voice: (e.g. 'I divorced my wife' rather than 'when we got divorced'). Mal 2:16

Reply to roypotterqa

^ A male not prepared to meet his maker (Ga 6:7, 1 Co 6:9-10, Heb 10:31, 13:4). 

Reply to roypotterqa  

I don’t claim to be a traditional Christian.

Best to admit you’re not a Christian (Mt 7:20).  :smokie: Your girly moment :Whipsnap: proved that you’re not prepared for what is to come (1 Thess 5:2).  

Jesus loves you (Jn 3:16). Jesus is willing to save you (2 Pe 3:9). Repent (Eze 18:30-32; Ac 17:30). Believe (Mk 9:23). 

Reply to Toney

[Toney, unrepentant serial adulterer [Rom. 7:2, 3], previous vid re:  those comfortable with their sin [Re 2:18-24] :noway:)

You are guaranteed to go into the tribulation, Thyatira (Re 2:1`8-24). :dizzy: Give your concubine (Prov. 2:16–19) a smooch tonight (Heb 13:4).  These are the best days you’ll ever know (Heb 11:25).  Live it up (Re 22:11).  

Reply to Hamrick

Don’t know what you mean by religious.  Spend more time caring for orphans and widows :cry: and less time looking for your dirty hoe in Vegas (Jas 1:27). :hammer:

    B.      The wicked (6:3–5)

      1.      They deny the faith (6:3–4a).

      2.      They are conceited and argumentative (6:4b).

      3.      They cause confusion, envy, and friction (6:4c).

      4.      They use spiritual things for financial gain (6:5).

    C.      The wise (6:6–8): They realize that godliness with contentment is great gain. Willmington, H. L. (1999). The Outline Bible (1 Ti 6:1–8). Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House Publishers.

theophilus View Post

It is clear that the marriages we enter into on earth will no longer exist in Heaven?...

That’s correct. The husband and wife will no longer be married; but, they will be able to love one another even more than they were able to in this life. :straight:

Reply to Toney

I know I’m an old man preaching.

You’re a dirty old man who has no business preaching :dizzy: —an unrepentant, serial adulterer (Rom. 7:2, 3).

You have not been convinced that you are a sinner in need of a savior.

Jesus loves you (Jn 3:16). Jesus is willing to save you (2 Pe 3:9). Repent (Eze 18:30-32; Ac 17:30). Believe (Mk 9:23).

Now Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied about these men also, saying, “Behold, the Lord comes with ten thousands of His saints, to execute judgment on all, to convict all who are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have committed in an ungodly way, and of all the harsh things which ungodly sinners have spoken against Him.”

These are grumblers, complainers, walking according to their own lusts; and they mouth great swelling words, flattering people to gain advantage. But you, beloved, remember the words which were spoken before by the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ: how they told you that there would be mockers in the last time who would walk according to their own ungodly lusts. These are sensual persons, who cause divisions, not having the Spirit (Jud 14–20).

"Enoch prophesied regarding the false teachers of the last days, and that is a remarkable thing! God apparently did not want the Book of Enoch in the canon of Scripture or it would be there—you may be sure of that. Godly men recognized that it was an apocryphal book, but here is one prophecy that God wanted put into His Holy Word. It is a prophecy concerning the coming of Christ with His saints.

We know from the record in Genesis that Enoch was translated, that is, he was removed from the earth without dying. And sometime in the future, the church, meaning true believers, is to be removed from the earth without dying. Of course, through the centuries since the time of Christ, believers have been dying so that at the present time most of the church has already passed through the doorway of death. And at the time of the Rapture they are to be caught up together with the living believers to meet the Lord in the air. This teaching is not in the Old Testament at all, yet Enoch is a type or a representative of the believers who will take part in the Rapture. Enoch was removed from the earthly scene before the judgment of the Flood came upon the earth. And the believers who compose the true church will be removed from this earth, will be caught up to meet the Lord in the air, before the judgment of the Great Tribulation breaks upon the earth.

Now, after the Great Tribulation, the Lord Jesus will return to the earth. However, at the time of the Rapture He does not come to the earth, but the believers are caught up to meet Him in the air. When we say that the Rapture is the second coming of Christ, we are not quite accurate if we mean that Christ is coming to earth at that time. No, the Rapture is the removal of the church. Then the visible church which is left on the earth, composed of folk who are not true believers, will totally depart from the faith and will enter the Great Tribulation period. And at the end of the Tribulation, the Lord Jesus will actually come to the earth “to execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed,” as Jude has prophesied. This is a remarkable passage of Scripture.

Now notice the penetrating truth brought out in Dr. Wuest’s translation of Jude 14–15:


  And there prophesied also with respect to these, the seventh from Adam, Enoch, saying, Behold, there comes the Lord with His holy myriads, to execute judgment against all and to convict all those who are destitute of a reverential awe towards God, concerning all their works of impiety which they impiously performed and concerning all the harsh things which impious sinners spoke against Him.


It is quite interesting that “holy myriads,” which has to do with the numbers of the saints, can be supernatural or natural creatures, which probably means that the church will come back with Christ when He returns to the earth. If the church does come back with Him to reign on the earth, obviously it had to leave the earth sometime before. You simply have to believe in the Rapture if you believe that Christ is coming back to earth with His saints.

“To execute judgment upon all.” When Christ returns to the earth, He is going to execute judgment. Jesus Himself said this in His Olivet Discourse. It is mentioned again and again in the Word of God, and we have seen it in the Old Testament.

“To convince all that are ungodly among them” or, as Dr. Wuest has translated it, “to convict all those who are destitute of a reverential awe towards God.” They are ungodly in the sense that they leave God out. And that is something that is quite popular today.

“Of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed.” Dr. Wuest translates it: “… concerning all their works of impiety which they impiously performed.” Their works are actually anti–God.

“And of all their hard speeches [harsh things] which ungodly sinners have spoken against him.”

Now this prophecy of Enoch, and it is a great prophecy, deals with the judgment upon the organized church which will be in total apostasy after the Rapture. You see, the Rapture will rupture the church—the true believers will leave the earth, and the make–believers will remain and will be here when Christ comes to judge men in that day.” McGee, J. V. (1991). Thru the Bible commentary: The Epistles (2 and 3 John/Jude) (electronic ed., Vol. 57, pp. 108–110). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.

Reply to Jason Wilmes

Since so many people think that lust is a bad thing…

:yawn: Who cares what people think?  Eph 4:14.  What does God think? :freak: James 1:14, 15

[Deut 14:26]

“Tithes (Deut. 14:22–29; 26:12–15): All Israelites are to tithe their crops each year, bringing the revenue to the Tabernacle. They also are expected to help support the Levites, foreigners, widows, and orphans living in their town or city.”  Willmington, H. L. (1999). The Outline Bible (Dt 14:22–29). Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House Publishers.

So is lust always a bad thing?

Lust for your wife all day long (Pr 5:19).  :dizzy:  Don’t lust for women who don’t belong to you (1 Tim. 6:9).

Sidebar:  Do you often run around Fakebook promoting lust? :hobo: 2 Tim. 3:6 

Reply to Toney

Us…going into a rapture this fall.

You dishonor marriage (Heb 13:4), serial adulterer (Rom. 7:2, 3).  You’re not going anywhere. :dizzy:

Reply to Rhema Fahrenheit  

[Husbands:  Man up and love your wives James & Lea D]   

He is not to divorce her (John 4:17, 18, 1 Cor. 7:11); but, if he does, she can pray for him (Prov. 5:15–17, 20, 31:11, 12). :straight:

Reply to Toney

[Toney, unrepentant serial adulterer (Rom. 7:2, 3)] You’re in to sexual sin and perversion.

You’re projecting again (Eph 4:14).  :noway:

No more moon lit kisses for you and your Mrs. (Mt 24:29).


Reply to HamrickCE

"Just because someone claims to be a Christian…doesn’t necessarily make them a Christian..."

Know thyself (Eph 4:14).  :thumb: You claim to be a Christian and don’t acknowledge the fact that you are married (Rom. 7:2, 3). :dizzy:


Hollywood attorney makes divorce easier with an online service

Deist View Post

Who is more compassionate and what is best for society?...Who is more compassionate and what is best for society?

Try over the next several days to look for these ploys by the left and the right…

Leftists:  steal, kill and destroy in all they do (Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10).

“Relationships are the most important thing in all the universe.” ~ Bob Enyart Gen. 1:1–3, 26

ignatius replied

There is no way to talk to a leftist like an adult. Whenever you disagree with them they label you…

That’s correct (Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10).  That’s why a Great Tribulation is necessary.  

Kastewart replied

[“Relationships are the most important thing in all the universe.” ~ Bob Enyart] Yes, because only true Christian saints like you…

Every believer is called a saint.

…[C]an recognize the importance of relationships…

You should. God is triune (Is. 6:3). You will learn about what he thinks about those made in his image (Gen. 9:6, Ps 94:23). 

Ralphena Speaks Francis Santarose 

Reply to Scott Robison

This is so embarrassing, but I am going crazy. Ok, I am going to confess my biggest sin. Lust, is my biggest sin. I used to be addicted to porn. I have been married for almost 18 years. I came to Christ about 6 years ago. I am 40 years old. My wife is an unbeliever.

According to Paul in:

1 Corinthians 7:12-16

Now, I will speak to the rest of you, though I do not have a direct command from the Lord. If a fellow believer has a wife who is not a believer and she is willing to continue living with him, he must not leave her. 13 And if a believing woman has a husband who is not a believer and he is willing to continue living with her, she must not leave him. 14 For the believing wife brings holiness to her marriage, and the believing husband brings holiness to his marriage. Otherwise, your children would not be holy, but now they are holy. 15 (But if the husband or wife who isn’t a believer insists on leaving, let them go. In such cases the believing husband or wife is no longer bound to the other, for God has called you to live in peace.) 16 Don’t you wives realize that your husbands might be saved because of you? And don’t you husbands realize that your wives might be saved because of you?

So, I am not going to seek to divorce her. Because I love her and there is a chance she can come to Christ.

But Paul says one of the reasons we get married is because of burning lust.

1 Corinthians 7:1-11

Now regarding the questions you asked in your letter. Yes, it is good to abstain from sexual relations. 2 But because there is so much sexual immorality, each man should have his own wife, and each woman should have her own husband.

3 The husband should fulfill his wife’s sexual needs, and the wife should fulfill her husband’s needs. 4 The wife gives authority over her body to her husband, and the husband gives authority over his body to his wife.

5 Do not deprive each other of sexual relations, unless you both agree to refrain from sexual intimacy for a limited time so you can give yourselves more completely to prayer. Afterward, you should come together again so that Satan won’t be able to tempt you because of your lack of self-control. 6 I say this as a concession, not as a command. 7 But I wish everyone were single, just as I am. Yet each person has a special gift from God, of one kind or another.

8 So I say to those who aren’t married and to widows—it’s better to stay unmarried, just as I am. 9 But if they can’t control themselves, they should go ahead and marry. It’s better to marry than to burn with lust.

10 But for those who are married, I have a command that comes not from me, but from the Lord.[b] A wife must not leave her husband. 11 But if she does leave him, let her remain single or else be reconciled to him. And the husband must not leave his wife.

But, what happens when your unbelieving wife deprives you?  What do I do?

Jesus said in:

Matthew 5:27-28

27 “You have heard the commandment that says, ‘You must not commit adultery.’  28 But I say, anyone who even looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery with her in his heart.

So, I can’t lust for anyone else. But can I lust for my wife, who is depriving me?

To give you a little information about my wife she has insecurity issues about her body and feeling sexy….

Maybe because you had viewed porn and have lost your God-given bonding mechanism? :idunno:

And we are working on that.

You are working on restoring that which you destroyed?  Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10

Too bad you didn’t believe Jesus.

"Too bad." :chz4brnz:~ Seth Brundle, The Fly

…[T]hat is a whole other topic that I am not going to get into right now.

You’ll get into:  give me sex—but not that. :juggle:

So, my question is, would it be wrong to do the M word (not saying the word).

Sex outside of marriage is sin.

Sorry for going so personal but it’s driving me crazy.

Her body is not her own (1 Co 7:4). 

“You reap what you sow, more than you sow, and later than you sow.” ~ Charles Stanley

Jesus loves you (Jn 3:16). Jesus is willing to save you (2 Pe 3:9). Repent (Eze 18:30-32; Ac 17:30). Believe (Mk 9:23). 

Reply to Jason P. Duronslet

I deal with the same issues with my wife except she believes.

She’s a believer; but doesn’t obey Jesus (1 Co 7:4).  Lot of that going around (Mt 7:21). :dizzy:

“You can’t have a come in Savior and a stay out Lord.” ~ Adrian Rogers   

Reply to El Shaddai

You’re honey not salt.  Jesus stated a fact—her concubus was not her husband (Rom. 7:2, 3).  Make it up as you go along (Heb 13:4).

Reply WakingBrideOfTheKing

I love it.

You love your ears ticked.  Jesus didn’t go out of his way to speak with this woman only to rubber stamp the wicked lives that the Jews had been living.  They turned marriage into a sham.  He reaffirmed marriage (Mt 19:5-6).  After he spoke, your excuses ran out.  She was more valuable to him than the life she’d been living.  She didn’t need to hop from bed to bed to be seen as valuable in his eyes.  He, unlike all her concubuses loved her.  She could stop whoring around.

Be prepared for judgment if you follow those men in their footsteps (Heb 13:4).       

Reply to WakingBrideOfTheKing

Love builds up, it doesn't tear down.

Love tells the truth (Am 5:15, Ac 20;20 ).   

My bible tells me that it is Satan (the adversary) who is the accuser of the brethren.

Why would Satan accuse a false teacher?  Mk 3:24, 2 Pe 2:1.  He loves Biltz’ perversion of marriage (Gen. 2:18–24, Mt 19:5-6).

I am not convinced one iota that you and I are of the same spirit.

Neither am I (Ro 8:14). :juggle:

…You accuse me of loving to have my ears tickled just because I voice my appreciation on an in-depth exegesis of a certain biblical text -- the one of which whom you happen to refer "a whore".

Are you a serial adulteress?  Rom. 7:2, 3  Good news—Jesus came to die for you (Jn 3:16). 

I am amazed. I have never heard anybody in the body of Jesus ever refer to that dear woman at the well whom Jesus revealed himself plainly to as the awaited and beloved Messiah, "a whore" before.

She was a whore and then stopped whoring around (1 Co 6:11).  Repentance is requited to be saved (Acts 2:37, 38).

Don't you know that we all have to give an account for every idle word spoken out of our mouths?

You will give an account for not supporting/honoring marriage (Heb 13:4). 

And then you tell me that I should be prepared for judgment? Seriously? And judgment from whom, may I ask? From Jesus? Or from you?

I don’t know you.  Do you whore around and remain unrepentant for it?

He who does not obey the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him (Jn 3:36).

What kind of judgment is it exactly, might I ask, you boldly proclaim should I be prepared for?

If you are an unrepentant whoremonger/whore, then you can expect to go to hell (1 Co 6:9-10). This is what we call in the Greek—a no brainer (Rom. 2:8, 9, Rev. 21:8). :burnlib:

Please, by all means, fill me in on all the details. 

I don’t know what you’ve done to others (Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10); but, God does. 

“The psalmist reviews their perversions (94:4–10, 20–21, 23)…. Their godless attitudes (94:7–10, 23): They foolishly think God won’t see, hear, or punish their evil. But he does, and he will.” Willmington, H. L. (1999). The Outline Bible (Ps 94:7–10). Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House Publishers.

Your sins are on Jesus or they’re on you. 

In the name of Jesus and for my sake, don't leave anything out.

Were you faithful during his absence?  Lk 12:47.  Did anyone care for you? Pr 25:22

Reply to K T 1mintillmidnight

So who then, was “the man that you are living with now” who Jesus stated was not her husband?

He stated a fact.  Whomever her husband was, he wasn’t in her bed.  She had multiple concubuses but only one husband—in other words subsequent illegal marriages (Rom. 7:2, 3).  Do you remember?  John the Baptist got his head chopped off (Matt. 14:3–12) for calling out an illegal marriage (Mark 6:17, 18).    

Jesus knew what marriage was.  He instituted it (Gen. 2:18–24).    :Plain:

…[Y]ou speak as one who is unregenerate.

:yawn: Eph 4:14

You thought grace was your license to sin?  Are you out sinning so grace can abound? :Shimei: Jud 4   

Reply to  Lisa Vanvalkenburgh

…[W]hy does the main church prefer such a legal and judgmental interpretation?  

The law is for the lawless (1 Ti 1:9).  Paul said “such were some of you” (1 Co 6:11a).  If there was never a time when “you were washed” (1 Co 6:11b), then you remain under wrath (Jn 3:36).  :dizzy: Greasy gracers exclude repentance from their gospel (Acts 2:37, 38).  :hammer: These are those who will hear:  “I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.”  Mt 7:23

“You can’t have a come in Savior and a stay out Lord.” ~ Adrian Rogers   

Reply to Jason P. Duronslet

…Speak God's word and then drop venom inside.

:yawn: “Truth is hate to those who hate the truth.” ~ Bob Enyart Ps 119:160

Jesus rebuke you, Satan.

:yawn: You’re projecting again (Eph 4:14). :noway:

Ro 14:4, Ps 105:15  

Reply to Jason P. Duronslet 

I'm pretty sure Bob Enyart didn't write palms.

Eph 4:14

He’s not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ.  It’s the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile (Ro 1:16). :juggle:

You speak with the tongue of confusion.

:yawn: Something confusing about:  love you wife (Eph. 5:25–33), life with her for life (Matt. 19:3–9) and don’t have sex outside of marriage? Mal. 2:14, 15

This is of the devil.

“Truth is hate to those who hate the truth.” ~ Bob Enyart 

Reply to Toney

[Serial adulterer Toney Rom. 7:2, 3] I’ve never seen people so in love with themselves.

You’re projecting again (Eph 4:14). :noway:

But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away! 2 Ti 3:1–5

Reply to Toney

[Philosophes of men, serial adulterer Toney (Rom. 7:2, 3)] “It’s time to abandon those things…”

Mt 7:5, Eph 4:14


Reply to Ken Barber @kenbarber

[Pets of Gab] My ex-wife's pussy, all spread out for you on the deck where she'd been sunning herself...

No such thing as “ex” (Rom. 7:2, 3, Mt 12:36). :scripto:

Tell it to the women who dump their husbands at the first sign of trouble.

Evil comes in male and female (Heb 13:4).

Till death do us part my ass.

Something about Rom. 7:2, 3, Mt 19:5-6 you don’t get? :smokie: 

Something about the way real people are behaving in the real world that you don't get?

Real people really have a court date (Re 20:11).  Payday someday (Ga 6:7, Heb 13:4).  :burnlib:

[Evil comes in male and female] Except that it's 70% female.

:yawn: Bandwagon (Eph 4:14).  30% of the readers will disagree with you (Ge 3:12).

Seventy percent.

You are responsible for 100% of your behavior (Mt 19:11).  

And that re-unites me with the woman I loved how? 

Not saying it does :idunno: though reconciliation is encouraged (1 Cor. 7:10–17).  If she’s defiled; however, you are not called to bondage (1 Co 7:15)--in other words you don’t have to take on her VD. :granite:

“It pays me back all the money that was extracted from me via the child support mafia, how?

Par for the course (Mal 2:16, Pr 29:3). :juggle:

Deal with reality, please.

You believe your train wreck is reality? :dizzy: Heb 13:4

Marriage is:  one man, one woman (Gen. 2:18–24) in covenant (Matt. 19:6) for life (Rom. 7:2, 3). :straight:

Fact:  70% of U.S. divorces are initiated by the woman.

They will give an account (Mal 2:16, Ro 14:12, Heb 10:31, 13:4).  Your wife included.  

Marriage is:  one man, several women…

Polygamy is forbidden (Ex 20:14).



Dude, you've gone way off into the weeds here.  My OP was a cute cat picture, with a joke.

Did she think you were cute? :hobo: Eph. 5:25–33, 1 Pe 4:4 

And people wonder why I'm an atheist now.

I don’t wonder.  :idunno: Sounds about right (Re 22:11).

I used to be a devout Christian.

Heb 10:26-27

People such as this dude are the reason why I am no longer.

No skin off my back (Lk 19:27). 

…I will have nothing to do with any group of people who believe that some sort of Authority (God…

We’ll have nothing to do with the group of people in hell either (Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10).  Your point?  

Reply to Diane Hos @Sunnysky

[Ken Barber @kenbarber quote] Don't blame people for your leaving God…

Maybe one day he’ll stop blaming his wife for all of his problems (Ge 3:12).

…[O]nly the rotten fruit fall off the tree of life.

How’s that polygamy :peach::peach::peach: working out for him? Mt 5:28, Heb 13:4

…Go back before u end up in hell.

Could be God’s finished with him (Heb 10:26-27).  :idunno: An apostate knew the truth and then stabbed Jesus in the back.   


Heretics, apostates and false disciples  

If he really knew Christ, he could never leave.

I agree.  False convert (1 Jn 2:19). :hobo:


Eternal Security: a Scriptural Defense Adrian Rogers

Lord have mercy on his soul and ours.

Yep.  :thumb: We’ve got to be ready to go (1 Pe 4:18, Re 3:2). :rapture: 

Reply to Toney

[Serial adulterer Toney (Rom. 7:2, 3)] We as God-fearing people…

If that were true (Eph 4:14), then you would not live habitually in sin (1 Jn 3:9).


Reply to Toney

[Serial adulterer Toney (Rom. 7:2, 3)] “Civil conflict—I believe it’s due here in America…”

When America burns, look in the mirror for an answer first (Mt 7:5, Ps 33:12, Eph 4:14).

"If God doesn't judge America, He'll have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah.” ~ Billy Graham


Reply to HamrickCE

“God showed me 17 years ago that I would be married.”

You are married (Rom. 7:2, 3). :dunce:  

Reply to Toney

The wife read to me this morning…

Do you mean someone else’s wife?  You stated that she has a husband.  You did not say that he died.  You stated that you have a wife.  You did not say that she died.  If your spouses are alive, then your shack up is called many things; but, it is not called marriage (Jn 4:18, Rom. 7:2, 3).  Your statement of “two bad marriages” :sozo2: :sozo2: is no excuse.  :dizzy: God will accept your repentance.  :straight: He will not accept your excuses. :burnlib:

When your wife dies, you are free to remarry.  When her husband dies, she is free to remarry.   You are called concubus.  She is called concubine.  Heb 13:4   

“I prefer clarity to agreement.” ~ Dennis Prager


Reply to Toney

[Serial adulterer Toney (Rom. 7:2, 3)]  I wanted to give you a watchman…

You’re no watchman (2 Pe 2:1). :granite:

“We need to pray for the peace of Jerusalem…”

He will not hear your prayer (Pr 15:29). :blabla:


Reply to Parable of the Vineyard

Your guest speaks about his: ex-wife, his wife :peach: :peach: and his joy.

I’ll believe him or I’ll believe the prophet Isaiah (Is 48:22). :think:  I’m goin’ with Isaiah (Eph 4:14). :idea:   

There is no such thing as an ex-wife (Rom. 7:2, 3).  Just like there is no such things as mostly dead (2 Co 5:8).  Is there some reason that you put a serial adulterer on your channel? :squint: Heb 13:4

We both have committed adultery and got divorced in our ignorance.

That doesn’t make you unmarried (Rom. 7:2, 3).  You thought that you were free to defile another woman? :peach: :peach: Deut. 24:4

Thank God for Jesus Christ who has removed our blinders and healed our evil hearts.

Your solution is to keep on sinning so that grace abounds? :idunno: Ro 6:1-2.  Good luck with that (Heb 13:4). Ps. 19:13, 73:8–12, Lk 18:11, 12  

Olympics:  NBC announcer blames skier's marriage for struggles 

Reply to Potter

You can pretend to be a libertarian; but, your fruits will show who you are.

“A libertarian is an immoral conservative.” ~ Bob Enyart Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10, Mt 7:20

[Big Love] I wasn’t used to market the program.

Do you mean big lust?  Polygamy :peach: :peach: is forbidden (Ex 20:14).



I have a lot of respect for those people.

You have a lot of respect for polygamists? :dizzy: Heb 13:4  

I fled from cults--a lot of born again Christians places.

What other kind of Christian is there? Jn 3:7 

You’re labeled a blasphemer and an apostate.  That’s how cults work.

You’re labeled a blasphemer if you’re a blasphemer and an apostate if you’re an apostate.


Heretics, apostates and false disciples  

I’m not a polygamist anymore.

Is your wife still alive? Rom. 7:2, 3

You think that’s so bad—what do you think General Petreus was?  He had a mistress and he was married—and his mistress was married.

That makes General Betrayus an adulterer (Ex 20:14).  This isn’t rocket science.  :dizzy:

You don’t need to attack me for this.  I don’t really care if you do.

We know (Re 22:11).

Polygamy isn’t sick.

Good luck with that :juggle: (Lk 19:27).

It was a form of matrimony that was allowed by God.

False (Gen. 2:24). :hammer: 

Reply to Caleb B

Serpent, John 8:7 says:  Let him that is without sin cast the first stone.

Pr 31:9

Keep reading in your bible and you will get to the New Testament...

You thought God did away with the law? Mt 5:17  The law is for the lawless. :dizzy: 1 Ti 1:9

It’s the best part!

For the Christian (1 Jn 3:14).

Jesus died to pay the price for our sins and we are made new again.

If he has made you new (Mt 7:20). :sherlock: God does not forgive men before they repent (Ezek. 18:31).   


Stop Me Before I Forgive Again!  By Bob Enyart 

Reply to Toney

[Serial adulterer Toney (Rom. 7:2, 3)] People don’t want to hear the truth.  They evade the truth.

You’re projecting again (Eph 4:14). :noway:

Reply to INL

Concubine wives.

Not the same thing. :dizzy: A wife is a wife (Prov. 5:15–17, 20) :peach: and a concubine is a concubine (Gen. 21:9–14).

Reply to Caleb B

[Host and guest (Pr 20:6) serial adulterers (Rom. 7:2, 3)] Serpent, go away Satan.

:yawn: Ex 20:14

…[Y]ou wont deceive anyone here.

Heb 13:4

This body is prayed over…

Acts 2:37, 38, Pr 15:29

…[Y]ou have no power here…

:yawn: Who cares about my power (Eph 4:14, 1 Jn 3:9, Ro 8:14).  What has God said? :Poly: 1 Co 6:9-10

Jesus loves you (Jn 3:16). Jesus is willing to save you (2 Pe 3:9). Repent (Eze 18:30-32; Ac 17:30). Believe (Mk 9:23). 

Reply to Abel Danger

I’ve been unequally hitched before…

You still are (Heb 13:4).   :dizzy:  Marriage is:  one man, one woman (Gen. 2:18–24) in covenant (Matt. 19:6) for life (Rom. 7:2, 3).

[His wife] A constant drag intended to slow you down and frustrate you…

Frustrate you :idunno:  help you Gen. 2:18, 20  

This Catholic University Deemed The Words ‘Husband’ And ‘Wife’ Too Triggering

Mike Huckabee resigns from country music board, citing political and religious intolerance

Celebrities Call to Boycott Bermuda for Protecting Traditional Marriage

College Republicans President Forced to Resign After Standing Up for Marriage

Evangelical Judge Who Refused to Marry Same-Sex Couples Handed Down Longest Suspension in History

A lesson from mating birds: The song gets sweeter over time, a scientist finds

ERoosevelt View Post
First Time User, so please go easy on me if this has already been covered. Q tells us "Watch The Wives"...

Q will need to study what a  wife is. 

Marriage is: one man, one woman (Gen. 2:18–24) in covenant (Matt. 19:6) for life (Rom. 7:2, 3).

Badgergirl View Post
…I do believe in my heart that daughter Ivanka will be instrumental in taking down many more pedos.

Daddy’s little girl was given a job.  If she was serious about taking down Sodomites, she’s start with her dad. 

Divorcees at greater risk of multiple heart attacks, medics warn

Study: Bigger government linked to drop in religion

Episcopal Church Removes Terms Husband, Wife and Procreation from Marriage to Make it More LGBT Compliant

Rick DeRigo

​I tell you Christians, have you forgiven the worst offender....I forgave my ex-best friend who stole my wife, abused my kids.  I also pray for him & her…

Prayer for the serial adulterers is a good thing.  :thumb: Forgiving them before they repent is not. :dizzy: Lk 17:3 

If there is no forgiveness in you, regardless of repentance on the offender’s part, you will receive none.

False (2 Pe 2:1).  :dizzy: God does not forgive men prior to repentance (Acts 2:37, 38).  We do not forgive others prior to their repentance (Lk 17:3). 

Not sure why you’re lovin’ on a guy committing serial adultery with your wife every night (Rom. 7:2, 3). :squint: 

Reply to Sandy Landers

​If you do not forgive, you hurt yourself.

False (2 Pe 2:1).  :dizzy: We forgive men when they repent (Lk 17:3).  

Time will heal all wounds.

Justice will heal all wounds (2 Thess, 1:6, Rev. 21:8). 

Reply to USMC MOM​

Love our F [so-called] LOTUS.

You love serial adulteresses? :dizzy: Rom. 7:2, 3  

Reply to weary warrior​

Play 'Beauty' tribute to F [so-called] LOTUS.

You and I have different ideas about beauty (Pr 31, Heb 13:4).  :granite:

Reply to helen edgar​

Beauty is heart felt.

If you find serial adulteresses in our WH (Rom. 7:2, 3) beautiful --check your (Heb 13:4) heart (Jer 17:9). :reals: 

Love Love Love…

Love tells the truth (Jn 14:6, Ac 20:20).  Hatred :  steals, kills and destroys (Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10).

Rev. Graham Slams Episcopal Church on ‘Marriage’ Change: ‘Caving to the Gay Agenda’

Catholic Student Punished For Promoting Catholic Marriage At Catholic University

Mal 2:16
Deity (your word) is the Lord Jesus Christ—the second person of the trinity who was: prophecied (Is. 9:6) and affirmed by the apostles (Rom. 9:5; Heb. 1:8). 

If you don’t have him, you’ve got a whole lotta nothin’ (1 Jn 5:12).


What is pantheism?

What is panentheism?

Still worshipping lightbulbs, are you? Come to the light of truth (Dan. 2:21, 22). You’re [​IMG] light will only get you zapped like a bug.

“Do or do not. There is no try.” ~ Yoda

If you are a wicked reprobate (2 Cor. 13:3–5), do yourself a favor—[​IMG] don’t get married (Jer 16:2).

Would you like to support your claim with more than a twenty watt bulb? [​IMG] 2 Pe 2:1

That’s what large, Italian men in the church are for. [​IMG]

Live your life for practicality if you’d like. [​IMG] Payday someday (Heb 13:4).[​IMG]

You have no wisdom without God (Ex. 31:3). [​IMG]

You are fit to work for Hallmark; [​IMG] but, you are not fit to speak about love and marriage (Eph. 5:25–33).[​IMG] Speak about lust, speak about your allegiance with the mystery of iniquity; [​IMG] but, do us all a favor—don’t speak about love. We aren’t in the mood to projectile vomit today. Matt. 22:37, 38

No such thing unless you have been widowed. Everything else is what we call in the Greek—shaking up (Heb 13:4).[​IMG]

If you happen to be a serial adulterer (Rom. 7:2, 3); [​IMG] then, God’s standard would rub you the wrong way (Heb 13:4). [​IMG]
Because God said they are not (Ex 20:14).

Worldly sense (1 Co 1:18). [​IMG] Good luck with that (Ro 1:32, Ga 6:7, Heb 13:4). [​IMG]

Ad hominem (Eph 4:14). 
Or, you could always become a Christian. :idunno:
Am I more foolish than a guy who worships lightbulbs? :idea: Acts 17:29
Light is descriptive of Jesus Christ (John 1:4–9). 
His raison d'être? Jn 1:1-3 

Still stuck on stupid (2 Pe 2:1) after all these years. :dizzy: Next stop for you—Great White Throne (Re 21:8).
Something about it was not so that you don’t get? Mt 19:8
False (2 Pe 2:1).

Marriage is: one man, one woman (Gen. 2:18–24) in covenant (Matt. 19:6) for life (Rom. 7:2, 3). 
It has all that we need for life (Jn 20:31) and good living (Jn 10:10, 1 Thess. 2:13, 2 Ti 3:16). 
Sorry gnostic (2 Pe 2:1). God's law is perpetual and ongoing (Mt 5:18). When did God nail do not murder, do not commit adultery to the cross? Mal 4:4-6, Mt 24:14
Is that your wishful thinking? Heb 13:4
Something about ‘til death do us part that you don’t get? [​IMG] Rom. 7:2, 3 
Tell him that to his face (Heb 13:4). [​IMG]
Ex 20:14 Wait ‘til you find out what God thinks of marriage. [​IMG] Eph. 5:23–32 
Like you each and every day (Ex. 20:1–5). [​IMG] 
His law is an expression of his will (Rom. 7:2–9). Something about love your wife as Christ loved the church that you don’t get? [​IMG] Eph. 5:25–33 
You’re staying away from women; I hope? [​IMG] Pr 20:6, Jer. 16:2
[​IMG] He doesn’t live in a light bulb (2 Pe 2:1). Keep looking (Deut 4:29).
[​IMG] You’re projecting again (Eph 4:14).

You’re welcome (Jud 3).[​IMG]

Every Christian is evangelical. [​IMG] Would you win the lottery and tell no one? Our faith is worth sharing [​IMG] because it happens to lead to life (2 Cor. 5:18–20).

It is my pleasure to serve the Lord Jesus. He died for me (Ro 5:8). [​IMG]

Yep (1 Pet. 3:15).

Sorry gnostic (2 Pe 2:1). [​IMG] Prophecy is always relevant (Rev. 22:10). [​IMG] You’re yesterday’s news.

Rose colored glasses [​IMG] blessed hope Tt 2:13
You’re led by the spirit of God or you’re not (Ro 8:14). [​IMG] This isn’t rocket science.

Have you ever met a Christian? We aren’t about labels. We’re about Jesus (Ac 17:26).

I’ll believe you or I’ll believe Isaiah (Is 48:22). I’m goin’ with Isaiah.
1 Jn 5:12

Censorship (Gal. 4:29). I’ve never experienced that before. [​IMG] Funny how you God-haters want us to go and we happen to want to go right about now (Re 3:10). :rapture: God is good (Deut. 32:4). [​IMG]

No thanks. My lightbulbs sit in a drawer. I’d have to be pretty irrational to worship them in anyway (Ac 17:29). [​IMG] My God is bigger than lightbulbs (Rom. 1:22, 23). [​IMG]

My God asks something of you (Lk 10:27). You’re not willing to give it. Good luck with your lightbulb god (Ex. 23:32, 33). Can’t bring him to the Great White Throne. [​IMG]

Let me guess (2 Cor. 6:15–18): you promote adultery (Ex 20:14) [​IMG] and divorce (Mal 2:16). [​IMG]

His view is clear in the pages of scripture (Rom. 7:2–9). You just don’t give a damn. [​IMG] That’s your choice. He’s given you the ability to accept or reject him and his way (Jn 10:10). You've gone another way (Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10). Good luck with that (Ro 1:28). [​IMG]

My preferences are irrelevant. His preferences are relevant (1 Co 15:31). [​IMG]

Act as you like (Jer 16:2). [​IMG] What heaven records is another matter altogether (Rom. 7:2, 3). [​IMG]

Do you mean because he says that he hates divorce? [​IMG] Mal 2:16

Something about love your wife (Eph. 5:25–33) and live with her for life (Matt. 19:3–9) that you don’t get? [​IMG]
1 Pe 4:5 [​IMG]
Is that your way of telling God you could care less about what he’s said? [​IMG] Mal 2:16
No such thing. 


Rapture Ready - The Ten Commandments stand forever Francis Santarose

[Banned TF] :banned: "Truth is hate to those who hate the truth." ~ Bob Enyart Mk 9:41, 13:7, 25:8, 40, Dan 10:13, Ps 105:15, Ro 14:4, Mk 6:11, Is 45:24, 54:17, Re 12:10, 12, Jud 1:9  

[Reconciliation after adultery]

It’s been many years since your husband committed adultery (Ex 20:14).  It was sickening to God that men and women bed-swapped as they did.  He is defiled (Deut. 24:4).  God promotes all that leads to life and good living (Jn 10:10).  Of course you are still married (1 Cor. 7:10–17); but, he would never expect you to take on all of your husband’s venereal diseases. :granite:

Actually, the Lord expected me to not be at all concerned about any disease back in 2004-05…

Nevertheless, he did not permit a return to the defiled spouse.  It is sickening because he’s joined physically with another (Deut. 24:4).  God’s people are set apart vessels which are holy (2 Ti 2:21)—not to mention—how could allow him back into your bed when he’s bedded another woman?

…[B]ut to do whatever I could to heal him and the marriage.

Of course.  You’re a good wife still—praying for him daily.  I’m all for healing for him and for the marriage (1 Cor. 7:10–17)—just don’t think that would/should include another physical union.  In the Greek—eew. :vomit:

…If we are real Christians, we don't care about when our last day here on earth is…

Neither you nor I are afraid of dying—not the point.  Jesus is your faithful and true bridegroom now (Re 19:11). :straight:

…but we serve the Lord daily and trust Him…

Yes.  You will be rewarded for your faithfulness to your husband (Matt. 19:6).   

He may repent--that would be the proper time to forgive him (Lk 17:3).  

Should he fail to do this, then he’s go a lot of ‘esplaining to do (Heb 13:4). :burnlib:

Serpent Dove, lean not on your own understanding.

Leaning on his word.

Many who come back to their wives don't ever have sexual relations…

You know God’s opinion about bed-swapping (Deut. 24:4).  That will mean something to you or it will not.  You know God’s opinion about sexuality and health because of Israel’s history and VD.  You’ll find that attractive in your spouse or you will not (Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10). :idunno:

…but just love their wives and serve them as Christ loves the church...

Try to remember who you are (Mal. 2:14, 15).  You’re not just another one of your husband’s concubines (Deut. 21:10–14).

The Lord is your bridegroom (Jas 1:27).  :listen: He’s a step up, you know (Ps 68:5-6).  He now deserves your loyalty (Ruth 1:14–18) and devotion (Luke 7:38–50). 

Paul may have gone through something similar.  What did he say?  “…One thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” Php 3:13–14

No sense making an idol out of a man who most certainly doesn’t deserve it (Ro 14:12). 

No, I love the Lord Jesus as my only real Husband and He is perfect!

He is and worthy of all worship. 

As far as your husband, I don’t know if God still reaches out to him (Lk 19:44, Ro 1:28).  God won’t force him to love him.  He can be forgiven for his serial adultery (Ex 20:14); but, he cannot be forgiven for a continued rejection of the Holy Spirit who tried to woo and win him to himself (Mt 12:32).  He might think that he’s getting away with his sin; but, he’s not (Ga 6:7)...

Reply to Motivating U2Win

False (2 Pe 2:1).

Marriage is:  one man, one woman (Gen. 2:18–24) in covenant (Matt. 19:6) for life (Rom. 7:2, 3).

Reply to

[Spouses divorced them] That whole group of people…If you don’t forgive people, you’re heavenly Father will not forgive you.

You left out that whole repentance part (Acts 2:37, 38). :dizzy:

The Lord has given me more pastoral wisdom and authority….Those people that are mad…

You’re not not mad at sin? Be angry and do not sin (Eph 4:26). Hate what is evil; cling to what is good (Ro 12:9).

[The betrayed in divorce] You need to deal with the unforgiveness in your heart.

False (2 Pe 2:1). If your brother sins, rebuke him, and if he repents, forgive him (Lk 17:3).

What they’ve done—that’s between them and the Lord.  It’s not our job to judge other people…

False (Pr 31:9).

Reply to Motivating U2Win 

When is it time to get a UHaul truck?...That spouse who did the cheating is now back in your bed.

Bed-swapping was sickening to God (Deut. 24:4).  No, after one’s spouse commits adultery (Ex 20:14), the innocent spouse is not to physically join with him again.  All that God promotes leads to live and healthy living (Jn 10:10).  God would not ask his child to take on all of his venereal diseases (Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10).

Your previous vid provided aid and comfort to the adulteresses.  :squint: You failed to mention her repentance (Acts 2:37, 38). 

God does not forgive men before they repent and we do not forgive men before they repent (Lk 17:3).

You are full of anger…rage…

Jealousy is a good thing (Ex. 20:5).  Envy is a bad thing.  God is a jealous God.  His children should be the same for their spouse.  If God were not jealous for his people, they’d have been lost long ago. 

God is jealous for his people because they belong (or should belong) to him.  A man is jealous for his wife because she belongs (or should belong) to him. 

Be angry and do not sin (Eph 4:16).

 Hate evil, love good; Establish justice in the gate (Am 5:15).  

    Do I not hate them, O Lord, who hate You?

    And do I not loathe those who rise up against You?

    I hate them with perfect hatred;

    I count them my enemies (Ps 139:21–22).  

You are full of hatred …for their mistress…

She is a called an adulteress not mistress (Prov. 2:16–19).  :hammer:

“I prefer clarity to agreement.” ~ Dennis Prager

Her crime is punishable by death (Lev. 20:10).

You continue to contemplate harming the mistress—the lover.

She is a luster not a lover (Prov. 5:3–20). :dizzy:

“I prefer clarity to agreement.” ~ Dennis Prager Ro 12:19

Reply to

[Noah Carl: Criticize rampant first cousin marriages / inbreeding? You're a racist! (]

It's not a marriage (Deut. 24:1–3). God does not recognize it.

Reply to

[Khashoggi killed while getting a marriage license, was already married?]

We plan, God laughs.

Marriage is: one man, one woman (Gen. 2:18–24) in covenant (Matt. 19:6) for life (Rom. 7:2, 3).

Reply to amarQ144 

He is a clown.

He was a clown. Now he's a clown cut in pieces.

Reply to Walking by the Spirit Always

[Committing adultery] “God kept telling me to submit to your husband…”

Headship is not scriptural.  Adam and Eve named the animals (Gen. 2:19, 20).


Rise up Children of God

Reply to Soldiers For Christ Community Church

Married the first time…

If your wife has not died, then you cannot so-call marry again (Rom. 7:2, 3).  You are already married. 

A Virginia bill will erase the words husband and wife from law because it could be offensive to the Sodomite community

...defines embryonic humans as property

Reply to Walking by the Spirit Always

[Pastor Sandy Soldiers for Christ Community Church] In his Tribulation Warning video he confesses that he was married for 5 years and divorced her. His claim that it was a mistake doesn't give any right to remarry which he did (I believe to a divorced woman with 2 sons). The covenant of marriage doesn't end at divorce only at death. He is commanded by God to have loved his first wife and to have prayed for her salvation and sanctification. Even Hosea had a prostitute for a wife and prayed for her and took her back. He is just one of many that are Jude 1:4 which I suggest you read for yourself. Also Sandy calls himself a pastor, but pastors must be the husband of one wife. They can have a second wife if the first one died!

Evil (Ro 7:2,3).  I asked him repeatedly to clarify his comment and he would not.  Now, I know why. 

I’m unsubscribing from his channel—shaking the dust off my feet and may it be used as a testimony against him.  He had every opportunity to confess and repent (Acts 2:37, 38).  He believes God will give him a pass.  From what I’ve studied—he will not (Ga 6:7).  The church of Thyatira—this type of sexual sinner (e.g. serial adulterer)—is guaranteed to go into the tribulation (Rev. 2:18–24).   

Excellent! You've got it. I put in comments on his video and knew others that did too, I called the church, I emailed him too. On his attack on Nick Vanderlaan, I put in comments there too. He knows what he is doing. He is a teacher of Hebrew and thinking that he has excuses to have multiple wives. He has been a rapture preacher for attention and profit for many years. He also said that the new wife has a good job so that he doesn't have to worry about money. This is why his church left him in 2009, and the few that remain (who I also contacted) will not call him to repent and step down. I haven't watched him in months, but if this was recent for you, it shows he remains unrepentant. If he were to repent, he would be doing everything to tell people what discipline God did on him to forsake the adultery.

If he knows what he is doing (Ro 7:2,3) and ignores God (1 Co 6:9-10, Heb 13:4), then he can expect fiery indignation from God next (He 10:27).

Many will claim that they prophesied in God’s name and did great works for him; but, he will tell them that he never knew them (Mt 7:22-23).

Reply to so-called pastor Sandy   

You need to step down.  Discussing it here.

Jesus loves you (Jn 3:16). Jesus is willing to save you (2 Pe 3:9). Repent (Eze 18:30-32; Ac 17:30). Believe (Mk 9:23).

Reply to anon


[First Adulteress Misspelling]

Reply to Born Again 14 Years & Looking For Rapture in March, Signs & Truth

I separated from my husband to find God.

Do you advise people today to not separate?  Mal 2:16

Reply to Doug Hawk, Gateway People Church Texas

[Do you teach marriage permanence?]

I believe many of our pastors can land in different camps on this topic.

One will be right (Eph 4:14).  :squint: "Every verse of the Bible means exactly what the author intended it to mean..." Full text: How to Interpret the Bible by Darrell Ferguson

…not to focus on the “sin” of the person but the “identity” God intends that person walks out.

The Bible is a very black and white book.  Men are sinners :reals: or they are saints :straight:—they have passed from death to life or they have not (1 Jn 3:14).

Do you hold sinners hands all the way to hell :Shimei: or do you implement church discipline? :Poly: Mt 18.

…[I]f you are asking if we condemn people that divorce and re-marry, the answer will always be a very clear “no”…

:yawn: Neither you nor I condemn people.  God does.  We open our mouths and judge rightly (Pr 31:9). :Plain:  Not looking for a brothel.  Looking for a church.

If you do not honor marriage, best get out and find an honest job (Jud 4).

Do we call people that re-marry “adulterers”? Once again, the answer is absolutely not!

You disagree with God.  He’s right (Ro 7:2,3).  You’re wrong. 

Our heart is to disciple people into an active and loving relationship with a Father that wants their hearts not just their compliance to “Law”.

...The best you can hope for is to be called least in the kingdom of God (Mt 5:19)—if you make it.

Obedience will flow from a person’s clear understanding of who they are in Christ.

Do you see obedience in your brothel?  Sounds like you do not encourage congregants to obey (Acts 2:37, 38).  :Shimei:

Has Gateway ever taught that “Women” are adulterers if they re-marry? No…

You would lose 35,999 congregants (Mt 7:13-14, 10:14). 

…[I] is important to point out that Romans 7 only focuses on women and not men…

The religious leaders tried that old chestnut, too.  :freak: They, like you, lie:  Now Moses in the law commanded us, that such should be stoned: but what sayest thou? Jn 8:5.  It would have been correct to say that both should be put to death (Lev. 20:10–12).  

…if attempting to interpret the literal meaning of scripture.

We, who interpret the Bible literally are always vindicated.  You, who spiritualize the Bible are always found to be wrong. 

Example: A couple divorces.

No such thing.  The word is pornea (Mt 5:32)—if, for example, Kevin Bacon found out that he so-call married his cousin, Kyra Sedgwick, he is not married—God never honored the covenant because they are close kin.  There is no exception clause for divorce.

…[Divorce] He knows it will hurt them.

If you still had any questions on the matter, Jesus gave you no out (Ac 17:30).

Divorce did not flow from a healthy place…

Divorce did not occur.  :dizzy: There is no such thing as divorce because God never honored the covenant.  Once a covenant is made, God expects you to keep it.  Did you really think that because your brothel says it’s ok to break God’s covenant, it’s ok?  Pride much? Mk 10:9.

…[I]t came from a wounded place where two people, or one person in the marriage refusing to get healthy, really doesn’t know their identity in Jesus.

Keep telling yourself that.  More likely—unbeliever or make-believer.  Let me guess—Calvinist, too?


Is the Future Settled or Open?  Dr. Lamerson vs. Enyart 

They may know scripture, even the Devil does as we see in Matt 4, but they don’t have a revelation of who they are as it relates to truth/scripture.

Except that you deny God’s truth (Eph 4:14). :squint:

“Truth is hate to those who hate the truth.” ~ Bob Enyart

Would we then call that person an “Adulterer”? No…

Who is “we”.  :granite: I’m a Christian (Eph 4:14).  You sit with the wicked.  I do not (Ps 50:18).

…[T]he Devil’s voice is loud enough that I’m sure we don’t need to bring more condemnation.

His theology is better than yours.  He shudders.  You don’t.  Who’s worse? Jas 2:19

Gateway will never coach someone toward divorce…

You won’t explain that there is no such thing (Ac 17:11).

…and yet people still choose it.

That’s on them.  What’s on you is instruction in fidelity.  If you don’t possess it, you can’t teach it.  My God is faithful and true (Re 19:11).  Who is your god?  My God promises that the sexual sinner will not go in the rapture (Rev. 2:18–24).  What’s your god say?  You’re supposes to be preparing people to go and you’re still stuck on stupid (1 Co 3:2).

I don’t know what your personal perspective of this topic is, but any time one asks about this scripture I believe it is always good to then ask, “How did Jesus handle the woman that had multiple husbands?” John 4:1-26

He didn’t lie, number one (Jn 4:18).  A trap was set for him, number two.  It was illegal to put them to death according to the cultural law at that time—Jesus disobey man’s authority.  It was illegal not to implement God’s law—Jesus disobey your Father.  Nice try; but, he also had the authority then and there to forgive her.    

…[T]he Law would require that she be stoned: Leviticus 20:10…

The law would have required that they both be stoned.  They sort of forgot to mention that.:olinger:

…[G]ives clear instructions about stoning an adulterer, and yet Jesus didn’t even pick up a stone or speak harshly with her.

You thought that meant do away with the death penalty?  :dizzy: The death penalty is at the heart of the gospel of Jesus Christ. 


Nicer than God  

Nor did he even refer to her as an “adulterer”. 

He said that the man she with was not her husband.  Her husband was the one she married.   :Plain: After him all others became her adulterers (Ro 7:2,3).  Originally, marriage was one man for one woman.  You fight against that.  A macaw bird is more faithful than you.  Do you want to be outdone by a bird?

Third, Jesus wanted her heart: Jesus wanted her heart and for her to know freedom from what had kept her going from source to source seeking to be satisfied husband after husband.

From husband—marriage to adultery.  You’ll call any ol’ thing a husband, won’t you?  :hammer: God does not take the concept of covenant lightly.    

The fulfillment of the law was right in front of her, Jesus! He took her stoning upon himself, He took her shame, and He took her label of “Adulterer”…

He can do that.  He is God.  :Plain: He knew her heart (Acts 2:37, 38).  Are you a bleeding heart liberal :zman: who thinks everyone is penitent?  It is the church’s job to implement discipline (Mt 18).  It is not your place to undermine God’ plan for restoration.  Because you are nicer than God, you short-circuit his plan for the sinner.  When he dies and goes to hell, it will be in part thanks to you.  He needed someone to steer him back on course and the one place where he should have gotten some tough love was in the church.  When he screams out in agony for all time, remember—you didn’t do your job. :burnlib:

…and restored her as a pure and precious daughter of God.

His reaction at that time and in that place was not what he called for you to do.  You are not to offer blanket forgiveness.  Is that what the Bible says?   


    A.      The procedure (18:15–17)

      1.      If your brother sins against you, go to him in private, and attempt to reconcile the matter (18:15).

      2.      If this fails, take someone with you (18:16).

      3.      If this fails, bring the matter before the church (18:17a).

      4.      If this fails, dismiss the unrepentant brother (18:17b).

    B.      The promise (18:18–20): The authority of heaven itself will support this kind of church decision.  Willmington, H. L. (1999). The Outline Bible (Mt 18:9–20). Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House Publishers.

Lastly, Jesus came to give her life…

He gave her new life.  You hold congregants hands on their way to hell. 

…and introduce her to the One (Himself) that would save her…

Why would your church members be interested in your Jesus?  They must know the bad news—that they are sinners in need of a Savior before they will accept the good news that Jesus died—not because he had nothing better to do that day—but to save them from their sin (Mt 1:21).  You don’t even bother to tell them that it is sin. 

Jeremiah would have warned in your town:  Do not marry in this place.  You can’t even count on the churches at this point (Jer. 16:2).  

…Jesus never made the sin the focus…

Something about turn or burn that you don’t get? Mt 4:17, Lk 13:3

…Had this thirst been quenched in her first marriage…

Her one and only marriage.  :dizzy: The rest of the studs were her adulterers (Jn 4:18).  She probably should not have made :bow: idols out of men.  Jesus should have been her first love.  :straight: He went all of that way to introduce himself to her.  He is a loving bridegroom.  

…[A] woman that some Pharisees would call an “adulterer”.

She was an adulteress (Ro 7:2,3).  That was why he paid her a visit.  :Plain: You deny that?  Is 5:20, 2 Cor. 4:2.

…[N]ow we have been delivered from the law…

The law is for the lawless (1 Ti 1:9).

When did God nail do not murder, do not commit adultery to the cross?  Mal 4:4-6, Mt 24:14

…[H]aving died to what we were held by, so that we should serve in the newness of the Spirit…

You equate Christians with the rest of the unredeemed world?  The righteous and the wicked are the same to you? :dizzy:

[SD], the point is not that our sinfulness is simply okay…

It’s ok or it’s not ok.  You have nothing to say to the sinner but:  eat, drink and be merry. 

…[B]ut that our own works toward righteousness are no longer the method of victory.

What works?  What righteousness?  You haven’t even told them that there’s a problem.  You’ve provided them a safe place where they can feel comfortable in their sin (Jud 4).  Religion is the easiest way to go to hell.  My pastor used to say:  Come as you are.  Leave forever changed.  Is your motto:  Come as you are stay as you are?

The wickedness of Sodom ([Ex 20:14] heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13]) was notorious (Gen. 13:13).

Men need to repent.  To do that they need to be convicted of their sin (Acts 2:37, 38).  You refuse to tell them that they’re headed for hell.  Do you not know it yourself? 

Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God (1 Co 6:9–10).  

Jesus showed us a new way of being. Two people in a relationship founded on an intimate walk with Jesus, “Married to Christ” will not find themselves in a situation where divorce is an option because they will mutually be walking out their relationships the way Jesus did.

Why would they do that?  You haven’t told them what marriage is.  Marriage is not advanced dating—which is prostitution. 

Marriage is:  one man, one woman (Gen. 2:18–24) in covenant (Matt. 19:6) for life (Rom. 7:2, 3).

Now if one person has that walk, and the other does not, then it can cause issues that lead to divorce. However, Jesus approach would never be to call someone an “adulterer”…

Do you know Jesus?  :squint: Mt 5:32, He 13:4

...He didn’t tell her she needed to be with her first husband…

Her one and only husband.  :hammer:God did not permit bed-swapping like your brothel (Deut. 24:4).  In the Old Testament, defiled/polluted land was not to be returned to--defiled touching clean makes clean defiled (to adulterate means to make impure).  In the New Testament restoration is encouraged (1 Cor. 7:10–17).  Clean touching defiled makes defiled clean (2 Co 5:17).    

[SD], once again I am so glad you are considering Gateway Church.

Not anymore.  :granite: Shaking the dust off my feet (Mk 6:11).  When you are called to give an account, plan to see that dust again as a testimony against you (Ro 14:12).         

We are a house that chases after God’s heart…

Nope (Mt 10:15). :juggle:

…[A]nd wants healing…

Jesus didn’t come for you.  You’re not sick (Mk 2:17).  :idunno: You’re too good to be saved (Ro 3:10-12). :o

…[A]nd true identity…

Nope (Mt 7:21-23, Ro 8:14).

…[F]or everyone that steps through our doors!

Lots of people; but, no spirit in the house (Rev. 2:18–24).  Jesus has left the building.  Payday someday (1 Co 6:9-10, He 13:4).

Reply to Kim Mosley

Serpent Dove ok...the last sermon I heard him do he said that his first marriage was a mistake. The Lord told him he would be unequally yoked and miserable but he wouldn't listen because she was so pretty. He said he was miserable for five complete years while she ran off to night clubs and such and he would get in fights "protecting her" and get thrown in jail.

I’m sorry that he chose that type of woman; but, he chose that type of woman (Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10).  Hosea had a bummer of a marriage, too.  Did you think that if he told enough sob stories that we would all of the sudden would give him the approval to divorce his wife?  There is no such thing as divorce.  If you failed to understand that the first time, when Jesus came he made these things abundantly clear.  He explained what marriage is—and that has not changed since the beginning.  Marriage is one man for one woman for life. 

We are all so sad that his was not a keeper.  That doesn’t make him unmarried.  You cannot be kinda sorta married and you can’t be kinda sorta pregnant.  You’re either married or your not married.  Once you’re married, God expects you to honor your covenant.  Marriage is not advanced dating.  Marriage is a promise before God, before your spouse and before your community.  When people dishonor their marriage, the community should have something to say about that.

You fall for his sob story.  I do not (1 Co 6:9-10, He 13:4).

He said it was a nightmare because he didn't listen to God who warned him.

Your point? 

Marriage is:  one man, one woman (Gen. 2:18–24) in covenant (Matt. 19:6) for life (Rom. 7:2, 3).

Now he is in a faithful covenant marriage as it was designed to be. 

I don’t know if his wife is still alive; but, if he so-called married again while she is alive then he is a serial adulterer (Ro 7:2,3).  :dizzy: He has no business being a pastor. 

I don't know the whole story but I know this is what he did tell us.

That’s good enough for you.  You honor and support his brothel.  :idunno: You will share in his judgement (Re 18:4).   

“I prefer clarity to agreement.” ~ Dennis Prager

Makes more since now, especially if you were thinking he was talking about his current wife. 

Kim Mosley

You don’t know what marriage is.  You do not know your responsibility in your church (Mt 18).  You are not part of the solution.  You are part of the problem (Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10).

Reply to Watchman on the Wall 88

[From Walking by the Spirit Always] …If you would like to support marriage for life by correcting false teaching, Watchman on the Wall 88's Pharisee video in the first 2 minutes or so, tells a woman in remarriage adultery that it isn't adultery.

 I did not realize that you were not a supporter of marriage. :granite:

Marriage is:  one man, one woman (Gen. 2:18–24) in covenant (Matt. 19:6) for life (Rom. 7:2, 3).

I don't think he realizes that he is in error and hasn't studied the Bible.  He has an email address too. He equated divorce and remarriage with Jewish dietary laws.

Yikes.  Is this true?  :hammer:


The Plot (an overview of the Bible)  

Serpent Dove all I'm simply trying to do is to tell you what he said…

Yet, you seemingly defend him.  Who was it that said, “I ain’t seen anything but yellow strips and road kill in the middle of the road.”?  :BillyBob:

You’re with God or you’re against him (Mt 12:30). :Poly:

 ...and, im not going to judge another man's servant.

Pr 31:9

I like some of the sermons this man has…

I did too.  Now I know he’s a wicked, unrepentant sinner.  Now I know why repeatedly he would not answer the question about his marriage (1 Co 6:9-10, He 13:4).

…but I don't follow man…

You have nothing to say about his serial adultery (Pr 31:9).

…I listen to Jesus.

Yet don’t give a damn about what he says about marriage.  In the original language marriage was:  one man for one woman for life. 

You support serial adulterers.  I do not.

“I prefer clarity to agreement.” ~ Dennis Prager

If you can gain some understanding from another brethren great, if your mind can't move beyond "the marriage" issue…

You’re a sell-out. 

…[T]hen move on from him.

I have.  I unsubscribed from him a while ago.  You think a man who is unfaithful to his wife has something to contribute. I do not.      

“I prefer clarity to agreement.” ~ Dennis Prager

Even though I don't agree with Pastor Sandy on a few issues, I do know he is looking up for Jesus…”

Yet doesn’t seem to know how seriously he takes the covenant of marriage.  He sort of skips that part about him.  :Shimei: Tells me—he does not know the God of the Old Testament.  That’s sort of Christianity 101.  If you can’t get it right about marriage and family, I’m guessing you don’t get much else right either.  :dizzy: The sexual sinner like so-called pastor Sandy is guaranteed to remain after the rapture.  Read all about the church at Thyatira.  You don’t think God means what he says.  I do.

“I prefer clarity to agreement.” ~ Dennis Prager

…love to you lil serpent dove friend.

If you’re not being a friend of Jesus, you’re no friend of mine. :granite:

Serpent Dove well, friend, I've prayed to Jesus since a wee child back in 1968…

What is he doing in your life now?

 …been saved by Jesus and baptized in Him in 1977…

What’s he saying now?

…had a NDE back in 1989 the day my oldest son was born and was in Jesus presence with Him. So, having much discernment bestowed by the Holy Spirit, I can see that you are oppressed by a spirit of strife and a spirit of religion. 

Your type who coddles the whore and the whoremonger (e.g. so-called dating or prostitution) ensure that we have more adultery and fornication (Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10).

Call yourself discerning all day long. :blabla: It would not seem that you honor marriage. 

If you are with Jesus, the Holy Spirit should give testimony that I have His Holy Spirit as well. 

He doesn’t tell you the same thing that he tells me.   :granite:

He tells me that marriage is:  one man, one woman (Gen. 2:18–24) in covenant (Matt. 19:6) for life (Rom. 7:2, 3).

I know some of us walk more in the spirit than others and I know I've had many decades to walk with Him and study, being a 54 year old woman now.  But friend, they shall know us by our love, love for Jesus and love for each other…

You think you’re loving having nothing to say about serial adultery.  I do not (Pr 31:9). 

“I prefer clarity to agreement.” ~ Dennis Prager 

…and by the joy that is in our heart… 

You claim that.  So-called pastor Sandy claims that.  God says:  “There is no peace for the wicked," says the Lord Is 48:22

You think as so-called pastor Sandy thinks.  Proverbs says:  For as he thinks in his heart, so is he (Pr 23:7).  You have something in common with so-called pastor Sandy—and that’s not a good thing (Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10). 

…You could find any number of faults with any one of the brethren you wish… 

Can’t find this one.  You won’t find this one.  You sit with the adulterer.  I do not (Ps 50:18). 

“I prefer clarity to agreement.” ~ Dennis Prager 

…[N]one are perfect including you. 

:yawn: Eph 4:14 

The Christian isn't sinless.  He sins less (1 Jn 3:9). 

But to be told I don't think about marriage correctly when I've been married all of my adult life is idiocy.

Idiocy is supporting the position of a serial adulterer (1 Co 6:9-10, He 13:4). 

Besides, I never even gave you my opinion of what I believe about  Sandy's situation… 

We’re all ears.:juggle:

…I don't feel I owe that to you. 

It’s not about me (Eph 4:14).  It’s about God.  What does God say?  1 Co 6:9-10, He 13:4 

Knowing how you seem to do nothing other than beat ppl up with scripture… 

Do you mean share the word of God about what marriage is and isn’t?   

“We give out the word of God.  What men do with it is their business.” ~ J. Vernon McGee 

Marriage is not advanced dating.  Marriage is a covenant.  I take that seriously.  You do not. 

“I prefer clarity to agreement.” ~ Dennis Prager 

I figured you would go the route you did, which you proved me correct. 

It’s not about me (Eph 4:14).  It’s about God.  What does God say about marriage? :Poly: Ro 7:2,3

…[W]e know the trumpets will blow soon… 

I wouldn’t recommend being a serial adulterer at that time (1 Co 6:9-10, He 13:4). 

…[T]hey probably have a spirit of strife… 

You aid and abet the serial adulterer.  I do not. 

“I prefer clarity to agreement.” ~ Dennis Prager 

…that is not from Jesus… 

Jesus is a supporter of marriage.  John the Baptist was a supporter of marriage (Matt. 14:3–12).  You say support for marriage is not of God.  I say it is.   

“I prefer clarity to agreement.” ~ Dennis Prager 

…oppressing them. 

Would you have asked for John the Baptist’s head, too?  :Shimei:

[Pro Ro 7:2,3] Serpent Dove you need deliverance from a spirit of strife and spirit of religion, the Pharisee Spirit…

:yawn: You’re projecting again (Eph 4:14). :noway:

    The confrontation—Jesus and the Pharisees (19:1–9): The wicked Pharisees ask Jesus two trick questions, and Jesus answers them.

      1.      What they ask—first question (19:3): “Should a man be allowed to divorce his wife for any reason?”

      2.      How he answers—first reply (19:4–6): “ ‘A man … is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one.’ … Let no one separate them, for God has joined them together.”

      3.      What they ask—second question (19:7): “Then why did Moses say a man could merely write an official letter of divorce and send her away?”

      4.      How he answers—second reply (19:8–9)

         a.      The insolence (19:8a): Moses only allowed it due to the hardness of their hearts!

         b.      The intention (19:8b): Divorce was not God’s original intention!

         c.      The immorality (19:9) : The man who unlawfully divorces his wife and remarries commits adultery! 

Willmington, H. L. (1999). The Outline Bible (Mt 19:1–9). Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House Publishers.

Reply to Henderson

Chad does not support Ro 7:2,3.  Do you?  He equates betraying your wife with eating shellfish.  Are you a supporter of serial adultery as he is? 


The Plot (an overview of the Bible) 

Marriage Permanence

Reply to Motivating U2Win

[Photos, etc. loved one] Friends—it’s over.

False (2 Pe 2:1).  It’s over when God says it’s over.  You got rid of your husband—doesn’t make you not married.  Your husband is your husband until he dies (or you die).  Less delusion.  More prayer.  It’s not too late to be a good wife to him (Ro 7:2,3).

“I prefer clarity to agreement.” ~ Dennis Prager  

Reply to Walking by the Spirit Always

You’re recommending a woman (Motivating U2Win) who pretends that she’s not married (Matt. 19:6).  I understand that her husband is evil—it doesn’t make her -- not married (Ro 7:2,3). :dizzy:

We’ve got people pretending that they are married who aren’t and others who are married pretending they aren’t.     

“First tell the truth.  Then, give your opinion.” ~ Dennis Prager  

Yes, there are plenty of people on YT who are living in remarriage adultery and people that divorced even though God hates it.

Adrian Rogers said men are responsible for the truth that they’ve heard--and for the truth that they would have heard had they been listening.

Marriage continues after the relationship ends.  God is covenant-keeping God.  The husband or wife may abandon the marriage; but, God does not.  In the real law books in heaven (Ro 7:2,3) the two are still married (Matt. 19:6).

I have never heard her say she is not married,  and I assume that she is since she is raising two boys unless she is like me, and he divorced her.

There is no such thing as divorce (Matt. 19:6).  The so-called exception clause referred to close kin (Matt. 5:27–32 [e.g. Kevin Bacon finds out he married his cousin])—the so-called marriage was never acknowledged in heaven.      

She gives counsel to not fornicate, commit adultery,  get drunk, smoke, smoke weed, dress provocatively- all the things I raised my children not to do so they could be dedicated to the Lord Jesus.

We don’t go to heaven or hell based on smoking cigars or cigarettes.  We go to heaven or hell based on a right relationship with the Lord.

If we call ourselves married when we’re in a so-called second marriage (e.g. Trump :greedy: and First Adulteress [Ro 7:2,3] ), or if we are married; but, represent ourselves as not, then we make God a liar.:reals:

And quoting Dennis Prager who is an unbeliever isn't wise.

A broken clock is right twice a day.  I wish a God-fearing man came up with the statement; instead, it was Dennis Prager.  Good quote.  Evil man (also a serial adulterer).

This is the verse I was thinking about today.

And also, “If the righteous are barely saved, what will happen to godless sinners?

1 Peter 4:18... 

Right.  It’s coming down to the wire.

Here in north Texas, there is only one church that teaches marriage permanence—and it’s Korean. :doh:

I’d rather go with a speaker friend of mine than to sit in the brothels that are English speaking.  It’s time to come out of the brothels now—or we share in their sin (Re 18:4).

Reply to Truthification Chronicles

Is Melania a postcard perfect picture First Lady?  59% said no?  How could you say no to that?  I mean the woman is like gorgeous and elegant and like the perfect person to have in that position.

Donald Trump has a wife.  Her name is Ivana.  As she said herself.  She is the real First Lady. 

You honor :greedy: serial adulterers (Ro 7:2,3).  I do not (Heb 13:4).

“I prefer clarity to agreement.” ~ Dennis Prager

Reply to laveer boatwork & painting merlati

His first wife was Ivana.

No such things as was (Ro 7:2,3).  No such things as divorce (Mt 19:6).   

“I prefer clarity to agreement.” ~ Dennis Prager

His current wife and first ladys name is Melania.

His current adulteress (Ro 7:2,3) is Melania.  :dizzy: She’s no lady. 

Reply to Donna F

God honored Trump and Melania with the positions of President and First Lady.

Too bad you don’t know God (He 13:4). 

"Too bad." ~ Seth Brundle, The Fly Eph 4:14

Are you saying God is wrong?

God decreed that a child-killing, serial adulterer (Pr 8:36, Ex 20:14) would become President of the United States?  :smokie:

“My dear friend, Brian Rohrbough, whose son Danny was murdered at Columbine High School by Harris and Klebold, wants to send this message in response to Sam's worry that if God was not in total control, he might lead us to marry someone who will murder our children: 

Dr. Lamerson, I received a letter from Barbara Martin of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. She wrote, "Our family faced this grim reality too when our grandchildren were murdered by their mother, Susan Smith... Many people blame God, but the Bible blames the devil (Hebrews 2:12)." 

Mrs. Martin is correct when we realize that the devil represents all those in rebellion against God (John 8:44), but millions of Calvinists believe that God ordained every rape and murder, and the criminals do exactly what God predestined them to do, without any ability to do otherwise. Dr. Lamerson, you wrote that if God was not in complete control, then perhaps "the spouse that he leads me to marry may be the wrong one who will murder my children." But your Calvinist God supposedly did that already to David Smith. Sam, you believe that every mother who murders her child does so by God's decree…” Full text:  Is the Future Settled or Open? Dr. Lamerson vs. Enyart: Royale X Debate Excerpts

Reply to Motivating U2Win

It’s not about living clean—living repentant…

Did I miss the vid where you repented of disposing of your husband?  Did you seek to reconcile with him?  1 Cor. 7:10–17

There is no such things as divorce.  You are a married woman; but represent yourself as one who is not in the covenant of marriage.

Here is hate speech in America: Marriage is:  one man, one woman (Gen. 2:18–24) in covenant (Matt. 19:6) for life (Rom. 7:2, 3).

You are a married until either you or he dies (Ro 7:2,3).  Act like it (Pr 31:12).     

Remove log.  Then, you can see fit (Lk 6:42) to judge rightly (Pr 31:9).    

Reply to firecharger

[Trump cheats on Melania]

He can’t cheat on Melania (Frist Adulteress [Ro 7:2,3]).  :dizzy:  He cheats (as you put it [adultery]) every day on Ivana, his wife.  There is no such thing as divorce (Mt 19:6).  

Reply to Jay Santos

I know wikipedia can be totally full of crap sometimes. 

Bob, how much of your info on this site is true? Can you comment on this particular quote?
His first wife and fellow religious activist, Krista filed for divorce in 1989. While their marriage undoubtly suffered from their arrests and jail time as a result of 'Operation Rescue', Enyart has claimed it ended due to his own struggles with sexual immorality and pornography. Krista aggreed to give Enyart custody of their two boys. Enyarts second marriage would also end quickly in divorce.

During his TV show's nationwide run, Enyart married Cheryl Mayns, the ex-wife of a Jefferson County, Colorado sherriff's deputy. Enyart was charged in 1994 and ultimately convicted of misdemeanor child abuse in the striking of Mayns' son Steven (then age 7) with a belt, leaving bruises and welts on the boy's buttocks.

Enyart regained custody of his sons from his first marriage in 1999 after his ex-wife Krista died. They are involved with the design and operation of Enyart's websites. Enyart is currently the pastor of Denver Bible Church in Denver, Colorado... Link

 Granite View Post
I have never been clear as to what exactly in this article is factually inaccurate.

Reply to It is Finished

Terry (Walking by the Spirit Always) said that you accepted money from her (link).  Mt 23:14.  Then, she discovered that you are a false teacher on marriage (2 Pe 2:1, Ro 7:2,3)—not to mention superstitious (Ac 17:22).

Give her her money back and show the YouTube community a copy of the receipt. 

Jesus knows the truth on this…

So do we.  That’s why I mention it.  :Plain: What about—give her her money back don’t you get?  Mt 23:14

Report back to all of your duped subscribers (2 Pe 2:1) that you’ve done this. 

…and all matters ... Jesus bless…

I am blessed.  You will be when you repent (He 13:4). 

Well, Jesus loves a cheerful giver…

She learned that her giving contributed to your false teaching (2 Pe 2:1) and she’s not so cheerful about it.  She is responsible to know where/how her funds are used.  She will give an account (1 Pe 4:5).

You devour abandoned/betrayed wives’ homes (Mt 23:14).  That’s how you’d like to meet the Lord?  Knock yourself out.  I’ll bring popcorn (Lk 19:27).

… it was forwarded to both our brother and sister in need…

She said that she gave it to you.  Wherever it went.  Get it back.  Give it back to her. 

…our emails and their testimonies will give the accurate and truthful account.

Make a vid about it then.  If anyone still watches you (2 Pe 2:1), :blabla: they will be pleased to know all about it.  We are looking for a copy of the refund receipt via PayPal, etc. back to Terry (Walking by the Spirit Always).  If you are looking for a cooler temperature in hell, you will do this.

I don’t need to answer accusations sent from the enemy…

"Whoever is not being a friend of God is being an enemy of mine." ~ Jim Andrews

…If you are enemy of  because Jesus sees all things and knows the truth, but have in love to set the record straight one time.  My mission is the gospel…

Your mission is superstitious gibberish (Ac 17:22)... :dizzy:

…to tell others that Jesus is coming…

We know that.  We don’t need another Chicken Little.

…and to help those in need who request help.

Do it with your own money.  Giver Terry’s money back so that she can be a good steward of her funds (Mt 25:14-30) and then give your own money to the folks you claims to have helped. 

Terry sent funds for an appeal for sister Mary…

She said that she gave the money to you.  Give it back.

…Are this brother and sister in need supposed to return the funds that helped them in a time of need?...

You are to refund Terry’s money.  If you believe that the funds should remain where they went, then you pay it.  She must be a steward for her funds.  You be a steward for yours. 


Keep talking.  Every word will be used against you (Mt 12:37).  :burnlib:

…The love of Christ be with you...

The love of Christ is with me.  Do right by this woman.  You’re not going to want to meet her defender with this on you (Ps 68:5).

We just need a copy of the receipt.

Reply to anon


Are all sins equal? 

Stealing your boss’ paperclip is less serious than stealing your boss’ spouse. :Plain:


Are All Sins Equal? Bob Enyart

Reply to Enyart  

[Abused woman so-called divorces her husband] 

Regina: “You and Doug seem to think I need to get married.” 

[Enyart laughs]

Why would you advise an already married woman to so-call marry again?  Ro 7:2,3

Bob: “Your ex-husband…”

There is no such thing as “ex” (Mt 19:6). 

Regina: “…A husband would be great.”

Bob: “We’ll be praying for that…” 

1 Co 7:11, Is 5:20

You’re willing to spend some $200,000 on sending a flat-earth proponent into space; but,  you won’t help this woman? Jas 1:27. Instead, you encourage her to: 1. become a serial adulteress (Ro 7:2,3) and 2. hit up other church members for a place to live until she can defile herself. 

Evil (Mt 19:6). 

Payday someday (He 13:4, Ro 14:12). 

Reply to Enyart

We…have pro-abort audio—two minutes where a pro-abort admits that abortion is killing… Link

It’s not enough to admit that you’re a sinner.  You also must:  admit that you’re a sinner,  give a damn and then  repent (Mt 13:3, Acts 2:37, 38). 

Second so-called  marriage is not marriage at all.  It was  not acknowledged in heaven. It was instead defined as adultery (Ro 7:2,3).  

The original intent of marriage was: one man for one woman for life (Gen. 2:18–24). Paul wished that men were like him (1 Co 7:7). 

“You don’t know God by Bible study.” ~ Adrian Rogers Jn 14:21 

“A reddit administrator comes on and the next thing you see is, ‘You’ve been banned’….You ask a question and these are the thought police…”

The debate site that you recommend, Theology Online bans,  too.  

Too bad they aren’t pro-free speech (Jn 8:36). 

"Too bad."  ~ Seth Brundle, The Fly

[Woman at the well and multiple husbands] “Jesus acknowledged reality.”

As a bad example (Eph 4:14, 2 Pe 2:1).  He also said, “Ye are gods (Jn 10:34).” 

The Nephilim “took wives for themselves”. Do you think that those so-called  marriages were acknowledged in heaven? 

“If God did not spare the angels who sinned, but cast them down to hell and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved for judgment; and did not spare the ancient world, but saved Noah, one of eight people, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood on the world of the ungodly; and turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes, condemned them to destruction, making them an example to those who afterward would live ungodly” (2 Pe 2:4–7). 

Paul said  that second so-called  marriage is adultery.  (Ro 7:2,3). Jesus affirmed marriage as: one man, one woman (Gen. 2:18–24) in covenant (Matt. 19:6) for life (Rom. 7:2, 3)  in case you were looking for another loophole (He 13:4).

What did you do to your wife?  Ro 14:12

[Enyart and singleness, Paul said re-marriage no big deal. He had the right to take a wife.] 

Paul had a wife. He was either abandoned by her for becoming a Christian or widowed. 

He discussed the advantages of remaining single “(1 Co 7:1, 8, 32–35): For the most part, a single person is free to devote all his or her attention to the work of the Lord, having no need to share time with a spouse or children….It depends totally on God’s perfect plan for each believer.” Willmington, H. L. (1999). The Outline Bible. Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House Publishers.

Apostles had the right to take their (not someone else’s ) family with them (9:5–6). Ibid, 1 Co.

Paul remained single to share the gospel. 

[Trump’s wife Melania]

False (2 Pe 2:1).  Trump  has a wife. Her name is Ivana.  When he or she dies, then he will be free (Ro 7:2,3) to marry in the Lord (1 Co 7:39).
Why marvel  at Enyart?  Re 17:7. You’re no Paul. 

Reply to Winfrey

[Came to Texas for reival] We don’t want to go to these churches because they are run by the devil’s people.

We don’t need more brothels in Texas.   The first thing I ask a pastor now is:  “Do you teach Ro 7:2,3?” :Poly:

If they condone serial adultery in their midst, no sense remaining there.  We are told to come out of her my people. :granite:

There is one faithful church near where you are now.  They speak Korean.   

[Trump] I believe he is a god-fearer.

He :greedy: is a child-killing, serial adulterer (Pr 8:36, Ex 20:14). :dizzy:

Time to head back to the Philippines (Ps 11:3, 12:1, Jer 16:2).

Reply to Winfrey

[Claims there is revival in Texas because he's arrived] We had our first revival…

Revival without faithfulness to God, marriage and family?  Eph 4:14  No.  :dizzy: Revival is not happening in Texas as you claim.

Git on home now :BillyBob: little doggie. :dog: Mt 11:24, Jas 3:1

glassjester View Post
[God, marriage, family] You fix it by undoing the damage that was done to it in the first place.

We can’t unscramble eggs (Deut 24:4).  There are one or two fine servants of the Lord who promote: God, marriage and family.  The rest burn with lust  like Enyart who plays fast and loose  with the teachings of Paul (1 Co 7:9).

Crucible View Post

Nearly half of all marriages end in divorce...

No such thing. If your spouse is still alive, you are still marriage to him/her (Ro 7:2,3). In our culture people make it up as they go along; but, the records are in heaven (1 Pe 4:5). yourself on this side of the grave (He 11:25).

Reply to Enyart

[Pagans get married]

God considers those people married.

God created marriage (Gen. 2:18–24). He defines it. He gave marriage for the believer and the pagan. If one so-call marries close kin, that so-called marriage is not acknowledged in heaven (Lev. 18:6–18).

God doesn’t reject reality. God acknowledges reality...

And you should, too. Otherwise, you are part of the problem not the solution (2 Pe 2:1).

Marriage is: one man, one woman (Gen. 2:18–24) in covenant (Matt. 19:6) for life (Rom. 7:2, 3). 

They were just marriages…Married, divorced, married, divorced…
 Hers was a bad example. Not a good one.  She had one husband and several other adulterers.    Marriage is permanent (Matt. 19:6) and dissolved by death (Rom. 7:2, 3).

For example (I don’t know your situation)—you were not free to so-call marry your so-called wife until your wife died (Ro 7:2,3). If you did, that made you an adulterer (Ro 7:2,3). 

[Enyart divorce

False (2 Pe 2:1).  There is no such thing. You are not fit to pastor a church  if you don’t know what marriage is (Mt 19:10).

Marriage is: one man, one woman (Gen. 2:18–24) in covenant (Matt. 19:6) for life (Rom. 7:23). 

[Paul complains, 1 Co 9:5]

False (2 Pe 2:1).  Paul wished that all men were like him (1 Co 7:7). He was able to remain celibate (a widower or his wife left him because he became a believer) because he had the Holy Spirit. 
You may lack self-control (1 Cor. 7:29).  Paul did not.

You have the right to travel with your (not someone else's) family.

    B.      The extent of his rights (9:4–12a, 13–14): Paul’s rights include:

      1.      The right of hospitality (9:4): Paul has earned the right to be entertained by other believers.

      2.      The right to travel with his family (9:5–6)

      3.      The right to enjoy financial support (9:7–12a, 13–14)

         a.      A soldier is paid for his services (9:7a).

         b.      A vineyard owner eats from the grapes he harvests (9:7b).

         c.      A shepherd drinks from the milk of his flock (9:7c).

         d.      A farmer shares in the fruit of his crops (9:8–12a).

         e.      A priest partakes from the animal sacrifices he offers (9:13–14). Willmington, H. L. (1999). The Outline Bible. Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House Publishers.

Reply to Winfrey

Melania [so-called Trump] can speak like 7 different languages.

She’s a serial adulteress (Ro 7:2-3).  If you don’t know that, :listen: you have no business being a pastor.  Go out and make an honest living.

Reply to Enyart

Even Melania [so-called] Trump accusing him…

Melania so-called Trump  is the perpetrator of the crime punishable by death (Lev. 20:10–12) not the victim of it (Pr 30:20)...  

Reply to Winfrey

There is no revival in Texas.  :dizzy: Are you back pedaling now?  :Shimei: Now you claim to have come here to revive your ministry?  You’re moving on to deliverance and had to come here to do that? :squint:

There will be no revival here until churches return to the word of God.  :Poly: Get it right on life, marriage and family.  Then, you might make a difference.

“Any church that denies [the gospel of Jesus Christ], any church that ignores this, any church that belittles this, any church that is indifferent to this—it is not the church of Jesus Christ.” ~ Michael Youssef 

Clete View Post
[Lordship] serpentdove the liar…

 Ad hominem (
Eph 4:14

My Lord and my God (
Jn 20:28).
Every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God (
Ro 14:11). 

Have you ever listened even one of Bob Enyart's bible studies? No.

 Yes (Eph 4:14).

Do you know anything at all about his ministry? Not one single thing.

 Yes (Eph 4:14).

I'll let you in on a secret, Paul the Apostle was also slandered in this exact same way.

 Paul was God-honoring. Enyart is a used car salesman (2 Pe 2:1). Ask him about what he did to his wife (Matt. 19:3–9Eph. 5:25–33). 
Slander is a sin serpentdove.

 Do you mean libel?  Eph 4:14

I thought you "sinned less".

 The Christian isn't sinless. He sins less (1 Jn 3:9).
You're a hypocrite…
 Proof please (Eph 4:14). 

…[Y]ou speak without having any idea what you're talking about…

 You're projecting again (Eph 4:14).  
…[S]landering people…

 Learn the difference  between  slander and libel (Eph 4:14). 

…and ministries you know nothing about.

 Marriage is: one man, one woman (Gen. 2:18–24) in covenant (Matt. 19:6) for life (Rom. 7:23). 

[Adultery/fornication/church discipline] ...Would you care?...

How did that work out for his wife?   Matt. 19:3–9Eph. 5:25–33

…I can tell you right now that Bob Enyart has more understanding of the bible in his little finger than you'd have if you lived a thousand life times…
 Understanding it  and living it are two different things (Matt. 19:3–9Eph. 5:25–33).  

“Who you are speaks so loudly I can't hear what you're saying.” Ralph Waldo Emerson 

…[Y]ou ought to be ashamed of yourself for opening your mouth…

 Ro 1:16 

…to slander a man who loves God with all his heart…

"When you come to Harvest [Bible Chapel], we're going to ask you: How are you treating your wife? How are you treating your kids?" ~ Jeff Schwarzentraub

…[W]ho has devoted his life to teaching others about God, the bible and righteousness…
All say. No play (Ro 12:9). 

"Man's own religion usually descends to the fleshly life to which they themselves practice." ~ Jim Andrews 


The Greatest Love Story Ever Told  J. Vernon McGee

…You owe him and anyone associated with his ministry an apology.

 1 Ti 1:7 

... Marriage is: one man, one woman (
Gen. 2:18–24) in covenant (Matt. 19:6) for life (Rom. 7:23)... 
Clete View Post
Would grace abound if we did continue to sin?

Why do you continue to sin?  1 Jn 3:9.  Dead Baptists like Enyart reject the Spirit (Ro 8:14).  You have no reason to have assurance of salvation if you live habitually in sin.

Are you a member of Enyart’s brothel?  Encourage him to have a debate with Dr. Webb or Mr. Pawson....

 [banned 16 Aug 19 'Libel against site owners' :noway:]  "Truth is hate to those who hate the truth." ~ Bob Enyart Mk 9:4113:725:840Dan 10:13Ps 105:15Ro 14:4Mk 6:11Is 45:2454:17Re 12:1012Jud 1:9  

Right Divider View Post

[TOL] A heck of a lot of fallacious logic...

You expected more?

Reply to JustInformed Talk   

[Deep State] They get you for small things—you cheat on your wife…

A small thing to this culture (Jer. 16:2).  A big thing to God (Ex 20:14).

When America goes down and you’re wondering why—:listen: look in the mirror (He 13:4).

Reply to Winfrey

...Before you start throwing tables over (Mt 21:12), get your teaching on marriage and family right. Then, you will see right to judge other matters (Pr 31:9)...

...Again, you will see no revival in this nation until there is a return to the word of God. :Poly:

Care about this verse:  Mal 2:16 :straight:as much as you care about this verse: 2 Co 9:7 :greedy: (Ro 12:9-13).

Reply to Walking by the Spirit Always

[Farag] I always check a preacher by his teaching on 1 Corinthians 7.  I remember over a year ago checking his preaching, and he said people can get remarried.  He doesn't even have the fear of the Lord to be careful not to cause people to commit adultery that he should take the time to see that there is no contradiction in Scripture. The verse that says if the unbeliever leaves you are no longer "bound" is not against the verse that says:

A wife is "bound" [to her husband by law] as long as he lives. But if her husband dies, she is free to marry whomever she wishes, only [provided that he too is] in the Lord.


They are two different words in the Greek. Divorce does not end a marriage.  It is one flesh, and only God ends it by death.  So even the widow can only marry a widower or a never married man. Anyone who loves the Lord truly would know that they must love their spouse for life and keep their vows no matter how bad it is.

But I say to the unmarried and to the widows, [that as a practical matter] it is good if they remain [single and entirely devoted to the Lord] as I am. But if they do not have [sufficient] self-control, they should marry; for it is better to marry than to burn with passion.  But to the married [believers] I give instructions—not I, but the Lord—that the wife is not to separate from her husband, (but even if she does leave him, let her remain single or else be reconciled to her husband) and that the husband should not leave his wife.


What a shame...   

He [Farag] s a father, and I hope he would tell his daughter not to commit fornication or to commit adultery by dating a divorced man...

I would hope so. 

Glorify God in your body (1 Co 6:20)...   

Reply to J.D. Farag 

Too bad you don’t teach marriage correctly.

"Too bad." :chz4brnz:~ Seth Brundle, The Fly 2 Pe 2:1 more 

Reply to Truthification Chronicles 

[I was married...] Serpent Dove, it's wise to not judge cases where you don't know the facts.  I've done absolutely nothing against the Bible.

There is no such thing as divorce (Ro 7:2,3).

Assuming something doesn't make it true.

:yawn: Your words (Eph 4:14).

I had a biblical reason for the divorce.  

Was he your brother?

Truth is a statement about reality. If you don’t know (or care :blabla:) what marriage is (He 13:4), then call your channel Itching Ears-ification Chronicles.

Reply to Winfrey

[Claims there is revival] You will not see revival until there is a return to :Poly: God’s word.  :dizzy:  Honor marriage and family.  Don’t kill your kid.  This isn’t rocket science.  :hammer:  

Reply to Grace Everlasting

[Second so-called marriage] This union is to be sanctified to God.

False (2 Pe 2:1).  :dizzy: God did not acknowledge the so-called marriage because he is already married (Lk 16:18, Ro 7:2-3). 

Reply to Winfrey

[Claims there is revival] “Charismatics…if they’re at all honest themselves have to acknowledge that their personal experience not scripture is the foundation of the whole system.  They want to give the Bible a high place….But, the Bible itself—the scripture itself ranks second to experience in their system.” ~ John MacArthur Is Experience a Valid Test of Truth? 

God’s people acted hostile after his miracles.  Miracles are temporary.  God’s truth is permanent. 

Again, revival will not come until there is a return to :Poly: the word of God. :dizzy:

Love your wife.  Don’t kill your baby.  This is not brain surgery. :hammer: Jn 10:10  

Reply to Winfrey

Donald Trump says he cherishes women and that is a proper term. 

Donald Trump is a child-killing, serial adulterer (Pr 8:36, Ex 20:14)... :dizzy:

Reply to Enyart: 

[Opposes marriage permanence] We’ve been saying…do right and risk the consequences…

If you’ve done right, then why did your wife commit suicide? Eph 5:25–33  Did you marry your wife while your wife was alive? :Shimei:

Reply to Winfrey

God already knew that David was going to commit adultery.

False, Greek pagan (2 Pe 2:1).  :dizzy: God does not see a future that does not yet exist.  David was loved for his faith not for his adultery (He 11:32).

You are too concerned with smoking and not concerned enough about sin (Mt 23:23). :hammer:

You have no business being a pastor.  Go out and make an honest living.  


Thread: Openness Theology - Does God Know Your Entire Future? - Battle Royale X

The Imperfect Servants Jonathan Cahn  

Revolutionaries:  Little Messiahs Jonathan Cahn  

The Messiah Bearer Jonathan Cahn  

Blessed Is The Man Jonathan Cahn

Reply to Patriotknife100

[Trump w/First Adulteress meme] Trump has a wife. Her name is Ivana.

Marriage is: one man, one woman (Gen. 2:18–24) in covenant (Matt. 19:6) for life (Rom. 7:2, 3).  

Reply to Walking by the Spirit Always

[Divorce in case of second so-called marriage]

That’s right.  When one divorces his so-called wife   it is a righteous act—:listen: God never acknowledged the so-called marriage in the first place (Rom. 7:2, 3).  Pornea refers to filthy relations—sexual sin outside the covenant of marriage (Mt 19:9).  When one stops committing adultery (e.g. repents) that is encouraged not discouraged by God (Acts 2:37, 38).

If one is separated from his spouse (e.g. abuse, adultery, alcoholism, etc.), he has two options according to Paul—remain single or be reconciled (1 Cor. 7:10–17).  He is not free to bed hop (Lk 17:26). :dizzy:   

Marriage :straight:is figurative of Christ’s union with his church (Eph. 5:23–32).  One can’t say, “I married the wrong person.”  :hammer:Jesus married a wicked sinner when he bought him from slavery and made him into his likeness (2 Co 3:18). :dizzy:  

When one is in an adulterous relationship (e.g. second so-called marriage) he cannot be made into oneness with said person (Matt. 19:6).  God doesn’t leave covenants [his marriage should the spouse be alive (Ro 7:2-3)].  God is a covenant-keeping God.

Covenant-breakers :reals: are under judgment (Is. 24:5).:burnlib:

Reply to Truthification Chronicles

[Liberal audience on the view cheers adulterer Donald Jr. and adulteress Kimberly Guilfoyle]

Include yourself in that crowd.  :dizzy: We help to expose :sherlock: the liberal in the conservative daily (Enyart). :reals: Eph 5:11

Marriage is: one man, one woman (Gen. 2:18–24) in covenant (Matt. 19:6) for life (Rom. 7:2, 3). :straight:

Reply to Enyart

The Ten Commandments are passing away.

 Believers have been freed from the law (Acts 15:1–29).  The law, written on our hearts (2 Cor. 3:3–11), :listen: is higher not lower than the Ten Commandments (Mt 5-7, Rom. 13:8–10). :dizzy: Gentiles were to abstain from sexual immorality (Ac 15:20). :hammer:

For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. 19 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven (Mt 5:18–19).

 The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul;
The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple;
The statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart;
The commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes;
The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever;
The judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether.
More to be desired are they than gold,
Yea, than much fine gold;
Sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb.
Moreover by them Your servant is warned,
And in keeping them there is great reward.  Ps 19:7–11

Reply to Winfrey

Those who want a theocracy in America...

There will be a theocracy on the earth (Rev. 20:1–10).  Man has only proven he cannot rule and reign.

Reply to Walking by the Spirit Always 

My husband divorced me so I’ve been made a eunuch.

That’s right.  It was not what we would have chosen for ourselves; but, because of our spouse’s sin, we must live celibate.  They may leave the covenant; but God does not (Lk 16:18, Ro 7:2-3).  We have two choices—remain single or be reconciled (1 Cor. 7:10–17).  We are not free to bed swap as the culture promotes (Ro 1:32, 2 Pe 2:7).

Those who understood Jesus’ clarification regarding marriage (Mt 19:10–12) replied, “If the case of the man be so with his wife, it is not good to marry (Mt 19:10).”  :shocked: Marriage is not advanced dating. :dizzy:

Jesus replied, “All men cannot receive this saying (Mt 19:11).”  You and I are to remain faithful to our spouses (Ruth 1:14–18, 1 Pet. 3:5).  We can receive this saying because we are Christians (Ro 8:14). :Plain:

[From your link Would God Split Up A Family?:  “…Families God would separate because of a previous marriage…”]

That’s right (Ro 7:2-3).  God cannot bless serial adultery (Ex 20:14).  Serial adulterers get the pleasure of sin for a time (He 10:25); but they do not get peace (Is 48:22).  They get fear (He 10:27). :burnlib:

“They had a lovely family; but, both had been married previously…”

Not lovely (1 Sa 16:7).  Old couples walking down the street aren’t necessarily lovely.  You don’t know who they may have stabbed in the back to get where they are.

Did he kick his wife to the curb for an adulteress?  Did she betray her marital vows for an adulterer? :reals:

It will all come out in the wash (Lk 8:17, 1 Co 2:10).  No one get by with sin (Ga 6:7).  Each will get what they deserve (Ge 18:25).  God is just (Deut. 32:4).  

“They were told that they could not join the church unless they would separate…”

Churches need to get it right about marriage—love your wife (Ex 20:14, Eph. 5:25–33) and family—don’t kill your kid (Ex 20:13, Pr 8:36).  If they don’t, :hammer:it’s unlikely they’ll get much else right either (Jer 5:31, 2 Pe 2:1).  

God has a restoration plan (Mt 18); but, men are nicer than God.  They prefer to hold the sinner’s hands all the way to hell.  

“…So-called family”

A husband and wife make up a family with or without children (Matt. 19:6).  You don’t steal a man’s family and then presume to call it your own.  That’s for the cuckoo bird not man made in God’s image and likeness (Ge 9:6).  We are more valuable than the dirty birds would have you believe (Matt. 10:31, Re 18:2).     

“We are ignorant of scripture’s high view of marriage.”

God has a high view of marriage because it’s figurative for God’s union with Israel (Is. 54:5) and Christ’s union with his church (Eph. 5:23–32). :straight: To many marriage is irrelevant; but to God it is still relevant (Mal 3:6).

[Husbands and wives] “…separated so often”

God has called the two one (Matt. 19:6).  A husband can go off and call himself one with another; but, that does not make it so (Ro 7:2-3). :dizzy: When he chooses to be his own god, he is left with a fool for a deity (Gresham). :dunce:

“It has becomes so common…See it like God does.”

Acknowledging the truth is a good first step (Acts 2:37, 38).  You can’t sleep with another man’s wife every night and hope to go to heaven (1 Pet. 1:22).  :hammer:Men who prefer to make it up as they go along (Rom. 1:25) will give an account for all that they’ve done in the flesh (Rom. 7:5, Gal. 5:19–21).

Best to do right if you haven’t passed your expiration date (Judg 16:20, Prov. 2:16–19, Lk 19:44).

“Marriage…they despise that…”

Yep.  If you seek to live holy, you are hated (Matt. 24:9, 10, John 3:20, 2 Ti 3:12).

[Adulteress so-called family] “What men have put together without his blessing…”

God is not obligated to bless their mess (Heb. 13:4).

[Scriptural view of repentance, analogy (Eph 4:28)] “I steal a car…He’s a loving forgiving God…”

Presumptuous sin (Ps. 19:13, 50:21, Eccl 8:11).  :dizzy: God has seen it all/heard it all before.  :blabla: Excuses won’t fly at the Great White Throne (Re 21:8). :burnlib:

“I put 14,000 miles on it…”

Eew (Eph 5:12). :granite:

[Marriage given prior to Ten Commandments] “We see Jesus raising the standard…from the beginning it was not so… (Mt 19:8).”

In case they continued to look for loopholes (hardening their heart [Ro 1:26-29]), Jesus made it clear that marriage is lifelong (Mt 19:8, Mk 10:2–9; Rom. 7:2, 3).   

[Church discipline regarding one living in habitual sexual sin] “We should not commune with that kind of person…”

There should be a social stigma for the adulterer; but, there is not (Jet 16:2, Lk 17:26).

“It has been said that for evil men to accomplish their purpose it is only necessary that good men should do nothing.” ~ Charles F. Aked

“God could redeem…” [a broken family]

Continuing on in an adulterous relationship makes it more difficult for the husband and wife to be reconciled (1 Cor. 7:10–17, He 13:4).    

[Societal shunning of the adulterer historically] “Most men did not respect that man or give him the honor that they give him today.”

Today, we don’t put the serial adulterer to death (Lev 20:10).  We make him the President of the United States (Ps 12:8). :greedy:

[Hypothetical serial adulterers John and Nancy and their five bastards (Deut. 23:2), suffer for righteousness’ sake (1 Pe 3:14)] 

Adrian Rogers said, “There are no illegitimate children—just illegitimate parents.”

“Legislation in favor of Sodomites…We have not made marriage--the beautiful, the attractive, the practice, the thing worth suffering for and worth being faithful for in any situation.”

Your marriage :listen: or your neighbor’s marriage (Ga 5:14, He 13:4).  You aren’t loving your neighbor if you’re sleeping with his wife every night (Ex 20:14).

Reply to Winfrey

[Trump] He’s a God-fearer…

False (2 Pe 2:1).  :hammer:Trump :greedy: is a child-killing, serial adulterer (Pr 8:36, Ex 20:14). If you voted for him, you have blood on your hands.  If you vote for him again, you’ll have more blood on your hands.


Trump:  Personhood Never  

Reply to York

[Marriage permanence (Mt 19:6, Ro 7:2-3)] So, if I understand you correctly—until your ex-husband dies, you are rolling solo?

Yeppers (Lk16:18, Ro 7:2-3).  Obviously I won’t become like the hoes that my husband sleeps with every night (Matt. 5:32).

So you can never get married again?

I am married until he dies :juggle: (hopefully sooner rather than later).  Ro 7:2-3.

Well, don’t leave any evidence behind at the scene, LOL.

Did I say that out loud? :shocked:

I didn’t hear a thing.  …You are way stronger than me.

Not what I would have chosen; :sigh: but, the Holy Spirit :straight:promises to enable me to live this way (Mt 19:10–11).

I get too lonely.

I hear ya (1 Cor. 7:10–17).  Every night when I hug my dog and he whimpers and pants for me to let him go, I remind myself, “But for Adam there was not found a helper suitable for him (Ge 2:20),” and I let him go.

 There is no one for me now; but, The Holy Spirit, my comforter will get me through this (John 14:16, 26). :straight:

[Marriage valid even for the pagan heathen]

Amen! Even if two orgy, ceremony-murdering Satanists marry,...God is there joining them together!

Utah moves to decriminalize polygamy

Radical Liberal Group: Corona Panic Perfect Time To Abolish The Family

Polygamy is no longer a crime in Utah

Culture of Divorce: How Our Moral Values Affect Our Children Brian Orchard  

Somerville, Mass. Unanimously Passes Law Recognizing ‘Polyamorous’ Domestic Partnerships

Law Forces Ohio Minister to Officiate Same-Sex Wedding or Face $5,000 Fine

The Freedom to Move From One Area to Another Is Gone and May

Reply to Truthification Chronicles

“I was married to one.”

You still are married (Lk 16:18, Ro 7:2-3).  Is this why you support child-killing, serial adulterer Trump? Pr 8:36, Ex 20:14, 2 Pe 2:1.Oh, give it a rest, Mr. Pharisee. You know nothing about it. Stop casting stones.

Oh, give it a rest, Mr. Pharisee.

Projection (Eph 4:14, Lk 11:53, 54, Jn 3:1–10, 8:44).  Righteousness for the Pharisee was outward only (Lk 7:36–50).  Christians walk with God (Eph 5:1-33, 8-9, Col 1:9-10, 1 Thess 4:1-5) and are declared positionally righteousness before him (Phil 3:9).    

You know nothing about it. Stop casting stones.

They likely had committed the same sin and walk away in shame (Jn 8:9).  You don’t even blush (Jer 6:15).  Payday someday (2 Co 5:9-10). 

Reply to Winfrey

[Winfrey compares self to Enoch]

As a reminder Winfrey does not preach/teach marriage permanence (Lk 16:18, Ro 7:2-3). If you don’t get it right on marriage and family, it’s unlikely you’ll get much else right either (2 Pe 2:1). 

Not like Enoch, not pleasing God, not going in the rapture (Ps 147:10-11, Jn 8:29, Ro 8:8, He 11:5-6, 13:16).

If only you were as concerned about sexual sin, Thyatira, as you are about smoking. :nono:

“You can smoke cigarettes and still go to heaven—in fact, you’ll probably get there sooner.” ~ Chuck Smith

Jesus loves you (Jn 3:16). Jesus is willing to save you (2 Pe 3:9). Repent (Eze 18:30-32; Ac 17:30). Believe (Mk 9:23).


Midnight Cry- Wake Up! Pastor Dana Coverstone, Assemblies of God Churches and Post-Tribulation  Walking by the Sprit Always

Reply to Winfrey

[Loving his appearing (2 Ti 4:6)]

Why do you look down on the godly who aren’t presently living ideal lives as you allegedly are (perhaps at the expense of another man whose wife you happen to be sleeping with each night--we don’t know because you don’t mention your so-called marriage :squint: [Lk 16:18, Ro 7:2-3]).

“Because the poor are plundered, because the needy groan, I will now arise,” says the LORD; “I will place him in the safety for which he longs.” Ps 12:5, ESV.  Even truck drivers know this (2 Pe 2:1). :dizzy:

Reply to Winfrey

[I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, Than to dwell in the tents of wickedness (Ps 84:10).  As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord (Josh 24:15).]

Does your adulteress (Ro 7:2-3, Lk 16:18) have a living husband?  Her child is not your child.  Do you have a wife that you have thus far failed to mention?  How odd—a man who does not speak about his family.:squint:

I am not guilty by the blood of Jesus.

If you are an unrepentant serial adulterer (Lk 16:18, Ro 7:2-3), you are not going in the rapture. 

Even truck drivers know that (Rev. 2:6–15).

  :hammer:Read all about your church— Thyatira (Rev. 2:18–24).

[Pererting and inverting God’s word (2 Pe 2:1, Jud 4)] Spiritual people and the law:  they are like widows freed from their husbands [Ro 7:1–3].

…God's law is perpetual and ongoing (Mt 5:18).  When did God nail do not murder, do not commit adultery to the cross:smokie: Mal 4:4-6, Mt 24:14

Our law is higher not lower (Mt 5-7). :dizzy:


Reply to Pastor Green

[To another] …[J]ust like you we have a high view of marriage.  We believe it is a covenant for life between a man and a woman, and that divorce is a tragedy.  We also acknowledge the reality of sin.

Do you permit serial adultery with tranquility? Ex 20:14.  Do you impliment church discipline as outlined in Mt 18:15–20?  Who is permitted to sit comfortably in your church?  The unrepentant serial adulterer or the victim of his crime?  The church isn’t big enough for the two of them.  One will have to go.

Regarding your position on remarrying your ex-spouse after she remarries, what is your take on Deuteronomy 24:1-4?

“If a man marries a woman, but she becomes displeasing to him because he finds something improper about her, he may write her a divorce certificate, hand it to her, and send her away from his house.  If after leaving his house she goes and becomes another man’s wife, and the second man hates her, writes her a divorce certificate, hands it to her, and sends her away from his house or if he  dies, the first husband who sent her away may not marry her again after she has been defiled, because that would be detestable to the LORD.” Dt 24:1–4

If a man was betrothed to a woman and found out prior to marriage that she was not a virgin, he could divorce her (e.g. not marry her).   

In the OT when clean touches defiled, defiled makes clean defiled.  In the NT when defiled becomes born again, he is considered clean (Is 1:18) and his brethern are not to say otherwise (Ac 10:15). The wife's body does not belong to her alone but also to her husband. In the same way, the husband's body does not belong to him alone but also to his wife (1 Co 7).

Had he been an adulterer and then repents and returns to his wife, he will have to live with the consequence of his sin (e.g. his wife is not called to bondage (1 Co 7:15) [e.g. Sleeping with him again along with all of the women in his mind.  His wife is not required to take on his VD (Ps 38:5)].  He wil likely have to do without the benefits of marriage.  The Holy Spirit will guide the couple.  He never left the covenant.

The exception clause in Matthew so many pastors use leading them to hell…".  Are you saying that a wrong interpretation of scripture on this issue could determine one's salvation?

Sexual sinners are not going in the rapture (1 Jn 3:9, Re 3:10).  Unrepentant sexual sinners are guarenteed to go into the tribulation (Re 2:18–24).  

[Green invite to his brothel for coffee]

Maybe they serve good coffee —they don’t serve the Lord.  

I also looked for a church in the:  Denton, Lantana, Flower Mound area couldn’t find any who are faithful to God’s Word.  Only the Korean one near us teaches that marriage permanence (Lk 16:18, Ro 7:2-3).  I’d rather deal with the language barrier and be near to my brethren (He 10:25) than to sit with a bunch of devils pretending to love God (Jn 13:27, 14:15).

Keep looking if you’d like.  Fact is there is only a remnant of Christ followers on the earth (Jer. 31:7–9, Zeph. 3:12, 13).  I don’t think they’re in the brothels.

 Jesus left the building.  Come out of her my people (Re 18:4). 

Reply to Enyart

[Enyart: Christians need not keep a short accounts with God (e.g. apologize for wrong doing or confess their sin before him).]  

Sounds to me like you do not have a right relationship with the Lord (Ro 8:14, 1 Jn 1:9). :hammer: 

…God's law is perpetual and ongoing (Mt 5:18). When did God nail do not murder, do not commit adultery to the cross? Mal 4:4-6, Mt 24:14  

Our law is higher not lower (Mt 5-7). :dizzy: 

As a reminder Enyart does not preach/teach marriage permanence (Lk 16:18, Ro 7:2-3). If you don’t get it right on marriage and family, it’s unlikely you’ll get much else right either (2 Pe 2:1).  

Enyart does not discuss what he did to his wife...backstab photo thbackstab.gif

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness [1 John 1:9].  

“If we confess our sins.” Here is another one of our “if’s.” We have seen several of them: “If we say that we have fellowship” (v. 6); “If we walk in the light” (v. 7); and “If we say that we have no sin” (v. 8). Now here is the right method for bringing together a sinful man and a holy God: confession of sins.  

What does it mean to confess our sins? The word confess is from the Greek verb homologeo, meaning “to say the same thing.” Logeo means “to say” and homo means “the same.” You are to say the same thing that God says. When God in His Word says that the thing you did is sin, you are to get over on God’s side and look at it. And you are to say, “You are right, Lord, I say the same thing that You say. It is sin.” That is what it means to confess your sins. That, my friend, is one of the greatest needs in the church. This is God’s way for a Christian to deal with sin in his own life.  

The other day I talked to a man who got into deep trouble. He divorced his wife—he found out that she had been unfaithful. He lost his home and lost his job. He was a very discouraged man. He said to me, “I want to serve God, and I have failed. I am a total failure.” I very frankly said to him, “Don’t cry on my shoulder. Go and tell God about it. He wants you to come to Him. Tell Him you have failed. Tell Him you have been wrong. Tell Him that you want to say the same thing about your sin that He says about it. Seek His help. He is your Father. You are in the family. You have lost your fellowship with Him, but you can have your fellowship restored. If you confess your sins, He is faithful and just to forgive you your sins.”  

After we confess our sins, what does God do? He cleanses us. In the parable, the Prodigal Son came home from the far country smelling like a pigpen. You don’t think the father would have put a new robe on that ragged, dirty boy, smelling like that, do you? No, he gave him a good bath. The Roman world majored in cleanliness, and I am confident that the boy was bathed before that new robe was put on him. The next week he didn’t say, “Dad, I think I will be going to the far country and end up in the pigpen again.” Not that boy.

When you have confessed your sin, it means that you have turned from that sin. It means that you have said the same thing which God has said. Sin is a terrible thing. God hates it and now you hate it. But confession restores you to your Father.  McGee, J. V. (1991). Thru the Bible commentary: The Epistles (1 John) (electronic ed., Vol. 56, pp. 32–34). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.  

Jesus loves you (Jn 3:16). Jesus is willing to save you (2 Pe 3:9). Repent (Eze 18:30-32; Ac 17:30). Believe (Mk 9:23). 

Reply to Winfrey  

[Marriage is:  one man, one woman (Gen. 2:18–24) in covenant (Matt. 19:6) for life (Rom. 7:2, 3).] Bold in nonsense.  Bold in obnoxiousness.

Christians are bold in:  righteousness (Pr 28:1), prayer (Eph 6:18, 19) and fearless preaching (Acts 9:26–29).  Winfrey likely sins against love (1 Jn 4:17).*   Even truck drivers know that (Rev. 2:6–15). :dizzy:

*Winfrey does not discuss his so-called wife’s husband (if she bothered to marry him).  Is he still alive?  If he is, then Winfrey is a an unrepentant, serial adulterer (Lk 16:18, Ro 7:2-3).   

Reply to Winfrey  

[Reconciliation in marriage]…unless you’re remarried.

False (2 Pe 2:1).  Reconciliation is encouraged (1 Cor. 7:10–17). :hammer:

If you are re so-called married, you are a serial adulterer (Lk 16:18, Ro 7:2-3).  If this is your own situation Winfrey, repent. 


As a reminder Winfrey does not preach/teach marriage permanence (Lk 16:18, Ro 7:2-3).  If you don’t get it right on marriage and family, it’s unlikely you’ll get much else right either (2 Pe 2:1).

Reply to Truthification Chronicles

Wouldn’t let Tammy Bruce speak…

You value the opinion of an open homosexual? :dizzy:

[Denies marriage permanence (Lk 16:18, Ro 7:2-3)] When I was working with the online biblical ministry…

Less work.  More repentance.  :Poly:

Jesus loves you (Jn 3:16). Jesus is willing to save you (2 Pe 3:9). Repent (Eze 18:30-32; Ac 17:30). Believe (Mk 9:23). 

Reply to Winfrey  

...[Pious Patrick audience of one]

Your audience has spoken.  You are to go--and sin no more (Jn 8:11)—not keep sleeping with another man’s wife.  :hammer: Even truck drivers know that.

You are not going in the rapture (2 Pe 2:1).  :rapture: You are guaranteed to go into the Great Tribulation, :Poly: Thyatira (Rev. 2:18–24).


Walking by the Spirit Always 

[Claims that the church teaches:  If one murders his wife and repents, he can still be a pastor; but, if he commits serial adultery, he cannot.]

:yawn: Strawman Eph 4:14

Is that what the Bible says?  :dizzy:  If your brother sins against you, forgive him?  :freak:  No, it does not.  :Plain: It says:  If your brother sins against you, rebuke him. If he repents, forgive him (Lk 17:3).:Poly:

You are not forgiven for sin that you commit every night with someone else’s wife.  Christians do not live in habitual sin (1 Jn 3:9).

[The only unforgivalbe sin is sinning against the HS.]

Repentance (Ac 15:3) means turning from sin (Ac 9:35) toward Jesus (Ac 8:22).  True repentance (Ac 9:1–20) begins with conviction of sin (Ac 2:37, 38).

Reply to Truthification Chronicles

“His [adulterer’s (Lk 16:18, Ro 7:2-3] boys just got here…” […Then asks subscribers to donate to feed her and her cat.]

Where is their mother (if your adulterer ever bothered to marry her)?   :hammer:

Reply to Winfrey  

[More concerned with smoking than sexual impurity*]

Lk 11:42 :straight:

* Does not discuss his so-called wife (Lk 16:18, Ro 7:2-3).  Is her husband dead (if she ever bothered to marry him)?  If he is not, then Winfrey is an unrepentant serial adulterer.

“You’re not supposed to be sleeping with someone unless you’re married…”

You’re not supposed to be sleeping with another man’s wife (Lk 16:18, Ro 7:2-3).  :dizzy:  She is not free to re-marry until her husband is dead. 

[Refers to himself as sanctified] 

If you're sleeping with another man’s wife nightly (Lk 16:18, Ro 7:2-3), :listen: you are not sanctified.  You are an unrepentant sexual sinner guaranteed to go into the tribulation, Thyatira (Rev. 2:18–24).   


“I had a whole bunch-a-old women come in…” 

Why don’t you throw a nap sack over their heads and call it a day?  :idunno: Submission is mutual (Eph 5:21).  :hammer:Truck drivers--and even women :freak: know that (2 Pe 2:1).  


Unbiblical headship doctrine  

I’m a eunuch. You’re delusional—and sleeping with another man’s wife each night.  Why do you get in the way of their marriage and reconciliation? :reals:1 Cor. 7:10–17

[David was great] 

David was not great because he committed adultery and murder.  Don’t aspire to :hobo: his lowest point.  :listen: He is not your ‘get out of jail free card’.  David’s life was never the same after his sin with Bathsheba.  He lost a child.  In your case—another man lost his child. :idunno:  

Now that we know how much you love David’s adultery (Jn 8:44).  Consider his repentance (Ac 2:37, 38).  

You’re no David. 

[Explains that the devil has license in people’s lives due to their habitual sin] 

Projection (Eph 4:14).  :noway:  Why are you reading our mail? :Poly: 

[Sings (badly) about going into the enemy’s camp to “take back what he stole from me…”] 

Projection (Eph 4:14).  :noway:  Did you steal another man’s wife?  :Shimei: Lk 16:18, Ro 7:2-3. 

Give her back.  She’s not yours (Ge 20:2).        

Sometimes marriages can be reconciled.  Sometimes they can’t…

Her reconciliation with her husband is made difficult :dizzy: because she’s defiling herself with you each night (Lk 16:18, Ro 7:2-3). 

…if the person got remarried.

Your marriage was never honored in heaven.  :hammer: It couldn’t be because she already has a husband (Lk 16:18, Ro 7:2-3).  :dizzy: What you call marriage God calls serial adultery (Ex 20:14).  What you call wife God calls adulteress (Ro 7:3). 

“I prefer clarity to agreement.” ~ Dennis Prager 

Did Jesus tell the woman at the well go home and keep on sinning?  No (Jn 8:11).  :hammer:He said sin no more (Lk 6:46). 

[God doesn’t bless a mess] 

Projection (Eph 4:14).  :noway: Plank eye moment (Mt 7:3).  :Plain:

My motive is to please the Lord Jesus only.

Jesus :idunno: Satan Jn 8:44 

All say.  No play (Ac 2:37, 38). 

There’s a royal law—the royal law of love.

When you love your brother, you won’t sleep with his wife (Ex 20:14). :dizzy: 

Reply to Truthification Chronicles

[Another critiques First Adulteress] What a slimy person…

You’re projecting again (Eph 4:14). :noway:

Do you support serial adulteresses because :listen: you happen to be one yourself? :Shimei:


They’re married…

 :hammer: Their marriage was not acknowledged in heaven-- :listen: and neither was yours (Lk 16:18, Ro 7:2-3). :dizzy:

[Channel host dies]  

Maybe just before meeting your maker it’s not a good idea to refer to your Vice President as Kam-a-la la la (Eph 4:29, He 13:4).

Reply to Winfrey    

[Claims to be at the center of revival in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area]

There is no revival in Texas. :hammer:Gathering unrepentant sinners like yourself (Ex 20:14) around in a room doesn’t make for revival (2 Pe 2:1). :dizzy:

[Pure religion and undefiled before God the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world (Jas 1:27)]

You know what to do; but, show no interest in doing it (Ac 2:37, 38). :squint: Why do you read 66 love letters written to us? :juggle:

[Those looking for the rapture] “It’s escapism.”

We will be escaping what is coming on the earth. :listen: We don’t apologize for that. It is our reward for having been accounted worthy (Lk 21:36):straight:—not because because we have any worthiness of our own (Phil 3:9); but, because we trust in the Lord (Mt 12:17–21). You are guaranteed to stay, Thyatira (Re 2:18–24).

We don’t sleep with another person’s spouse each night like you (Lk 16:18, Ro 7:2-3).* We don’t call an adulterer ‘husband’ or ‘wife’ like you do. Don’t hate us because we’re beautiful (Re 21:2, 9). :king:
Your mocking the watchmen (Re 3:3) proves that the Bible is true (Jud 18). :Poly:

“The Lord gives me messages for other people not for myself--for other people.”

Doubt it (Eph 4:14). Return to where you went off course (Ex 20:14). When you love your neighbor, :listen: you don’t sleep with his spouse (Ex 20:14, Mk 12:31). There is no peace for the wicked saith my Lord (Is 48:22). :burnlib:

“If you don’t see a miracle it’s ‘cause you didn’t believe.”

Did you believe when your adulteress’ son died? :idunno: Or, was that just on her and her husband (if she bothered to marry him at all)? Why are other people always paying for your sin? :idunno: 1 Co 11:30, Jas 3:1

[Has been rebuked by viewers for wearing glasses—questioning his healing on demand] “It’s not in my heart to be healed for vision.”

Step-so-called-dads just don’t have a heart for the children of their adulteress do they? backstab photo thbackstab.gif Jud 1:10

* Winfrey does not discuss his so-called wife. Is her husband still alive? If he is, then Winfrey is a serial adulterer (Lk 16:18, Ro 7:2-3).

Reply to Winfrey

[Winfrey rebukes Christians calling him out on his serial adultery.]

Eph 4:11

[Calls them "judgmental".]


Pr 31:9

Asks God to get them to look at themselves n the light of God’s word.

:noway: Ex 20:14, 7

[Woman* chimes in ‘amen’.  Says that there are enemies on YouTube who are trying to spy out their liberty.]

You are not at liberty to sleep with another man’s wife (Ex 20:14). :dizzy:

[Asks the Lord to cause deafness and blindness to his enemies so that they cannot get saved.  Asks the Lord only to save those who will be saved.]

 :hammer:2 Pe 3:19

Nothing quite as deadening as Winfrey’s theology (2 Pe 2:1).


Questions & Answers 3022:  Can you discuss the doctrines of predestination and limited atonement?  ? J. Vernon McGee

* Likely his serial adulteress (Lk 16:18, Ro 7:2-3). 

Reply to Winfrey

[Babbles like a pagan, same songs sung (badly) over and over again (Mt 6:7) :blabla:]

[Tells subscriber “Crucify your marriage…”]

:Shimei: Is that what you told your adulteress?* 2 Pe 2:1

Paul says be reconciled (1 Cor. 7:10–17).  :Poly: That’s a little tough with you in the way (Ex 20:14). 

Reply to Winfrey

[Prays "Show me your glory."]

He’ll show you his glory. 

God is glorified when he judges sinners, like Winfrey (Ex 20:14).*  Beware of false, babbling teachers with friends like Bear049 who believes that he was probed by aliens.


Death Penalty for Murders & Sodomites  Thru the Bible - Questions & Answers | Dr. J. Vernon McGee  

Thru the Bible - Questions & Answers | Dr. J. Vernon McGee | Questions & Answers 3020 J. Vernon McGee

Reply to Winfrey

We can have our sin…

Keep it if you’d like.  Those who have been convicted of sin and have repented (Acts 2:37, 38) are going in the rapture (Re 3:10).  You are guaranteed to stay, Thyatira (Rev. 2:18–24).

Reply to Winfrey

[Claims Kim Clement is “anointed”, he had to endure bad music from him]

:noway: Projection (Eph 4:14).  If you were “anointed” as you put it, :dizzy: God :listen: would have given you a better voice and an ear to hear (2 Pe 2:1).

[Recommends an artist who he claims is “more anointed” than him]

Anointed :idunno: talented (Eph 4:14)

[Says you are on “holy ground” when he is singing (badly ) to his god (2 Co 6:15–18).]

See similarities between powerless Patrick :whip: (1 Sam. 5:1–5; 1 Kin. 18:25–29) and Paula White: 

Paula White Says The White House Is ‘Holy Ground’ Because She Stands On It, Asks God To Bless Her ‘Church Businesses’ Before Correcting Herself

Trump Spiritual Adviser Paula White Has Major Meltdown While Pretending To Speak In Tongues And Calling ‘Angels From Africa’ To America

[Asks the Lord to avenge against those who oppose Donald Trump who will send our country into civil war]

You support child-killing, serial adulterers? :smokie: Pr 8:36, Ex 20:14.  I do not.

“I prefer clarity to agreement.” ~ Dennis Prager

[Says that those who do not support Donald Trump have blood on their hands.]

:noway: Projection (Eph 4:14).

[Those who oppose him are “unlearned”.]

:noway: Projection (Eph 4:14).  Can’t pronounce “wolf”. :dunce:

[Bables, shouts/yells, and says “yes” “yes” “yes” repeatedly (Mt 6:7) while worshiping his god (Ro 8:7).]

God speaks to us through is Word :Poly: and in our conscience.  Winfrey refuses to repent of sexual sin :hobo: though he has been warned many times (Ezek. 3:17–27).:burnlib:


Sid Roth

[His god tells him to make chocolate Cheerios and Rice Crispy treats and to eat them in public to celebrate.  This symbolizes he will eat his enemies.]

Cannibalism was forbidden. :hammer:

  Because they have forsaken me, and have estranged this place, and have burned incense in it unto other gods, whom neither they nor their fathers have known, nor the kings of Judah, and have filled this place with the blood of innocents;

  They have built also the high places of Baal, to burn their sons with fire for burnt offerings unto Baal, which I commanded not, nor spake it, neither came it into my mind [Jer. 19:4–5].

“Because of these things, God says that the valley of the son of Hinnom would soon be known as the valley of slaughter, because as they had killed their children as offerings to Baal and Moloch, God would allow their enemies to kill them there (see vv. 6–9).

After pronouncing this frightful judgment upon the people of Jerusalem, God directed Jeremiah to break the clay bottle in the sight of the witnesses…”  McGee, J. V. (1991). Thru the Bible commentary: The Prophets (Jeremiah/Lamentations) (electronic ed., Vol. 24, pp. 93–94). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.

“Jer 19:9 eat the flesh. Desperate for food during a long siege, some would resort to cannibalism, eating family members and friends (Lam. 4:10).” MacArthur, J., Jr. (Ed.). (1997). The MacArthur Study Bible (electronic ed., p. 1090). Nashville, TN: Word Pub.

“Eze 5:8–10 The book of Lamentations reveals how literally these promises were realized when parents ate their children and sons ate their fathers in the times of starvation. Down through the centuries had come the threats of Lev. 26:29 and Deut. 28:53, taken up by Jeremiah (Jer. 19:9; Lam. 2:22; 4:10; cf. Is. 9:20), and sealed in the life of the disobedient nation. Even the remnant would be scattered and suffer.”  MacArthur, J., Jr. (Ed.). (1997). The MacArthur Study Bible (electronic ed., p. 1158). Nashville, TN: Word Pub.

[Says he has “a word” for a subscriber:  What God has joined :straight:let no man :reals:tear apart…]

:noway: Projection (Eph 4:14).

Hugh Hefner is my shepherd I shall not want. ~ Patrick Winfrey


The Lord is My Shepherd Leading The Way | Dr. Michael Youssef

Reply to Dr Barry Awe 

Why do you play sermons (2 Pe 2:1) from serial adulterer Sandy? Lk 16:18, Ro 7:2-3

Reply to Walking by the Spirit Always

[Does grace change things?]

Grace is not license to sin (Jud 4).  God gives grace--to repent (Ac 2:37, 38).

Jesus said to the woman caught in the act of adultery go and sin no more (Jn 8:11)—not go and keep committing adultery.  The cure for sexual sin is not to continue sinning.  :dizzy: Would Jesus also say go and keep murdering to a murderer?  Go and keep stealing to a theif?  No (Eph 4:28).

Pastors have a blind spot for adultery because they often have committed it or are continuing to commit it (e.g. Enyart, Winfrey).     

Telling pastors to repent is treading on their holy ground of sexual sin.  :madmad: So-called pastor Patrick Winfrey (a Nicolaitan who says that only Hagee or Graham could correct him of his serial adultery—not a mere visitor to his YouTube channel [Pr 16:18]), :hammer:for example, responded after being rebuked by saying that he looks forward to eating the flesh of his enemies (Ga 4:16). :granite:

They attack like wild boars just as the Bible said they would? :Poly: Mt 7:6.

Or (as in the case of Enyart) they may have repented; but, you’d never know it because they remain silent about their sin, :shut: failing to provide a cautionary tale for others. 

Bob Enyart preaches against:  child-killing, gassing Jews and lynching blacks; but he fails to include adultery in his list of sins.  His wife died because of his neglect of her.

He apologized neither to his wife (she’s dead—he can’t) nor his community though he has been asked to do just this (Nu 32:23); yet; he wishes to continue to preach and teach (Ps 11:3). :squint:

If you don’t get it right on marriage and family (e.g. love your wife--don’t kill your kid), it unlikely that you’ll get much else right either.  :dizzy: They should be exposed (Eph 5:11). :sherlock:

Had they cleaned up after having lived in the pig pen like in the parable of the lost son (Luke 15:11-32) and gone up to the Father’s house, we’d have heard about it.    

[Does God bless second marriage while spouse alive?]

God does not bless a mess (Ps 50:21).  He is holy (Ex. 28:36).  Serial adulterers need to get with the program (1 Pe 1:16).

[Final judgment rendered next life]

Men must give an account for all that they’ve done in the flesh (Ro 14:12).:burnlib:

[Guilty of one act of adultery or each subsequent act of adultery, as well?]

Had the woman caught in the act of adultery gone home thinking:  Jesus is out to lunch.  I’m going to continue committing adultery, she’s be guilty of continued sexual sin (Jn 19:11).  If murder were her issue, then she’s be guilty serial murder.  If theft were her issue, then she’s be guilty of serial thievery. 

So-called pastors can’t see adultery because they are committing it (Mt 13:16).  :Plain:  They’d be able to see properly (Mt 7:3-5) if/when they repent.  Then, they would rightly implement church discipline (Mt. 18:15–20).* :Poly:

* Denver Bible Church implements church discipline; but, not for serial adultery (Lk 16:18, Ro 7:2-3).

[Jack Hibbs:  just stay in serial adultery and be the best wife you can be] 

Adulteress is not “wife” (Lk 16:18, Ro 7:2-3).  Would he tell the murder to continue being the best murder he can be?  Would he tell the thief to continue being the best thief he can be? :hammer:

[The laws of men allow legitimate, second marriages.  The law of Christ does not.]

That’s right.  God’s court is higher than human court.  :Poly: Family court judges and so-called divorce lawyers who destroy families for a living (Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10) will be brought before a higher court (Jn 5:22, 27). :burnlib:

[Bad Christian counselors, no church disciple, you instead were shunned]

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil (Is 5:20).  :nono: You should have received love and support (Jas 1:27) from your family and from your community (Jer. 16:2).   

[Separation due to abuse]

She may be separated from her husband for safety reasons; but, that does not make her--not married.  :Plain: She is not free to jump into another’s bed (Deut. 24:1–4).

[So-called churches recommend:  commit adultery so you are not tempted to commit adultery]

Paul, whether widowed or abandoned himself, wished that all men were like him (1 Co 7:7).  God is able to step in to be her bridegroom (Is 54:5) if her husband failed to love and protect her (1 Ti 5:8). :reals:

[Bastard children are harmed]

They are (Deut. 23:2).  It is never wise to begin a generational curse in your generation—talk about dropping the ball. :dizzy:

“…You're what the French call les incompetents.” ~ Megan McCallister, Home Alone

[Change marriage vows to exclude permanence]

Yes, if these monsters would admit who they are in the first place, it would save us all a lot of trouble.  If you plan to dishonor your wife, then state that at the onset.  It is doubtful that any woman would find you marriage material.  :granite: After marriage, she must remain faithful to you even after you betray/abandon her (He 13:4). :reals:

Reply to Winfrey

[Thinks you can go to heaven and then come back]

False (2 Pe 2:1). :hammer:

Men are not “only mostly dead” like in The Princess Bride. Men are dead or not dead (2 Pe 5:8). :Plain: Even truck drivers know that.


:noway: Projection (Eph 4:14). Where is your adulteress' husband (if she ever bothered to marry him)? Whore is not wife. Wife is not whore (Lk 16:18, Ro 7:2-3, He 13:4).


Crevice of Compromise LastTrumpetBlast

Judges 19 – Rapture. 719 God’s Hotline: The End of the Story James Smith

[Calls himself a rapture bride]

Calling yourself a rapture bride doesn’t make it so. Bride is not trib-saint (Re 12:11). Trib-saint is not bride (Re 13:7).

Jesus loves you (Jn 3:16). Jesus is willing to save you (2 Pe 3:9). Repent (Eze 18:30-32; Ac 17:30). Believe (Mk 9:23).


Walking by the Spirit Always Rapture Prophecy Now, Warning to Pastors, Legalism? Divorce-Remarriage Questions Answered

Pastor Patick deletes my comments (Biblical Truth about Women, Tongues, etc.)  :p on his YouTube channel.

Reply to Walking by the Spirit Always

...Pearl Kolleri emailed me a couple of years ago saying she was told by the Lord that I was not going in the rapture.

The antinomians are offended that you walk by the Spirit always (Lk 21:17).  They will learn one day that these things mattered (Ps 3:2, 6:8–10, 91:14).

…I am honored that you watched the whole video!  Hand to the plow and eyes to the sky!

Absolutely.  Neither turning to the right nor to the left (Pr 4:27)—on that straight (Ac 9:11) and narrow path (Mt 7:14) all the way home.  We’re going to make it.  May the Lord bless you (and sweet Lucy) in your ministries.

Reply to Pearl Kolleri

Did you tell Walking by the Spirit Always that she is not going in the rapture?  I think you got your wires crossed (2 Co 4:2, 2 Pe 3:16).  Does her commitment to her marriage offend you?

“I didn’t mean to bug ya.” He 13:4, Jas 1:22 ~ Bono, US

You pervert and invert Revelation 3:10:  Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.  

…Not to mention Jas 1:27:  Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction.

Visit :idunno: falsely prophecy against

You speak as of the world and the world subscribes to you (1 Jn 4:3, 5).   

Jesus loves you (Jn 3:16). Jesus is willing to save you (2 Pe 3:9). Repent (Eze 18:30-32; Ac 17:30). Believe (Mk 9:23).

Reply to anon


[First Adulteress] That's the red line muther f*cker.  Doxx this son of a bitch.

Is your mother upstairs also a serial adulteress? :juggle: He 13:4

“I didn't mean to trip on such a deeply felt principle." ~ Aurora Greenway, Terms of Endearment 

Reply to anon


[Trumps' basterd children]

Did your mother upstairs also make you a bastard child? He 13:4

Reply to anon



“The average Republican voter is now like the kid in an ugly custody dispute.  Trump tried to keep the family together for the sake of the country; but, Mitch McConnell and Mitt Romney had other ideas.  They think you can’t wait to vote for Nikki Haley or Chris Christie in 2024…

…GOP wants it voters to move on from President Trump and has publically ditched both Trump and his voters to prove it.  See, the problem for the GOP is that 95% of its voters voted for Trump.  The kids belong to Trump not Mitch McConnell….” ~  Emerald Robinson, The Bubble-Headed-Bleach-Blonde

…In a deposition relating to their divorce, Ivana accused Donald Trump of rape and of pulling out handfuls of her hair….In Harry Hurt III's book Lost Tycoon: The Many Lives of Donald J. Trump, she confirmed that she had "felt violated".  However, in a statement provided by Donald Trump and his lawyers, Ivana Trump said that she had used the word "rape", but she did not "want [her] words to be interpreted in a literal or criminal sense."  …The uncontested divorce was granted in December 1990 on the grounds of cruel and inhumane treatment by Mr. Trump.  …Ivana had to sign a non-disclosure agreement as a condition of the divorce settlement, and she was required to seek Donald Trump's permission before publicly discussing their marriage. Link

Christian Church Bombed in California, Media Blames Church For Preaching Traditional Marriage

Reply to Russ Wade

[Teaching serial adultery a-okay]

We will believe you (2 Pe 2:1) :dizzy: or we will believe the word of God (Lk 16:18, Ro 7:2-3). :Poly:

Which are you? The serpent or the dove because your comment was certainly not subtle. 

I do not apologize for standing for marriage and family.  Love your wife.  Don’t kill your kid.  This isn’t brain surgery (Pr 8:36, Ex 20:14).

You call me a false prophet when what I said is true.

When you don’t get it right on marriage and family, pray tell why would anyone care about anything else you have to say? :Plain: Eph 4:14, He 13:4

…The damnable heresy is the teaching that every person who has ever been remarried and their first spouse is still living,  is now living in adultery.

False (Lk 16:18, Ro 7:2-3). :hammer:

What you call wife, the Bible calls adulteress.

Please allow me to ask you a question. A woman marries a man who says he is a believer. He goes to church, reads the Bible and prays with her. Three months in to the marriage he starts to become abusive and beats the wife. She separates, fast and prayer does not change the man. He never repents and blames his anger and rage on her. She divorces him.

1 Co 7:27

…[D]o you believe she can never remarry…

She is married (Lk 16:18, Ro 7:2-3). :dizzy: Why would she chose to become an adulteress? He 13:4 

I am sorry for you that you can't read all scripture together…

:yawn: Ad hominem (Eph 4:14).  

…[Yo]u have allowed man's teaching of what God said to permeate your thinking… 

Projection (Eph 4:14). :noway:

Lk 16:18 and Ro 7:2-3 aren’t going anywhere. :juggle:

…about who God really is.

He is holy (Ps. 16:10, Is. 11:4, 5).  You’d like to approach a holy God as a serial adulterer (Lk 16:18, Ro 7:2-3)?  Knock yourself out (He 13:4).

…God and does not want us to divorce but…

No “but”--period (Mal 2:16, 1 Co 7:27). 

You’ll care about what he says or you will not.  Your choice (He 13:4).

…[He] will not require us to stay in an abusive relationship either.

If your spouse abandons his post, then that’s on him (1 Co 7:15) :hobo: and he will give an account (1 Pe 4:5). :burnlib:

Reply Walking by the Spirit Always

Thank you for letting me know, but Russ has me blocked. I met with him at a restaurant one time, and he tried to tell me that I could remarry him.

Someone hasn’t read his Bible (Lk 16:18, Ro 7:2-3).  :Poly:

We had talked on the phone several times about the things of Jesus, but when he started telling me that I was wrong, he labeled me the Jezebel who was a lover of money and wouldn't remarry a poor man like him.

Classic projection (Eph 4:14). :noway: If you did as he suggested, then that would make you a Jezebel-type (a sexual sinner [Lk 16:18, Ro 7:2-3]).  :hammer:Sounds like his wires are crossed (2 Pet. 3:16).

I told him in no uncertain terms that I am not a Jezebel and never have dated or even thought of lusting after another man.

You are still being the best wife that you can be under bad circumstances (Ro 13:8).  This is what the child of God is called to do (Pr 20:6).  I pray your husband does right by you one day.  

Reply to Wade

We are discussing you over at Walking by the Spirit Always channel  Boy did you give her wicked advice!  He 13:4. 

You have a wife whom you have not forgiven?  The picture becomes clearer (Mt 5:24, He 13:4). :reals:

Reply to Glorious love For Jesus 

Hey there. I put a comment on his video, and well, he didn’t like it. Thank you so much for letting us know. Jesus is coming!

Thank you for commenting.  This Wade is just one more in a long list of false teachers (2 Pe 2:1) who refuses to repent of his sexual sin (Pr 23:7).  Terry (Walking by the Spirit Always) was already on him.  He has chosen his side.  No more prayers.  He has made himself an enemy of the gospel of Jesus Christ (2 Co 13:1, Ga 4:16).  Next stop for him— judgement.:burnlib:

Reply to Walking by the Spirit Always

Serpent Dove, Do you know which video it was that we heard Jack Hibbs say stay in the fifth marriage?  I think it was in late 2019...

Yikes.  :shocked: No, I didn’t hear that.  I’ve heard him once or twice; but, found him creepy :granite: and turned him off any time he’d pop into another’s video on YouTube.  :blabla: Guess my spidey senses were right about him. He 13:4     

Reply to Winfrey

I've been a pastor...

Pastors aren’t serial adulterers (Lk 16:18, Ro 7:2-3) like Patrick (Mt 7:20, 2 Pe 2:1).

Do not listen to the words of the prophets who prophesy to you. They make you worthless; They speak a vision of their own heart, Not from the mouth of the Lord (Je 23:16).  :blabla:

Reply to Winfrey

[Believes God is calling him up to higher levels]

Serial adulterer Patrick (Lk 16:18, Ro 7:2-3, He 13:4) has nothing for you (Mt 7:20, 2 Pe 2:1).  He made his choice to serve Satan rather than God (Josh 24:15).:reals: 


Praying for evil vs praying against it! The Unleashing  

Reply to Winfrey  

Jesus said, “Go and sin no more (Jn 8:11),” Serial adulterer Patrick (2 Pe 2:1) says that serial adultery (Lk 16:18, Ro 7:2-3) is no sin. 

[Sings (badly)]

Pr 28:9   


BethanyChristian & GracePointe ShortCuts ToHell Bob Enyart  

Reply to Winfrey  

Notice how child killer Rep. Brent Crane argues (Eph 4:14) just like serial adulterer Patrick Winfrey (2 Pe 2:1, Lk 16:18, Ro 7:2-3). 


State police respond to Abolitionist riot and insurrection at Idaho capitol. Or maybe not.... Bob Enyart  

Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall (Pr16:18). 

This comment will be removed in 4.2 seconds. As a reminder—:burnlib: cowards go to hell first (Re 21:8). 

Reply to Winfrey

As a reminder, So-called pastor Patrick (2 Pe 2:1) is one who continued in lawlessness.  He will not go in the rapture (Rev. 2:18–24). :rapture:


 Overcomers: Divorce, Remarriage and Jesus. Many “Christians” Will Miss Heaven Walking by the Spirit Always

Reply to Winfrey

John Hagee [also a serial adulterer (Lk 16:18, Ro 7:2-3)] is not so bad.

We will believe you or we will believe God.  :Poly: God says adultery :listen: is a sin (Ex. 20:14 ) punishable by death (Lev. 20:10–12). :Letsargu:

“Today in America, we do not have a justice system.  Now, we have just a system.” ~ Bob Enyart  2 Thess. 2:7 

[The Holy Spirit] It comes out and on you.

The Holy Spirit is a person not an it.  :dizzy: Too bad you don’t know him (1 Jn 3:6).  Too bad (1 Jn 5:10, 1 Thes 2:13). :chz4brnz:

When one is saved, he is indwelled by the Holy Spirit (Rom. 8:9–11).  :straight: 

[Scott Clarke, Revelation 12 sign] It was just his opinion that was not right.

Maybe, maybe not.  Clarke conjectured that the alignment was the Revelation 12 sign.  Time will tell if he was right.

Everyone that’s been to heaven and has come back…

There is no mostly dead.  :hammer: Men are alive or the are dead (2 Cor 5:6, 1 Tim. 6:20). 

[Calls himself a rapture bride]

Calling yourself a rapture bride doesn’t make you a rapture bride.  Bride is not whore (Mt 7:22-23, Lk 16:18, Ro 7:2-3).

[Says you get more of the Spirit than when you first were first saved]

False (2 Pe 2:1).  :dizzy: The Holy Spirit is a person not a substance (Ps. 139:7).

[John Hagee, also a serial adulterer (Lk 16:18, Ro 7:2-3)] ...[is] not too bad.

"Man's own religion usually descends to the fleshly life to which they themselves practice." ~ Jim Andrews

John the Baptist was a messenger…I am a messenger.

John the Baptist was murdered for speaking against (Matt. 14:3–12) what you do every day (Lk 16:18, Ro 7:2-3).

[Claims New Yorkers aren’t saved.  They couldn’t be …because they’re so rude.]

:noway: Projection (Eph 4:14).  Interrupts another’s prayer in favor of his own saying, “No one can hear you anyway…” 

[Says he buries nuggets in videos so that the Devil’s children don’t benefit from his message.]

The “Devil’s children” live as you live (1 Ti 3:2).

[Says the Devil‘s children will hear become self-conscious.]

Projection (Eph 4:14). :noway:

You know your sin (He 13:4).  You’ve chosen your side (He 10:26-27).

I am going in the rapture.

The Bible says otherwise (Rev. 2:18–24).

For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness (Jud 4).

[Tells his views that they will be filled with “swine of joy”]

Freudian slip (2 Pe 2:22).

[Subscriber comments that he’s got pain in his chest.  Winfrey replies, “It’s probably spiritual.”]

:doh: Mt 7:15, Jn 10:10

[He is] “ready, willing and able to pray to raise people from the dead.”

:hammer: 2 Thess 2:7-12

[Claims that there are higher authorities to give “words” out to others.]

False (2 Pe 2:1, Re 2:6–15). :dizzy:

[Claims that if the churches were doing their job, the government wouldn’t need welfare.]

A man (not you, the adulterer [Lk 16:18, Ro 7:2-3]) should care for his family (1 Ti 5:8).  Winfrey's adulteress' child is now dead.

[Claims that he suffers for Christ]

How are you suffering for Christ when you sleep with another man’s wife each night? Ex 20:14

[Claims that his manner of life is worthy of the gospel of Jesus Christ.]

You believe that you can sleep with another man’s wife each night without consequence.  I do not (He 13:4). 

“I prefer clairity to agreement.” ~ Dennis Prager

[Claims that he lives in the world but not of the world.]

You are in another’s marital bed each night--very much in the world (Eph 2:1-3). 

[Claims he is a sweet smelling savor to the Lord and that he is being saved.]

You stinketh (Jn 11:39).  First stop—take a bath (Ex. 30:18).  :granite:

[Claims that the kingdom of God is forcefully advancing and that he, the violent, takes it by force.]

You’re sleeping with another man’s wife each night (2 Sa 11:9–13).  Send her back to her husband (1 Cor. 7:10–17).  Maybe the Lord will forgive you for continuay defiling her (Jer 3:1). :idunno:

That’s what Christians are supposed to be doing--laying hands on the sick and they shall recover.

The only thing you can give anyone is your VD (Ps 38).  First stop laver (Ex 30:18).

[Prayed for a man to live and he died.]

Maybe next time keep your hands to yourself? Ac 19:15 :idunno:

[Claims to be taking territory from the devil.]

Your home makes the devil proud (Heb. 12:8).:devil:

“There are no illegitimate children—just illegitimate parents.” ~ Adrian Rogers Deut. 23:2

[Says those who expose him need to repent of their unforgiveness and judgmentalism.]


Eph 5:11, Jn 3:19-21

[Says Christians are no better.]

Christians have repented (Acts 2:37, 38) and are being sanctified (1 Cor. 3:16, 17, Eph. 4:24, 1 Pet. 1:15).  You have not repented (Mt 7:20, 1 Jn 3:9) and are not interested in being sanctified (Pr 28:13, Re 22:11).

[Claims to be a genius--a fish in the water that God put him in.]

2 Ti 3:2

[Says to those sanctified, “You were part of the evil world too…So just shut up.”]

"We don’t shut up, let up or back up.  We confess Christ." ~ Adrian Rogers Ac 4:20

Judge not.  When you are judging people you are being prideful.

We are being biblical (Pr 31:9). :Poly:

[Regarding those who teach marriage permanence, “They’ve created a new unforgivable sin.”]


You can be forgiven for your serial adultery (Lk 16:18, Ro 7:2-3).

[Claims that if “…You stole something, you can’t give it back.”]

You stole another man’s wife.  You can “give it back” (your words).  Reconciliation is encouraged (1 Cor. 7:10–17).

His wife is not a piece of candy from a store.  Stealing his wife is a greater sin (Ge 39:9, 2 Sa 12:5–6).:reals:


You don’t have to do penance. Penance is the Catholic Church [teaching]...

Christians were convicted of their sin and they have repented (Acts 2:37, 38).  You are not convicted of your great sin and are not interested in repenting (Pr 28:13, Re 22:11).

“I prefer clarity to agreement.” ~ Dennis Prager

We gotta forgive people. That’s it…

You gotta repent.  :hobo: That’s it.

If a man does not repent, God will whet his sword; he has bent and readied his bow; he has prepared for him his deadly weapons, making his arrows fiery shafts (Ps 7:12–13, ESV). 


I have people writing to me… telling people…Divorce[d] [people are] …going to hell.

:yawn: Strawman (Eph 4:14).

You don’t go to heaven or hell based on whether or not you’ve been divorced.  You go to heaven or hell based on your relationship with Jesus Christ.

We are dealing with hard-headed, hard-hearted people.

:noway: Projection

 Christians rightly rebuke you (Eph 5:11) for your serial adultery (He 13:4).

[Prays that those rebuking him will flow of the river of life.]

You have no life (1 Cor. 6:9, 10).  Adulteryleads to death (Prov. 7:27; Rev. 21:8).

[Sings (badly), “Crying holy holy holy to you, my king.”]

Eph 4:14

Hugh Hefner :idunno: the Lord Jesus Christ

I have been a pastor for almost 21 years…

Pastors aren’t serial adulterers (2 Pe 2:1).

It’s not about a list of dos and don’t’s.

The law is for the lawless (1 Ti 1:9).  :Poly: You are not in Christ.  You remain under wrath (Jn 3:36).

People think they’re perfect…


Have you ever met a Christian?  Christians know they are not perfect :listen: which is why they received Christ as their savior (Rom. 3:26, 27). Christians do not continue to live in sin (1 Jn 3:9).

[Prays for his subscribers to be forgiven for the mistakes they’ve made.]

Choosing one black sock and one brown sock is a mistake.  Sleeping with another man’s wife each night is not a mistake. You are an unrepentant, serial adulterer (Pr 23:7).

The destruction of the family--feminism is part of that.

:noway: You are part of that (Eph 4:14).  Stop committing adultery with anothe man's wife (Lk 16:18, Ro 7:2-3).


[Calls marriage a “pet doctrine”]

If you don’t get it right on:  love your wife (Eph. 5:25–33) [not someone else’s wife (Ex 20:14)] and don’t kill your kid (Pr 8:36), it’s unlikely you’ll get anything else right either (2 Pe 2:1).

[Defends adulterers like himself:  Jimmy Swaggart, Ravi Zacharias etc.]

Dirty Bird of a feather (Eph 4:14)... :idunno:

[Says God will forgive you 70×7 times]

2 Pet. 3:16, Jud 4

[Refers to himself as one who will do great exploits for God…]

You aren’t fit to run a lemonade stand (Ex 20:14); :freak: much less a church (1 Ti 3:6-12).:Poly:

[Calls those rebuking him for his serial adultery enemies]

Ga 4:16, Mt 23:23

[Says heaven will fight for him.  Misinterprets his own dream:  He is riding on a greyhound (dog [Deut. 23:18, Matt. 7:6, 2 Pet. 2:22, Rev. 22:15]) bus and one on the bus :skeptic: annoys him.]

“I didn’t mean to bug ya.” :chz4brnz:~ Bono, US. 

Take the baby bottle filled with milk (Matt. 11:6). :baby:

[Pointless Patrick :noway: prophesies his own falling away like other so-called pastors who also committed adultery.]

Prov. 2:18, 19

[Says you haven’t walked in his shoes, he needs love]

God love you (Jn 3:16).  He will live without you (Rev. 21:8). :juggle:

[Says speaking in tongues :p comforts him when he needs comfort]

1 Cor. 14:22–26

[Says God uses great men to speak to people—presumably wants to be a great man]

Great men don’t live habitually (1 Jn 3:9) in sin (Lk 16:18, Ro 7:2-3).

[Resists the Holy Spirit and then sees himself as having passed through trials]

Rom. 1:29

[Says you are supposed to grieve with him who grieves]

:noway: Projection (Eph 4:14).

We are less concerned with crocodile tears than we are with your grieving the Holy Spirit (Eph 4:30-31). :Poly:

[Says if you do not speak in tongues :p “Any other theology is a cult.”]

1 Cor. 14:22–26 :hammer:

[Says if there is one thing that will cause him to not want to be a pastor, it’s people telling him what to.]

Jesus loves you (Jn 3:16). Jesus is willing to save you (2 Pe 3:9). Repent (Eze 18:30-32; Ac 17:30). Believe (Mk 9:23). :juggle: 

Reply to Winfrey

Waiting for people to show up in the mighty name of Jesus…

Winfrey names the name of Christ; but, he does not do what he says (Lk 6:46).  Jesus said, “Go and sin no more (Jn 8:11).”  Winfrey is not interested in holy living (Lev 11:44, Pr 28:13).

[Claims that he has “mastered healing”.]

Ps. 73:6

[Believes it is his job to “get people to have an experience with God”.]

God :idunno: demons 1 Tim. 4:1


[Says those who disagree with him are demonized.]

:noway: Projection (Eph 5:11).   

Let the reader decide (Eph 4:14, 2 Pe 2:1).  :peach:  

[Says that he has to “deal with…pride and arrogance.”]

:noway: Projection (Eph 4:14). 

Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall (Pr 16:18).

[Says that those who teach marriage permanence are legalist/Pharisee types]

:noway: Projection (Eph 4:14).  The Jews, like you, were “divorcing” and re-“marrying” (Mt 19:3).:reals: Christ followers keep their vows (Mal. 2:14, 15, Matt. 19:3–9, Eph. 5:25–33). :straight:

[Claims it is God’s will for him to have “kids and grandkids” with another man’s wife.]

“There are no illegitimate children—just illegitimate parents.” ~ Adrian Rogers Deut. 23:2

Sidebar:  It was a bastard child (Desiderius Erasmus) who helped to pervert the teaching from scripture on marriage (e.g. the Erasmus clause).


The Lord wants to have a relationship with us and out of that we would quit smoking…

Not quit murdering, quit committing adultery—quit smoking (Matt. 23:23). :doh:

[Winfrey’s demons tells him to “take authority” and “bind the strongman…”.]

You’ll be a slave to sin (Jn 8:34) or a slave to Christ (2 Tim. 2:26).  Winfrey is the former, Christians are the latter.

We don’t need a list of dos and don’ts.  We need Jesus.

The law is for the lawless, like yourself (1 Ti 1:9).    

We have been justified, are being sanctified and one day will be glorified (2 Co 3:18).

We die daily.

Who is we?  :granite: Christians die daily.  You sleep with another man’s wife nightly (Gal. 5:19).

We are special instruments.

You are a filthy vessel for dishonor (1 Thess 4:4 , 2 Ti 2:20).  

[Sings (badly)]

Sing until the dogs come home (Am 5:23).  You will not be heard (Pr 15:29, 28:9).   

[Claims to be led by the Spirit of God.]

While sin works its way through Winfrey daily (2 Thess. 2:7), :devil: Christians are being made more into Christ’s likeness daily (1 Jn 3:2). :straight:

Winfrey is a hypocrite (not what he claims to be [2 Cor. 11:13–15]).  His serial adultery (Lk 16:18, Ro 7:2-3) proves it (Mt 7:20, 1 Jn 3:9).:sherlock:

[Claims it is sin for his adulteress to return to her husband, “So there”.]

As usual you pervert and invert scripture (Is 5:20, 2 Cor. 4:2, 2 Pet. 3:16).  :Poly: You will be destroyed (1 Thess. 4:3–6, 2 Pe 3:16). :burnlib:

God did not permit wife-swapping (Deut. 24:4).  In the New Testament there is no divorce (Mt 19:4-6).  Reconciliation is encouraged (1 Cor. 7:10–17).  Should the wife become a believer in the Lord, she is made whiter than snow (Ps 51:7).  :king: What God has called clean, men are not to call unclean (Ac 10:28).

God divorced Israel (Jer 3:1-8) and never married another nation.  He asks Israel to return to him.  God declares that he is still married to Israel even though he divorced her (Jer 3:14).  Only death breaks a marriage covenant (Lk 16:18, Ro 7:2-3).  Try as you will, nowhere in scripture will you find support for your moving in on another man’s marriage (Lk 16:18, Ro 7:2-3).

[Prays for a subscriber that she’ll find a Boaz for herself and her children.]

Winfrey fancies himself a Boaz type.  Boaz legally married a widow (Ruth 4:10–13).  :straight:Winfrey illegally shacked up with another man’s wife (Lk 16:18, Ro 7:2-3).

Reply to Winfrey

[Gets dreams of warning (headed down the wrong road on his dog bus, bothered by Christians who tell him the truth [Gen. 20:3] :skeptic:); perceives this has his having the gift of prophesy.:doh:]   

2 Pe 3:16-17 You will need the Holy Spirit :straight:to properly interpret your dreams (Deut. 13:1–5).:burnlib:

“If they attack me, they’re attacking Jesus.”

You are an unrepentant serial adulterer (Lk 16:18, Ro 7:2-3).  It is right to expose you (Eph 5:11) for your lies and hypocrisy (Ro 12:9). :sherlock:

“You don’t need to go read what the Bible says about how you’re supposed to go do your neighbor.”

Freudian slip (Eph 4:14).

You are to love your neighbor (Mt 22:39) not “do” (your word [Ex 20:14]) his wife (2 Cor. 4:2, 2 Pet. 3:16).

[Says he is not under the law (an antinomian).]

The law is for the lawless (1 Ti 1:9) like yourself.

…God's law is perpetual and ongoing (Mt 5:18).  When did God nail do not murder, do not commit adultery to the cross? :smokie:Mal 4:4-6, Mt 24:14


Theology Thursday: The Bible's Criminal Code by Bob Enyart  

[Those rebuking him have no joy.]

Proof please (Eph 4:14). :peach:

Joy is for the Christian (Lk 15:5, 20) not the pagan heathen like yourself (Pr 15:21).

[The gospel is good news.]

The gospel is good news if you repent (Acts 2:37, 38) :straight:and bad news if you do not (He 10:26).:burnlib:

[People should not be afraid.]    

Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom (Pr 9:10). :dunce:  You are committing adultery with another man’s wife each night--be afraid (Ge 20:3–6).  Payday someday (He 13:4).:burnlib:

[People worship the rapture.]


Christians look forward to the rapture of the church because they are going in it and will be with the Lord (Re 3:10).  :straight:Make-believers like yourself (Am 5:18) will remain on the earth and go into the tribulation (Rev. 2:18–24).

People chase the rapture.

We are told to watch and so we watch (Re 3:3).  :Plain:  Of course you don’t want the rapture to occur anytime soon (Am 5:18) :duh:

Live your “best” life now (He 11:25, Re 22:11).  :listen: It’s the best you’ll ever know (He 13:4, Re 21:8).  

[Inequity is sin…like Sodomy is an example of inequity.  All …regular sin (is not)]

False (2 Pe 2:1). :dizzy:

The wickedness of Sodom ([Ex 20:14] heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13]) was notorious (Gen. 13:13). 

Your sin is not regular.  Adultery is “great wickedness” (Ge 39:9). :reals: Joseph, a great man, :king: knew this.  David, a great man, :king: knew this.  You, a small man, :hobo: do not (2 Thess. 2:12).  You will not inherit the kingdom of God (1 Co 6:9). :burnlib:

David said:

Wash me thoroughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin.

For I acknowledge my transgressions: and my sin is ever before me [Ps. 51:1–3].

      …[T]here are several words that David uses to describe his sin…

…David, first of all, called his sins transgressions. To transgress is to step over the boundaries of God. God has put up certain boundaries in this life. He has certain physical laws. He has certain moral laws. He has certain spiritual laws. Any time man attempts to step over any of them, he’ll have to suffer the consequences. To do this is always called transgression.

Also David called his sin iniquity. And iniquity means that which is altogether wrong. You can’t excuse it; you can’t offer some sort of an apology for it; you can’t in any way condone it. That’s iniquity

…Then the word evil that is used here by David means that which is actually wrong. In our day we even have ministers who are trying to condone all kinds of immorality, but let it be understood that the Bible is still very clear on what is right and what is wrong. There are questionable areas on which the Bible is silent, I grant you, but there is also clear–cut black and clear–cut white. God is unmistakably certain on these things. Evil is that which is actually wrong. David uses this word to speak of the fact that he was wrong. He admitted it. McGee, J. V. (1991). Thru the Bible commentary: Poetry (Psalms 42-89) (electronic ed., Vol. 18, pp. 58–60). Nashville: Thomas Nelson. 

[If you “believe the bad report” then you did not have faith.]

Did you believe the bad report that your adulteress’ child was dead?  :Shimei: Or, to you was that a good report because you could go on to reproduce your own kind (Deut. 23:2) with her?

Animals do that.  :idunno: After the male lion kills all of the female’s cubs does she rip him to shreds?  No, she sticks up her backside to receive him—much like your adulteress did.  Men are not animals.  :Plain: They are made in God’s image.

Make no mistake—devils also reproduce (1 Pe 5:8). :devil:

“There are no illegitimate children—just illegitimate parents.” ~ Adrian Rogers Deut. 23:2

[They [Christians] try to put fear on other people.] 

“We give out the word of God.  What men do with it is their business.” ~ J. Vernon McGee  Ezek. 33:1–9, Heb. 13:17 

That’s not the good news.  God didn’t call us to that. 

God didn’t call you :hammer:to anything :listen: but repentance (Acts 2:37, 38).   

Jesus loves you (Jn 3:16). Jesus is willing to save you (2 Pe 3:9). Repent (Eze 18:30-32; Ac 17:30). Believe (Mk 9:23). 

[Says he’ll be all in or all out—go to Vegas on “a party spree”.]

Sexual sin leads to:  defilement (Lev. 18:22–28), destruction (1 Cor. 5:1–5) and finally death (Lev. 20:13–16).

You’ve already jumped head first into depravity (Ex 20:14).  Dive Emoji GIF - Dive Emoji Jump GIFsHow much deeper will you go?  :Shimei: Lk 8:17.  When you fall into hell, we will all agree that :listen: that is where you belong (Rom. 2:8, 9, Re 21:8). :burnlib: 

[Prays that this truth be removed from his comment section]

“Truth is hate to those who hate the truth.” ~ Bob Enyart Ga 4:16

[Admits had not been able to call God “Abba”.]

Serial adulterers (Lk 16:18, Ro 7:2-3) are not able to call God Abba.  :dizzy: His children are.  :straight:

“Abba. An informal, Aram. term for Father that conveys a sense of intimacy. Like the Eng. terms “Daddy” or “Papa,” it connotes tenderness, dependence, and a relationship free of fear or anxiety (cf. Mark 14:36).

8:16 bears witness with our spirit. In Roman culture, for an adoption to be legally binding, 7 reputable witnesses had to be present, attesting to its validity. God’s Holy Spirit confirms the validity of our adoption, not by some inner, mystical voice, but by the fruit He produces in us (Gal. 5:22, 23) and the power He provides for spiritual service (Acts 1:8).”  MacArthur, J., Jr. (Ed.). (1997). The MacArthur Study Bible (electronic ed., p. 1708). Nashville, TN: Word Pub.

[Claims his mission is to get people ready for the rapture.]

:noway: Projection (Eph 4:14).

Paul worked to win men like yourself, “not having the law” (1 Co 9:21). The law is for the lawless (1 Ti 1:9).

By the way, why would Paul work to get anyone saved if your Calvinism (Greek paganism) were true? :hammer: 2 Pe 2:1

Too bad you’re not interested (Lev 11:44, Pr 28:13) in changing your attitude of disobedience into an “attitude of the righteousness” (Lk 1:17).  Too bad. :chz4brnz:

[Calls people with whom he disagrees Karens.]

:noway: Projection (Eph 4:14).

Karens (leftist [Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10] hypocrites [Ro 12:9]), “Karen long ago abandoned…morality, particularly in the arena of sexuality.” Is 5:20 Michael Voris link

Dennis Prager says “…[T]o feel good about yourself, you have to fight against something bad. Since the left doesn't fight real evil (that would take moral courage in addition to moral clarity), it has to fight lesser evils or made-up evils.” link

…like smoking (Matt. 23:23, 24).:dizzy:

Reply to Winfrey

If someone is demon possessed and they laugh, it’s more of a cackle, “Ha Ha Ha”. 

:noway: Projection (Eph 4:14).  You cackle in most of your videos (Nu 32:23)—especially when Dustin shows up and you begin making fun of others (Mt 5:22).

[Tongues evidence of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit]

False (1 Cor. 14:22–26).  Every believer has the indwelling of the Holy Spirit (Rom. 8:9–11).  Indwelling of the Spirit comes by faith (Eph. 3:14–19).


Speaking in Tongues Dr. J Vernon McGee Q&A 

We need the effects of the wind of God.

:idunno: Winfrey likes strange flesh—another man’s wife (Lk 16:18, Ro 7:2-3) and he likes strange fire (Ac 5:4). :p


Strange Fire John MacArthur

Sidebar:  John MacArthur recorded this when he and his wife were celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary.  Winfrey sleeps with another man’s wife each night (Lk 16:18, Ro 7:2-3).

Before he starts going off on MacArthur and his being “a Holy Spirit blasphemer” :noway: look at the fruits of these men’s lives (Mt 7:20). :sherlock:

One lived to share the word of God—verse by verse through the Bible.  :Poly: The other lived to:  steal, kill and destroy another man’s family (He 13:4).

Reply to Walking by the Spirit Always

...Winfrey (getting in the way of reconciliation between his adulteress and her husband*) :reals: started an orphanage in the name of his adulteress’ child who died.  Please pray for her husband...-- for his marriage (If Winfrey would be so kind as to get out of the way).  Pray for justice for him...

Reply to  Walking by the Spirit Always

…[A] friend actually was led by the Lord (not seeing your comment) to contact her covenant husband to see if reconciliation is a possibility, and it went well.”

Wow, that’s great that she extended an olive branch to her husband.  She is being very much like our Great Shepherd who goes after the lost sheep (Lk 15:4–7).     

After divorce Satan moves on to his next goal which is ensuring that the sinner refuses to repent and reconcile with his spouse.   

I pray that they find their way back to one another (1 Cor. 7:10–17). 

“Never, never, never give up.” ~ Winston Churchill    

UK: Christian Pastor Arrested For Saying Marriage is Between a Man and a Woman

Christian politician formally charged over views on marriage and sexuality

London Pastor Arrested for Sermon on Marriage: ‘I Was Only Saying What the Bible Says’ 

Tiffany is now selling men’s engagement rings

Reply to Winfrey

As a reminder, Winfrey is an unrepentant, serial adulterer (Lk 16:18, Ro 7:2-3).    

Even after another man’s child died in his and his adulteress ‘care (Pr. 2:18, 19, Mt 18:6), he continued to portray himself as a healer (2 Thess. 2:7-12) and prophet (2 Pe 2:1). 

Reply to Winfrey

As a reminder, Winfrey is an unrepentant, serial adulterer (Lk 16:18, Ro 7:2-3). 

Even after another man’s child died in his and his adulteress ‘care (Pr. 2:18, 19, Mt 18:6), he continued to portray himself as a healer (2 Thess. 2:7-12) and prophet (2 Pe 2:1). :hobo:

If a man does not repent, God will whet his sword; he has bent and readied his bow; he has prepared for him his deadly weapons, making his arrows fiery shafts (Ps 7:12–13, ESV). 

Reply to Winfrey

We’ve been delivered from religion… Follower of Christian…

Freudian slip (Eph 4:14). :p

Jas 1:27

Pick and choose Patrick. Says it would be a sin for his adulteress to go back to her husband. 

False (Is 5:20, 2 Pe 2:1).  :dizzy: Paul encouraged reconciliation (1 Cor. 7:10–17). :straight:

[Fifth wheel Patrick] We can’t go back and undo…

Who is we? :granite: Get out of his wife’s bed and he can reconcile with her (1 Cor. 7:10–17).

[Jesus tells woman also committing adultery] "…From now on sin no more (Jn 8:11)."

…We gotta keep going forward…

Keep going forward :idunno: Heaping coals on your head :burnlib: Ro 12:20

[Says Christians who expose him are dwelling on the negative.]

If you repent of your serial adultery (Lk 16:18, Ro 7:2-3), :sherlock: we will have nothing to say (Eph 5:11). :juggle:

You will die and go to hell (Ac 20:31, He 13:4).:burnlib:

We have victory over everything.

You are not a Christian (1 Jn 3:9).  :hammer:Your evil fruits prove it (Mt 7:20).  :sherlock:

“What you do speaks so loudly, I can't hear what you're saying.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

[Calls his babble session revival]

There is no revival in Texas (2 Pe 2:1).  Your arrival made Texas more superstitious and more pagan not less (Mt 6:7).  :Plain:


God Already Knows Your Prayer So Darrell Ferguson

When we mess something up, it’s not necessarily a sin.

Choosing a blue sock to go with your brown sock is messing up.  :dizzy: Committing adultery with another man’s wife each night is sin (Lk 16:18, Ro 7:2-3).  

People all in the world loved up.

:noway: Projection (Eph 4:14).    

People keep repeating about just one topic.

When you stop (Ac 2:37, 38) committing serial adultery (Lk 16:18, Ro 7:2-3), we’d be happy to discuss another topic (Eph 4:14).

…The devil’s people.

:noway: Projection (Eph 4:14).  Let the reader decide (2 Pe 2:1). :peach:

What the devil wants you to do.

God says repent (Acts 2:37, 38).  You say continue on in serial adultery (Lk 16:18, Ro 7:2-3). 

Traditions of men that people been puttin’ on you.

Marriage is:  one man, one woman (Gen. 2:18–24) in covenant (Matt. 19:6) for life (Rom. 7:2, 3).  

Say ‘come to the Lord as I am’.

My pastor welcomed Sodomites like you saying, “Come as you are. :listen: Leave forever changed.”

The wickedness of Sodom ([Ex 20:14] heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13]) was notorious (Gen. 13:13).

I’m not here to debate some arm chair quarterback.

We aren’t here for your singing and babbling :blabla: (for which we’ll get battle pay [Pr 28:9, Mt 6:7]).  The fast forward button is a godsend. Eph 5:11

Too bad you’re a liar who has never known God (1 Jn 2:4).  Too bad. :chz4brnz:

Here we are on YouTube and people tryin’ to talk about some secondary doctrines…

Marriage is not a secondary doctrine.  :hammer:The law is for the lawless like yourself (1 Ti 1:9). God's law is perpetual and ongoing (Mt 5:18). When did God nail do not murder, do not commit adultery to the cross?  :smokie: Mal 4:4-6, Mt 24:14

Debating secondary theologian arguments is a big hindrance to getting to the top of the mountain.

You’ll need to come to the cross (Ac 2:37, 38) before you do any mountain climbing (1 Pe 1:2).     

[Believes he can “…facilitate you getting into the Holy of Holies.”]

No unclean thing like you will enter heaven (Re 21:27). :burnlib:

[Put a drunk in charge of orphans at his orphanage in the Philippines]

Mt 18:6

…They are so worried about natural adultery…

We don’t commit serial adultery like you (He 13:4 ).  We have nothing to fear.   :straight:

You are committing serial adultery (LK 16:18, Ro 7:2-3) so you should be worried (Rev. 2:18–24) :burnlib:but you are not.  You have chosen to be your own god (Jud 4). :freak: You express your hatred for God every evening that you get into bed with another man’s wife (He 13:4). :reals: 

Continue on (Re 22:11).  You will die in your sin (Jn 8:24). :reals:

There’s a day coming when we’re gonna have to say no.

:listen: That day for you has likely passed (He 10:26-27). 

[Kill the baby to save the mother.]

:dizzy: Pr 8:36

“A doctor trying to save the mother's life never has to stop to first intentionally kill the baby…” Full text:  PBA Ban "Gonzales v. Carhart" Analysis

…illegitimate birth rate…

:noway: Projection (Eph 4:14). 

Is your adulteress’ husband alive?  That makes your children bastards. :hammer:Hopefully it won’t take ten generations to undo all that was you (2 Pe 2:1).

“There are no illegitimate children—just illegitimate parents.” ~ Adrian Rogers Deut. 23:2 


Truth: The Most Endangered Species Michael Youssef

Reply to Nicola UK

Everyone has their own walk and relationship.

If you are committing serial adultery nightly like Patrick Winfrey, you are not walking with the Lord.  :Plain:

Come out of Up Chuck Community Church (Jud 4, Re 3:15-16) :vomit: or share in her sin (Re 18:4). :burnlib:

European Evangelical Alliance demands Finland respect MP’s religious freedom rights

Reply to S4C Global Community Church, Soldiers For Christ

[Love conquers rebellion]

What would a serial adulterer (Lk 16:18, Ro 7:2-3) like yourself (2 Pe 2:1) know about love? :dizzy: Jn 17:25    Horndogs don’t go to heaven (1 Co 6:9-11), serial adulterer, Sandy. :hammer:

[Comment removed ]

Why do you remove my comment in under 12 seconds, serial adulterer (Lk 16: 18, Ro 7:2-3) Sandy? :idunno: Nu 32:23. 

...Come out of Soldiers for Satan Church or share in her punishment (Re 18:4). :burnlib:

Reply to Dr Barry Awe

[Comment removed  warning his viewers (Eph 5:11) about serial adulterer, Sandy (Lk 16:18, Ro 7:2-3)]  

Why do you remove my comment exposing your false teacher? Eph 5:11. Are you also a serial adulterer? :Shimei: Lk 16:18, Ro 7:2-3 

Chile same-sex marriage: Piñera vows to push bill in surprising move

Gallup poll on same-sex ‘marriage’ a wake-up call to Church

Christian CEO fired over views on marriage wins religious discrimination case

Friday Night Bible Study:  Psalm 2; Revelation 2 - The Rod of Iron Praise, Power & Prayer Temple

Reply to Walking by the Spirit Always

That so-called Minister Paul is a weird one alright.  :squint: He reminds me of Data in that Star Trek movie when his brain goes berserk. 2 Pe 2:1.

Our lives are so similar.  I bet we’ll live on the same block in heaven (1 Co 10:13).

May God bless you and all your subscribers and see us home where we long to be.   

I pray your husband repents and does right by you one day (1 Cor. 7:10–17).      

Evangelicals Are Only Group to Say Marriage and Children Should Be a Priority: Poll 

Reply to Busy 4 the Lord    

…I do know brothers and sisters that have been in marriages where they have been abused.

Doesn’t make you not married (Mt 19:6). Image

…And uh, Christian brothers and sisters who have gotten married and um saved.

God gave marriage even for the pagan (Gen. 2:18–24).  Not an excuse to commit serial adultery (Lk 16:18, Ro 7:2-3).

So, you know, everybody’s situation is a little different.

Is that what the Bible says? 1 Co 10:13.

I wanted to bring a balanced, Biblical approach to this very hot and heated topic.

Balanced, Biblica :idunno: compromise Eph 4:14

Some people are making this an issue of their salvation.

Christ followers follow Christ.  :Plain: The Bible gives you two options:  be reconciled (1 Cor. 7:10–17) or remain celibate (1 Co 7:15). :Poly:

That if some people continue to--as they say--commit adultery…

Jesus said, “Go and sin no more (Jn 8:11).”  You say (2 Pe 2:1) party like it’s 1349.  You’ll get more subscribers because :listen: you are doing what the Bible said you would do (2 Ti 4:3).  :burnlib:

We have to be very careful with this because this created a legalistic element.

You don’t have to be careful lying to your “brothers and sisters” :freak: but you do have to be careful wondering if they were saved in the first place because they are not following Jesus’ commands (1 Jn 3:9).  Got it.

Paul says our freedom in Christ…

You are free—to obey (Jn 8:36, Ro 6:1-7). :Plain: God’s grace was never meant to be rubbed all over you like honey glaze on a pig (2 Pe 2:22).  Your theology is a disgrace to grace (Jud 4).

…They are sealed for all eternity.

You are convinced that people who live in habitual sin are saved.  I am not (1 Jn 3:9).

“I prefer clarity to agreement.” ~ Dennis Prager :juggle:

…When their marriages fall short or fall apart.

Marriages don’t “fall apart” (your words) as you greasy gracers claim (Jud 4).  Marriage is permanent (Matt. 19:6).  :straight:If you know anything about God, you know he does not leave covenants. 

Through his church he has provided a community that can give council and support…

With friends like you, who needs enemies? :granite: Mark 4:15.      

Reply to Walking by the Spirit Always

[Watchwoman 65] That explains why she's so angry and nasty. I love saying Jesus is Lord, and of course, I sing a lot of songs about His lordship.  Adulterer Jerry Toney I just discovered had changed his channel name to Prophet Jerry Toney. I think Watchman Dan Trendell is divorced and living with some "lady," but not positive.  Lion of Judah did a pretty good video about polygamy with a permanence of marriage message though they never said anything about divorce and remarriage, so I am working the  comments.  God bless you.

Thank you for helping to expose these fraudsters (Eph 5:11).  :reals:The covenant of marriage is one of God’s foundations to help keep society functioning…

Reply to Dan Trendell

You are being discussed in the comments section here on Walking by the Spirit Always channel.

Is it true that you are an unrepentant, serial adulterer (in other words—you have an abandoned/betrayed wife but are off sleeping with an adulteress)? Lk 16:18, Ro 7:2-3

Reply to Walking by the Spirit Always

I am very disappointed that Aaron at God a Minute who continues to do videos with an adulterer…The Kindling.  Watchman Adam had recommended Dan Trendell, and I put in several comments, and he took the video down.  Dan is OSAS like most of them who are divorced and living in sin or divorced and remarried…

Reply to The Kindling

You are being discussed in the comments section here on Walking by the Spirit Always channel.

Reply to Walking by the Spirit Always

I have warned Aaron at God a Minute twice. I just clicked on his video tonight, and he is still fellowshipping with The Kindling who is divorced and remarried. Don't know about the women he's with who is divorced and remarried. I saw that divorced and remarried Jerry Toney is now Prophet Jerry Toney.

Ick.  :vomit: The only pre-requisite to being a watchman today is to be a serial adulterer (Lk 16:18, Ro 7:2-3)or to go out of your way to recommend a serial adulterer on your channel (2 Pe 2:1). :reals:

Reply to God a Minute

You are still being discussed on Walking by the Spirit channel.

Are you going to continue fellowshipping/recommending so-called watchmen who are more interested in watching strange skirts (Jud 1:7) walk by (Lk 16:18, Ro 7:2-3) than they are for the return of the Lord?

What are your thoughts on:  Do not murder, do not commit adultery?  Thoughts? Comments? Concerns?    :smokie:

If you’ve got to be religious (Jas 1:27), wouldn’t caring for the widow and orphan be a good place to start?  :Plain: A widow (worse—an abandoned and betrayed woman) has asked you a question.  Why is it that you continue to recommend and/or fellowship with men who sleep with adulteress each night (e.g.   The Kindling)?

Do you just not give a damn? :Shimei:

Reply to Walking by the Sprit Always

I’ve asked the entertainers if they care about the widow (and the betrayed, and the abandoned) and the orphan (Jas 1:27).  There are enough clowns in the world.  :Servent: Where are the Christians? 

God takes these things seriously.  

“Prophet Jerry Toney”? Hahahaha (2 Pe 2:1).  I think he should rename his channel SuperProphetCalliFragiLicious Eph 5:11

Reply to Prophet Jerry Toney

You are being discussed in the comments section here on Walking by the Spirit Always channel.

As a reminder:  Jesus loves you (Jn 3:16). Jesus is willing to save you (2 Pe 3:9). Repent (Eze 18:30-32; Ac 17:30). Believe (Mk 9:23). :mario:

Reply to Rebecca V

[To Prophet Jerry Toney] The best compliment I can give you is that you remind me of my earthy father, he was a great man of God also.

You wrote that to an unrepentant, high-handed, serial adulterer (Lk 16:18, Ro 7:2-3).  :Plain: Are you also a FragiLicious adulteress?   Lk 16:18, Ro 7:2-3

Reply to Walking by the Sprit Always

Oh you're funny. There are so many of them. Russ Wade was one back in the day don't know about now. Cataclysm Tony Early,  Bayou Preacher, Kristina Lemar, Street Evangelism Anthony many block me from comments that I don't know if they are indeed divorced and remarried or just don't want to talk truth on their channel.

In your recent video you said that when one tells the truth, he like John the Baptist, will not have many friends.  But our Lord said of him, “among those born of women there is not a greater prophet” (Lk 7:28).  He was hated because he told the truth (Mt 14:3–12).

I thought that the woman that you recently interviewed gave some good suggestions about walking cautiously after betrayal.  Dr. Laura Schlessinger used to caution men and woman to separate for the three A's:  affairs, addictions and abuse.  It was worldly advice because you and I know that that does not make one—not married (Mt 19:6).  Nevertheless, there are times to embrace and other times to be far from embracing (Eccl 3:5).  

Standers can teach the world about marriage.  :straight:John the Baptist also stood for marriage, and he got his head chopped off for it.  

I don’t know if we’ll ever be called greater prophets like Jerry Toney (2 Pe 2:1), but we are willing to do right and risk the consequences (Pr 14:6, 22:3, Re 12:11).   

Reply to Walking by the Spirit Always

There are some days where the cost of being vocal about divorce and remarriage adultery is very high. Especially for a woman like me whose three adult children "disowned" her. I have three grandbabies that I am not able to see, and one (my son and his wife) only lives 10 minutes from me.  It breaks my heart some days. I am very grateful I have stayed far away from lust since 2006 because God spoke to me saying, "Not even in your dreams." Everything I have done to try to train up my children in the fear of the Lord and wisdom was producing good fruit until I started hearing from God to tell people about the rapture.  Two most hated doctrines are divorce and remarriage adultery and pre-Tribulation rapture in my opinion.  Please pray for me and my family.  Praying for you.

The mid-trib/pre-wrath prepping types seem similar in thinking to the work-based religions (e.g. Off Grid Desert Farming with Paul & Adrienne).  :olinger: My pastor used to say, “We don’t trust in: guns, gold and groceries.  We trust in the Lord (Gino Geraci, Calvary South Denver).”  Jud 1:11. 

Paul, from Off Grid Desert Farming recently said that we are in the tribulation (and Trump is the Antichrist, of course).   If they think this is bad--wait until the actual tribulation starts.

Yes, it will cost the true, blue believer (He 11:26); but, maybe it will lead to something good (He 11:40). 

God cares about marriage, and we should, too.  Praying for your family and for mine and for the many families affected by betrayal and abandonment (Ga 5:19)...  

Reply to Off Grid Desert Farming with Paul & Adrienne

You are being discussed in the comments section here on Walking by the Spirit Always channel for your false mid-trip/pre-wrath view and for your :listen: bad guess that Trump :greedy: is the Antichrist—An antichrist? Yes (Lk 16:18, Ro 7:2-3).  The Antichrist? No. Less Chicken Little.  More Bible study (2 Pe 2:1).  :Poly: 

Reply to Poor Off Grid Desert Farming with Paul & Adrienne

You don’t like me for telling you the truth… 

:squint: We don’t like you for your bad theology (2 Pe 2:1).  :granite: We are not in the Tribulation. Image Learn the difference between :sigh: tribulation (1 Thess. 3:4) and  Tribulation. :Plain: 


Chuck Missler Daniel Session 11 Ch 9B The 70Th Week

…because you have been deceived. 

:yawn: Projection (Eph 4:14). :noway:

I don’t prepare anything before my broadcasts. 

We know (2 Ti 2:15). 

He [Trump] cheated on his wife while she was pregnant with Barron folks.

Do you not even know what a wife is? :doh: Donald Trump :greedy: has a wife, and her name is Ivana Trump (Matt. 19:6).  :Plain: Melania so-called Trump, is his First Adulteress (Lk 16:18, Ro 7:2-3). 

If you don’t get it right on:  Love your wife (Eph. 5:25–33), :straight: don’t   kill your kids (Pr 8:36), it’s unlikely you’ll get much else right either. :dizzy:

The Donald :greedy: is vile like his Father the devil (Dan 11:21). :reals: He is not the Antichrist. :hammer: 

Reply to Walking by the Spirit Always

Poor Off Grid Desert Farming with Paul & Adrienne.  He doesn’t know what a wife is.  While The Donald was cheating on his wife Ivana with adulteress Melania who was giving birth to his bastard child (Deut. 23:2), he allegedly cheated (still on his wife Ivana) with another adulteress.   

:listen: I think he :greedy: belongs on the Jerry Springer show.  

“I prefer clarity to agreement.” ~ Dennis Prager  

Reply to Walking by the Spirit Always

It went to a two hour video, and I am not going to watch it because he is a post-Tribber who thinks we are already in the Tribulation unless he has changed recently. Is he a Trump supporter too?...

Can’t blame you for not wishing to watch a mid or post tribber.  Image Many on YouTube read headlines like they’re Chicken Little: “The sky is falling! The sky is falling!”

We offer hope.  :straight:They offer doom and gloom for the bride (Re 3:10).

I continue praying that your husband will repent and that your story will be one of overcoming. :king:

Paul from Off Grid Desert Farming is anti-Trump.  :greedy:  He believes that Trump is the Antichrist.  :dizzy: The Antichrist doesn’t have a natural love for women (Da 11:37) —or in Trump’s case mere lust (Matt. 5:28).  

Reply to Off Grid Desert Farming with Paul & Adrienne

[We are in The Tribulation]

We are not in The Tribulation as you claim (2 Pe 2:1).  :hammer: No seal has been opened (Re 6:1-2).  No seal will be opened until the church is raptured (2 Thess 2:7-8). :Plain: 

Reply to Off Grid Desert Farming with Paul & Adrienne

[Claims if you’ve received the Covid inoculation you’ve already taken the Mark of the Beast]

False (2 Pe 2:1).  :hammer:No angel has warned: “If anyone worships the beast and its image and receives its mark on their forehead or on their hand, they, too, will drink the wine of God’s fury, which has been poured full strength into the cup of his wrath. They will be tormented with burning sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torment will rise for ever and ever. There will be no rest day or night for those who worship the beast and its image, or for anyone who receives the mark of its name.” Re 14:9-11.  

Reply to Off Grid Desert Farming with Paul & Adrienne

God, not Jesus.

False (2 Pe 2:1).  :dizzy: Jesus is God, the second person of the trinity (Gen. 1:1–3, 26, Is 6:3, Jn 14:26; 15:26).  

I’ve been saying for 2000 years…No one knows the day or hour—not even me.

God complex much? :squint:

As a reminder false teachers Paul and Adrienne are serial adulterers (Lk 16:18, Ro 7:2-3).

If you don’t get it right about:  Jesus, marriage and family, it’s unlikely you’ll get much else right either (2 Pe 2:1).

This comment will be removed in 3.2 seconds.  As a reminder— cowards go to hell first (Re 21:8).  :burnlib:

Reply to Walking by the Spirit Always

My husband prayed with me but it didn’t matter. His heart was fully set to do evil (Eccl 8:11).  He said we may be back together in ten years but preferred to live the Playboy lifestyle that he always wanted.  It is presumptuous for men to believe that they will be able to repent (He 12:17) after stabbing God in the back (Mal 2:14, He 10:27).  backstab photo thbackstab.gif  Believing this delusion :dizzy: may indicate that judgment is already upon them (2 Thess 2:11-12).    

My husband like yours also compared himself to David (not Judas, not Demas—David).  The ego (Pr 16:18).  A man whom I’ve been counseling lately also divorcing his wife has done the same.  If David knew what these men do in his name, he’d be grieved.  :nono: He wrote of repentance (Ps, 32, 51).  :sigh: They don’t; but, all of the sudden—they are David.   

They believe because David committed adultery yet was called a man after God’s own heart, that they can do the same—live like animals, die and one day be welcomed into God’s loving arms (1 Cor. 6:9, 10).  That’s not what my Bible says (Heb 13:4).

J. Vernon McGee reminded listeners to his program that David’s life was never the same after his sin with Bathsheba.  These adulterers whom God calls fools (Pr 6:32) :dunce: are mistaken and it may cost them their lives (Prov 7:27, Rev 21:8).:burnlib:

Neither you nor I want our husbands to go to hell.  All we can do (1 Co 7:15) is be good wives and pray for them (1 Co 7:14).  Maybe God will grant them repentance (2 Ti 2:25). 

As Dennis Prager says, “There’s always hope.  There’s just no chance.”

Thank you for teaching a high view of marriage.  :straight:

Reply to Walking by the Spirit Always

Happy 40th wedding anniversary.  You entered a covenant and are keeping your vow (Pr 20:6) and in doing so make the world a brighter place (Mt 5:14–16)--loyalty to a fault :freak: some :reals:might say (Ru 1:14–18).   

We hope your husband one day notices what a treasure you are (Pr 12:4). While you hurt, we hurt (Ga 6:2). :sigh:

We are living in Bible times.  :Poly: Thank you for helping to make us beautiful (Eph 5:27, Re 19:7)  for our bridegroom (So 2:9). :straight:

Your family is blessed (2 Ti 1:5). 

Thank you for being so sweet to remember.  Every year I call him and leave a voice mail that I am still keeping my vows, and thanking him for his financial support,  but I still cry a bit when I start talking. 

Yesterday was his 63 birthday, and God was good to keep me very busy witnessing to an Amazon cust. service representative who said that we need a new Bible regarding divorce and remarriage though she was quoting verses at the beginning of the conversation about the rapture and faith without works is dead.  Also I had a Calvary Chapel pastor in Nevada call me, and he listened for a hour and a half about the pastors in his network of churches false teaching on divorce and remarriage.  The Scriptures were just flowing out of my mouth, and I hope that God will convict him to repent and clean out his church.

Last weekend,  I baptized a young woman who repented of remarriage adultery, and I am grateful the Lord directed her to listen to the gospel message the week before.  She had been separated from her adultery partner for 11 months, and had already started reading the Bible. 

If the rapture were to happen tonight (my wedding was at 7:30), tonight is also the anniversary of Obama lighting up the White House for gay marriage,  and today is a huge day for pride parades.  I think it may have been a couple of years after I first got born again that I kept saying to myself to be wise as a serpent and innocent as a dove. God's grace has been amazing.  Looking forward to getting a big huge hug from you. I woke up at 3:10 (Revelation 3:10-11) and went back to sleep,  and after prayer I picked up the phone at 7:26. If it's tomorrow that is 6/27 which is a mirror of 726. God bless you mightily.  Love and Maranatha.

It is courageous of you to call your husband even when it causes you pain.  :sigh: You have been faithful to deliver prophetic burdens. Maybe one day he will choose to fulfill his vow to love, honor and cherish you (2 Sa 12:7–14).  :straight:Witnesses in heaven and on the earth know that you are all lovable (He 12:1-2).  Don’t know what his problem is. :dizzy:

Tears like that don’t go away (Re 21:4). :sigh:  I hope your tears are all on this side of the grave rather than having to watch him drop into the Lake of Fire, the second death (Re 21:8). :burnlib: You and I know the fear of the Lord (2 Co 5:11) but he skips happy go lucky (Pr 30:20; 2 Co 12:21) toward slaughter (Lk 19:27).  God has given him time to repent (2 Pe 3:9).       

While Sodomites are at their pride parade (Pr 16:18),  I wonder if they noticed the planet parade going on in the nighttime sky.  You are mentioned in this vid: What God told me About the Planetary Alignment Back in 2015:  Rapture is Very Near WatchGate Channel ). :jump:

How similar our lives are.  God will see us through to the end (1 Co 10:13).  May he bless you and keep you and all your standers in marriage subscribers (Nu 6:24-26).:king: 

House Vote on Marriage Underscores Speed of Moral Revolution

Republicans support Democrats' ew same-sex 'marriage' and polygamy bill  

Optimism In Marriage Plummets To All Time Low 

NY Judge: The ‘Time Has Arrived’ To Legalize Polygamy

Senate Republicans Side With Democrats To Help Pass The ‘Respect For Marriage Act’ That Forces States To Recognize Same-Sex Marriages 

Indonesia to make sex before marriage illegal with jail time for all 

“The Respect for Marriage Act” and the Centrality of the Bible

American culture’s sacrifice of children for perverted wokeness

German bishop demands Church ‘widen its understanding of the family’ to include homosexual unions 

Reply to Walking by the Spirit Always


[God a Minute, Generation2434, Death of an unrepentant serial adulteress] They live by lies.  Good for you not letting their lies go unchallenged (Eph 5:11).


Reply to Generation2434


[Comment censored] You’re raising money to bury an unrepentant, serial adulteress? :squint: Lk 16:18, Ro 7:2-3 


Reply to Walking by the Spirit Always


I asked Generation2434 why he is raising money for a serial adulterer to bury a serial adulteress and he immediate deleted my comment. These people do not honor marriage (Heb 13:4).    

Reply to Glorious love for Jesus

...Glad you are strong on divorce and remarriage being adultery. Do you also believe in the pre-tribulation rapture, and that Jesus is coming soon? So glad Terry is still strong.

Yes, pre-trib (Re 3:10). 


It’s important to honor marriage (He 13:4).  When you remain faithful to your spouse after he/she divorces you, the world hates you (Ro 7:3). :madmad:


A Watershed Moment In The Moral State Of Our Rapidly Depraving And Godless Culture


Church of England refuses to back same-sex marriage


Fla. megachurch requiring members to support biblical marriage


30,000 demand apology to cop pressured to quit over biblical marriage 


New TikTok Trend Of ‘Trad Wife’ Catches On As More And More Women Showing Interest In Marriage 


As US marriage rates plummet


Christians Must Stop Doing This, Could You be a False Convert?, What the Church Didn't Tell You Pt 1, 2, 3, 4 Walking by the Spirit Always    


British men to be first in the world to try new male contraceptive pill


A Record Number Of American 40-Year-Olds Have Never Been Married  


American Family Radio drops Alistair Begg over Sodomite wedding advice


John MacArthur’s “Shepherd’s Conference” removes Alistair Begg from speakers’ lineup


Greece legalizes same-sex ‘marriage’ and adoption of children for Sodomites


Justice Alito slams dismissal of Christian jurors as unfit to hear lesbian’s lawsuit


41% Of Churchgoers Find No Biblical Problem With Homosexual ‘Marriages’ 


Texas GOP platform calls abortion ‘homicide,’ says Obergefell should be nullified, no-fault divorce repealed


Massachusetts passes radical pro-Sodomite ‘equality’ bill seeking to completely redefine the family 

Do You Love Your Wife? Busy 4 the Lord 

Feminists protest election with call for ending marriage

Idaho House Urges SCOTUS to ‘Restore Natural Definition of Marriage’

