Freedom of Religion/Expression
[Lawyer Ordered To Stop Praying For Help With Trial
On Facebook by L.P. Phillips Dallas] "Freedom of religion, freedom of
speech, the right to a fair trial, and Facebook postings have stirred-up a
hornet’s nest in Ellis County.
It starts with Waxahachie lawyer Mark Griffith, who
doesn’t mind telling anyone he prays for help before court, during a trial and
on Facebook.
It’s the Facebook part that is at issue, another new
twist in the odd world that social media has created.
Twice, in separate trials, the Ellis County District
Attorney’s office has convinced judges to stop Griffith from
posting running
commentary of a trial in his prayers on Facebook.
“No lawyer is allowed to make running commentary in
the public forum regarding witnesses, the character of witnesses, the opinion of
the guilt or innocence of defendants or suspects in criminal cases.” said
Patrick Wilson, Ellis County District Attorney. He claims it’s basic legal
The argument doesn’t hold water with Griffith. He
contends his office has a history of tweaking the DA in criminal cases, and he
sees the argument over his prayers on Facebook as an effort by the District
Attorney’s office to throw him off balance..." Full text:
Texas Lawyer Ordered To Watch What He ‘Prays’ For On Facebook
Jn 8:36, He 10:25, Re 13:17
Q: What's the difference between a dead dog in the
road and a dead lawyer in the road?
A: There are skid marks in front of the dog.
Jerusalem: Synagogue Defaced with Crosses Jn 13:35
I don't know any Christians whining (your word) about increased censorship and persecution (1 Cor. 12:26; Phil. 1:29, Ac 5:41).
America is post-Christian (Mt
They don't overcome (Rev. 2:7) because they can't get over being offended by the gospel or their lot in life (Jn 6:67).
You have never faced persecution in your life and neither have liberals at large.
Why would they? They're headed in the same direction as Satan.
State of Georgia's $225,000 Payout to Pastor a Victory for Religious Freedom
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[Ez 13:9]
Ezekiel condemns the false prophets
The male prophets (13:1–16)
Their perversions (13:1–7, 10, 16): They
assure the people that God will not punish them but rather will send peace
their way!
Their punishment (13:8–9, 11–15): God’s
wrath will crash down upon them like great hailstones.
The female prophets (13:17–23)
Their perversions (13:17–20, 22): Prompted
by greed, they deceive the people by their magic charms and veils.
Their punishment (13:21, 23): God will
rescue the people from their grasp.” Willmington, H. L. (1999). The Outline
Bible (Eze 13:1–21). Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House Publishers.
[Jer 23:16]
TENTH SERMON (23:1–40)
Regarding Judah’s politicians (23:1–8)
The ruthless (23:1–2): Jeremiah condemns
Judah’s godless shepherds, who destroy and scatter their flocks.
The responsible (23:3–4): God appoints
faithful leaders to govern his people.
The righteous (23:5–8): “He will be a King
who rules with wisdom.” This is a reference to the coming Messiah.
What he is called (23:5a, 6a)
King David’s righteous branch (23:5a)
“The LORD Is Our Righteousness” (23:6a)
What he does (23:5b, 6b–8)
Rules over the world (23:5b, 6b): The
people are safe.
Regathers Israel (23:7–8): They live again
in their own land.
Regarding Judah’s prophets and priests
Their perversions (23:9–11, 13–14, 16–38)
Adultery (23:9–10): The land lies under a
Blasphemy (23:11) : They do wicked
things—even in the Temple.
Idolatry (23:13–14): The prophets of
Jerusalem are worse than the evil prophets of Samaria.
Falsely representing God (23:16–32)
During the day (23:16–24): They claim he
speaks through them, but they make up the words.
During the night (23:25–32): They tell
false dreams, telling lies in God’s name.
Ridiculing Jeremiah, making light of God’s
warnings about judgment (23:33–38): People use the Lord’s name to give
authority to their own ideas.
Their punishment (23:12, 15, 39–40)
Their paths are made dark and slippery
(23:12) : They are chased till they fall.
They are fed with bitterness and are given
poison to drink (23:15) : It is their fault that wickedness fills the land.
c. They are forever cast out of God’s sight (23:39–40): They are an object of ridicule throughout the ages.” Willmington, H. L. (1999). The Outline Bible (Je 23–25). Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House Publishers.
A ka. wall o' text to stave off feeling convicted by scripture.
Eph 4:14
But to the wicked God
“What right have you to declare My
Or take My covenant in your mouth,
Seeing you hate instruction
And cast My words behind you?
When you saw a thief, you
consented with him,
And have been a partaker with
You give your mouth to evil,
And your tongue frames deceit.
You sit and speak against your
You slander your own mother’s son.
These things you have done, and I
kept silent;
You thought that I was altogether
like you;
But I will rebuke you,
And set them in order before your
eyes. Ps 50:16–21
[John 16:13]
“Jn 16:13 all truth. This verse, like 14:26, points to the supernatural revelation of all truth by which God has revealed Himself in Christ (vv. 14, 15), particularly. This is the subject of the inspired NT writings.” MacArthur, J., Jr. (Ed.). (1997). The MacArthur Study Bible (electronic ed., p. 1617). Nashville, TN: Word Pub.
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My wife and I
are about to start trying for a baby (by about I mean within the next 6
months, she means within the next six weeks). I was put in charge of making
sure we have all the medical coverage that is needed. I came to the
conclusion that if the GOP succeeds at banning abortion after a certain time
period, we need to plan to be in some other country during the last month or
2 of the pregnancy just in case something goes wrong.
You're thinking about
your baby like
Sarah Palin?
Pr 8:36
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[Finding a country that lets you murder your
child] ...[I]f people are so unhappy here they should go find their joy
where they belief it can be found.
We'll buy their airline
50% of Millenials Would Rather Live in Socialist, Communist Countries
Aagcobb View
If a woman is considering getting pregnant
despite being in a high risk category, then the fact that she might die
because the state won't let her get an abortion...
It’s never necessary
murder the child (Pr 8:36).
Aagcobb View
Businesses are denying their employees birth
control coverage...
Why should a business be
murder your child? Pr 8:36
America replied
Why should birds be obligated to give their lives
cleansing houses of sickness? Lev 14:7
You believe businesses should
be required to murder your child (Pr 8:36). I do not.
“I prefer clarity to agreement.” ~ Dennis Prager
“Lev 14:1–32 This section explains the cleansing ritual for healed persons.” MacArthur, J., Jr. (Ed.). (1997). The MacArthur Study Bible (electronic ed., p. 173). Nashville, TN: Word Pub.
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‘No one should be forced to take the life of an innocent human being’
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