Freedom of Speech/Press
Jn 8:36, 2 Co 3:17, Re 13:1-18
Mockingbird Media Is 44:25
Criminalization of Dissent
Twitter suspends account of Guccifer 2.0, hacker
behind DNC & DCCC leaks
Freedom of Religion/Expression
FCC, Net Neutrality (Takeover of the Internet), Internet Kill Switch
Vid: Putin
Warns Journalists of
Nuclear War: “I Don’t Know How to Get Through to You People”
Vladimir Putin
Says The US Elections
Are Rigged. It’s Not A Democracy (Vid)
Twitter Suspends 235,000 Accounts Over 'Extremism'
...'Quality Filter' to 'Eliminate Abuse'
Islamophobia Twitter Report Funded By Soros
Tactics of the Left
Julian Assange from Wikileaks ‘Wanted Dead Or Alive’ By U.S. Government Am 8:5
FEC commissioner warns Dems are gunning for conservative media
[Thread closed by moderator]
"Truth is hate to those who hate the
truth." ~ Bob Enyart
Mk 9:41, 13:7, 25:8, 40, Dan 10:13, Ps 105:15, Ro 14:4, Mk 6:11, Is 45:24,
54:17, Re 12:10, 12, Jud 1:9
Just hearing about this now. North Korea has no
freedom of speech--
kind of like what's happening here.
N. Korea: 'worst disaster' since WWII
Regulate: FEC Dems lay groundwork to ban FOX, WSJ political coverage
Britain Carries out Preemptive Strike On RT's Freedom of Speech: All of RT'
Accounts in the UK Blocked, Says Editor-in-Chief Simonyan
Russia Today bank accounts 'frozen in UK'
Wars & Rumors of Wars
Time Warner CEO: Democrats, not Trump, Threatened First Amendment
Boston College Faculty Want to Ban Trump-Inspired
‘Hate Speech’
Sheriff Clarke: ‘Fake News’ Started With ‘Hands Up, Don’t Shoot’ Lie Is 44:25
Anti-Islam Dutch MP Wilders Found Guilty of 'Hate Speech'
Jn 8:36,
Re 13:1-18
Student Threatened With Expulsion After Recording, Posting Professor's
Anti-Trump Tirade
Eph 5:11
Now the public is aware of her teaching
The student shouldn't be recording without permission.
I disagree (Eph 5:11).
…If he did so in violation of school policy he's subject to discipline.
He will be subject to discipline when he comes up
against a Leftist (Eccl
Jn 10:10). You all value freedom of speech as long
as the speech agrees with you.
I think some of what she said was idiotic, but I wouldn't characterize her actions as evil, only infantile and knee-jerk.
Her comments:
“A white supremacist…”
Donald Trump is not a white self-proclaimed
supremacist. He’s a child-killing
serial adulterer
Ex 20:14) but he’s not a white self-proclaimed
supremacist (Ac
“…[A]nd a vice president that is one of the most anti-gay humans in this country…”
A moral man should
be anti-Sodomite. The Donald
is a Sodomite.
The wickedness of Sodom ([Ex
20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev.
was notorious (Gen.
“…[A]nd a vice president that is one of the most
anti-gay humans in this country…”
His VP pick would likely cozy up to
the Vatican (Jud
They are very happy to help the pope fake a Gog/Magog war.
She didn't say he was "self-proclaimed" did she?
I added that. A white can’t claim supremacy over a
if you believe the bible (Ac
While I don't share her opinion I understand he's given reason to wonder about how comfortable he is with some of that thinking.
Which is why calling another
a racist today means nothing.
You Leftists
cried wolf too many times.
No one believes you anymore (Eccl
Jn 10:10).
We were the least racist nation
on the planet--before Barack Obama.
Hate Whitey
Internal Facebook Docs Reveal What 'Hate Speech' Allowed
Left Falls for Fake News: Sarah Palin Didn’t Criticize Black Santa
Meet Facebook’s ‘Fake News’ Fact-checkers
Reporter warns 'fake news' panic is censorship trap
Katie Couric to Guest Host ‘Today Show’ Despite Deceptive Editing
Obama Quietly Signs 'Countering Disinformation And Propaganda Act' Into
KKK Leaders Allege Producers Paid Them to Fake Scenes in Canceled A&E
Fake News- 117-Year-Old Story of Pittsburgh 'Lynching' Busted
Algorithm-controlled 'newsfeeds'
The Same Idiots Who Pushed the Iraq War Are Now Stirring Up Hysteria
About Russia
Journalists Exposed By WikiLeaks Will Now Cover Trump White House
Greenwald: Wash Post Rewarded for False News About Russian Threat
Assange suggests Obama messing with his family
Dan Rather teaching ‘Truth in the News’ course
Fake News: CBS Radio Report Implies Chicago Torturers Were White, Victim Was Black
‘Fake News’: BuzzFeed, CNN Target Trump with Admittedly Unverifiable
Russia ‘Memos’
McCain kicked off 'Kremlin memo' scandal Am 8:5
Trump: Are we living in Nazi Germany?
Trump to CNN: ‘You Are Fake News’
Sodomite Shep Smith: No Journalist Should ‘Be Subjected to Belittling or Delegitimizing By the President-elect’ Is 5:20
Fake News: Wash Post Changes Story on Trump ‘Firing’ D.C. Nat’l Guard General
Obama: ‘Corrosive Nature’ of Talk Radio, Fake News Has Ruined Democracy
Trump Team May Move West Wing Briefings to Expand Capacity
Fake Polls? How CNN And ABC Are Fudging The Numbers To Tank Trump’s Favorability
YMCA Bans CNN From Workout Room TVs Over 'Fake News'
White House Accuses Media of False Reporting Ex 20:16
Disgraced newsman Rather thumps Conway for ‘alternative facts’
Read the Confidential David Brock Memo Outlining Plans to Attack Trump
...Full memo
Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10
Donald Trump Threatens to Cancel Berkeley Federal Funds After Riots Shut Down Breitbart Editor Event
MSNBC Host Suggests Trump Will Be Responsible for 'Suspicious Deaths' of Journalists
Why ‘fake news’ is now ensnaring liberals
Fake Newsman Brian Williams Slams Fake News
CNN’s Cuomo: Being Called ‘Fake News’ the ‘Equivalent of the ‘N-word’ for Journalists’
Venezuela: Maduro Kicks out fake news CNN
Reps. Nancy Pelosi, Elijah Cummings repeat fake news on Flynn
Everything the Associated Press Got Wrong in Its Fake News National Guard Story
Fake News CNN Still Thinks Obama Is President
Trump Declares CNN, NYT, CBS, ABC And NBC Are “The Enemy of The American People”
Fake News CNN Reporter Compares Trump To Hitler While Her Boss Buys Obama Photos
Fake News CNN Anchor Grows Frustrated Being Labeled Fake News CNN
Revealed: The fakest fake news checkers
Campuses encourage students to turn in fellow classmates for offensive speech
Florida Teacher “Reassigned” After Facebook Post Praising Trump On Immigration
Sebastian Gorka (Donald Trump's aide) destroys BBC journalist: ''You are reporting Fake News''
links to the information have been
Fake News CNN: CNN Editors Claim ‘No Debate’ On Climate Change, Call Fox
News ‘Unbearable’
Fake News: Media's WH 'Exclusion’
Woodward tells press: stop whining
God is not the Son. The Son is not the Holy
Is. 6:3
As a reminder God's Truth is number 39 on
Satan, Inc. (TOL Heretics list) in "The
'Jesus is not God' people (Non-trinitarians) category.
Proof please (Eph
Trump on Fake News New York Times: ‘Intent Is so Evil and so Bad,’ ‘They Write Lies’
A ‘special prosecutor’ for New York Times ‘B.S.’?
Fake News: Media, Democrats Distort Remarks to Target Jeff Sessions
Fake news N.Y. Times trying to promote itself as truthful
Eccl 10:2,
Jn 10:10
CNN’s Reza Aslan Faces Backlash After Eating Part of a Human Brain While
Filming with Hindu Cannibal Sect
Mic 3:3,
2 Ti 3:13
Zombie Apocalypse
Kellyanne Smashes CNN’s Cuomo: ‘Aren’t You Embarrassed?’
Media plead ignorance of the ‘alt-left’
Morning Zika Mabrinksi
& Joe: Trump Must Resign for Us to Like Him Again
Hurricane Survivor Slams CNN — You Are Still ‘Putting a Microphone In My Face’
Politico Mocks Victims of Harvey Hurricane
As Its Influence Wanes, Increasingly Militant Main Stream Media Promotes Violence and Censorship
AP Misleads about EPA’s Cleanup Efforts after Hurricane Harvey
At CNN, Another Retracted Story Leaves Reporting Team Bruised
CNN’s Tapper Spreads Debunked Lie About Trump Mocking Disabled Reporter
Berkeley professors urge boycott during
'Free Speech Week'
America Fights Back: Record Number of Patriotic Cord-Cutters Tumble TV Stocks
O'Keefe: Senior Homepage Editor Reveals Political Agenda at NYT
Media Invent Scandals in First Day of Asia Trip?
The Best Fake News moments, Live on Air, Trump Quotes
and CNN Meltdowns
The Truth Behind Matt Lauer and Joe Scarborough Exposed By Trump? WeAreChange
Fake News: Behar Giddily Read Bogus Russian
Collusion Report on ‘View’
Donald Trump: People Should Sue ABC for Stock Market
Crash Triggered by Fake News
Donald Trump Blasts ABC ‘Fake News’ — Questions FBI Treatment of Mike Flynn vs Hillary Clinton
Student suspended for debating Islamic extremism with Muslim -- in debate club
CNN Botches Another ‘Bombshell’
Three Big Media Screw-Ups in Week
Facebook Issues ‘Fake News’ Alert on 100% Factual Breitbart Story About Forged Hoax Yearbook
Seven Times CNN Botched News In '17
Trump Calls For Washington Post Reporter To Be Fired
CNN Turns Screw-up Into Attack On President
CNN Whines: Trump A Bully Tormenting Kids
CNN Airs Segment on Trump’s Soda Habit While NYC Terror Attack Unfolded
USA Today on Trump...
…’Unfit to clean toilets in Obama's presidential
Anderson Cooper calls Trump 'pathetic loser' on Twitter; CNN claims hacked
...Tweet Came from Assistant’s Phone, not ‘Hack’
Paper: Media killing selves with botched anti-Trump
2017 – the year the media lost America
Obama warns society being splintered by online biases
Daily Mail Uses 4chan Hoax to Accuse WH Intern of Being
White Supremacist
Media watchdog: Threats against independent journalists 'at epidemic levels'
Donald Trump Wishes Happy New Year to the ‘Haters’ and Even the ‘Fake News Media’
“Fake News’: Half of all Americans believe the media make up anti-Trump stories
View Post
Gregg Malin
If modern journalism covered the day Jesus walked on water the headline would be Jesus can't swim!
Gyms ban cable news: 'Doesn't fit healthy lifestyle'
Scarborough Asked Trump: 'Can You Read?'
Stephanopoulos faces new scrutiny over lavish ABC paycheck
Trump: ‘@realDonaldTrump’ Is Our Only Way Around the ‘Fake Media’
Report: School Limits Free Speech to Hour Per Day
MSNBC’s Velshi: Trump Is ‘Sullying’ Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s Name
CNN’s Lemon: ‘The President of the United States Is Racist — A Lot of Us Already Knew That’
CNN Anchor on Sh*thouse Debate: 'Are You F*cking Kidding Me?'
List: History of presidents using profane language
POTUS Reveals Fake News Awards, CNN Big Winner
CNN’s Naftali: Trump Makes Kim Jong-Un ‘Look Reasonable’
TV crew attempts to pass fake bomb through airport
Matthews: ‘To Some People’ Obama Is ‘Still the President’
State demands preachers get permission to speak
Public Broadcaster Admits To Increasing Booing Sounds During Trump Davos Speech
CNN’s Tapper: Trump’s ‘Americans Are Dreamers, Too’ Statement ‘Offensive’ to Dems
Dem law makes 'intimidating' journalists a federal crime
Fake News Flashback: CNN Declared Trump ‘Bonkers’ for Saying Clinton, Dems Behind Dossier
NBC News Presents Eight-Month-Old ‘Russia Hacked the Election’ Story as ‘Breaking News’
15 Media Outlets that Colluded with North Korea to
Romanticize Their Slave State
Is America having second thoughts about free speech?
DHS Debunks NBC Fake News Claiming Russia ‘Penetrated’ Election
Why The Media Stopped Reporting The Russia Collusion Story
CNN Alleges Hero Student Who Claimed ‘Scripted Question’ Doctored Email Evidence
There's No Right to Free Speech and Expression: Those Are Quaint and Anachronistic Faux Protections Lionel Nation
24 States Pursuing Free Speech Bills to Protect Conservative Speakers from Far Left Media Tyrants
Q Tidal Wave Incoming, Buckle Up
James Munder
New York Times Greets Israel’s 70th With Piece Claiming 1948 Was ‘Catastrophe’
Students storm library to denounce conservative 'hate speech'
UC Berkeley can’t block lawsuit alleging censorship of conservatives, judge rules
The unreliable ‘facts’ of a fact-checking site
Study: ‘Collective Narcissism’ Drives Liberal Belief in Fake News
CNN’s “25 influential American Muslims” list a rogue’s gallery of Jew-haters and jihad enablers
Reply to Julia Quick
Withdrawing credentials is not stopping free speech...[j]ust denies access to WH press room[.]
Put more serious people in that room. Time for alphabet media to go (Jn 8:36).
to Craig Gordon
CNN is treasonous.
That would matter if anyone still watched them.
MSNBC hosts: Trump’s pro-Israel moves are ‘appalling’
Report: Fox News Installs Meditation Room with Muslim Prayer Rugs
Dartmouth Survey Finds Democrat Students Are the Most
[Q 1471 Acosta dig own grave]
Trump: America’s biggest
enemy is ‘fake news’
George Soros Buys Up Lion’s Share of New York Times Stock
CNN’s Ana Navarro: ‘Shame on Any Christian’ Who Uses Scripture to Justify Separating Families
Migrant Mother and ‘Crying Girl’ on Time Cover Never
Separated; Mom Deported in 2013, Left Husband With Good
Job, 3 Other Kids, Paid Coyote $6K to Sneak Back in US
Fake News: ABC Aires False Graphic On Paul Manafort
Rachel Madcow ties to cry on-air
Obama-Era Photos of Illegal Alien Children in Cages Deter Immigrants From Illegally Crossing Into US
Vid: ABC News reporter encounters smuggler with illegals at US-Mexico border
California Considers Creating 'Fake News Advisory Group' To Monitor Media
New York Slimes Israel Coverage ‘Literally Worse Than Al Jazeera’
Calif. Bill Would Limit What Pastors Can Say about Sodomites
The Wisconsin Supreme Court Strikes a Blow for Academic Freedom
ut Immigrant Military Discharges Deserves To Win Twice
New York Times Cartoon: Trump, Putin Sodomites
Blue State Blues: Why America Hates CNN
Christian Student Group Refuses University’s Sodomite Demands
Reply to
Truthification ChroniclesThe A
word [abortion]…the double PP
[planned parenthood]…
explain your support for the
when you are not free to
speak now in this country.
All social media platforms
are censored
—which happened under
Trump’s watch.
You really thought that a
child-killing, serial
adulterer (Pr 8:36, Ex
the answer for America?
Jn 8:36, 2 Co 3:17, Re
White House revokes press pass for CNN’s Jim Acosta
...And Secret Service agent who took press pass
Fake news media run PR campaign for illegal ‘migrants’
Trump takes parting shot at Weekly Standard, its never-Trump editor Bill Kristol
to 2918903?
[Is it time we all start filing
complaints with the FCC over Fake News? Yes and here's
how. (QRV)]
did it become legal to lie
to the American people?
I don't downvote. Never blocked anyone either.
It's a libtard
thing (Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10).
Reply to tendiesonfloor
@RandPaul: Good riddance to the fake conservatives and warmongers. (]Submitted ago by
"Ouch." ~ E.T.
James 4:1, 2
Writer touted by CNN as ‘Journalist of the Year’ forced to resign for fabricating stories
MSNBC Gets Caught Using 2011 Border Patrol Video to Trash Donald Trump
Reply to IndigoEyes
Fake News and the Deep State love using word Chaos
Projection (Eph 4:14).
They come
to: steal, kill and destroy (Eccl
10:2, Jn 10:10).
Anywhere you see: theft, murder and
destruction, you know a libtard has walked by.
NYC’s New Year’s Celebration Will Be Dedicated To ‘Freedom Of The Press’
LA Times Defends Poisonous Anti-Semite and Racist Louis Farrakhan – Compares Him to President Trump
The NY Times: Palestinian propaganda or journalism?
Google, Soros Fund Facebook’s New Fact Checkers
Trust In Media Hits Rock Bottom: 60% Of Americans Think Journalists Pay Their Sources
Democrats and CNN Collude to Rig Elections
Cal Expo sued for restricting Christian’s speech to 36 square feet
After Trump-Russia Collusion Proved a Hoax, Rachel Maddow’s Ratings Take Massive Dive
Offended By What Someone Said? Now You Can Report Them To Law Enforcement
Death spiral: CNN in ratings collapse
Nolte: Death Spiral Continues as CNN Loses One-Third of Primetime Audience
Trump rips tech firms at ‘free speech’ summit
It’s Un-American To Be Anti-Free Speech: Protect The Right To Criticize The Government
Reply to rickki6
"The New Fox News is letting millions of great people down!" Trump wrote on Twitter. "We have to start looking for a new News Outlet. Fox isn't working for us anymore!"] Trump TV!
Trump Tweets and The
People’s LifeLog, too.
browser and Trump phones.
NBC News is now attacking heterosexuality, the very basis of sustainable human life
ABC News caught red-handed ‘lying to news customers’
Undercover Video: CNN Employee Discusses Network Head’s ‘Personal Vendetta’ Against Trump
Twitter Paves Way For Trump Ban With New Content Rules For World Leaders
CNN boss: We’ve sold ourselves to the devil
Trump Cancels All Admins’ NYT, WaPo Subs: “Will Save 100s Of 1000s Of Taxpayer Dollars”
JustInformed Talk
Trump Jr.] “…They’re
censoring him even…”
Who is they? His daddy
is president.
Buck Stops Here" ~ Harry S.
No need for a four minute
Your intro is even longer
than Operation Freedom’s.
Project’s Veritas releases Epstein expose
Report: Mainstream Media Being Paid to Kill Story of Ilhan Omar Being Qatari Agent
Apple changes Crimea map to meet Russian demands
Trump campaign yanks Bloomberg News press credentials over ‘openly biased’ and ‘troubling’ practices
New York Times Authors Deceptively Edit Trump Quote on Medical Ventilators
MSNBC Producer Quits, Blasts Network with Scathing Public Letter
Facebook, Google spent $700 million to “buy off the press”
Trump supporters yell ‘Fox News sucks!’ during live MSNBC shot in Arizona
‘We did it!’ Wife of Fox News heir goes public after Fox declares Biden winner
Fox News Ratings Drop to Third Place Saturday Following No. 1 Election Day Coverage
Jonathan Turley:
Criminalization of private
speech coming to U.S.
Christians get good news from U.S. Supreme Court
Vid: Two Teenage Girls Carjack And Kill An Uber Driver; CNN Calls It An Accident
3rd-grader told to remove ‘Jesus loves me’ face mask
CNN Can’t Stop Losing: Viewership Down By Half Since Biden Took Office, 60% In Key Demo
‘The Intercept’ runs hit piece on conservative journalists for daring to video BLM riots
Reading, Writing, And Ratting Each Other Out
First Amendment victory: Schools may no longer police students’ social media posts
Famous disinformation commissioners exposed for spreading disinformation
CNN: Segregate Unvaccinated, Make Them Pay For Tests Every Day
CNN just declared that unvaccinated people should be starved to death
CNN Producer Arrested,
Accused Of Raping Children
As Young As 9
Greenwald Exposes The Real Disinformation Agents
CNN religious commentator advises unvaccinated people not to attend church
The Fall Of The Mainstream Media And The Biggest Lies They Told In 2021
Full List Of Western Media Outlets Participating In Chinese Communist Propaganda Events
New York Magazine compares Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to Jesus
Ukraine Declares Journalist a ‘Russian Terrorist’ As Her Reporting Undermines Western Narratives
USA Today calls man “Woman of the Year”
Time Columnist Denounces Free Speech as a White Man’s “Obsession”
Post-Christian Europe Attempting To Shut Down Free Speech
‘Voice of a Nation’: USA Today Takes Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars From CCP Mouthpiece
Media Campaign: Fitness is For ‘Right-Wing Extremists’, ‘Nazis’, and ‘Fascists’
University that prevented Christian from sharing faith agrees to pay damages
Trust in news collapses to historic low
Three-Star General Suspended After Tweet Critical Of Jill Biden
Canada’s government funds booklet that teaches kids to be suspicious of “free speech” support
NBC Journalist Laments: “People Don’t Trust Us, They Don’t Believe Us”
Trump Files ‘Notice Of Intent’ To Sue CNN Over ‘False Statements’
Journalists in D.C. ‘taking psychedelic mushrooms’ for startling reason
WaPo: Drag Shows for Children Are ‘Squeaky-Clean,’ ‘Family-Friendly’
Independent Media Arrested and On Trial in Wales
Chaplain fired over blog posts sharing religious beliefs sues fire department
‘ABC News’ Falsely Blames Israeli Airstrikes for All Gaza Fatalities
NYT Op-Ed: Throw out the ‘Broken Constitution’ and ‘Reclaim America’
FBI Arrests Ohio Christian Pastor for His Church Sermon on Stolen Election
Federal Judge Declares Mandated Workplace Pronouns, Unisex Bathrooms Unlawful
PayPal Still Wants to Seize Your Money for Wrongthink
MSNBC: “Our Children will be Arrested and Conceivably Killed” if the GOP Wins Midterm Elections
Greek soccer player gets 10 months in prison for calling transgenderism ‘abomination’: reports
The Political Left’s Reaction To Free Speech On Twitter Confirms Their Authoritarian Intent
The ADL is Waging War on Free Speech, Not on Trump or Twitter
Anti-Lockdown Stanford Professor: “Academic Freedom Is Dead”
Associated Press rejects terms ‘fetal heartbeat,’ ‘late-term abortion’; pro-lifers react
Why The Left Must Destroy Free Speech
Christian teacher sues Ohio school district over forced transgender pronoun usage
MSNBC wins Dishonest Reporter of the Year Award
The mullahs aren’t happy’: Charlie Hebdo magazine continues to infuriate Iran
Yale Law School Bars Press From Free Speech Panel.
“One Lie After The Next”: CNN Ratings Hit 9-Year Lows
New Bill Would Classify Conservative Speech As ‘Domestic Violence Extremism’
Mainstream media’s failure to report vaccine-induced damage due to “vaccine hesitancy”
Craigslist Craig Is Financing The Censorship-Industrial Complex
France: Woman Faces $13,000 Fine For Facebook Post Calling President Macron “Filth”
CBS Banned Employees From Using ‘Transgender’ When Referring To Nashville Shooter: Report
Restrict Act could actually imprison Americans for criticizing GMOs
DOJ Arrests 4 Black Leftists for Spreading Pro-Russia “Propaganda” in Memes, Articles and Speeches
Germany: Vaccine injuries become the dominant theme of reporting
Oklahoma judge puts restraining order on Christian man who criticized Sodomite ideology online
UK: corporate media baffled as to why “Brits are dying in their tens of thousands”
Durham’s ‘Russiagate’ Report Is Damning for the Media, Too
WEF’s ‘Global Alliance For Responsible Media’ Vying For Your Mind
Column: Pride Police Insist Free Speech Is ‘Unsafe’
NBC Attempts to Defend Sodomite Marchers’ ‘We’re Coming for Your Children’ Chant
Reporter Unsure of Whether White House Will Kill Him: ‘I Don’t Know What They Will Do Next’
Michigan Criminalizes Misgendering with 5 Years in Jail or $10K Fine.
The UK Online Safety Bill poses grave threats to free speech, House of Lords
Editor of The Irish Light: “Journalism is not a crime”
CNN Brazil Host Suggests Mandatory Vaccination with the Bivalent Covid-19 Vaccine
UK: The Government Proposes Legislation to Criminalise Disagreeing With Net Zero
China Considers Law Banning Clothes That ‘Hurt Feelings’ of Others
UN Secretary-General is unfit to be lecturing the world about hate speech and disinformation
Norwegian man detained in psych unit over Facebook posts against Covid narrative speaks out
X Adds Brutal ‘Context’ Update To WaPo ‘Hit Piece’ After Dave Portnoy Tapes Call With Reporter
HuffPo Encourages Biden Campaign To Openly Push Disinformation Using AI
Irish teacher released after 400 days in jail over refusal to use transgender pronouns
Anti-Free Speech Laws Hit New Heights In Italy: Reporter Fined For “Body Shaming’ PM Meloni
Media Continues to Fan the Flames of Progressive ‘Squad’s’ Antisemitism
Want More Freedom Of Speech? Try Less Government.
BBC praises Imam who supported Hamas attack on Israel
Wall Street Journal Contributor Shared Terrorist Propaganda, Fake News on Oct. 7
The New York Times: A Legacy of Antisemitism and Deception
France: Telegram Founder Is Locked Up for Not Censoring Speech
Free speech is in trouble on both sides of the Atlantic
The Mainstream Media Is Lying About The Economy
UK: Journalists and intelligence agencies are intertwined
UK: government wants to prosecute ‘non-crime hate speech’
UK Slides Towards Authoritarianism
UK: Telling uncomfortable truths is now considered ‘terrorism’
The BBC breached editorial guidelines over 1,500 times in Israel-Hamas conflict, report claims
BBC Asks Viewers Of Breast Cancer Documentary To “Check Your Chests”
ABC World News Tonight has lost nearly a million viewers
Why Isn’t NPR Telling Its Audience Exactly Who Hezbollah Is?
John Kerry: “First Amendment Stands As Major Block” To “Govern”
Globalists target the US First Amendment as freedom of speech is obstructing their agenda
Hillary Clinton Warns: “We’ll Lose Total Control” If Social Media Stops Censoring Content
Digital Gulag: The United Nations Blueprint to Control the Internet and Silence Dissent
American journalist disclosed secrets during Iran attack, police says
CBS News tells reporters: “Jerusalem is not in Israel”
CBS Urges Staff Not To Acknowledge Any Jewish Connection To Jerusalem
EU President Likens Free Speech To Infectious Disease
Documents reveal depth of Hamas-Al Jazeera collaboration
The media is implementing Sinwar’s genocidal strategy
UK Media and Government Betrayed Citizens to Protect Islam’s Role in a Brutal Child Massacre
The weaponization of media credentials
CNN Reportedly Laying Off On-Air Talent & Hundreds Of Workers
UK: MP calls for blasphemy laws to be reinstated to protect Islam
Germany: Victim of Islamic Terror Convicted on Speech Charge
BBC journalists quit union after being told to wear Palestinian colors
CNN Reveals “Troubling” Poll: American Trust In Vaccines Is Plummeting
“Trump Is Not Wrong” – MSNBC Admits Massive Spike In Illegal Immigration Under Biden
There Are 6 Monolithic Corporations That Control Almost Everything We Watch, Hear And Read
Twitter (X), an Anti-Semitic Platform
Hamas’ ‘terror theater’ is being conducted by Al Jazeera ‘journalist’ in Qatar
New York Times: aluminum in vaccines is “a good thing”
92% British Jews say media bias is fueling antisemitism
Total Information Warfare: How the State Manufactures Your Mind and Reality
Politico Pleads Innocent,
Claims Tens Of Millions In
Govt. Subscriptions Totally
Trump Doubles CBS Lawsuit Damages To $20 Billion Over Harris’s 60 Minutes Interview
of Speech/Freedom of the Press