Federal Communications Commission

Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)

Internet Kill Switch 

Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Appeals court rules against FCC's right to protect 'net neutrality'

Decision means internet service providers could slow or block traffic to competitors and privilege sites of commercial partners: 

“The court’s decision gives commercial companies the astounding legal authority to block internet traffic, give preferential treatment to certain internet services or applications, and steer users to or away from certain web sites based on their own commercial interests.”


This is not good and will further restrict access to the truth. I can see this eventually being used to influence your opinion as well by limiting access to facts at the same time as making merchandise out of all of us."  Am 8:5, Jn 8:36, Re 13:1-18

Also see:

Net Neutrality 

Freedom of Speech/Press


Mind Control


'Net Neutrality' Faces New First Amendment Challenges Jn 8:36, Ga 5:1


Alex Jones Discusses the Internet Kill Switch

US plan to cede Internet control on track  

China targets web control with new national security law 

China Push to Rewrite Rules of Global Internet  

The UN Wants to Censor the Entire Internet to Save Feminists' Feelings 

Plan to 'internationalize' Internet sparks constitutional concerns 

US Internet Surrender


Freedom of Speech/Freedom of the Press



Surveillance State

...Agency endorses plan to cede oversight Am 8:5


Obama [Gog]

Federal regulation of Internet coming, warn FCC, FEC commissioners

Sue Obama administration, to block Internet grab, group urges   

US set to hand off Internet

...Obama gives web to international authorities

...UN to Control 

News publishers could charge search engines for story extracts

Leaked Soros Document Calls For Regulating Internet To Favor ‘Open Society’ Supporters  

Obama: Internet Cannot be Like Wild, Wild West 

Last Month of Uncensored Web?  


Freedom of Speech  

FEC Dem: Regulate Internet

Thai internet operators urge customers to report royal insults

Web Crashes Hard To Stop After US Internet Surrender Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10

Obama: 'Constant info' Disrupting Global Agenda 



China Pushes Global Internet Rules 

China Presses American Tech Firms to Police Internet 

Web giants to cooperate on removal of extremist content 

China Takes Action on Thousands of Websites for 'Harmful Content 

China Propaganda Machine Goes Global

Tech-Left’s Net Neutrality Threatened with a REAL Free, Open Internet Movement 

FCC Moves to Kill Obama Internet Rules

FEC pushes FOR regulation

Father of Web: Nasty storm of issues

PAI: How FCC Can Save Open Internet

‘By the people, for the people’: Kim Dotcom to launch alternative internet

'Safe Spaces' For Ever-More-Hostile Web 

Reply to Master Fwiffo    

[Net Neutrality Vote]

Looks like Obama’s friends :CRASH:are upset (Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10). :idunno:

Bomb Threat Jolts FCC as Internet Rules Rolled Back

FCC Ends Obama-Era Net Neutrality

California Legislature Plans to Pass Own Net Neutrality

FCC Caught Using Dead People’s Social Media Accounts To Spread Propaganda

21 states sue to keep net neutrality as Senate Democrats reach 50 votes

Trump Takes Davos.  New Q Anon.  Internet Bill of Rights Anti School  

AT&T Urges Congress to Block George Soros-Backed Internet Censorship Bill

Warning issued over attacks on internet infrastructure

What Happened To The Internet? JustInformed Talk

Canada To Censor “Hurtful” Comments About Politicians, Implement Internet Kill-Switch

Chinese Leader Xi Jinping Lays out Plan to Control the Global Internet: Leaked Documents

China’s Xi Jinping wants to control the entire internet, leaked government documents show

Russia successfully disconnects from the global internet during tests

These Countries Have an Internet Kill Switch (and They Admit It)

‘Kill Switch And Detentions’: Bush-Era FOIA Docs Reveal Government Plans For Apocalyptic Events 

CHD Petitions FCC to ‘Quit Stalling’ on Court Order to Address Harmful Effects of Wireless Radiation

FCC Approves Plan To Give Government Control Of Internet

The FCC is voting to seize American internet infrastructure under the guise of ‘equity’

Digital Kill Switches: How Tyrannical Governments Stifle Political Dissent

Congress probing FCCs quick approval of radio stations to Soros group

ABC’s Negotiations With Local TV Stations Concerning, Says FCC Commissioner