Surveillance State   


Social Credit System/Social Credit Score

Digital ID, Electronic Identity, Electronic Documents

Organ Harvesting

 [Feds tell Web firms to turn over user account passwords: Secret demands mark escalation in Internet surveillance by the federal government through gaining access to user passwords, which are typically stored in encrypted form] "The U.S. government has demanded that major Internet companies divulge users' stored passwords, according to two industry sources familiar with these orders, which represent an escalation in surveillance techniques that has not previously been disclosed.

If the government is able to determine a person's password, which is typically stored in encrypted form, the credential could be used to log in to an account to peruse confidential correspondence or even impersonate the user. Obtaining it also would aid in deciphering encrypted devices in situations where passwords are reused..." Full text:
Feds tell web firms to turn over user account passwords Am 8:5, Jn 8:36, Re 13:17  




Taking the Mark of the Beast


Big Banking 

China Rising 

Martial Law 



New World Order 



Police State  


Space Force 

Big Climate


Federal Reserve 

Dirt Worshippers


FEMA Camps


Federal Bureau of Prisons


People Control

War on Christians

Freedom of Religion

Christian Persecution


Mind Control  

Freedom of Speech/Freedom of the Press  

Socialized Medicine 

One World Government/Religion 

Unreasonable Search & Seizure   






Freedom of Assembly



TSA Directing Airport Valets To Search Cars -- Without Informing Owners


Cable Spies: Behavior-Detecting Devices Worry Privacy Advocates

Data Centers in US Double Since 2011


Feds direct agents to cover up program used to investigate Americans

FBI pressures Internet providers to install surveillance software

Twitter begins blocking messages after govt demands

Justice Dept Seeks Oversight of Apple's iTunes Store

High School To Test Students' Hair Samples For Alcohol Use

President meets secretly with tech executives to discuss secret surveillance

Administration asserts broad surveillance powers

Loophole allows warrantless searches


Obama administration asks Supreme Court to allow warrantless cell phone searches


Facial Scanning Is Making Gains in Surveillance

Gov't Surveillance Concerns Shut Down Tech Site


DOD Training Manual Suggests Conservative Views 'Extremist'

Lists those concerned with individual liberties, states' rights


Christians need not apply: The Obama administration calls those who are have a "Christian identity" or who consider themselves "Constitution defenders" or "Liberty Lovers" as terrorists (Re 18:20-24).



Joint Terrorism Task Force Guide

Army job: Internment / Resettlement Specialist (31E)

Right-wing extremists, war vets are dangerous


New federal consumer 'protection' bureau data-mining Americans' private financial records

'Decade's worth of private financial data of five million citizens without knowledge or consent'


Update: Federal consumer 'protection' bureau to monitor 80% of all credit card transactions


FBI Can Secretly Activate Individual's Webcam

Local cops tap cellphone data

IRS Using Google Maps to Spy on Taxpayers


PA town latest to force drivers over and ask for cheek swabs for federal study  

Blood and saliva samples


U.S. Supreme Court Rules Warrant Needed To Take Blood In Marijuana DUI Cases

Report: Car companies collect, keep information on where you drive

Feds Push Software to Monitor Americans' Energy Usage

Google Expands Reach Into Homes With Nest Acquisition

Pentagon to Launch Blimps in USA

DHS Outfitting City Buses With Live, 360-Degree Cameras

Revelations by AOL Boss Raise Fears Over Privacy

Google to run federal airfield

Google Admits Data Mining Students Emails

City caps sewer of woman fighting to live 'off grid'

iPhone Surveillance Startup Sets Up Shop in NY

Britain: Government Spooks Hacked Millions of Webcams

Nude images intercepted

Study: Metadata does reveal sensitive details about individuals

DOJ Pulls FBI Off Harry Reid

Obama to meet again with tech CEOs on 'privacy'

Government acknowledges it conducted warrantless searches of Americans' communications 


Feds Secretly Testing Biometric Surveillance Methods   


How Big Business Is Helping Expand NSA Surveillance 


Report: City police extensively used secret cellphone tracking system

Obeyed FBI orders to hide surveillance from public, courts


Justice Department warns employees against frequenting prostitutes Am 8:5


Google Is 'New Evil Empire'

...Archives everything you've ever searched


DOD: Employees spent $1M at strip clubs, casinos Am 8:5

FBI admits it hasn't cracked single terror case with Patriot Act snooping power

FBI behind mysterious surveillance aircraft over cities

Obamacare Database Keeps Personal Info “Forever”

School lunch program scans student thumbprints for 'tracking purposes'

2016 campaign tech monitoring what you do online instantaneously  

Obama's Secret Race Database

Obama collecting personal data for a secret race database 

Militias And Armed Civilians Decide To Guard Military Recruiting Centers Jn 8:36, Lk 22:36

Pentagon asks armed 'citizen guards' to stand down Jn 8:36, Lk 22:36

Facebook cancels Indian student's internship after he highlighted massive privacy issue

AT&T Helped NSA Spy on an Array of Internet Traffic  

'Homeland Security' Wants Super-Secret Smartphones Equipped with Brain Chips  

Nationwide 'Suspicious Activity' Files Now Tracking Online Activity 

Vizio Smart TVs Automatically 'Watch' Owners, Report Data To Advertisers  

House intel committee blasts Pentagon over ISIS files Am 8:5

Police to tap into private surveillance cameras

...Residents, businesses asked to register

Mystery 'surveillance' box on utility pole in Phoenix sparks questions 

Uber says it gave feds data on more than 12 million users

Court troubled by surveillance excesses at FBI, NSA 

The Supreme Court Expands FBI Hacking Powers  

Biohacking: People Getting Microchips Implanted In Skin  

FBI Won't Tell You if Your Data is Stored in Massive Biometric Warehouse  

Anti-virus pioneer John McAfee warns on mobile phone snooping 

Surveillance System Lets Cops Tap All Cameras

...'No way of knowing when terms violated'

Mosquito Spy Drone  

Secret FBI biometrics database 

FBI Seeks to Exempt Massive Biometric Database from Privacy Laws 

Small Cities Go High-Tech for Surveillance

Site lets users peep on homeowner video feeds

RFID Chp use to buy food

NBC: Your Children Will be Microchipped "Sooner Rather Than Later"

Site lets users peep on homeowner video feeds

patrick jane View Post Serpy, you're paranoid!

I value freedom (Jn 8:36). They do not (Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10).

What's to be paranoid about?  I'll be outta here soon (2 Ti 1:7). Just little foreshadows of what's to come for the God-haters (Mt 24:21, Lk 21:26).

Update: Secret Text in Senate Bill Would Give FBI Warrantless Access to Email 
patrick jane View Post Where are you going Serpy?
I'm pre-trib (1 Thess 4:17).  

Appeals Court Delivers Devastating Blow To Cellphone-Privacy Advocates

Arrests For Social Media Posts Surge In London 

Why Elon Musk Is Advocating For Brain Chipping The Human Race 

Web founder says internet has become a huge surveillance network used for spying

Feds fighting to look at millions of medical files -- without warrant  

Facebook threatens to delete photos if users don't download new app 

Navy discussed plans to fit humans with microchips, track every move  

Meet the Senators who recently voted to destroy your civil liberties

Social giant wins privacy case over tracking logged-out users 

All Israelis Will Have to Join Biometric Database From Next Year, Minister Says

Shops set to spy on us by tracking our smartphones

Google reveals plans to put ‘eyes in machines’ as digital surveillance fears reach boiling point

As a reminder, if you take the mark of the beast, you will get an all new DNA strand-- no longer human (Ge 10:9). 

Microsoft just stored more data on DNA than ever before, using an OK Go video

New Bill Will Let FBI Profile Your DNA

In first, U.S. judge throws out cell phone 'stingray' evidence

Hidden Microphones Exposed As Part of Government Surveillance Program In The Bay Area

'Homeland Security' Spy Drones

...Facial Recognition

...Company Has Built a Profile on Every American Adult 

Who's sky is it anyway? Drone case tests rights to air space  

Get Ready for Freeways That Ban Human Drivers

Facebook artificial intelligence chief developed surveillance systems

Yahoo secretly scanned customer emails for NSA, FBI


Obama: NSA not rifling through ordinary people's messages

Study: 1 in 2 American Adults Already In Facial Recognition Network

NSA Can Access More Phone Data Than Ever

Facebook artificial intelligence chief developed surveillance systems

Yahoo secretly scanned customer emails for NSA, FBI


Obama: NSA not rifling through ordinary people's messages

Study: 1 in 2 American Adults Already In Facial Recognition Network

NSA Can Access More Phone Data Than Ever

AT&T Spying on Americans, New Documents Reveal

Electronic surveillance surge; Cases sealed 

Pentagon buries evidence of $125 billion in bureaucratic waste Am 8:5

Bill Would Allow Government to Locate People With Tracking Devices 

Popcorn! Peanuts! Iris Scan! NBA, MLB Teams Enter Biometrics Age

Fridges and washing machines could be vital witnesses in murder  

The FBI Is Apparently Paying Geek Squad Members To Dig Around In Computers For Evidence Of Criminal Activity 

Flashing a peace sign in a photo could lead to identity theft 

FBI secret rules allow spying on journalists  

Pentagon failed to disclose up to thousands of air strikes: report

Report: VIZIO TVs spied on viewers around the clock

Concerns persist with US military cyber security Am 8:5

Forced Human Microchipping?

Lawmaker Seeks Ban

Big Brother is watching you: Jim Rogers prophesizes death of cash & total gov't control of spending 

Cell Phone 5G Trap
House RePublicans would let employers demand workers’ genetic test results

Wiping out crime: face-scanners placed in public toilet to tackle roll theft

With Washington’s Blessing, Telecom Giants Can Mine Your Web History

Google Hire could allow employers to see your entire search history 

School-issued computers spy on children in US without parental consent 

Wikileaks Unveils ‘Cherry Blossom’ Docs: CIA Has Been Hacking WiFi Routers for Years

Some US Airlines Are Testing Mandatory Facial Recognition Scans On Americans Flying Abroad

DHS Outlines Mandatory Biometric ID At Airports For Foreign Travel

Facial Recognition Coming to Police Body Cameras

Garbage Men Being Trained to Spy on Customers

Wisconsin Company To Chip Employees

If the FBI Has Your Biometrics, It Doesn’t Have to Tell You

You Will Get Microchipped Eventually

Paper:  Google recording you through your mobile

Surveillance law renewal sparks data collection battle

Apple’s New FaceID Could Be A Powerful Mass Spying Tool

Treasury Accused of Illegally Snooping On Americans' Financial Records

Apple gave Uber ‘iPhone backdoor’ allowing covert screens & data access

Feds widen surveillance to include 'homegrown violent extremists'

US Spy Chiefs Implore Congress to ‘Reauthorize’ Mass Surveillance of Internet Users

DNA Scan That Can Detect 1,800 Diseases In Newborns Raises Privacy Concerns

Volunteers In Melbourne Australia Living With Embedded Microchips As Technological Proving Ground For Mass Production

'Homeland Security' Wants Facial Recognition to Identify People in Moving Cars 

Surveillance planes 'regularly' circling above San Antonio

Doctor who refuses to use computers loses medical license

Traveler alert: Feds want to track your face

FDA approves ‘trackable’ pill

US Military Social Spying Archive Exposed

Websites logging keystrokes, mouse movements in real time 

Facial recognition is tracking customers as they shop in stores, tech company says

Congress poised to jam through reauthorization of mass surveillance 

Claim:  Google Street Views AI Can Now Predict Race and Political Party 

Head of House intelligence panel finds evidence of abuse in US government surveillance

HP laptops found to have hidden keylogger

Big Brother Installing Surveillance Cameras In Places Of Worship

Congress Set To Reauthorize Controversial Surveillance Program

China Quietly Builds The World’s Largest DNA Database

Facebook to roll out facial recognition AI in latest deep state ploy to use your own biometrics against you  

Facebook to put cameras and microphones in homes

FBI chief calls unbreakable encryption ‘urgent public safety issue’

FISA Pushed To Let FBI Spy On You Without A Warrant 

Hidden camera:  Hundreds of Twitter Employees Paid to View “Everything You Post Online” Including Private “Sex Messages”  

Veritas Video: Twitter Employees Say ‘We Make Most of Our Money’ Selling Data from ‘Everything’ You Post — Even Private Messages

Mass Surveillance: The Government’s Secret Tool To Convict By Violating Rights

Welcome to the neighborhood! Have you read service terms?

Amazon plan to put camera, microphone in every bedroom

Paper: Time to take privacy back from tech companies

Can you hear me now?: NSA can find & track people with ‘voice-matching technology’

Now Apple wants microphones in homes 

Congress Quietly Pushing Bill To Require National Biometric ID  

Trump Debates Nationalizing 5G   

Security fears as facial recognition set to revolutionize payments 

Boston Police Waste Taxpayer Money Violating Law Through Illegal Surveillance Of Citizenry

Feds to give all your health data to researchers

Don’t Use Facebook’s Onavo VPN: It’s Designed to Spy On You

Powerball winner who demands anonymity to get money   

Seattle To Remove Massive Spying Network After Public Backlash

Data from license-plate readers goes where?

Inside the mysterious FISA court: Super-secret spy court raises alarm over feds' snooping 

Miami Airport To Read Your Face

Facebook keeps secret files on internet users -- even if you don’t have an account 

…Anger Over Mandatory Computer Scans 

New Google 'smart' camera spies from corner of the room 

Deep Voice AI Can Scan Vocal Cords In Seconds Then Say Anything In Your Voice

Scientist Believes the Human Microchip Will Become “Not Optional”

Your Location Data Is Being Sold—Often Without Your Knowledge 

MoviePass CEO creepily admits the company ‘watches’ where you go before and after a movie

Data Leak Puts Facebook Under Intensifying Scrutiny

...Violated FTC privacy deal?

Edward Snowden: Facebook Is A Surveillance Company Rebranded As “Social Media”

Feds Probe Facebook  

...Violated §§10(b) and 20(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

Zuckerberg Asked if People Can Trust Facebook in Creepy Interview with CNN

Obama Campaign Given Keys Facebook's Entire Stash of Private Info

Zuckerberg says Facebook Users are 'Dumb F**kers' for Trusting Him

Facebook Can Still Track You Even If You Delete Your Account 

Amazon Patents Spooky Delivery Drone That Can Tell What You're Thinking

5G Surveillance State is Now Happening! Truth Happens

DOJ Revives Push to Mandate Way to Unlock Phones

Maryland Woman Suing Facebook Over Personal Info Released 

Zuckerberg Blames Users for Data Breach: 'We'll Remind You Which Apps You've Given Access to Your Information'

Probable Cause and Privacy Decimated by Omnibus 'Cloud Act'

Facebook Users Outraged After Seeing Metadata Company Keeps on Users

Facebook Messenger App Tracks User's Phone Activity Including Calls and SMS

Whistleblower: Facebook Can Hear You 

Face Recognition Used To Target Jaywalkers

Amazon has quietly decided to start photographing your home each time they make a delivery

Mind-reading machine can translate thoughts, display them as text instantly 

Artificial Intelligence Could Soon Enhance Real-Time Police Surveillance

Zuckerberg:  You've all Been Scraped

...Private Messages Scanned

Facebook 'secret mission' to get hospital patient data

Feds’ tech effort seeks to write info to brain

Facebook Tracks People Who Are Not on Facebook?

Apple Co-Founder Deletes His Facebook Page

Amazon Patent Admits To 1984-Style Spying…That Could Lead To Your Arrest

Alexa device listening

Obama Campaign Harvested Data from 100 Million More Facebook Users Than Cambridge Analytica

Spy cameras know what thinking, feeling 

Ex-Spies Are Harvesting Facebook Photos For A Massive Facial Recognition Database

Facebook Could Face Billions in Fines over Facial Recognition Features

Bill Gates Backs 'Big Brother' Satellite Army

...Real-Time Surveillance of Entire Earth 

Facebook Will Force All Users To Accept Being Tracked Around The Internet

Facebook Exposed:  Full List of Obama and Clinton Staffers in Facebook Senior Positions 

Google Tech Can Pick Voices Out of a Crowd

Report: Facebook Spent More on Swamp Lobbyists in 1Q than Ever Before

Genealogy Database Helps Capture ‘Golden State Killer’

Judges slam brakes on license-plate reading system

Took a ancestry DNA test? Here’s what you should know about privacy

Facial Recognition for all International Inbound and Outbound Passengers Begins at Orlando Airport — Data Retained for “75 Years”

Criminals could alter DNA to evade justice with new genetic editing tools 

Amazon 'Alexa' to 'Completely Control' Homes

Amazon’s Ring launches a neighborhood-watch social network 

Google’s robot assistant now makes eerily lifelike phone calls for you

City Launches Controversial Program Watching Public's Social Media Posts  

Facebook Faces Class Action Lawsuit for Saving Text and Call Logs of Users  

Feds plan to take ownership of your baby’s DNA

Google Envisions 'Total Data Collection'

patrick jane said: 
The Tide Has Turned Against The Deep State Coup Trying To Unseat President Trump Alex Jones announces that today…
AJ compromised (Am 8:5). [​IMG]

Scientists’ Warning: 5G Tech In WiFi Street Lamps Causing Insomnia, Nosebleeds

Facebook accused of conducting mass surveillance through its apps

This Is How Amazon’s Alexa Device Records And Shares Private Conversations Without Your Permission 

Facebook Gave Device Makers Deep Access to Data on Users and Friends

Facebook gave personal data to 60 companies?

'Looks like Zuckerberg lied to Congress'

Surveillance in doctors’ exam rooms mandated, report says

Facebook privacy bug ‘affects 14 million users’

Eye In the Sky Drone Surveillance Program Goes Nationwide

Government Eyes Are Watching You: We Are All Prisoners of the Surveillance State

The government’s creepy obsession with your face

Supreme Smackdown: Need Warrant to Track Phone

NSA Spyscrapers Across US Revealed

Facebook now under fire for deep spying

Is The Government Using Spy Hubs In 8 AT&T Buildings Across The Country To Intercept Our Emails, Phone Calls And Text Messages?

Experts warn that your phone really is listening to you

Facebook Admits to Sharing User Data with 61 Companies

Massive spy program invades Trump country

App Developers Sift Through Your Gmail 

Amazon’s Fusion With The State Shows Neoliberalism’s Drift To Neo-Fascism

How Smart TVs in Millions of Homes Track More Than What's On

Smart technology sees through walls to track and identify people

Amazon patent admits it will listen in real-time for “trigger words” that could get you arrested and imprisoned 

How You And I Are Helping Facebook ‘DeepFace’ Facial Recognition Create The Global Surveillance System

Firefighters Suffer Neurological Damage After Contact With 5G Cell Towers

MyGov, Medicare: New welfare system sparks controversy

New York State Has Quietly Begun Facial Recognition Scans at Toll Booths

Police facial recognition system faces legal challenge

Citizen gets sued for asking about city’s spy cameras

Teacher orders kids to reveal private details with ‘DNA dossiers’

Boston Globe: Does TSA’s ‘Quiet Skies’ Tracks US Citizens Like Terrorists? 

For Sale: Survey Data on Millions of High School Students

Autonomous indoor drone surveillance system developed

Amazon sparks privacy concerns as patent reveals AR goggles to direct employees through warehouses – and monitor their every move

Newest electronic spying: Recording you on hold

The Digital Dark Age is Here

The U.S. intelligence community wants to use DNA as the next data storage trove

Google tracks your movements, like it or not

Los Angeles is first in US to install subway body scanners

TSA Spies on You

Google clarifies location-tracking policy

All sheeple citizens who want to receive government benefits must agree to be microchipped in the near future

U.S. Customs Busts 1st Illegal Alien Via New Facial-Recognition Software at D.C. Airport

High school database now includes kids’ sexuality, families’ wealth

Experts Say Eventually Everyone Will Get a Microchip Implant

Report: Google And Mastercard Strike Secret Deal To Track Customers’ In-Store Purchases

Google’s Ad Tracking Knows Every Mastercard Purchase You Make, Online or Off

The Mainstream Media Boldly Declares “You Will Be Microchipped”

Wisconsin Tech Company Three Square Market Known For Microchipping Employees Rolling Out Global Tracking Chip

Three Square Market plans GPS chip for dementia patients

Scientists Discover How To Upload Information Into Your Brain

Delta touts USA’s ‘first biometric airport terminal’

Australia microchips its citizens

New elastic “skin-tech” wearable display may revolutionize home healthcare

Aadhaar: India top court upholds world’s largest biometric scheme

The Government Wants Airlines to Delay Your Flight So They Can Scan Your Face

Glimpse: How Electronic Tattoos Will Change The World — And Ourselves

A Breach by Unknown Attackers? No! Government Reach…into Your Data

Feds’ linked biometric databases lay foundation for surveillance state


5G Network Uses Same EMF Waves as Pentagon Crowd Control System


New Facebook ‘Portal’ Camera Follows You Around the Room


Google Exposed User Data, Feared Repercussions of Disclosing to Public


Facebook hack victims will not get ID theft protection


Twitter Is Being Formally Investigated Following a GDPR Complaint


Israeli Scientists Say Public Genealogy Databases Can Be Used to Identify Everybody 


Global Biohackers Have Made Human Implantable Microchips The Fastest-Growing Industry In The World


Chilling threat of mutant troops with incredible strength, speed and night vision ‘could be fighting enemy states by 2048’


Brain implants used to treat Parkinson’s can be hacked and used to control people, scientists warn 


Drones Over American Cities James Munder   


Professor Warns: Amazon Echo is “Always Recording” Your Conversations


Democrat 2020 Candidate Wants Govt-Sponsored ‘Social Credit’ System Comparable To China’s


Facial Recognition Goes Mainstream, Drawing Concerns


Patents Filed By Google Reveal Plans Of Search Engine Giant To Monitor And Capture 100% Of What Happens In The Privacy Of Your Home

Google accused of covertly tracking users


Customer-service agents monitor as you type


Google now spying on students using classroom technology, while pretending to be “teaching” them 

MasterCard, Microsoft to Develop “Digital Identity” System


Big firm harvest your data:  from children’s voice recordings, passport info to pregnant mothers’ due dates


Calls for Mark Zuckerberg’s Removal From Facebook as Mass User Spying Exposed

Your Smartphone Apps Are Tracking Your Every Move With Location Aware Data, And Selling It To Everyone


Google Claims It Won’t Sell Facial Recognition Technology


Fight against ‘Big Brother’ surveillance toys gets serious


The Latest Facebook Scandal: Netflix, Spotify Could Read Private Messages, Yandex Was Given IDs


District of Columbia sues Facebook over privacy ‘failures’


Amazon’s Creepy Facial Recognition Doorbell Will Surveil Entire Neighborhood From People’s Front Doors


Anonymous patient data may not be as private as previously thought


Trump Considering Order To Ban Purchases Of Huawei, ZTE Equipment


Why the Dramatic Increase In Strokes Among the Youth? 


Disturbing evidence suggests that WiFi radiation could increase the risk of miscarriages by almost 50%


Google wins U.S. approval for radar-based hand motion sensor


Amazon Alexa a “demon device” that gathers information that can be used to blackmail you for life


Move aside, backseat driver! New tech at CES monitors you inside car 


Big Pharma Giant GlaxoSmithKline Spends $300 Million For Access To DNA Database Of Genealogy Tracking Company 23AndMe 


Doctor Drops Bombshell About 5G Technology Dangers At Congressional Hearing


The Brave New World of Surveillance Capitalism


Trump signs off on creation of new spectrum strategy, amid global race for 5G


RFID Manicure


‘The goal is to automate us’: welcome to the age of surveillance capitalism 


Arkansas takes stab at regulating human microchipping


Facebook, Twitter can still stalk you if you delete account


Is Big Tech Merging With Big Brother? Kinda Looks Like It


Now you can sue over thumbprint taken without informed consent


Facebook Paid Children as Young as 13 to Install App That ‘Spied’ on Them


DNA access to police solves cases, raises ethical questions 


FBI plotting to keep DNA of entire population on file to create ‘nation of suspects’


You Give Apps Sensitive Personal Information. Then They Tell Facebook.


Can Facebook Monopolize Your Data, Even If You’re Not On Facebook?


250 scientists sign petition warning against cancer from wireless tech including the trendy in-ear headphones


Some airlines have seat-back cameras: Here's what you need to know


Google Exec Finally Admits to Congress That They're Tracking Us Even with 'Location' Turned Off 


In-car monitoring: Surveillance tech will make your car less private


Parents Blame Elementary School’s Cell Tower After 4th Student Diagnosed With Cancer


Facebook’s Under Criminal Investigation 


Another Defense Agency Migrates Data to Amazon Cloud


IBM, the same company that provided punch card comPutin g systems to the Nazis, lays groundwork for global “Mark of the Beast” cryptocurrency network 


Facebook Demanding Some New Users’ Email Passwords


Facebook says it may have ‘unintentionally uploaded’ up to 1.5M users’ email contacts


That mental health app might share your data without telling you


The Latest Invention in the World of Google Tyranny


Orwell Goes Retail: Stores Now Track Where You Shop… And Sleep 


Never Bring An Amazon Alexa Into Your Home


Alexa has been eavesdropping on you this whole time 


Carriers Promise They Stopped Selling Your Location… Again


ICE Wants To Track Electronic Devices — Through Time


Our coming DNA nightmare, as outlined by a dystopian graphic novel


Justice Department Is Preparing Antitrust Investigation of Google


Google Has a Creepy Secret Page That Tracks Your (Online and Offline) Shopping History


CBP’s Airport Facial Recognition ‘Is Not a Surveillance Program’


“Minority Report” Moment Arrives: Amazon, Facebook Reading Human Emotions


Cell Phone Tower Removed From School After Children Get Cancer  


Unseen health dangers: 5G is exceptionally harmful to children 


As Amazon’s Alexa Passes 100 Million Units Sold, It Will Now Be Always-On And Always Recording And Storing All Conversations In Your Home


The Omnipresent Surveillance State: Orwell’s 1984 Is No Longer Fiction


DHS to Move Biometric Data on Hundreds of Millions of People to Amazon Cloud


Amazon drones could be used to spy on your home and spot intruders, patent reveals 

Review: Google Chrome has become surveillance software. It’s time to switch. 

Google Chrome has devolved into nothing more than “surveillance software” that spies on its own users

Apple Cofounder Steve Wozniak’s Dire Warning: Delete Your Facebook Account Now! 

Big Government and Big Tech Are Partnering to Track Us Everywhere 

Report: Google Contractors Listen to Recordings from Your Home

FTC Fines Facebook $5 Billion

California Launches Creepy “Cradle-To-Career” Data System To Track Everything About Children

Satellites are starting to watch your every move

Facebook And Other Tech Companies Spending Millions Of Dollars To Create Technology Capable Of Reading Your Mind, And They’re Succeeding

Facebook Supports a One World ID

The US Pentagon And DARPA Are Conducting Wide-Area Surveillance Tests Using Experimental High-Altitude Balloons Across 6 Midwestern States

Google’s File on You Is 10 Times Bigger Than Facebook’s – Here’s How to View It

Facebook to stop stalking you off-site – but only if asked

Elizabeth Holmes’ “Theranos” fraud was actually a plot to surveil the blood and DNA of everyone

Amazon Now Testing Payment System Launching Soon At Whole Foods That Scans Your Hand And Allows You To Complete Your Purchase 

Three Spy Planes Could Soon Be Flying Over Baltimore To Counter Murder Crisis

Light Poles That Are Spying On You

The government can now activate your phone camera to stream live video of whatever you are seeing

Google – creator of covert ‘god-like’ AI tool 

Twitter Says Emails, Phone Numbers Used to Secure Accounts ‘Inadvertently’ Shared for Ads

The Star Of The 39th Gitex Technology Week In Dubai Is A Human Implantable NFC Microchip That Is Capturing Attention Of United Arab Emirates 

NBC News Promoting The Benefits Of Receiving An Implantable Microchip To Take The Place Of Your Wallet, Keys And Personal Identification

Google To Buy Fitbit For $2.1 Billion

This Is How the U.S. Military’s Massive Facial Recognition System Works

Google Responds To Reports Of Its Not-So-Secret Health Data Collection

Amazon mulls face-scanning doorbells

Republicans & Democrats Agree: Give Vast Snooping Powers To The US Government

US Army working on “Google Earth on steroids” 3D map that can simulate the inside of buildings

U.S. homeland security proposes face scans for citizens

Data on your spending habits could be a gold mine for banks

Apple iPhone 11 Pro ‘can override location settings’

Warrant not always needed for ‘inadvertent’ NSA surveillance of Americans: U.S. court

Pentagon warns military members DNA kits pose ‘personal and operational risks’

Colleges are using cellphone data to track students and monitor attendance

Amazon Go Cashierless Stores Will Soon Allow Customers To Use Their Palms To Process Payment As World Moves Closer To Mark Of The Beast

The Secretive Company That Might End Privacy as We Know It 

Hospitals Across The US Make Deal To Sell Your Medical Records To Technology Giants Like Microsoft, Amazon And IBM In $3 Trillion Dollar Healthcare Boom Market

CBP Expands Facial Recognition for Global Entry Travelers

Clearview AI App Allows Strangers To Instantly Retrieve All Your Personal Information Simply by Snapping Your Picture As They Pass You On The Streets

Rogue NYPD cops are using facial recognition app Clearview 

Personal identification – People can now be identified at a distance by their heartbeat

Students At University of Missouri Will Now Be Forcibly Required To Install Location Tracking App SpotterEDU To Monitor Their Movements

Leaked Documents Expose the Secretive Market for Your Web Browsing Data

RFID Monitoring and DNA Profiles Work Together to Manifest a Brave New World

Coronavirus controls increase surveillance ‘danger’

CDC Asks Tech Giants Twitter, Google, Facebook for Location of US Citizens — Will Track Whether Americans Are Practicing Proper “Social Distancing”

During Reddit AMA On  Covid-19 Coronavirus, Eugenicist Bill Gates Calls For A ‘National Tracking System’ And ‘Billions Of Vaccinations’ To ‘Protect The World’

Coronavirus being used as justification to implement a total surveillance society

The $2 Trillion Dollar Coronavirus Stimulus Bill Mandates That A High-Tech ‘Surveillance And Data Collection System’ Be Created To Track US Citizens

Bill Gates Calls for a “Digital Certificate” to Identify Who Received  Covid-19 Vaccine

I Can No Longer Say That Bill Gates Planned Global Vaccinations And The ID2020 Digital Identification Are Not The Mark Of The Beast

Coronavirus vaccines, depopulation and the demonic war to claim your soul for Satan

Welcome To The Plannedemic, What The New World Order Calls The ‘New Normal’ And They Tell Us It Will Not Change Until A Global Vaccine Is Given

Apple And Google Announce Partnership On  Covid-19 Contact Tracing App And System Software Creating Permanent Surveillance

Britain’s NHS working with Google, Apple on app to track coronavirus contact: Sunday Times

Google and Apple Team Up To Track Coronavirus Infecteds; Phone App Will Warn Others When Near Infecteds

When The American Economy Reopens, It Will Be Inside Of A Vast Permanent Network Of Digital Surveillance, Contact Tracing And Tracking

Chinese Step-up Propaganda and Spying Within the United States

Americans Will Soon See Thermal Imaging Cameras That Will Deny You Entrance To Shops And Restaurants If You Fail The Scan Test

In 2018 Bill Gates Funded Startup EarthNow To Ring The Earth With Surveillance Satellites, Is He Planning To Connect It To The ID2020 Digital ID?

Apple and Google promise to shut down their coronavirus trackers when the pandemic ends… but does anyone believe them?

USC, Emory Creating Coronavirus Surveillance System Similar to China’s Social Credit Scoring

New York City Begins Largest Contact Tracing Surveillance Effort In United States in Stunning Harbinger Of What Life Will Be Like After Lockdown

To reopen, Washington state restaurants will have to keep log of customers to aid in contact tracing

U.S. Senate blocks bid to curb surveillance of Americans’ internet habits

Green or red light: China virus app is ticket to everywhere

Your Boss Is Watching You: Work-From-Home Boom Leads To More Surveillance

Governor Inslee Is Creating a Brave New World In the State of Washington

House GOP open inquiry into mysterious drone program used to police Americans who aren’t social distancing

Michigan State Police Spying On Innocent Citizens

 Covid-19 Phone Location Tracking: Yes, It’s Happening Now—Here’s What You Should Know

 Covid-1984: The Drones Were Ready For This Moment And History Will Record That Coronavirus Was Used To Launch Age Of Aerial Surveillance

Google is sued in US for tracking users’ ‘private’ internet browsing

Coronavirus mass surveillance could be here to stay, experts say

Coronavirus: New  Covid-19 tracing tool appears on smartphones

Rockland County New York Now Issuing $2,000 Per Day Fine For Anyone Who Refuses To Be Part Of Their  Covid-19 Contact Tracing Surveillance 

They Are Now Building A System That Will Use Smart Cameras To Force You To Wear A Mask And Observe Social Distancing

Major Hollywood Studio Orders “AI-Driven” Face-Mask Detection Robots

It’s Official: America Is Following China’s Lead – Contact Tracing Is Here – Say Goodbye to Freedom and Hello to State Control

How Government Entities Use Geolocation Data To Identify Everyone

Biden Proposes 100,000 Federal Contact Tracers to Spy on Your Every Move 

Not interested in bringing Alexa into your house? That’s OK, Amazon’s working with your landlord now

DHS Files Rule Proposing Increasing Scope of Biometric Information Collection

How the pandemic is helping the military prep for World War III

A DARPA-Funded Implantable Biochip To Detect  Covid-19 Could Hit Markets By 2021

Amazon Launches New Contactless Biometric Palm Reading Technology That Scans Your Right Hand To Allow You To Buy And Sell At Stores

The Average American Is Recorded 238 Times A Week

Bill Gates and MIT unveil quantum dot technology to mark children’s skin so they can be scanned for vaccine compliance

First Tests Of New “Immunity Passports” Will Take Place Wednesday

The V & the Mark Generation2434

Volunteer in Pfizer BioNTech Partnership Of  Covid-1984 Coronavirus Vaccine Trials Develops Grievous Sores On Both Her Feet

‘Immunity Cards’ To Be Issued To All Americans; Enable CDC To Track  Covid-19 Vaxx Status In Database

US Airforce launches 'Internet of Things':  Our smartphone in effect becomes a government listening device that detects and accesses all nearby wireless or bluetooth devices, or anything that has a MAC address for that matter

A ‘Vaccination Mark’ Under The Skin Now Being Developed 

We Are In The Middle Of A Global Experiment Using Injectable Bio-Electronics That Leads Directly To The Mark Of The Beast

Bill Gates: Quantum Dot Dye Vaccination Tattoos

L.A. students must get  Covid-19 vaccine to return to school 

FacePay:  Biometric Currency That Uses Your Face To Buy And Sell

US military intel agency buys, uses bulk US phone location data without warrants

G7 Elites In England Calling For Creation Of ‘Global  Covid Travel Pass’ Digital Passport To Create 21ST Century Version Of ‘Show Me Your Papers’ 

Bio-surveillance/weapon: decision time 1, 2 JD Farag

ID2020 Launching The Good Health Pass Collaborative To Produce Digital Identifications For People To Prove They Have Received The  Covid Vaccine

China Wants Your Data — And May Already Have It

McDonald’s has a secret intel team that spies on its own workers, report says 

‘This is some evil, authoritarian insanity’: LA Unified School District pleased to announce they’re teaming up with Microsoft to monitor kids 

...To Create A  Covid QR Code ‘Daily Pass’ For Children That Scans To Allow Them Access

Bill Gates Foundation Funded Genomics Firm ‘Mining’ DNA Data Through  Covid Tests

Airports In The Middle East Are Now Using Iris Scan Contactless Passports To Allow Passengers To Board

Israel Passes Law To Mandate ‘Freedom’ Tracking Bracelets 

Americans vaccinated for coronavirus to be monitored and tracked by Google and Oracle for the next two years

Israel passes law mandating new arriving passengers wear tracking bracelet during quarantine period

Amazon One Contactless Biometric Payment System Uses Your Hand To ‘Buy And Sell’ Like In Revelation 13 

Amazon Delivery Drivers Are Told They Must Sign ‘Biometric Consent Forms’ Allowing AI-Powered Cameras To Track And Record Their Every Move

Facial Recognition Vaccine Passports Being Developed by British Tech Firms

Microsoft Wins $22 Billion, 10-Year Contract To Supply US Army With HoloLens Augmented Reality Headsets To Conduct Warfare 

Google monitoring millions of users without consent in new ad test

United States Army Working On Plan To Require All Service Personnel To Use Biometric Facial Recognition At Drive-Thru Checkpoints On Base

Report: Brits At Pubs Will Have To Register On Government Tracking App, Hand Over Phones 

DARPA Reveals They Are Working On A Human Implantable Biometric Microchip To Fight Against The  Covid Virus 

US Government Scientist Reveals New  Covid Monitoring Device That Gets Implanted Under Skin

Chipped “smart masks” that are traceable and trackable are the ultimate globalist control mechanism 

Pentagon develops implantable microchip to detect  Covid-19

U.S. Navy controls inventions that claim to change “fabric of reality”

As Promised, Microsoft Has Rolled Out ‘Daily Pass’ To Track Half Million Students In LA Unified School District

Customers At Whole Foods In Seattle To Pay Using Only The Palm Of Their Hand 

Amazon delivery drivers forced to submit to AI-powered camera tracking of their activities inside the vehicle to retain job

China’s Social Credit Scoring System Spreads It’s Reach Into Canada

Whole Foods ushering in Mark of the Beast with new palm-scanning payment system 

Biometric Wearables And ‘Smart Clothing’ Is An Exploding Market As The Push To Create Human Cyborgs Skyrockets

A Simple Experiment Demonstrates How Every Electronic Form of Communication Is Monitored and Weaponized by AI Against Americans

Dr. Carrie Madej reveals to Health Ranger that  Covid vaccines contain “exotic nanotech” for tracking and bio-control 

Vaccinated People Don’t Have to Wear Masks:  The digital vaccine passport system links your medical records to your smartphone

Claim:  Vaccinated People Are Being Tracked in Real Time via 5G Cellular   

Vaxxted and tracked: Oxford secretly, illegally collected cell phone data as part of  Covid vaccination study

The Mark of the Beast - Now Being Dispensed at a "Health Centre" Close to You GodsRoadmapToTheEnd 

HCA Healthcare announces partnership with Dr. Google, exposing 32 million patient records to Big Tech’s prying eyes

Court documents show Google admits privacy is almost impossible on Android

Amazon is about to start sharing Alexa owners’ bandwidth with their neighbors

iOS15: China exempt from Apple ‘private relay’ privacy feature

TikTok quietly changed its privacy policy, giving itself permission to harvest biometric data of US users

Trifecta: DARPA, IARPA And Now HARPA To Complete ‘Digital Dictatorship’

US lawmakers introduce bills targeting Big Tech

Philips Hue smart bulbs can be hacked and used to install malware

Dr. Carrie Madej Goes full truth on the vaccine 

“Smart” thermostats in Texas being remotely controlled by government to limit energy usage

Whole Foods to roll out Mark of the Beast biometric palm scanning payment technology across its U.S. stores

Clandestine Surveillance Of Americans By Unaccountable And Secretive Government Agencies Has Become ‘Business As Usual’ In Our Crumbling Society 

Is the US Postal Service Tracking Americans’ Social Media Posts? Judicial Watch Sues for Info

Google smart assistant records and stores your voice conversations – here’s how to delete voice history 

Amazon using videos from Ring doorbell devices to create the largest civilian surveillance network in the US 

UK Vaccine Passports:  Exposing Satanism and Witchcraft

Facebook-owned apps can track and harvest your data even if you aren’t actively using them

EU slaps online giant Amazon with $887 million fine

The cryptocurrency surveillance provision buried in the infrastructure bill is a disaster for digital privacy 

Apple now scanning iPhones without permission to supposedly look for child pornography

Apple Just Declared War on Your Privacy

As The World Becomes An End Times Freak Show, The Mark Of The Beast System Is Now Online And Operational 

 Covid Vaccination Tattoos, Biometrics & The Mark Of The Beast 

Are  Covid vaccines part of the mark of the beast system?

Women Are Cutting Open Their Bra Straps And Finding Bizarre “Devices” Inside

Americans more opposed to gov’t spying now than a decade ago: Poll

A step program to the mark of the beast The Unleashing  

Iron mixed with clay vaccine Sabine Vlaming    

Lawsuit: Apple and Google Are Recording Users Without Their Knowledge

Companies Increasingly Using ‘Tattleware’ To Monitor Employees Working From Home

"President Biden’s" Total Financial Surveillance

Orwell’s authoritarian surveillance state is finally here: Amazon to release new TVs that feature constant spying on everything you say

Moving towards digital documentation of  Covid-19 status 

“Digital Documentation of  Covid-19 Certificates: Vaccination Status – Technical Specs & Implementation Guidance.”, World Health Organization

FCC refuses to budge on calls to update its radio frequency radiation and health impact guidelines 

Company that Handles Billions of Text Messages from Major Cellular Carriers Says its Database was Hacked for Years

Academia Is Establishing A Permanent Surveillance Bureaucracy That Will Soon Govern The Rest Of The Country 

Feds secretly order Google to track people who search for specific names, addresses and keywords

The Whole World Is Watching Bill Gates Dream Of Forcing A Vaccine And Digital ID On Every Human Being Come True

With Death Panels Here, Imagine Barcodes On Americans Foreheads To Scan Vax Status Now Dead Ahead

Bill Gates Is Working Around The Clock To Bring A Global Identification System Based On The  Covid Immunity Passport To Every Nation On Earth

China Is Actively Trying to Acquire Your Genetic Data, US Officials Warn

Judge has something serious to say about gov’t demand to spy inside your home

What Is the Business Model for DuckDuckGo?

Colleges Conditioning Students for a Surveillance Bureaucracy

Post Office Claims Surveillance Powers Under Same Law Used to Curb Cops

The Global Elite Plan: Taking Over All Genetic Material on Earth

New patent proposes digital surveillance to vaccinate people based on social credit style scores

Here come the tattoo marks – Scientists want to stamp children with invisible ink to prove they’ve been vaccinated

Vaccine Pass Being Programmed Into Phones

In Sweden, Get Your  Covid-19 Certificate Linked to Your Chip Implant

80 House Republicans Help Pass Bill to Fund Federal Vaccination Database

Swedish biohacker promotes implanted microchip  Covid passports in your hands 

Mark of the Beast is here: Subcutaneous quantum dot “vaccine passports” from Bill Gates are ready to be injected into human subjects

80 House Republicans Help Pass Bill To Fund Federal Vax Surveillance State

People Are Getting Vaccine Passport Microchips Embedded in Their Hands as  Covid Advances the ‘Internet of Bodies’ 

WhatsApp, iMessage share user data with FBI, leaked document shows 

80 Republicans Vote to Fund Federal Vaccine Database to Spy on Americans

Verizon accused of collecting customer browsing history (and more) 

World’s tiniest camera – the size of a grain of salt – created by scientists 

Is CVS about to turn over millions of vaccine records to Bill Gates? Microsoft partnership raises questions and medical privacy and corporate exploitation of vaccine mandates   

Sweden:  People Are Getting Vaccine Passport Microchips Embedded in Their Hands as  Covid Advances the ‘Internet of Bodies’  

South Korea to Use Facial Recognition Cameras to Track  Covid Cases, Ensure Mask Compliance

Big Brother is here: Governments exploit pandemic to normalize surveillance 

Big setback for iPhone maker Apple as watchdog probes abuse of privacy policy

Police: Crooks Are Using Apple ‘AirTag’ Trackers to Target Vehicles for Theft

New Fauci-Zuckerberg Emails Reveal Offer of ‘Data Reports’ To Aid Lockdown Policies, Vaccine Development

South Korea Experiments with AI to Track Citizens with  Covid

Canada’s health agency admits tracking 33 million devices during lockdown

Swedish startup introduces implantable microchip that can store a  Covid passport under your skin

CIA, CCP unveil “Vaccine Credential Initiative” will involve microchip tracking of vaccine status

FBI ‘Secret Spy Plane Surveillance Program’ Detailed In Court Records

Vaccine Apartheid

The Developer Of Human Implantable  Covid Subdermals Says There’s No Stopping It And It’s Coming ‘Whether we like it or not!’ 

Ultra-Wideband Technology:  A Giant Step Closer To The Mark Of The Beast

Pills Equipped With Sensors To Digitally Track When And If You Took The Drug Approved By FDA In 2017 

Dr. Zelenko Reveals Horrific Mark of The Beast Bankers Technology Engineered to Condemn Humanity

Former 4 Star Admiral: The DNA From All Those Carcinogen-Laced  Covid Tests The People Have Been Taking Are Being Sent To China

Implantable Chips for Humans Coming “Whether We Like It or Not”

The Metaverse Will Be A Full-Time Tracking And Surveillance Platform That Records Your Eye Movements, Facial Expressions And Biometric Data 

Amazon Is Opening A 30,000 Square Foot Retail Clothing Store In Los Angeles That Will Feature Paying By Palm Scan And QR Codes In Dystopian Harbinger

The Plan to Tag Us for the New World Order Slave System

Pelosi’s Capitol Police Gathering “Intelligence” on Hill Staffers and Citizens Who Meet with Lawmakers

Samsung Unveils A World’s-First Fingerprint Security S3B512C Microchip To Speed Up Biometric ‘Buying And Selling’ Payment Collection 

4 AGs Sue Google for Tracking Users Without Permission 

Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg Rolls Out Plan To Cover America With ‘Red Light’ Surveillance Cameras Connected To The Metaverse

Doctor Detects ​MAC Addresses in  Covid Vaccinated Individuals ​With Bluetooth Applications

Iron Is Mixing With Clay Right Now Dr. Gene Kim

Chinese Military-Linked Firm Gathers American DNA, Provides  Covid Tests – Udumbara Falun Dafa and more…

Doctors will able to monitor your medical condition online when you attach this painless, Israeli-invented ‘bandaid’ to your skin

EU Disease Agency Wants  Covid Vaccine Tracker Applied To 40 Other Vaccines

US states are fighting back against Google’s secret location tracking 

Texas Sues Facebook For Hundreds Of Billions Of Dollars For Abusing Facial Recognition Tools

Klaus Schwab At The World Economic Forum Confirms That Vaccination Passports Are First Step Towards A Global Digital Identification All People Will Be Required To Have

World Economic Forum’s Communist ‘Digital Identity’ Scheme 

The Whole World Took Part In The Largest DNA Data Collection Exercise In Human History

Things you should know about the UK Governments plan to implement a Social Credit System 

Vaccine passports can be used for surveillance under the guise of public health measures

ESG Scoring Drives Companies Into Sustainable Development, Aka Technocracy

Smart devices are watching you everywhere and violating your privacy, computer scientists warn

"President Biden’s" New Covid Coordinator Wants Vaccine Passports, Claims ‘We Aren’t Anywhere Near the End of This Pandemic’.

Globalists Capitalize on Ukraine Crisis, Establish New Surveillance Society

State partners with Apple for digital IDs 

EU Plans Largest ‘Chinese-Style Surveillance State’, Call To Action

Dumbphone Sales Are Soaring As People Revolt Against “Overwhelming” Smartphones

UK to launch new digital ID technology next month as part of nationwide digital ID push

Tracking the Vaxxed 

The microchip implants that let you pay with your hand

WEF: ‘Total Biometric Surveillance… We Need To Monitor What’s Happening Under The Skin’

The Government of Canada, Air Canada and two major Canadian airports have partnered with the World Economic Forum (WEF) on a digital ID project that could see a social credit-like system be required for travelling

The Transhumanist Agenda is capturing your data and influencing your mind

A National Vaccine Passport Has Quietly Rolled Out – And Red States Are Joining

Hand-Implanted Microchip “Walletmor” Will Work with Digital Wallet For Contactless Payments

The Mark & Microchip The Prophecy Club

Mark of the Beast OK’d by Supreme Court 

Nothing will be private: The rise of microchipping and the ‘internet of bodies’ 

Anomaly Six Demo’d Surveillance Powers by Spying on CIA

Rome launches Europe’s first social credit system

Nigeria: 73 million SIM-NIN Unlinked Subscribers Barred from Making Calls

Italy Announces Rollout of Dystopian Social Credit System; Compliant Citizens Will Be Rewarded For “Good Behaviour”

Microchip implanted in your hand? Why worry? 

Governments worldwide are working in Lockstep to bring in Digital I.D. & Social Credit System as EU agrees to expand online censorship with ‘Digital Services Act’ 

Hand-Implanted Microchip “Walletmor” Will Work with Digital Wallet For Contactless Payments

Just Days After Macron Election Victory, France Announces Creation Of A Digital Identity App For Citizens To Access Public And Private Services

Minnesota House to put Covid patients under surveillance

Canada Moves Forward with Plans to Implement Digital IDs 

Bill Gates calls for worldwide government surveillance system

CDC used location data from millions of cell phones to track lockdown compliance 

Chinese Style Social Credit System to Launch in Italy and Germany this Year

France Announces Digital Identity App Days After Macron Re-Election

Dangers of the incoming Digital ID system

New tech lets ‘you pay with your hand’

Exposing the ‘Digital ID is a Human Right’ Scam

Mastercard introduces controversial biometric payments that require a face scan

Covid Lies: Asymptomatic Spread and PCR Tests Identify Infections 

Uganda Will Harvest the DNA of its Citizens Under National ID Program

Food Shortage: Ushering in Social Credit System 

Smart device that gives Covid test results in 20 minutes also sends data to CDC and other government agencies

Mastercard Launches Next Step In Evolution Of Biometric Payments Now Allowing You To Use Your Face Or Fingerprints To Buy And Sell In The Metaverse

Monkeypox is the latest tool being used to usher in The Great Reset 

WHO partners with German telecom company to create global Covid-19 vaccine passport app 

Norwegian Government is Collecting Details of Personal Supermarket Purchases Through Bank Card Transactions 

Dr Vernon Coleman: ‘Social Credit is coming and it’s all part of The Great Reset plan

Apparently, the WEF Wants to Track Our Children with RFID Tags

...Put your Phone It In Your Body 

China bank protest stopped by health codes turning red, depositors say

Globalist Surveillance State: WEF Begins Secret ‘Smart City’ Operations in the Netherlands

Chinese Employees Repeatedly Accessed Private Data from Numerous TikTok Users per Leaked Audio from Internal Meetings

China Orders Foreign Funds Management Companies to Create Units to Be Managed by the CCP

Hospitals Are Sending Your Private Medical Data to Facebook, Says Dr. Robert Malone

All New Vehicles in the EU Will Have Surveillance Black Boxes 

Study: 99% Of Covid-19 Data Websites Secretly Track Users

Beijing Residents Forced to Wear Regime-Issued Electronic Bracelets if You Traveled Out of the City – Will Track Your Location and Monitor Temperature

Bovard: Google Is Exploiting User Data For Its Political Agenda

China’s Surveillance State Hits Rare Resistance From Its Own Subjects 

Missouri Sheriff Refuses To Hand Over Gun Owners’ Info To FBI: ‘I Will Go Down With The Ship’

House Intel Committee Member Warns DNA Testing Kits Could Lead To Targeted Bioweapons

Getting “vaccinated” for monkeypox automatically enrolls you in WHO data collection “clinical trial”

Halting backdoor government snooping seen as key to data privacy

Legal Complaint Filed Against Co-Op’s “Orwellian” Facial Recognition 

Canada’s vaccine passport faces federal privacy investigation

New Jersey is accused of keeping a database of DNA from babies, to use for solving crimes and more

Social Credit: This time next year you’ll be living in “China”

Digital ID Tyranny is being Rolled Out Across the World

iRobot Mapping Your Home

Germany’s Health Minister Wants Vaccine Passports To be Colour Coded for Compliance, Just Like China 

Dozens Of Whole Foods Stores Allow Customers To Pay With Palm Print Biometric Data

Ring Cameras Amassing Info On Users…And Their Neighbors

DNA biowarfare: House Intelligence Committee member warns Americans against using DNA testing kits

Digital Militarization of Klaus Schwab’s WEF and the United Nations

World Economic Forum Targets Children: ‘Rational Reasons’ to Microchip Them 

DNA biowarfare: House Intelligence Committee member warns Americans against using DNA testing kits 

Chinese Facial Recognition Cameras Installed Across UK

Facebook Spied On Private Messages Of “Conservative Right-Wing Individuals”, Then Reported To FBI For Domestic Terrorism

WEF Pushes ‘Surveillance System Plan’ to Track Carbon Footprint

As Gates Doubles Down on Digital IDs, Critic Warns of ‘Gravest Technological Threat’ to Liberty

Colorado town installing robots to track citizens via license plates

Gates Foundation gives $200 million to help establish global digital ID system of surveillance 

World Economic Forum Biometric ‘Digital Identity Project’ Given $106M Boost by Trudeau’s Canadian Government

"President Biden" executive order allows spying on Americans to assess ‘political instability,’ climate ‘threats’ 

Communist Chinese Party Govt. Set Up ‘Police Station’ to Spy on Dissenters in New York

Australia’s New Digital Identity: One Step Closer to China, Experts Warn

Australian Bank Begins Linking Customer Transactions to Carbon Footprint

Luciferse Detecting Street Lights

Man In England Becomes First Ever To Have Microchip For His Bank Card Implanted Into The Back Of His Right Hand From Biotech Company Walletmor

How Businesses are softening up the Public for a Chinese-Style Social Credit System 

The Beast System: Smart Cities, CBDC, Digital ID Rippster4truth

The Rise Of The Biomedical Security State

US Citizens Were Tracked Via Secret ‘Covid Decree Violation’ Scores

National digital ID clears congressional hurdle amid fears it could be politically abused

Turkey Will Be Integrating Central Bank Digital Currency with Digital ID System

‘Trans Buddies’ Now Assigned to Monitor Doctors for Transphobia

State Department gives intelligence agencies unrestricted access to personal data of US citizens

Schwab’s WEF is now pushing to implant Tracking Microchips in Humans as part of The Great Reset agenda 

Australia’s Banks have introduced a Social Credit System by linking Publics transactions to their Carbon Footprint

Digital ID Will Merge Your Identity & Reputation Into Trust Scores

Planned ‘universal health code’ linked to health data platform sparks fears in China

G20 Leaders Issue Joint Declaration Promoting Global Health Passport to ‘Facilitate International Travel’

Canada to introduce Social Credit System next year with Carbon Counter on Visa Card Purchases

New Zealand and Scotland’s Progression into a Life Controlled by Digital IDs

Google is sued for auto-installing Covid “spyware” on people’s phones

China Has Just Released a Draft National Social Credit Law

‘Smart Cities’ Worldwide Being Converted Into ‘Open Concentration Camps,’ Says Ex-Silicon Valley Engineer Turned Whistleblower

The Atlas of Surveillance: Revealing the Shocking Scope of Gov’t Spying

Montana AG concerned FedEx, UPS may be tracking gun ownership for White House

UK agrees with Ukraine to “cooperate” on & implement Digital IDs 

UN & WEF:  You will be tracked in your suburb

Privacy concerns arise as Australian gov’t moves toward implementing digital ID

Senator Warns ‘Your City is Tracking You, Dystopian Future’

House Democrats Push Legislation To Analyze Social Media Posts For Future Mass Shootings

Gen. Flynn: Digital vax card and digital currency are coming soon 

Jordan Peterson Warns the Left is Planning a ‘Totalitarian Social Credit System’

EU funds test of biometric payments from digital wallets

Netanyahu Will Help Pfizer Create Covid Biometric Database

EU funds test of biometric payments from digital wallets

US troops’ fingerprints, eye scans sold on eBay

WEF To Accelerate Push For ‘Metaverse’ Surveillance Network At Davos 2023

Your Robot Vacuum Is Spying On You & Your Toilet Pics Could End Up On Social Media

The Infrastructure Of Antichrist: Living In The Age Of Surveillance 

Researcher Reveals Google Home Speakers Could’ve Been Hijacked And Turned Into Wiretaps

ATF Uses Stingrays To Track Americans

Technocrats-At-Work: Medical Profession Implements WHO’s Digital Diagnosis Code For The Unvaxxed

Iconic venue urged to drop facial recognition ‘enemies list’ 

China Is Using QR Codes On Kitchen Knifes In Order To Track Them

Ukraine is now exporting its digital ID framework to other nations

Obnoxiously loud car? A traffic camera might be listening.

UK Army Unit Spied on Citizens During Covid Pandemic 

UK government is trying to railroad the Public into a Digital ID System

Covid Related News: ICD codes have been changed to track uninjected people 

Feds Adapting AI To Track and Combat American Public Dissent

Kenya trials biometric vaccination tracking system for newborn babies

These Dolls May Be Spying On And Recording Your Children

Justin Trudeau Hijacks Canada’s Healthcare and Threatens Provincial Premiers to Cut Off Healthcare Funding Unless They Agree to Digital Health ID

Social credit Brazilian style: All UBI recipients must be vaxxed

Canadian conservatives say no to Digital IDs that WEF collaborators are attempting to implement 

No Vaccine No Food? Grocery Industry Merging with Big Tech and Big Pharma as New App Tracks Drug and Vaccine Purchases Along with Food

Leading banker says UK soon to introduce ‘super app’ that will combine digital ID, financial data into the ultimate control tool 

Doctors sue Japanese government for requiring national ID to access medical care 

World Health Organization pushes for global vaccine passports

While you are watching your TV, your TV is watching you 

Blackstone to acquire for $4.7 billion

Florida Withdraws From Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC) Amid Concerns About Data Privacy And Blatant Partisanship

Leaked messages: UK Covid czar talked about injecting people with Bill Gates microchips

California county used cell phone tracking, stakeouts to monitor churchgoers during Covid lockdown: report

Canada’s police chiefs want to expand DNA collection laws to non-violent offenders

US TikTok User Data Has Been Repeatedly Accessed From China, Leaked Audio Shows

US poised to surrender sovereignty, impose biomedical surveillance 

Chinese Spyware App TikTok Collects Data From More Than Two-Dozen State Governments, Review Finds

Amazon Accused of Secretly Collecting Customers’ Biometric Data

Cybersecurity specialists say microphones may be constantly picking up clues about someone

Recently Passed Bill Clears the Way for a Mandatory Adult Vaccine Database 

Following China: JP Morgan Chase wants people to pay for goods with face scans

Judge finds Google destroyed evidence and repeatedly gave false info to court

Amazon Illegally Harvested Kids’ Data Via Alexa-Powered ‘Smart’ Speakers 

Clearview AI Scraped Billions Of Facebook Photos For Facial Recognition Database 

The Coming Global Beast System that Would Require Compliance with Digital Health Tyranny Enforced by U.N. World Health Organization

Elon Musk says US gov’t had ‘full access’ to Twitter, including DMs

Phase 2 Of The Great Reset Will See Climate Change ‘Justice’ Being Administered Through The Auspices Of Your Carbon Footprint Tracker

ChatGPT is scraping people’s personal data without their consent – it could become banned in the EU 

Elon Musk Threatens To Sue Microsoft Over ‘Illegal Use’ Of Twitter Data

Senators Introduce Bill to Create Digital Identity for All Americans

How Google is using fonts to track what you do online and sell data to advertisers 

Dystopian Consequences of the Social Credit Score System, Digital ID, & Cashless Society that Schwab’s WEF are lobbying to put in place as part of the plan for The Great Reset

WHO is forging ahead with plans to implement a Global Digital Health Certificate

Vaccine passport has same digital platform as Chinese social credit system. Comply or be denied access to society.

Data: Americans Fear Their Own Government's Spying

Klaus Schwab and the Mark of the Beast Prophecy Watchers

Americans Fear Their Own Government Spying

Starbucks teams up with Amazon to launch biometric payment system in certain locations

Your DNA Can Now Be Pulled Out Of Thin Air 

World Economic Forum Pushes Facial Recognition Technology

Military’s expanded role in 5G could lead to ‘mass data collection, tacking and monitoring’ of US citizens 

Kenya To Expand Biometric Vaccine Tracking For Newborns

European Commission has initiated four pan-European projects for Digital IDs 

Criminals ‘Can Find Everything’ About You, Warns Surveillance Expert

UK: NHS trusts shared patients’ private health records with Facebook 

3 in 10 Young Americans and Mostly Democrats Support Government Cameras Installed in American Households, Survey Says

WHO moving forward with “global system” for digital health IDs

US Senators Reintroduce ‘Gene Act’ to Protect Americans’ Genetic Data From Chinese Regime

WHO’s Digital Health Certification is a step towards setting up a one world government 

UK: Send Aldi back to Germany and shutdown Yoti 

New Yorkers sue Amazon, Starbucks over biometrics use in cashierless stores

Racehorses dropping dead at Churchill Downs: Wearing wireless monitors (called “STRIDESafe”)

WHO launches ‘digital health certification network’

United Nations Planning Digital ID Linked to Bank Accounts

UK's Social Credit System

Facial Recognition And a Good Social Credit Score Are Required to Buy Gas in China

“A Global Digital Compact” – UN promoting censorship, social credit & much more

World Economic Forum Concludes “Annual Meeting of the New Champions” in China with Accelerated Plans Toward Global Social Credit and Digital Surveillance

New York Ends $250 Million Vaccine Passport Mobile App, Citing Reduced Demand

Your Phone is Spying on You: Computer Scientists Reveal What’s Hiding in Your Apps

Not Science Fiction: Neuralink Brain Chip Implant To Begin In-human Clinical Study

GA Chip: Georgia Child Identification Program

WEF Says CBDCs Must Be ‘Implanted Under Your Skin’ if You Want To Participate in Society

Digital identification that is tied to bank accounts

Colorado: Now Using Amazon One at 11 Whole Foods Locations 

...Amazon Wants To Bring Palm Payments To All Whole Foods Stores 

The Freemasons’ My Chip programme used to track children

...Collecting their DNA 

CEO Of Tech Company OpenAI Says To Prepare Yourself For The Coming ‘World ID'

Schools are Storing your Child’s Biometric Data without Consent

UK: Government Nudge Unit is working with leftist banks to implement a secret social credit system disguised as 'Carbon Guilt Trip Tracker’

Digital ID Systems Should Not Be Centralized

Millions Flock To Worldcoin To Have Their Irises Scanned To Receive A Digital ID As Founder Orders Services To Be Made Available To Governments

Tony Blair is spreading his digital ID propaganda around the World 

Canada budgeted millions for ‘vaccine passports’ until 2026, memo reveals

12 States Now Using Mobile Digital Driver License IDs Based on Face Scans

Blue Users on X Will Need to Send Selfie & Data to Israeli Software Company

Marsha Blackburn Calls for Investigation of Google over YouTube Ads Enabling the Tracking of Children

Nearly a Quarter of US States Introducing Biometric Digital IDs, Many Are Republican States

Biomedical Security in the Covid Era

"President" Biden Attempted To Form an Agreement With TikTok That Would Give The US Government Unprecedented Access

“Orwellian” AI Traffic Cameras Going Up Across America

Bill Gates Pushes National ID System

UK gov’t tracks US journalists who make freedom of information requests

Biotechnology experimentation should be outlawed

Auto Manufacturers Are Gathering Information on You

U.S. Spy Agencies to Launch ‘Smart Clothing’ Under Guise of ‘Better Health Monitoring’ 

EU Chief Boasts About Vaccine Passports, Calls For More Global Digital Collaboration 

X ID Verification Goes Live

G20 Sign Treaty To Roll Out WEF Digital Passports Worldwide

Canada Post caught spying on Canadians, recording who sends them mail

Australia Creates Taskforce For Implementing Universal Digital ID System

Beware of nations, states, corporations, or groups offering benefits such as the “Digital Family Card” that require digital ID

London: Mobile enforcement van is smashed up and left with flat tyres in ongoing war against Sadiq Khan’s crackdown on motorists

Geofencing: enforcement officers tracked Christians from Calvary Chapel in 2020 with satellites locking in on their cell phone for violating Covid-19 restrictions regarding public gatherings 

Schools Are Normalizing Intrusive Surveillance

Carbon Passports 

UK government is monitoring teachers’ online activity and recording criticism of government policies and Ofsted

Bill Gates Pushes Digital ID for Newborns in Kenya 

32 Groups Ask New York City to Ban Facial Recognition Technology

The UN, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and partners of the Rockefeller Foundation are launching a campaign to accelerate digital ID, digital payments, and data sharing  

EU Moves Forward With Digital ID Despite Security Concerns And Potential For Abuse

EU Global Digital ID Announced Neil McCoy-Ward

Tony Blair is working with the WEF & Bill Gates to make Digital IDs Mandatory to Live a “Normal” Life around the World

The U.S. Government is Stealing Newborn Babies DNA

Nebraska Collecting All Health Data on All Residents — Critics Call It a Step Toward National Digital ID

EU’s Digital Identity Wallet Is An Electronic Leash With Which Brussels Wants To Control Its Citizens

NTSB Proposes Dystopian Technology To Limit Your Driving Speed

EU Digital Identity: Eurocrats want to create a regime in which citizens are increasingly controlled by Brussels

Congress charges forward with proposed ban on Chinese Communist Party-linked biotech company believed to be stealing DNA from Americans

Millions of Americans Being Surveilled Through Secret AT&T Cellphone Program

Brussels: Digital Identity Wallet is an electronic leash to control citizens

UN Launches Gates-Funded Global Digital ID Program as Experts Warn of ‘Totalitarian Nightmare’

Meta Deliberately Collects Data From Millions of Kids Under Age 13

UN Cybercrime Treaty has morphed into an expansive surveillance treaty

Some Smart Toys Can Collect Kids’ Iris Scans, Fingerprints, Vital Signs and More

Australian government is trying to sneak through Digital Identity Bill over Christmas

Amazon selling hidden spy cameras disguised as boring home accessory

Gates-Backed Group Funds Needle-Free mRNA Vaccine ‘Wafer’ Technology

TikTok Demanding Users Enter iPhone Passwords to View Content

The New Blue Screen Of Death? “Your Vehicle Cannot Be Driven” 

Tap-To-Pay Terminals Can Reach Into Your Wallet Or Purse And Charge You For Things You Haven’t Even Purchased

UK to roll out advanced facial technology at airports 

Google settles privacy washing lawsuit for an undisclosed amount 

Canada: Sanctioned Chinese Company’s Cameras Found Across 50 Quebec Cities, Hospitals, Government Facilities

Meet ‘Link History,’ Facebook’s New Way to Track the Websites You Visit

UK Ministers are Pushing for More Power to Snoop  

They Are Going To Start Installing ChatGPT In New Volkswagen Models

Google Pays Parents to Collect Facial Recognition Data of Kids

Digital ID Framework — The WEF Is Creating Much More Than ‘Proof Of Identity’ 

WEF-UN calls for censorship, digital IDs and artificial intelligence everywhere

Dutch Queen Demands ‘Digital IDs’ Track ‘Vaccination Status’

Dutch Queen Máxima’s popularity dwindles as she markets Digital IDs and CBDCs

Elon Musk Announces First Person Received Neuralink Microchip in Brain

WEF is Digitizing Ukraine:  The Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution

German Coffee Shop Adopts Chinese Social Credit System

Leo Hohmann: Expanding Intrusive Facial Recognition Scans to All 430 ‘Federalized’ Airports

CBDCs and the 2030 Agenda: The ‘Under Skin’! Your Future is Being Decided

Additions to technocrats’ surveillance toolkit: Microfliers, human-computer networks and AI

Australia sets a date to achieve nationwide digital IDs

Doctor warns WHO pandemic treaty includes ‘gain of function’ data sharing 

Bill Gates is “inspired” by digital ID and smart farming projects in India

Evidence In Faces Shows Hydrogel ID System Already Deployed

TSA Facial Recognition Is Being Rolled Out at More U.S. Airports More

Experimenting With Military Robots In Gaza

Feds Colluded with Big Banks to Spy on Americans

AI on the job: Workers Fear Being Watched 

RecFaces Live Facial Recognition Used for Security During 2024 Brazilian Carnival

Passengers without passports must now submit to facial recognition to board flights in US

Canada’s “open banking” is paving the way to a national social credit system

Digital IDs are being rolled out to toddlers and children in the Philippines and Cayman Islands

Bill Gates confirms Digital IDs will be mandatory to participate in Society

Experts Tell Congress: China Building ‘World’s Largest DNA Database’ Usable to Harvest Organs

Australia's Digital ID Bill Passed in Parliament

Despite the Post Office Scandal Fujitsu is Set To Win UK Digital ID Contract

Starbucks’ Biometric Experiment With Palm Payments In Washington Town

Western taxpayers are funding the global rollout of the controligarchs’ surveillance and control system 

Digital information bill could grant UK Government extraordinary financial surveillance powers ahead of decision on whether a CBDC will be introduced

EU Plans Mass Surveillance of Private Chats

Bill Gates and the UN impose their digital IDs on Sierra Leoneans

EU Officials Dodge Their Own Surveillance Law

Nigeria’s digital prison has been built, and the gates are closing 

US renews controversial spying program 

Digital driving licenses are being rolled out across several countries; they’re digital IDs

Paris Olympics 2024: A New Era of AI and Biometric Surveillance

UN is tracking and controlling refugees’ cash and relief aid using digital IDs

Canadian Town to Require QR Code to Enter or Leave

FCC fines US wireless carriers over illegal location data sharing

Vietnam’s new biometric ID cards raise fears of privacy violations, data breaches

Australia’s Digital ID Push Is Undermined by Data Leak Disaster

Palm payment systems linked to IDs are being rolled out in retail outlets in USA and UAE

Canada: Justin Trudeau Creates Blueprint For Dystopia In Speech Bill

Germany: Court Allows Intelligence Monitoring of Conservative AfD Party Over ‘Threat to Democracy,’ Could Ban It Altogether

Congressional witnesses claim China is sequencing DNA for forced organ harvesting

Mark Zuckerberg’s Meta is developing “smart earphones” to track users and those around them

UK: government advisors say smart water meters should be made compulsory

The United Nations launched its CODES Action Plan.  Using the mitigation of “climate change” as justification, the plan incorporates planetary digital twins and digital product passports

CA: Pay with your face

JPMorgan Chase: biometric payment system

Digital IDs: The system of surveillance using biometrics does not require a physical ID card 

WHO fails to get agreement on the text of the Pandemic Treaty

‘Spider web’ sensors on skin

US government enforces showing a national ID before boarding domestic flights

Switzerland: School To Use Remote Tracking Wristbands On Children 

Google secretly collecting data on users: children’s voice data and leaked information on the trips and home addresses of car pool users

New Jersey doubles down on their unconstitutional policy of keeping blood drawn from every baby

Britian: the world of social credit just got much closer

UK: network rail covertly monitors people’s emotions using facial recognition and AI

The Biomedical State; how the global public health game works 

Oxford Nanopore: The Internet of Living Things is closer than you think 

Uganda is making iris biometrics part of its new national digital ID 

Google is rolling out an app for biometric travel passports

Blair says “a little work of persuasion” is needed to implement “essential” digital IDs in the UK

UK government proposes legislation to further commercialize our personal data and widen the use of digital ID verification

Medical codes used across the US are updated to include a code for bird flu vaccines

The Ramifications of Blackstone and The WEF Purchasing Our Genetic Information 

“CopenPay” – Europe’s First Climate-Centric Social Credit Scheme

...Nudging residents and tourists to accept a social credit system

US government tanked the economy with Covid lockdowns to gain control over the population through data collection and enforcement

UK: Labour government will let drug companies see your medical records

Indonesia takes step closer to digital prison as the Gov’t launches a project to roll out national digital IDs

British Prime Minister Starmer’s Orwellian Mass Facial Recognition Surveillance Plan to Silence Citizens

World Council for Health calls for an immediate and thorough investigation into the deaths of the children at primary school in Liverpool

Dr Sherri Tenpenny: “CDC Launches Traveler-based SARS-CoV-2 Genomic Surveillance Program"

New EU Vaccination Card Will be Used to Control Access to Banking

Ford:creating cars that can tell on you or your neighbor if you are speeding

Drones, Facial Recognition, AI Enlisted to Fight Crime

How Soon Before You’ll Need a Digital ID to Access Public Services?

Leaked BioTeq Slides: Advanced Human Chipping is Well Underway 

Media Giant CMG Bragged About Eavesdropping On Phone, Laptop Or ‘Smart Home’ Microphones

EU introduces biometric digital travel documents for visitors to the bloc

Europe’s Digital Vaccination Card and the Coming Era of Total Surveillance

Digital Vaccine Passports Coming to the EU 

Kuwait to freeze bank accounts of residents who do not register biometric fingerprints 

Summit of the Future: A pact to enforce increased digital surveillance of the public 

Chinese-made EVs in the UK are transmitting user data to China and could allow remote control and shutdown of vehicles

Digital IDs Are Coming to Social Media in California’s Crackdown

Isle of Man explores facial recognition at entry and exit points and mandatory ID for all residents

Gov’ts Are Not Using Biometrics To ‘Increase Security’

India plans to launch a pilot project for facial recognition at airports for foreign nationals 

Germany Rushes to Expand Biometric Surveillance

Fiji plans to roll out national digital IDs over the next three years

Plan to fingerprint passengers on entry to EU to be delayed again 

PopEye to Strengthen EU Border Biometrics with Gait Recognition Integration

The dark side of Meta’s smart glasses: Harvard students reveal how Mark Zuckerberg’s creepy spectacles can be used to instantly find strangers’ names and addresses

Digital ID project Worldcoin introduces new version of tool that scans people’s eyeballs

The Surveillance State has Arrived… And It’s Being Implemented by Our Cities and Towns

Canada: RCMP to create fake online profiles to track pro-family, pro-life and pro-freedom content Canadianians

Internet age verification is a smokescreen to coerce us into using digital IDs

UK government begins to implement digital IDs and tackle “misinformation”

Australia’s social media age verification bill is a Trojan Horse to implement Government controlled biometric digital ID

US market for connecting online actions to real-world identities is projected to be $15.5 billion by 2028

Apple’s patent to use body parts to identify people when their face is not visible to a camera is granted 

Pakistan: Investigation Confirms Theft of 2.7M Digital ID Records

European Union to fingerprint all travelers including Americans beginning In 2025

Britain falling apart, Tony Blair says a digital ID will fix everything

UK will Rollout Digital IDs In 2025

Walmart Employees Will Start Wearing Body Cameras To Prevent Theft

Schools Using AI to Send Police to Students’ Homes

Near Death Experience: What Jesus Revealed About the Mark of The Beast Will Shock You | Peculiar Stories

The digital surveillance and agenda quietly marches forward worldwide

Chinese-Made Electric Cars in UK Can Be Remotely Shut Down by China, Report

UK government plans to profiteer from NHS patients’ private medical information

Apple to pay $95 million in Siri spying lawsuit

The UK government and corporate media’s blatant propaganda in an attempt to convince the public that digital IDs will benefit them

Texas Sues Allstate For Secretly Tracking Drivers Through Apps, Using Data To Raise Rates

The UN Mandated Digital Identity Chip

Tony Blair urges Starmer to bring in national digital IDs to use against the populist right

Russia to Launch Nationwide Biometric Payment System by 2025

Top Globalist Demands Digital IDs to ‘Flush Out’ the Populist Right

Wi-Fi, Cell Towers May Soon Be Spying on You Without Your Consent

Stargate: Mark of the beast technology, AI powered surveillance state, AI god Andy Woods   

Surveillance State