People Control
Civilian disarmament
[High School Textbook Rewrites Second
Amendment–Literally by Hillary Cherry] "The authors of United States History:
Preparing for the Advanced Placement Examination have taken it upon themselves
to change the Constitution of the United States. The high school textbook
contains a summary of each Amendment that alters the initial intent in which
they were created.
The textbook notes the Second Amendment as, "The
people have a right to keep and bear arms in a state militia."
The actual Second Amendment
reads, "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free
State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed..."
Full text:
High School Textbook Rewrites
Second Amendment–Literally
Lk 22:36
"We're going to have to change our traditions, our history..."
~ Michelle Obama in Puerto Rico
Gun Quotes Founding Fathers
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "Well gee the full text of the actual amendment says "Militia" (a frequent and convenient omission by the pro-gun lobby)..."
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
7th-graders suspended for
playing with airsoft gun in own yard
Hero with gun: Ex-Royal Marine
saved 100 during al Qaeda attack at Kenya mall
Newspaper Sues for Names of Gun Permit Holders
Pastor saves the day with responsible use of gun
479 Sheriffs Refuse to Enforce
New Laws on Gun Control
Colorado's school shooting over
in 80 seconds--why?
Sandy Hook Elementary School A
Gun Free Zone
Hunters, Fishermen Targeted by
Feds for Local Violations
Federal Judge Overturns
Chicago's Ban On Gun Sales
Detroit Police Chief: Concealed
Carry Deters Crime, Saves Lives
Thugs Picked the Wrong Dad to
Target for Shameful ‘Knockout Game’ — He’s a Concealed-Carry Permit Holder, and
He Used It
Armed Homeowner + Former Female
Boxer = Almost No Chance of Success for Group of Criminals
Brazen Crook Greeted by Texas
Woman and a Shotgun – Guess How His Night Turned Out
Suspected Burglar Really Didn’t
Know Whose House He Was Breaking Into…and It Cost Him His Life
Couple Pulls a Gun While
Stealing From Sears. They Likely Weren’t Counting on the Former Marine Nearby
Is It Any Safer to Break Into a
Texas Home on Christmas Eve? This Guy Found Out
Obama to Tighten Mental Health
Restrictions on Gun Ownership
Anti-Second Amendment Senator Is
Being Mocked Relentlessly After He Warned of '30 Magazine Clips'
Smith & Wesson to End Most CA
Sales Due to Microstamping Regulation
Ammo shortage persists more than
year after Sandy Hook
Supreme Court Asked to Clarify
What it Means to 'Bear' Arms
Ninth Circuit Strikes Down CA
Law Restricting Concealed Carry
Detroit Mom Uses 'Assault Rifle'
to Ward Off Intruder
Elderly Woman Drew Gun to Ward
Off Unwanted Shoveler
NYC forces gun buyers to wait
six to eight months for permits
11-Year-Old Girl Shoots Cougar
to Save Brother
CA Freeing Criminals While
Keeping Guns from Law-Abiding Citizens
Bypassing Congress, DOJ to
Announce Expansion to Gun Background Checks
Student suspended for pointing
finger like gun
Obama: Doctors Should Ask About
Guns in Home
Obama's Anti-Second Amendment
Nominee For Surgeon General: Guns Are a Healthcare Issue
DC Man Found Guilty of
Possessing Inert 'Bullets '
NJ Student Suspended, Given Psych Eval for 'Twirling Pencil' Like a Gun
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "[H]ow do you even do that?"
Holder: We want to explore gun tracking bracelets
Police Reveal Gruesome Beheading Detail in Oklahoma Food Distribution Plant Murder
Obama to ban bullets by executive action, threatens top-selling AR-15 rifle
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Conservatives have been screaming for years that Obama is coming after their weapons. It has been, what, six years now and you can still buy them as you could before."
Would you like to take our guns? Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10, Lk 22:36
"I support gun ownership."
The Second Amendment was not for hunting. It was to protect against a tyrannical government.
[2nd Amendment] "Well, I mean, if you and your AR-15 want to go try to take on the most powerful military force this world has ever known, I certainly won't stop you."
Red Herring
We vote and in a small way are therefore responsible
for those in office and all that the do. Lk 19:13
[Lk 19:13] "Say what you want, but you are the one who is suggesting that your second amendment rights will protect you from the government, not me."
An armed citizenry is harder
for tyrants to control, yes (Lk 19:13).
Federal Judge Says DC Gun Carry Law is Unconstitutional
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "...Someone might want to inform the gun lobby that the right to bear arms doesn't include any idiot who thinks he needs to be his own government and army."
Red Herring
Name this idiot.
"Everyone who's shot up a school, shopping mall, theatre, restaurant, post office or court room with guns he bought and carried around legally..."
If one supports the Second Amendment (Lk
22:36), he's
a terrorist.
NRA: Gun blogs, videos, web forums threatened by new Obama regulation
Woman stabbed to death waiting for conceal carry permit
Doctors can report 'mentally ill' patients to FBI under new Obama rule
Gun Ban for Some Social Security Beneficiaries
Concealed weapon owner shoots hatchet-wielding attacker in Wash. 7-Eleven
Chelsea Clinton: Now that Scalia's Gone We Can Enact Gun Control
Obama announces new steps to curb gun violence
Social Security moves to block 'mentally ill' from buying guns
Obama: Omar Mateen Had ‘Glock Which Had A Lot of Clips in It’
Jeh Johnson: Gun control now matter of homeland security
UN: America Needs 'Robust Gun Regulation'
Obama Gog
#NoBillNoBreak: Democrats occupy the House to demand gun reform
Hawaii becomes first state to put gun owners in FBI database
If The Public Shouldn't Have Them, Why Does The IRS Need AR-15s?
What is an 'Assault Weapon'?
Ryan Deals on Guns
Planet X
Concealed Carrier Shuts Down Active Shooter at SC Nightclub
Armed Grandma Who Foiled Invasion: ‘I Decided That It’s Either Them or Me’
Easier ‘to Buy A Glock’ Than a Book
‘Line Out The Door’ For AR-15s After Mass. AG Announces ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban
Obama, Biden, Kaine Featured; Dems Look to Push Gun Control
Democrats Warn: Your Gun Is a Public Health Threat
Democrats Warn: Your Gun Is a Public Health Threat
Feds push police to scan license plates at gun shows
...Gather info on
Fact-Check: Tim Kaine Claims Background Checks ‘Make Us Safer’
O’Keefe Vid: Feingold Says Clinton to Use ‘Executive Order’ for Gun Control
Levi Strauss: Do Not Bring Your Legal, Concealed Carry Firearms Into Our Stores
Obama Administration Finalizes Social Security Gun Ban
New Gun Control Regulations Take Effect January
Over 98% of mass shootings occurred on gun-free zones, research shows
Obama in Harvard Law Review: Prayer Won’t Do It; We Need Gun Control
Congress Moves to Restore Gun Rights to Military Families
Obama Can’t Sneak Gun Grab Past Congress
Wyoming House passes bill that does away with gun-free zones in schools
Senate Votes to Get Rid of Obama Rule That Stripped Gun Rights From Social Security Recipients
Fox History Show Mocks Founders Belief in an Armed Citizenry
Giffords, Dems Pledge to Fight Concealed Carry for Law-Abiding Citizens
Bill Nye writer is ok if ‘a few old ass conservative white men have to die’ to pass gun control
Gun Confiscation Bill Signed Into Law
Hurricane Irma: Virgin Islands Seizes Guns, Ammo
U.S. Virgin Islands Gov.: Order to ‘Seize Arms’ Does Not Mean ‘Seize Arms’
Hillary Clinton: ‘Imagine the Deaths’ if Stephen Paddock Used a ‘Silencer’
9 Republicans Co-Sponsoring More Gun Control for Law-Abiding Americans
Officials in D.C. Seek Major Expansions to the District’s Gun Laws
US gun control: Jeff Sessions announces review into background checks
21 Gun Controls Currently Being Pushed by Senate Democrats and Their Surrogates
Honolulu Police Order Citizens With Medical Condition To Turn In Their Guns
Feds issue 4,000 gun seizure orders
US House votes to expand concealed carry gun rights
Five years after Sandy Hook, U.S. gun-control advocates switch strategy
NRA Readies Lawsuit Against California Ammunition Control
US Virgin Islands Gov. Renews Gun Order
Adam Schiff: Russians Promoted 2nd Amendment so Americans Would ‘Kill Each Other’
Escaped Inmate Captured After Being Shot by Concealed Permit Holder
Military added 4,000 veterans to gun ban list after Texas church shooting
Treasury Secretary Signals Gun Control Support
GOP Rep Rooney: I’ll Do Something on Gun Control, But ‘Not Necessarily for
Normal People’ – ‘Some Freedoms’ Will Be Lost
Rally Behind Student March for Gun Control
President Trump Is On Verge of Betraying His Base
The Common Sense
NRA boycott movement gains steam; Companies sever ties
...LaPierre warns of 'socialist state'
...Gun Seizures from People Deemed Dangerous?
...Texas to build police substation at school
...China Tells US: Be Like Us, Restrict Firearms
Enterprise Rent-a-Car: No More Discounts for NRA Members
More Companies Bow to Pressure, Sever NRA Ties
Hawkins: Government Failed to Protect Us Yet and Don’t Want Us to Protect Ourselves
Gun Confiscation Center Opens In Seattle
California agents coming for guns
Gov. Rick Scott Pushes Firearm Confiscation Orders, Opposes Arming Teachers for School Safety
Safest Place Scott Anthony
Kentucky school district to let teachers carry concealed guns
MSNBC: Teachers Not Ready to Carry Guns, Would Just Get Shot by Police
Bad Guy with Knife Stopped by Good Guy with AR-15
Meet The California Special Agents Who Are “Coming For Your Guns”
Dick’s Sporting Goods Enacts Corporate Gun Control: ‘Thoughts and Prayers Are Not Enough’
Trump: 'Take the guns first, go through due process second'
Texas Sheriff: We Don’t Wait, We Engage Active Shooters and Save Lives
Walmart, Dick’s expand corporate rift with gun lobby
Trump Wants Joe Manchin’s Gun Control, Rejects Steve Scalise’s National Reciprocity Push
Red Alert Red Alert Evasive Strategies Are Needed The Common Sense Show
FL Senate Bans AR-15’s...15 Minutes Later, Everything Changes
Dick’s Now Purging Pro-Gun, Patriotic Merchandise
Nation looking to destroy America wants to save it from guns
Seattle Police Begin Gun Confiscations: No Laws Broken, No Warrant, No Charges
NAACP wants guns confiscated from blacks
Town with Mandatory Guns at Home Law Has 2% Crime Rate
History Repeats Itself: Deep State Youth Push Gun Confiscation
Trump to Buck NRA, Push to Raise Minimum Rifle Purchase Age to 21
Guns Don’t Kill People, Ideas Do
Dick’s Sporting Goods Stock Price Tumbles After Siding with the Left
School district plans on punishing students who participated in walkouts
...Kids tear down flag, jump on cop car in Tennessee
...Ohio Student Suspended for Refusing to Leave Classroom During Gun Control
...Student Carrying 'Trump' Flag Assaulted
...Counter-Protests Defend 2nd Amendment
...Cuomo Demands action -- while surrounded by armed guards
Proof the NRA Stands with Anti-Gunners Against the 2nd Amendment HighImpactFlix
Kids trash Chicago Walmart during gun violence walkout
A Simple Picture Quiz Every Gun-Grabber Needs to Answer HighImpactFlix
Pennsylvania District Equips Classrooms With Buckets Of Rocks To Stone Mass Shooters
How RePublicans
Are Gutting the Second Amendment
The Complete List of Organizers: People Control 'March of Death'
Ex-Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens: Repeal Second Amendment
Dems Introduce Bullet Control Bill
Vermont House passes legislation imposing new gun restrictions
Students State Walkout in Support of 2nd Amendment
Chicago Suburb Empowers Police Chief to Confiscate ‘Assault Weapons'
DNC vice chairwoman: ‘Repeal the 2nd Amendment’
Florida cops want to seize man's guns under new law
2nd Amendment defenders warn of ‘star chamber’ gun control
Pro-Gun Parkland Student Blasts Obama: 'Asinine and Unamerican'
NRA lobbyist says home vandalized twice
Boy Dies After Being Hit by Truck During School Walkout on Guns
Gun-Free London 'War Zone''
...Rights from God, not government
Obama education secretary: Boycott schools for gun control
Thanks to David Hogg’s Die-In Stunt – Publix Cancels Donations to Planned Parenthood
The Recent Mass Shooting The Media Doesn’t Want You To Know About
Anti-gun protester David Hogg -- protected by armed guards?
New Jersey: ‘Surrender Your Guns Or Become A Criminal!’
Massachusetts Begins Confiscating Citizens’ Guns, Repealing Second Amendment
I really need to get out of Massachusetts. Our
supposedly Republican Governor is a never Trumper and not a true conservative.
Maybe before they attempt to take your gun (Lk 22:36).
Justice Dept pulls virtual trigger for online 3D guns
U.S. judge halts 3-D printed gun blueprints hours before planned release
Anti-gun fascist tyrant David Hogg now resorting to extortion demands targeting gun manufacturers
Levi Strauss teams up with gun control group: ‘We simply cannot stand by silently’
In some cities, police now take four days to respond to a 911 call
Leftist Campaign Tries To Stop Gun Owners From Voting On Election Day
Democrat Stacey Abrams: People May Have to ‘Turn Their Guns In’
Democrats Plan to Pursue Most Aggressive Gun-Control Legislation in Decades
Police Chief Refuses To Enforce New Gun Laws – ‘I’m Defending the Constitution’
NRA suing state for infringing 2nd Amendment
Gun Control Advocates In California Now Want to Tax Semi-Automatic Firearms
NJ State Police Won’t Rule Out Door-to-Door Enforcement of Mag Ban
Gun Confiscation Has Begun-What Comes Next? History Speaks Will America Listen?
House Democrats Ready Bill to Criminalize Private Gun Sales
DOJ, ATF Are About to Find Themselves in Court Over the Newly-Released Bump Stock Ban
Boston Mayor’s Office to Force Doctors to Identify and Document Patients Who Own Guns
23 guns seized from anti-gun politician’s City Hall offices in FBI raid
‘Disarm America
Movement’ Gunning for Your Second Amendment Rights
Sheriffs in Rural Washington Refuse to Enforce Latest Gun Controls
Three more Eastern Washington sheriffs say they won’t enforce gun control initiative
Under new law, Twitter could now decide whether people are allowed to own guns
Hawaii Democrats Want U.S. Congress to Consider Repeal of Second Amendment
10 Colorado Counties Declare Sanctuary Status Against Gun Confiscation Law
Colorado Sheriff: I’ll Go To Jail Before I Enforce Gun-Control ‘Red Flag Law’
Oregon’s SB-978 Gun Control Bill Is So Hysterically Restrictive That Pepper Spray Is A Felony
NRA helps sheriffs fight gun laws in Second Amendment ‘sanctuaries’
Churches arm, train congregants in wake of mass shootings
Colorado teen suspended from school after target practice with mom
Pro-Trump Former Marine Has Guns Confiscated to Protect Antifa Terrorists
Trump Administration Considering Social Credit Score System to Determine Who Can Buy a Gun
George Soros is Lobbying Lawmakers to Take Your Guns
Feds Demand Apple And Google Hand Over Names Of 10,000+ Users Of A Gun Scope App
NRA sues San Francisco over "domestic terrorist" declaration
Texas Attorney General: Beto’s Gun Confiscation Plan ‘Doesn’t Play Well’ Here
SC car dealership offering Bible, AR-15 and American flags with purchase of car
Real gun is a misdemeanor, but ‘finger gun’ is a felony
U.S. Supreme Court weighs challenge to New York gun transport limits
...Takes up first gun rights case in nearly a decade
Democrat-run Virginia legislature to criminalize all current owners of AR-15s
Virginia Democrats Move to Begin ‘Confiscation’ of Guns from Americans, Report Shows
NM governor signs ‘red flag’ gun confiscation into law; tells sheriffs to enforce it or resign
Obama-Appointed Judge Ignores Constitution in Favor of Gun Store Shutdown
US judge blocks background checks that denied ammo to law-abiding gun owners in California
Massachusetts gun shop vows to remain open despite cease-and-desist order amid coronavirus closures
Sheriff ‘highly recommending’ homeowners ‘blow’ looters ‘back out of the house with their guns’
May gun sales hit all-time record in face of COVID, riots
Cops Raid Mansion Of St. Louis Couple Who Defended Home From Protesters,
Confiscate AR-15
St. Louis Couple Charged With Felony After Using Firearms To Ward Off
Trespassing Protesters
Biden admin has database of nearly 1 billion gun purchase records
Connecticut Gov taking fire for ‘trying to turn legal gun owners into criminals’ with legislation
Biden Signs New Backdoor Gun Control Into Law
Georgia Gov. Kemp Signs ‘Constitutional Carry’ Bill Into Law
Sen. Cruz to introduce resolution blocking Biden gun control
Florida Sheriff: “We Prefer” Homeowners Shoot Burglars To “Save Taxpayer Money”‘We’re Gonna Ban Assault Weapons, Come Hell or High Water,’ "President Biden" Vows
Discover Credit Cards Will Track Gun Purchases
Court Strikes Down Biden’s ‘Ghost Gun Rule’
Documents Expose FBI Secretly Working with Hospitals to Disarm Americans Without Warrants
1 million guns sold every month for 43 straight months
Minnesota’s ban on gun permits for young adults is unconstitutional, judge says
Florida Enacts Constitutional Carry Law
Tennessee Legislature Moves to Expel Dem Lawmakers Who Participated in Anti-Gun Insurrection
Defrocked Democrat Labels Himself to the “Black Jesus” – Says He Will Resurrect on Sunday
"President Biden’s" ATF Director Was Asked to Define ‘Assault Weapon’ and It Didn’t Go Well
Semi-automatic rifle ban passes Washington state Legislature
Minnesota House approves new people control measures
Gun Industry Writes To Congress As Imminent Ban Threatens 40 Million Firearms
Federal Judge Blocks ATF Pistol Brace Rule For Major Gun Group
More than half of US churches have armed church members trained for active shooter
Armed IRS agents raid Montana gun shop, seize gun purchase records
Gun rights supporters sue Connecticut after governor signs bill with open carry ban
The Fight For Gun Rights In America
Officers asked to put guns in their car at Texas Roadhouse restaurant
Globalist Lula da Silva Bans Guns in Brazil: ‘The Gov’t Will Be Your Sole Source for Safety’
Confiscation: The Left Isn't Honest About Their End Game On Guns
House Democrats Demand 1,000% Tax On Semiautomatic Rifles
Leaked info suggests ATF is about to pass new rule banning private gun sales
New Mexico Governor Suspends Constitutional Gun Rights For Law-Abiding Citizens In Albuquerque
...Armed Citizens Roll Into Albuquerque
Federal judge again overturns California ban on high-capacity gun magazines
...‘Assault weapons’ ban unconstitutional
Bowling Alley Where Maine Attacker Killed 7 Is a Gun-Free Zone
Americans Buying 5.56 Ammo, Prices Surge 39% In A Week
Gun Confiscation Leads to Genocide
Congressional Dems Push Background Checks on Ammo Purchases, Seek to Criminalize Middlemen Buyers
New Polling Shows Majority Of American Households Own Guns And Support Gun Rights
The Supreme Court has taken up multiple firearms-related cases for this term
Democrats Combine All Their Gun Control Plans Into One Comprehensive Bill
Sen. Susan Collins Pushing Gun Control for U.S. Troops
Anti-Gun Group Faces Investigation Over Door-to-Door Firearms Buyback Drive
US Appeals Court Blocks California From Banning Guns In Most Public Places
Alaska Borough Urges Residents to Get Ammo and Arm Themselves
Washington State Democrats Want To Make Armed Self-Defense Illegal At Dangerous Bus Stops
Washington State Democrats: Using Ammo A ‘Privilege’ That Needs To Be Taxed
Hawaii Ignores US Supreme Court, Strikes Down Right To Carry Firearms In Public
Virginia Governor Vetos 30 Gun Bills That Would ‘Punish’ Law-Abiding Citizens
SCOTUS Will Hear Lawsuit Challenging Biden’s ATF “Ghost Gun” Rule Before Elections
Tennessee Republicans Pass Law Allowing Teachers To Be Armed
Federal Judge Halts ATF Rule Constraining Unlicensed Gun Deals
Supreme Court strikes down bump stock ban
“Day Has Finally Come”: Instagram Censors Team USA Rifle Shooter Ahead Of Paris
Machine gun ban ruled unconstitutional by federal judge
Fed. Judge Rules Licensed Carry Ban on IL Public Transit Unconstitutional
"President" Biden says Second Amendment was ‘never’ meant ‘to be absolute,’ takes aim at guns
Supreme Court to weigh legality of "President" Biden administration’s ghost guns rule
Federal judge strikes down assault weapons ban in Illinois
Germany: Saxony-Anhalt Begins Disarming AfD Members