One World Government/Religion

Globalism, one world governance, global Marxism Eccl 10:1, Jn 10:10

One world currency, common currency, cashless society Re 13, 17-18

"Children of God, including Christians..." ~ Barack Obama Re 13:1-18






The Leopard




Borders, Language, Culture


Big Climate

Dirt Worshippers

Obama [Gog] 

Rise of the Beast

China Rising

Surveillance State



Identity Politics

Psyop Civil War in America

Martial Law

Big Banking


Temple Mount/Third Temple

Nuclear Iran

Agenda 21

What Does The Future Hold? Insights from the Hebrew prophets.




National Debt


People Control

War on Christians

Rapture Ready



George Bush says that Christians and Muslims worship the same God

Pope Francis calls for new global authority

Pope Francis Makes A Law… Destroys Every Corporation In The World

Mr. Adnan Oktar’s Books Received by Pope Francis

Temple Mount Activist Rabbi Yehuda Glick Talks Peace in Turkey

Muslim leader wants Temple rebuilt

Pope Francis And Iranian President Warn “End Times Are Nigh”

Rabbi Rabinowitz to Pope: ‘The People of Israel Live On, in the Land of Israel’

Who is Harun Yahya: An Islamic Creationist Cult or an Islamic Recreational Sex Cult

Response to comment [from other]:  "Do you find anything wrong or immoral with Pres. Obama's or Pope Francis' address?"

"You remind us that the Lord’s most powerful message is mercy."  ~ Barack Obama 

“If you take part of the truth, and try to make that part of the truth, all of the truth, then that part of the truth becomes an untruth.” ~ Adrian Rogers Rom. 2:5–8John 3:36Rev. 6:1617 

"That means welcoming the stranger with empathy and a truly open heart."  ~ Barack Obama Ge 16:12, Jer 7:6, GWT 

"You do realize the Jewish hope from an OT perspective includes realization of a 'one world government'?"

"The Jewish people of Christ's time were looking for a Messiah who would be a political ruler. But the Lord didn't come to be that kind of king, and never offered that kind of kingdom..." Full text: The Beatitudes Matthew 5:1-12 Grace to You 

"Take also the belief in a millennial period of peace and righteousness with the Messiah ruling and reigning the entire world', besides a new heaven and earth wherever you them put in time."

That time is still to come (Rev. 20:1–10).

"Sooner or later, whether a 'one world government' is headed by the true Messiah or the anti-Christ..."

 Still worshiping light bulbs? 2 Pe 2:1  

As a reminder freelight is number 1 on Satan, Inc. (TOL Heretics list) in the Miscellaneous category. 

"'Light' is Consciousness."

 God keeps us guessing when it comes to understanding certain things--like light. Here's what we do know--it's not to be  worshiped (Rom. 1:21–25).  

Jesus loves you (Jn 3:16). Jesus is willing to save you (2 Pe 3:9). Repent (Eze 18:30-32; Ac 17:30). Believe (Mk 9:23).

 House Speaker John Boehner cries — again — during Pope Francis' visit to Congress 

Response to comment [from a Christian]: "There will never be a one world government or religion. That's a pipe dream of our illustrious prophecy experts."

Take it up with the apostle John (Re 17:5). 

Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Say it ain't so serpy!"
'Tis so (2 Thess. 2:3).

China asks world to impose 'code of conduct' on Internet  

Economist warns worldwide business tax next step in globalization Re 13:1-18

Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "Revelation 13 has nothing to do with globalization..."

"...Remnant of Israel, Chapter 12:17

Wild Beast Out of the Sea—a Political Power and a Person, Chapter 13:1–10

Wild Beast, Description, Chapter 13:1–2
Wild Beast, Death–Dealing Stroke, Chapter 13:3
Wild Beast, Deity Assumed, Chapter 13:4–5
Wild Beast, Defying God, Chapter 13:6–8
Wild Beast, Defiance Denied to Anyone, Chapter 13:9–10

Wild Beast Out of the Earth—a Religious Leader, Chapter 13:11–18

Wild Beast, Description, Chapter 13:11
Wild Beast, Delegated Authority, Chapter 13:12–14
Wild Beast, Delusion Perpetrated on the World, Chapter 13:15–17
Wild Beast, Designation, Chapter 13:18" McGee, J. V. (1991). Thru the Bible Commentary: The Prophecy (Revelation 1-5) (electronic ed., Vol. 58, pp. xxix–xxx). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.

As a reminder disturbo is number 46 on Satan, Inc. (TOL Heretics list) in "The 'Jesus is not God' people (Non-trinitarians) category.

[Antichrist (2 Pe 2:1) on Satan, Inc. ] "And I hope to make it to #1!"

45 others would have to get saved for that to happen.

"There's always hope.  There's just no chance." ~ Dennis Prager

John sees two beasts, one from the sea and one from the earth, symbolizing the Antichrist and his false prophet.

I. THE BEAST OUT OF THE SEA (13:1–10): This is the Antichrist.
A. His appearance (13:1–2)
1. He has ten horns (each with a crown) and seven heads (each with a blasphemous name) (13:1).
2. He looks like a leopard with feet like a bear and a mouth like a lion (13:2a).
B. His authority (13:2b): It comes from Satan himself.
C. His (possible) assassination (13:3a): Some believe he will be killed and then rise from the dead.
D. His adulation (13:3b–4, 8): Following this the entire world is astonished and worships him.
E. His arrogance (13:5–6): For a period of forty-two months, he blasphemes God.
F. His activities (13:7, 9–10)
1. In regard to God’s people (13:7a, 9–10)
a. The cruelty (13:7a, 9–10a): He persecutes and conquers them.
b. The challenge (13:10b): They are exhorted to display endurance and faithfulness.
2. In regard to all people (13:7b): He rules over them.

II. THE BEAST OUT OF THE EARTH (13:11–18): This is the false prophet.
A. His mission (13:11–12): With the appearance of a lamb but the voice of a dragon, he forces the world to worship the Antichrist.
B. His miracles (13:13, 15): He performs great miracles.
1. He calls down fire from heaven (13:13).
2. He gives life to a statue (13:14–15): This statue bears the image of the Antichrist.
C. His mark (13:16–18)
1. What it is (13:18) : It is the number 666.
2. Where it is applied (13:16) : Either on the right hand or forehead.
3. Why it is applied (13:17) : No one is able to buy, sell, etc., without it." Willmington, H. L. (1999). The Outline Bible (Re 13). Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House Publishers.

Cook Predicts Death of Cash  

World Gov't Comes to DC; UN 'Hub' to 'Shift' Policy Re 13:1-18

Swiss alternative bank breaks negative rates taboo Re 13:1-18

Northeastern faculty spark a sea change in the nanomedicine field Rev. 13:16, 17; 14:9, 11; 20:4

[Pope Endorses Agenda for a United Religion, Economy, and Government Proclaiming the Gospel Ministries] "We are steamrolling toward a one world government, a one world economy, and a one world religion. Of course we will not get there overnight. It is going to take some time, and there are going to be quite a few bumps along the way. In fact, I believe that our planet will experience an extreme amount of chaos before we actually get there. But every major crisis will be used as an excuse to advance this agenda. Virtually every solution that the elite offers us will involve more globalization and more centralization. We will be told that all of our problems will be solved if humanity will just come together in unity. For some, the goal of a "united planet" where we are all working together to eradicate things like poverty, war, and disease makes all the sense in the world. For others, a one world government, a one world economy, and a one world religion would simply mean setting the stage for "one world tyranny."

From September 25th to September 27th, the United Nations launched a "new universal agenda" for humanity. The Pope traveled to New York City to give the address that kicked off this conference, thus giving his considerable endorsement to this new plan. Virtually every nation on the entire planet willingly signed up for the 17 goals that are included in this plan, but this stunning turn of events made very few international headlines. The UN is not asking permission but issuing a command that the entire planet will commit to 17 sustainable development goals designed to radically transform our world by 2030. Read more."  Re 13:1-18

In Sweden, Cash-Free Future Nears

World Wide Web inventor uses anniversary to campaign for internet rules

Christians Jailed for Refusing to Convert to Catholicism  

T.S.A. Moves Closer to Rejecting Some State Driver’s Licenses for Travel Re 13:17

Response to comment [from other]: "In 1 Corinth. 12:6...This same God can work in all religions..."

You sound like president Gog. Eze 38:3

Dan 11:23, Eze 21:25-26, 30, 35:5, 10, Ob 16


Obama crucifix blessed by pope in pocket

Image of Mary

'We are all Jews'  
To Visit Mosque


Year of Jubilee: The pope's holy year of mercy

Pope, Russian Orthodox patriarch to hold historic meeting in Cuba Re 17:5

Response to comment [from a Christian]: "The most qualified person to bring on a one world religion would be the Pope. 
'Jus sayin'.  There's a reason why he's the most descriptive being for the Antichrist in Revelation."

Yes. This is the first time that a black pope (Jesuit general) has stepped out as a white pope.  

Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "Where do you find globalism in God's Word."

At the tower of Babel (Gen. 11:1–4). 

The Pope receives the president of Zambia: oil, gas diamonds discovered  

Is Twitter Silencing Conservatives? Jn 8:36

Mandatory vaccinations rally in Oklahoma  

WikiLeaks Reveals IMF Plan To 'Cause Credit Event In Greece And Destabilize Europe' 

Obama calls for international tax reform Re 13:1-18 

American schmerica --he's got bigger fish to fry (Eze 38:3).

Fingerprints to be tested as 'currency'

CIA Beauty Products Collect DNA

UN Seizes Oceans

Bernie Sanders to preach against 'the idolatry of money' during Vatican visit

Israeli Orthodox Rabbinical Group Calls for Acceptance of Gays and Lesbians Re 13:1-18

Pope to church: Be more accepting of divorced Catholics, gays and lesbians

Southern California Community College Opens Campus in Saudi Arabia

China’s 'Fake' Cities Are Eerie Replicas of Paris, London and Jackson Hole, Wyoming  

How your phone will soon control your entire house Re 13:17

Francis reprimands European leaders, forcefully asking continent: 'What has happened to you?' Re 13:1-18

Trump Effect – President Obama Issues Executive Order on Transfer of Executive Power


Kerry: Borderless World

Ban Ki-Moon criticises Europe’s refugee restrictions

Pope Francis : ‘no border can stop us from being one family’

Pope Francis questions Donald Trump's Christianity, says border wall not from Gospel

Still Believe the New World Order Is Just a Conspiracy Theory? Not After This[.]

Also see:

Martial Law

How the Vatican Created Islam

The Vatican Creation of Islam for the Persecution of Jews & Christians

Hitler's Pope:  Pope Pius XII

Mithraism and the Catholic Church


Boris Johnson: The EU wants a superstate  

Obama: 'International Order'

djhow View Post

For a while (1 Thess 5:3).


Does Proverbs 8:17 contradict Matthew 5:46?

djhow View Post
...I'm trusting God :-)

Me too (Heb 10:34).

Movin' on Up ~ The Jefferson's Theme Song

Pope criticizes West for trying to export own brand of democracy to Iraq, Libya Re 13:1-18, 2 Co 2:11, 11:14

Also see:

Nationalism vs. Globalism/Global Right to Migrate

Pope Francis Defends Jihad, Says Christianity [Romanism ] Has Similar Roots in Idea of Conquest

ISIS, Radical Islam Will Invade Israel if Peace Talks Fail, Abbas Warns


“There will not be peace if the question of the holy sites is not adequately resolved” ~ Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, head of the Vatican’s Council for Interreligious Dialogue

Nazis created 'basic plan' for European Union, Ukip MEP Gerard Batten says 

'It's a synagogue, church, and mosque all in one' 

eider View Post
We should be so lucky. And we would need the Sikhs, Bahai's, JWs, Zoastrians, Buddhists, Hindus, Shi'ite, Sunni and Kurd Muslims and many other religions, faiths and cultures as well, all present in a spirit of love and friendship and praying for World harmony...

You'll get your wish soon (1 Thess 5:3).

eider View Post
So Paul is your prophet[?]


2 Pe 1:21 McGee, MacArthur  

Pope Francis to receive Sunni Muslim leader at Vatican   

UN Plots War On Free Speech To Stop "Extremism" Online  


Obama [Gog]  

Pope in historic talks with Grand Imam of Al-Azhar Joe 3:19–21

Al Azhar promotes Islamic-Christian coexistence against Islamic State terrorism


Al-Azhar Grand Imam: Resistance a legitimate right of the Palestinians

Abbas Justifies Murders as ‘Protection of Holy Sites’

Expose: The Vatican Wants to Lay its Hands on Jerusalem

Secret Banker Meeting in New York Unveils New Digital Cash System  

Pope Francis to attend Muslim Council of Elders in UAE Re 13:1-18, 17:5

Former Morgan Stanley Chief Asia Economist: "Don't Listen To The Ruling Elite, The World Economy Is In Real Trouble"  

Controversy as Photos Surface of U.S. Green Berets Wearing Kurdish Militia Symbol  

Why do a Priest, a Rabbi, and an Imam meet up? - The House of One  

Watch: Jews, Christians Praise God for Establishment of Israel in Fulfillment of Zephaniah 3:9 Da 11:13–14

Report: UN Soldiers raping kids on epic scale 

The European Commission Wants You To Log Into Social Media Accounts With Govt-Issued ID Cards  

Sweden leads race to cashless society  

Global Order: Summers warns of severe economic fallout

Propaganda Bill in Congress Could Give America Its Very Own Ministry Of “Truth”   

Agenda 21 Is Negatively Affecting People’s Lives Everywhere (Video)  

Oklahoma Cops Unveil New Device Enabling Direct Seizure Of Bank Accounts, Credit Cards  

Jesuit appointed head of US religious freedom commission   

General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church US Offers Prayers to Allah

Germany And France Hatch A Plan To Create a Super Nation

Meet in Rome to Create New World Order

'To be morphed into one'

Plan For Further Expansion, an EU Army and Turkish Membership


Obama [Gog]

Mandatory Home Audits And Appliance Change-Outs … Coming Soon? (Video)

California passes mandatory vaccinations bill for all adults

Stage set for Coliseum to begin hosting events again after restoration Jn 15:20–23

IMF Proposal To Tax Bank Deposits  

Jews, Muslims and Christians to build a joint house of worship in Jerusalem  

UK refuses to rule out backing Saudi to head UN rights panel

Obama and UN Join Forces to Assault Parental Rights Worldwide  


Obama [Gog]

State Control of Your Children

Spartan women

Greek values

France’s Hollande meets interfaith leaders amid security row  

Pope Francis: ‘Every Religion Wants Peace’  


Pope Francis says the world is at war, but not a war of religions

Pope: Believe in a New Humanity

...Don't use borders as barriers
Re 13:1-18

WonderfulLordJesus View Post
...[T]hey get just a few more cocktail parties, then that's all she wrote. It's all good, where it counts!...

Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10

12 Times Pope Francis Has Openly Promoted A One World Religion Or A New World Order  

Islamic State Answers Pope Francis: Ours Is a Religious War and We Hate You Ge 16:12, Jer 7:6, GWT


Stores to customers: Cash not welcome  

Juncker’s secret plans to dictate to EU nations revealed 

freelight View Post
God is light.

Lightbulbs don't save. Jesus saves.

The false prophet (a lamb with two horns will pull two religions together—apostate Christianity and Islam). Revelation 13:11 The pope will likely say Jesus is not the Son of God.

Then I saw a second beast, coming out of the earth. It had two horns like a lamb, but it spoke like a dragon (Re 13:11).

"A House for All Believers" to Open in Jerusalem  

Wyoming government claims ownership of the WIND… levies taxes on the movement of air 

US Lutherans approve document recognizing agreement with Catholic Church

Crucible View Post
[The pope will likely say Jesus is not the Son of God.] Doubtful...

His daughter hoe Islam wouldn't have it any other way.


Presbyterian Church USA Prays to Allah  

Is the Pope About to Make an ET Disclosure at World Religion Unification Conference?


Believe the Lie

Vatican Plot: Third Temple, Take Over of Israel  

Historic Interfaith Spiritual Gathering To Be Held in Israel for Jews, Christians, Muslims

Eastern European Leaders Call For EU Army At Summit With Germany

Ayatollah: Mahdi coming back in spaceship 2 Thess 2:9, 11


Believe the Lie

Georgetown Becomes First Catholic College to Hire a Hindu Priest as a Chaplain  

Deutsche Bank CEO calls for cross-border bank mergers in EU  


Controlled Demolition of the Global Economy

Pope: Man Must Atone For 'Global Warming' 'Sin'  


Mary Worship/Dirt Worship

Pope Francis says destroying the environment is a sin


Mary Worship/Dirt Worship

Pope Francis: Global Warming a ‘Sin,’ Man Can Atone by Recycling and ‘Car-Pooling’  

Finland: Thousands to Receive Basic Income

Foreign Ministers of EU met in Bratislava: EU Army Not 'Any Time Soon' Mogherini 

A cashless society? Some retailers turn noses up at currency

Christians, Jews, and Muslims to Create a Joint House of Worship in Jerusalem

Taoism, Buddhism, Jainism, and More: Eastern Religious Leaders Arrive in Jerusalem

EU's Juncker proposes headquarters for European army

Pope Francis: War Is Satan’s Work, ‘There Is No God of War’ 2 Co 2:11, 11:14

Curtain rises on world's busiest diplomatic arena at UN Headquarters  

Taoism, Buddhism, Jainism, and More: Eastern Religious Leaders Arrive in Jerusalem

EU's Juncker proposes headquarters for European army

Curtain rises on world's busiest diplomatic arena at UN Headquarters

Pope Francis: War Is Satan’s Work, ‘There Is No God of War’

Pope urges 'sincere dialogue' between Christians, Muslims
2 Co 2:11, 11:14


Countries where cash is going extinct

Female Chess Players Told To Wear Hijab at Championship In Iran

 Pope Mocks America

...'Does not have much political culture' 2 Co 2:11, 11:14

U.S. Army Europe Command Video

The 2016 Mekudeshet Festival – Social, Political Agendas Cloaked in Spirituality

On God and Heaven, Americans are All Over the Map
Pope urges Lutherans to set aside doctrine to work together

Jesuits select Venezuelan priest – and 1st non-European – to lead order

The new Jesuit General has a doctorate degree in Political science

Sweden Legalizes Flying ISIS Battle Flag

Conquer by word or by sword

...The Muslim prayer at Rome's Coliseum was a declaration of war - Giiulio Meotti Ge 16:12, Jer 7:6, GWT

Pope Francis, Lutheran Chief, Urge Christians to ‘Defend the Rights of Refugees’

EU Pentagon: Brussels to build defence agency run by politicians playing soldiers  

Trump on CathOlics Re 13:1-18


Roman Catholicism

paxvobiscum View Post
One should study the nature of group phenomena before entering the ridiculous field of one "One World Government...

Is Re 13:17 ridiculous, too?

Citibank to stop accepting cash at some branches Re 13:1-18

paxvobiscum View Post
Serpent Dove, Please explain "Mary Worship/Dirt Worship...

Global alarmists and Mary worshippers should easily be able to transition to another form of idolatry (e.g. aliens have brought a better gospel [Ga 1:8]).


I Want to Believe

Georgetown U is a liberal college, Catholic in name only.

I'm familiar with the devils that come out of there.

If the Pope (Francis) in Rome is Christ's representative here on earth...

He's not (Jud 11 ).


Roman Catholicism

Sorry, not familiar with any one or group who worship something called "Mary"...

You're ignorant. That's not an insult. It merely means you're uninformed.


No Mary Worship


The Vatican Agenda: How Does The Vatican View The Legitimacy of Israel's Claims To Jerusalem?

A Seat for the Pope at King David's Tomb

King David's Tomb Room 'Conquered' by the Church

12 Times Pope Francis Has Openly Promoted a One World Religion or a New World Order

Pope Francis Appoints Population Control Extremist to Vatican Post

Jesuit means 'I am salvation' (Ex 3:14), Re 13:1-18

Sweden could be first with national digital currency  

India's Prime Minister Plans for Cashless Society  

Pope Meets with Fortune 500 CEOs to Discuss Globalization   

Top Bishop:  Islamist Attacks Nothing to Do With Religion

Christian Clergy Welcomes Islam in Church, Then Bows to It  

Rise of cashless city  

Koran Verse Denying Jesus Was Son of God Sung in Scottish Cathedral  

As robots take jobs, Europeans mull free money for all  

Christian University to Send Students to Mosque for ‘Religious Experience’   

Albright: I'm 'ready to register as Muslim'  

One income for all: far-fetched, or future fact?     

Pope Francis to Develop Interfaith Program at Hebrew University  

The Reason The Elite Hate Trump So Much Is Because He Is Opposed To The One World Government of the Elitists  

Europe Accelerates Move To Begin Elimination Of Paper Money  

Rabbi, Archbishop, Sheikh and President Reopen Church of Loaves and Fishes at Interfaith Event  

Germany ‘freaked out’ as Greece ‘could ditch EU currency for US dollar’

Vatican Expresses Concerns Over ‘Spread of Nationalism, Populism’ 2 Co 2:11, 11:14


Hitler's Pope: Pope Pius XII

Pope backs anti-Trump protests in letter condemning populism

South Africa’s decision to leave ICC ruled ‘invalid’  

Flashback: Pope’s retreat preacher speaks on Antichrist as a ‘pacifist, ecologist and ecumenist’

Army makes history by putting Muslim in charge of 14,000 US soldiers’ spiritual needs Ge 16:12, Jer 7:6, GWT

‘Let’s revive Europe!’ European leaders call for ‘Federal Union’ to save crumbling EU  

Islam Set To Overtake Christianity As Most Popular Religion  

The pope will meet all EU leaders ahead of Rome summit  

Bitcoin is now worth more than an ounce of gold for the first time ever   

Rancher Warns Trump  

Pope Slams 'Evil' Populism 2 Co 2:11, 11:14  

Jordan: Israeli bill to quiet mosques is a violation of international law Ge 16:12, Jer 7:6, GWT

Without a ‘world government’ technology will destroy us, says Stephen Hawking Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10

Trump disability

Vid: Reality Series ‘You The Jury,’ Where Viewers Decide Real Civil Cases Ex 23:2, 2 Thess. 2:7, 8


Morals in Modern Day Society

Game2Winter Re 13:1-18

EU summit- Leaders meet for Rome anniversary

Hal View Post
The concept of working towards unity is a great thing...

Wrong (Gen. 11:5-9, Re 13:1-18).

vibise replied
You prefer to work towards disunity?

@vibise I oppose the coming one world government/religion (Re 13:1-18). God said, be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth (Ge 1:28). Men said no thanks. We'll stay right here to get our Obama phone (Gen. 11:1-4).

Kastewart replied
Let's see if I'm getting this . . . leaders stressing unity among the European nations has something to do with the One World Gov't/Antichrist superstition?

@ Kastewart The antichrist will lead a one world government/religion (Re 13:1-18).
Should I just repeat myself too?

You don't believe Re 13:1-18?

joyous song View Post [@ Kastewart You don't believe Re 13:1-18?] What about Revelation 1?

It's a yes or no question. :chz4brnz:
Do you believe there will be a coming one world government/religion?

Polish PM joins European Union heads to sign Rome declaration  

joyous song View Post [Re 13:1-18] Doubt I agree with your interpretation. Sounding similar to SDA.

Don't know what SDA is.

Seventh Day Adventist.

No, I’m not a Seventh Day Adventist (Col 2:16).

joyous song View Post ...I said your interpretation is sounding similar.

:yawn: Poisoning the well (Eph 4:14).

Cashless society getting closer, survey finds  

Apple self-driving car seen on road for first time

[Thread closed by moderator] "Truth is hate to those who hate the truth." ~ Bob Enyart Mk 9:41, 13:7, 25:8, 40, Dan 10:13, Ps 105:15, Ro 14:4, Mk 6:11, Is 45:24, 54:17, Re 12:10, 12, Jud 1:9 

North Korea crisis: Pope urges international mediation
2 Co 2:11, 11:14  

Mosque Takes Over Pentecostal Church as Pastor Prays to Allah  

EU Superstate: Brussels ‘to force every member state to adopt euro by 2025’ 

Zuckerface calls for Universal Income, New 'Social Contract'  

Arch of Ba’al, Erected for G7, Is Portal for Messiah – or New World Order, Warns Rabbi

The Pope’s Marxist Head of the Jesuits

JetBlue and Delta Test Biometric Scanning to Replace Boarding Passes

Alabama Town Requires Teens to Purchase Business License to Mow Lawns

After sowing doubts, Trump backs NATO mutual defense under charter

In Major Smackdown, Pope Francis Threatens Renegade African Priests, Demanding ‘Total Obedience’  

Jewish, Christian, Muslim Leaders Feast Together for Interfaith Ramadan Break-Fast in Istanbul

Terror videos mimic scenes from Hunger Games, Mad Max

Germany Opening First Liberal Mosque Where Men, Women and Gays Pray Together

Jesuit Scholar: Islamic Extremists Are the True Muslims

United Nations Wants to Outlaw “Cultural Appropriation” Worldwide 

Pope Francis names two rabbis to Pontifical Academy of Life in historic first

Berlin mayor allows Hezbollah to march in ‘Zionists out of Israel’ rally

UK Jewish school risks closure for refusal to teach LGBT issues

The Economist: “Get Ready For A World Currency By 2018” 

UK ‘Progressive Christian’ Festival to Include Muslim Group Teaching Sufi Worship Chants  

Priest Resigns Over Hindu Procession

World’s First Lesbian Bishop Calls for Church to Remove Crosses, to Install Muslim Prayer Space

Catholic Cardinal Declares Mohammed A True Prophet Of God :olinger: 2 Co 2:11, 11:14 

In Meeting With Pope, Orthodox Rabbis Accept Catholics as “Partners” :olinger:

Pope Francis Welcomes Leader of Muslim World League to Vatican

British supermarket offers ‘finger vein’ payment in worldwide first

Prophecy Unfolding for One World Religion

New Senate Bill Forces Citizens to Register all Cash Not In a Bank, Violators Get 10 Years in Prison  

Pope Francis Releases One World Religion Prayer:  All Faiths are the Same :olinger: 2 Co 2:11, 11:14 

French bank closes far-right accounts

Presbyterian Church USA Prays to Allah, Calls Muhammad a Prophet  

Evidence points to Bitcoin being an NSA-engineered psyop to roll out one-world digital currency 

Reply to Gregg Malin

The Pope is sucking up to Islam.

They created Islam (2 Pe 2:1). :idunno: 

UN Plan to Occupy the US following an EMP Attack

We sing "Allah":  St. Paul's Cathedral, London

EU begins “nuclear option” proceedings against Poland for resisting the hijrah, sanctions could follow

Russia Plans National Biometric Database    

China Snares Innocent and Guilty Alike to Build World's Biggest DNA Database

Europe’s Runaway Train Towards Full Digitization Of Money & Labor 

Reply to On Point Preparedness

Why would it surprise you that Pence, :olinger: a CathOlic :freak: (Jud 11), promotes the one world government/religion? Re 13:1-18 

Pope Francis Prays Towards Mecca, States: Islam is Religion of Peace, Europe Should Open Borders to Muslims

Globalist Pence Is Acting Like a Treasonous Democrat The Common Sense Show   

Hijabbed Muslim singer retools Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah” with Islamic proselytizing lyrics on The Voice   

Swedish Bishop Welcomes Muslim Call to Prayer as “Good” For Society

U.N. brings back image of 3rd pagan god

Trudeau's India trip disaster

“World Government Summit” Targets America, Freedom

 The Biggest Cover Up in History Jason A   

Syria conflict: Women ‘sexually exploited in return for aid’

United Nations Boss Unveils New Global Mass Migration Policy: ‘No More Borders’

People in Sweden Now at Risk of Losing Access to Notes

The tyranny of algorithms is part of our lives: soon they could rate everything we do

U.N. to U.S.: You need to write check for Palestinians

China to ban citizens with bad ‘social credit’ rating from taking flights or using trains for up to a year

Chinese government-appointed bishops back Vatican-China :olinger: deal

Hungary Warns of ‘Global Government’ That Will ‘Strip People’ of Identities

U.N. council adopts 5 more anti-Israel resolutions

Amb. Haley slams ‘foolish’ UNHRC after it passes 5 anti-Israel resolutions 

UN: Women Should All Be Able To Abort

Israel needs to pay for damage to Gaza facilities, UN says

‘Will UNESCO demand Western Wall be given to the Muslims?’

‘Being cash-free puts us at risk of attack’: Swedes turn against cashlessness

Zoabi at UN: ‘Millions of Palestinians should march on Jerusalem’

China’s Xi to U.N. Chief: ‘We Need to Be Pushing for’ Global Governance

UN appoints Syria to head a chemical weapons forum

More restaurants go cashless, accept only cards and other forms of payment

Michigan churches join Muslim prayers against ‘gun violence’, stage symbolic school ‘walkout’

UN Mid-East envoy chides IDF response at border protest

Lawsuit: ‘Anti-Israel Deep State’ concealing U.N. fraud

UN Human Rights Commissioner Lashes Out Against Israel Again

IAEA declines to directly address Netanyahu’s Iran accusations

India as government requires biometric scanning for food purchases and government benefits

Catholic University opens a gender-separated Islamic prayer space, in order to make Muslim students feel more comfortable

Romney slams Trump’s choice of ‘bigot’ pastor for Jerusalem embassy prayer: Evangelical Baptist minister Robert Jeffress has made disparaging remarks against gays, Jews, Mormons and Islam

United Nations Quietly Working Towards International Gun Control

Turkey Sold Israeli Technology to Iran in Violation of UN Sanctions: UN

UN Holds Moment of Silence For Hamas Terrorists Killed In Gaza

Top UN rights body votes for inquiry on Gaza clashes

European Union ‘forbids companies from complying’ with US sanctions on Iran

Australia and US oppose UN move for independent inquiry into Gaza violence

French minister: EU could compensate firms hit by U.S. sanctions over Iran 

China Celebrates Social Credit System Blocking People from over 11 Million Flights

Will ‘delusional’ U.N. recognize Christian sites?

Christian priest wears an Islamic headscarf in Germany to show solidarity with Muslims against anti-immigration political parties

Transgender people encouraged to become priests in Church of England diversity drive 

British think tank says Prince Charles’ potential coronation should be stripped of Christianity to represent a more modern Britain – and make Muslims feel more at ease

Haley calls Security Council response to Gazan volleys ‘outrageous’ 

Haley: ‘We’ll veto UNSC resolution for force to protect Palestinians’ 

Empire of the Internet, One World Marketplace

“The Old Order Is Over”: Trump To Adopt “Confrontational Tone” At G-7 As Macron Plans On “Standing Up” To US President

IMF agrees to loan up to $50bn for Argentina

Trump Lashes Out At Macron, Trudeau Ahead Of “G6+1” Summit 

Trump calls for Russia to be reinstated into G-7

Donald Trump to Leave G7 Summit Early, Skipping Climate Change Meeting

G7 summit ends in disarray as Trump abandons joint statement  

Trump Top Advisors Lash Out At “Double-Crossing” Trudeau

Singapore, Astana and St Petersburg All Mean the Same Thing: A New World Order Is Coming

US changes tactics at UN: From defending Israel to offensive

U.N. votes down U.S. bid to condemn Hamas violence against Israel 

Haley Decries ‘Morally Bankrupt’ UN

Canadians boycott American products, cancel vacations

The United Nations Votes To Condemn Israel For Defending Themselves Against 3 Months Of Terror Attacks From Hamas In Gaza Strip

Vid: Nikki Haley, Mike Pompeo speak as US expected to quit UNHRC

US Withdrawals from UNHRC

Israel boycotting 38th UN Human Rights Council session 

Britain: Jewish schoolgirls interrogated over sex

Erdogan Uses Violence to Contain Istanbul Sodomite Parade 

Switzerland launches WTO action over U.S. steel, aluminum tariffs

Backlash building to cashless movement 

Catholic Church Meets European Leaders, Plans ‘Open Borders’ Media Campaign

U.S. launches five WTO challenges to retaliatory tariffs

Nikki Haley: UNHRC’s Agenda 7 is ‘directed against Israel’s existence’ 

Trade war a reality, French finance minister warns

A hairy issue: Sailors tell the US Navy, 'We want beards'

Air Force Base Defends Replacing Bible with Generic “Book of Faith” 

‘New day’ for Israel at the U.N. with Trump strategy, Nikki Haley says

Italian Bishop: I Would ‘Turn All Churches into Mosques’ to Save Migrants

U.N. body refuses to urge Hamas to release Israeli captives in Gaza 

Pope Francis In Vatican Interview With Eugenio Scalfari Calls For A ‘Federal Europe’ To Be Created ‘As Soon As Possible’ 2 Co 2:11, 11:14  

US UN Ambassador Haley: Gaza terrorists burn Israeli fields, forests ’10 times area of Paris’ as world is silent

Brics back ‘open world economy’ that benefits all nations

‘State of Palestine’ chosen to lead largest UN bloc, in snub to US, Israel

The UN is demanding that Trump use American tax money to fund the ‘Palestinians’, despite most of the money going to pay murderous terrorists

Chase ATMs go cardless

Trump increases pressure on Turkey amid currency crisis, authorizes doubling of metals tariffs

Homeless people wearing barcodes to accept cashless payments 

US Clashes With Cuba, Venezuela As UN Approves Leftist Human Rights Chief

Cash machines could be mass-hacked in global cyber attack, FBI warns 

Turkey issues retaliatory tariffs on US imports

Why Is Nobody Talking About The Union For The Mediterranean?

New NAFTA Deal with Mexico

UN chief proposes military force to protect ‘Palestinians’ from Israel

U.N. Rights Expert Calls US Sanctions on Iran ‘Unjust and Harmful,’ Praises EU Efforts to Counter Them

Vatican: Migrants Will Teach Westerners ‘To Be A Borderless Global Family’

Parents fight back after school drops Pledge of Allegiance for student-authored oath to ‘global society’

Nikki Haley calls for examination on Palestinian right of return 

Kahlon and Mnuchin form joint U.S.-Israel team to enforce Iran sanctions 

Trump Causes Revolution in Palestinian-Israeli Conflict

Trump threatens to pull US out of World Trade Organization

Law Center Labels Conservative Organization As Hate Group: ‘Our Aim In Life Is To … Destroy Them’ 

Cardinal Theodore McCarrick Cited ‘Sense of Humanity’ in ‘Holy Book’ of ‘The Koran’

Canadian PM Trudeau says Islamic Sharia Law is absolutely compatible with western democracies

George Soros Funded Group Demands EU Revoke Article 50, Terminating Brexit

IMF boosts bailout for crisis-hit Argentina

CIBC, A Huge Canadian Bank, Was Offline All Day, Proving Again The Dangers of a Cashless Society

Merkel Fights for Globalism, Warns Trump Against ‘Destroying’ UN

After Beyoncé Mass, Grace Episcopal Church Holds Climate Change Interfaith ‘Worship Service’ Featuring Giant Tree People

US and Canada reach new trade deal to replace Nafta

Diplomats at the U.N. commit antisemitic acts 

The Vatican is Saying the West Will Disappear and “Islam Will Rule the World”

New World Order: Former UN Under-Secretary-General Calls For One World Currency 

Did The Pope Just Evoke the Prophetic Alliance Between Esau and Ishmael Against Jerusalem?

Out of the Ashes: Clash of Civilizations Could Summon New World Religion

Bible is Jewish deed to Land of Israel, settlement envoy tells UNSC

In 2019, As Chrislam Continues To Grow At Lightning Speed, Let’s Check In With The Major End Times Players And See What’s New

At The Apostolic Palace, The King Of Vatican City Calls For A One World Government More Powerful Than The United Nations

Globalist Pope Francis calls for new ‘supranational’ authorities that would to rule countries and enforce UN goals

Facebook Is Going Cashless 

Farrakhan talks of ‘Satanic Jews’ at Catholic church address

Vatican Wishes Happy Ramadan to ‘Muslim Brothers and Sisters’ As Christians Are Slaughtered in Ramadan-Jihad Terror Attacks

Report Finds UN Employs 3,300 Pedophiles, Responsible for 60,000 Rapes in Last 10 Years

UN Peacekeepers Caught Running Massive Child Sex Ring — Not One Person Jailed

The Next Stage Of The Engineered Global Economic Reset Has Arrived

Hillsong Church Affirms Full Sodomite Position As They Hold Their One World Religion Alpha Conference Featuring A Roman Catholic Mass

Bank of America CEO says company wants a ‘cashless society’

Pope Calls for New Catholic Theological Curriculum – Teaching Students to View Muslims as Brothers

UN Displays Arch of Palmyra Combining New World Order, Idolatry and Quantum Physics

UN poised to launch global ban on all criticism of Islam

UN debates status of Jerusalem

Pope Francis Releases New Document Outlining How Pagan Gaia Earth Worship Will Be Combined With The Catholic Church In The Amazon

Ancient city of Babylon designated Unesco World Heritage Site

Iranian official threatens to seize British oil tanker

How U.S. Tech Giants Are Helping to Build China’s Surveillance State

Swedes are getting implants in their hands to replace cash, credit cards

Sanhedrin to Host Conference of 70 Nations to Take Place on Anniversary of Creation of the World: Nations Answer Call 

UN Plans New Global Censorship Push to Combat “Hate Speech”

In Unprecedented, Shocking Proposal, BOE’s Mark Carney Urges Replacing Dollar With Libra-Like Reserve Currency

First Lesbian Bishop Orders Church Crosses Replaced with Islamic Symbols to Make them Feel More at Ease

Pope Francis Issues The Order Creating Global Chrislam Committee To Implement His Decree On ‘Human Fraternity For World Peace’ Signed In UAE Back In February

The Sanhedrin, Pope and Grand Imam Are Now in Agreement SR Monette

Pope urges world leaders to sign ‘Global Pact’ for ‘new humanism 

Pope Francis Invites World Leaders To May 14, 2020 Global Educational Alliance At Vatican Reptile Hall For ‘Nurturing The Dream Of Humanism’

Globalist Pope Francis calls for new ‘supranational’ authorities that would to rule countries and enforce UN goals

The Pope proudly says that the Koran is a book of peace because Islam is not a violent religion

The Catholic-Muslim Interfaith Council Created By Pope Francis Announces New Chrislam Headquarters Opening In 2022 That Combines A Mosque And Church According To Signed Covenant

Prof Warns: Social Credit to Shift Law ‘From Constitution to Analytics, Algorithm’

Abbas promises to continue paying families of martyrs, receives applause at U.N. General Assembly

In Front of UN, Abbas Threatens Holy War Against Israel

Pope Francis sends gifts to mosque to show ‘esteem and affection to the Muslim community’

Vatican visit to Al-Aqsa celebrates religious coexistence

Pope Francis Appoints 13 New Chrislam-Friendly Cardinals Who Will Help Guide The Roman Catholic Church Into Adding Both Sodomites and Islam

The Catholic-Muslim Interfaith Council Created By Pope Francis Announces New Chrislam Headquarters Opening In 2022 That Combines A Mosque And Church According To Signed Covenant

In Bid To Create A One World Monetary System, Facebook Launching New Cryptocurrency ‘Libra’ That Was Originally Called ‘GlobalCoin’

Secret synagogue in Dubai prays for Persian Gulf revival

United Nations says China’s concentration camps contribute to “stronger sense of happiness”

Pope Francis Advances The One World Religion At Vatican With Female Shaman Leading ‘Worship Service’ Dedicated To Inca Mother Earth Goddess Pachamama At Amazon Synod

Italy to become first country to make studying climate change and sustainability compulsory in public schools

Pope Meets With Muslim Leader, Rabbi Says “Esau Sending Ishmael to Complete the Holocaust”

Pope heads to Asia in search of Buddhist ties and nuclear arms ban

After Banning Soros, Hungary Blocks EU’s Attempt to Oppose Trump’s Pro-Israel Decision

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development In Talks At Paris Forum Discussing A Global Tax System Possible Prophetic Harbinger 

Pope Francis Traveled To Thailand And Presented Buddhist Supreme Patriarch With ‘Declaration On Human Fraternity’ Peace Covenant of Chrislam

...The meeting took place in front of a 150-year-old gold statue of Buddha. The Pope followed Buddhist custom by removing his shoes.

The Rush To A Cashless Society Only Serves Globalist Interests

Alpha Conference 2020 At Hillsong Church In Phoenix Will Feature A Mass By Roman Catholic Priest And Promote The One World Religion Of Antichrist

Ilhan Omar Leads Catholic Church in Muslim Prayer

Nike Launches New Islamic ‘Victory Swim Collection’ Which Includes Burka-Style Full Coverage Suit As Well As A Swim Hijab For Muslims

The Vatican Now Makes Its Move To Bring Judaism Into Chrislam As The ‘Third Pillar’ Of The ‘Abrahamic Faiths’

Singer John Legend And Hollywood Elites Meet In London To Hand Out ‘Global Citizen Prize’ Under The Watchful Illuminati All-Seeing Eye

Pope Francis Unveils Globalist New World Religion at Summit with United Nations Leader

Internet to be “policed” by communist China under new UN crackdown targeting online speech

Pope Francis, Leading Imam Sign Covenant Pushing Us Toward One-World Religion

At long last: UK parliament approves Brexit deal

The USMCA Will Place the Average American Into Feudalism

United States Commits To Fully Supporting The Chrislam Abrahamic Faiths Initiative As VP Mike Pence Prepares For Private Meeting With Pope Francis At Vatican Next Week

Virginia Governor Northam’s Intent To Bring In the UN Blocked by Trump 

Trump to sign North American trade pact at White House; key Democrats not invited

Trump signs NAFTA replacement into law

Brexit: UK leaves the European Union

Global digital tax talks to move forward

Pope Pushes One World Religion on Israel’s Independence Day

Globalists Look To Exploit Coronavirus In Push For Global Government

UN Official Calls on World Religions to Defer Authority to United Nations

Roman Catholics, Evangelicals, Pagans, Muslims And Buddhists Gather At The ‘Ring Of Peace’ United Nations One World Religion Interfaith Ceremony In Germany

World Health Organization Promotes Cashless Society Over Virus Fears

UN Human Rights Council applauded Iran in periodic review

ID 2020 Announces Work Is Completed On First-Ever Certification Mark For ‘Kiva Protocol’ Implementing A Global Digital ID For Buying And Selling

Coronavirus fallout revives talk of ‘universal basic income’

United Nations Wants All Nations To Begin Paying A 10% Global Tax For ‘COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund’ Amounting To $8.7 Trillion

Prepare Yourself For The ID2020 COVID-19 ‘Immunity Passport’ That Combines Digital Identity With Vaccinations, Blockchain And Nanotechnology

The UN Secretary General Declares the Goal of COVID-19 Is the Deindustrialization of the West and the Introduction of Green Energy

Beware Of Plans To “Build Back Better”

We Call It Chrislam, It’s The One World Religion Of The End Times Foretold In The Bible, And It Is Here And Active Right Now

United Nations New World Order Economic Paradigm Project Creates ‘International Day Of Happiness’ Calls For ‘Global Citizens’ To Celebrate

COVI-PASS Digital Health Passport Certified By The United Nations Uses Your Biometric Markers To ‘Facilitate Safe Return’ To Global Society

...UK to Monitor Travel, Health of Population

‘Vaccination passport’ coming, report says

President Trump Signs Executive Order ‘Advancing International Religious Freedom’ After Visiting The Idol Of Saint John Paul II

Towards a global intifada

UN Reveals Latest Plan: ‘New World Order’

Researchers call for worldwide biosurveillance network to protect from diseases

Remember The Psy-Op Called The Great Toilet Paper Shortage? Now We Are Pretending There’s A National Coin Shortage So We Go Cashless

Testing Will Begin In Africa For Biometric ID, “Vaccine Records”, & “Payment Systems”

Hardin Co. couple gets ankle monitors after Covid-19 quarrel with health dept.

Bank of America proudly partners with George Soros in ‘social impact investing’ 

In Unprecedented Monetary Overhaul, The Fed Is Preparing To Deposit “Digital Dollars” Directly To “Each American”

Pope Francis Demands That Supranational Bodies Like The United Nations Be Given More Authority To Control The World

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò: Deep State is Working With “Deep Church” to Transform Catholic Church into Spiritual Arm of New World Order

After Welcoming The Idol Pachamama, Pope Francis Has Vatican City State Mint Issue Coin Celebrating Gaia Earth Mother Goddess Of Paganism

Pope Francis Declares That “No One Gets Saved Alone” As He Prepares To Attend Chrislam Ecumenical ‘Peace Event’ In Rome Next Week 

United Nations Launches Site Called ‘Verified’ Where 110,000 ‘Information Volunteers’ Will Help To Control Narrative About Covid-19 Vaccine

UNRWA ‘mistakenly’ gave Palestinian kids textbooks calling for jihad

Palestinian fatwa bans Muslims from following ‘modern Abrahamic faith’

MF Wants To Use “Digital Footprint Of Customers’ Online Activities” To Assess Creditworthiness

The Alleged Racism of all White People Is the Newest Excuse Being Used to Impose Global Governance

The Great Reset, Part V: Woke Ideology 

Pope Francis Arrives Triumphantly In Iraq To Claim Abraham As The Foundation Of His End Times One World Religion Of Chrislam

Fauci appears in forum with Chinese Communist Party health expert preaching ‘global solidarity’

Pope calls for ‘new world order’ after coronavirus pandemic

On February 4th, The United Nations Codified Chrislam With First Annual International Day of Human Fraternity Celebration

Pope Francis calls for ‘global governance’ and ‘universal vaccines’ in letter to globalist financial summit

Brexit: UK-EU talks on Northern Ireland ‘to intensify’

The Pope Pushes for the end of Private Property and for Global Communism

Cashlessness may have gone foo far in Norway, government warns 

Catholics and Protestants Share Communion at German Ecumenical Convention

UN opens Israeli war crimes probe following Gaza war, calls for embargo

European Union Unveils Plans For A Digital Identity Wallet Funded By The EU Post-Covid Recovery Package To Digitize All European Citizens  

In The Coming Months, It Is Becoming Clear How Far The UN Is Willing To Go To Solidify The Left’s Takeover Of America

Globalist Leaders at G20 Endorse Global Tax Plan, Set For Vote in US Congress; “New Rules,” “No Turning Back”

PayPal Partnering With Anti-Defamation League to Share Info With Law Enforcement, Determine Who Can Use Their Services

World Bank Planning The End Of The Pandemic In 2025: Wh Reinstated Funds To Wuhan Institute For Gofr Until 2024

Swiss Police Reject the ‘Great Reset’: ‘We Work for the People, Not the Elite’

As Australia Announces That They Are Working To Advance The New World Order, They Are Also Pushing The Global D10 Ten Nation Confederacy

Millions of smart devices including iPhones, iPads and PlayStations to stop working from Thursday

Brexit trade war about to explode – EU fury mounts over Frost ultimatum

The global elites are headed to Scotland. Call it climate FOMO. 

UNHRC report calls to prosecute anti-Sodomite/pro-family Christian groups

The UN and the Biden Administration Are Conspiring to Bring America It’s Version of the “Final Solution”

G20: World leaders agree to historic corporate tax deal

The US “Holodomor” Death Toll Set In Action

The ‘Great Reset’ Of The World Economic Forum Now Includes Islam, Launching The ‘Great Narrative’ Initiative In The United Arab Emirates In November

The EU is not revealing the details of its contracts with vaccine makers. Why?

Europe Looks To Build EU Army For Strategic Autonomy From US

UN Plan To Vax Children Without Parental Consent

Great Reset Watch: A Cashless Society Is Coming

General Michael Flynn calls on America to become “one religion”

"President Biden" pressures Israel to return to UNESCO

The specter of one world government looms large

What Some Are Calling The New Religion Of ‘Abrahamia’ Is None Other Than Chrislam, And The Abrahamic Family House Will Be Its Centerpiece

UN Gives $800 Debit Cards to Illegal Migrant Families Heading to U.S

Interpol elects Chinese cop in charge of pursuing overseas fugitives to senior role

Grand Imam of Al-Azhar Ahmed El-Tayyeb Plans Major Chrislam Update With Vatican Ahead Of 2022 Opening Of Abrahamic Family House

Global public currently dissatisfied with democracy – Pew research

Vid: Trashed UN Pamphlets Found In Mexico Tell Illegal Immigrants How To Get Refugee Status In America

Brexit: UK signs free trade deal with Australia

Plans move forward for Pope, Russian Patriarch meeting

The escalating international war against Israel

Vatican Praises The United Arab Emirates As A ‘Leading Model Of Global Human Solidarity’ As One World Religion Of Chrislam Continues Rise

UAE leading model of global human solidarity: Vatican secretary of state

Preparing humanity for the abundance economy that will rise from the ashes of engineered scarcity 

The United Nations Is Now Celebrating Chrislam As The International Day Of Human Fraternity In Abu Dhabi 

Vatican Opens An Embassy Called A Nunciature In Abu Dhabi Displaying Solidarity With Islam As It Pushes The One World Religion Of Chrislam

Wingstop Unveils ‘Restaurant Of The Future’ That Has No Dining Room And Accepts Cashless Digital Payments Only

Jamaica Joins The Bahamas And The Eastern Caribbean In Rolling Out Its Central Bank Digital Currency

The cashless life won’t be worth living

The United States And Israel Host An Abraham Accords Summit including The United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Morocco And Egypt

Australia is eliminating physical currency, expects to become a ‘cashless society’ by 2031

UAE, United States And Israel Launch Religious Coexistence And Tolerance Chrislam Group Ahead Of The Opening Of The Abrahamic Family House 

UAE, US, Israel launch religious coexistence and tolerance team

Vid: Economist at World Government Summit says new financial world order about to shift in dramatic new direction

World Economic Forum’s growing influence on gov’ts is alarming, Australian senator says

Klaus Schwab calls to form one-world government

World Economic Forum calls for one-world currency; A ‘Tower of Babel’ doomed to collapse, Israeli economist warns

Move over, Nimrod: Amazon gets green light for its ‘Tower of Babel’ HQ

World Bank Suggests Banning Motor Vehicles

Resist the Carrot: The Steady Slide Into a Cashless Society 

National Day of Diversity, Inclusion, Meditation and Benign Prayer

German politician warns World Health Organization trying to ‘seize governmental power’ 

‘Mission Impossible’ becomes ‘Mission Achieved’ with first-ever multi-faith forum in Saudi Arabia 

Davos, W.E.F. and W.H.O. Converge in Geneva 

Major Supermarkets to ban paying with Cash or Card and only accept payments via Digital ID & Facial Recognition Technology 

Davos elites warn nations not to resist ‘painful global transition’

B’nai B’rith meets Pope France, talks about advancing interfaith relations

British Bishop: ‘Russia is the Last Obstacle to the One World Government’ 

Pope to attend ‘interfaith’ gathering of religious leaders in Muslim-majority Kazakhstan

Global elites have joined forces to form one world government

Dutch Political Party: ‘Reject the WEF, Great Reset and Their Transhumanist Agenda’  

Mexican President To Meet with Joe Biden and Propose Western Hemisphere Union Just Like the EU 

Chinese use Muslim holiday for propaganda purposes, celebrating with Uyghurs

Israeli reporter enters ‘forbidden’ city of Mecca for first time

Boris Johnson Accuses the “Deep State” of Endeavouring to Reverse Brexit

World Court says it has jurisdiction, Myanmar genocide case to proceed

The Occult is The Spiritual Foundation of The United Nations. The Stage Is Set For The Coming One World Government Under One World Leader.

In Kosovo as in Ukraine, the same Western ‘invisible hand’ foments conflict 

Israel moves closer to cashless society following latest legislation

...Leading The Way Into A Cashless Society And How It Effects The Rest Of The World

Globalization in the Shadow of the Crescent

Interfaith Chrislam Center Opening In Ur Of The Chaldees Sparked By The Visit Of Pope Francis In 2021 When He Claimed The Land Of Abraham For Rome 

Putin: “Islam is our partner in new world order”

Led By Pope Francis, Leaders Of The World’s Religions Formally Adopt Human Fraternity Document At 7th Congress

U.S.-Led Drone Fleet Starting To Come Together in Middle East

Germany’s Largest Mosque Blasts Controversial Call to Prayer For First Time 

The One World Religion Of Chrislam Now Has A Soundtrack With The Abrahamic Symphony Of Peace, Love And Tolerance

Dutch Conservative Party Demands the Flemish Government Cancel its World Economic Forum Membership

The UN’s Global Social Credit System

The Global South births a new game-changing payment system

The Headquarters For Chrislam, The Abrahamic Family House In Abu Dhabi, Is Now Nearly Complete And Should Be Operational In Just A Few Weeks

WEF’s last ‘Climate Crisisabandon drought-plagued fields’ caused its new ‘Cost-of-Living Crisis’ 

Davos 2023: What you need to know about the WEF 

Prostitutes gather at World Economic Forum for global elites

Tower Of Babel All Over Again: Uniting The World In Opposition To God

Muslims Erupts After Qur’an Burning: Turkey Rejects Sweden’s NATO Membership Unless It Submits to Islamic Blasphemy Laws

Chief Rabbi Of Iran, Other Religious Figures Meet With Leader of Iran

New EU initiative could force same-sex ‘marriage,’ surrogacy on all member states

Switzerland May Become the First Country to Outlaw a Cashless Society 

Pope Francis Calls on Humanity to Unite Around One World Religion

From US Taxpayer Pockets to UN/IOM, World Food Program 

U.N. Demands ‘Global Guidelines’ on Internet Speech to Silence ‘Insects Thriving in the Dark’

Australian Police Describe ‘Premillennialism’ As An Extremist Ideology, Connecting Belief To Terrorism

WHO aims to begin installing a One World Government under the guise of Global Health Security

European Spring: Germany Braces For Major Strikes While France Burns

France Burns As Million Protesters Rage Against Pension Reforms

Finland Clears Last Hurdle, Will Become The 31st Member Of NATO

Europe Pushing the ‘Criminalisation’ of Physical Cash, MEP Warns

While France Descends Into Chaos – Protesters Storm Streets, Lay Siege to BlackRock Building in Paris

Emmanuel Macron Calls For New Default Currency

France’s Macron signals move away from US dominance as China humiliates the EU

The one-world digital currency is almost here – but first they have to collapse the global financial system to make way for it

IMF unleashes Unicoin, a new global CBDC intended to enslave the entire planet under a one world digital currency

...The “Universal Monetary Unit” To “Transform” World Economy

The coming globalized digital money system just got the endorsement it needed to proceed as the replacement for fiat paper currencies 

Cashless stores accept money, dispense cards with “reverse ATMs”

Common Currency on Agenda for South African BRICS Summit

House of Prayer for All Nations Begins to Appear on Jerusalem Day

London Supermarket Foreshadows Incoming WEF Digital Prisons

Video of Muslim children trampling ‘pride’ flag at Ottawa protest hits nearly 30 million views

Home of French mayor ram-raided and torched by rioters

There is only one mechanism the cabal can deploy to control the masses, says Janet Ossebaard.  That mechanism is fear.

‘French’ Rioters Are Now Attempting to Assassinate Politicians

‘Immodest dress’: Left-wing activist expelled from ‘solidarity visit’ to mosque, imam forced to resign

French Military Brass make Veiled Threat to Macron for Possible Coup. Rioters hunt for Government Officials 

UN ‘Summit of the Future’ Will Set The Stage For New Global Order In 2024

The UN Has Come Up With An Insidious Plan For Global Domination

Riot update: French right-wing influencer tells followers “do nothing” – let the Republic fall

Billion Dollars And Counting: Riots Hit Thousand Buildings in France

UK cashless society a step closer as more than 23m people abandon coins 

Iran’s president: homosexuality will end ‘generation of human beings’

Trudeau lectures Muslim about Sodomite ideology in Canadian schools amid rise in parental protests 

Israel Refuses to Join US in Condemning Anti-Sodomite Legislation in Hungary

American Media Silent As World Leaders Plan New Global Pacts

Globalists want to take down America/US dollar

WHO’s power grab through surveillance 

World religion: a monstrous, ecumenical combination of everything that people consider “spiritual”  

BBC Apologizes for Asking Question to Moroccan Soccer Player on the Sodomite Rights in Her Islamic Country

US citizens will need a visa to travel to Europe in 2024

Society Shifts Into Complete Dependence On Virtual Currency And Transactions

Canadian Muslims invite everyone to join ‘Million Person March’ against Sodomite indoctrination in schools

Austria to enshrine the right to pay with cash into constitution 

BRICS Summit, Day One: Xi Hypes the ‘Global South’, Putin Sees ‘Alternative to G7’, Modi Touts Indian Economy, Lula Calls for Common Currency, Ramaphosa Stresses Ties Between Members

"President Biden’s" alcohol czar warns Americans could soon be told to limit themselves to just two beers per week under strict new booze guidelines

The “BRICS” Group Now Includes Saudi Arabia, Iran, Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, and the United Arab Emirates; They Will Control 80% of the World’s Oil – American Media Group

Taco Bell, other food chains could move to digital-only sales: CFO

Expanded BRICS will make up nearly 40% of global economy – data 

Islamic ‘Sharia-Compliant’ Banking Takes Root in Russia 

Pope hails power of interfaith dialogue for peace in Mongolia

President Macron to raise risks against ‘partitioning of the world’ at G-20

Furor erupts in Brazil after archbishop gives communion to Muslim sheikh

The World Caliphate Project

Pope Francis advocates for powerful global government not subject to ‘changing political conditions’

The Last Straw JD Farag   

Pope Francis calls for a new theology not always ‘corresponding to the Christian face of God’

England: City to Raise ‘Multi-Faith Tree’ at Christmas for Diversity, Inclusivity Plan

Bill Gates is Attempting to Eliminate Physical Money and Replace it with Digital Cash That’s Linked to Global Digital IDs in Africa

The Cult of False Prophets and The Church’s Islamization

‘No cash accepted’ signs are bad news for millions of Americans 

UN’s Next Goals: End National Militaries, Establish Global Military, Disarm You 

WHO Appoints Former Prostitute, Other Transgender Activists to Transgender Task Force

Leaked EU Council Document Reveals Plans to Destroy Hungary’s Economy if it Rejects Ukraine’s Billions, Orbán Fights Back Against the Corrupt Globalists 

The End Game: The World As One

The World Economic Forum’s Stealth Takeover

First Hindu Stone Temple in the Middle East To Be Inaugurated in the UAE With Indian PM Modi’s Visit

WEF: "Desperate Lunatics"

UN’s Next Goals: End National Militaries, Establish Global Military, Disarm You

Vatican sponsors youth guide promoting ‘values’ of ‘heretical’ interfaith Abu Dhabi document

Spain Bans Iris-Scanning, Digital ID Worldcoin Project

UK Ambassador to the UN declares UK’s commitment to UN’s Agenda 2030

Vatican urges Catholics to join Muslims for prayers and meals during their holy month

Dr Meryl Nass: As Tedros Keeps Lying, I Have to Keep Correcting Him

Cashless Transition Steamrolls Ahead After Major Bank Closes All Branches

Australia’s Bankwest Announces They Will Go Completely Cashless In 2024 And Shutdown Remaining Branches 

Amazon’s pay-by-palm app turbo charges collection of personal biometric data 

Say Goodbye to the Dollar as IMF Prepares for Financial Revolution

Taliban Gets First-Ever Invite to Talk Climate Change with United Nations

98% of central banks agree to eliminate cash and implement CBDCs, a new WEF report says

Global Banks Are Telling Us the End of The Dollar System Is Near

UN 2.0 Coming This Fall – Setting The Stage For Global Government

The War on Cash

UN Gives a Moment of Silence For Iran Leader

...A Tyrant Who Threatened Israel With Annihilation

United Nations and World Invocation Day: A day to invoke Satan and the Antichrist

NATO has become military wing of globalist cabal that promotes the self-destruction of all nations

The UN’s Moral Equivalence Between Terrorists and Israel

The Union of The Left and Islam… A Marriage Joined by Common Hatred of Christianity

Greek Orthodox and Roman Catholic Churches May Be Ready To Bury the Hatchet

The UN Takes Step Forward to Create a One World Government

Amir Tsarfati: The Rise of the One World Religion

Pope Francis and Indonesian Grand Imam call for inter-religious action to fight ‘climate change’

United Nations legal officer is caught on camera stating the UN’s ambition to become a world government 

Pope visits largest Muslim nation: Signing end of days Esau-Ishmael alliance against Israel

UN wants global government

...Three New Pacts to Be Approved 

Pope Francis: “There’s only one God, and each of us has a language to arrive at God. Some are Seikh, Muslim, Hindu, Christian, and they are different paths [to God]."

Macron Calls for New European Order

UN 2.0 Plotting Your Future with New “Pact”

Israel Declares UN Secretary-General Guterres ‘Persona Non Grata’

“Multilateralism” is globalese for One World Government and global totalitarianism 

Right-wing summit condemns ICC, calls for overhaul of UNRWA

UN Amplifies Campaign Against ‘Disinformation’ And AI Through Global Governance Frameworks

Europe will not fund creation of new Islamist structures, German FM says in Damascus

UNRWA ‘Knowingly’ Let Hamas Infiltrate, Per UN Watch Report

United Nations renews push for globalized digital marking system to deal with ’emergencies’ 

EU rejects Trump’s postwar plan, says Gaza ‘an integral part of a Palestinian state’

Israel to withdraw from UN Human Rights Council

Trump Signs Order Sanctioning The Hague’s ICC Over Treatment Of Israel

Why US Withdrawl From UNESCO Must Be Top Priority

Pursuing A Godless One-World System: The Agenda Behind Globalism Is Far From Innocent

One World Government/Religion