Nuclear Iran
[Will Israel Strike by August? By Joel Rosenberg] "Will Israel Strike by August?...
Russia has just announced that it intends to allow the Iranian nuclear reactor
facility located in Bushehr (near the Persian Gulf) to go live in August. This
is an ominous development. Now Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu has a fateful
decision to make. Will he order a preemptive military strike against all of
Iran’s nuclear sites before August when the Bushehr site becomes “hot”? His
mentor, Menachem Begin, ordered an Israeli air strike against Saddam Hussein’s
Osirik nuclear reactor in Iraq before it went hot in 1981. Netanyahu wants the
world to act with decisive unity to stop Iran from getting the Bomb. But that is
increasingly unlikely. The Obama administration is no longer calling for
“crippling sanctions,” and even if they were, it appears to be too late for
sanctions to be effective. U.S. officials — including Defense Secretary Robert
Gates — says Iran could have the Bomb by next year. German intelligence thinks
it could be sooner. We need to pray for peace, but prepare for war..." Full
Will Israel Strike by August?
Jer 49:34–39, Eze 38:3,
Ob 7,
Mt 24:6,
2 Thess. 2:7,
Also see:
Obama [Gog]
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "I say let
the whole lot of those barbarians tear each other to shreds while the rest of
the world munches popcorn and watches."
What happens on that little piece of real estate affects the entire world.
No popcorn for you.
Ps 122:6.
Response to comment [from a Jew]: "..."a few" nuclear weapons would be the end of us."
It's a great day to be saved (Mt 24:22).
Yeshua loves you (Jn 3:16). Jesus is willing to save you (2 Pe 3:9). Repent (Eze 18:30-32; Ac 17:30). Believe (Mk 9:23).
Isa 53
Response to comment [from other]: "Hate for Israel and the US is among the few things most will agree on."
That's right. If the nations surrounding Israel all agreed that they have the right to exist as a state, peace would follow in 12 minutes. Anti-Semitism is Satanic and it's not going away (Eze 38-39).
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "Maybe you should learn who non-Zionist Jews are."
Maybe you should read Judges 11.
"They are generally quite orthodox, very conservative..."
You, being a Catholic, have more in common with orthodox Jews than you do with historical biblical Christians (Mt 15:9).
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "I don't believe God will ever allow a nuke to detonate over Jerusalem."
Mt 24:22
Kissinger: Iran nuclear crisis close
Unconfirmed: Key facility hit
Ahmadinejad: We're already nuclear
"Iran's supreme leader has issued a fatwa against the development of nuclear
weapons....Republic of Iran, one based on mutual interest and
mutual respect." ~ Barack Obama
Ge 16:12,
Jer 7:6, GW
"Barack Obama fears an Israeli strike more than he fears a
nuclear Iran." ~ John Bolton
How Rouhani Is Playing Obama
Iran announces 34 new nuke sites
Israel Warning on Iran Bomb
Iran demands right to expand nuke program
Iranian state television broadcast simulated missile attack on Israel
French Tougher on Iran than Obama Admin
Netanyahu: 'A Historic Mistake'
Deal leaves Israel few options
Bolton: Abject Surrender
Secret US-Iran talks
'Iran got what it wanted'
Report: Israelis inspect Saudi bases for possible strike
Canada 'deeply skeptical' about international nuclear deal reached with Iran
Peace For Our Time
Krauthammer: Worst since Munich
News Agencies Kept Iran Talks Secret
Suddenly the Left loves nuclear energy
Obama: Iran has a right to peaceful nuclear energy
Iran unveils ballistic missile technology
Rouhani: Iran Will Not Dismantle Nuke Facilities
USA extends oil sanctions waivers
Krauthammer: Nuclear agreement with Iran a 'sucker's deal'
Response to comment [from a Muslim]: "Obama would be an idiot to trust Iran. If he has any backbone at all he will not leave office without at least sending the B-2's at one point. And plus, I would very much like to see those babies in action."
Carter got us a nuclear Pakistan. Clinton got us a nuclear N. Korea. Obama will get us a nuclear Iran.
Iran presses ahead with uranium enrichment technology
Updated: Six Reasons to Worry About the Iranian Nuclear Deal
Fmr. senior Israeli official writes oped for New York Times: “A Most Dangerous
Deal: The Iran Agreement Does Not Address the Nuclear Threat.”
Iranian Official: We Need Nuclear Bomb ‘So We Can Put Israel in Its Place'
'Secret side deal' with Tehran
Iran Celebrates American 'Surrender'; Obama Says 'Give Peace a Chance'
Iran '2 to 3 weeks' from nuclear bomb
Sanctions relief will allow Iran to have access to $4.2 billion
Trust--no verify
White House Seeks to Bypass Congress to Lift Iran Sanctions
Iran sends warships to Atlantic Ocean in historic first
Iran: 'We did not agree to dismantle anything'
Iranian official confirms country sought to build nuclear weapons
Obama Lied to Congress About Iran in State of the Union
Lawmaker: Text of Iran Deal Kept in 'Super Secret Location'
Clapper: Iran Can Now Build Nukes
Iran: 'Entire Nuclear Activity of Iran Is Going On'
Iranian TV airs simulated bombing of Tel Aviv, US aircraft carrier
Barone: Is Obama Quietly Courting A Coalition With Iran?
Iran proposes joint naval exercise with Russia
Lawmaker Calls on President to Release Text of Iran Deal
Expert: Iran ships dry run for nuclear/EMP attack
Iran seeks new Russia reactor in exchange for oil
Iran advancing nuke program despite pact with West
warns of 'fallout' for Israel if peace effort fails
USA pushing Israel to stop assassinating Iranian nuclear scientists
Obama Prepares for Showdown with Israel's Netanyahu
Netanyahu Warns: Iran nuke program 'clear and present danger'
US, Iran discussing nuclear talks compromise
Iran: 'Americans begging us for deal'
Obama's secret strategy
Pelosi: Dems are too busy to attend Bibi's speech to Congress
Phased US-Iran nuclear deal taking shape
Bibi Speech
Dems lash out at Netanyahu, Tell Him to Go Home, Call Him 'a Child'
Obama says read transcript; 'nothing new'
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "He has more than one legacy. Nuclear Iran, ISIS, ISIL, end of America....etc etc."
Guess ISIS wasn't a "JV team" after all.
Iran’s leaders reject Obama deal, calling it “unacceptable.”
Senate GOP
Warning Letter to Iran: Deal With Obama Can Be Revoked
Kerry: Congress Won't Be Able to Change Iran Nuke Deal
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Remember that Democrats such as Hillary Clinton are very hawkish."
I think you meant to say
Hillary Clinton blasts Cotton Iran letter
Senator warns Obama: Don’t skip Congress for U.N. on Iran
Obama Plots to Bypass Netanyahu with UN Action
Draft deal gives Iran green light on nukes
Khamenei calls for 'death to America' as Kerry Hails Progress on Nuke Deal
Saudi prince says Iran deal could trigger nuclear race
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Awwww – is that mean ol’ congress keeping bammy from turning the middle east into a land of unicorns and rainbows?
Is Barbie all for a nuclear Iran? 2 Pe 2:1
One World Government/Religion
Kerry: Nuclear Deal With Iran is Possible: “If Allah Wills It"
Reports: Iran Concealing Nuclear Materials in North Korea, Syria
President Obama on Iran nuclear agreement: 'It is a good deal'
Agreement reached on 'framework' for final Iran nuke deal
Obama administration dialed back counterproliferation efforts to secure
Iran deal
Iran Using U.S. Cash to Fund Unprecedented, Massive Military Buildup
Jewish News Service Report: Iran Gave Terrorist Group Hezbollah $400
Million in cash received from Obama
Obama’s Former Defense Secretary: Yeah, We Lied To The Israelis That We’d
Stop Iran from Going Nuclear
Iran Refining Nuke Delivery System
seeking nuclear weapons technology, German intel says
Rouhani says new US sanctions violate nuclear accord
Since 2015 Nuclear Deal, Iran Fired 23 Missiles – And International Community Did Nothing
Iran says missile work will continue despite Western pressure: Tasnim
He went ‘rogue’! Real reason Trump fired Tillerson
Mossad chief ‘100 percent certain’ Iran seeks nuclear bomb
Ahead of U.S. nuke deal deadline, Iran threatens to renew enrichment
No more a shadow war: Confrontation between Israel and Iran intensifies
Lavrov: Russia and China to obstruct U.S. ‘sabotage’ of Iran nuclear deal
French, German leaders will bring Trump the same message: Save the Iran nuclear deal
Call for new nuke deal with Iran
Iran nuclear deal: Rouhani says West has no right to make changes
U.S. official: We don’t seek to renegotiate Iran deal
Obama Bros. Speechless After Netanyahu Exposes Iran Deal Lies
‘US knew info Netanyahu presented – we expected Iran to lie’
Censored Report: Trump Knows Obama Armed Iran To Trigger Islamic Armageddon
Iran uranium enrichment site opens for first time in 2 years, images show
Amid Trump threats, Tehran says nuclear deal is all-or-nothing
Fred Fleitz: Obama ‘Blatantly Ignored’ Iran’s Nuclear Violations
Paper: Trump Set to Scrap Iran Nuclear Deal
Iranian lawmakers burn U.S. flag after nuclear deal withdrawal
Europeans scramble to save Iran deal after Trump reneges
Iran nuclear deal: France condemns US move to re-impose sanctions
Soros-Financed, Kerry-Linked Group Furious US Out of Iran Nuke Deal
Report: Europe, China, Russia discussing new deal for Iran
Iran nuclear deal: Khamenei lists demands for European powers
Netanyahu to Meet European Leaders Over Fate of Iran Nuclear Deal
Iran nuclear deal: US rejects EU plea for sanctions exemption
EU Pledges $21 million to Keep Obama’s Catastrophic Iran Nuclear Deal Alive
Iran Nuclear Chief: ‘We have replacements for equipment we agreed to destroy’
Rouhani says Iran to continue expanding its military might
Iran threatens uranium enrichment if world powers do not keep promises
Iran officially suspends execution of part of its obligations under nuclear deal
Iran will defeat U.S.-Israeli alliance, says defense minister
Iran Accelerates Production of Enriched Uranium as Tensions Rise
Iran has increased production of enriched uranium – IAEA
Rouhani: Iran will continue to scale back nuclear deal commitments
Iran says it will abandon further nuclear deal commitments on July 7
Iran nuclear deal: Enriched uranium limit breached, IAEA confirms
Rouhani: Iran will increase uranium enrichment to whatever levels needed
Iran to announce it is increasing nuclear enrichment to 5% Sunday
Iran steps up nuclear violations; Steinitz: Tehran marching toward bomb
Iran threatens to enrich uranium to 20% purity as tensions rise
IAEA finds nuclear material in Iran warehouse
Iran’s hard-to-attack underground nuke facility part of increasing threat
EU works to save Iran nuclear agreement
Iran admits to enriching 24 tons of uranium since signing nuclear deal
Iran to further reduce commitments to nuclear deal
Iran stifling probe of storage of nuclear equipment
Iran says it can resume 20% uranium enrichment in days if no economic relief
After Iranian Agents Nearly Blow up Paris, Macron Offers the Regime $15B in Protection Money
Tehran to develop centrifuges for uranium enrichment
Iran set to begin ‘unlimited’ nuclear research and development
IAEA found uranium traces at Iran ‘atomic warehouse,’ diplomats say
Netanyahu exposes previously unknown nuclear weapons site in Iran
Iran nuclear deal: EU nations warn Tehran over breaches
Report: Iran plans to start using more advanced centrifuges
Secondary circuit of Iran’s Arak nuclear reactor to be operational within two weeks: official
Iran announces new violations of nuclear deal on anniversary
Rouhani: Iran to continue scaling back commitments to nuclear deal
Iran begins injecting gas at Fordow nuclear facility
Iran cancels accreditation of IAEA nuclear inspector
US warns Iran is preparing a ‘nuclear breakout’
Iran starts key step in building second nuclear power plant: TV
Iran starts building new nuclear reactor in Bushehr
New UN nuclear agency chief pledges ‘firm and fair’ stance on Iran
Iran developing nuclear-capable missiles, European powers warn UN
Iran’s ballistic missiles ‘can carry nuclear weapons’
Is Iran’s advanced uranium centrifuge a game-changer? – analysis
Iran president says country testing new advanced centrifuges
Iran defies EU, declaring continued nuclear uranium enrichment
France, UK, Germany ‘regret’ US end to three Iran nuclear waivers
IAEA: Iran’s uranium stockpile is 10 times over limit set by nuke deal
Beware of Iran’s underground nuclear facility – analysis
Satellite photos show construction at Iran nuclear site
UN watchdog: Iran storing 12 times more enriched uranium than nuke deal allows
Iran feeding uranium gas into advanced centrifuges underground – IAEA
Iran Passes Bill to Increase Uranium Enrichment Levels
Iran to install hundreds of advanced centrifuges
Iran to accelerate underground uranium enrichment: IAEA
Satellite imagery points to Iran moving Natanz underground
Iran builds at underground nuclear facility amid US tensions
Satellite images show Iran expanding underground nuclear facility at Fordo
Iran tells IAEA it will enrich uranium at 20%
Iranian commander: We’re fully prepared to respond to US military pressure
Iran will expel UN nuclear inspectors unless sanctions are lifted, lawmaker says
Iran works on uranium metal for reactor fuel
Iran asks watchdog not to publish ‘unnecessary’ nuke details
Iran to Begin Producing Uranium Metal For Nuclear Weapons Program
Iran says production of enriched uranium exceeds goals
Blinken: Iran could be weeks away from enough nuclear material for bomb
Iran deepens breach of nuclear deal at underground enrichment site
Iran produces uranium metal in new violation of nuclear deal
Did Iran just Find a way to bypass Western Sanctions and Advance Nuke Program?
Iran to Install Advanced Nuclear Centrifuges
IAEA found uranium traces at two sites Iran barred it from, sources sayIAEA: Iran enriching uranium with new batch of advanced centrifuges
Iran has produced 55 kg of 20% enriched uranium since January: official
UN atomic watchdog reports new Iranian breach of nuclear deal
Iran boasts of ‘133 nuclear achievements’ after Vienna talks
Security Cabinet worried U.S. ‘racing to revive Iran nuclear deal at all costs’
Israeli Media warns: "President" Biden ‘completely folding America’ to reinstate Iran deal
IAEA urges Iran to explain uranium particles at undeclared sites
Blinken: Iran’s ‘breakout time’ for nuclear weapons could shrink
Iranian Confirms 6.5 kg Stockpile of 60-Percent Enriched Uranium
Iran boots international inspectors from nuclear program
Former Chief of Staff: Iran dangerously close to acquiring a nuclear weapon
Iran restarts Bushehr nuclear power plant after overhaul
Iran says concern over its enriched uranium metal process ‘unnecessary’Nuclear talks with Iran to resume on November 29
Israel has only months to destroy Iran’s nuclear facilities
Iran: Agreement can be reached if all sanctions are lifted
Former Iranian nuclear head hints Fakhrizadeh worked on nuclear weapons
Iran stalling in talks as it ups ante on nuclear program, say experts
Israel has ‘free rein’ to deal with Iran’s precision weapons, not its nuclear program
Mossad recruited Iranian scientists to blow up key nuclear site
UN watchdog says Iran will allow new cameras at nuclear site
US official: Iran’s breakout time to nuclear weapon is ‘really short’
Iran Nuclear Deal Has ‘Put Us on Cruise Control Heading Over a Cliff’
Israel says sanctions relief for Iran could mean ‘terror on steroids’
"Predisent Biden" Admin Withholds Secret Iran Agreement From Congress
Washington’s Iran nuke-deal negotiator quit over Biden’s over-eagerness to appease a nuclear Tehran
Most Israelis don’t think IDF can stop Iran from getting nukes, poll reveals
Senior US official: Iran talks entering final stretch, tough decisions will be needed
US officials: Iran’s breakout period will be less than a year if 2015 deal is revived
U.S. Republican senators vow to thwart any Iran deal if Biden skips congressional review
US removes some Iran sanctions imposed by Trump return to Obama-era negotiators have resigned over
How America is Helping Iran Get a Nuclear Arsenal
World powers reportedly finalizing details of nuclear deal
New Iran nuke deal will bring ‘more violent’ Mideast, warns Israeli PM
"President Biden" Restores Iran Deal w/ $11 Billion Gift During Ukraine Crisis
Russia acting as negotiator for Biden administration in Iran nuclear deal
Israel calls to wage war against Iran ‘Now’, before Nuclear Deal signed
‘Biden not in control of Iran talks,’ former senior US State Department official says
Mike Pence: Biden working toward dangerous agreement with the ayatollahs in Iran
Is Biden Keeping A Plot To Kill A Former Trump Official Quiet So He Can Strike A Deal With Iran?
A chance for a ‘longer and stronger’ deal, rather than a contract of capitulation
49 Republican Senators Will Oppose Iran Nuclear Deal
History repeats itself as Iran expected to get nukes, destroy Israel
"President Biden" Admin’s Nuclear Deal: “This Isn’t Obama’s Iran Deal. It’s Much, Much Worse.”
US Ambassador to Israel: If there’s a deal with Iran, Israel’s hands won’t be tied
White House admits: Iran will have nukes in “a few weeks or less”
Nuclear threats spreading! Iran is completing production, installation of 1,000 advanced centrifuges
Iran’s enriched uranium stockpile 18 times over 2015 deal limit, IAEA says
Iranian missile scientist found dead
Bennett: A clear warning light to Iran
Iran warns: Our response to IAEA will be firm and proportionate
Iran Crosses the Nuclear Threshold
Satellite footage shows: Iran preparing for space launchAll options on the table’ for stopping Iran’s nuke program, says top Trump adviser
IAEA reports Iran has enough uranium for 6 nuclear bombs
“Seriously Alarming” Enrichment of Uranium in Iran