Political Terrorism

Wet Works

[Trump: If I am assassinated there will be civil war Mirrorspectrum] "Donald Trump made an assumption about what could happen after his presumed assassination. He believes that it will spark a civil war.

Trump moved ahead of Hillary Clinton in the presidential polling averages for the first time this week, while the death threats against him became louder and more insistent.

New World Order experts believe Donald Trump’s anti-establishment views, in particular his promise to expose the truth about 9/11, mean he is right to fear being the highest profile politician since JFK to be assassinated.

The New World Order controlled evil in Washington not only kills foreign leaders who try to disrupt their master plan, they also take out their own. JFK warned that elite secret societies were running the world and that they had a plan to enslave every American man, woman, and child. This was enough to get the popular President killed.

JFK’s assassination sent shockwaves through an unsuspecting American society that are still being felt today. But would a presidential assassination pan out the same way in 2016? Would the people stand for having a popular President taken out by the shady elite again?

Secrets Exposed

Trump is threatening to blow the lid off the US establishment’s biggest secrets should he become President. Speaking at a campaign event in Bluffton, SC, in the formative stage of his campaign, Trump raised the issue of 9/11 – the federal government’s Achilles heel.

“We went after Iraq, they did not knock down the World Trade Center.” Trump told those in attendance. “It wasn’t the Iraqis that knocked down the World Trade Center, we went after Iraq, we decimated the country, Iran’s taking over, OK,” Trump continued.

“But it wasn’t the Iraqis, you will find out who really knocked down the World Trade Center. Because they have papers in there that are very secret, you may find it’s the Saudis, OK? But you will find out.”

Trump was referring to the 28 pages of the original Joint Congressional Inquiry into 9/11, which remain classified and withheld from the public on grounds of ‘national security’. The pages are thought to implicate the Saudi Royal Family in financing the supposed hijackers in the United States prior to the attacks..." Full text: Trump: If I am assassinated there will be civil war 1 Ti 2:1-2


Change You Can Believe In


PsyOp: Civil War in America

Identity Politics


Federalizing Police

Donald Trump and Conspiracy Theories



Big Banking


Egalitarian Society

Wicked Presidents

War on Christians 

The Leopard

Freedom of Speech/Press



Saudi Arabia ups ante with claim US false flagged 9/11

Alate_One View Post
I think it would be more of a collective sigh of relief.

He's a child-killing serial adulterer (Pr 8:36, Ex 20:14). What more could a Leftist ask for? Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10

patrick jane View Post Clinton is a child killing felon.

1 Pe 4:5

Report: Trump refused $200M to pick Gingrich as VP  


TD Hale Vision: Death of Important Person


Dreams & Visions

Twitter Erupts With Assassination Threats

Vatican Congratulates Trump, Already Showing Himself to Be ‘A Leader’


Kenneth Copeland Lays Hands and Prays Over Donald Trump
JFK Assassination


PsyOp: Civil War in America
One World Government/Religion
Vatican Plot: Third Temple, Take Over of Israel

British journalist calls for assassination of President Trump

drbrumley View Post Doug Casey said it right. Wish I had thought of it.

Quote: "Is a real civil war possible? Unlikely. The electorate is too degraded to actually get off their couches to fight, apart from the fact few know how to use a gun anymore. Besides, 25% of the US is on antidepressants or other psychoactive drugs; they’re too passive to want radical change. Almost half the country is on some form of the dole; they fear to have their doggy dishes taken away. More than half the country is obese; fat people tend to avoid street fights. The median age in the US is 38; old people don’t usually get in fights. Anyway, everybody lives on their electronic devices, not the real world."

The snowflakes are in for a rude awakening (1 Thess 5:3).

Protest: 'More snow, less hate' Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10

Secret Service agent suggests wouldn't 'take bullet' for Trump Jn 15:13
ok doser View Post
A senior U.S. Secret Service agent posted Facebook....That alone should be enough to get her fired.

She needs to go, yes.

German Paper Editor Calls for ‘Murder in the White House’ to End ‘Trump Catastrophe’

Moscow Accuses USA of 'Paranoia'

...Anti-Russian agenda

Former Secret Service Agent Warns Trump ‘Not Secure’ in the White House

Madonna thought a lot about “blowing up the White House”

Snoop Dog Video Featuring Mock Trump Shooting
Nouveau View Post
Snoop Dogg must be Obama advocate...
Snooooop ~ Drop it Like It's Hot, Snoop Dogg ft. Pharrell
ignatius View Post
Just imagine if you will what the brain dead left would have done had anyone dared to do the same thing about Odumbo.

Weren't they hysterical about Sarah Palin and her targets? Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10

Officials: Janesville man, subject of manhunt, sent 161-page manifesto to Trump

...Company Defends
 2 Thess. 2:7, 8

MethNBC terrorism analyst nominates Trump property for ‘ISIS suicide bombing’

Kathy Griffin Trump ‘Beheading’ Mainstreams Islamic State Propaganda

Senators Stab Trump to Death in Central Park Performance of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar

...Delta, Bank of America Dump Dump NYC Public Theater Over Play Depicting Trump Assassination

...CNN Host Hails 'Masterpiece'...Standing ovation

...Donors Appalled By Production

...American Express refuses to pull funding

Inside the Beltway: Protesters target Trump birthday as ‘the perfect day to ruin’

Gunman opens fire at congressional baseball practice 2 Thess. 2:7, 8

Member of Congress Shot

Gunman: 'Kill as many Republicans as possible'

Murder asked: 'Are Those Republicans or Democrats Out There?'

'It's Time To Destroy Trump & Co'

Left-Wing Twitter Celebrates

A partial list of threats against GOP and Trump from Hollywood celebrities

Trump 'assassination' play to continue despite mounting controversy

‘1 down, 216 to go’: GOP congresswoman receives threatening email after Virginia shooting

Mainstream Media Incitement of Violence Against Republicans Leads to Shooting of U.S. Congressman

Billyd View Post ...God didn't put us on the earth to predict the end of days...
Paul expected to be raptured. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord. 1 Thessalonians 4:17 (NKJV), emphasis mine. Paul included himself in his teaching.

But you, brethren, are not in darkness, so that this Day should overtake you as a thief. You are all sons of light and sons of the day. We are not of the night nor of darkness. Therefore let us not sleep, as others do, but let us watch and be sober. 1 Thessalonians 5:4–6 (NKJV)

And everyone who has this hope in Him purifies himself, just as He is pure. 1 John 3:3 (NKJV)

Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near. Luke 21:28 (NKJV)

But if that servant says in his heart, ‘My master is delaying his coming,’ and begins to beat the male and female servants, and to eat and drink and be drunk, the master of that servant will come on a day when he is not looking for him, and at an hour when he is not aware, and will cut him in two and appoint him his portion with the unbelievers. Luke 12:45–46 (NKJV)

blue_ladybug View Post ...[Y]ou the serial news forum spammer that Dude is complaining about?

They call whatever they disagree with spam (Eph 4:14).

Time Warner CEO Defends Funding 'Assassination' Play

List: Violence Against Conservatives Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10

‘We Will Not Be Intimidated’ — Donald Trump Addresses Congressional Baseball Game

Shooter’s Facebook Group Celebrates Attack

Dem Strategist James Devine Launches Hashtag #HuntRepublicanCongressmen After Steve Scalise Shooting

Rick ‘Put a Bullet in Trump’ Wilson: POTUS Supporters See Scalise Shooting as ‘Blessing’

Trinity College Professor on Congressional Baseball Shooting: ‘Let Them F*cking Die’

Rush: Democratic Party ‘Has Become the Largest Hate Group in This Country’

Johnny Depp Jokes About Trump Assassination


11th Hollywood Star to Imagine Violence

MSNBC Says President Like 'Suicide Bomber'

30 Republican Congressmen Attacked or Threatened

Pulitzer-Winning Novelist Michael Chabon Expresses ‘Hope’ that Trump Has ‘Massive Stroke’

Dem Official Caught Saying I'm 'Glad' Scalise Got Shot

MSNBC Matthews Suggests Jared Murder

Secret Service Grills Kathy Griffin Over Trump “Severed Head” Stunt

…Leftist Group Uses Deadly Protest to Promote ‘Progressivism,’ Fundraiser

State Senator: 'I Hope Trump Is Assassinated!'

US senator Chappelle-Nadal’s Trump assassination post investigated

'Godfather' tells students schools are 'Trump-free zone'

Not so Reverend Jesse Jackson:   “Trump Would Not Qualify To Get Into Jesus’ Kingdom”

Miss America Contestants Asked to Condemn President

Colbert Uses Profanity to Describe President's 'Soul'

California Billboard Portrays Trump as Nazi

President slams 'unfunny' TV hosts, wants 'equal time' 

Principal Apologizes For President's Tombstone at Halloween Party

Parents Upset By Life-Size Trump-Scarecrow Placed Outside School 

Trump: 'Burn in hell' Halloween gravestone divides neighbors  

Snoop Dogg Poses Over Trump Corpse

Baldwin Depicts President on Throne 

Texas sheriff concerned about truck with anti-Trump message  

GoFundMe raises $100,000 for woman who fliped off Trump's Motorcade

GQ Magazine Urges Readers to Trash Thanksgiving for Trump Voters

Morrissey: I’d Kill Donald Trump for the ‘Safety of Humanity’

ESPN’s Jemele Hill On Trump: ‘I Thought Everybody Knew (Trump Is A White Supremacist)’

Secret Service holds first-ever live drill on White House grounds 

Dem Rep Cohen: ‘Trump Is the Most Despicable Human Being to Ever Reside at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave’

Trump motorcade driver detained by Secret Service after gun discovered

Sean Penn Debut Novel Hints at Assassinating Trump

Woman says attacked after telling women she was Trump supporter

Kamala Cracks Trump Death Joke 

Judge: Bars allowed to throw out Trump supporters

School mural depicts severed, speared Trump head

Reply to ann franken

MAGA Assassinate Trump today.  God Bless Trump with a bullet to his head praise the Lord. 


Who Is Valerie Jarrett? Wikileaks Answers Today, J Crew, Julian, News Natasha – V

Peter Fonda tweets he wants to 'rip Barron Trump from his mother' and put him in a 'cage with pedophiles'

Reply to Antho Cris ​

Fonda the POS should be arrested immediately!  

@Antho Cris Remember when it was illegal to threaten your president?  2 Thess. 2:7, 8 

White House Spokeswoman Kicked Out of Restaurant by Trump Hater

Sarah Shown the Door

Owner: Moral Decision

Maxine Waters orders more public harassment of Trump aides

...'God is on our side'

GOP Lawmakers Introduce Censure Measure Calling On Maxine Waters To Resign

Ren Hen Restaurant In Legal Trouble?

Red Hen owner stalked Sarah Sanders’ family

Maxine Waters confronted; Pushes camera, waves papers, sticks out tongue!

Journalist presses Charges against Maxine Waters

Teen Attacked for Wearing a MAGA hat

Celebs risk backlash with vulgar anti-Trump rhetoric

Founder of Movement for Disillusioned Democrats Refused Service at New York Electronics Store 

Dramatic Rise in Anti-Trump Movement

Vid: People Hate What Obama And Hillary Did On Russia — When They’re Told Trump Did It

‘I would murder him, for the people’ Secret Service probing Antifa threats against Trump

Feds Offering $20,000 Reward for Suspect Accused of Threatening Trump

Linda Sarsour Asks Muslims To Form “Jihad” Against Trump, Not To Assimilate

NYT Publishes Assassination Fantasy

Vid:  Sodomite Parents Attack/Disown Adopted Son Because He Wears a Trump 2020 Hat 

86 45: Outrage As Amigos Mexican Restaurant In Rhode Island Openly Calls For The Death Of President Trump On Their Employee T-Shirts

Reply to Stonenchizel

Arizona Man Gets Prison Term For Threats Against President Trump (GreatAwakening)

Remember the good ol' days when you couldn't threaten your president?

The US is not in prophecy. Think the Trump family survives?...

Special Mid East Prophecy Update J.D. Farag  

Is Romney Delivering a Thinly Veiled Assassination Threat to Trump (for the Third Time)?

Soros-Backed Domestic Terrorist Groups Planning to Use Violence to Force Trump From Office

Prog-Left Now Openly Calling All Would-Be Killers To The Kill

UC Berkeley police investigating fight caught on video showing conservative activist being punched in the face 

UCLA Students Support Concentration Camps For Trump Supporters

High School Reportedly Bans MAGA Hat Because It Might Make Kids Feel ‘Unsafe’

Presidents #25 and #35 Were Assassinated, Will #45 Be Next? 

Fake News Becomes Fake History: New Pearson history book claims President Trump is mentally ill and his supporters are racists

Fifty House Democrats and 1 lone Republican are now calling for Trump’s impeachment

CNN Tries Turning Trump “Special Day of Prayer” Into “White Evangelical” Day 

Pelosi tells Dems she wants to see Trump ‘in prison’

‘Give him a shiv’: Bette Midler sticks it to Trump after he called her ‘psycho’

‘Death Camps for Trump Supporters Now!’ Emblazoned on Antifa-style Fliers in New York

Political Violence Fuels Globalist Endgame That Has All of Humanity in its Sights

New movie 'The Hunt' depicts liberal elites hunting Trump supporters for sport 

Debunking The 'Trump is a Racist' Myth Larry Elder  

Democrat Fundraiser Features Simulated Donald Trump Assassination

Joy Behar & Meghan McCain Urge Dems to Assassinate Trump on “The View”

Van Filled With 1,000 Gallons Of Gasoline Found In Downtown Baltimore Parking Structure Ahead Of Trump’s Visit

Ex-Trump Campaign Manager Lewandowski Kicks Off Impeachment Probe Hearing with a Bang

Judge Blocks California Law That Requires Trump to Release Tax Returns to Be on Ballot

NeverTrump Republican Bill Weld Wants Death Penalty for Trump for Speaking to Ukraine About Biden Crime Family

Fake News Media Salivating As 145 House Democrats Order 4PM Meeting Today On Beginning Impeachment Hearings On President Trump, But What About Burisma Holdings?

Trump impeachment: Pelosi launches inquiry into Ukraine claims

Nothing Burger:  White House Releases Full Transcript Of Ukraine Phone Call, Trump’s Approval Rating Hits 2.5 Year High As Americans See Through Pathetic Democrat Ploy

DOJ Clears Trump Less Than 24 Hours After Pelosi’s Impeachment Announcement

San Francisco Schools Radicalizing Kids as Young as 5 With Anti-Trump, Anti-American Propaganda Showcased at Recent Rally

SNL Suggests Assassinating President Trump Instead Of Impeachment

Trump Shares Pastor’s Warning of ‘Civil War-Like Fracture’ If Impeached

Ron Paul Asks: “Impeachment… Or CIA Coup?”

Vid:  Kamala Harris calls for Trump's Twitter account to be suspendedFullsized image

Joy Behar And ‘The View’ Hosts Mock Christians By Setting ‘Impeach Trump’ Song To The Tune Of ‘Joy To The World’ Hymn About The Birth Of Jesus Christ

Former Congressman Trey Gowdy Signs On To Team Trump To Help In Fight Against Impeachment Being Brought By Nancy Pelosi And House Democrats 

Trump Spent Friday Night In Emergency Bunker As ANTIFA Raged Outside As It’s Becoming Obvious The Left’s Plan Is To Kill The President

White House Staff Gathers to Watch President Depart 

Sánchez, Castro Push Legislation to Prevent Naming Things After Trump

PBS top lawyer says gov should build ‘enlightenment camps and remove children from Trump supporting homes

President Trump Declassifies Russia Collusion Documents

The insurrection lie

Deep State Democrats Begin Campaign Of Targeting And Destroying The 75 Million Americans Who Supported Donald Trump

When "Vice President" Kamala Harris joked about killing Trump and Pence

"President" Biden and the Democrats continue using biological warfare against ‘non-compliant’ Red State conservatives

Texas snow 1, 2

The CDC will release biowarfare pathogens in Texas and Florida to punish states that refuse vaccine passports

Biden regime said to be “actively considering” legislation to go after Trump-supporting conservatives suddenly designated “domestic terrorists”

Major Minnesota law firm sued for firing pro-Trump employees

New York Times reporter deletes tweet calling Trump supporters ‘enemies of the state’

Chase Bank Cancels General Mike Flynn’s Credit Cards 

Liberal Soros-Backed Group Submitted Letter To Government That Advocated Shooting Republicans

Iran may try to assassinate Trump officials

TV station allegedly flouts federal law by refusing to air conservative political ad

Biden: Trump supporters ‘most extreme’ group in recent American history

Association of American Medical Colleges unleashes new curriculum standards that force medical students to go woke in order to practice medicine

Remember The Govt List 72 Different Types Of Americans Who Could Be Terrorists

Deep State’s “Next Step Will Be Assassination” After Trump Raid, Warns Former NYC Police Commissioner

Kash Patel Brings Russia Gate Pain & Panic in DC Katie Griffith

Expect False Flag Against "MAGA" Americans 

Jane Fonda Suggests On ‘The View’ That People Should ‘Murder’ Pro-Lifers

...Right before trans terrorist assassinated six Christians in Nashville 

Trans Anti-Christian Video Game Released 2 Months Before School Attack

Trump warns of ‘problems the likes of which we’ve never seen before’ if indicted

Arizona Gov. Katie Hobbs’ press secretary resigns after threatening violence against ‘transphobes’

Trump ‘Needs To Be Shot’: Democratic Lawmaker Quickly Backpedals During On-Air Tirade

Democrat Party Social Media Page Calls to “Burn” Homes of Trump Supporters

Judge Sentences Woman Who Sent Trump Poison – She’ll Never Be 100% Free Again

Texas AG Sends Threatening Warning to "President" Biden After Being Cleared From Impeachment Charges

Hillary Clinton claims Trump supporters are in a ‘cult’ and need ‘formal deprogramming’

IRS contractor who leaked Trump tax returns pleads guilty

Trump “Has To Be Eliminated”: Another Dan Goldman Gaffe, Or Call For Assassination? 

Air Force warns troops to avoid pro-Trump ‘patriot’ rally

Elon Musk’s businesses increasingly targeted by "President" Biden admin since Twitter purchase

Arsonists target American Experiment offices

Leftists threaten to go after conservatives in their homes, churches if GOP wins in 2024

The Looming Threat of Directed Energy Weapons

Germany: Parents of AfD Politician Targeted in Devastating Arson Attack by Government-Funded Antifa Terrorists 

Donald Trump: ‘If I don’t get elected, it’s going to be a bloodbath for the country!’

Democrats Hint At Assassination In Response To Supreme Court Immunity Decision

Rand Paul Asks Why TSA Is Using Terror Watch List to Spy on Americans “Based on Their Political Views”

Marfoogle: Everyone's talking about a Trump assassination 

American pastor threatens Elon Musk: ‘Sometimes violence is necessary’









Political Terrorism