War on Christians

Christian persecution in America


Rise of satanism, exorcisms, witchcraft, paganism, etc.


Scoffing, mocking


[Atheist billboards: 55 signs in California to promote atheism during Christmas] "Atheist billboards are one thing, but 55 signs in California promoting atheism are causing quite a stir. A group of atheists and agnostics plan to erect roadside signs to promote their lack of religious faith push for church and state separation, beginning the day after Thanksgiving (Black Friday). However, many believe the Sacramento-targeted effort is an indictment on Christmas, citing a Nov. 26 Fox News report.

Atheism in America is alive and well..." Full text:
Atheist billboards: 55 signs in California to promote atheism during Christmas Jn 15:18

"In my second term, I will win the war on Christmas." ~ Barack Obama



One World Government/Religion

Dirt Worshippers  

Freedom of Religion/Expression 


Freedom of Speech/Press

Worldwide Persecution

Last War: War of Religion

Identity Politics

School Prayer  

Sign of the Times

Zombie Apocalypse  


Creepy Clowns






Identity Politics

Sodomites: Oh Yeah And Bake Us A Cake

Egalitarian society

Martial Law



Surveillance State

Freedom of Assembly

Political Terrorism

US Dept of Education



I Want to Believe



Change You Can Believe In

Culture of Death


Big Banking

Post-Christian America

Federal Bureau of Prisons

Response to comment [from an agnostic]: "Next."

[School cancels Operation Christmas Child over lawsuit threats By Todd Starnes] "A South Carolina charter school has canceled its annual Christmas toy drive after a group of self-described humanists complained that the project violated the U.S. Constitution and accused them of bribing children to convert to Christianity.

Renee Mathews, the principal of East Point Academy in West Columbia, S.C., said the annual Operation Christmas Child project was halted because the American Humanist Association threatened to sue the school.

“We received a letter saying we had to cease and desist immediately or they would take legal action against us,” Mathews told me..." Full text:
School cancels Operation Christmas Child over lawsuit threats Jn 8:36

Response to comment [from a Christian]:

"We wish you a merry gingerbread house
we wish you a merry gingerbread house
we wish you a merry gingerbread house
and a happy new year"

"We now live in an America where it takes courage to say, 'Merry Christmas.'" ~ Dennis Prager

Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "A person can find millions of these stories. Bill O'Reilly has been reporting on the war on Christmas for years now."

Christmas sure gets under their dander up. Jn 15:25

Response to comment [from an agnostic]: "...[W]ould you ever give money to a charity that doesn't mention God, Jesus or Christ in the name?"

I give to my local church and charities who honor the Lord. I used to support Campus Crusade for Christ until they removed the name Christ. Then, I stopped. Giving should be done in the name of Jesus.

"To pray in Jesus' name means to pray in the authority of that name, much as we might use the phrase "in the name of the law" to assert the authority of the law..." Full text:
Names of Jesus 1 Ki 8:43

[Atheists irritated this time of year Ps 53:1] "Yep, and that only shows how hate filled they truly are."

Jesus can fix that (Eze 36:26).

Atheists Claim Cross Memorial Gives Them Headaches, Causes Emotional Pain

They're against your church not theirs.

Atheist 'mega-churches' take root across USA, world

"...[Y]our sources they tend to conveniently leave certain things out."

Ad hominem
Do you have a comment regarding the issue at hand?


Tactics of the Left

"Yes an ad hominem...So what?"

"There are other measures of self-respect for a man, than the number of clean shirts he puts on every day." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Your sources are bad why is [sic] they irrelevant?

"Don't worry when you are not recognized, but strive to be worthy of recognition." ~ Abraham Lincoln

Response to comment [from other]: "...Christian right-wingers start yelling about the war on Christmas. ...Ah, Christmastime."

Proof please.


Getting Rid of Christ? By Ken Ham

[Proof Christians "start yelling"] "Sure..." [link to this thread]

Ad hominem Eph 4:14

"No, it wasn't an ad hominem."

Let the reader decide.


Tactics of the Left

Response to comment [from a Christian]: [Regarding posted picture] "Give those black boys white rule and they won't be hungry."

Do you believe blacks are inferior to whites? Ac 17:26

Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: [Question to Jabin: Do you believe blacks are inferior to whites? Ac 17:26 ] I think Jabin was being sarcastic.

As a reminder meshak is 17 on Satan, Inc. in "The 'Jesus is not God' people (Non-trinitarians) category.

Response to comment [from other]: [Let the reader decide. See: Tactics of the Left ] What if the reader decides it's not an ad hominem?

Discuss issues not people. Eph 4:14

Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: [Make-believer Meshak 2 Pe 2:1, Eph 4:14 ] Thanks, I think everyone knows it.

Jesus loves you (Jn 3:16). Jesus is willing to save you (2 Pe 3:9). Repent (Eze 18:30-32; Ac 17:30). Believe (Mk 9:23).


Pious platitude (2 Pe 2:1).


Satan's Academy Award
by Adrian Rogers

Affirming Christmas

Response to comment [from a Jew]: [Cashier at store] "...[H]e had the audacity not to wish me a Merry Christmas..."

Does 'Merry Christmas' offend you?


Most Jews Wish You a Merry Christmas by Dennis Prager

Air Force Base Takes Down Nativity Scene After Complaint It Violated Constitution Ps 33:12

To those who say there is no war on Christmas


Jn 15:25, 20 McGee

The USAF Band Holiday Flash Mob at the National Air and Space Museum 2013

Is Disney Really Diminishing Jesus’ Importance in Its Annual Christmas Show?

Grocery Store Kicks Girls Off Property For Singing Christmas Carols

Response to comment [from a Catholic]:

annabenedetti View Post Do you read the articles you post?


View Post Why are you looking for Christ in a Disneyland production?

Proof please.

serpentdove View Post Disney is pro-homo...(Ro 1:32).

Disney World Surprise - Didn't Go So Well

Response to comment [from an atheist]: [Return from absence at TOL, posted @SD on Twitter] "You went there, I didn't."

Don't you 'biology much' me, mister.

Choked Up Judge Orders Removal of Cross from Veterans Memorial Jn 15:25, 20

[Cross dresser] " I'm wearing a Santa hat at work."

And skirt? Deut 22:5, Mt 19:4 :vomit:

You went there, I didn't.

Deut 22:5, Mt 19:4 :vomit:

Jesus loves you (
Jn 3:16
). Jesus is willing to save you (2 Pe 3:9). Repent (Eze 18:30-32; Ac 17:30). Believe (Mk 9:23).

[Don't you 'biology much' me, mister. ] I didn't. You're drunk, go home.

:yawn: You're projecting again (1 Co 6:9-10). :noway:

You did on Twitter.

Deut 22:5, Mt 19:4

Jesus loves you (
Jn 3:16
). Jesus is willing to save you (2 Pe 3:9). Repent (Eze 18:30-32; Ac 17:30). Believe (Mk 9:23).

[Don't you 'biology much' me, mister (and I do mean mister ).] "Proof please."

SD: Don't you 'biology much' me, mister.
P66: I didn't. You're drunk, go home.
SD: You're projecting again (
1 Co 6:9-10). You did on Twitter.
P66: Proof please.

"Get over it."

You are known for denying the obvious (Deut 22:5, Mt 19:4, Ro 1:21).

"You can't keep Him from loving you....When you put up an umbrella of sin, the sunshine of God's love sure won't fall on you. But it's still there for you.” ~ J. Vernon McGee

"Get over it already."

"One of these days the dam of God's mercy will give way to his justice." ~ Adrian Rogers Deut 32:4; Isa 45:21

"Seriously, build a bridge and get over it."

"If evil doesn't bother you--you're evil." ~ Darrell Ferguson

"[Y]ou bother me."

Isa 1:18


Is There Anything Too Hard for God? By Adrian Rogers

Response to comment [from a Christian]:

They need the bread of life (Jn 6:48).

Veterans Battling Order to Tear Down Landmark California Cross

Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster OK'd for Capitol display

Long Island School Removes Christ from Silent Night

Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Church Displays Bleeding Trayvon Martin Nativity Scene link

They think blasphemy is "edgy"."

They do (Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10).

VA Hospital Bans Christmas Carolers From Singing Religious Songs Jn 15:25, 20

Also see:


Response to comment [from an atheist]: "I was wishing guests at the hotel where I work a Merry Christmas."

Were you wearing a dress? Deut 22:5, Mt 19:4, 1 Co 6:9

"...Are you just one of those creepy people that likes ask people on the internet what they are wearing?"

...Somethin bout a
girl in a red sun dress Ru 2:3

[...Somethin' bout women --not men --in red dresses (Deut 22:5, Mt 19:4, 1 Co 6:9)] "You are creepy."

Marriage is a good thing.

Jesus loves you (Jn 3:16). Jesus is willing to save you (2 Pe 3:9). Repent (Eze 18:30-32; Ac 17:30). Believe (Mk 9:23).

Ace Ventura - Einhorn is a Man

University of Wisconsin removes Bibles from guest rooms after complaint

Atheist Group Demands School Stop Allowing Students to Help Starving Children

'Jesus' reference in city council prayer stirs debate

‘Willing to Go to Jail’: Politician Delivers Passionate Speech About God Before Defying Judge’s Order and Uttering a Christian Prayer

Religious Freedom Coalition Erects Billboard Near AF Academy, Seeks Meeting

Foundation Defends Air Force General for Day of Prayer Speech

Marine court-martialed for refusing to remove Bible verse

Teacher Suing School District Over ‘Bibles, Prayer Circles, Ministering’ On Campus

Florida sheriff under fire for preaching in uniform: Grady Judd asks if world would be better if all behaved like Christians

OK Supremes: 10 Commandments statue must be removed from state Capitol

Also see:

School Prayer

Group To Unveil Satan Statue In Detroit

...'Largest Public Satanic Ceremony In History' Luke 4:6–8; 2 Thess. 2:3, 4

Police cars' 'In God We Trust' decals draw complaints Ps 33:12

Satanic Temple wants goat-headed devil statue on Arkansas Capitol grounds 1 Cor. 10:20, 21

Trump Suggests Boycotting Starbucks Over Red Cups Controversy Jn 15:25

Starbucks Scrambles Out New Veterans Perks After Christmas Red Cup Debacle

Response to comment [from a Jew]: "There is no "war on Christmas ". This is just a manufactured ,mythical war invented by whiny, easily offended right-wing Christians..."

‘I'm not gay' ~ Jerry Seinfeld

Protesters Vandalize Chicago¹s Official Christmas Tree, Strip Off Lights, Ornaments

Muslims murder Christians at Christmas Party San Bernardino

Billboard of Santa with a rifle creates controversy Lk 22:36

School principal bans Santa, Thanksgiving and Pledge of Allegiance

Response to comment [from other]: "...[W]hat these Christians truly want is exclusive access and special privileges for themselves only."

Christmas is a national holiday--for good reason, God-hater (Jn 14:6, 15:25).

Response to comment [from other]: "In the constitutionally Christian UK, we have two days holiday for Christmas and another two for Easter..."

Your country is toast. How's that banning Michael Savage ban working out for you? Ge 16:12, Jer 7:6, GWT

Hackers trace ISIS Twitter accounts to web addresses owned by UK govt

"Your link says that the IP addresses used are owned by Saudi Arabia. Perhaps you need to read more carefully..."

"At first glance, the IP addresses seem to be based in Saudi Arabia, but upon further inspection using specialist tools they appeared to link back to the DWP..." Full text: Hackers trace ISIS Twitter accounts back to internet addresses linked to Department of Work and Pensions

"...[T]he IPs were originally assigned to, and therefore trivially traceable back to, the UK government, they're actually owned by the foreign companies who lawfully purchased them..."

We have our own Josh Goebbels (Savage).

Here’s Why Trump Is Right About ‘Shutting Down’ Parts Of The Internet

Response to comment [from a Jew]: "Fortunately we live a free speech society, but sometimes-negative billboards can have the opposite affect. But let’s face facts most people enjoy Christmas."

It's always funny to hear Dennis Prager, a Jew, singing Christmas songs on his program.

Oh good grief! School district censors Charlie Brown Christmas

Parents Question Choice To Sing 'Allahu Akbar' At Holiday Concert Ge 16:12, Jer 7:6, GWT

Response to comment [from other]: [Relocated: Parents Question Choice To Sing 'Allahu Akbar' At Holiday Concert Ge 16:12, Jer 7:6, GWT, Jn 15:18 ] "Christian and Jewish songs will be performed as well, but the Ramadan song is getting all the attention."

I thought we already agreed--your country is a goner. Wanna ban Geller, too?

Geller: UK Chief Rabbi Says Teach Islam in Jewish Schools

This Is England ~ The Clash

Baby Jesus, "Merry Christmas" banner removed from VA hospital

‘The Biblical Story of Noah’s Ark Is Immoral’: Atheists Reveal Fiery Protest Plan Against Creationist Ken Ham’s Bible Theme Park Gen. 6:13–22

Colorado School District to Begin Distribution of Satanic Materials to Children Luke 4:6–8

Jose Fly View Post
Well that's how it works....[W]ere you thinking that Christianity should get special privileges?

Lk 21:28

Easter 2016: Jesus actor banned from Sunday parade for being 'too gay'
[The wickedness of Sodom ([Ex 20:14] heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13]) was notorious (Gen. 13:13).] ([Ex 20:14] heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13]).

Judge bans Christian cross from L.A. County seal

Holy Bible on list of 'challenged' books at libraries

The burgeoning satanic movement Luke 4:6–8; 2 Thess. 2:3, 4

'Black Mass' Planned Oklahoma Luke 4:6–8; 2 Thess. 2:3, 4

Artist: Jesus on a dartboard

Harvard Prof Urges Liberals to Treat Evangelical Christians Like Nazis

patrick jane View Post [Treat Christians like Nazis] Pipe down Serpy.

Aren't they the ones that believe in Darwin's Monkey theory? Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10, Ac 17:26


One Race One Blood

Alate_One deceives students in the classroom

6-6-16: Satanists In Los Angeles Will Construct A Giant Pentagram To ‘Raise Awareness’ For Satanism Luke 4:6–8; 2 Thess. 2:3, 4

High School Ends Tradition of Graduation Prayer After Student Invoked Jesus Christ Last Year

School Calls Sheriff to Stop 7-Year-Old from Handing Out Bible Verses

Swiss Tunnel’s Bizarre Satanic Ritual Opening Leaves Viewers Baffled

Atheist Lawsuit Forces West Texas Sheriff to Remove Crosses from Patrol Cars

‘Satanic Temple’ Joins Planned Parenthood in Pro-Abortion Crusade

Veteran Dragged from Air Force Ceremony for Mentioning God

University of North Carolina: Christmas is a ‘Microaggression’

Vandals target church, paint 'Satan is my daddy'

Tebow Hatred Reaches New Low

City orders ‘Jesus is Lord’ ads removed after receiving one complaint, says it invites hate messaging

Sermons on Biblical Sexuality Illegal in Iowa?

Satanist Invocation Interrupted With Lord’s Prayer During Florida City Council Meeting

Satanist opens city council meeting, and, well, just watch Luke 4:6–8; 2 Thess. 2:3, 4

An After School Satan Club could be coming to your kid’s elementary school

Satanic Black Mass Set

...Satanist Gives Invocation at Alaska Assembly Meeting

Judge Plays God to Ban 'Unimportant' Bible Verse

College bulletin board denounces white, male, Christian 'privilege'


Keeping Racism Alive

Texas AG OK’s Prayer in Court Over Atheist Group’s Objection

[Thread Closed by Moderator ] "Truth is hate to those who hate the truth." ~ Bob Enyart Mk 9:41, 13:7, 25:8, 40, Dan 10:13, Ps 105:15, Ro 14:4, Mk 6:11, Is 45:24, 54:17, Re 12:10, 12, Jud 1:9

Arby’s Marketing Campaign: Do What Thou Wilt: Twitter

Despite Earlier Denials, Arch From Temple of Ba'al to Stand in NYC Ex. 20:1–5

Swedish Church Removes Crosses to Make Muslim Migrants Feel “Welcome"
Ge 16:12, Jer 7:6, GWT

Clemson University Administrator Stops Man From Praying on Campus “This isn’t a free speech area.”

Satanist Leads Invocation at Alaska Assembly Meeting

Satanic Temple headquarters to open quietly in Salem Jn 15:18

Quetzal View Post Can't we wage war on Halloween and Thanksgiving first? Before we begin our holiest of crusades on Santa?

Evil doesn't take a day off (Jn 3:20). Neither do we (Ro 12:21).

Quetzal View Post [Tis always the season ] Swing and miss!

Would you like to convey your allegiance to Jesus or the kingdom of darkness? Mt 12:30

School Ordered to Allow Satan Club Luke 4:6–8; 2 Thess. 2:3

xcdx View Post If Christian groups get to do it, you can't deny it to Satanists.

Are you a Satanist? Luke 4:6–8; 2 Thess. 2:3, 4

The American exorcists

...Huge increase in demand

...Pagan activities in full force

Surge in Satanism, black magic

Crucifix Display Reported as 'Hate Incident' at University Ex. 20:1–5

Satanism Grows

...Exorcisms Boom

Atheist cemetery

Crucible View Post Atheists have made attempts at Christmas, trying to secularize it, but then again Christians don't make it too difficult for them.

They're going to have their hay day soon. They'll be kinda bummed about having taken that mark (Re 9:6 ).

TweetyBird View Post Christmas is about the birth of Jesus Christ. See the word "Christ"? Who cares what the world tries to do to it. Christ is still preached regardless of the naysayers.

Naysayers can't gainsay (Lk 21:15).

Do you have a problem with actual dialogue that you have to keep posting all these links to conspiracy theories?

A term created by the CIA. What conspiracy theory? That's
here* not here by the way.


DavidK View Post

Well, we could always let the world have Christmas, and celebrate Jesus birth during the Feast of Tabernacles, where it makes more sense and more likely actually happened.

Interesting times. Sept 23rd 2017* is that
sign in the sky John spoke of in Revelation.

*Not date-setting

commonsense View Post

Hahaha, come on man either date-set or don't...

What date would you suggest? Must it be before, during or after this interesting date? Image

Queue jeopardy theme (right click, open).

commonsense View Post

...Actually I'm surprised that you would mix scriptural prophesy with demonic astrology. I never would have guessed you check your horrorscope in the paper every day. What would McGee say?

Were the Magi demonic, too? Matt. 2:1, 2

Fictional. Ok, mythical if it helps.

You'll have to ask Michelle, change 'our history', Obama. I'm here to discuss scripture (Jn 17:17).

The links you post are hyper sensationalized junk = conspiracy theories...

Hopefully you have your green pass to the underground ark city.
Is 2:19


Planet X

View Post

Still, I watch, pray, and ask our Lord to make me ready.

Me, too (Lk 21:36).

[Disclaimer] He would come as a thief in the night for them not for us (1 Thess 5:2,4).

Ktoyou  View Post

I like Christmas. My problem is starting posts with no dialogue...

Move over Sophocles (Ingraham). Ro 1:16

She is unable to write and only posts a few words and then links. She never makes any point through dialogue...

Some opinion of mine you're interested in? You sure? You'd have to leave your safe space.

It is as if you are arguing with a mindless machine.

We can handle the truth (Ro 1:16). You're going to be happier not reading thread updates. Don'tcha think?

"Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people." ~ Eleanor Roosevelt Mk 9:41, 13:7, 25:8, 40, Dan 10:13, Ps 105:15, Ro 14:4, Mk 6:11, Is 45:24, 54:17, Re 12:10, 12, Jud 1:9

patrick jane View Post

[Christmas theme thread] Just in time for Halloween!

A few housekeeping items: Download housekeeping 4

This thread was stared in November of 2013.

[Image Banned:banned:] "Truth is hate to those who hate the truth." ~ Bob Enyart Mk 9:41, 13:7, 25:8, 40, Dan 10:13, Ps 105:15, Ro 14:4, Mk 6:11, Is 45:24, 54:17, Re 12:10, 12, Jud 1:9

Is Halloween Evil? Why Witches, Occultists And Satanists Celebrate Halloween And Why You Should Not

London: National Gallery takes on Trafalgar Square Yodas with new 'living art'

Atheists and Satanists -- One and the Same

Satanic display causes controversy in Boca Raton

Ah, the Spirit of the Season… Whining Atheists With Double Standards!

ACLU Sues Town over Cross on Top of Christmas Tree

Texas attorney general sues over banned Charlie Brown Christmas poster

Nativity Scene Returned to City Park

Atheists Threaten to Sue Ohio Town for Nativity Scene

Marine Bible Verse Case Heads to Supreme Court

Plans for satanic statue at Arkansas Capitol OK'd for public hearing Luke 4:6–8; 2 Thess. 2:3
, 4

Three teens arrested after ‘half-naked girl, 15, is killed in suspected satanic ritual which saw her stabbed in eye with a broom’
Luke 4:6–8
; 2 Thess. 2:3, 4

Witches Worldwide Attempt to Cast Spell on Trump

Crucible View Post Feminist witches...

Ad infinitum Eph 4:14

Namaste, Satan: Metal yoga class set inside Satanic Temple in Salem, Mass.

Satanic Temple Membership Surge Luke 4:6–8; 2 Thess. 2:3, 4

Illegal…with a Satanic shrine…’kidnapped, drugged and raped a 14-year-old Houston girl and murdered another to appease insulted demon’
Luke 4:6–8; 2 Thess. 2:3, 4

Charity under fire for removing the word ‘Easter’ from upcoming event Jn 15:18
juglans1 View Post Why do Christians celebrate the pagan festival of worshipping Eostre?

We don't. We celebrate Resurrection Sunday (Mt 28:6).

juglans1 View Post I guess most are worshipping Eostre though, or don't you eat Eostre eggs and Eostre bunnies?

I do. All days belong to us (Ro 14:5).

jcforever View Post
These traditions of pagans came about by those who worship the beast. The religion, crucifixes, mangers, and all the other false gods required to go along with these traditions have deceived billions of people.

I don't worship the beast and I like Cadbury eggs. :idunno:

juglans1 View Post But it sounds like you enjoy the festivals for the worship of Eostre.

Nope, can’t say I do. :juggle:

Do you also enjoy the festivals to celebrate the birth of Mithra?
You must be confusing me with :olinger: a CathOlic (Jud 11). :freak:

lightwave replied
The word "Easter" doesn't belong in a Christian church and never has.

Pretty sure everyone knows that by now (Dan 12:4).

fwpoker replied
Isn't this a war on Easter not Christmas?

It goes on all year.

A few housekeeping items:Download housekeeping 5

This title is borrowed from another thread which quotes Bill PornO'Reilly.

Hypatia_Alexandria replied
Ah yes spring festivals with dying and resurrected deities.

Thanks Captain Obvious Eph 4:14

...[I]t is argued by those outside the faith that it was the Christians who took the idea of a resurrected deity from the pagan cultures...

Eph 4:14

Recommended reading:

The Case for the Resurrection by Lee Strobel

...[I]s Cadbury correct or not?

Were they ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ? Image Ro 1:16

Your thread, your title, your OP.

This thread isn't about me (Eph 4:14). This thread is about chocolate Easter eggs. :juggle:

So which is it a war on Christmas, or not?...

Whatever you want--a war on Christmas cookies, a war on chocolate Easter bunnies. It's all about you (Eph 4:14). We just want you to be happy (Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10). TP2 link

Simple: Don't buy Cadbury eggs.

Cadbury may be offended by a non-existent pagan god or more likely--:listen: they are offended by the Lord Jesus Christ (Lk 9:26). Vote with your dollar (Ex 23:2). :thumb:

simplicio View Post
Would "Resurrection Sunday eggs" marketed by Cadbury be deemed acceptable by Christians?

There's always Psychiatrist GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY therapy (2 Ti 1:7, Eph 4:14).

joyous song View Post
[To simplicio] Are you advocating "careful and worried about many things"? [Lk 10:41]

"...Marcia, Marcia, Marcia!" :Whipsnap:
~ Jan, Brady Bunch

joyous song View Post
Why do Christians call the first day of the week Sunday? Are they worshiping the sun?

And what about Saturday/Saturn's Day?

joyous song View Post
There's more than a few SDAs who don't call it Saturday. There's a lot of "careful and worried" in that religion.

Since you have to throw out Saturday and Sunday --may as well not go to church at all. :idunno: Fore!

This thread isn't about me (Eph 4:14). This thread is about cookies and chocolate.

Google Doodle Snubs Resurrection Sunday

Atheists demand town remove church welcome signs

Thousands of Witches Will Gather Tonight to Curse Trump. Is Satanism Behind It?

Memorial Cross Facing Removal After One Complaint

Man destroys new Ten Commandments statue at Arkansas Capitol

Christian Preschoolers Banned from Saying ‘Amen’, Talking About the Bible

University Considers Removal of Bibles and Crosses from Chapel

Long Island Cops Investigate Whether Jesus Is a Hate Crime

City Approves Satanic Monument To Be Built In Veterans Memorial Park

Satanic Monument in Veterans’ Park

Hellraiser: Something wicked creeping into U.S. homes

Hundreds pack DC hall to discuss podcast exploring Harry Potter as a sacred text

Bizarre ‘satanic cult’ accusations leveled at restaurant chain

New Star Trek honchos tell star: No mentioning God; we want a universe where He doesn’t Exist

Atheist Group Calls Bible ‘Hate-Filled Book,’ Says God Worse Than ‘White Supremacist Thugs’

Pro Sports To Christian Players And Fans: ‘We Don’t Want Your Kind Around Here’

Wash Post column cheers Satan, jeers Christians

Models in nightmare outfits for London Fashion Week

'Son of Sam' Serial Killer David Berkowitz Became a Christian

Witch store opens in Kansas to serve growing pagan population

Teacher to ‘hail Satan’ in city park, pastor vows sledgehammer

Now schools are ditching AD and BC in RE lessons

Closed churches find second life as breweries

Out of the Broom Closet: DC Witches in Their Own Words

Young Americans flock to paganism

The Occult Makes Comeback

Witches Everywhere

Muslim Imam: Saying Merry Christmas is Worse than Murder

Bernie Sanders Says Christianity Is An Insult To Muslims

‘Catharsis On The Mall’ Brings Burning Man Spirit To Washington DC For Weekend Of Paganism And Gaia Worship

UK: Baby Jesus Replaced With A Sausage Roll In Offensive Christmas Advert

Gay Alliance Declares Global War On Christians, They’re Going To ‘Burn Churches’

juglans1 View Post

And on 25th December you'll be able to celebrate the birth of Mithra as well as the same-sex marriages planned for his birthday. Story

Sodomite (heterosexual [Lev. 20:10-12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13]) marriage is illegal. Marriage is: one man, one woman (Gen. 2:18-24) in covenant (Matt. 19:6) for life (Rom. 7:2, 3). :straight:John the Baptist got his head cut off for stating this fact (Matt. 14:3-12).

Zaphod View Post

King David?

What about king David? Ps 51:4

Hypatia_Alexandria View Post

[Herod's murder of children] ...[A]las, there is no mention of that particular atrocity in Josephus' detailed accounts of Herod the Great's various crimes.

We believe the bible. You do not (2 Pe 2:1).

"I prefer clarity to agreement." ~ Dennis Prager

"The purge of Herod (2:16): He kills all the male babies in Bethlehem in an attempt to eliminate Jesus." Willmington, H. L. (1999). The Outline Bible (Mt 2:16�18). Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House Publishers.

Hypatia_Alexandria View Post

[Herod] Did the other evangelists not know about it? Or was their omission to mention it an oversight?

You believe God left out important details in his word (2 Pe 2:1). We do not (Ps. 19:7).

“I prefer clarity to agreement.” ~ Dennis Prager

Nouveau View Post

This week we celebrate Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving. I am so thankful. It was the first official religious holiday. Three day party. Hunting, killing deer with guns, feasts, feeding the Indians.

Do you mean the Indians feeding us?

It’s a great holiday—sort of the opposite of Ingrate Day (Ro 1:21, Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10).

Nouveau View Post

The homosexuals put the heat on Target and accused Salvation Army of being homophobic so Target removed donation kettles and sales went down.

Target is closing many stores. Some Americans are still pro-God :straight:and anti-Sodomite (heterosexual [Lev. 20:10-12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13]).

Zaphod View Post

[David] He had a few wives.

You thought God was pro-polygamy? :dizzy: Ps. 128:1–6. Please don’t say that you’re an adulterer and you thought that David was your get out of jail free card? :burnlib: Mt 7:23

Nouveau replied

God never changes.

Nothing wrong with his law (Jas 1:25). :Poly: There’s something very wrong with men who refuse to repent (Ps 7:12). :reals:


I'm saying that obviously David wasn't into traditional marriage.

David repented. :hammer: Have you?

As to Christianity or your ideas of it, I'm not one and don't want to be anything like one.

:yawn: Eph 4:14

God gave you will. You’ve used it (Jn 3:19, Heb 10:31, Ro 9:22). :idunno:

Sodomite Nativity Arrives for Christmas

University demands people be warned about seeing a cross

Left-Wing Media Bash Trump over ‘Merry Christmas’ Message

Christian Cross removed from a famous child hero’s hat to “not insult other religions”

School District Bars Church From Distributing Flyers Because They Are Too Religious

Red Cross Enforcing PC Tyranny: Demands Branches Remove Crucifixes To Be More Secular

Jim Carrey: ‘The Illuminati is Brainwashing Children into Worshipping Satan’

Miley Cyrus: 'Worship Satan if You Want to Be Rich & Famous Like Me'

Chris Matthews: ‘Crazy’ Evangelicals ‘Don’t Understand’ the Situation in Israel

Jennifer Lawrence- 'Our Lord Satan Will Destroy Donald Trump'  

More Americans Turning To Witchcraft; Participation In Traditional Religions Declines

Ancient pagan ‘gods’ reappearing around U.S., world


Court OKs Ban On Religious Christmas Ads

Home Owner Association wants family to remove 'Jesus' Christmas display

Bell Ringer Beaten After Wishing Man ‘Merry Christmas’  

Critics Attack Hallmark’s Christmas Movies: ‘They Brim with White Heterosexuals’

University Warns: No Christmas Symbols Allowed This Christmas  

Couple bled to death on vacation island in ‘Satanic’ ritual: cops

Burning Man Announces Newest Centerpiece: Temple to Greek Goddess

Chelsea Clinton Says Satanism Is a Religion that Deserves Respect

New generation of LA Satanists finds community in evil times

Satanism rising 

The Church Of Satan Experiencing Huge Swell In Membership As Satanism Goes Mainstream In America

Burning Man chooses Gaia structure

Satanic Sex Rituals, Animal Sacrifice Under Blood Moon  

Mom Has 5-Year-Old Burned in Voodoo Ritual, Say Police

Mom Stabs 2 Sons To Death In 'Ritual Killing'  

Voodoo rituals investigated after children harmed

Woman who practiced 'occultism' dismembered boyfriend who 'died during sex game'

Kids Inc. Official Trailer Mellisa Honeybee Zaccaria  

South Carolina churches vandalized with satanic graffiti

CBS Launches New Show Comedy ‘Living Biblically’ To Mock Christianity And Make Christians Look Like Idiots 

Oprah Winfrey And Stephen Colbert Take Turns Mocking God, Jesus And The Bible On The Late Show 

Harvard University Sanctions Christian Prayer Group on Campus

Scientists Now Resort To Calling Christians Crazy – ‘New Study’ Attempts to establish a link between religious fundamentalism and brain damage 

Texas massacre: Police discover ‘ritual animal sacrifice,’ at least 11 arrested

‘Blasphemous’ ice-cream chain coming to U.S.

Woman arrested for making lewd comments to Easter Bunny

Who Actually Killed Heath Ledger "The Joker" - He Was a Sacrifice By Star Whackers StrangerThanFiction

Colbert’s Easter Trump Show: ‘How Do Grown Adults Still Worship Jesus?’

Easy access to black magic and satanism via internet increases exorcism demand

New Yorker To Christians: We Don’t Want Your Kind Around Here

School Bus Driver Removed after Leading Prayer

GQ Condemns the Holy Bible: ‘Repetitive, Self-Contradictory, Sententious, Foolish…Ill-Intentioned’

Liberty Counsel warning: California about to ban Bible sales

Oscars Introduce Prestigious New ‘Most Tolerable Christian Movie’ Award

Snopes ‘sneaky liar’ about California’s anti-Christian plan

Transvestie inmate sues to practice witchcraft

Activists confess ‘Bible ban’ does target ‘faith community’

Sodomite inmate sues to practice witchcraft in NC prison

Google to Christian publishing house: Remove references to Jesus, Bible in ads

Satanists Declare War on Arkansas Ten Commandments

Christian school banned by city and Supremes let it happen

Minnesota Democrats wage war on God, faith and American history

Mike Huckabee: California in ‘massive attack on Christianity’

Christians beat homeowners association in Bible study dispute

Court agrees cops can withhold Bible from inmate

Court OK with forcing Christians to violate faith

Virginia School District Sparks Outrage Over Plan to Remove Clergy From List of ‘Trusted Adults’

Reply to Chris Davis​

Any church of Satan is not doing God’s work, but the opposite.

Satan can give them everything they want —have to sell their soul (Heb 11:25, 2 Co 4:4). :idunno: 

Facebook Removes a Gospel Group’s Music Video 

Return of the Ancient Gods: The Resurgence of Paganism

Pagans in Iceland Will Build the First Temple to Thor and Odin in 1000 Years

Netflix Preps ‘American Jesus’ Series on Reincarnated 12-Year-Old Christ 

Why Liberal Comedy Writers At Buzzfeed Love To Bash Jesus Christ And Christians But You’ll Never See Mohammed Get The Same Treatment

U.S. Air Base Removes Bible From Table Dedicated to POWs/MIAs

Chick-fil-A’s Canadian expansion sparks pro-Sodomite protests

Judges banish ‘anything that might resemble prayer’

Historians are questioning if Jesus ever existed at all

Burning Man Recreating Mount Sinai for Idolatry

D.C. Virgins Wanted for Sacrifice Party

Christian Student-Led Group Banned From Campus For Requiring Leaders to Follow Faith Tenants

Satanic Temple to Rally at Arkansas Capitol on Thursday Over Ten Commandments

Florida Public Schools to Display ‘In God We Trust’ Signs

Colorado baker in case of Supreme Court sues state over ‘persecution’

California Christians, Prepare for Civil Disobedience 

Atheists Want General Behind Bars for Praying for the US

New Marriott Rooms to Get Bible and Book of Mormon

Retired pastor threatened with eviction over Bible study

ACLJ Comes to Defense of USAF General Under Fire from MRFF for Publicly Professing His Christian Faith

General attacked for Christian faith appeals to Mattis

2 California Senators Declare War on the Christian Faith

Inside America’s devil-worshiping church…

Neighbors sue to ban church from property

Satanism Is Experiencing Explosive Growth In America

Ark Encounter field trips constitutional, organizers tell atheists

State fights pro-lifers’ win, demands they change ‘point of view’

Pagan arch returning to Washington as ‘symbol of peace’

Beyonce’s Former Drummer Accuses Singer of ‘witchcraft’ and Killing a Kitten

New Satanist Road Sign Causes Stir Among Indiana Residents

Court agrees with atheists: Fixing church furnace is ‘religious’

Washington DC Honors Baal Worship

Discrimination complaint filed over eviction threat for Bible class

Witches Outnumber Presbyterians in the US; Wicca, Paganism Growing ‘Astronomically’

College Offers Credit Course on ‘Queering’ the Bible

Satan-Worshiping Girls Planned To Kill Classmates, Drink Their Blood

Analyst says ‘New Age’ beliefs more popular as fewer Americans follow traditional religions

‘Ya’ll don’t do that again,’ principal tells praying students

MSNBC’s Matthews: ‘Thoughts and Prayers’ ‘Should Be Outlawed’

Bible getting read publicly ‘into the skies and to the Earth’

Witches Now Outnumber Presbyterians In The United States As Wicca And Paganism Experience Explosive Growth 

China plans to rewrite the Bible to include Buddhist teachings, which would infuse worship songs with Chinese elements

Number of Witches in U.S. on the Rise, May Surpass 1.5 Million

School demands Christians let atheists ‘lead Bible studies’

School blocks Chick-Fil-A as dining option, cites Christian values

Curtain lifted on students ordered to hide while praying

Liberals Demand ‘Offensive’ Father Christmas Be Renamed ‘Person Christmas’

Satanic Sculpture Installed At Illinois Statehouse

Nebraska Elementary School Principal On Administrative Leave After Banning Candy Canes Because ‘J’ Is For Jesus

Time to allow the Ten Commandments in Texas classrooms?

Pelosi Corrects Herself, Says ‘Holiday Present’ After First Saying ‘Christmas Present’

War on Christmas: Nativity Scene Removed from Public Park Over ‘Complaints’

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey Sent His Beard Hair to a Rapper Who Does Witchcraft to Protect Him From ISIS

40% of Millennials Don’t Know Jesus is the Baby in the Nativity Story

Alabama Police Department Takes Heat For Blaming Rising Murder Rates On Embracing Satan

Witchcraft moves to mainstream as Christianity declines

Seniors banned from saying ‘Merry Christmas’

61 Percent of Christians Believe in These 4 New Age Ideas

Swedish TV Show Celebrates Christmas By Featuring Muslim Woman Who Doesn’t Celebrate Christmas

Students launch Satanic club at NC State 

Atheist group pays for Grand Junction billboard reading ‘Make Christmas Great Again …Skip Church!’

New York Times runs puff piece Hezbollah on Christmas

Man Who Hit School Bus To Allegedly Get Away From Satan’s Clutches Charged

Number of Witches in U.S Dramatically Rise, May Surpass 1.5 Million

Hollywood Values: Actor Christian Bale Thanks Satan During Acceptance Speech at Golden Globes

Reply to Sam63 

From what I read Christian Bale said he won the Golden Globe Award because Satan inspired him to play the evil Dick Cheney.  Christian Bale called Cheney a “charisma-free asshole,” so this want an attack on Christians but Bale attacked Dick "evil" Cheney. Bale called Dick Cheney Satan." Liz Cheney Fires Back at Christian Bale for Calling Dad ‘Satan’

Liz Cheney is a Sodomite--not exactly a moral authority.

Reply to

Why are there so few who practice love and kindness any more?

We were told this would occur (Mt 24:12).

Heathens hold religious services rooted in Norse paganism aboard aircraft carrier

DC Comics Set To Release New Superhero Comic Book ‘Second Coming’ Starring A Bungling, Incompetent Jesus Who Gets Kicked Out Of Heaven

The rise of Satanism in America

After Aligning Themselves To The Progressive Left Movement, The Satanic Temple Is Experiencing Explosive Growth And Popularity

Feds caught pushing Buddhist-based meditation on preschoolers

Students Sue Pennsylvania School For Ban on ‘Distributing Bibles’

Outrageous new Texas transgender bills seek to ban Christianity in the conservative State

6-Time Super Bowl Winner Tom Brady Attributes His Incredible Success To Witchcraft, Pagan Altars And ‘Protection Stones’ From His Witch Wife  

Liberals fume as President Trump endorses efforts by legislators in several states to allow public schools to offer Bible classes

Barna Group Shock Poll Reveals That 47% Of All Christian Millennials Believe That Witnessing The Gospel And Evangelizing Is Wrong

Supreme Court candidate blasted for being Christian

Judge tosses criminal ‘noise’ complaint against street preacher

High court deciding fate of cross-shaped Maryland memorial

The 5 Most Troubling Religion Courses Taught in College Classrooms this Year

In major religion case, Supreme Court weighs Maryland cross dispute

84-Year-Old Widow Threatened with Eviction for Holding Bible Studies at Veterans Senior Home

‘Anti-Hate’ Resolution Is A Stress Test For Criminalizing Dems’ Opposition

Middle School Student Punished For Recreating Battlefield Cross For School Assignment

San Antonio Calls Chick-Fil-A Store a “Symbol of Hate,” Bans Christian Business From Airport 

James Dobson: Christians targeted by dark new bill

Christian Chick-fil-A Banned from Buffalo Airport for ‘Anti-LGBT Rhetoric’

Moral decline: Satanic symbols now appearing at government buildings all across America 

Netflix Employs Practicing Wiccans To Fact-Check ‘Chilling Adventures Of Sabrina’

‘The Satanic Temple’ Has Evolved Into An Anti-Trump Movement, And Leftists Are Flocking To It

Military Religious Freedom Foundation sues over Bible at VA hospital

Change Your Faith, or Else: Nancy Pelosi’s ‘Equality Act’ Will Make Religious Freedom Less Equal

Yankees Fans Call for Boycott After Ban of ‘God Bless America’

AFA.net – Target pushes for U.S. government to punish churches and Christian business owners

What You Need to Know About the Newly Minted Satanic Temple ‘Religion’

Democrats’ passage of “Equality Act” is the first stage in their attempts to criminalize Christianity and throw all practicing Christians in prison (while banning their speech) 

California Progressives Try To Prevent Chick-Fil-A Opening In San Francisco Suburb 

Kmart bans ‘Jesus,’ ‘church,’ ‘Bible’ at photo kiosk 

Government meeting opens with ‘Hail Satan’ prayer

Official Lutheran Church is really a Coven of Witches – Exposing Satanism and Witchcraft

Gates Says Steve Jobs Cast ‘Spells’ to Keep Apple From Dying

Satanists take Scottsdale to court as Surprise adds prayer to meetings

City Removes Memorial to Fallen Officers After Complaints Over Word “Lord”

Christian group asking court for permanent right to be Christian

Satanists battling for religious freedom

Christian Soccer Player Refuses To Wear Sodomite Pride Jersey, Withdraws From National Team

‘Kill them all’: Iowa professor resigns after his comments about evangelicals revealed

Victory For Believers: Court Rules Atheists Cannot Offer Prayer In PA State House

Satanic Temple Reveals Campaign Targeting Evangelicals

Kansas University faculty wants Chick-fil-A banned from campus for fears of ‘safety,’ ‘mental well being’

2020 Democratic Contender And New Age Witch Marianne Williamson Says Hurricane Dorian Shifted Its Path Because Of ‘Visualization, Meditation And Mind Control’

Saints QB Drew Brees Under Fire For Appearing In Video Promoting ‘National Bring Your Bible to School Day’

Christian Church Is Left Vandalized With Satanic Graffiti After Standing Against Sodomite Story Hour Event At Their Local Public Library

Despite Relentless Assaults From Sodomites, Chick-Fil-A Sales Not Only Are Increasing But They’ve Actually Doubled Since 2009

New York Design Firm MSCHF Creates $4,000 Nike ‘Jesus Shoes’ To Mock His Miracle Of Walking On Water As Recorded In The New Testament

Just In Time For Halloween, The Satanic Temple Opens New Headquarters In Salem Massachusetts With Massive Statue Of Baphomet Greeting Visitors

Satanism at the US Naval Academy

World’s Largest Ouija Board Built in Salem Massachusetts to ‘Summon the World’s Largest Ghost’

‘Ron Reagan’ tops Google search during Dem debate for atheist group ad: ‘Not afraid of burning in hell’

A documentary is turning people into Satanists

Thousands of Occultists Plan Halloween ‘Spell’ Ritual to ‘Stop Trump’

The normalization of satanism and witchcraft is now nearly complete

‘I think we’re very close’: Freed pastor Andrew Brunson urges young American Christians to prepare for persecution

Church Vandalized with ‘Satanic Symbols’ After Pastor Opposed Sodomite Story Hour

Rabbi: Secret War Being Waged Against Christians and Jews in America

Midshipmen get Satanic Temple study group at the Naval Academy 

Try the Spirits:  If Kanye West And His ‘Sunday Service Revival’ Happening Now Is Really The Work Of The Holy Spirit, This Is What You Will See Along With It

Police: Satan-worshiping schoolgirls plotted to kill 15 students with a variety of weapons, including a pizza cutter, drink their blood

China changes Bible characters to ancient Chinese in official church magazine: ‘It’s so bizarre’

Church Vandalized with ‘Satanic Symbols’ After Pastor Opposed Drag Queen Story Hour

After Chick-Fil-A Stops Donations To Salvation Army, Sodomite Activists GLAAD Says Actions Are ‘Not Enough’ And Calls For Complete Disavowal Of Company’s Christian Values 

Army says faith-based group can no longer put Bible verses on dog tags after complaint

Social Media Users, Christians Call New Controversial Video Game ‘I am Jesus Christ’ Blasphemous

Exorcists Condemn Children’s Book on Summoning Demons

Iowa Man Sentenced to 16 Years in Prison For Setting Sodomite Flag on Fire

University Displays ‘Unholy Bible’ Artwork Depicting Jesus With Satanic Face 

On New Year for trees, Jews and pagans go forest bathing to honor earthly roots

Baptist University Invites Native American Mystic to Preach, Opens and Closes With Prayer to “Mother Mystery”

Convention of ‘Christian Witches’ to Gather In Salem on Resurrection Sunday

Congregation of Washington satanists allowed to perform ritual at State Capitol

Amid pious protesters, Satanists conduct a ritual on the Capitol steps

After Aligning Themselves To The Progressive Left Movement, The Satanic Temple Is Experiencing Explosive Growth And Popularity

Sodomite Activists Slam COVID-19 Aid – Because It’s Run By Christians

Microsoft Partners With ‘Performance Artist’ Marina Abramovic Who Is Actually A New Age Witch Who Engages In ‘Spirit Cooking’ And Satanism

SilverDraft SupercomPutin g Company Powers Media And Entertainment Industry With Demonically-Inspired Computers And Virtual Reality

New World Order Acolyte Melinda Gates Appears On Today Show Pushing Hard For A Global Vaccine While Wearing An Upside-Down Cross

Business booming for psychics and astrologers during coronavirus pandemic

‘Luciferian March for One World Government’: Satanic Group Organizes Nationwide Rallies Promoting New World Order 

BLM Leader Calls to Destroy Churches

College Democrats, Satanists and Witches Team Up to Shut Down Young Conservatives of Texas Chapter

Christophobic attacks grow in America

LA Mayor Threatens to Shut Off Electricity and Water to Churches that Meet

Christians Under Severe Attack In LA County

Religious discrimination:  Bible removal claims at housing complex

Liberal Colleges Across America Begin Teaching Courses Linking A Belief In Jesus Christ To White Supremacy

School Bans 3rd Grader’s ‘Jesus Loves Me’ Mask, Threatens Suspension

Sodomite  group urges Biden to strip accreditation of Christian schools with biblical beliefs

Democrats In Congress Now Backing A Group Calling To Silence Christians On The ‘Religious Right’ And A Purge Of ‘Biblical Principles’ In America

Marine Corps Officer Warns Congress Against Classifying Christians in Military as ‘Religious Extremists’

NYT Blames Evangelicals for potentially extending Covid ‘Pandemic’

America Gets Tutored in the Doctrine of Devils

Converse ‘Sells Out’ to Satan With New Pentagram Shoe

Vid:  Antifa Terrorists Violently Attack Christian Families With Young Children Gathered to Pray on Portland Waterfront – Police Were Called, But Didn’t Respond 

‘Satan works in mysterious ways’: Newscast on Australian TV interrupted by devil-worshipping ceremony 

Satanic Temple Says ‘Satanic Abortions Are Protected By Religious Liberty Laws,’ Texas Abortion Laws ‘Violate Our Religious Rights’

Flight attendants allegedly fired by airline for ‘Christian beliefs’

“Family Friendly” witches event to be held in site with dark history

Masks: Witchcraft Francis Santarose

Vid:  Scenes in Australia Now Look Like Dystopian Horror Flick.  Lt. General Promises Everyone Will Have First Dose of Vax by Christmas

Covid:  The Grinch Who’s Stealing Christmas

A Texas man invited people into his motel room. Then he sacrificed them and set them on fire, police say.

After family members contracted Covid-19, Ozzy Osbourne says worshiping Satan protected him from virus

When the Phase One of America’s Destruction Is Complete, "President Biden’s" Primary Objective of Eliminating Christianity Will Commence

Australian X Factor Winner Altyan Childs Exposes World’s Secret Religion Freemasonry And Satanism

The Powerful, Clandestine Cult Directing America’s Path

Satanists convince school board to change dress code

The Home Birth Cord Burning Ceremony Is Yet Another Stunning Illustration Of The Witchcraft And Sorcery Mentioned In End Times Bible Prophecy 

Satanic Temple to Install ‘Baby Baphomet’ Statue Among Illinois Capitol Holiday Display on Monday During Christmas Week

‘It’s a Wonderful Life’ was Made to Combat Atheism 

Rep. Ralph Norman: "President Biden" Admin ‘at War with All Faith-Based Agencies’

No, Satanic Christmastime Displays Are Not Constitutionally Required

‘After-School Satan Club’ Targeting Children Ages 6 to 11 at Illinois Elementary School Sparks Outrage

Biden Administration Making Lists of Religious Vaccine Objectors

Supreme Court to hear case of Christian football coach fired for praying on field after games

Christianity Is Being Outlawed and Few Are Noticing

World’s Largest Satanic Gathering This Weekend—in the U.S. 

Satanic After-School Club Takes Aim at Christian Student Groups

Christian Infiltrates Satanist Convention, Tells All

Santa Barbara, California May Declare Chick-fil-A a “Public Nuisance” Due to Long Drive-Thru Lines

Radical Far-Left Eco-Activist Group Extinction Rebellion Holds Earth Day Rally In Washington Celebrating Religion Of Wicca And Earth Worship

Satanic Temple Files Lawsuit Against Pennsylvania Elementary School for Refusing to Host ‘After School Satan Club’

The Satanic Temple working to save Satanists in Ukraine

Satanic Temple Will Argue Abortion Is Religious Ritual in Legal Challenges

Pueblo, CO lunches attack on traveling Christian evangelists

Clay Clark: Luciferians pushing 666 in their quest to enslave humanity

‘Woke’ Drag Queen ‘Pastor’ Declares ‘God Is Nothing’ in Hate-Filled Blasphemous Rant 

Supreme Court Sides with Coach Joe Kennedy – Who was Fired after Kneeling in Silent Prayer at Midfield after Football Games

Elites finally reveal their #1 enemy--Christians

Pro-abortion activists play soccer with a Bible, commit acts of desecration

Seattle Protesters Openly Desecrate The Bible

The Hot Pagan Nights of August

Massive Celebration Of Globalism Shows Satanists Are No Longer Hiding In The Shadows 

Hundreds march in DC to raise their voices for persecuted Christians

Satanic Temple Files Lawsuit Pledging to Return Abortion to Idaho

...Claims it prevents members from practicing “abortion ritual” 

Witchcraft, Ouija boards, tarot cards and the occult raging

Childcare company accused of wrongfully firing Christian teacher

Pro-life news anchor fired for ‘practicing partisan politics’ — at her church 

American pastor delivers sobering message of coming ‘dark wave’ of persecution

CVS nurse practitioner was fired for religious beliefs: lawsuit 

Just In Case You’re Confused About What Halloween Is Actually All About, Michael’s Craft Stores Has Created A Satanic Display To Clear Up Your Confusion

Prayer held ahead of Satanic Temple ‘unbaptism’ in Texas

Elon Musk Wears Halloween Costume Called ‘The Devil’s Champion’ Complete With An Upside-Down Christian Cross In The Head Of Baphomet 

Media Tries To Equate Christian Watchman With Christian Nationalism

New pagan boardgame claims you can communicate with Jesus

Leftists angered over tiny faith image attached to Christian’s online profile

The Enneagram

Satan club to start meeting in elementary school

Focus on the Family vandalized by Sodomite group after Club Q shooting

Metaverse “terrorist attack” exposed as anti-Christian hoax

Satanic Temple Installs ‘Serpent of Genesis’ Statue Inside the Illinois State Capitol

Theater of the Oppressed

City Tells Owner of Nativity Display to Take It Down

‘Zoom-bombing’ religious services now punishable by jail time in Ohio

The Salt And Light Must Not Check Out, Tune Out, Or Recoil Into Silence When The World Needs Us Most

Students Speak Out On Anti-White, Anti-Christian, Anti-American Culture At Florida University

Vandals Deface Church Hosting Sean Feucht ‘Let Us Worship’ New Year’s Eve Event

US to Host Largest-Ever Satanic Gathering

Florida pastor shot from argument over Heaven & Hell

Growing number of young people turning to Satanism and ditching “Outdated Christianity”

Man Walking Through The Mall of America Wearing A ‘Jesus Is The Only Way’ Shirt Was Stopped By Security Guard And Ordered To Remove It 

Judge Rules In Favor Of Christian Colleges In Lawsuit Aimed At Defunding Schools That Hold To Biblical Morality

Satanism Rises in UK, Appealing to Young People as a Religion ‘Of The Self’

Boston:  Largest Satanic Gathering in History’: SatanCon 

UK Satanists:  Animal hearts surrounded by candles are found at stone landmark in apparent occult ritual

Satanic Temple Announces Launch of Clinic to Provide “Religious Abortions” in New Mexico

The Satanic Temple opens clinic to provide ‘religious abortion’ care named for Justice Samuel Alito’s mother

Satanic statue honoring pro-abortion Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg to go on display in Texas 

Idaho Satanists plan ‘gender affirmation ritual’ to protest ban on surgeries for children: ‘I praise myself’ 

Democrat Senator Wants To See Children Protected From Vacation Bible School

Satan is more popular than ever

Artist Who Headlined Satanic Grammy Performance Says ‘He’s Sold His Soul’ 

‘Largest Satanic Gathering in History’ Mandates Jabs, Masks, Drag Show

‘The Enemy Is Waging All Out War Right in Our Faces’: Ex-Satanist and Ex-Witch Respond to Huge Satanic Gathering

SatanCon demands attendees be vaxxed and masked

Satan Has Become One Of The Hottest Spiritual Figures In America

Vid: White House Press Sec. Says “It’s Not For Us to Decide” If Killing Christian Children Constitutes A ‘Hate Crime’ 

Christian Composer: ‘Being Faithful to God’s Calling’ Will ‘Cost You’ in Hollywood

A realistic depiction of Satan on film

Christians Must Take Children to Transgender Procedures or They Can’t Adopt, Oregon State Law Says

Is There A Connection Between The Rise Of Sodomite Affirming Churches And The Current Obsession With Satan? 

63 churches attacked in the first 3 months of 2023: report 

Former ‘Harry Potter’ Actress Emma Watson Thanks “Witches In My Coven” And References “Saturn Return” In Instagram Posts

Satanists want religious liberty

Boston SatanCon-goers shred Bible and a pro-cop flag during opening ritual: ‘Hail Satan!’

Atheists Want Police Chaplains Fired. Why, Are They Jealous?

Satan worshiper delivers invocation at city council

University program linking Christians, Republicans to Nazis granted DHS funds under ‘anti-terror’ initiative

UK: Satanists have returned as lamb’s throat slit and has Bible placed on dead body

Satan Has Become One Of The Hottest Spiritual Figures In America.

China negotiating with Cuba to put training base on soil just 90 minutes from America’s shoreline 

Fake photos of demonic statues stir up controversy for Hobby Lobby

Satanic Temple To Host ‘Let Us Burn’ Events At State Capitols To Mock God and Believers

Taxpayer Funded American Library Association Provides Tactics for Disrupting Conservative Events in Public Libraries “If You Have a Kirk Cameron Story Hour Booked in Your Library…Have a Library Sponsored Pride Festival the Same Day and Fill the Library with Rainbows”

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Responds After Group Demands She Remove Kids’ Chalk Cross from Outside of Arkansas Governor’s Mansion

Texas Tech is Offering a Women and Gender Studies Course on Witchcraft, ‘Worship of the Devil’

Jesus References Excluded From 4-H Livestock Show

GOP Senate candidate Hung Cao warns of ‘witchcraft’ happening in California: ‘We can’t let that happen in Virginia’

Rapper Young Thug’s Legal Team Requests to Dismiss Goat Sacrificing Ritual Video Evidence in Upcoming Trial 

Spiritual Consequences of the Fake ‘Covid’ Vaccines

Missouri senior center cancels weekly Bible study after ‘some residents were offended’

Gen Z is swapping traditional faiths for magic spells

Best Buy manager tells employee he can’t have ‘Christian stuff’ in office, report says

Taxpayer Funded Museum in Minneapolis Holds ‘Demon Summoning’ Event For Children 

Ohio Right to Life fires communications director after viral ‘faith in Christ alone’ post

Arsonist sets himself on fire while trying to burn down church

Geek Squad employee says bosses mandated LGBT indoctrination, banned Christian symbols 

Burning Man festival soaked by monsoon downpours, leaves tens of thousands stranded in muddy mess

‘Hate Crime’ Charge for Man Who Removed Sodomite Promotional Flags

Hospital Insults Christians Everywhere, Ditches Christmas Eve as Paid Holiday for Juneteenth

Auburn coaches’ role in prayer event draws fire from atheist group

Arizona School Board Member Files First Amendment Lawsuit After Being Banned From Quoting Bible Verses at Meetings

UK: The Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies Offers ‘Magic and Occult Science’ Degree

Christian Fired After a Jewish Ohio Congressmen Accuses Her of ‘Bigotry’ For Sharing Gospel of Jesus Christ

Satanic Temple Loses Lawsuit Challenging Indiana Abortion Ban

Satanists are opening an abortion clinic. It’s named after Sam Alito’s Mom.

Christian student wins $150,000 after being forced to participate in Hindu rituals at Chicago school

Wisconsin city officials retract ‘absurd, unconstitutional’ Christmas ban

Christian Pastor Shot in the Head While Preaching the Gospel on Arizona Street Corner

Ga. Football Coach Fired After Hosting Baptisms

Crazy Plane Lady Tiffany Gomas

Three More: Airline Passengers Simultaneously Freak Out: ‘She’s possessed! She needs help!’

"President" Biden Officially Attempts to Remove God from Thanksgiving with 2023 Proclamation

"President" Biden Wants to Ban Christian Families From Adopting Children in Foster Care

Why Society Is Running Headlong Toward Spiritism And Sorcery

The Satanic Temple sets up public display inside Iowa Capitol building: ‘Very dark, evil force’

Iowa Gov Kim Reynolds under fire over Satanic idol and altar on display at Iowa state capitol at Christmastime

...A Goat Skull And Pentagram

Nativity Scene moved in Toledo after complaint, letter from Freedom From Religion Foundation

Satanic Statue in Iowa Capitol Destroyed by Christian Veteran

Wallingford-Swarthmore School District ‘Bans’ Christmas Decorations on Buses and Restricts Employees’ from Wearing Christmas Attire

The Left’s War on Christians

Social work charity faces backlash over its policy to hire only Christians 

Satanism Takes Over Disney With “Little Demon” And “Pauline” As Hollywood Is Turning Johnny Depp Into The Devil That Wants To Save Earth As God Destroys It

Report: “Latinos” Reconnecting With “Roots” by Practicing Witchcraft

World Economic Forum Hosts Disturbing Pagan ‘Forest’ Ritual on Stage

Satanic group’s invocation opens Washoe County, NV meeting

Satanists Lobby for Iowa Law Allowing Them to Target Children in Schools

Satan Clubs: Trying to Indoctrinate Children Against A Biblical Worldview 

Democrat State Senator Shows His Support For Worshipping the Devil and Honors Satanists During Arizona Senate Floor Session

Transgender who opened fire in church had ‘Free Palestine’ written on rifle

Satanic Temple Claims Abortion Is Part Of Their Religion In Effort To Block Abortion Bans

Massachusetts Dem Senator Ed Markey Pushes Bill That Could Prevent Churches From Using Armed Security

Your Friendly Neighborhood Satan Club… Teaching Children To Call Evil Good And Good Evil

"President" Biden’s Anti-Faith Climate Has Made It Open Season On Christians—At Home And Abroad

To Understand The Globalists We Must Understand Their Religion

Attacks On Churches Spike Nearly 800 Percent As the Left Pushes Its Anti-God Narrative On Americans

436 acts of hostility against US churches documented in 2023

Attacks On Churches Are Up 800 Percent

Individual Sets Trailer Full of Bibles on Fire in Front of a Tennessee Church on Resurrection Sunday

71-Year-Old Grandma Convicted on All Charges by DC Jury After Praying in Capitol on Jan. 6

Washington School Won’t Allow ‘Prayer Club’, Approves Sodomite Club

Florida Governor DeSantis: Satanists Can’t be Part of School Chaplain Program “We’re Not Playing Those Games in Florida”

Vid: Mexico: Chicken Sacrificed As ‘Offering to Rain God’ at Senate

Michigan County Meeting: Minister of Satanic Temple Named ‘Luis Cypher’ Attempts to Deliver Satanic Invocation

Top State Official on School Chaplains: Satanists Not Welcome

Vid: Man attempts to shoot North Braddock church pastor during live sermon 

Irish non-binary ‘witch’ makes Eurovision final with song aimed to ‘make everybody join witchcraft’

Churches turn to armed volunteers as gunmen threaten pastors, worshippers

Nayib Bukele Describes Satanic Gang Baby-Killing Rituals to Tucker Carlson

AZ Republican Ken Bennett Voted for Transgenderism and Satanism

Satanists in Florida offer to fill school counselor roles after DeSantis law

GOP closed out Day 1 of its national convention with a prayer to pagan god ‘Waheguru’

School district pays $15K in legal fees over ‘Satan club’ ban

Witchcraft Is Consorting with The Powers of Darkness and Must Always Be Rejected by Christians 

Church Insurance Rates Are Skyrocketing

Colleges Across America Offer Radical Courses On Witchcraft And Divination 

Feminist ‘witches’ will cast spells at taxpayer-funded academic conference

Under Tim Walz, Minnesota Banned Christian Teachers

There are about one million “targeted individuals” worldwide

Dozens Of Bullets Were Just Fired At A Famous Pastor’s Home. Sadly, This Was Not An Isolated Incident.

Michigan Man Arrested for Threat to Murder Christians If Trump Wins

Baphomet statue erected by Satanic Temple at NH state house destroyed

There Were 436 Attacks on Churches Last Year. Not One Prosecuted.

Satanists’ holiday display at Minnesota Capitol sparks outrage

Satanic Temple Promises Lawsuit Over Cancelled Event in the Iowa State Capitol Rotunda 

The Biden Administration Persecuted Christian Educators

A New Zealand mountain is granted personhood, recognizing it as sacred for Māoric

California Gov’t App Advises Teens To Drop Christianity And Embrace The Occult

War on Christians