Culture of Death
"They use women, get them pregnant, tell 'em to get scraped out, and use them again." ~ Bob Enyart
[Bay Area Doctor Opens Euthanasia Business by
Michelle Moons Breitbart] "A Bay Area medical practitioner is opening up his own
euthanasia practice, taking advantage of this Thursday’s implementation of
California’s new physician-assisted suicide law.
Dr. Lonny Shavelson worked as an emergency room
physician for 29 years, and previously wrote a book on five people who were
considering assisted suicide, according to the East Bay Times. He was also
primary care physician for immigrants and refugees for seven years, and left
medicine for two years while working on a “gender fluidity” documentary.
Shayelson is now seizing on the new law, known as the
End of Life Option Act, and opening “Bay Area End of Life Options” to provide
life-ending drugs to terminally ill patients. The doctor told the Times that his
book focused on the claim that there is high demand for assisted suicide, and
that it is already happening illegally.
Medicare already pays for “end-of-life-care
discussion” according to the Times. It covers “about $83 for the first half-hour
and $75 for the second half-hour.” The report stated that Shavelson will charge
$200 for an initial evaluation, and $1,800 “to cover the cost of more detailed
evaluations and visits, and forms related to the law.”
California will become the most recent state to
institute physician-assisted suicide. The law made its way through the
California legislature with help from the story of a young woman, Brittany
Maynard, who had moved to Oregon to make use of that state’s physician-assisted
suicide law to terminate her life.
Five states currently have “death with dignity”
options, according to the Death with Dignity National Center and the Death with
Dignity Political Fund, two pro-assisted suicide groups.
The California Medical Association had initially
opposed the bill, but after the terminology “physician-assisted suicide” was
removed, the organization shifted to not opposing the bill.
Bill analysis for SB 128 out of the Assembly Health
Committee read, in part, “AIDS Project, Los Angeles and Equality California
support this bill stating that this issue is particularly important because of
its impact on the LGBT community, and noting that the roots of the death with
dignity movement owes much to mothers of men dying painfully during the early
days of the AIDS epidemic.”
State Assembly Member Shannon Grove (R-Bakersfield)
decried the “political gimmicks” used to resurrect the bill in a special session
after it was initially stopped. The bill was renamed and moved to a different
committee in a special “healthcare” session. The maneuvering facilitated the
bill’s passage through the legislature and across the governor’s desk.
California Gov. Jerry Brown initially said he was
hesitant about signing the bill, resurrected as ABX2-15, but ended up signing,
arguing that being able to kill himself, if faced with death, would be a
Several groups worked hard to prevent passage of the
bill. Californians Against Assisted Suicide specifically stated that Brown
benefits from “access to the world’s best medical care and doctors” that not all
Californians have."
Bay Area Doctor Opens Euthanasia Business
Pr 8:36, Eccl
10:2, Jn 10:10
Also see:
Phrasing: Hillary Clinton Thanks ‘Entire Planned Parenthood Family’ for Support
Hospital Puts Teenager on Fast Track to Medical Termination Lam 4:3
Abortionist Wielding Surgical Scissors Confronts Preacher, Declares ‘Love’ for Killing Babies
Abortion clinic sold ‘intact’ baby’s brain for high school summer camp to
Hospital Refuses to Provide Care for Two-Year Old with Brain Injury Lam 4:3
jeopardy theme (right click, open).
Story: Islamic State Using Female Terrorists More and More
Woman Identified Who Was Found Dead After Abortion
Which is worse--murdering one you believe to be your enemy or murdering your own flesh and blood? 2 Ti 3:3 KJV, Ro 1:31 KJV
Vermont doctors push back against assisted-suicide requirement
Terminally ill say goodbye with assisted suicide parties
He aborted over 48,000 babies. Then he pulled a baby’s beating heart out with his forceps.
Congressional contempt vote looming on baby-body-parts buyer
The Abortionist Who Doesn’t Know What an Abortionist Is
Over 60,000 People Every Year Get Adult Stem Cell Treatments, Embryonic Cells Help No One
The Horn
Religious leaders celebrate abortion clinic’s ‘sacred work’
Anti-Trump ‘Women’s March’ Celebrates Abortion-on-Demand
"You have a choice to have a live baby or a dead baby." ~ Adrian Rogers
Some states want to require burial or cremation for fetuses
Canada may contribute to Dutch-led international abortion fund
"There are only two things I can't stand in this world: People who are
intolerant of other people's cultures, and the Dutch."
~ Nigel Powers, Goldmember
New video shows Planned Parenthood staffers saying they only do ultrasounds for abortions
U.S. House votes to overturn Obama’s mandate forcing states to fund Planned Parenthood
Remembering a Champion of Personhood Pr 31:8
Judge Blocks Texas Cutting Medicaid to Planned Parenthood
Dutch ‘abortion boat’ arrives off Mexico
DNC Chair Announces Party Will Exclude All Pro-Life Candidates
New website offers US women help to perform their own abortions
Australian Company Turns IVF Human Embryos into Jewelry
love Australia.'
Oklahoma Lawmakers Officially Declare Abortion to be Murder
Planned Parenthood execs joke about decapitating fetuses in new video
Massachusetts judge allows right-to-die lawsuit to move forward
Taxpayers Are Funding Animal Tests for Homemade Abortions
Ghoulish online game urges young people to end
their lives
DC doctors now allowed to prescribe life-ending medications
U.S. Congress Passes Amendment Giving Baby Charlie Gard Residency
Notorious Italian Abortionist Invited to Give Talk on Immigration at Catholic Parish
Democrat Campaign Spokeswoman Contradicts: ‘No Interest’ in Working with Pro-Life Democrats
Baby ‘Less Than An Hour Old’ Found On Sidewalk Covered in Ants
Planned Parenthood has new lifeline -- from sex toy industry
Judge rules Sofia Vergara's frozen embryos are 'citizens of California'
Federal Judge Blocks Texas’ Ban on Dismemberment Abortion
Judge Fines Planned Parenthood Sting Journalist $200K for Contempt
Trial to decide if Kentucky becomes first state without abortion clinic
Planned Parenthood Teams With Satanists to Promote Abortion
Fifteen no-cost abortions scheduled through Harvey relief effort
FBI Launches Probe Of Planned Parenthood
Google Sponsors Event Honoring President of Nation’s Largest Abortion Provider
Women’s Blog Reveals the 20 Best Cities to Kill Your Baby in an Abortion
Doctors clash over euthanasia for mentally ill
App Delivers Abortifacient Pill to Teens Without Doctor Visits
Catholic Hospital Group Grants Euthanasia to Mentally Ill
Blood Sacrifices: Satanist Group and Battle
Nonprofit Gave $75,000 For Abortions
Massachusetts GOP Gov. Signs Law Forcing Employers to Provide ‘Free’ Birth Control
Growling abortionist faces Judgment Day
Organization Creates Suicide Machine
Justice Department Launches Investigation Into Planned Parenthood Over Sale of Fetal Tissue
$7.8 Million Settlement Against Companies Accused of Profiting from Fetus Sales
$7.8 Million Settlement Against Biomedical Companies Accused of Profiting from Fetal Tissue Sales
Obama-appointed judge blocks Trump’s rule ending HHS contraceptive mandate
Ex-Planned Parenthood Director Tells All
Ohio Outlaws Selective Abortion of Down Syndrome Babies
Federal agents found fetuses in body broker's warehouse
Report: A business where human bodies were butchered, packaged and sold
Judge Upholds Controversial Bill Requiring Taxpayers to Fund Abortions in Illinois
New ‘SofTouch’ Abortions Kill Unborn Babies In Only Minutes
Planned Parenthood: We Did 321,384 Abortions; Got $543.7 Million in Tax Dollars
College Student Makes Case For Infanticide
Trump Administration Moves to Halt Abortion of Fourth Illegal Immigrant Teen
Facebook blocks funding for major pro-life movie
Cecile Richards Challenges Right of Physicians Not to Perform
California sued after hospital ends life of sick boy
marke View
…The state in effect told the parents of the boy,
To hell with what you want, we say the boy should not be allowed to live and
so we killed him…
Hillary believed that she
owned your kids.
It takes a village
to satisfy her husband (Enyart).
Clergy Gather to ‘Bless’ Late-Term Abortion Facility, Claim Abortion Staff Work for God’s ‘Glory’
#ComeForACause: Porn Site Launches Campaign to Fund Abortion Group
Clergy gather to bless one of the only U.S. clinics performing late-term abortions
U.N.’s 2nd attempt at including abortion in ‘right to life’
Death of dementia patient stirs Belgium euthanasia fears
Parent Kicked Out of Classroom By Planned Parenthood
Reporter Becky Griffin: Fewer Mass Shootings if More Babies Were Aborted
Reply to
Pauli, "The Mad Jewess" @MadJewessWoman
Lunatic. She needs to be sent to a psych ward
evil Jn 8:36
Stunning: Google Lists Planned Parenthood as Top Pro-Life Organization
Taxpayers Have Shelled Out $1.5 Billion To Abortion Providers
Abortion Kills 3154 Times More Blacks Than Police
Make a Church Post Satan’s Phone Number
California pushes abortion by depicting pregnant women as stupid
Abortions based on chromosomes
Powdered Human Baby Flesh Sold Around the World
Abortionist Who Said She Cuts Unborn Babies’ Cords So They Can’t Scream Deletes Her Post
Clarify that 'Defunding Abortion
Clinics' Means Giving Them $500 Million Every Year
Abortion Tissue Bandages Coming to a Supermarket Near You
Pills filled with powdered human baby flesh found by customs officials
68 Iowa Faith Leaders Sign Letter in Support of Abortion
Facing legal threats, Mississippi's last abortion clinic stands defiant
Bill Nye Gives Planned Parenthood Props
Missouri Gives PP Boot, Handmaids Yell
Rule Would Take US Funds from Clinics Discussing Abortion
Supreme Court Leaves In Place Law That Effectively Bans Abortion By Pill
Planned Parenthood Caught Performing Abortions On 12-Year-Old Girls – Not Reporting Crimes To Police
College “doula” training teaches students to support women during abortions, not childbirth
Never Drink Another Starbucks Coffee Again, It Funds Planned Parenthood
Poll: 72% of Americans Believe Euthanasia Should Be Legal
Supreme Court Overturns Lower Court Ruling Allowing Immigrant to Obtain Abortion
California University Refuses To Speak With Pro-Life Group about Free Abortion Drugs
California reinstates controversial right-to-die law
American Medical Association sliding toward support of physician-assisted suicide
9 Abortionists Accused of Breaking Law, Failing to Report Possible Child Sex Crimes
Poll: 37% of Young Americans Back Abortion ‘Under Any Circumstances,’ 42% Back Restrictions
Reply to FalconSoar
Why don't we just call them pro-murder? These same that
object to capital punishment for heinous crime defy all scientific fact by
insisting baby in utero is a "fetus".
They know that.
They don’t give a damn (Pr 8:36).
Abortion Doctor Movie to Air in 750 Theaters in October
Donald Trump Prepares Groundwork for Abortion Ban in all 50 States
Roe v. Wade Film Begins Shooting amid Mounting Protests and Backlash
Director, Actors and Crew Members Quit ‘Roe v. Wade’ Film After Finding Out it Isn’t Pro-Abortion
Christian College Wins Legal Battle Against Obamacare Birth Control Mandate
Abortionist Caught Strangling Baby Who Survived Abortion
‘Thank God for Abortion’ Float Appears in New York City Sodomite Parade
Planned Parenthood Dares Make Demands About Supreme Court Pick
Abortion Cheerleaders: They Realize Science Is Not on Their Side
Republican Senate Votes to Fund Planned Parenthood and Aborted-Baby-Parts
The Left’s Demonic Obsession with Abortion
Sorry, Chelsea Clinton, Research Does Not Show Abortion Is Economically Beneficial to Women
Activists Sent 3,000 Coat Hangers To Sen. Collins’s Office To Protest Against Confirming Kavanaugh
Special Report: Planned Parenthood’s Main Collector Sells Aborted Tissue At Over Double Real Price
Dem Congressional Candidate Appears to Say He Supports Abortion at Any Stage of Pregnancy
Republican Congress Using Defense Bill to Fund Planned Parenthood and Aborted-Baby Parts Research
CA: Children Can Now ‘Aid, Advise And Encourage’ Their Parents Into Killing Themselves
Planned Parenthood forces cancellation of ‘Gosnell’ screening
California Gov Jerry Brown Signs Law Allowing People to Kill Their Family in Assisted Suicides
Planned Parenthood Contributed $126,886 to Democrats on Judiciary Committee; $0 to Republicans
$13,799,501 Federal Contract Requires UC San Francisco to Obtain Aborted-Baby Parts to Humanize Mice
State trying to silence pastor upset over abortion for 13-year-old
Group That Helped Women Abroad Have Illegal Abortions Now Sending Abortion Pills To US
Theaters Drop ‘Gosnell’ Movie Despite It Being a Top-Grossing Film
State Supreme Court: Roe v. Wade ‘patently illogical’
In America, It’s OK to Traffic in Baby Parts—As Long As You Don’t Advertise Too Aggressively
New Evidence: Planned Parenthood Lied About Aborted Baby Part Profits
Planned Parenthood President Says Organization Is All ‘About Saving People’s Lives’
They Were Weeping Their Abortions, Not Shouting Them
Hollywood Celebrities Visit Multiple Cities to Celebrate Abortions
Supreme Court gives victory to Planned Parenthood in Medicaid case
Democrats Draft Bill to Make Abortion a ‘Human Right’
U.S. judge tells Christian churches they must cover abortion in insurance plan
Abortionist: ‘God performs way more abortions than I do’
House Democrats Trying To Restore Funding For Overseas Abortions
New Mexico’s Poisonous Physician-Assisted Suicide Bill Would Hurt Entire Country
Planned Parenthood President Acknowledges The Truth: Abortion Is Indeed Their Core Mission
Time Magazine Publishes Op-Ed Encouraging Readers To Start Piggy Banks For Abortion
Abortion Advocate Says ‘Fetal Tissue Is Not A Person.’ The Daily Wire’s Emily Zanotti Crushes Her.
Vid: Pro-Life Activist Left Bloody Outside Abortion Clinic After Saying ‘Jesus Loves You’
California Says More Babies Must be Killed in Abortions Because Giving Birth Costs Too Much
ACLU: It Would be “Perverse” Not to Kill Babies With Down Syndrome in Abortions
Death on demand: has euthanasia gone too far?
Federal Court Allows Texas to Permanently Defund Planned Parenthood Abortion Mills
Boycott these 60 companies that donate money to fund the systematic murder of unborn human babies
Supremes asked to confirm embryos are ‘persons’
Pro-Abortion University Staffer Calls for Raping Pro-Life College Students
Reply to anon
[Ann Coulter]
Pro-Abort Grandmas in Maine Form Group to Promote Aborting Grandkids
Abortionist Calls Himself a “Christian Abortion Doctor” Who “Does the Lord’s Work”
Planned Parenthood kept aborted babies alive to harvest organs, ex-technician says
Disturbing Video Surfaces Shows NY Abortion Clinic Assuring Woman Baby Will Be Killed If Born Alive
Vermont House passes H. 57 no-limits abortion bill
Reply to anon
[Trump, baby lives matter]
Planned Parenthood President: We Kill Babies Because “We Believe in Life. It’s Being Pro-Life”
Reply to Q Anon
[Stopping chil-killing] One step closer.
Not one baby saved (Pr 8:36). Your followers love to be lied to (Jer
ProLifeProfiles: Trump
Florida mom discovers suicide tips in video on YouTube Kids
Christian Professor Rebecca Todd Peters Claims “Abortion is a Moral Good”
Planned Parenthood: ‘There Is No Such Thing as Abortion Until or After Birth’
Arrests made after Planned Parenthood Caught Selling Baby Body Parts
Washington State Trying to Force Churches to Pay for Abortions in Their Health Insurance Plans
Christian University Blocks Black Speaker Because Her Pro-Life Views are “Radical Beliefs”
Seattle-area church fights forced funding of abortions
Ex-Planned Parenthood director: We were ‘trained’ how to sell abortion to Christian women
Vermont Legislature Bans Pastor from Giving Prayer After He Prays for “Everyone’s Right to Life”
New Jersey Passes Bill Making It 7th State to Legalize Assisted Suicide, Will Force Taxpayers to Fund Suicides
California Democrats push for abortion pill in campus clinics
California Caves to Planned Parenthood’s Demands, Forces Churches to Fund Abortions
Bride Wanted Her Bridesmaid to Have Abortion Because She Was Having a “Child-Free” Wedding
New Abortion Billboard Says “Welcome to Illinois Where You Can” Kill Your Baby
Abortion Clinic Workers Quitting Their Jobs After Seeing Pro-Life Movie ‘Unplanned’
Leaked emails show Planned Parenthood pushed California to force churches to fund abortion
College Professor Teaching Future Doctors Compares Unborn Babies to Parasites
Minnesota Hospital Plans to Euthanize Cancer Patient Who Says in Video “I Want to Live”
Lost Fertility Clinic Embryos Weren’t Living Persons, Ohio Appellate Court Rules
State Rep. John ‘Kill Them Now’ Rogers announces bid for Senate, offers more hot takes on abortion
Planned Parenthood CEO Declares Her Happiest Moment Was Forcing Christians To Pay For Abortion Drugs
Death by donation: Euthanizing patients for organs gaining acceptance
CDC Confirms 143 Babies Born Alive After Abortions, Left to Die
Govt.-funded lab seeks to buy ‘fresh’ aborted baby heart, pancreas from almost anyone
“Unplanned” Movie is Causing Abortion Workers to Leave Their Jobs
Billboard: ‘Welcome To Colorado, Where You Can Get A Safe, Legal Abortion’
Los Angeles Implements Travel Ban to Alabama Over New Abortion Law
California May Give Hollywood Tax Breaks for Not Working in Pro-Life States
Clarence Thomas: Abortion for eugenics ‘not hypothetical’
Gov. Newsom Welcomes Women Seeking An Abortion To Come To California
Plan B Morning-After Pill Flying Off Shelves As States Move To Tighten Abortion Laws
Michigan Hotel Owner Offers Free Rooms To Women Seeking Abortions
Top Execs of 180 Companies: Abortion Necessary to Be Successful in Business
Feminist admits abortion is ‘killing that we need to be able to defend'
Texas Town 1st in Nation to Ban Abortion: Sanctuary City for the Unborn’
Unborn Babies are Being Extracted From Their Mother’s Wombs Alive to Have Their Livers Harvested
Police Investigate Death Threats to Movie Theater Owners Screening Pro-Life Film ‘Unplanned’
ACLU Told CA Teachers To Help Students Obtain Abortions Without Parental Notification, Video Reveals
Abortion support is the highest it’s been in two decades as challenges mount
Backup to Roe: Online abortion pills
StemExpress CEO admits selling beating baby hearts, intact baby heads in Daleiden hearing
Planned Parenthood Employee Admits To Trafficking In Baby Body Parts
New Sexual Fetish; Couples Getting Pregnant and Having Multiple Abortions
Austin Texas is The First City To Pay Women to Kill Their Babies
Reply to
Truthification Chronicles
Any law that ends in 'and then you can kill the baby' is evil.
Again, Christianity 101. Honor marriage and
family (He 13:4) and don't kill your kid (Pr
Nancy Pelosi says abortion bans ‘ignore basic morality’
Hillary Clinton Wins Pro-Abortion “Lifetime Achievement” Award, Calls Killing Babies a Human Right
Planned Parenthood Admits It Controls Hollywood, Gets TV Shows and Movies to Promote Abortion
Court Rules Ohio Ban on Down Syndrome Abortions Illegal
The Golden Calf Civilization: Tablet II Jonathan Cahn
The use of chemical abortions is on the rise
Baby Parts Buyers Were ‘Scalping the Babies,’ Planned Parenthood Trial Reveals
Planned Parenthood admits guilt in illegal baby body parts trafficking scheme
Lesbian Priest Tapped To Head Major Abortion Group, Calls Abortionists ‘Modern-Day Saints’
New Pro-Abortion Campaign Calls Killing Babies an “Act of Love and Compassion”
New Documentary Explores Satanist/Idolatrous Roots of Pro-Abortion Movement
Nurses say newborn babies are murdered all the time because women “don’t want them”
Planned Parenthood Action Fund Says Abortion Is ‘Moral’ and ‘Health Care’
Ohio State vs. Michigan Announcer Tells Story of Player Almost Being Aborted
Netflix, Disney, and Hulu are bleeding customers who are sick and tired of all
the perversion
Abortion Was the Leading Cause of Death Worldwide in 2019, Killing 42 Million People
Feminist comedian Michelle Wolf: Killing my baby made me feel like God
Vid: Planned Parenthood-linked sex ed org depicts 3-month-old preborn baby as inanimate circle
Viral Video of Girl Cheerfully Getting Abortion at Planned Parenthood Draws Horror
St. Paul City Council Celebrates ‘Abortion Providers Appreciation Day’
Pro-lifers face public masturbation, hurled glass as they pray outside abortion center
Democrats tried to use a deadly crisis to fund something heartless, immoral and evil
Elizabeth Banks to Lead Star-Studded Fundraiser ‘Operation to Save Abortion’
Planned Parenthood Affiliates Received $80 Million in PPP Loans
Planned Parenthood Officials Admit They Sold Aborted Baby Parts
Under oath, officials admit to harvesting organs from babies born alive with
‘beating hearts’
Under Cover of Covid, Medical Team Euthanizes Disabled Man Against Wife’s
Kentucky church has ‘Unborn Lives Matter’ sign defaced by BLM vandals
Casket outside Brooklyn nursing home filled with 6,500 covers of Cuomo’s book
Media Cheer ‘Thank God for Abortion’ Music Video
Newly Revealed Testimony in Congress: Planned Parenthood Lied, They Do Sell Fetal Parts
Abortionist Jen Gunter: ‘The unborn are zombies’ and a hupizzaman embryo is ‘not a human’
20th Texas City Bans Abortions, Becomes “Sanctuary for the Unborn”
The blood of murdered unborn children cries to God from abortion-tainted vaccines and medicines
"President" Biden Admin Axes President Trump’s Rules Limiting Experimentation on Aborted Babies
Abortion industry is rapidly franchising: baby murder clinics on every street corner
Democrats Want US to Fund Global Abortion
Chemical abortions in Minnesota reach all-time high amid pandemic
Democrats’ Planned ‘Medicaid’ Expansion Program Would Pay for Elective Abortions
We Need To Talk About Midazolam: Icke
Vid: Pelosi Echoes Eugenicist Margaret Sanger and Promotes Abortions for Poor Women
Supremes told constitutionally, Roe should be overturned
25% of Pregnancies in England, Wales End in Abortion
A Graying Italy Looks to Euthanasia to Solve Its Demographic Problems
FDA purchased baby heads and other body parts, documents show
Leaked Document Shows "President Biden" Taking Orders From Planned Parenthood
Covid-19 Inoculation: Using Aborted Fetal Cell Lines
Supreme Court Sets Argument Date for Challenge to ‘Roe v. Wade’
She’s 51, a mother and a devout Catholic. She plans to die by euthanasia on Sunday.
"Vice President Kamala" colluded with Planned Parenthood to prosecute pro-life watchdog activist
Illinois Senate Votes to Repeal Law That Requires Parents Be Notified Before a Minor Has an Abortion
New Zealand has approved euthanasia
Chinese Communist Party seeks to normalize black market organ trade with public price model, report
"Christian" Pastor: It’s Okay to Kill Babies in Abortion Because Women’s Bodies “are Sacred”
Euthanasia and infanticide promoting philosopher wins $1 Million dollar Berggruen prize
Euthanasia Is Only For The Vaccinated Now
Study shows abortion pill ER visits are skyrocketing as FDA mulls relaxing regulations
Dem senator warns Supreme Court of ‘revolution’ if Roe v. Wade is overturned
Supreme Court conservatives appear willing to gut abortion rights
Abortion activists eat abortion pills outside Supreme Court as Roe v. Wade challenged
Switzerland Legalizes 3-D Printed At-Home Assisted-Suicide ‘Pods’
Dianne Feinstein on abortion: California senator suggests a 15-week fetus isn’t a human being
Calif. to Become ‘Abortion Sanctuary’ for Out-of-Staters if Roe Overturned
FDA Legalizes ‘Abortion by Mail’: ‘More Mothers Will Die, More Children Will Die’
Saving lives? New Zealand green-lights euthanasia of covid patients
Leftist Coalition to ‘Cover D.C.’ with Pro-Abortion ‘Art’ Ahead of March for Life
Abortion is leading cause of death worldwide third year in a row
OBGYN Refuses Pressure to Do Abortions: I Can’t Give Birth in One Room and Kill Babies in Another
Democrat cities grant paid employee leave for abortions
Christian Ministers Warn Democrat Sen Warnock Is ‘a Servant of Satan’
Tim Tebow Urges Christians to Stand Against Abortion: “We’re Called to be Pro-Life”
Lawmakers now consider legalizing letting babies up to a month old die
Sponsor of Maryland Bill That Legalizes Infanticide Up to 28 Days Cancels Hearing
Planned Parenthood Targets Youngest Audience Yet with Their ‘Ice Cream Abortion’ Truck
US OB/GYN association opposes using ‘baby’ to describe the preborn
Newsom opens the door to infanticides
WHO calls for widespread removal of abortion restrictions, end to ‘criminalization’
...A threat to millions of children in the womb
Netherlands: More legal acts of euthanasia than ever before
Planned Parenthood officials admit under oath to selling aborted body parts
Canada Will Soon Be Offering Doctor-Assisted Death For People Who Are Mentally Ill
Maryland Democrats override governor’s veto, enact bill to let non-doctors perform abortions
Coloradoans celebrate the “right” to murder their unborn babies
I don’t want to live in a society where assisted suicide is considered a life ritual
New Colorado Law To Allow Abortion Up To 28 Days After Birth
CA: Bill to Decriminalize Killing Newborns
Planned Parenthood now sending abortion pills to Ukraine to exterminate more Ukrainian citizens
Leaked document hints: Roe vs. Wade to be repealed
‘Where’s Your God Now?’: Mob Of Abortion Activists Surround Pro-Life Christian At SCOTUS Protest
Police Attacked, Windows Smashed During ‘Roe V Wade’ Protest In LA
...Liberals Fight To Keep The Food Flowing To Their God Molech
“Unzipped Staff” at Levi Strauss & Co: Buy a pair of Levi’s, help murder an unborn child
Firebomb Crashes Through Window of Pro-Life Headquarters, Threatening Message Left on Building
Hillary-Endorsed Abortion Group Targeting Churches Is A Front For Revolutionary Communists
U.S. Funding Abortion Abroad Via Covid-19 Relief
Left-wing journalist calls for more violence against pro-life groups
In Pushing Assisted Suicide On The Poor, Justin Trudeau Defines ‘Dignity’
Oakland Becomes ‘Sanctuary City’ for Women Seeking Abortions
Students create ‘Tribe for Death’ group to harass pro-life peers
Radical Left-Wing Group Plans to Storm D.C. to Stop Roe v. Wade Repeal
White House bracing for the ‘death’ of Roe V. Wade
South Dakota becomes abortion-free as Planned Parenthood closes state’s last facility
...Abortion Still Legal in America, State by State
Abortion activists in Arizona attempt to breach Capitol building after Roe reversal
Leftist Groups Use Map Created By University Professors To Target Pregnancy Centers
"Biden White House" Promotes Website Advising Children About Hiding Abortions from Parents
Delaware governor signs law allowing midwives to abort babies
Pro-abortion leftists call for stockpiling abortion pills
Amazon Employees Allegedly Demand Business Cease in Pro-Life States
Mississippi becomes latest state to ban abortion throughout every stage of pregnancy
"President" Biden signs executive order to ‘expand access to abortion’
Young Protestor Screams “We Love Killing Babies” at Pro-Abortion Rally in Front of White House
Biden administration has been flying migrant minors out of Texas for abortions
The ‘Moloch 20’: Firms Who’ve Vowed to Help Employees Get Abortions
Canada looks to expand assisted suicide law to include mental illness
Pennsylvania Senate approves amendment declaring no right to abortion in state constitution
Investigation of Dick’s Sporting Goods demanded
House Democrats unanimously block resolution condemning attacks on churches, pregnancy centers
Husband’s Lawsuit Seen as New Front in Abortion Fight
Leftists Are Waging A ‘Summer Of Rage’ To Restore Abortion
Georgia Says Embryos Count As Dependents For Tax Purposes
$430 billion inflation bill passed by Senate includes funds for abortion via Obamacare credits
Walmart Expands Abortion Coverage for Employees Including Travel Support
Midazolam Matt is now campaigning to make Assisted Dying legal in the UK
Canadian veteran offered assisted-suicide instead of PTSD help
Canada Is Euthanizing It’s Sick and Poor. Welcome to World of Government Health Care
Activity book tells kids to ‘explore’ feelings on assisted dying
Planned Parenthood is Selling the Bodies of Dead Babies to the CCP to Develop Bioweapons
Amazon Accused of Selling ‘Suicide Kits’ to Teenagers in New Lawsuit
Two year Jail sentence for prayer outside Abortion providers considered by British Parliament
Canadians move to protect themselves from assisted suicide