Mad Scientists

[In Search For Cures, Scientists Create Embryos That Are Both Animal And Human by Rob Stein] "A handful of scientists around the United States are trying to do something that some people find disturbing: make embryos that are part human, part animal.

The researchers hope these embryos, known as chimeras, could eventually help save the lives of people with a wide range of diseases.

One way would be to use chimera embryos to create better animal models to study how human diseases happen and how they progress.

Perhaps the boldest hope is to create farm animals that have human organs that could be transplanted into terminally ill patients.

But some scientists and bioethicists worry the creation of these interspecies embryos crosses the line. "You're getting into unsettling ground that I think is damaging to our sense of humanity," says Stuart Newman, a professor of cell biology and anatomy at the New York Medical College.

The experiments are so sensitive that the National Institutes of Health has imposed a moratorium on funding them while officials explore the ethical issues they raise.

Nevertheless, a small number of researchers are pursuing the work with alternative funding. They hope the results will persuade the NIH to lift the moratorium.

"We're not trying to make a chimera just because we want to see some kind of monstrous creature," says Pablo Ross, a reproductive biologist at the University of California, Davis. "We're doing this for a biomedical purpose."

The NIH is expected to announce soon how it plans to handle requests for funding.

Recently, Ross agreed to let me visit his lab for an unusual look at his research. During the visit, Ross demonstrated how he is trying to create a pancreas that theoretically could be transplanted into a patient with diabetes.

The first step involves using new gene-editing techniques to remove the gene that pig embryos need to make a pancreas.

Working under an elaborate microscope, Ross makes a small hole in the embryo's outer membrane with a laser. Next, he injects a molecule synthesized in the laboratory to home in and delete the pancreas gene inside. (In separate experiments, he has done this to sheep embryos, too.)

After the embryos have had their DNA edited this way, Ross creates another hole in the membrane so he can inject human induced pluripotent stem cells, or iPS for short, into the pig embryos..." Full text: In Search For Cures, Scientists Create Embryos That Are Both Animal And Human Ge 10:8, Da 2:43, 1 Chron 1:10, 2 Thess 2:9, 11, Lk 11:24


Mad scientists from Cali vow to make half-human, half-animal, chimeras under guise of ‘medical research’ 


I Want to Believe

Taking the Mark of the Beast  





Culture of Death

Egalitarian Society

China Rising



ok doser View Post Sounds like my mother-in-law.

Is she a mad cow?  

Human organs grown in pigs

…Hybrids could develop into monsters with 'our brains' 

Scientists find a second layer of information hidden in our DNA Ge 10:8, Jud 6


Alien/human hybrids, Mark of the beast

shagster01 View Post Humans are animals.

Speak for yourself (Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10).

Having said that, this is weird and I don't like it.

Would you take the mark of the beast if it would make you super human (physically not spiritually )?

I am including myself in the phrase "human."...

For now.

[Satan messing with DNA, God's creation ] We are all already superhuman. Most of us just don't know it or know how to use it yet.

You will become like God. Ge 3:5, Zech 4:7, 1 Jn 2:16, Re 14:9-10

When the aliens land and Rome welcomes them, will you believe them when they say they have a better gospel? 2 Thess 2:9, 11


I Want to Believe

Living ‘Biohybrid’ Stingray Made From Heart Cells Of Rats


Demons and Fallen Angels

Mark M View Post They are making chimeras now - Pokemon

1 Jn 2:15

Chinpokomon Commercial

This ‘Bio-Ink’ Can Print Living Tissues   

American Scientists Harvesting Human Organs In Live Pigs, Creating A Human-Pig Embryo  

Pigman ~ Kramer, Seinfeld

Harvard Medical School scientists need a female volunteer willing to give birth to a genetically modified Neanderthal

“Living Machine” Is A Half Sea Slug, Half Robot Hybrid  

Government to lift moratorium on cross-species, ‘Chimera’ research  

Terminally Ill Man Set to Undergo World’s First Head Transplant Says Doc Announcing Plans Soon  

The Real Captain America: Bioengineering the Super Soldiers of Tomorrow  


Believe the Lie

National Institutes of Health Wants Funds for Human-Animal Hybrids 

'Superhumans' Soon Re 14:9-10  

Scientists Create Child from the DNA of Three People. Child is a Jordanian (Jordan is in charge of Temple Mount under the Hashemite kingdom).

The human brains being grown outside the body: Lab making miniature 'organs in a jar' is revealed

Luciferian's super soldier DNA manipulation plan exposed: UK conspiracy theorist's mother fears he was murdered in Poland

The Pig with a Monkey Face Ge 1:24

Three parent babies: IVF clinics told they can create children with two mothers

A Retired UK Professor May Have Found King Arthur's Castle of Camelot

Gene drive’ moratorium shot down at UN biodiversity meeting  

The birth of half-human, half animal chimeras

Hybrid zoo: Introducing pig–human embryos and a rat–mouse 

Researchers Experiment Creation of Human-Pig ‘Chimera Embryos’ to Address Shortage of Donor Organs  

Welcome to the era of transhumanism 

Genetic Engineering: Recreating the Sin of Noah’s Generation  

The Public Should Have a Say in Allowing Modification of Our Germline Genetic Code 

Elon Musk Launches Neuralink to Connect Brains With Computers Re 14:9-10  


Rise of the Beast

Taking the Mark of the Beast


'Upgrading humans' next billion dollar industry 

US military trying to hack human brain to create ‘full potential’ super soldiers   

CRISPR gene-editing tool causes unintended genetic mutations

CRISPR pioneer Doudna envisions a world of woolly mammoths and unicorns

China unveils gene technology to create superhumans with hyper-muscular test-tube dogs 

DARPA invests $65 million in developing gene editing technologies

Scientists build DNA from scratch to alter life's blueprint

First Human Embryos Edited in U.S.

Human embryos edited to stop disease

Scientists, theologians ponder if latest biological findings are more compatible with religion

GM pigs take step to being organ donors

People Back Editing Genes to Treat Disease, but Are Wary of Inheritable Changes

Scientists remotely hack brain, control body movements 

Elon Musk’s Neuralink Gets $27 Million to Build Brain Computers

Changing a flower’s color with the CRISPR gene-editing tool

UK scientists edit DNA of human embryos

Mutant Hulk-like boars being genetically bred

Near the campus cow pasture, a scientist works to grow human organs — in pigs

Scientists try gene editing inside person for first time 

US Scientists Made A Genetically Modified Human Embryo

Scientists Re-Clone a Clone to See What Happens

Expanding DNA’s alphabet lets cells produce novel proteins

Vid:  DARPA to Test Mind-Altering Chips

DARPA developing “genetic doomsday” weapon to exterminate populations on demand.  GMOs to become WMDs.

Humans 2.0: Entrepreneur putting chips in brains...

…AI will allow 'communication via telepathy' 

US Cyber Soldiers to Battlefield 

Technology Company Kernel Spending Millions To Microchip Humans To Create ‘Brain-Computer Interface’ 

'I want to help humans genetically modify themselves'

China, Unhampered by Rules, Races Ahead in Gene-Editing Trials 

Claim:  Human-chimpanzee hybrid born in FL lab; Killed by panicked doctors 

Human Jurassic Park? Cloning fears after eggs grown in lab  

World's first human-sheep hybrid embryos  

Humans bred with mysterious species more than once, new study shows

Human Cloning is Here

Human/Mouse Hybrid: Scientists Grow Human Brain in Tiny Rodent

Effort to revive brains could invoke ‘living hell’

Hybrid human chicken embryos created in US lab

Feds want to program genes to halt flu, other threats

Cambridge University scientists create artificial embryo from stem cells

Stem cells to be transplanted into brains of Parkinson’s patients in world-first trials

Scientists connect 3 actual human brains 

Pro-Life Leaders Condemn Use of Aborted Baby Parts to Make ‘Humanized’ Mice

‘I was angry at his recklessness’: Could anyone have stopped gene-edited babies experiment? 

Voice of God Technology:  No longer a conspiracy theory: MIT scientists confirm they possess technology to beam voices into your head

Scientists Release Controversial Genetically Modified Mosquitoes In High-Security Lab

Humans could get X-Men ‘super vision’ to see in the dark after nanoparticles let mice see infrared

Scientists put human gene into monkeys to make them smarter, human-like

Bioethicists Concerned over Japan’s Chimera Embryo Regulations

Planet of the Apes test mixing human DNA with monkeys will bring ‘unintended consequence’

Artificial embryos possible after embryonic stem cells breakthrough

Scientists Creating Human-Pig Hybrids for Organ Transplants That Could Develop Into “Monsters”

Human-pig hybrids for organ transplants could develop into monsters with ‘our brains’

Mutant DNA-edited babies created by ‘Frankenstein’ scientist ‘secretly born in China’

Creation Of Human And Animal Embryo Hybrids Set To Begin In Japan After Government Gives Green Light To Controversial Stem Cell Experiments

Japan To Create Human-Rodent Hybrids For Organ Harvesting

World’s first ever pig-money hybrids have been created by Chinese scientists 

Scientists Made a Mouse That’s 4 Percent Human

German researchers successfully implant, then delete, false memories in people’s minds

Part-human, part-monkey embryos grown in lab dishes

Experiment creates “Planet of the Apes” embryos

Trump WH adviser Fauci’s agency spent over $400k on experiments grafting aborted fetal scalps onto mice and rats

WH Advisor Fauci engineered human-animal hybrid abominations using aborted baby tissue

Israeli doctors develop ‘pig-human’ hybrid organ for transplant

Oakland and Denver zoos giving Covid-19 spike protein vaccines to animals – including bears, gorillas, tigers and mountain lions

Human-animal hybrids: Senate approves billions of dollars for their chilling creation

Senate Kills GOP Legislation To Prohibit ‘Certain Human-Animal Chimeras’ 

China Creating ‘Humanized Pigs’ with Gene Editing Then Infecting Them with Coronavirus

Inside China’s ‘horror humanzee experiments to breed apemen’ for ‘organ harvesting, hard labour & to be sent into space’

Scientists Reprogram Cells’ DNA Using Nanotechnology

Inside world of lab-grown human-animal hybrids for transplants using mutant embryos amid fears scientists ‘playing God’

An animal organ in man: a solution to the shortage of donors or a utopia?

2 pig hearts were transplanted into human patients

Federal court says Biden admin can’t force doctors to commit abortions, gender mutilation surgeries 

Chinese Bio-Tech Company Buys 1,400 Acres of US Land to Build Monkey Breeding ‘Primate Facility’

Experiments show by reprogramming the electrical communication between cells, organisms grow extra limbs, eyes and heads

‘Artificial womb’ facility is a glimpse of pregnancy in the future

Woman finds out she is her daughter’s mother – and uncle

Eugenicists aim to destroy the role of mother and take control of life-creating processes

Scientists pressuring FDA to approve use of bioengineered animal organs in human transplants 

China clones 3 “super cows” that can produce 54 tons of milk a year; plans herd of 1,000

Human Mini-Brains Grafted Into Injured Rats Restored Their Sight

How to make hydrogen straight from seawater – no desalination required 

U.S. regulators rejected Elon Musk’s bid to test brain chips in humans

Humans Used as 6G Antennas

Scientists breed mice with two males, no females through method that could lead to human ‘gaybies’

World War II ‘horror bunker’ run by infamous Unit 731 discovered in China

Scientists Create Synthetic Human Embryos

...Paving The Way For Soulless Non-Human Entities Created Without Sperm Or Egg 

Scientist announces creation of first human embryo in lab

US researchers develop revolutionary ‘cancer-killing’ pill

Israeli scientists make synthetic embryo without fertilized egg – study

Researchers grow embryonic humanized kidneys inside pigs for 28 days

New Research Seeks To Create Synthetic Human Life

Scientists Recover RNA From an Extinct Species for the First Time

Silk tougher than Kevlar thanks to genetically modified silkworms

China Leads ‘New Axis’ in Harvesting DNA From Pregnant Women, Fetuses: British MP

RNA-editing therapies pick up steam

Under the guise of biodiversity, they want to genetically manipulate all living things

Chinese doctors set new record for pig liver transplant

Canadian Doctors Amputate Healthy Fingers Of Young Man With ‘Body Dysphoria’

Man who received first pig kidney transplant dies

3 pioneering medical interventions hailed as giving hope for the future have catastrophically failed 

They Are Using Lab-Grown Human Brains That They Have Enslaved Called “Organoids” To Run Computers

$10M Taxpayer Funds Used In ‘Creating Transgender’ Animals

Mad Scientists