Change You Can Believe In

[4 in 5 in U.S. Face Near-Poverty by Hope Yen Washington AP] "Four out of 5 U.S. adults struggle with joblessness, near poverty or reliance on welfare for at least parts of their lives, a sign of deteriorating economic security and an elusive American dream.

Survey data exclusive to The Associated Press points to an increasingly globalized U.S. economy, the widening gap between rich and poor and loss of good-paying manufacturing jobs as reasons for the trend..." Full text:
4 in 5 in U.S. Face Near-Poverty   Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10, Am 8:5, 2 Thess. 2:7, 8, Eze 38:3



Obama [Gog]

Political Terrorism   

Hip Hop White House 




Voter Fraud


Warmongers McCain and Graham


Psyop Civil War in America

Martial Law


US Department of Agriculture    

Agenda 21 




National Debt

Donald Trump & Conspiracy Theories


Borders, Language, Culture


China Rising

Identity Politics

War on Christians


America's Mid-Life Crisis Pt 1, 2, 3 by Perry Stone


South Park Parody Night of the Living Homeless Warning language



Response to comment [from other]: "No doubt the manufacturing base was the strength of the middle class..."


Now he's going to focus on the middle class.


"[D]estroy the middle class the backbone of the country and you destroy the country."


He knows that. 



"The attacks on the country are multi-level, aimed at various institutions, it is difficult to see exactly what the end result will be, what type of country will the U.S. be, in 2016 and what role the [U.S.] will play in global affairs."


There is a reason we are becoming more irrelevant daily. Eze 38-39


Response to comment [from a Christian]: "People in droves are still knocking our door down to get access to freedom and opportunity."


What door? They can walk right in.



Homeownership at 18-Year Low   

Obama: Top Tax Rate Should Be 28% for Corporations, 40% for Small Businesses  Ex 20:15 

Study: Record Number 21 Million Young Adults Living With Parents

953,000 Jobs Created In 2013; 731,000 Are Part-Time


Study: U.S. Debt Obligations $70 Trillion

Half of $1 trillion in federal student loan debt not repaid


Labor Participation Rate Hits 34-Year Low

Teen employment hits record lows, suggesting lost generation


Court Allows Obama to Keep White House Visitor Logs Secret


Record 90,473,000 no Longer in Labor Force 

Obama nominee secretly colludes with lobbyists in bid for top energy job   

Census: Americans in Poverty Jumps 6.6M to Record 46.5M 

'World More Stable Than 5 Yrs Ago'  Ob 7 

College forbids handout on Constitution Day



DoD Training Manual Suggests Conservative Views 'Extremist'

Lists those concerned with individual liberties, states' rights

Joint Terrorism Task Force Guide

Army job: Internment / Resettlement Specialist (31E)

Right-wing extremists, war vets are dangerous


White House hosts 'Bisexual Visibility Day' meeting behind closed doors

Homosexuality is: forbidden (Lev. 18:22), considered an abomination (1 Kin. 14:24), punishment for (Lev. 20:13), unclean (Rom. 1:24, 26, 27).


Threatening to arrest WWII veterans during government spending reprieve


Response to comment [from other]: "Management is occasionally and selectively tough on link dropping."


1 Pe 5:3



"...[T]he international rhetoric is less about saber rattling and such than under Bush. Bush out and out aggressed on a couple of nations that he shouldn't have whereas Obama drew those down."


Bush helped to strengthen Iran.

"What [s]tate are you from, serpent?"




4 Park Service Workers Erect WWII Barricade


Report: WH rejected visit request

NPS says Obama admin ordered closure

RNC offers to pay to keep open

Debt Held by Public Up 90% Since Jan '09


Harry Reid rejects proposal to pay veterans


Obama threatens default on debt if he does not get his way


Lawyers: Private parks should sue Obama administration for forcing them to close

Founding Fathers' Tavern Closed by Government Shutdown

Reid: ...'Why Would We Want to' Save One Child?'


Liberty vs Tyranny


Joe Biden shows off classified documents

Biden backs park ranger who stopped vets at WWII memorial


Response to comment [from an agnostic]: "The next democrat who runs for president is going to have a tough time convincing people he's not a complete liar like his predecessor.  His phrase will be Change You Really Can Believe In.  Then the next democrat:  Trust me, 100% Change You Super Really Can Believe In Maybe."


This time authoritarian rule will be different




Wired Shut: Barricade at WWII Memorial Reinforced

Park Service Tries Shutting Down Private Inn

Gov't by the people for the people

Ranger: 'We've been told to make life as difficult for people as we can. It's disgusting'

WH asks for shutdown sob stories


What a 'Shutdown' Means: $63B Spent, $26B Taxed; $1.6B Borrowed; $1B Paid in Salaries--in Just 2 Days


Amber Alert Website Shut Down, Michelle's 'Let's Move' Stays Up

'Shutdown' One Week Later and The Majority of The Government is Still Operating


Police prevent drivers from pulling over and viewing Mt. Rushmore

PBS Takes Precedence Over Cancer Stricken Children

Military Chaplains told to: stop counseling, stop doing religious services, and stop baptizing

Threatened with arrest


IRS collecting money but not sending tax refunds during shutdown

Police Reportedly Arrest Veterans After They Refused to Leave Vietnam War Memorial in NYC

NIH Stops Therapy Dogs From Visiting Sick Children

Feds Try to Close the Ocean Because of Shutdown

Park Service approves amnesty rally on 'closed' National Mall

Truckers Plan to Clog DC Beltway

Fox News’ Chris Wallace Rips Into Treasury Secretary Jack Lew: ‘Your History Is Wrong,’ Obama’s Refusal to Negotiate Is ‘Unprecedented’

The List: Sites Unnecessarily Shut Down by Obama to Inflict Public Pain


Senate panel uncovers millions in disability fraud

Feds Withhold Death Benefits for Fallen Soldiers' Families


Families of fallen soldiers to receive bodies, no benefits

Update: Obama default threat 


Senate Killed 'Pay China First Bill'


Runner Fined $100 At Valley Forge Amid Government Shutdown

Yellowstone visitor says her tour group was locked inside park hotel during shutdown




This Land is Your Land 


Occupy America! Citizens storm the Barrycades



WSJ: Shutdown Is Good


D.C. Metro Police Officers Pull American Flag From Protesting Veteran


CNN Mocks Million Vet March as Tea Party Crazies


Obama’s Debt Default Is on His Shoulders While We Shoulder His Impeachable Offenses


Record: Debt Jumps $328 Billion in One Day

Response to comment [from a Christian]: "I changed my sox today."



"He's too snore-y and stinky." ~ Michelle Obama

:banned:[Banned for updating thread] "Truth is hate to those who hate the truth." ~ Bob Enyart Mk 9:41, 13:7, 25:8, 40, Dan 10:13, Ps 105:15, Ro 14:4, Mk 6:11, Is 45:24, 54:17, Re 12:10, 12, Jud 1:9  

Thought Police Get Military Man Fired

Iraq and America are teetering on the brink

Census: Welfare Recipients Outnumber Full-Time Workers

'So help me God' now optional in Air Force oath


Undeniable: The Survey of Hostility to Religion in America

Obama pushes 'unisex' hats for Marines  

FT: USA is Superpower at Risk of Slippage

Confidence in Dollar Shaken

[This Land is Your Land ] More than half the West is federally owned. Now some states want that land Jn 8:36

Student Fundraising Car Wash Banned over Environmental Concerns

Response to comment [from a Christian]: "I cannot wait for these two to move out of the White House. I may just throw a party."

Or, we could get someone worse. 1 Jn 4:3

States Move to Tax Miles; Black Box in Cars Tell Trips

[Asked to be chatty (1 Pe 5:3).] Don't mind me.

When we bend our fingers into a fist, the finger bones produce a shape similar to a circle in a square, round on the inside, square on the outside.  Weird Facts.

Medicare paid millions to dead patients, illegal aliens

Report: WH relies heavily on secret meetings with journalists

AP editors: Staged propaganda photos

Top generals: Obama 'purging military'

Politicization of military: Navy SEALs ordered to remove ‘don’t tread on me’ Navy Jack from uniforms

Census: 49.7 Million Americans Living in Poverty

Man Anally probed 8 Times After Traffic Stop
Sent $6,000 Bill

Update: Uncertified Drug Dog Prompts 2nd Anal Probe

Suit: VA Targeted Conservative Chaplains

Record 91.5 million Americans not in labor force

Report: Despite repeated warnings, US ‘subsidizing’ Afghan companies with ties to terrorism

Feds rolling out new regulation every 2.5 hours Jn 8:36

Obama Removes 'God' From Gettysburg Address

Restaurant Owners Fined for Flying American Flag

Drivers pulled over, asked for DNA samples by federal contractors

Feds May Mandate New Cars Broadcast Location, Direction and Speed

Christian Ministry Threatened With Jail Time for Serving Local Homeless and Elderly

Hospital Employee Shown the Door Over 'God Bless America' Signoff

Senate Democrats invoke 'nuclear option' on filibuster


The Hypocrisy Is Nuclear

Number of Americans on Disability Jumps 20% Since '09

Mixing state and medicine: State Takes Custody Of Child Because Parents Disagree With Doctor’s Diagnosis


Common Core

Greek Values

White House changes story on Obama's uncle

Never met. Briefly lived with. Ex 20:16

New battlefield rules blamed for spike in soldier deaths

Obama greets Cuban strongman with handshake

'Castro, he's shaking hands with Raul Castro!'

Manipulating Regulations


New Obama adviser compares GOP to Jonestown cult


State Dept. whistleblower has email hacked, deleted

County Orders Church To Remove 'Support Our Troops' Sign

Federal Government Funds Hardcore Porn as 'Art'

Government regulations driving fast food restaurants out of US

First flight in 50 years from Key West to Cuba takes off

Obama pollster asks reporters to stop covering polls in 2014

Obama's Half-Brother 'Floored' About President's Lying About Meeting Him

Marines delay female fitness plan after half fail

New Year's Eve Binge: Gov't Borrows $1,088 Per Household

Feds list 141 new regulations -- in 3 days

Al-Qaeda captures Fallujah

FBI Drops Law Enforcement as 'Primary' Mission

Pentagon waived sanctions rules on Chinese parts for F-35 fighter

Former Lawyer Convicted of Aiding Terrorist Granted Early Release

EPA proposes new restrictions for wood stoves Re 13:17


End Times Food Control

Feds issued 3,659 rules and regs in 2013

56 for every new law

Obama signs executive order protecting American's from 'global warming'

90% OF USA Frozen

Niagara Falls freezes over

Time Magazine blamed 'polar vortex' on 'global cooling' in 1974

White House: U.S. is Cold Because Planet is Hot

Gates: Obama, Hillary Opposition to Iraq Surge Was 'Political'

Obama Administration Sees Three Quarters of All U.S. Military Deaths in Afghanistan

Female Marines: No Pull-Ups, No Problem

Police become more militarized as wars wind down

Space commander: US satellites vulnerable to attack by China

CNN: 'Al-Qaeda Now Controls More Territory Than Ever In Middle East'

Jackson Lee: 'Welfare' = 'Transitional Living Fund'

92 Million Americans Not in Labor Force

Soros Media Group Reaches Deep into Taxpayers' Pockets

Maine Welfare Cash Being Spent in Disney World and Hawaii

Court skeptical of recess appointments

Federal Register: 80,000 pages of regulations

USA drops out of top 10 most economically free countries

Obama not waiting on legislation: 'I've got a pen and I can use it to sign executive orders'

Lifetime to air movie romancing incest

Cash for Kidneys

Failure to leave troops in Iraq

American troops may return to Middle East to train Iraqis

Islamist militants strengthen grip on Falluja

Dictatorship: Gov't tries to shut down entire conservative movement in Wisconsin

Police, secret tribunal, gag order

Obama: 'I'll act on my own' agenda

Kansas Middle School: Poster Listing Sex Acts Part of 'Health and Science' Curriculum

EPA Decree Shrinks Size of Wyoming by 100 Million Acres

'Sensitive' Docs Reveal Obama Admin. Gave Muslim Brotherhood VIP Treatment, Let Members Bypass Airport Security

Wall Street Advisor: Actual Unemployment is 37.2%

Teen Expelled For Performing In Porn Allowed Back In School

This is CNN: Celebrating Student Porn So-Called Star Duke Porn Star "Belle Knox"

"[To] have that sexual autonomy, it is so incredibly freeing"

Military eases rules on religious beards, tattoos


On the Dirty Yak Watch

Regulation Nation: Easier to Start a Business in: Rwanda, Belarus or Lithuania than in US
U.S. Ranked Number 20

Report: Obama Admin. Worries Israel Is Riling Up the Jews

Recommended Reading:

Antisemitism and the American Far Left by Stephen H. Norwood

Government scientists deliberately giving volunteers the flu

Body's Response to Disease Has Smell

World View: HSBC Cash Withdrawal Restrictions Raise Fears of Bank Runs


Treasury Secretary: Raise debt ceiling or we will run out of tricks

Progressive Kristallnacht Coming?


Socialist Councilwoman: ‘The Workers Should Take Over the Factory!’: Newly-Elected Socialist Has Some Radical Ideas for Seattle

Who Obama wishes wasn't in the audience at the State of the Union Speech: Benghazi victim Tyrone Woods' father to attend State of the Union

Pentagon Fears Chinese Military Advances Will Overtake USA's in 5 Years

Obama: We Must Move-Off Permanent War-Footing

Congress does act--they vote no. Forgetting separations of power: The Constitution, the Pen, and the Phone

Democrat Rep: Writing executive orders for Obama is 'our number one agenda'

Stuck in 1965: Obama Demands Equal Pay For Equal Work -- While White House Pays Women Less Than Men

"Barack Obama has gone from blaming George W. Bush to plagiarizing George W. Bush (Theissen)." Speechwriter accuses Obama of plagiarism in State of the Union

Olympics will show America's belief in equality, Obama says

Obama Touches on Afghanistan, Iran, Syria in State of Union

"Wars don't end when you leave. Wars end when you win....It's very easy to leave. It's very hard to win." ~ Dennis Prager, 29 Jan 14

Afghan ministries cannot properly account for how US dollars are spent

"There is a big difference between ending a war and in being vicarious in a war." ~ Dennis Prager 30 Jan 14

China preparing for space warfare with missiles, robot satellites

North Korea nuclear reactor restarted

More Obamacare regulations still to come

Obama's Organizers Beg for Positive Obamacare Stories

Obama asks CEOs for help hiring long-term unemployed

Report: Nearly Half of America Lives Paycheck-to-Paycheck

States see record high in long-term joblessness

Pentagon: USA has no counter to Chinese hypersonic missile

Islamic group once tied to terror trial received thousands in farm subsidies, without growing crops

White House wrote pro-Obamacare tweets for NFL players to send on Super Bowl day

CBO: Obamacare killing 2 million jobs

Gov't Seizes Property For 'Economic Development' -- Nothing is Built

Regulators shut down, issue fines to kids' lemonade stands

Senator warns EPA regs could cause winter blackouts

China/Russia Defense Budgets Soar

America Day banned at Ft. Collins High School


Students required to celebrate Cinco de Mayo

Debt Up $6.666 Trillion Under Obama

Scenes from a militarized America: Iowa family 'terrorized'

Authorities destroy cameras to prevent account of raid

Report: Increase in criminal tax prosecutions under Obama

Allen West: Democratic Policies Have Created an 'Economic Dependency Plantation' for Blacks

Obama: New Tax to Phone Bills to put Wi-Fi in Classrooms

Product Placement: Tablets Pre-Loaded with Common Core Apps

President meets with top Muslim Bro in White House

Obama: Religious freedom a US diplomatic priority

No Mention of Islamic Terror

Obama to allow immigrants with 'limited' terrorism contact into USA

Assad regime misses key deadline to hand over chemical weapons

Michelle Obama Encourages All High School Grads to Take Federal Aid

First Lady: NFL Draft Pick is an 'Inspiration' for Coming out as a Sodomite Lev 18:22, 20:13, 1 Ki 14:24, Ro 1:24, 26, 27

Former NFL Player to Michael Sam: Be Careful Patting Butts of Teammates

Also see:

Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 2

Uganda's leader to sign anti-gay bill

Obama warns

Almost One in Four 26 year-olds still live with parents

Dem lawmaker: Obamacare workforce cuts will give more time to cook dinner at home 2 Thess 3:10

White House mulls killing another US citizen with drone strike

Snowden: Targeted Killings Rely on NSA

Also see:

NSA collecting phone data on millions of people

NBC Trivializes Communism's Evil, Calls It 'Pivotal Experiment'

National Guard trains to fight 'anti-government' Second Amendment supporters


The Obama administration calls those who are have a "Christian identity" or who consider themselves "Constitution defenders" or "Liberty Lovers" as terrorists (Re 18:20-24).


DOD Training Manual Suggests Conservative Views 'Extremist'

Lists those concerned with individual liberties, states' rights

Joint Terrorism Task Force Guide

Army job: Internment / Resettlement Specialist (31E)

Right-wing extremists, war vets are dangerous

Professor: Americans rising up against government

Supreme Court Justice Scalia Warns of US Internment Camps

George W. Bush warns of 'divide' between military, civilians

Ambassadorships for sale? Obama donors get cushy diplomatic gigs

Email shows effort to shield bin Laden photos

Thought Police: Firms must swear Obamacare not a factor in firings

Anti-Voter ID Protesters Need Photo ID to March

USA Plunges To 46th In World Press Freedom Index

Feds adding new regulation every 3 hours

Food Prices Skyrocketing Since 2011 While Wages Stagnant

Report: Americans completely reliant on China for antibiotics

Obama Says he Stopped Bad Weather with Energy Policy


"...[T]his was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal..." ~ Barack Then-Senator Obama June 3, 2008 night speech when he won enough delegates to lock up the Democratic nomination for president

Opposition, pro-govt rallies grip Venezuela

Bowdoin College and Religious Bigotry

Supreme Court expands police authority to search homes

Video Shows Officer Threatening Man With Jail For Filming Arrests
'You Have No Rights'

England: Hiring People to Discredit Others on the Internet

Western Spy Agencies Build 'Cyber Magicians' to Manipulate Online Discourse

Court orders removal of anti-Islamic film

Net Neutrality (aka Gov Control of the Internet): Blackburn Introduces Bill To Block FCC On Net Neutrality

Professor Tells Congress: America at 'Constitutional Tipping Point'

Soldier Posts Selfie of Her Hiding to Avoid Flag Salute


"I believe in American exceptionalism, just as I suspect that the Brits believe in British exceptionalism and the Greeks believe in Greek exceptionalism." ~ Barack Obama

American work ethic vs. France's vacation obsession

ABC Frets Over Pro-American Cadillac Ad: 'Arrogant' and 'Xenophobic?'
Ge 3:19, 2 Thess 3:10

"Ps 128:2: For thou shalt eat—that is, It is a blessing to live on the fruits of one’s own industry." Jamieson, R., Fausset, A. R., & Brown, D. (1997). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible (Ps 128:2). Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.

Commander: Military Not Ready for Cyber Warfare

Court: School can ban American flag shirts for 'safety'

Taxpayer-Funded Planned Parenthood Promotes Sado-Masochism, Bondage to Teens in Video

YouTube Scrubs Muslim Symbol from Music Video

Paper: CIA spied on staff members of Senate committee

Obama Budget Proposal Pushes for $750 Million for Universal Preschool

Feds sue Philly schools over beard ban, saying it violates Muslim's const. rights

MSNBC Paints Un-Credentialed Abortionists as Heroes

College Student Who Secretly Doubled as a Porn Star Blames ‘Thousands of Years of’ Patriarchy and Religion for Society’s Negative Views on Smut

Congress Trying to Prevent U.S. Tax Money from Funding Palestinian Terrorist Salaries

Kerry: 'It's a Mistake' to Demand a Jewish State

US State Dept Denying Israelis Entry Visas at Record Level

Obama Orders Rule Changes to Expand Overtime Pay

President Obama’s Budget Eliminates Abstinence Education Programs

USA Gives up Control of Internet; New Global Governance


One World Religion/Government

Air Force: Christians' Religious Speech Not Legally Protected Right

13 people, including four veterans, say inclusion on no-fly list deprives them due process rights

Principal Loses Job for Instructing Students to Speak English

Civil Rights Investigation Demanded


"You need to make sure your child can speak Spanish." ~ Barack Obama

Navy's new counting rules add up to more ships
Adding: hospital ships, coastal ships, ferries etc. to increase the count

America's Incredible Shrinking Navy

U.S. Navy Tracks Civilian Traffic Tickets

Hawaii law lets police have sex with prostitutes

U.S. pays Mexican male prostitutes to avoid Venereal Diseases

Hobby Lobby Challenges the Obamacare Abortion Mandate in the Supreme Court

A detailed look at ‘the purge’ of U.S. counter-terrorism training by the Obama administration


The Obama administration calls those who are have a "Christian identity" or who consider themselves "Constitution defenders" or "Liberty Lovers" terrorists (Re 18:20-24)... Full text:
Christians Need Not Apply

CA Democrat's Alleged Arms Trafficking Scheme Linked to Islamist Rebels

Postal workers use government credit cards to gamble, pay bills, go bowling


Gender Gap in White House Pay Draws Scrutiny

CBSNEWS: White House Roughed Up By Its Own Rhetoric

CNN: Textbook Case of Do as I Say, Not as I Do


Medicare doctor earned $21 million from taxpayers in one year


Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Sweet gig!  I'll bet I could do that."


Nice work if you can get it



IRS: Abortion tax deductible 


US releases $1b to Iran in April  


Israel risks becoming apartheid state if peace talks fail, says John Kerry Ge 12:3

20% of Families Have No One Employed

800K Quit Labor Force in April 2 Thess 3:10


Record Low Number of Americans Ages 25-29 Working

Study: Businesses being destroyed faster than created


Obama Congratulates First Openly Gay NFL Draftee Michael Sam Lev 18:22, 20:13, 1 Ki 14:24, Ro 1:24, 26, 27


Rules: FCC approves plan to allow for paid priority on Internet  


Veterans Scandal Risks Engulfing Obama


Obama Has Been 'Chomping at the Bit' to Release These 5 Taliban 


Obama Statement After Jordanian Burned Alive at National Prayer Breakfast: Get Off Your High Horse Christians  

ISIS Now Presenting Active Threats in 49 of 50 U.S. States


Republican FCC Member Warns Net Neutrality Is Not Neutral

Feds Explore Regulating Websites Jn 8:36


Josh Earnest's appalling defense of Obama's 'random' shooting remarks [Vid] Ge 12:3


Marines Surrender Weapons Before Yemen Evacuation Lk 22:36  


ISIS leader seen in new photo while he was at U.S. military prison in Iraq in 2004


Barack Obama: Muslim elders too 'boring' to win Isil propaganda war 


Obama Administration Gives ISIS The Playbook On How U.S. Plans To Take Back Mosul

Obama: Unite with Muslims against terrorism

Obama: 'Islam Has Been Woven Into the Fabric of Our Country Since Its Founding'


"We're going to have to change our traditions, our history..." ~ Michelle Obama


FBI Chief Not Invited to Meeting on Countering Violent Extremism


Homeland Security Warns Right Wing Extremists Are An Equal Or Greater Threat Than ISIS


FCC Chair Refuses to Appear Before Congress Ahead of Internet Takeover

Plan Could Lead to UN Takeover of Internet

Born: Department of Internet

Military decimated under Obama, only 'marginally able' to defend nation

FCC board votes affirmatively to re-classify broadband Internet as utility

Kayla Mueller's Family Says Bergdahl Deal Hurt Her Chance for Freedom Ge 16:12, Jer 7:6, GWT

Clapper: 2014 Most Lethal Year for Global Terrorism on Record

Kerry: We are living in a period of less daily threat

Response to comment [from a Christian]: [Luke 9:62: Jesus replied, "No one who puts a hand to the plow and then looks back is not fit for the Kingdom of God."]  

Not looking back. Phil 3:14

FCC Hides Details of New Internet Rules

Cuba says gives its 'unconditional support' to Venezuela against US

"...As we commemorate their achievement, we are well-served to remember that at the time of the marches, many in power condemned rather than praised them. Back then, they were called Communists, or half-breeds, or outside agitators..." ~ Barack Obama,
Remarks by the President at the 50th Anniversary of the Selma to Montgomery Marches 

The White House this week celebrated Nowruz, the Persian New Year most often observed by Iranians Ge 16:12, Jer 7:6, GWT

FCC watchdog investigating Internet rules

“ISIL is a direct outgrowth of Al Qaeda in Iraq that grew out of our invasion, which is an example of unintended consequences which is why we should generally aim before we shoot...” Full text:
President Obama Blames Bush For Rise Of ISIS

"Why don't you aim at ISIS?" ~ Michael Savage Ge 16:12, Jer 7:6, GWT

Severe damage to intel networks after Iran-backed rebels seize files

President Obama: Fundamental misjudgment to require Iran to recognize Israel as part of nuclear deal Ob 7

Obama Calls Out 'Less Than Loving' Christians at Prayer Breakfast


On the Dirty Yak Watch
*warning graphic images*

Police records shed light on secret military training in USA
Aspects of exercises hint at 'domestic focus'

White House Opens Gender Neutral Restroom

Biden puts baby pacifier in his mouth


Biden Swims Naked, Upsetting Female Secret Service Agents, Book Claims

Biden's inappropriate grabs Ash Carter's wife

Biden Gaffe: Asks a Gentleman in a Wheelchair to Stand Up

Air Fore Vet Says VA Suicide Hotline Placed Him On Hold Repeatedly

Feds releasing hundreds of illegal aliens, rapists, murderers

Valerie Jarrett Kisses MethNBC Reporters

Soldier files lawsuit against tech firm for giving preference to foreign workers

FBI Holds 'Special' Meeting In Juárez To Address ISIS On Border

Paper: Military Lowe Morale, Distrust Leadership

Dawn of National Police Force

Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "Well, let's see what's happening with their morale. From your link: The federal monitor overseeing reforms to the NYPD wants the current class of Police Academy recruits to be taught groundbreaking new concepts like: Don’t be racist, don’t mock others, don’t tell sexist jokes and don’t hassle people for no reason..."

You believe police officers are racists, sexists... I do not. Police lives matter. 

Subsiding the enemy: State Department won't rule out $50B 'signing bonus' for Iran 

U.S. Attorney in Minnesota, Andrew Luger: We have a terror recruiting problem in Minnesota

Wisconsin’s Shame: ‘I Thought It Was a Home Invasion’

Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "A real scary example of what can happens when you combine union goon tactics with the police department."

Silence the critic.


Tactics of the Left  

Carter reveals Russians hacked Pentagon's network


On Islamic terror--
...A "generational challenge..." :Nineveh: ~ Barack Obama 

On Global warming--
"We don’t have time, you don’t have time to deny the effects of climate change...” ~ Barack Obama Ge 8:22

Military holds 'dirty bomb' drills in MI city

ISIS Threat in the US Ge 16:12, Jer 7:6, GWT

Obama keeps joking about being Muslim, foreign-born and socialist

National Guard trains for civil unrest in multiple states

Note left to veteran: 'I Hope You Watch Your Child Starve & Die'

Military eyeing former Cold War mountain bunker as ‘shield’ against EMP attack? 

Congressman warns military about 'intentionally practicing war against states'

Savage: Obama will arm gangs for race war

Feds leave Pamela Geller on her own to face ISIS threat Jn 8:36, Ge 16:12, Jer 7:6, GWT

Obama: 'Immigrants and Revolutionists…That's the Story of Looking Forward'

Good Morning Baltimore
~ Glee

All eight females failed Army Ranger training

Amtrak: Passengers 'Didn't Care About Anyone Else, Stepping Over People' 2 Ti 3:13


FBI Warns of Train Derailment Threat
"We're going to have to change how the media reports on these issues..." ~ Barack Obama

Republicans Who Voted To Gut America's Military Using Amnestied Illegal Aliens

Border checkpoints inside USA concern residents

...Citizens interrogated traveling in own country

Giving away the store: USA Internet Control Ending. Shift to Global Governments Re 13:17

ISIS throws victory parade
ISIS Takes Ramadi

US special forces kill ISIS leader, capture wife

"Only one wife?" ~ Laura Ingrham Mt 7:20

Obama seeks to end immigration enforcement by local police

Obama announces restrictions on distribution of military-style equipment to police
Re 13:17

Why Pamela Geller Is Hated Jn 8:36, Ga 5:1

ISIS Fighters Seize Control of Syrian City of Palmyra, and Ancient Ruins

Charges: Men Used Federal Student Loan Money To Join ISIS
Ge 16:12, Jer 7:6, GW

Disney Worker Details Humiliation of Training His Foreign Replacement

Isis 'seizes final border crossing between Syria and Iraq' as UN warns civilians were stopped from leaving Palmyra by Assad's forces

Obama to Coast Guard Grads: Denying Climate Change Endangers Nat'l Security

IRS More than 100,000 Exposed

President Obama’s legacy is increasingly in legal jeopardy

Hundreds of TSA badges missing from airports

Budget cuts impact US ability to fight the enemy, Air Force general warns

Obama admin asserts dominion over creeks, streams, wetlands, ditches — even big puddles

5 Taliban figures released from Guantanamo Bay in exchange for Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl

U.S. Saw Islamic State Coming, Let It Take Ramadi
Ob 7

Cuba removed from US terror list

The New Nationwide Crime Wave

Idaho lawmakers question plan to relocate Syrian refugees

'ISIS' graffiti rattles Oregon elementary school Ge 16:12, Jer 7:6, GWT

Justice Department Studying 'Far-Right' Social Media Use...

To combat 'violent extremism'...
Re 13:17


Christians need not apply

ISIS Graffiti At Oregon Elementary School Playground: Islamic State Writing Says 'ISIL We R Here'

Military 'urban' training startles MI residents

Obama raises possibility of allowing UN vote on Palestinian statehood
Ob 7

Happiest place on earth if you're foreign worker (Ingraham): Last Task After Layoff at Disney: Train Foreign Replacements
Ge 11:-9, Re 13:17

Obama still secretly backing Muslim Brotherhood Ob 7

Hacking Linked to China Exposes Millions of U.S. Workers

China builds database on Americans

White House presses for new cyber laws

Still no plan to defeat the Islamic State
Ob 7


Army general introduces his husband at Pentagon event

Despite being on terror watch list dozens cleared TSA

Decorated Green Beret threatened with court martial for blowing whistle on "dysfunctional" hostage recovery effort

No unequal neighborhoods

Chinese Hack Compromised Security Clearance Files

...'Devastating' counterintelligence effects

Lawmakers take aim at secret CIA Syria effort; Slash funding

Supreme Court: Sodomite marriage, Obamacare and more

Marines looking at deploying aboard foreign ships

Obama forcing Pentagon to measure Arctic ice

FBI Files Document Communism in Valerie Jarrett’s Family

Obama: Families can pay ransom to terrorists

Obama opposed Gay Marriage When Elected, But Takes Credit for Progress Gen. 2:18–24

U.S. Troops Face Eating, Drinking Restrictions During Ramadan Ge 16:12, Jer 7:6, GWT

Controversy surrounds plan to import foreign workers for tech project in Montana Gen. 11:1–4

Walmart nixes rebel flag cake; Okays ISIS cake

Memphis mayor wants to dig up confederate grave
Jn 8:36

U.S., Cuba to open embassies

Obama Blocks Plan to Fight ISIS

NBC and Univision dump Donald Trump’s Miss USA Contest

MACY'S dumps Trumps clothing line

New York City reviewing business relationships with Trump

TV Land Pulls Dukes of Hazard Over Confederate Flag Controversy

Who would've thought the country that invented the philosophy major would be broke? - Conan O'Brien


What is Money? By Bob Enyart

Army to cut 40,000 more troops

Wall Street Journal Homepage Is Down As NYSE Stops Trading From Computer Glitch

Glitch Freezes NYSE Trading for Hours

United flights grounded by computer problem

Anonymous issued cryptic tweet on eve of NYSE suspension

Outages Stoke Fears Of 'Major Enemy Hack Attack'

Bill signing, flag lowering cap off final days of Confederate flag on State House grounds

What’s next for liberals, right wingers ask — banning the American flag?

U.S. gov't extends federal marriage benefits to Sodomites
Heb 13:4, 2 Thess. 2:7, 8

Dem judge sentences D'Souza to psych counseling

1.1 Million Fingerprints Stolen in Fed Govt Hack

Ex-NSA official: 'Biggest counterintelligence threat in my lifetime'

Selling baby body parts

...Harvested for profit

"We are the change we have been waiting for....This is what change looks like." ~ Barack Obama
Pr 8:36, 23:7

Report: Veteran's disability claims ended up in shred bins Ro 13:4

Response to comment [from a Christian]: "2 Timothy 3:2 For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 unloving, irreconcilable, malicious gossips, without self-control, brutal, haters of good,  treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God..."

Hearts of stone (
Lk 3:7-9).

Another Planned Parenthood Doctor Haggling Price of Baby Body Parts

Lamborghini for Tissue

Senior Director Suggests 'Less Crunchy' Technique Pr 8:36


"Thank you, Planned Parenthood. God bless you." ~ Barack Obama

Whistleblower: 34,000 combat vets still waiting for VA benefits

Obama Refuses to Call Mother of Murdered Marine; White House Won’t Lower Flags

A Surprising Percentage of Americans Are Totally Fine With Planned Parenthood Selling Aborted Babies' Body Parts Pr 8:36

"...If they make a mistake, I don't want them punished with a baby." ~ Barack Obama

"Every nation gets the government it deserves." ~ Joseph de Maistre

Americans United for Life Debunks Planned Parenthood Denials, Sends Letter to Congress Assessing Three Troubling Issues with Their Response to Shocking Videos Pr 8:36

Dem Senator Fundraising Off of Planned Parenthood Organ Harvesting Videos Pr 8:36

Planned Parenthood Investigation Reportedly Shows Doctors Discussing How to Maximize Revenue from Sale of Fetal Tissue *Graphic Footage* Pr 8:36

Planned Parenthood Selling Baby Organs: "We sort of all have to be on the same page"
Pr 8:36

Investigator Says StemExpress Bought Intact Dead Babies from Planned Parenthood Pr 8:36

Another Planned Parenthood Video
Pr 8:36

Food Banks Across Country Struggle to Meet Demand

...'Lines of people every day, starting at 6:30 in morning'

ISIS Leader Sexually Abused American Hostage Kayla Mueller, Family Says
Ge 16:12
, Jer 7:6, GWT

Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "Somehow, serpent repeating the story just makes it more horrific. Exploiting this woman's abuse is even worse than her usual stuff."

It's so important--our President will do something right away.

Clintons and Obamas to mingle on Martha’s Vineyard this weekend

Planned Parenthood: Abortionists Cut Through Face to Extract Intact Brain

...Heart still beating Pr 8:36

New Release Shows CEO Joking About Whole Babies Pr 8:36

Planned Parenthood: baby parts buyer laughs about shipping severed heads

...'Another 50 livers a week' Pr 8:36

Response to comment [from a Catholic]": "Funny you should say that...U.S. special operations forces killed a key ISIS commander during a raid in eastern Syria overnight..."

Thanks for the story--from three months ago. Kayla was raped by that dirty yak for over a year.

"Fore!" ~ Barack Obama

Talk about how proud our President praised the American heroes on the train.

Train heroes 'gave us an example of what is possible,' says French President

Cheney book Restoring American Exceptionalism: President Obama has dangerously surrendered the nation’s global leadership, but it can be ours again—if we choose his successor wisely

Federal judge orders Kentucky clerk and her staff to court Is 5:20, Mt 5:44

Does free-speech offend you? Prager University Jn 8:36

Obama Staffers Party, Smoke Cuban Cigars on Anniversary of Benghazi, 9/11 Terror Attacks

‘Everything We Provide is Fresh,’ Planned Parenthood Leader Tells Undercover Camera Pr 8:36

U.S. training helped mold top Islamic State military commander Ob 7 

CJ Pearson blocked on Twitter by the President 

How Ahmed's clock became false, convenient tale of racism

Maher: Liberals 'Who have glommed onto  clock boy 'as a mascot' are 'ninnies' Ge 16:12, Jer 7:6, GWT

Obama to nominate first openly gay service secretary to lead the Army

Homosexuality is: forbidden (Lev. 18:22), considered an abomination (1 Kin. 14:24), punishment for (Lev. 20:13), unclean (Rom. 1:24, 26, 27). 

Army kicking out decorated Green Beret who stood up for Afghan rape victim  2 Thess. 2:7, 8

Muslim immigration fasted growing bloc in US  Ge 16:12, Jer 7:6, GWT 


On the Dirty Yak Watch

During Holy Year, Pope Will Let Priests Forgive Women Who Had Abortions  

'ShoutYourAbortion' campaign explodes on social media  Pr 8:36 


One Mediator

White House puts up screens to shield Chinese president from protesters Re 13:1-18

How govt is trying to control what you think  Ps. 10:4

Increase govt ability to monitor web, block content  Jn 8:36

Obama Warns Christians: Gay Rights More Important Than Religious Freedom Lev 18:22, 20:13, 1 Ki 14:24, Ro 1:24, 26, 27 

Obama has turned Putin into the world’s most powerful leader 

Russia Takes Lead in ISIS Fight: Forms Coalition with Iran, Syria 

Obama, Iran's Zarif shake hands 
 Ob 7

Planned Parenthood ‘Proud’ of Organ Harvest Pr 8:36

Cecile Richards: ‘Abortion is Healthcare’ Pr 8:36

Obama’s Allies Release 6,000 Criminals into America’s Streets  

AZ Sheriff Babeu: Feds Should Be ‘Criminally Responsible’ For Crimes Committed By Released Illegals 

Navy teaching members to combat 'male privilege'

As Russia Bombs Syria, US Pulls Aircraft Carrier Out of Persian Gulf Ob 7

Assisted suicide now legal in California Pr 8:36

Million Man March Speaker Leads Chant of ‘Down, Down USA’ Re 13:1-18

Obama Bans Pork from Prisons, CAIR Praises Decision Re 13:17

Women Will Likely Have to Register for the Draft, Army Secretary Says

Response to comment [from a Christian]: "That is utterly ridiculous, just because some bull dykes want to be on the front lines and some people want gender bender reality, it doesn't mean all women share their interest or even qualifications..."

This has been tried in Israel. The men endangered themselves more trying to save women on the battlefield.

US soldier killed by ISIS, Pentagon won't call it combat

Planned Parenthood Abortionist Admits She Alters Baby’s Position To Harvest Intact Heads Pr 8:36

Garbage disposal or incinerator? Abortion providers debate how to dispose of babies Pr 8:36

Iran Will Take Part in Syrian Talks, Official Says Ob 7

Obama to Sign Order Forcing Government to Hire Convicts 2 Thess. 2:7,8

Also see:


'Colossal waste': DOD slammed for $43M, US-funded gas station in Afghanistan

Plan to close Gitmo expected next week Ob 7 

FBI: Holiday Season Terror Threat

Extensive ISIS plotting, political indifference from Obama raises concerns Ge 16:12, Jer 7:6, GWT

Obama has 'fantasized' about owning NBA team after presidency

Poll: 40% Of Millennials Want Speech Censored Jn 8:36

Response to comment [from a Christian]: "I'm offended at their offendedness."

I find their microaggessions microaggresvive. Jn 8:36

"Truth is hate to those who hate the truth." ~ Bob Enyart

Report: Terrorism Deaths Quadruple Under Obama

President says climate summit 'powerful rebuke' to terrorists

Emails show DOD analysts told to 'cut it out' on ISIS warnings; IG probe expands Ob 7

Happy Thanksgiving! 1,200 American Workers Training Their Foreign Replacements Re 13:1-18

Obama AG’s ‘Greatest Fear’ Isn’t ISIS but Attacks on Muslims in Backlash

ISIS show off tanks, hi-tech weapons

...Made in USA Ge 16:12, Jer 7:6, GWT, Ob 7

Middle-class families no longer majority

Report: Ex-Guantanamo detainee now an al Qaeda leader in Yemen Ge 16:12, Jer 7:6, Ob 7

Navy’s newest ship needs a tow after breaking down

New Normal: 'Credible Terror Threat' to LAUSD Prompts School Closures: Officials, Police

640,000 students affected by Los Angeles school closure over threat  
Ge 16:12, Jer 7:6, GWT

Ryan Gives it All Away

Planned Parenthood Praises

American Workers Sold Out

Includes $1.6 billion to resettle illegals inside US

Writes Check To Sanctuary Cities

Parents’ Outrage Over ‘Muslim Indoctrination’ Assignment Leads To Schools Closure Ge 16:12
, Jer 7:6, GWT

Powerful Homosexual Group Threatens Christian Colleges and Universities Lev 18:22, 20:13, 1 Ki 14:24, Ro 1:24, 26, 27

Obama Goes Golfing After Terrorist Attack In Afghanistan Kills Six American Soldiers

White House moves to grant visa waivers for Iranians Ge 16:12, Jer 7:6, GWT

Showdown: Minnesota Judge’s Ruling Clears Way for Black Lives Matter Protest at Mall of America

Taliban outlast 14 years of U.S. combat in Afghanistan

Obama Feels 'Small' Compared With Members of US Marines

"Know thyself." ~ Socrates

Obama final year: 'I'll squeeze every ounce of change I can'  

2015: Record Year--for Federal Regulation  

US ship accidentally enters into Iranian waters Eze 38:3


US accidentally loses best drone in Syria: intelligence could accidentally fall into enemy hands

Accidental loss of 22 SEALs in one helicopter

U.S. Accidentally Arms ISIS

Retail Collapse: Walmart to Shut 100s of Stores 

Pentagon plans to help retake ISIS hotbeds Raqqa and Mosul Zeph 2:13, Eze 38:3

Iran Releases American Hostages

...Billions for Tehran Eze 38:3

Lawmaker: Obama Admin Fueling ‘Campaign to Destroy Israel’ Eze 38:3

Clinton Email Scandal: FBI 'Super Pissed Off' at WH for Meddling

Satanists Scheduled To Offer ‘Prayer’ at City Council Meeting Lk 4:6–8; 2 Thess 2:3, 4

US Falls From 6th Freest Economy to 11th Under Obama 

US Internet control 'will expire September 30' 

Obama’s Final Budget Proposes $4.1 Trillion In Spending  

Iran Publishes Pictures of Captured U.S. Sailors Crying

Iran Publishes Pictures of Captured U.S. Sailors Crying

Obama praised for tax plan being 'very European'

CIA director says ISIS can make WMDs

Nuclear Material Stolen in Iraq

... ISIS Dirty Bomb Fear

Is Twitter Silencing Conservatives? Jn 8:36

American aircraft carriers 'unchallenged primacy may be coming to close' Eze 38:3

Public School Students Taught To 'Pledge Allegiance To International Flag' Gen. 11:5–9


Nationalism vs. Globalism/Global Right to Migrate

One World Government/Religion

Illinois company to force tech workers to train foreign replacements 

Army Indoctrinated Soldiers on Dangers of 'White Privilege' Ac 17:26

NKorea sentences University of Virginia student to 15 years hard labor 

theophilus View Post I feel sorry for that young man.

White House urges North Korea to pardon jailed American

General says Army at high risk in war against China, Russia

Obama-Backed Solar Plant Could Be Shut Down For Not Producing Enough Energy 

Largest U.S. refinery now belongs to Saudi Arabia 

Obama arrives in Havana for historic visit to Cuba

Castro Tells Obama: Give us Gitmo


Obama Poses in Front of Che Guevara Image in Cuba’s Revolution Square

Obama Welcomes Castro America Criticism: 'Wouldn't Disagree'    

ISIS Knew Just Where to Hit Marines in Iraq

Attacks on Brussels airport, metro

Obama Defends Strategy

'Not Existential Threat'

Trend: 680,000 Green Cards Issued to Migrants from Muslim Nations in Only 5 Years
Ge 16:12, Jer 7:6, GWT


On the Dirty Yak Watch

Brigitte Bardot Backs Gerard Depardieu in Tax Flight Battle

Obama Admin Admits: Released Gitmo Prisoners Killed American

TB cases increase in USA for first time in quarter century

Argentina: Obama visits 'Dirty War' memorial on coup anniversary

China to US: 'Be careful' in South China Sea

China set to deploy world's longest-range nuke missile
Mt 24:6

Vid: White House Censors French President Saying 'ISLAMIST Terrorism'
Ge 16:12, Jer 7:6, GWT


On the Dirty Yak Watch

One World Government/Religion

Drone surveying home shot out of sky by neighbor
Jn 8:36

theophilus View Post

I have a 12 gauge for any drone near my house.

Me, too (
Lk 11:21 KJV).

Pot Activists to Light Up in Front of White House
Re 9:21

Also see:


ISIS 'Dirty Bomb' Drone Fear
Mt 24:22

War on Cops: Law-Enforcement Deaths by Gunfire Up by 150% This Year Ro 13:4

Also see:

National Police Week

Chase Limits Some ATM Withdrawls
Pr 22:7

View Post
It says for non customers. How's that bad? Lots of credit card theft these days.

There may be a global currency collapse (Re 13:17).

Twitter Posts Blamed for Run on Bank

DOJ Agents Raid Home Of Activist Behind Planned Parenthood Videos
Jn 8:36

Dems on FEC target conservatives, vote to punish maker of anti-Obama movie Jn 8:36

'Sesame Street' Unveils Hijab-Clad Muppet
Ge 16:12, Jer 7:6, GWT

FBI Warns of Cyber Attack on Grid Mt 24:6

Sotomayor: US high court needs more diversity, in many ways



Fed Official: America No Longer Top Country to Achieve 'American Dream' 

Lawmakers Urge White House To Declassify 28 Pages Of 9/11 Report

...Evidence Saudi Gov't May Have Supported Hijackers
Ge 16:12, Jer 7:6, GWT

Illinois Court Rejects Temporary Restraining Order: Campaign to Expose Planned Parenthood's Waste Disposal Company Will Proceed
Pr 8:36


Disposable Culture

Obama To Start Tracking Federal Employees' Social Media Postings
Re 13:17


Surveillance State

Saudis Threaten Asset Dump if Blamed for 9/11 Ge 16:12, Jer 7:6, GWT

How US covered up Saudi role 


"We're going to have to change...our history..." ~ Michelle Obama

1 Maryland firefighter dead, another injured after shooting
2 Thess. 2:7,8



Dems on FEC charged with regulating press
Jn 8:36

Spike in rural gang crime
 Ge 11:5-9, 2 Thess. 2:7, 8

Also see:


Watchdog says press freedom in decline

...'New era of propaganda'
Jn 8:36

Obama: ‘If we let Americans sue Saudis for 9/11, foreigners will begin suing US non-stop’ Ge 16:12, Jer 7:6, GW

Obama Administration Threatens States Defunding Planned Parenthood--Again
Pr 8:36

Obama's amazing Threat to Britain: UK would be at the 'back of the queue' after Brexit
Re 13:1-18


One World Government/Religion

Kerry, Heinz Family Have Millions Invested In Offshore Tax Havens

Obama Calls on Europe to Reject Lure of Nationalism
Deut. 1:13–15, 2 Thess. 2:3–12

Truckers replaced by immigrants

...'Willing to work longer hours'
Deut. 1:13–15, 2 Thess. 2:3–12


Borders, Language, Culture

Report: Cartels Help Terrorists in Mexico Get to US

...Explore Targets

First President Not to See Single Year of 3% Growth

Business investment weakest since Great Recession  

China building triangle of military bases in S China Sea

NKorea sends another American citizen to prison

Cuban-Born Americans Warn: US Morphing Into a Communist Country

Sikh Army captain allowed to wear beard and turban in uniform

Obama Wind Farm Rule Would Permit Eagle Slaughter

Obama Aide: We Control Media

Record Number of Americans Renounce Citizenship 

94,044,000 Americans Not in the Labor Force

Former Facebook Workers: We Routinely Suppressed Conservative News

Block Drudge Stories

Promoted Black Lives Matter

Feds eye tighter rules on political speech on web

...'New media' too influential
Jn 8:36

CBO: 1 in 6 Young Men Jobless or Incarcerated

Americans Prepping for Doomsday

...Bunkers, Panic Rooms, Going Off Grid

FBI Holding 80,000 Pages on Saudi-9/11 Link

Obama Admin Rule Forces Hospitals, Doctors Accepting Federal Funds to Provide Gender Transition Services and Abortions  

Also see:


Obama Admin brands criminals 'justice-involved individuals' 2 Thess. 2:7,8

Also see:


White House keeps Obama adviser from testifying about Iran nuke deal

...Cites executive privilege

Also see:

Nuclear Iran Obama's Legacy

Female Ross Shopper Upset Man Allowed To Use Women's Dressing Room

...Woman marches through Target blasting trans bathroom policy

Guard Charged with Assault After Confronting Transgender Woman Using Women's Restroom, Police Say Is 5:20, Lk 17:26

The wickedness of Sodom ([Ex 20:14] heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13]) was notorious (Gen. 13:13).

Also see:

Homosexuality will destroy this and any country and needs to be recriminalized

Obama spending millions to find summer jobs -- for refugees? , Ge 16:12, Jer 7:6, GWT

Also see:

Nationalism vs. Globalism/Global Right to Migrate

Fed Housing for Trans Illegals

Obama Appoints Transgender Person To Advisory Faith Council Mt 19:4, Deut 22:5

Obama Signs Bill Banning Government Use of ‘Negro,’ ‘Oriental’
Jn 8:36

Ryan bails out Puerto Rico

First-quarter GDP raised to 0.8% 

American Death Rate Rises First Time in Decade 

Two military planes go down in unrelated incidents 

Record 94,708,000 Americans Not in Labor Force  

Obama’s Depressing Economy: More Death, Fewer Births, Less Life

Islamic State aka CIA Threatens Terror Attacks in U.S., Europe

White House Lies About Scrubbing Press Briefing Transcript Ex 20:16

Spike in number of US sailors dying after Fukushima radiation exposure: Now over 400 veterans suffering serious illnesses

Wire: U.S. Taxpayers Funding Iran Military Expansion

View Post
Birthrate down 8% among teens and this article frames that as "depressing."

We recommend they don't get knocked up (Ex 20:14) in the first place (Ex 20:14).

Food Stamp outage 2 Thess 3:10

Laid-Off Americans Speak Out After Displaced by Foreigners Gen. 11:5–9
, 2 Thess. 2:7

jgarden View Post
NAFTA and the tax cuts first introduced during the Reagan Administration did exactly what they were designed to do - benefit the wealthiest 1%!
Didn't Reagan swear in near that pagan obelisk? The Washington Monument needs to be castrated (Ex 20:1-6).

New Reality: Terror in US

...Dogs, Metal Detectors, Searches at Public Gatherings
Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10

Obama slams 'loose talk' on Muslims

Goodwin: President's tantrum striking display of failed leadership Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10


Borders, Language, Culture

Radical Islamists Have Killed 94 on American Soil Since 9/11

Obama Defends Ban on Term ‘Radical Islam’ Ge 16:12, Jer 7:6, GWT

White House rejects increased Israel missile defense funding

...Plans tighter security everywhere


Lone Wolf

Obama on Orlando:  Homegrown Terror  :dizzy:

Obama Imports 1 Million Muslims During his Presidency Ge 16:12, Jer 7:6, GWT

US Strategy for Russia – Wage war but not declare it
Mt 24:6

Female Genital Mutilation Rising
Ge 16:12, Jer 7:6, GWT

U.S. Citizens Officially Request Emergency Electoral Assistance From The United Nations


Obama [Gog]

For first time, America no longer No. 1 for super-rich
Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10

Muslim child sex-assault suspects back on streets of Idaho
Ge 16:12, Jer 7:6, GWT


Just a System

Home ownership 48-year low Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10

Misty Snow makes history as trans Senate nominee
The wickedness of Sodom ([Ex 20:14] heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13]) was notorious (Gen. 13:13).

SCOTUS: Vicious Anti-Christian State Action Is Legal in the Ninth Circuit

Towns crack down on US pride
Gen. 11:5–9

DHS whistleblower: Why Obama is 'so adamant to protect Islam'


Obama [Gog]

One World Government/Religion

White House Silent on Terrorist Murder of 13-Year-Old American Girl Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10
FBI documents obtained from a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) reveal that the agency has a secret policy to spy on and target alternative media journalists Jn 8:36

Hamas On Campus 

Extremely Proud to Be an American? Fewer People Say They Are 

No, Obama, Bangladesh Islamic State Terrorists Were not Poor Ge 16:12, Jer 7:6, GWT

Obama-Era Suicide Rate in U.S. Highest in 30 Years
Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10

US accuses Israel of ‘systematically' seizing Palestinian land Ge 12:3

Children's character Curious George observes Ramadan
Ge 16:12, Jer 7:6, GWT

Govt 'Completing Smuggling Cycle' For Illegals 2 Thess. 2:7, 8

Obama Joint Effort With Corporations Can Resettle Refugees Limitlessly 

Muslim camps spread in US
Ge 16:12, Jer 7:6, GWT

20 vets commit suicide each day  

Report Uncovers Stonewalling of Illegal Obamacare Payments

Murder of Policemen up
Ro 13:4

Pamela Geller: Washington Post Praises Muslim ‘Camp Ramadan’ for Children Ge 16:12, Jer 7:6, GWT

The Military Fired me for Calling our Enemies Jihadis Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10

Bachmann: Whistleblower was my source
Ge 16:12, Jer 7:6, GWT

Obama Admin Funded Anti-Netanyahu Campaign Records Purged
, 2 Thess. 2:7, 8



Obama Never Once Met With His Defense Intelligence Chief

Report: Chinese hacked FDIC, US Officials Covered It Up 

Countries Warn Travelers About Coming to America 



Back to sleep now.

Nighty night
and goodnight
May all my Jesuit dreams come true
Night night
and goodnight
may Catholic haters go in boxcars soon

Obama Signs Executive Order Allowing Military To Fight US Citizens


Planet X

Martial Law

FEMA Camps

John Kerry Walks into Door 10 Downing Street

Fewer Americans Starting Own Businesses 

Police Deaths Double in 2016, Amid Obama’s Anti-Police Rhetoric

Iran Detains Another American
Pr 29:2

US Navy's newest $12.9bn supercarrier doesn't work 

Drugs, vanishing jobs strain rural America 

Failed coup attempt in Turkey cost the US 2 billion dollars

Obama repeats claim Russia behind DNC leak

Homeownership Lowest Since 1965

Navy to Name Ship After Gay Rights Activist Harvey Milk

Vanished guns: Firearms stolen from elite US Army base in Germany

WonderfulLordJesus View Post
No. No! That's hilarious! You couldn't make this stuff up, if you had paid advertisers and a whole staff.

Can see the news now, "With the rise of tensions in the Middle East, the USS Harvey Milk is being dispatched to the Mediterranean...".

That should put the fear of God into Putin ! I can just see Putin getting the news, having trouble issuing the next order, struggling to stop laughing and dry his eyes.

If you don't laugh, you cry.

US in Weakest Recovery Since 1949

Report: Ambush Killings of Police Soar in 2016 

U.S. Military Now Allowing Soldiers To Cross-Dress Mt 19:4, Deut 22:5

Paul Harvey Said This In 1965 "If I were the devil..."
Is 5:20

The Rate Of Homeownership In The United States Has Hit The Lowest Level Ever  

A secret group bought the ingredients for a dirty bomb — here in the U.S. Ge 16:12, Jer 7:6, GWT

Obama wants to give UN power to stop U.S. nuke testing Gen. 11:5–9, Re 13:1-18


Obama [Gog]


[Banned for non use of profanity] Philippines Prez: U.S. Ambassador 'Annoying,' 'Homosexual,' '*** ** *****'
The wickedness of Sodom ([Ex 20:14
] heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13]) was notorious (Gen. 13:13).

Americans' Wages Dropping Fast 

Iran ‘Ransom’: Feds Claim $1.7 Billion Paid in Full — But Won’t Explain How 

Guantanamo Bay: US in largest detainee transfer under Obama

Obama’s Administration Collected $20 Trillion In Taxes And Still Increased National Debt $9 Trillion Ex 20:15, Pr 22:7, Hab 1:1-17, 2:1-10


Onerous Tax on Individuals

National Debt

Julian Assange: WikiLeaks will show how US intelligence interferes in European elections 

Sodomite Farmers

Iran to charge detained U.S. man with threatening country’s national security 

Obama's Lie Revealed as State Department Admits $400 Million to Iran Was Prisoner Ransom Am 8:5, 2 Thess. 2:7, 8

Muslim Inmate Sues Indiana Sheriff’s Office for Refusing Him Halal Meal 

Teenagers struck by depression ‘epidemic’ 

Waiver to Exempt Children From Pledge 

State Dept Warns: Iran Seeking to Capture U.S. Citizens

700 inmates have been released from Gitmo -- more than 200 have returned to the fight 

Obama Blocks Congressional Inquiry Into $1.3 Billion Payment To Iran  

Veteran Kills Himself in Parking Lot of V.A. Hospital

...Denied ER Service
Eccl 10:2
, Jn 10:10

[Thread closed by moderator] "Truth is hate to those who hate the truth." ~ Bob Enyart Mk 9:41, 13:7, 25:8, 40, Dan 10:13, Ps 105:15, Ro 14:4, Mk 6:11, Is 45:24, 54:17, Re 12:10, 12, Jud 1:9

US government sent over 1.4 million guns to Iraq and Afghanistan

White House struggles to explain how blacks are better off 

New DOJ Video Shows Cops How to Treat Trans

...'Do You Prefer Ma'am or Sir?'
Mt 19:4
, Deut 22:5

Kayla Mueller in Captivity: Courage, Selflessness as She Defended Christian Faith to ISIS Executioner 'Jihadi John' Jn 15:18

Kap Slap: Won't Stand for 'Oppressive' National Anthem Ps 33:12

Levin: No One Has Done More Damage to This Nation Than Barack Obama Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10

Clemson University Administrator Stops Man From Praying on Campus “This isn’t a free speech area.” (Vid) Jn 8:36, Re 13:1-18 Pentagon Officials Permitted Government Spending at Strip Clubs and Casinos: Report Am 8:5  

Police threaten stop working 49ers games amid Kaepernick protest Gen. 11:5–9, Re 13:1-18



Borders, Language, Culture

patrick jane
View Post
Keeping Racism Alive

Useful idiots (Ac 17:26).

Government Workers Now Outnumber Manufacturing Workers by 9,932,000  

Millions of bees die after South Carolina and Florida spray for Zika mosquitoes

Love Gov 

China Humiliates Obama, Denies Him Red Carpet

Obama defends Kaepernick's national anthem protest Re 13:1-18


Obama Calls for "International Order"



Obama [Gog]

Obama's Race War is no Accident

Martial Law

Asteroid named after Sodomite Freddie Mercury

Sodomite Miss America Contestant
The wickedness of Sodom ([Ex 20:14
] heterosexual [
Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13]) was notorious (Gen. 13:13).

Update: Iran Got $1.7 Billion as Hostages Released

Caterpillar Hires H-1B Foreign Graduates, Fires 300 American Professionals 

Report: US May Have Given Iran $33.6 Billion In Secret Payments

Obama Hired Behavioral Experts to Expand Use of Govt. Programs 

Dr. Sebastian Gorka Says Trump Is Right About Officer Corps: ‘Good Generals Have Been Removed’ While ‘Political Yes-Men Have Survived’ 

18 Times Obama Trashed America in Asia

Murder Rates Soar in 25 of the Nation’s Big Cities

Image [Thread closed by moderator again] "Truth is hate to those who hate the truth." ~ Bob Enyart Mk 9:41, 13:7, 25:8, 40, Dan 10:13, Ps 105:15, Ro 14:4, Mk 6:11, Is 45:24, 54:17, Re 12:10, 12, Jud 1:9

Tent Cities Full Of Homeless People Are Booming In Cities All Over America As Poverty Spikes

Hamas and Black Lives Matter: A marriage made in hell 2 Thess. 2:7
, 8

Ford moving all US small-car production to Mexico

Cost of US Post 9/11 Wars Approaching $5 Trillion

WikiLeaks Cables Reveal USA Signed Death Warrant For Assad

US made 2 wire payments to Iran before sending $1.7 billion in cash  

Obama Jokes About ISIS On Same Day America Gets Bombed Twice
Ge 16:12, Jer 7:6, GWT

High School Teacher 'Stomps' Flag in Class

GOP Mostly Powerless in Stopping Obama 'Midnight' Regulations*

US Congressional Bill Seeks First Native American Land Grab in 100 Years

Growing number of Americans ditch houses to live in vans, save money

"We Haven't Seen This Since The Great Depression" - Gallup CEO Destroys The "Recovery" Lie

The Disgraceful Gitmo Exodus

Gallup: If small businesses keep dying “We’ll lose the whole middle class”

US Congress denounces 'ransom' payments to Iran in new bill  

Obama Pseudonym in Emails with Clinton

...Claimed he Learned About Her Server From 'News Accounts'

New Normal: Turkish Man Murders 5 in a Washington state Mall Kills

Shooting at University of Illinois Campus

6 stabbed near Emerson College Campus in Boston

Shooter SW Houston strip mall

Feds mailing out postcards with people's SSN's on them

White House Denies Jerusalem is in Israel

Iran Says New Attack Drone Modeled on Captured American Aircraft

Pentagon Paid for Fake 'Al Qaeda' Videos

Teen Beaten Into Critical Condition After Posting 'Blue Lives Matter'

Study: US Fails to Make 'Most Free' List  

Fact-Check: Tim Kaine Claims Terror Threat ‘Has Decreased’ During Obama Era

United States Criticizes Israel Over West Bank Settlement Plan

Obama hits Trump over 'crude populism,' pushes TPP
Gen. 11:5–9, Re 13:1-18

Docs: WH Coordinated with Clinton Camp on Emails

Facebook/White House Secret Talks Over Future Internet


Takeover of Internet/Internet Kill Switch

Unemployment rate climbs to 5%

94,184,000 Not In Labor Force

Obama expands his executive power beyond Earth


Planet X

Leaked Emails Reveals Clinton Campaign Plotted Supreme Court Threat Over Obamacare

Emails: Obama Claimed Executive Privilege in Hillary Mess

Also see:


Obama and Eric Holder Launch PAC for ‘Fairer’ Redistricting

Obama Cheers for Another 100 Years of Planned Parenthood

US air force base leaks toxic chemicals into sewer system

Risk of 'mass exodus' of doctors from Medicare

‘I Had Nothing to Do With That!’ Obama Dodges Blame For Skyrocketing Premiums



Obama Admin Targets Soldiers’ Bonuses, Lets Bad VA Employees Keep Theirs

Obama Lied to Nation

...WikiLeaks: Hillary Emails Ex 20:16

Foreign-born population in the United States, now standing at 43.3 million people - all-time high 


Borders, Language, Culture

Saddam's nuke scientist linked to U.S. shipping terminal 

94,609,000 Not in Labor Force 

Government Workers Now Outnumber Manufacturing Workers by 9,977,000 

Obama sets new record for regulations, 527 pages in just one day 

Hezbollah Shows Off American APCs in Syrian Military Parade

Mystery aircraft circling skies confirmed to be top secret E-6B 'doomsday' nuke plane  

Veterans Protest At College Where Flag Removed

Four Staff Members Quit Oklahoma VA Facility After Veteran with Maggots in Wound Dies

U.S. life expectancy in decline for first time in decades

Texas Restaurant Closes, Owner Blames Obamacare 

VMI, famed military academy, giving cadets coloring books for stress

GOP Rep Slams Army for Renewed Probe Into ‘American Hero’ Who Killed Taliban Bomb Maker
Ge 16:12, Jer 7:6, GWT

Angry Black Man
Obama: Country Has ‘By No Means Overcome’ Legacies of Slavery, Jim Crow, Colonialism, Racism
Ac 17:26

Michelle Obama: Since Election, ’We are Feeling What Not Having Hope Feels Like’

250 Disney IT Workers Forced To Train Own Replacements From India...Then Fired 

The Obama Family’s Christmas Card Doesn’t Mention Christmas Jn 15:18

Obama announces record wave of pardons, commutations 

Obama announces record wave of pardons, commutations

Obama unleashes another $6 billion in 'midnight regulations'

Obama Dumps Registry for Some Immigrant Men, Mostly Muslims

Obama: I Could Have Won if I Had Run for President Again

Obama Added $7.917 Trillion to the National Debt, 68 Percent Spike

Nearing exit, Obama seeks to tie Trump's hands

...Unleashes 3,853 regs, 18 for every law, record 97,110 pages of red tape

White House Thought Bible Verse Was 'Typo'

Americans are less charitable than they used to be

Son of Dem VP Nominee Geraldine Ferraro Pardoned for 1988 Cocaine Conviction

Former Chicago Police Chief Blames Black Lives Matter for Rise in Violent Crime

Painting of Police as Pigs Hung Proudly in US Capitol 

Obama Has Seized 553 Million Acres--3X Size of Texas

White House Taunts Donald Trump: Obama Won Popular Vote and Electoral College 

Gitmo detainees transferring to Saudi Arabia, as part of final wave 

Special Needs Man Tortured on Facebook Live

President Obama Awards Himself Distinguished Public Service Medal

Record 95,102,000 Americans Not in Labor Force; Up 18% Since Obama Took Office 

Convicted Killer Becomes First Inmate to Receive State-Funded Sex Reassignment Surgery

Trans Police Officers Come out of Closet Mt 19:4, Deut 22:5

Obama: Trump ‘Has Not Spent a Lot of Time Sweating the Details’ 

Obama: Obamacare Will Survive Trump 

Assange: Administration destroying public records

President raises money in final days

US move to secure election systems meets criticism  

Longest Leaving Act in Town: Obama Refers to Himself 75 Times in Speech

Air Force loosens tattoo rules, recruiting restrictions

Changes pot policy

Pew: Obama's true legacy is divided nation, bad race relations 

Obama expands power of NSA in final days

Dog Sunny Bites White House Guest 

Report: Obama Intel Officials Used ‘Russia Blackmail’ Claims to Warn Israel About Trusting Trump

'US officials warn Israel on transferring information to Trump White House'

Homeless using Hawaii war memorials as open latrine 

Obama White House Refuses to Call Trump ‘Legitimate’ President

‘Resist Trump’ Meeting Refuses to Recite Pledge of Allegiance

Obama places White House staffers in gov't positions on way out of office 

Iran Commemorates 'Captured US Sailors' Day With Massive Billboard

Obama Has No Time Left for Medal of Honor to Decorated Vietnam War Medic

Amid packing boxes and tears, staffers leaving White House

White House Suggests Vladimir Putin Getting Talking Points from Donald Trump

Obama Appoints Anti-Israel Adviser to Holocaust Museum Council
Mt 24:9, 22

Obama uses final press conference to issue warning to Trump

Was First President to Not Reach 3% Annual GDP Growth 

Obama commutes sentence of unrepentant convicted terrorist

Before and After Obama: 10 Signs of a Diminished America

Obama leaves behind a weakened United States

Dials Merkel in last call

American Infrastructure Needs $808 Billion Upgrade  


Planet X 

Report: Obama Gave $221 Million to Palestinians in Last Hours 

Report: Global Terrorism Surged 25% In Obama’s Final Year In Office 

Goodbye, Obama, you “sleeper cell” traitor and enemy of America… (you won’t be missed) 

Obama Weighs In On President Trump 

Trump accuses 'Obama people' of leaking transcripts

Obama’s Last Year: Funnels Billions to UN – $500 Million In ‘Opposed’ Contributions Missing 

Trump Says Obama Admin Holdovers Are Leaks At White House 

How Obama is scheming to sabotage Trump’s presidency 

The Week: Trump Is Right About ‘Enormous Problem’ of Deep State Leaks 

...Spies Take Down Flynn

...Political Assassination

...Intel Chair: FBI Needs To Explain Recorded Calls 

Fmr Obama Under Secretary of State: ‘I Don’t Think ISIS Is an Existential Challenge’ 

In Final Days, Obama Gave Spooks Broad New Powers  

Trump Vows to Catch ‘Low Life Leakers’ in Washington D.C. 

Former CIA Analyst: Yes, Former Obama Officials Were ‘Directly Involved’ In The Effort to Remove Flynn (And I’ll Say Their Names)

California City Erects ‘Prison Camp’ To Deal With Homeless

The Obama/Soros/Media and the Illusion of Chaos 

Democrats Question Trump’s Sanity, Blasted For “Weaponizing Mental Health” 

Obama-linked activists have a ‘training manual’ for protesting Trump 

Retired Green Beret Warns: Deep State's Utopia Of Oligarchs Is "Enslavement And Complete Control Of All Of Mankind" 

3 man I.T. spy ring busted in Congress  

David Horowitz: Dems Double Down on Everything Voters Rejected

Democrats Invoke 25th Amendment, Question Trump’s Mental Health

Lawmakers to Request Probe of $418M Arms Sale to Kenya on Obama’s Last Day 

Maxine Waters Calls Trump Cabinet Picks: 'Bunch of Scumbags' 

Mag Blames Climate Change for Oroville Dam Crisis 

ISIS suicide bomber was ex-Gitmo detainee who won £1mn compensation 

Left-Wing Front Groups Make Anti-Trump Money Untraceable 

Obama the Revolutionary Renegade 

Meet the terrorist behind the next women’s march 

CIA Agent Exposes What Obama Did On His Final Day

Analyst warns Obama now undermining Democrats 

The Democrats are not done ruining the country 

Soros-Financed Groups Provided Script for Anti-Trump Town Halls 

George W. Bush Blasts Trump: ‘I Don’t Like the Racism’ 

FBI planned to pay the British ex-spy who wrote the dirty dossier to keep fishing for filth on Trump because Democrat firm was going to stop paying him

NYT: Obama aides spread intelligence on Trump associates and Russia

...White House staff told to preserve materials

Dems Target Sessions Next

...Schumer calls for Sessions to resign

Paper: Valerie Jarrett moves into Obama's new DC home

...Nerve center for insurgency 

Soros-Financed Holds DC Protest Demanding Sessions’ Resignation

Maxine Waters: Sessions’ Russia Connections Will Lead To Trump Impeachment

Schumer and the Russians

Awkward silence after Pelosi asked if ever met with Russians

...History of Meeting and Exchanging Gifts

...Photo contradicts Pelosi statement

Mark Levin to Congress: Investigate Obama’s ‘Silent Coup’ vs. Trump: Literally Watergate: Deep State Deployed to Spy on Political Enemy

Trump’s advisers push him to purge Obama appointees 

Dem Red Faces

Trump: Obama Bugged the Trump Tower 

Donald Trump Questions ‘Sick Guy’ Barack Obama for ‘Wire Tapping’ His Campaign

64 ways Obama is sabotaging Trump

Soros-Tied Obama Lawyers Form Group to Battle Trump

The New DNC Chair Had a Hillary Clinton-Esque Email Scandal 

Reports: The Obama administration wiretapped: Trump, world leaders, journalists

...Former NSA Whistleblower: “Trump Is Absolutely Right, Everything Was Being Monitored”

Obama Deploying Dozen-Strong Team to ‘Keep Tabs’ on Trump Administration 

Lawmakers probe claim DOJ aided Iraqi terror suspect days before November election 

GOP Rep Mike Kelly: “Obama Is In Washington For One Reason Only, To Run A Shadow Government”

Preet Bharara Refuses Order to Step Down as U.S. Attorney  

...You're Fired

Tribes ask judge to stop Dakota Access oil from flowing

Putin Spokesman: Russian Ambassador Met With Clinton’s Aides During the Presidential Campaign  

Czech President Mocks Media, Declares Himself An “Agent Of Putin , Trump, China And Israel”  Judge Napolitano: ‘Three Intel Sources’ Say Obama Looked to Brit Agency to Spy on Trump

VA Hospital Removes Portraits of Trump & New VA Sec’y Hung by Vets

Trump: Dems Made up Allegations of Russian Interference   

Nunes Unmasking Report Vindicates Trump Claims on Surveillance  

...There Was Incidental Surveillance Of Trump During Obama Administration, Seems To Be Inappropriate 

Top General Just Exposed Exactly What Obama Has Done To Our Military Over the Past 8 Years 

Bribes: King of Saudi Arabia Gave Obamas Millions in Gifts 

NSA To Provide 'Smoking Gun' Proof Obama Spied on Trump 

...Gathered, disseminated secret electronic communications prior to inauguration

Nunes Calls Comey, Rogers For "Closed Session" After Finding "Concerning Info" In Intel Reports

More and More Reports Show Obama Administration Spied on Trump 

...No Evidence of Connection Between Trump Campaign and Russia    Obama Officials Made List of Russia Probe Documents To Keep Them Safe  

Report: Obama Admin Surveillance of Trump World 'Unprecedented' for 'Year'   

Eli Lake: Susan Rice Requested Unmasking of People Connected to Trump Transition    

How Obama's White House Weaponized Media Against Trump 

Report: Rice Ordered 'Spreadsheets' of Trump Campaign Calls 

Paper: Evidence Russia 'scandal' is Team Obama operation 

Growing readiness woes: Only 7 in 10 Air Force planes are ready to fly 

Susan Rice Refuses to Deny Trump Unmasking Requests Despite Claiming Ignorance Just Weeks Ago

Susan Rice Responds To Trump Unmasking Allegations: “I Leaked Nothing To Nobody” 

...Hoekstra Calls for Hearings on Susan Rice Unmasking 

...Rand Paul Asked If Obama Knew About Eavesdropping 

Fake News Media Frenzy To Protect Susan Rice As Truth About Obama Shadow Government Implodes

New Smoking Gun Documents:  Obama IRS Officials Admit to Inappropriately Targeting Conservative Groups 

Ben Carson Uncovered Half a Trillion dollars in 'Bookkeeping Errors' in Obama Administration 

America View Post
Spam you can believe in.

:yawn: Eph 4:14


Tactics of the Left

MIT Press Publishes 'Communism for Kids' Book 

Report: Obama Justice Department Obtained Secret Order to Monitor Trump Campaign Adviser in June 2016 

Limbaugh: Proof-positive Obama was spying on Trump 

College Students Vote to Make American Flag 'Optional' 

Communist Party membership numbers climbing in the Trump era 

Obama: Proposed to another, took drugs, thought about being a homosexual
The wickedness of Sodom ([Ex 20:14] heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13]) was notorious (Gen. 13:13).

US opioid crisis at epidemic proportions

Obama endorses Macron in French election 

House to Probe if Obama Undermined U.S. Nat’l Security for Iran Deal

Still No Evidence of Collusion Between Russia and Trump Administration

Obama tripled ‘unmaskings’ in 2016 election year  

Being a Communist would no longer be cause for losing a state job under bill narrowly approved in Assembly 

The Nuclear Option: Comeygate Latest Fake News Hysteria for Trump/Russia Conspiracists 

Obama’s Non-Profit On Same Dubious Path First Blazed By Clinton Foundation 

2 Illegal Aliens Detained By ICE While Working At Air Force Base

Obama Thinks Trump is a 'Bullshitter"   

Black Harvard students holding own graduation

Last Year, Obama Offered to Share U.S. Intelligence With Russia, and the Mainstream Media Was Fine With It

Limbaugh: 'Wait! Obama Actually Did What The Left Is Accusing Trump Of Doing?'  

The Obama Administration Repeatedly Leaked Intel To Spite Israel  

Obama Holdouts In Trump Administration Hiding Hillary Emails

Classified documents show Obama illegally spied on Americans for years  

Obama Let in Admitted MS-13 Members, Whistleblower Says 

Declassified memos show FBI illegally shared spy data on Americans with private parties 

Leaked Docs:  Obama Admin 'Lost Track' of $1B Worth of Weapons Sent to the Middle East  

Obama And Hillary’s Behavior Unreal Part Of Trump’s Term

USA Today: “Was the spying in the Obama administration worse than Watergate?”

Pelosi Confusion After Questioning Trump Mental Health

Forgets What Day It Is; 'President Bush'

Obama Admin Never Warned About Russian ‘Hacking’

Dem Rep Ted Lieu: Trump’s Tweets Could Be Obstruction of Justice

Report:  Obama Had His Own ‘Back Channel’ To Moscow  

Comey Colluded with Obama on Radical Islamic Murder of US Marines

It Was Obama’s DOJ, Not The Russians Who Tried To Influence Presidential Election


Voter Fraud 

Judicial Watch: Susan Rice ‘Unmasking’ Documents Moved from NSC to Obama Library

A special counsel to probe Team Obama’s obstruction of justice 

Massive Russian collusion found, but not by Trump

Susan Rice suggests racism, sexism in 'unmasking' scrutiny 

JW “Considering Legal Options” To Obtain Obama Spying Scandal Docs Hidden at Presidential Library

Obama Will Have To Testify Before Congress On Russia

Obama Laments ‘Absence of American Leadership’ Under President Donald Trump 

Bill to create panel that could remove Trump from office quietly picks up Democratic support 

Obama warns Americans about too much patriotism -- on July 4th weekend 

Bill Lays Groundwork to Remove Trump From Office

Pence moves to protect self 

#Resistance Holds Impeachment Protests across California, Nationwide

Obama Linked Activist Groups Plan Massive Protests Against 4th Of July Celebrations 

Obama Plans Meeting with South Korean Leaders

7 Subpoenas Issued for Obama Unmasking Scandal: Congress

The Striking Reason Why The US Just Spent A Record $429 Billion In One Month

‘You didn’t build that’: 5 years later

Obama’s Migration Responsible For Six Eradicated Diseases Returned To United States

Susan Rice Postpones Testifying to Congress on Unmasking Trump Officials

Latest Deep State Leak Proves Obama Was Spying on Trump Campaign Early On

Report: Obama Holdovers Slow-Roll Release of Clinton Emails, Officials Cite ‘Diminished Public Interest’

Sessions to announce investigations into leaks

Obama aides unmasked hundreds during election without justification 

Leftists Freak Out on Twitter over Trump ‘Police Brutality’ Joke 

The Week the Russia Conspiracy Theory Fell Apart

Report: Obama Operating ‘Secret War Room’ 2 Miles From WH To Destroy POTUS Trump

‘Obama holdovers’ in D.C. scrubbing ‘ISIS genocide against Christians’

Ben Carson Finds $500 Billion In Errors During Audit Of Obama HUD

House Judiciary Committee Approves Investigation of Comey, Lynch, Hillary, Bill and Obama 

Mueller Enlists Grand Jury  

...Follows Money

FBI Officials Could Testify Against President 

...Subpoenas Donald Jr., Russian lawyers meeting

..Senators Write Bill to Protect Investigation

Mueller Probing Collusion, Obstruction, Financial Crimes 

H.R. McMaster Promised Susan Rice Could Keep Security Clearance in Secret Letter

Former DNI James Clapper Says He and Susan Rice Both ‘Did Unmaskings’

McMaster Worked at Think Tank Backed by Soros-Funded Group that Helped Obama Sell Iran Nuclear Deal  

Illinois Makes “Barack Obama Day” State Holiday

Obama Addresses Kenyan Election Before Trump

Prof lets students choose own grades for ‘stress reduction

Judicial Watch: Top Obama Officials like Holder, Loretta Lynch Used Email Aliases for Gov’t Business

Clinton-Lynch Tarmac Meeting Docs Show Mostly Redactions, Media Collusion

Obama administration knew about North Korea’s miniaturized nukes 

Susan Rice Urges Donald Trump to ‘Tolerate Nuclear Weapons in North Korea’

Read The 49 Page George Soros Playbook To ‘Take Out Trump’ Just Published By Marxist Attack Group Media Matters

Soros Dips Into the Nazi Playbook at Charlottesville

CNN’s Stelter Questions Trump’s Mental Health

Black caucus to discuss impeachment 

Clapper:  I Question Trump's Fitness to Hold Office  

NYT Claims:  McConnell Whispers Trump Demise  

Donny Deutsch Unhinged: Trump Displays ‘So Many of the Traits of a Sociopath’

Alt-Left Protesters Show up to Phoenix Rally Armed With AR-15’s and Bullet Proof Vests

200,000 deportation cases quietly 'closed' under Obama

Agents discover hidden tunnel near Mexico border

Dems coming under scrutiny in Russia probe

Two Store Owners Charged for Alleged $200,000 Food Stamp Fraud

Feinstein called for 'patience' with president. Now faces liberal backlash  

Actress under Fire after Advocating for Non-Violent Protest

NFL: Police, EMS refuse to hold flag at Brown's game after protest

Sacramento To Pay Gang Bangers A Cash Stipend If They Stop Killing People

Kalamazoo College to Pay Its Students Up to $1500 to Protest Social Justice

Punish Americans for Their Heritage, but Reward ‘Dreamers’: How DACA Outrage Exposes the Left

Soros Caught Helping Kim Jong-Un 

CIA Agent:  Obama administration was behind the public leaks of Lt. General Mike Flynn’s phone calls with Russian officials

Lou Dobbs Exposes Obama’s Treason on National Television

DWS IT Guy Was Banned From House After Trying To Hide Secret Server

The New Segregation? 'Hate Has No Place Here' Signs Pop Up in Leftist Establishments

Trump Vindicated: Report Says Obama Government Wiretapped Trump Campaign 

Obama’s Russia Collusion Discovered

Maxine Waters pushes Trump impeachment -- during eulogy

8-Year-Olds Take a Knee During Anthem at Illinois Youth Football Game

Hostility to religion surged 133% in last 5 Obama years

Samantha Power sought to unmask Americans on almost daily basis, sources say

How Obama is funding the anti-Trump resistance

Republicans Renew Call For Second Special Counsel to Investigate Hillary, Comey, and Lynch

Lawmakers Turn Up the Heat on Obama Unmasking Scandal – Allege Larger Obama Spy Op on Trump

Special Counsel Mueller Will Find a Long List of Obama Administration Crimes

‘Massive’ Democrat Espionage Scandal, Media Silent

Here’s What Obama Demanded of Otto’s Family Months Before He Died

12 Charged with Running $20 Million Food Stamp Fraud Scheme

Obama, Lecturer-in-Chief:  Academic Credentials Had Been Exaggerated   

Mueller Finds Nothing on Trump, But Look Which Obama Truth Surfaced

...Puerto Rican Police Officer Calls Into NY Radio Station – Exposes Corrupt Mayor Carmen Yulin

Puerto Rican CEO Calls Local Government ‘Corrupt and Inept’ – Sends His Own Team To Help FEMA Efforts

Our Broken Obama Military Can’t Even Manage to Toss Out Traitors

The Donors of Anti-Trump ‘Resistance’ PAC Uncovered

Pelosi Caught In Nasty Scandal 

The Left Hates You. Act Accordingly. 

Democratic Lawmaker Rapped About Shooting ‘Snitches,’ Dragging Their Bodies

Where Are They Today? Obama Reportedly Gave $5 Billion for Deserter Bergdahl and Released “Taliban 5” from Gitmo 

America’s Urban War Zone: Baltimore Doubles Chicago’s Homicide Rate In 2017

Obama ‘mocked Britain in secret, thought special relationship was a joke

San Juan mayor accuses Trump of 'genocide' 

Pelosi Uses Facebook Failure to Push Plan to Spend $40 Billion of Taxpayer Money

Obama AG Loretta Lynch faces a Capitol Hill date to discuss Russia vote meddling

Maxine Waters: Housing ‘Is a Necessary Human Right’

Corrupt Obamacrat Samantha Power Meets with House Officials to Explain Her Daily ‘Unmaskings’ of Trump Officials 

New FBI Docs About Clinton-Lynch Meeting

Obama To Launch Clinton-Style ‘Foundation’ On Halloween Night

Michelle Obama After Leaving the WH:  "We're free." 

Gen. John Kelly: ‘Stunned’ After ‘Empty Barrel’ Frederica Wilson Politicized President’s Phone Call

Gold Star Widow Releases Audio Of Call With Trump

Congresswoman Accuses John Kelly of Racism

Obama: We Reject the ‘Politics of Division’ That ‘We See Now’ 

George W Bush: ‘Bigotry Seems Emboldened, Our Politics Seem More Vulnerable to Conspiracy Theories and Outright Fabrication’

Highest Spending Since Obama's Stimulus

...$666 Billion Deficit  

Carville Questions Trump’s ‘Empathy,’ ‘Mental State’ — and ‘Sentence Structure’

Afghan troops go AWOL in U.S.

George W. Bush Emerges to Bash Trump, ‘Nativism’: ‘We Cannot Wish Globalism Away’

...Mansour:  Highlights from George W. Bush’s Trump-bashing Speech

DNA damage found in veterans with Gulf  War illness 

Pirro: Obama, Clintons ‘Sold Us Out Our Uranium and With It, the Security of Our Nation’

Photos:  Bill Clinton Met with Vladimir Putin at His Home in Russia Before Uranium One Deal and After Being Bribed

Former Secret Service Agent Bongino Goes Off on Democrat Corruption in Tweetstorm

Informant claims right to reveal secrets of true Russian collusion

Republicans to probe Obama Justice Dept 

7 Uranium One Facts Every American Should Know

It’s Obama’s fault American soldiers died in Niger 

Clinton, DNC Paid for Dirt; Russian Dossier

Now is it Treason? 

Hillary Campaign, DNC Accused of Violating Election Law with Dossier Payments

Law Firm Representing Dems Over Russian Dossier Defended Obama Over Birth Certificate

Oregon Has More Food Stamp Recipients Than Public School Students

Resistance Leader Obama Sneak Attack Alert

Social Security Administration Spending Tops $1 Trillion for First Time  

Robert Mueller is Closing In…On the Democrats

Gag order lifted: DOJ says informant can speak to Congress on Uranium One, Russia bribery case with Clinton links 

The Coming Russia Bombshells: Fusion Bank Records?

Clinton Lawyer Linked to Dossier At Podesta's Side As He Denies Knowledge  

Hillary Clinton Claims She Was Unaware Her Campaign and DNC Were Behind Dossier

Doug Jones Pushed Felon Voting ‘Rights’ with Soros-Funded Org

Panetta: Investigate Clinton, DNC Dossier Payment

Little Bobby Corker: Trump ‘Exhibiting’ Some Kim Jong-Un’s Erratic Tendencies

Manafort Indicted 

...Ex-Trump Campaign Chair, Business Partner Charged 

...Conspiracy Against US  

...Money Laundering

...Tax Fraud 

 ...Judge an Obama Appointee, Clinton Donor

Report: Obama Campaign Paid Same Clinton and DNC Law Firm that Hired Fusion GPS

Russia bought many ads after Election Day and plastered them all over Facebook and Twitter in a coordinated effort to undermine President Trump

Planned Parenthood Hired Fusion GPS to Create Fake Report

Obama Admin Lied; New Memos Reveal Uranium One Exports To “Europe And Asia” Via Canada

Rep. DeSantis: ‘We Know Now Without a Shadow of a Doubt’ Hillary and Democrats Colluded with Russia 

Obama Ensured Uranium Exportation — Ignored Glaring National Security Fears 

Obama Hid 470,000 Documents From Bin Laden Raid   

Donna Brazile Says She “Feared For Her Life” After Seth Rich Was Killed

Secret Document Released: Shows Hillary Had Full Contract to Run DNC in August 2015 Way Before Primaries

Obama hid al-Qaida threat, Iran link

Air Force Pilot Shortage Grows to Nearly 2,000

20 Acre ‘Obamaland’ to be Built in Chicago 

Once taboo, socialism finds comrades among US millennials  

Former Obama AG Eric Holder Slams ‘Orange Man’ Trump, Says ‘We Want the America of Obama!’

Obama Official Rigged Trial Of Marine Who Urinated On Taliban Corpse

House Democrats Introduce 5 Articles Of Impeachment Against President Trump

2 Million Rounds Of Ammo That ‘Went Missing’ Under Obama Turns Up In Enemy Hands

Deep State Cover Up of Hillary’s Email Scandal

Saudis May Free Former Gitmo Prisoners 

Scarborough Hits Back: Trump Mentally Ill, Has Dementia; Remove From Office


Trump exposed Scarborough/Brzezinski adultery   

MSNBC 'Morning Joe’ Ups Ante: Calls for Cabinet-Led Coup, 'Sociopath' Trump Must Be Removed

Democrats Go Silent on Trump Dossier as House Intelligence Republicans Seek More Answers

Flynn pleads guilty to lying on Russia, cooperates with U.S. probe

‘We Now Have Smoking Gun Evidence Hillary Clinton Got Special Treatment’

Thank Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Clinton for Libya’s thriving new slave trade, where Africans are ‘having their organs harvested, bodies mutilated and roasted like kebabs’

Obama Campaign Operative Met With Russian Officials In Moscow Prior To 2008 Election

Drudge:  “Is citizen Obama violating the 'Logan act' when he lobbies foreign governments and world leaders against America’s current foreign policy?”

Obama Holdover Officially Under Investigation For Pay-To-Play Model 

'Morning Joe' contemplates president's mental 'stability'

Obama thanks himself in speech in which he takes credit for economic growth under Trump

Bernie Sanders: Trump Should ‘Think About Resigning’ Over 2016 ‘Access Hollywood’ Tape

Judge Who Presided Over Michael Flynn’s Case and Resigned--An Obama Appointee Who Also Sits on FISA Court    

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Serves Obama The Stone Cold Truth About The Trump Economy

George Soros-Funded Group Behind Effort to Parade Out Trump’s Accusers

Plasma For Pay: Broke Millennials Sell Blood Just To Survive

Sanders: Trump ‘Should Resign’ – He Has ‘Very Serious Emotional Problems’

Top Nuclear Official Says Obama Administration Lied About Uranium One Deal — GOP Senator Says He Has Proof

Teens in NYC Deli Accuse White Woman of Supporting Trump, Attack Her 

Obama Lies The NY Times Didn’t Point Out

Trump Accusers are Paid $750,000 by Democrat Donors to Say Trump Abused Them  

Report: Obama protected Hezbollah for Iran 

Project Cassandra:  How Obama Protected Islamic Terror Group To Push Through Phony Iran Nuclear Deal

Paper: Obama Colluded With Russia To Free Leading Terrorist Responsible For Murdering Americans

Buzzfeed Editor: 'All I Want For Christmas Is Full Communism Now' 

Trump Accuser Who Took Mortgage Payoff, Tried To Get Job As Trump’s Makeup Artist

Rhetorical But Relevant Questions 

Obama Alum Claims Border Wall Fail Big Win for ‘Resistance’

Rand Paul Calls for Investigation of Obama Officials Colluding Against Trump 

Paper: How Obama’s Manipulation of ‘Sensitive Secret Intelligence’ Got Elite CIA Agents Killed

U.S. lawmakers stunned at claim DNC ‘destroyed’ server

Sessions Orders DOJ Review of Obama’s Hezbollah Racket 

Report: How Fusion GPS and the Obama Administration Weaponized the Trump Dossier

Wife Of Fusion GPS Founder Admits Her Husband Was Behind Fake “RussiaGate” Story

White House Lawyer Sticks to Prediction on Quick End to Russia Probe 

Trump tears into golden showers dossier calling it 'Crooked Hillary pile of garbage' 

Obama Uses Britain’s Politicized Prince Harry as Weapon to Attack Trump in Radio Interview 

A Simultaneous Coup and Counter Coup Are Underway In America

'Morning Joe': Trump Tweet Suggests 'Demented and Deranged' 

Congress’s Gift to Blue States: Limiting Local Tax Deductions Forces Fiscal Discipline

ESPN: Houston Astros ‘Making a Grave Error’ by Accepting White House Invite 

John Kerry wanted Israel to abandon the strategically important Golan Heights – to ISIS

Book Sensation Rocks Nation

Analysis: Michael Wolff Makes the Argument for Removing Trump Under 25th Amendment

Wolf Admits:  Not Sure all True 

'Said whatever necessary to get story'  

Senators want criminal investigation of Trump dossier author

...First known referral in congressional probes 

noemail001 View Post

Trump Is Evil. Insane. Proof. Part 1...Every single human the world knows this. POTUS Trump is evil and insane. Every single day people are more convinced. After all, look how much he tweets, how little he sleeps.

:greedy: He’s a child-killing serial adulterer (Pr 8:36, Ex 20:14) and you’re concerned about his social media (Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10). :idunno:

"In a democracy people get the leaders they deserve." ~ Joseph de Maistre

noemail001 View Post

Did you vote? If so, who did you vote for? A non-killer of children, right?

I :greedy: don't vote for child-killing, serial adulterers (Pr 8:36, Ex 20:14). I voted for Tom Hoefling (Pr 29:2). 

Senate Judiciary GOPs Request Criminal Investigation of Dossier Author Christopher Steele

..Steele goes underground  

CBS drama to tackle impeachment  

noemail001 replied

…Stop and consider--by voting for anyone other than Trump, do you know what you almost -- but for the grace and miracle of God -- allowed Hillary, that baby-slaughtered to be POTUS?

No blood on my hands (Eze 33:9).

…Looks like you'll fight anyone who is a serial adulterer. Right?

Yep (Ps 50:18b, Heb 13:4).  Hate evil love good (Am 5:15, Eph 6:17).

…Oh, ever hear of David's sexual and murderous ways?

You weren’t counting on David to stand up for you at the Great White Throne, were you? :shocked: Ex 20:14, Ps 51:10

Are you aware that Jesus descended from that?

And Hosea had to marry a whore (Hos 1-3). :nono:

And Noah was a drunk.

So casting Russell Crow wasn’t as bad as we thought. :think:

What about Abraham's illegitimate son and his one-night-stand with that woman?

I call them dirty yaks.  What do you call them? Goal-oriented individuals?  :juggle: Ge 16:12, Jer 7:6, GWT


Shyster.  Laban took him down to Chinatown. :o

None of Jesus and His apostles look like your ideal Tom Hoefling.

Are God’s faithful on the ballot?  Heb 11 

serpentdove View Post

... I voted for Tom Hoefling (Pr 29:2).] How could you? He's from Nebraska.

I know their accent is embarrassing—and it spills over to Colorado. :nono:

...You enable...

:yawn: I’ve been called many things.  An enabler :reals: is not one of them (Ps 50:18b, Heb 13:4). :idunno:

…I guess you are not aware that the reality of the federal political system is based on a two-party system.…[I]f you want to affect federal politics you'd better get used to the facts of life.

Fact:  :greedy: The Donald is a child-killing, serial adulterer (Pr 8:36, Ex 20:14).

Fact:  He won’t get my vote.  

Bernie Sanders:  Grand jury empaneled in Burlington College case  

Moby says CIA Agents Asked Him to Spread Word About Trump, Russia  

Feinstein Makes Startling Admission: “I Got Pressured” To Release Fusion Transcripts

Schumer to Trump: You Can Begin to Prove You’re Not Racist or Bigoted By Supporting Bipartisan Immigration Compromise

Mitt Romney Uses Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day to Attack Donald Trump

Congressional Investigation Into Steele Dossier Has New Target: The Obama State Department

White House official: House intel panel broke agreement on limiting scope of questions for Bannon

…Blunders in Front of Congress 

CNN Predicts Trump Heart Attack 

Fusion GPS Founder Admits He Didn’t Believe Trump Was ‘Suitable’ to be President While Compiling Hoax Dossier

Memo allegedly reveals FISA abuse by FBI, DOJ officials 

Democrat IT aides pretended to be congressmen to steal data

Obama DOJ Used Information From Dossier Author Christopher Steele To Spy On Trump Campaign Official

Shocking: House Intel Committee Releases 165 Page Simpson FISA Testimony  

Diamond and Silk: The Clintons Left Haiti in a Sh*thole

Ugandan President Backs Trump’s ‘Sh*thole’ Comments: ‘He Speaks to Africans Frankly’

Veterans Group Says NFL Rejected Pro-National Anthem #PleaseStand Super Bowl Ad

Comey, Rosenstein, McCabe All Named In FISA Memo, First Leak Reveals

Michael Moore Unhinged: Trump 'unfit,' 'sociopath,' 'threat to humanity'

John Kerry Pokes Fun of Trump’s Weight, Requests to See His ‘Girth Certificate’ 

Hillary Clinton & Barack Obama Emails: Key to Lack of Clinton Indictment

US Engulfed In The Most Corrupt Scandal In History & All Roads Lead Back To Obama 

Judicial Watch Reveals Obama Officials Distributed ‘Classified Records’ To ‘Undermine’ POTUS Trump 

Students Hate Quotes from Trump’s State of the Union, Until Realizing They Are Obama’s

Americans Turning Off Super Bowl in Droves: Bars, Bowling Alleys, Veterans Boycotting

Obama Appointed FISA Court Judges Involved in Numerous Questionable and Controversial Actions

Russian Pranksters Spoof Schiff

…Claimed Naked Pics of President  

Lynch Offered Supreme Court Seat to Look the Other Way  

Rep. Paul Gosar: Obama’s Fast and Furious, Benghazi, IRS Scandals All Connected to DOJ, FBI Corruption in Trump Probe

Inside the Ring: Obama-era cash traced to Iran-backed terrorists

Democrats Partied With Iran’s President

Declassified Susan Rice Email: Obama Contemplated Hiding Russia Intel from Incoming Trump Administration

Obama policy helped create No. 1 African threat

Islamic Republic of Iran has used $1,700,000,000 Obama gave it to finance jihad terrorists

Either Former FBI Director Comey or Former NatSec Advisor Susan Rice is Lying Based on Yesterday’s Email Released by Senator Grassley

Former Officials Give Conflicting Accounts of Kerry State Dept’s Handling of Trump Hoax Dossier 

Flush with pallets of cash from Obama, Iran is taking aim at Israel

Study: Brain injuries found in American staff in Cuba

Kimmel:  President Mentally Ill 

Vid:  Africans Being Sold At Open-Air Slave Markets In Libya

Lee Smith: Everything Media Accuse Trump of Doing with Russia, Obama Actually Did

‘No collusion:’ Trump says vindicated by Russia meddling indictments

Laura Ingraham: Time for Mueller to Interview Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Susan Rice, and Maybe Even Barack Obama

Facebook VP Says Russians Bought Ads After Election The Common Sense Show

Barack Obama Spent Three Times As Much Interfering in Israeli Election Than Russians Spent on Facebook Ads

Nunes on Schiff Memo: Proves Dems, Hillary Colluded with Russians

Fact: Barack Obama Spent Three Times As Much Interfering in Israeli Election Than Russians Spent on Facebook Ads

Obama Admin Official Who Helped Anti-Trump Dossier Author Was Exec at Lobbying Firm for Russians Who Bought Uranium One  

DNC deputy chairman keynotes ‘Muslim Mafia’ fundraiser

“Bigger Than Watergate” – Trump Slams Obama Admin’s “Unprecedented” Actions

House Intel Committee Officially Investigating John Kerry in Links to Fusion GPS Dossier

Susan Rice Issued Stand Down Order in 2016 Russia Investigation

House intel panel concludes: No collusion with Russia

Eric Holder Explodes Over House Intel “No Collusion” Announcement 

Millennials Want to Give Socialism a Try 

Netflix Stock is Plummeting in Response To Obama Show

CIA Whistleblower Exposes Global Crime Syndicate Run by Clinton, Obama, Soros 

Jim Jordan: Clapper Guilty of Leaking Classified Information to the Press

Awan Bros. Judge Appointed by Obama Delays High Profile Case

Mueller's Star Witness Against Trump Caught Partying with Bill Clinton on Exclusive Island Resort

Eric Holder:: 'You want to have a knife fight, we're gonna do it' :freak:

Democrats Holding Heartland America Hostage Over Food Stamps

Father of Collapsed Florida Bridge was Obama ‘Champion of Change’ in 2015

Nunes: We Have Over 100 Leaks from House Intel Committee by Democrats (Vid)

Dr. Gorka Stunned By Biden-China Deal: ‘Potentially One Of The Biggest Pay-For-Play Scandals Outside Of Uranium One’

CalExit's Plan to Use the Kigali Principles to Break Apart the United States

House GOP Leaders Scalise, McCarthy Sign Letter Demanding Second Special Counsel to Investigate Obama’s FISA Abuse

Fox News Sources Say Obama Used Brits to Spy on Trump 

Attorneys General Step Up Pressure on Facebook

...Did 'favors' for Obama campaign violate law? 

Woman Puts Home Up For Sale; Refuses To Sell To Trump Supporters

Vid: Devin Nunes: Obama Officials Were Being Briefed on the Trump Campaign by FBI in the White House

New Strzok-Page Texts Suggest Coordination Between Obama WH, CIA, FBI, DOJ AND Dems Early in Trump-Russia Witch Hunt

Trump Supporters Call For Boycott of Netflix After Susan ‘Benghazi’ Rice Appointed to Board of Directors  

Figures. Clinton Campaign Likely Harvested Facebook Data from Millions 

Trump Beats Obama Again In Disastrous Poll For Dems

The secret backstory of how Obama let Hezbollah off the hook

Records Show Obama Admin Used Millions In Taxpayer Money To Fund Soros’ Left-Wing Political Activities In Albania

Michelle Obama Mocks Trump

Vid: George Soros Says The Happiest Time Of His Life Was Rounding Up Jews For The Nazis

Teen Vogue Promotes Communism in ‘Explainer on Capitalism’ Authored By Antifa Extremist

Obama admin spent $36M on lawsuits to keep info secret

Criminal Referral Issued For Comey, Clinton, Lynch And McCabe; Rosenstein Recusal Demanded

DNC Sues Over: Russia, Trump, Wikileaks

‘Yes, I’m Running as a Socialist.’ Why Candidates Are Embracing the Label in 2018

DOJ IG Report Shows Obama Ordered Shutdown of Weiner Laptop case with 650,000 Hillary Emails

As impeachment stalls, Maxine Waters orders president to 'just get out!'

Carter Center Sued for Providing Support to Islamic Terrorists, Defrauding Taxpayers

House panel officially clears president

Trump Tower fire in Azerbaijan weeks after fatal blaze in NYC

Secret Recording Reveals Democratic Party Boss Ordering Candidate To Quit Race

James Woods Schools Michelle Obama After She Shames Women For ‘Allowing’ Donald Trump To Become President 

Democrats Say National Motto ‘In God We Trust’ Offends Them

Former Obama Officials Encourage Europe To Take Action Against US

Photos Emerge of Iranian Officials Who Met Secretly With John Kerry in Paris on Saturday — One Is Identified

Why Is Govt Drone Flying Over Sacramento Neighborhood?

The first bee has officially been added to the endangered species list 

Trump Mocks Dems: ‘Pelosi Came Out in Favor of MS-13’

NFL players reportedly already discussing new forms of protest after national anthem rule 

Sharyl Attkisson: 8 signs a U.S. counterintelligence operation was launched against Trump

Obama Allies Scheme to Kneecap Trump’s New National Security Team

Brat: Social Security, Medicaid money soon gone

James A. Wolfe, former Senate Intel panel security director, indicted for allegedly lying to FBI

Proof Obama sent your money to defeat Bibi in Israel election 

Manafort Behind Bars

IG Report confirms Obama lied about Hillary’s emails

Gay Pride flag replaces military flags at Fort Wayne VA hospital

"All this for a damn flag." ~ Michelle Obama

Leaked Image of Barack Obama Dressed as Satan Goes Viral

Obama administration placed children with human traffickers, report says

America really did have a Manchurian Candidate in the White House

Trump calls Maxine Waters ‘corrupt,’ says she’s becoming the ‘face’ of the Democratic Party

Judge tosses suit alleging Trump campaign conspired with Russians in hack: report

Nunes calls for House probe of 42 Obama-era anti-Trump activists 

Democrats now party of child trafficking and slavery as left-wing mob protests arrests of child traffickers

Muslim Democrat running for Congress calls Israel “apartheid state” and blames it for “evil doings” in Gaza 

Report: Obama Admin ‘Shelved’ Plan to Prosecute Taliban Heroin Traffickers

Trump: Why Didn't Obama Do Something on Russia Hack?

Cybersecurity Guru: Dems Rejected Most Basic Protections In 2016

Socialist Darling Ocasio-Cortz Trashes Israel, Calls Them “Occupiers” of Palestine

Democratic socialism surging in the age of Trump

Democratic socialists of America and Progressive Democrats One and the Same

More and More of What We Do Depends on Government Permission

List: The 35 Criminal And Destructive Acts By The Democrat Party, Deep State, Media And Never Trumpers To Gut America

Past Administrations Used Foreign Aid to ‘Discourage Christian Values’

Portland Police Refused To Help ICE Agents Who Called 911, Agents Say

The Number Of Americans Living In Their Vehicles “Explodes” As The Middle Class Collapses

280 Percent Increase In Young Democratic Socialists Of America Chapters On College Campuses

Ben Shapiro: ‘Socialism Violates Three of the Ten Commandments’

Report: Feinstein’s Personal Driver Of 20 Years Was A Chinese Spy

Obama Officially Backs ‘White Genocide’ in South Africa

Mexican Family Sues Border Agent for Stopping Son Entering US Illegally

Man Who Trained School Shooters Was Hired By Obama, Tied to DNC

DNC co-chair, Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison denies abuse allegations from ex-girlfriend

Obama Admin Holdovers Perpetrating “Greatest Political Scandal In American History”

Poll: Democrats Officially Prefer Socialism To Capitalism

Our National Security is Being Compromised

Evidence At New Mexico Jihad Camp Mysteriously Destroyed By Authorities

T-shirts saying ‘stand for the flag, kneel for the cross’ draw protest at school

Iranian-Backed ‘Sleeper Cell’ Militants Hibernating in U.S., Positioned for Attack

If You Want To Know Why Political Anger Is Becoming A Unifying Force, Point The Finger At Democrats

Details of Communist Ocasio-Cortez’s Ties to George Soros Exposed

Obama Admin Caught in Act Spying on Political Opponent

What Obama and Kerry had planned for the Jewish State

Is Trump right about the violent, hateful left?

Code Pink AZ Senate Candidate Fought To Protect Men Caught With Child Prostitutes

Probe Of Manafort Leads To Possible Federal Charges For Lawyer With Ties To Obama And Clinton

Three Democrats Attended Private Dinner With Iran’s President And Louis Farrakhan

Woodward: No Evidence Of Trump-Russia Collusion Found

Obama, Clinton Counsel Facing Federal Corruption Charges

Rubio Asks Justice Department to Find Whether Kerry Broke Federal Law by Meeting With Iranians

Project Veritas unmasks anti-Trump ‘deep state’ fighter

Deep State Unmasked: State Department on Hidden Cam, “Resist Everything,” “I Have Nothing to Lose”

John Kerry: A Traitor for the Ages

New Jersey Deli Owner Pleads Guilty to $888,000 Food Stamp Fraud Scheme

Ex-Federal Employee Says She Got Leaks From ‘Resistance Movement’ in Government

Many Tentacles of George Soros in America in One Eye-Opening Chart

The Confirmation Process Has Revealed a New and Very Evil Threat to the American People

Mike Adams Warns conservative Senators, Supreme Court justices: The unhinged left is planning “kill team” home invasions to execute you and your families

Eric Holder Questions Legitimacy of Supreme Court; Issues Menacing Call to ‘Use Rage to Vote to Be Rid of Republicans’

Dem Who Said, ‘I Stand for the Flag, I Kneel at the Cross’ Forced to Resign as Local Party Exec

Democrat suggests ‘guillotines’ for Republicans

Republican Candidates Assaulted in Minnesota 

Dem Operative For Soros-Funded Group Arrested For ‘Battery’ Against Republican Campaign Manager in Nevada

New HHS Documents Reveal that ‘Unaccompanied Alien Children’ Processed During Obama Years Included Violent Criminals, Drug Smugglers, and Human Traffickers

Court Docs: Obama Admin Targeting Of Businesses Ran To Top Of FDIC 

Report: Millions in Food Stamp Dollars Flowed to Terrorists

West Virginia Democratic Candidate Was Pagan Witchcraft Cult Leader

New Video Shows Staffers Used Campaign Funds to ‘Illegally Aid' Migrant Caravan

Reply to Rocky Salmon

You sure it wasn't the Illuminati...Quit spreading your hate and lies.

:yawn: "Truth is hate to those who hate the truth." ~ Bob Enyart

Reply to James Murray  

Wow! I thought he was a good guy. I change to Ted!

Not any better. 


Pro Life  Ted Cruz  

Reply to Frank Hajik

Take your political positions and commentary elsewhere.

What is :yawn: my political position? Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10 

Reply to Lynn Beavers

Uncivil.  Please refrain from promoting hatred on this platform.

:yawn: "Truth is hate to those who hate the truth." ~ Bob Enyart

Reply to Lawrence Brann

[Reported post] Have you personally met Beto or Soros?

I’d answer you but you oppose free speech. :shut: Jn 8:36, 2 Co 3:17, Re 13:1-18

…Do you know where your husband is?


...Why don't you show your husband this post.  Sure he will be happy as punch.

This thread if for discussion about your favorite Dumocrat-:Commie: -until you :sozo2: get it removed. :Shimei:

[Post] …[I]t demeans you…

:yawn: Let the reader decide (Eph 4:14). 

Reply to Janet Washburn

…Her husband or other family have no bearing on her view. Do you tell your wife or family how to think?

[Sidebar] I attended Valley Creek Church in this area recently and I was pleased to see that they let a woman :noway: preach/teach. :jump:


Unbiblical Headship Doctrine

Reply to Lawrence Brann

Mrs. Van Anne, your post and replies have such a different tone from your personal page…

:yawn: Proof please (Eph 4:14). :peach:

If a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand (Mk 3:25). :hammer: 

Reply to Christine Grubbs

Becca Reynolds is a respected and valued member of the Teaching Team at Valley Creek Church. There are a lot of women serving in various leadership positions. A great church filled with wonderful people from all walks of life.

Ms. Reynolds was wonderful—sound teaching and encouraging!  :cloud9:  I hope to have the privilege of hearing her again.  At my former church (in Colorado) they did not allow a woman to preach or teach—even in children’s ministry or small groups. :sigh: 

Reply to Kerry Bixby

Politics to religion to equal rights for women--hitting all the bases. Can someone mention anything about race and pro-life/choice? It would then be a perfect thread.

:thumb: We are one race—the human race (Ac 17:26). :Poly: 

[Banned :banned:] "Truth is hate to those who hate the truth." ~ Bob Enyart Mk 9:41, 13:7, 25:8, 40, Dan 10:13, Ps 105:15, Ro 14:4, Mk 6:11, Is 45:24, 54:17, Re 12:10, 12, Jud 1:9  


49ers cheerleader takes knee during anthem

Caravan Organizer?  Truthification Chronicles  

In 2016, Soros Boasted Of Spending $500 Million On Migrants

Democrats are now the party of mass mental illness

Star Parker: Democrats Are ‘The Party of Anti-Christ’

Obama Applauds Voters for Choosing Leaders Who ‘Look Like America’

Newly emboldened Democrats want healthcare protected – and Trump impeached

Radical Leftists take to the streets to demand deep state maintain control over DOJ and Mueller investigation

Illegal Alien Accused of Killing Three Was a DACA Recipient 

Michelle Obama Slams Trump’s Inauguration Crowd: ‘My Husband’s was More Diverse’

New Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib Goes off on Trump: We're Going to 'Impeach the Motherf*cker!'


…Vulgar tirade  

Socialist Democrats: They Didn’t Come To Play, They Came to Destroy the US

New Dem congresswoman literally wipes Israel off her office map 

U.S. Constitution vs. Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals

Newly-Elected Bisexual Democrat Senator Krysten Sinema Refused To Take The Oath Of Office On The Holy Bible

Obama Deep State Put Trump-Russia Intel Scam Into Play In April 2016 – At Exact Same Time Candidate Trump Won GOP Primaries 

Colleges Are Breeding Grounds for Civil War

Rashida Tlaib is a threat to national security

Polls Show Americans Are Warming to Socialism Over Capitalism

Reply to time3times 


[OP] A change that requires a certain kind of faith.

A leftist faith (Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10). :sozo2:

Why America must not surrender America’s pastime to communist Cuba

Dem leaders witness push for new Red revolution

Democrat Presidential Contender Tulsi Gabbard Under Fire for Past Traditional Marriage Support

Democrats Won’t Challenge The Anti-Semitism In Their Party

O’Rourke Questions the Relevance of the Constitution: ‘Does It Still Work?’

Jimmy Carter: Jesus Would ‘Approve’ of Gay Marriage, Some Abortions

Two Presidential Candidates with Muslim Brotherhood and Communist Party Ties Are Running for President

Mexican Cartels Paid Off Mexican President with $100 Million – Former Democrat Claims Democrat Party Being Paid Millions by Cartels As Well

The Democrats Can’t Escape Their Farrakhan Problem

Democrats Propose Eliminating This Word That Witnesses Swear In Oaths. What A Surprise.

Vid: Ilhan Omar Suggests Israel Should Not Be Allowed To Exist As Jewish State, Suggests Not A ‘Democracy’ 

Nancy Pelosi Tells Adopted Woman: Your Mom Should Have Had the “Choice” to Abort You

Radical Muslim Democratic Congresswoman actually defends an Islamic terror attack- and it’s not the first time

Panera’s Socialist Pay-What-You-Want Restaurant Implodes: Students, Homeless Mob The Place

Muslim Congresswoman Caught Trying to Help ISIS Recruits

MN Democrat Ilhan Omar Posts Another Anti-Semitic Tweet and Follows It Up with a “Hook-Nosed” Jewish Retweet

Rep. Rashida Tlaib Wrote Column For Nation Of Islam Publication

The two-faced women who hate Israel – and Jews

‘Ilhan Omar is waging an unholy war against the Jewish people’

Democrats Refuse to Say ‘So Help Me God’ While Swearing-In at House Committee

Dem House Leadership Values Illegal Aliens Over Law-abiding Gun Owners

Thomas Sowell warns U.S. may not resist siren song of socialism: ‘I wouldn’t bet on it’

Democrats read transgender kids book ‘I Am Jazz’ on floor of House of Representatives

Democrats Hire George Soros-Tied Investigator for Latest Trump-Russia Probe

Ocasio-Cortez Fundraising Email: Let’s End The US-Israeli Relationship

Exclusive poll: Young Americans are embracing socialism

Rep. Rashida Tlaib Follows Anti-Semitic Instagram Account

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's America

At age 15, Beto O’Rourke wrote a short story fantasizing about killing children, mass murder

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Mocks Christians For Praying For The Victims And Families Of Those Shot In New Zealand Mosque Massacre 

‘Muslim terrorists’ in New Mexico tied to Democrats

Rep. Ilhan Omar and the land of the pirates

Mueller Witch Hunt Will Go Down as Second Democrat Coup of US Government

‘Muslim Terrorists’ In New Mexico Tied To Democrats

Hunt For Blue November: Democrats Would Sooner Destroy America Than Lose To Trump In 2020

13 Reasons Why the Democratic Party Should Be Declared to be a Domestic Terror Group

Study: Over 10K Illegal Aliens in U.S. from Terrorist-Sponsored Countries

The Obama – Clinton Axis of Evil: From Benghazi to the Steele Dossier

Anti-Semitic Muslim Congresswoman Ilhan Omar Begins Promoting Ridiculous Narrative That The Jewish Jesus Of Nazareth Was ‘A Palestinian’

Former State Dept. Official Under Trump Tells China To Quit Negotiating Until Trump Is Removed In 2020 

Ocasio-Cortez Mocks Conservative Christians, Botches Scripture

Yes, our US troops were ordered to ignore Afghan pedophiles raping little boys

Ocasio-Cortez: Christian & Muslim Prayers ‘Go to the Same Place’ 

Democrats Have Removed ‘So Help Me God’ From House Committee Oaths

Beto Unveils Sodomite Plan Forcing Schools to Allow Boys on Girls’ Sports Teams

Bernie Sanders Says Christianity Is An Insult To Muslims

AOC Advises Illegal Immigrants on Evading Law Enforcement, Cites Soros Group

Democrats trying to fix ‘God problem’

‘Obama left Israel a parting gift of betrayal’

Town in Ilhan Omar’s district votes to ditch Pledge of Allegiance, in the name of diversity

Ilhan Omar Fesses Up to Fake Story She Told 400 Students About ‘Racism’ and ‘Injustice’

US women’s soccer team drops, steps on American flag celebrating World Cup victory

Ocasio-Cortez Slammed with Two Lawsuits After Court Ruling Against Trump Paves the Way

Democrats In Colorado Remove U.S. Flag And Replace It With Mexican Flag Outside ICE Facility In Aurora During Violent Anti-America Riots

Omar: End ‘Capitalist System.’ Guarantee Jobs, Housing, Medicare and Abortion for All

Ilham Omar Supporters Caught Threatening, Attempting “to Dox a Somali WhistleBlower” Who Revealed Ilhan’s Crimes

BDS Proponent Ilhan Omar uses Israeli company to Power Website

Substantial’ evidence Omar committed federal & state crimes

The NFL Strikes A Deal With Luciferian Music Star Jay-Z Using The National Football League To Promote Social Justice Program ‘Inspire Change’

Democrats Suffer Significant Court Defeat in Their Attempt To Impeach President Trump

Ilhan Omar Demands UN Take Control of US Borders in Mirror of European Migrant Crisis

Democrats Attack Religious Liberty in New Resolution, Praise Nonreligious Voters

...Criticizing Churchgoers

...Celebrates Democrats’ ‘Largest Religious Group’ — And It’s Not Christians 

Is Ilhan Omar Leading the Democratic Party to Turn Against God?

Ilhan Omar Calls for Biological Warfare Against American Citizens & ICE Agents

Democratic Party Passes Resolution Against Christianity

If elected to the White House, Democrats promise to ban combustion engines, meat products, transportation and agriculture, plunging America into famine and pestilence

Gorsuch: Those who don't 'have 'great confidence in America' should 'look elsewhere' 

Democrats ‘Coaching’ Migrants During Secret Mexico Trips, Leaked Letter Alleges

Democrats Praise Moloch on Twitter After Fox News Fires Host for Exposing Their Worship of Pagan Deity

The NBA Supports the Coming Tiananmen Square 2.0 and Apologizes to the Mass Murderers Running the Communist Chinese Government

NFL Fines Player $7,000 for Wearing ‘Man of God’ Headband

Democrats are now a party of total anarchy

If You’re Even Mildly Tempted To Vote Democratic In 2020, This 3-Minute Clip Of The Recent CNN LGBTQ+ Town Hall Will Instantly Change Your Mind

Democrats and Sodomite Activists Want to Shut Down American Churches

Republicans storm ‘Soviet-style’ impeachment meeting

Ilhan Omar Refuses to Recognize Muslim Mass Murder of Christians

4 Reasons Socialism Is More Popular Among Americans Than Ever Before

Sham impeachment vote proves all but two Democrats are complicit in treason against America, attempted political coup against a duly elected president

2020 Dems Stand With J Street, Hamas and ISIS Against Israel

Obama State Department Official Calls for Criminalization of Burning the Qur’an

Ilhan Omar Supports Terrorism-Financing Company After They Ask Her for Assistance

Nunes demands Schiff testify in private as part of House impeachment inquiry

Dershowitz: Democrats making up crimes like KGB

Former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch Admits Having No Knowledge of Trump Criminal Activity

Impeachment Witness Yovanovitch Admits Obama Administration Prepped Her on Hunter Biden

Justice Roberts Unilaterally Suspends DC Court's Ruling That Would Make Trump Taxes Available   

Amid Impeachment Circus, Dems Sneak 'Patriot Act' Surveillance Legislation Renewal Past The American People 

Democrats anti-settlement letter just what Pompeo wanted

Report: Ilhan Omar Recruited by a Foreign Government; Passed Sensitive Information to Qatar

If post-hearing polls right, Dems will regret it bigly

Hillary having on-camera seizures, Biden losing his mind every time he talks, Amy Klobuchar violently shaking: Why do Democrats seem so sick?

Democratic Party Leaders Conspire with CHICOMS and Mexican Cartels to Destablize America

Husband of Impeachment Democrat Took $700k from Ukrainian Oligarch

Supreme Court Ends Pelosi’s Reign Of Terror With Landmark Decision On Impeachment

New Nike Kaepernick Shoe Honors Date He First Sat For National Anthem

Virginia Dems to unleash martial law attack on 2A counties using roadblocks to confiscate firearms and spark a shooting war

Democrats in Conjunction with the United Nations Are Moving to Plan B and the Complete Subjugation of fhe United States

California Governor Newsome Has Deployed His Private Army to Ukraine In An Attempt to Destroy Criminal Evidence Against the Democrats

Democrats Want To Outlaw ‘Racist’ Single-Family Housing In Virginia

Secretary Pompeo: Former Obama Officials Are Telling Iran to Wait Out Trump — Then America Will Go Back to Appeasing Iran

Health Ranger warned in 2017 that Obama was a “sleeper cell” committing treason with Iran

Democrats are siding with a genocidal terror state

Democrats Vow Trump Probes to Go On After Impeachment Trial Ends

Democrats Call for Socialism and End of Capitalism at Bernie Sanders Rally

Obama Admin Allegedly Depleted Federal Stockpile Of N95 Masks, Never Replaced, Reports Say

Obama administration funded Wuhan lab

Barack Obama Uses Death of George Floyd to Fan Flames, Condemn America as Racist

Obama scandal: fighting illegal wars in Libya and Pakistan

Amazon allies with communist-funded Antifa terrorism

Thug Life: Pretend Christian Kanye West Joins Black Lives Matter Anti-Police Protests, Scrubs Twitter Feed Of Nearly All His ‘Sunday Service’ Tweets

Riots, like military org., ‘attack and dethrone God’ – Former FBI agent

Convicted Rapist, Torturer and Killer Who Squeezed Her Victim’s Testicles with Pliers Speaks at DNC as “Impactful Community Leader”

Recordings prove they had Seal Team Six executed to cover up deep state crimes 

CIA Whistleblower Exposes Biden’s Alleged Role with the Deaths of Seal Team- Claims to have Documented Proof

The Don's Con :greedy:

Democrat New Jersey Mayor Steals/Opens Trump Food Boxes, Removes President’s Letter, and Replaces It With His Own

Pelosi Says Election Day Results Won’t Matter Biden Will Be President, As Libs Demand UN Intervention

Sensing A Biden Victory, Democrats In Washington DC And Hollywood Begin Calling For All Trump Supporters To Be ‘Arrested And Burned’ To Death

Capitalism For Me, Socialism For You – AOC Unveils “Tax The Rich” Sweatshirts… At $58 Each!

Three members of Congress star in forum with terror financiers, anti-Semites

Obama’s Anti-Semitic Memoirs have just been Revealed

Michelle Obama calls on tech giants to permanently ban Trump

Walmart suspends contributions to U.S. lawmakers who opposed Biden certification 

After Two Weeks Of Sleeping On Cold Marble, Congress Boots National Guard To Local Parking Garages

Biden removes military flags from Oval Office on first day as "president"

Impeachment Follies: Why the Senate Cannot Try Trump

Through the Roof:  President Trump Warned Us Citizens IReport

Virginia school system cancels Dr. Seuss, citing racial ‘undertones’ in writings:

Report: Obama tried to Give Golan Heights to Syria

White House cuts live feed after "President Biden" says he’s ‘happy to take questions’

185 Union Pensions Got Their $86 Billion Piece Of The Covid-19 Rescue “Pie”

"President Biden" Administration Is Rolling Out America’s Version Of Mao’s Genocidal Cultural Revolution

Mainstream Media Ignores "President Biden" Becoming First President In American History To Call For A State Economic Boycott Over Legally Passed Law

Vid: Postal Worker Attacked, Beaten By Women In Search Of "Presdient Biden" Stimulus Money

Gulags are already forming under the "President Biden" regime, with cruel and unusual treatment of protestors who have opposing political views 

Stacey Abrams Is On The Board Of A Group Collaborating With The Chinese Communist Party

Kroger closes 2 Southern California stores over $4 per hour ‘hero pay’ ordinance

Tampa McDonald’s Exposes America’s Systemic Labor Shortage, Forced To Pay People $50 To Interview

US Sees Fewest Births Since 1979

"President Biden" Imports Oil from Iran After Shutting Down Keystone Pipeline and Putting US Oil Workers Out of Work

US Records Second Oil ‘Import’ From Iran in 30 Years From Seized Tanker

The Social Decay That Is Eating Away At America Like A Cancer Is Visible All Around Us

Barack Obama Says That Joe Biden Is Now ‘Finishing The Job’ Of Marxist ‘Wealth Redistribution’ In What Amounts To His Third Term As President

Ilhan Omar equates aggressors and victims: ‘A new low’

Transvetite BMX Athlete Representing the US Threatens to Burn American Flag on Podium if She Wins at Olympics This Summer

Nearly 2 million households owe $15 billion in back rent as eviction moratorium expires

If You Think Forced Vaccinations Are Bad, Just Wait Until Liberals Here In America Finish Construction On The Chinese-Style Social Credit System

"President Biden" Admin Ordered All American Flags Destroyed at US Embassy in Kabul

Eviction Moratorium: A Postmortem On Private Property

”President Biden” Pentagon Says That Americans Trapped Will Not Get ‘Priority Treatment’ As Afghanistan Falls Into The Hands Of Taliban 

Western supply chain collapse eminent as China closes massive shipping facility, claiming Covid “case”   

"President Joe Biden" Has Just Gifted The Taliban In Afghanistan With More Military Weaponry And Ammunition Than Any Other Terrorist Group In The World 

Who Could Have Guessed it? Obama’s “Taliban Five” Were Instrumental in the Overthrow of Afghanistan

"President Biden" To Increase Food Stamp Benefits By 25%, The Largest Hike In The Program’s History

Second wave of a global “shipping nightmare” now taking shape – expect shortages of everything 

Oops They Did it Again:  How "Predsident Biden" just turned over hundreds of billions of dollars worth of expensive military gear to the Taliban

Taliban seized billions worth of US weapons in Afghanistan… was it all staged on purpose?

Afghanistan Could Not Happen Accidentally   

As "President Biden" Continues Obama’s Plan to Close Gitmo, Hundreds of Former Detainees Have Returned to Terrorism and are Killing Americans Again

Evasive Pentagon spox humiliated by relentless reporter on Afghanistan

"President Biden" Increasing Afghan Inflow to U.S. Before All Americans Are Evacuated

4-star U.S. general compares flag-flying Americans to Taliban

Empty Shelf Store Photos From ANP Readers Show America Falling Apart

A video of "Vice President Kamala Harris" laughing hysterically when asked about the Americans stranded in Kabul sent shock waves around the world for its bizarre insensitivity

"President Biden" To Abandon Americans Stranded In Afghanistan Following ISIS Bombings, Continued Threats: Source

‘Walkaway Joe’ Biden Has Just Created The All-New Taliban ‘Badri 313’ Special Forces Brigade Armed To The Teeth With American Military Weaponry

"President Biden" abandoning thousands of Americans in Afghanistan as he takes Afghani citizens out ahead of our own 

A Disgraceful And Disgraced Pretend President Refuses To Take Responsibility For The Stunning Loss Of Human Life In Kabul Airport Attack Today

"President Biden" Admin Provides Taliban With “Kill List” Of Americans, Afghan Allies To Evacuate

General Reportedly Cancels Troop Evacuation, Demands Soldiers ‘Clean The Base For The Taliban’ Before Leaving

The Shortages Are Global, And We Are Being Warned That They Will Intensify 

Pentagon Announces “War Is Over” in Afghanistan — Final Planes Have Left the Country – Hundreds if Not Thousands of Americans Left Stranded

Third-Grade Lesson On Virginia State Education Website Appears To Glorify Communism 

Democrats Are Remaking the Federal Courts at a Record-Breaking Pace

Military Is Flying Terrorists Out of Kabul and Into America

Incomprehensible’ Biden mocked for bizarre hypothetical Yemen attack in angry speech 

The US Withdrawal from Afghanistan Empowers International Terrorism

Increase in Girls Admitted to the E.R. with Motor and Vocal Tics May Be Linked to Social Media Use; Level of Disability “Extremely High” 

Taliban Invites Russia, China, Pakistan, Iran, Turkey and Qatar to Ceremony Announcing New Government in Afghanistan

Vid:  Four Taliban Members Freed by Obama Now Lead Taliban Government 

China discussing takeover of major US military base abandoned in Afghanistan

Supply Lines Latest: Dearth of Workers Risks Even Higher Food Prices

Why Are Joe Biden And The Democrats Bragging About Drone Strike In Kabul That Only Took Out An Innocent US Aid Worker And His 7 Children? 

Donald Trump predicts end of the US under Biden in doomsday warning – ‘Gone downhill!’

Deep State, Deep Trouble

"President Biden": He Abandoned Americans in Afghanistan, Turned His Back on Our US Allies, Was Responsible for Slaughter of 13 Servicemen and Women, and Now He’s Willfully Killing Texans and Floridians

“It Was A Mistake”: Pentagon Admits Biden Killed Up To 10 Innocent Civilians In Kabul Drone Strike

Afghanistan: Amputations and executions will return, says senior Taliban official

Costco Limits Toilet Paper, Paper Towels & Bottled Water Purchases Over Inflation, Supply Chain Breakdown

"President Biden" Administration Doles Out $250K to Wuhan Lab-Linked Group

High gas prices and shortages hit trucking industry, as nation critically needs gasoline and goods transported

“It’s Gotten Out Of Control”: Supply Shortages Plaguing Global Economy Expected To Last A Long Time

An Industry Insider Just Revealed The Truth About What Is Really Behind The Shortages At Our Local Supermarkets

Even The Liberal Media Is Warning Of A “System Collapse” Due To The Failure Of Global Supply Chains

The "President Biden" Administration Just Instituted the Largest Food Stamp Benefit Increase in US History

International shipping workers warn of global transport systems collapse

Afghan rescue workers say there are 10 times more Americans trapped than "President Biden" claims

Ford Foundation exposed as a communist front pushing anti-America propaganda: leaked texts 

Workers who maintain supply chains issue bone-chilling warning every American needs to hear

The Far Left takeover of the Democrat party is dragging America over the cliff

US Government Devolving Into Templar-Like Cult Seeking Pure Power 

Workers who maintain supply chains issue bone-chilling warning every American needs to hear

Major storable food supplier Augason Farms ceases operations for 90 days, citing collapsing supply chain 

Backlog of Ships at Port of LA Reaches Boiling Point

Workers Who Maintain Supply Chains Warn of Worldwide ‘System Collapse’

Costco and Walmart limit toilet paper as supply chain problems worsen

Oil Price Jumps Above $80 and Natural Gas Races Higher, Turbocharged by Supply Shortages 

"President Biden" White House quietly removes sanctions on Iranian missile companies

‘There will be things that people can’t get,’ at Christmas, White House warns

10 Shortages That Are Getting Worse

Report: Supply Chain Crisis Impacting Grocers, ‘Shelves Were Bare’

Buttigieg on supply chain gridlock: "President Biden’s" plan is working

Are the US Supply Chain Disruptions Deliberate? 

State Department Privately Admits ‘Nearly 400’ Americans Still Stuck In Afghanistan

"President Biden" backs UN racist plan to exclude Jews from East Jerusalem

"President Biden" Effect: Thanksgiving 2021 to be the Most Expensive Meal in History of the Holiday

Americans Need To Be Fully Prepared For Events Ahead

What “Supply Chain Problem”? Everything Is Fine.

"President Biden administration" releases ‘Life of Linda’ portraying a woman’s best life is led beholden to government

As The Shelves Get Emptier, How Long Can They Keep The Charade Going?

Damning Report Details How Four US Intel Agencies Failed To Predict Rapid Taliban Victory

Shippers fear ‘catastrophic’ fallout from ‘crazy’ California port fees

Two Major Cities Launch Universal Basic Income Pilot Programs to Solidify Welfare State’s Hold Over the Poor

Des Moines pharmacy staff shortages lead to long waits and closures 

New economic data provides definitive proof: Joe Biden and Democrats are intentionally crashing U.S. economy so they can remake it in the image of communism

Getting Prepared For A Cold Dark Winter Ahead

The US Is Now Closer To A Dictatorship Than A Democratic Republic

Major Retail Chain Stores Closing 

In 2022, “Things Aren’t Gonna Get Done” On An Absolutely Massive Scale

Biden Scheme to Offshore U.S. Jobs Rubber-Stamped by 32 Republicans

Lack of drivers hamstringing supply chain recovery

"President Biden" Admin Considering Shutting Down Another Pipeline, Drawing Criticism and Dire Warnings as Winter Nears

Harvey Milk: US Navy launches ship named for gay rights leader 

"President Biden’s" ‘Unhinged Socialist’ Banking Nominee Wants Oil, Coal, & Gas Industries To ‘Go Bankrupt’

America Is Fully In The Jaws Of Marxist-Communists Whose 5th Column Infectons Are Being Deployed For Action

Farmers Wait Weeks For John Deere Parts As Strikes Paralyze Midwest Factories 

Stalin, Hitler and Mao All “Built Back Better” and America Is About to Learn the True Meaning of That Communist Phrase

Supermarkets Alter Layouts, Use Decoys to Fill Gaps Left by Shortages

"Biden White House" quietly removes sanctions on Iranian missile companies

The Democrats Are a Communist Party Now

"President Biden" Claims Shelves Are Well Stocked as Grocers Ration Food

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene to WND: ‘We have a communist government in charge’

U.S. senator pitches "President Biden’s" ‘Build Back Better’ at Communist Party event

Four Months After Withdrawal, Biden Admin Doesn’t Know Identities of Afghan Refugees Resettled in US

Pentagon Orders Company to Stop Making Faith-Based Dog Tags

Biggest American corporations named most ‘woke’ 

"President Biden" Sparks Uproar with Plan to Rip Covid Aid Funds from Rural Areas, Funnel Toward Cities

A Democratic U.S. Senator Is a Communist; What’s the GOP Going To Do About It?

About 1,450 Afghan Children Evacuated To US Without Parents; 250 Still Remain In Government Shelters

Huge Number Of Food Shortages Predicted For 2022 By A Variety Of Experts

"President Biden" Bans Conservatives and Christians from the Military

Democrats Reject Work Ethic, Embrace Freeloaders

"President Biden" to Distribute Additional $4.5 Billion to Help Low-Income Families Cover Heating Costs After He Blew Up US Energy Prices

What the Democrats Cannot Hide Is Their Intention to Commit Genocide-The 8 Stages of Genocide 

Now Even the Far-Left Media is Reporting on the Grocery Crisis and Empty Shelves Across the Nation

Food shortages of meat, eggs, poultry, other commodities worsening in U.S. supermarkets amid new supply chain disruptions

Supply chain crisis: Empty shelves at grocery stores across the US 

American grocery store shelves growing increasingly bare as "President Biden" supply chain crisis accelerates 

“Dark Outlook”: Dismal NBC Poll Reveals Most Americans Think Country Going “Downhill” And Is “Lost”

Stock Market Crash Could Wipe Out Trillions 

"President Biden" To Designate Qatar A Major Non-NATO Ally Amid Efforts To Blunt Putin's ‘Energy Weapon’

American "President" ‘Walkaway Joe’ Biden Authorizes Strike On ISIS Leader In Syria Killing 13 People Including 4 Women And 6 Children

The "President Biden" Administration is Destroying America By Pitting Americans Against Each Other In the Ultimate Divide and Conquer Strategy

"President Biden" abandoned as many as 9,000 Americans in Afghanistan, new report shows

Ford says chip shortage will force it to halt or cut production at 8 plants: reports

Rampant Drug Shortages! Right Now There Are Shortages Of 116 Different Pharmaceutical Drugs In The United States

Port of Long Beach still not operating 24/7, despite Biden’s promise

Key Indicator Hints America Is Headed For Worst Real Estate Crash Ever

DOD Admits "President Biden" Admin Let In 28 Afghans with Suspected Terrorist Ties 

US troops deployed, fence built for "President Biden" State of the Union Address

"President Biden" admin says social distance, wear a mask while sheltering from nuclear bomb

Despite southern border crisis, CBP agents asked to deploy to Europe for Ukraine conflict

"President Biden" Asks for Billions for Covid and Ukraine

Leaked tape reveals Obama State Dept. plotting Ukraine coup in 2014

"President Biden" Begging Socialist Venezuela for Oil After Killing US Independence

Saudi Arabia, UAE leaders not returning "President Biden’s" calls, disappointed with US

“It’s Appalling”: In Hilarious Reversal, "President Biden" Admin Now Slams Shale For Not Raising Output

Exclusive: Special Counsel’s Office Is Investigating The DNC Server Hack

War in Ukraine halts almost all shipping in the Black Sea, threatening global supply chain

‘Are You Guys Just Going To Start Blaming Putin For Everything?’: Doocy Presses Psaki On Inflation And Soaring Gas Prices

"President Biden's" Supreme Court nominee Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson denounced a Boston Herald columnist as “irredeemably evil” for criticizing unrestricted immigration

US Credibility Plummets In The Arab World As "President Biden" Looks To New Terrorist Allies

White House Furiously Backpedals After "President Biden" Tells US Troops In Poland That ‘When You’re There’ In Ukraine ‘You’re Going To See’ People And Tanks 

America is dismantling the pillars of its own empire – Saudi editor to ‘Post’

US Top Commander In Europe Forced To Rebut Latest "President Biden" Remarks

Professor: Hate inflation? Take the bus, don’t eat meat, cut back on pet care  

World Bank says war shocks to drag on Asian economies

Jen Psaki Confirms the "President Biden" Administration is Providing Free Smartphones to Illegal Immigrants Entering the U.S.

America is running out of military munitions and can’t replace them for years due to industrial decline and supply chain collapse 

Supply Chain Woes to Worsen in Summer Months: Trucking Company

Engineered supply chain shutdowns are clot shots against the global economy

"President Biden" regime purposely making US weaker by giving away crucial military weapons to Ukraine with no ability to replace them

Chinese Communist Party-tied company chief confirmed visiting "Presient Biden" White House

The Biden Administration Tells Israel They Have No Right To The Temple Mount And Warns That Jews Praying There Is ‘Provocative’ And Must Stop

US reports shortage of Javelins, Stingers after Ukraine aid

Source Inside the Federal Government Reveals Suspected and Known Terrorists Walk Freely in the United States Following "President Biden" Administration’s Pullout in Afghanistan

"President Biden": ‘So Many Muslims Are Targeted With Violence’ and ‘Oppressed for Their Religious Beliefs’ 

"President Biden’s" new press secretary accused of “anti-Semitic hostility towards Israel”

"President Biden" Refuses To Take Any Blame For His Terrible Economy, Instead Says Putin's War, Covid And ‘Ultra MAGA’ Are Really Causing The Problem

"President Biden" to visit Jerusalem with unprecedented statement: Zion belongs to Muslims

US “Running Low” On Javelin Missile Stockpiles After Supplying Ukraine, Warns Congressman

"President Biden" Will Ease Sanctions On Venezuela’s Maduro Amid Scramble For Alternative Oil

Oil From "President Biden’s" Emergency SPR Release Is Heading For Europe

As Food Becomes Scare, Rents Explode And Gas Prices Skyrocket, Is The Coming Collapse The Result Of Incompetence Or Is It Build Back Better? 

"President Biden" White House Supply Chain Advisor Is a World Economic Forum Climate Change Activist Who Worked at Hunter Biden’s Think Tank.

Your Tax Dollars at Work: Ukrainian Officials Keep Getting Caught Fleeing Country with Suitcases Full of Cash and Euros

The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : Pressure Mounts on Pentagon Over Lack of Oversight for Ukraine Military Aid

"President Biden" Admin: Chinese Communist Party Is “Integral” to Global Progress

Europol Warns Weapons Shipped To Ukraine Could Be Used By “Criminal Groups” For Years

”President Biden” takes steps to walk back Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital 

Communist Pelosi Production 

"President Biden" is the fulfillment of a generations-old strategy of communist infiltration for purposes of destruction

"President Joe Biden" Holds Massive ‘Days Of Lot’ Sodomite Pride Event At White House

"President Biden" begs U.S. companies to buy Russian fertilizer to solve problem he helped create

State attorneys general argue "President Biden’s" new Sodomite school lunch rule is illegal 

"President Biden" Calls Gas Tax Holiday a ‘Big Help.’ Obama Called It a ‘Gimmick'

"President Biden" Blames Putin , Refiners, & Gas Stations For Record Prices: ‘Cost Of Saving Democracy’

"President Biden’s" Multi-Trillion Dollar Federal “Stimulus” Package Cost Taxpayers $855,000 Per Job Saved, Made “Near-Zero Impact on National Income and Economic Growth”

Demolition of supply chains is pre-civil war sabotage to shape the battlefield for domestic warfare against We the People

"President Biden" Demands Gas Stations Lower Prices, Gets Praised by China

The US military can’t find recruits

"President Biden" admin lets 5 million oil barrels from US reserves go to China, Europe

...To Hunter Biden-Tied Chinese Firm ‘Impeachable’: Republicans

Hunter Biden tied to Chinese company that bought oil "President Joe Biden" released

China Brags About Giving Taliban $37 Million – They’ve Got Nothing on the $84 Billion Joe Biden Surrendered to the Terrorist Regime 

"President Biden" to seek compensation for terrorists whose guilt has not been proven

People Are Now Resorting To Micro-Loans To Afford Groceries & Gas

US taxpayers are now picking up the salary tab for Ukraine’s corrupt government 

US Tax Dollars Funding Text Message Censorship In Brazil 

US stocks declined as global markets digested red-hot UK CPI data and the latest FOMC Minutes – Newsquawk Asia-Pac Market Open

"President Biden" to Give Ukraine $800 Million in Additional Military Aid

"President Biden" Announces Student Loan Relief Which Will Mostly Benefit Top Earners 

"President" Joe Biden Has Stocked His Administration With Sodomites

Pro-Nazi  Democrat Party

$1.3 Billion in Covid Relief Funds Ended Up Overseas, Says Inspector General

A time of Leftist, Globalist Elites

Sodomite Satanist Joins US Govt 

US military getting weaker; Navy ‘weak’, Air Force even worse says Heritage study

U.S. military degrading rapidly under "President Biden"

Netanyahu: Obama had ‘not just bad policy, but malice’ towards Israel

Focus on ‘Christian nationalism’ is ‘smokescreen,’ real threat is ‘neo-Marxism,’ Christian scholars say

"President Biden" Administration Illegally Undermining Jewish Sovereignty Over Jerusalem Which Is Official Policy Of The United States

"President Biden" administration probed over funding to the Palestinian Authority

NYC Crime Statistics: Rape, Robbery, Burglary, Grand Larceny Surging

New Data Wipes Out Democrat Narratives on Crime

Criminals first, safety last: L.A. to close jail, dump prisoners on streets

Regardless Of Who’s Elected, Imperial Corruption Rules The Nation

Eerie Similarities Between Democratic Party And Chinese Communist Party Lingo

White House won’t say how it spent $1 billion in Taliban-controlled Afghanistan

San Francisco Launches Guaranteed Income Program for Transgender Community 

Arizona Now Giving Illegals In-State College Tuition 

After 15 Break-Ins, A Portland Business Finally Calls It Quits

US to spend $50k to seed India with ‘Pride/Rainbow’ groups

It Is Beginning: 41 Percent Of All Small Business Owners Could Not Pay Rent In November

Thousands of California’s Convicted Pedophiles are Being Released From Prison in Less Than a Year

Three-Judge Panel Rejects Biden Bid To Restore Student Debt Relief

“Gloomiest In A Decade” – US Manufacturing Surveys Tumble Into Contraction

"President" Biden Leaves Wrongly Imprisoned US Marine Paul Whelan Stuck In A Russian Jail Cell While Bragging About Freeing The Anti-American Brittany Griner

"President Biden" WH has Baphomet Head for Christmas Decoration 

Nonbinary Biden admin. official charged again for luggage theft; police issue arrest warrant

"President Biden" admin directs pregnant migrant girls to be sheltered in states with abortion access

"President Biden" Invites Pretend Drag Queens To White House To Celebrate Signing of the ‘Respect For Marriage Act’ 

Leftists Aren’t Capable Of Surviving Economic Collapse – Here’s Why

Pelosi’s Office Was Directly Involved In Failed Jan. 6 Security, Texts And Emails Reveal

Your Leftist Government Hates You

San Francisco Businesses Demand Tax Refund Over Drugs, Crime, & Homelessness Crisis

Lawsuit challenges Biden to stop funding Palestinian terror, violating federal law

"President" Biden, Congress send billions to Ukraine but fail to pay National Guard troops on time 

Bovard: Liberals Learned Nothing In 2022

What To Expect From The Government In 2023? More Of The Same.

Grocery Stores In NYC Consider Locking Up Food Because Theft Has Become So Rampant

No trains, no planes, no automobiles and no gas – welcome to the de-civilization Democrat utopia

Dems join GOP in vote to block Biden from selling strategic oil reserves to China

Chickens Starve at California Farm as Corn Shipments Run Late

One of the 9/11 Terrorist Planners Released from Gitmo 

After Biden sent $1B to Palestinians, Israeli deaths from terror attacks rose 900%

US-funded Palestinian school held ceremony celebrating terrorist who murdered Jews

US joins Security Council condemnation of Israeli settlements, violence from ‘all parties’

"President" Biden Administration Demands Israel Stop Building in The West Bank

Democrats take a cue from Hitler, says former politician, party member

Democrat Congressman Mocks God During Hearing

Biden’s $400 billion student loan relief plan set for Supreme Court showdown

Pennsylvania Republicans call on Fetterman to show himself on camera to prove he’s ‘alive and well’ or resign

AOC ethics investigation results: ‘substantial’ reason to believe she broke federal law

"President Biden’s" woke proposed 2024 budget would fund veterans’ ‘sex changes’ 

Biden’s State Department overlooks Iranian plots to kill Americans on US soil

"President Biden" Puts Muslim Brotherhood in Key Diplomatic and Intelligence Roles

Stop “Scientific Money Laundering” and Billions Funneled to China Via US-Funded Research

Biden adviser attacks Uganda’s anti-sodomy bill: Sodomite ‘rights’ are a ‘core part of our foreign policy’

Uganda Enacts Death Penalty for Gay Pedophiles, Biden Threatens Sanctions

Taliban Releases Video of Fields of US Military Vehicles, Piles of US High-End Weapons, and Rooms Filled with Stacks of 100 Dollar Bills "President Joe Biden" Surrendered 

Transgender Health Official Says Drugging and Mutilating Children Has ‘Highest Support’ From "President Biden" Administration 

A New Phase in US-Israel Relations

Kroger Closes Stores 

Full list of US restaurant chain closures revealed

Small Businesses File For Bankruptcy At Record Pace, Surpassing Covid Crash

Walmart is axing 2,000 warehouse jobs weeks after retail chain announced store closures

“Not Lovin’ It”: McDonald’s Slashes Pay Closes Offices, Layoffs Workers 

Dems call for aid to Israel be conditioned on ending “gross human rights violations”

"President Biden" Administration Paves Way for Confucius Institute Affiliate Schools to Receive Federal Funding

"President Biden's" New Mortgage Equity Program Begins

Homeless Veterans Displaced by Democrats to Make Way for Armies of Migrants

NYC to ban weight discrimination 

House Republican Submits Resolution To Expel ‘Liar’ Adam Schiff From Congress

American flag upside down over US Capitol

"President Joe Biden" Says China Sent “Silly Balloon” Over US for a Week – Spying on Military Bases

"President Biden" punishing folks with good credit

U.S. House Republican representative files articles of impeachment against Biden and others

More Than 50,000 US Stores Will Close By 2027 According To UBS

US ‘deeply troubled’ by Homesh yeshiva reopening

Biden’s ex-nuclear official played key role in blasphemous drag ‘nuns’ group

Capitol police stop children’s choir from singing National Anthem 

Office of Special Counsel Determines Biden Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre Violated Federal Law

Transsexual activists flashed their fake, opposite-sex chests at "President" Biden’s Sodomite celebration on the White House south lawn

America’s Infrastructure Is Collapsing Right In Front Of Our Eyes

Yuri Bezmenov: The four stages of Marxist ideological subversion 

Drug And Food Shortages Are Here, And They Will Get A Lot Worse

Fetterman struggles through press brief; Slammed for outfit

"President Biden" Has No Answer For Communist China Setting Up A Military Base In Cuba 90 Miles Off The Coast Of The United States

Undercover Video Exposes BlackRock Recruiter Bragging About How Little It Takes to ‘Buy a Senator’

New Hampshire’s transvestite Rep. Stacie Laughtonender arrested on child porn charges

Vid: "President Biden" Trans ‘Health’ Official Claims Gender Surgery On Kids Is “Literally Suicide-prevention Care”

More than $200 billion in Covid-19 aid may have been stolen, federal watchdog says

China-owned car company may get boost from Biden tax credits meant for U.S. automakers

Taliban praise Biden for pushing their propaganda

Socialist Georgia mayor arrested after burglarizing home, cursing out homeowner

America’s Homicide Crisis

Republicans double down on Israel support, Democrats become even more anti-Israel

Outgoing US Ambassador approved nearly $1 million to support delegitimizing Israel

Vast Hordes Of Americans Are Being Forced Out Into The Streets As The Middle Class Disintegrates

Wall Street Journal: Biden treats Netanyahu worse than the mullahs in Iran

US, NATO Weapons Stockpile At “Dangerously Low” Levels: Top Air Force General

Over half of US beaches contain unsafe levels of feces 

Democrats Want To Ban Words “Husband” And “Wife”

House approves resolution: Israel is not a racist or apartheid state

Montana State Library Exits National Group Over ‘Marxist Lesbian’ President

Ex neo-Nazi leader reveals why white supremacists are pro-Biden 

Western-supplied equipment stolen in Ukraine

Dem donor behind vast pro-China propaganda network

Conservative groups sue to block Biden plan canceling $39 billion in student loans

Omar expresses support for woman who burned and buried aborted baby’s remains

Biden Wants to Give $500 Million to the Socialist Lula da Silva to “Save” the Amazon in Brazil

Hospitals across the U.S. closing down maternity wards due to staff shortages, low birth rates

The "President Biden" The Biden administration is auctioning off millions of dollars’ worth of unused parts from the border wall for peanuts

Dependency On The State

China Rapidly Building Airstrip On Disputed Island Close To Vietnam

Report: "President Biden" Wanted To Partner With Communist Chinese App To Spy On Americans

U.S. Turns to the Democratic Republic of the Congo Notorious for Child Labor and Unsafe Mines to Source Its Electric Vehicle Ambitions

Parent Slams California School For Holding ‘No Whites Allowed’ Kids Playdate

Mexico: New textbook backlash continues with protests, book burning. Books laced with “Marxist-communist” indoctrination, the books teach communism, homosexuality and lesbianism.

Chinese spies breach US military bases, gov’t sites 100 times, officials say

Senate Democrats lobby Blinken to bar Israel from visa waiver program

"President Biden" Admin Gives $2,200 to Each Illegal Alien Family: A Plane Ticket, Housing, Food, Free Medical Services

Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party Legislators embrace ‘socialist’ label 

‘Jews Are The Problem’: Former US Congresswoman Promotes Antisemitic-Black Nationalist Crossover Event

Company With Ties to Communist China Will Receive Billions from American Taxpayers for Electric Vehicle Battery Factory in Illinois

The Taliban Has Detained an American, and 18 Others, for Promoting ‘Christianity’

How Leftists Uses Irrationality to Change Society

Robert Menendez, Democrat senior U.S. Senator for New Jersey, was indicted for engaging — along with his wife Nadine Menendez (Arslanian) — in a “corrupt relationship with three New Jersey associates and businessmen”

"President" Biden Admin Cuts Razor Wire, Flooding Texas Town With Thousands of Illegals, and Creating a State of Emergency

Shutdown looms as US Senate, House take dueling tacks on funding

Biden’s National Security Adviser: One of the ‘True Friends for the Chinese People’

Biden State Dept funds group with ties to Palestinian Islamic Jihad

Less than half of Democrats say they’re willing to die fighting for America if another country invaded, according to Daily Mail poll: Three in 10 between 18 and 29 say they would surrender

Black Lives Matter groups post pro-Hamas terrorist messages

For 3rd Time In As Many Years, Americans Are Stranded In A War Zone Under "President" Biden’s Watch

Oil Prices Are Now Rising, & Biden Already Drained The Strategic Petroleum Reserve

Minnesota AG Keith Ellison’s chief of staff promotes pro-Hamas rally

The streets of America are now teeming with thieves, drug addicts, prostitutes, violent criminals and sexual predators

US records surge in anti-Semitism

NYPD Rescue Jewish Students at Cooper Union College Trapped by Menacing Pro-Hamas Mob 

UC Berkeley class offers credit for attending pro-Palestinian rallies

New Footage of Dem Who Pulled Fire Alarm Released 

Commandant of the US Marine Corps Issued a Dire Warning to the Terrorists

An Uncomfortable Truth: The “Innocent Palestinians”

Democrats Blast New House Speaker For Unabashedly Holding To A Biblical Worldview

Democrat Candidate Promoted ‘After School Satan Club’ And Authored ‘Demonic’ Books Aimed At Children, Report Says

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez accuses pro-Israel group of racism

Nancy Pelosi Served with Subpoena Related to Criminal Case

22 RePublicans Voted with Dems to Save Rashida Tlaib

Vice President Harris’ stepdaughter is fundraising for Gaza

‘Long live the intifada’: Hamas supporters vandalize White House

"President" Biden Admin Asks Supreme Court To Strike Down Bans On Trans Procedures For Minors

House censures Rashida Tlaib for calling for Israel’s destruction

Canary Mission links Tlaib to three more fundraisers with ties to Hamas

White House security advisor discusses ‘dire’ Gaza situation with UNRWA head

Brazilian Conservative Prodigy Ignites UN Stage with Dire Alert: Unmasking the Communist Plot Threatening America’s Foundation  

Shellenberger: Why Democrats Became The Totalitarians They Warned Us About

Gold Bars Discovered in House of Democratic Senator Are Connected to Armed Robbery

Zionist Arab puts hostage photos, Israeli flag outside Rashida Tlaib’s office

Security network: 199 threats against Jewish institutions – in just 24 hours 

Antisemitism surges 337% since October 7; highest level ever recorded

House Previously Investigated Secret Sex Tape Scandal 18 Months Prior to Senate Staffer’s Explicit Filming Fiasco

American Hostage Dies In Gaza – White House Silent, No Plan On Horizon

Obama pressured Harvard not to fire its president after antisemitism hearing

NYPD Mobilization At JFK Airport To Protect Travelers From Pro-Palestinian Mob

Rashida Tlaib crowned ‘Antisemite of the Year’ 2023 by StopAntisemitism

‘This is New York, Not Palestine, Not Gaza!’ Angry New Yorkers Confront Anti-Israel Protesters Across City

"President Biden" says US doesn’t support Taiwan independence

Religious Themes Banned in Jill Biden’s White House Easter Egg Contest for National Guard Children

Dem-Led Jan. 6 Committee Made Suspicious Move with Files Days Before GOP Took Majority

"President" Biden claims Holocaust Remembrance Day is about “LGBTQ+”

Republicans Slam Biden for Troop Deaths: ‘Left Our Troops as Sitting Ducks’

Ilhan Omar Needs To Be Expelled From Congress & Investigated As An Undeclared Foreign Agent

Democrat senator promotes Satanism in Arizona state Capitol

Three US soldiers died because "president" Biden won’t stand up to Iran

Tlaib ‘present,’ as House votes unanimously to condemn Hamas for rape

Dems enraged by Christian pastor’s House invocation

Biden, Kamala Send Ramadan Message Empathizing with Hamas Supporters 

Schumer provides cover for Biden’s smears of Israel

"President" Biden’s Top Intelligence Agency Warns Personnel Not to Use Words Like ‘Jihadist’ and ‘Islamic-Extremist,’ These ‘Problematic Phrases’ Could Hurt Muslims Feelings

‘Don’t pretend Jesus was a Palestinian’ – Historian blasts AOC’s ‘Palestinian Jesus’ tweet

Rashida Tlaib Refuses to Condemn ‘Death to America’ Chants 

Ilhan Omar Silent After Daughter’s Arrest, Suspension for Role in Columbia University Anti-Israel Protest

Report: "President" Biden Admin greenlights ICC arrest warrants targeting Israeli officials

"President" Biden condemns pro-Israel protesters

ADL head: Ilhan Omar’s claim Jewish students ‘pro-genocide’ a blood libel

Calls For A ‘Final Solution’ Are Being Heard In America

‘One day, the connection between the White House and radical Islamist organizations will be made public’ – former Israeli NSC head Eiland

‘Squad’ Democrats praise ICC for seeking Netanyahu’s arrest

Elon Musk affirms informal poll claiming pro-Hamas protesters are Democrat supporters

US Lawmakers Linked to Democratic Socialists of America Silent on Organization’s Public Hamas Endorsement

"President" Biden’s plan to save Hamas

"President" Biden has delivered millions in taxpayer money to the Taliban

Sen. Cruz to Newsmax: Biden, Dems ‘Funded the Death Squads’ on Oct. 7

"President" Biden offers $400 million more to terrorists within Israel

AOC and progressives can’t hide their role in stoking antisemitism

Sanders, AOC to host rally for congressman who ramps up anti-Israel attacks

PM slams Biden, says ‘inconceivable’ to withhold arms from ‘closest ally’

"President" Biden’s Green Energy Agenda Would Make Military Reliant on China

Forgotten US captives 

Ilhan Omar failed to report assets stemming from husband’s shady wine and weed ventures, ethics complaint charges

Ilhan Omar Slapped With Ethics Complaint From Conservative Watchdog Over Holding Rally With Ex-Somali PM

Sen. Bob Menendez found guilty in corruption trial

Ilhan Omar votes against bill to deport illegal immigrants who assault police

Cuban President admits economic crisis is causing a spike in ‘violence, addictions, and vandalism’ 

Canada: “Worst Decline In 40 Years” 

US Reps. Ocasio-Cortez, Bowman, Omar slapped with lawsuit for ‘inciting’ Columbia University anti-Israel encampment

Taliban parades US military vehicles 3 years after Biden-Harris’ disastrous withdrawal

Kamala’s First Economic Plan Proposes Price Controls To “Combat Inflation”

House GOP probes Walz’s ties to China for ‘possible CCP influence’

Omar, Ocasio-Cortez rip Biden over Israel support, demand arms embargo

Linda Sun: NYC political operative charged with being Chinese agent became aide to Hochul, Cuomo

"President" Biden Administration “bypassing sanctions” to increase trade with Iran

‘They’re Practically Recognizing Hamas,’ Top Terror Group Official Says of "President" Biden Administration

Connecticut State Rep. Who Attacked Primary Opponent for Being Jewish Faces Expulsion From Local Democratic Party

Tlaib cries ‘Islamophobia’ over cartoon showing her with exploded pager

AOC’s ‘red light’ district overrun with prostitutes 

New York City Mayor Eric Adams surrenders to federal authorities to face corruption charges

The war on families and the war on children

President Trump Demands The Resignation of Every Military Official Involved With Treasonous Afghanistan Withdrawal “By Noon”

Omar curses out pro-Israel advocates in her congressional office

Lame-duck "President" Biden Admin Sanctions Israelis, Sends $230M to Palestinians

"President" Biden awards Soros, Hilliary Clinton the Presidential Medal of Freedom

Sen. Adam Schiff re-hires staffer with ties to anti-Israel group















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