
Bloomberg to De Blassio...and Fruits and Nuts :zman: on the Left Coast 

[Plastic-Foam Containers, if the Mayor Gets His Way By Michael M. Grynbaum] "...Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, whose regulatory lance has slain fatty foods, supersize sodas, and smoking in parks, is now targeting plastic foam, the much-derided polymer that environmentalists have long tried to restrict..." Full text: Plastic-Foam Containers, if the Mayor Gets His Way Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10

[Mayor Bloomberg to stoners: Small amounts of pot no longer get a night in jail by Tina Moore & Dan Hirschhorn] "New York State is also considering decriminalizing small amounts of marijuana...." Full text:
Mayor Bloomberg to stoners: Small amounts of pot no longer get a night in jail Eph 5:18, Jn 8:36, Re 13:17


Tax & Spend Liberals  

Change You Can Believe In

Global Warming


Egalitarian Society




Identity Politics


Federalizing Police




Psyop Civil War in America

China Rising

Big Agri'



Agenda 21

National Debt

Big Banking


Department of Energy




Borders, Language, Culture

Donald Trump & Conspiracy Theories  

War on Christians

Be Not Drunk with Wine by John MacArthur

The End is So Near... (right click, open) by Darrell Ferguson


Now earbuds. Eccl 10:2

Bloomberg Takes Aim at Loud Music -- On Your Earbuds

Response to comment [from other]: "... The horror! An informational campaign?"

What area of life do you think Bloomberg does not want to control? Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10


Bloomberg: Government Probably Shouldn't Force Exercise

Judge Halts New York City Soda Ban

Response to comment [from other]: "Since you live in Colorado, I can understand why you'd be so upset that NYC will have an informational campaign about hearing loss from earbuds."

I live in New York, too.


"Oh, I didn't realize that. Part of the year or something? In NYC or further upstate? Military?"


Why would it matter?


"Wow. Curiosity. Conversation. I lived a great part of my life in NY. But no matter."


Think we should welcome the opinions of others who have not lived here?


"If NYC has an informational campaign on the dangers of hearing loss from earbuds, why in the world would anyone from somewhere else care?"


It's about control not earbuds or soda. You don't have to live in New York to have an opinion. Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10


Spartan Women

New York Soda Ban Struck Down, Bloomberg Promises Appeal

"People are dying everyday..."

By abortion?

"...This is not a joke!" ~ Bloomberg

Hysteria is a trait of the Left.


Tactics of the Left

"Is an informational campaign about the danger of hearing loss from earbuds really communist?"


Why is he going back to court over soda? Re 13:17




urges revival of Soviet-era fitness tests


Mississippi passes 'anti-Bloomberg' bill

Response to comment [from a Jew]: "Seems reasonable to me. Exactly why is banning Styrofoam a bad thing?"


Why doesn't he want to limit the size of margaritas?


Substance Abuse

Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "You really expected serpent to tell the truth?"


Ad hominem


Mayor Bloomberg seeks ban on New York's in-store cigarette displays


Now Mayor Bloomberg wants to protect you from social media?


Response to comment [from a Catholic]: [Zoo quote: I read the drivel, but I couldn't find anything that said Bloomberg wants to control social media. Please show us.] "It looks like she is controlling you."


2 Pe 2:22


NYC schools ban butter


Response to comment [from an agnostic]: "You say that a lot, I wonder why?"


I say that when someone commits an ad hominem fallacy. [] is an abbreviation for any fallacious argument, FYI.

A few housekeeping items:

I ask people to make their best argument first so that I am able to respond to that.

If you only reply with a fallacious argument, I am less likely to read the rest of the post. TOL no longer has an e-mail notification so if you do post again; most often I will not see the reply.


Response to comment [from a Christian]: "I guess Serpentdove is fine with legalizing pot, since he didn't respond to my argument against his stance?"


Didn't see it. No, I'm not for legalizing marijuana. Eph 5:18

As a reminder, instant email notification is inop.


"The Bible says that Christians shouldn't be busybodies..."

Lk 19:13

But let none of you suffer as a murderer, or as a thief, or as an evildoer, or as a busybody in other men’s matters [1 Pet. 4:15].

"Peter puts murder right down with gossiping and criticizing others; he makes no distinction between them at all. Paul did the same thing. Actually, Paul and Peter and James agree on everything. They are all preaching the same gospel that produces the same kind of a life.

Peter says that we ought not to be suffering for our own sins. God never tests you with sin, my friend; He never tests you with evil, as James makes clear to us in his epistle. Peter says, “Let none of you suffer as a murderer.” McGee, J. V. (1997). Thru the Bible commentary (electronic ed.) (
1 Pe 4:15). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.

1 Pe 4:15. Peter stressed that persecution was no excuse for lawlessness. Christians were not to retaliate (3:9). Physical violence was not to be met by murder. Confiscation of property was not to be compensated for by theft. No matter what their trials, Christians were to do nothing that would justify punishing them as criminals (cf. 2:19; 3:17). They were not to suffer as a murderer or thief or any other kind of criminal, or even as a meddler. Even interfering in other people’s affairs is out of place for Christians (cf. 1 Tim. 5:13)." Raymer, R. M. (1985). 1 Peter. In J. F. Walvoord & R. B. Zuck (Eds.), The Bible Knowledge Commentary: An Exposition of the Scriptures (J. F. Walvoord & R. B. Zuck, Ed.) (1 Pe 4:15). Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.

"Serpent- I'm not sure how that's a refutation of what I said. The Bible is pretty clear that there are indeed different types of sins with different levels of punishment (At least, if you reject the purgatory explanation, and I do reject it.) I can't remember the text off hand, and its late, but its the one where Jesus says something along the lines of: "He who knows, and still commits sin, will be beaten with many stripes, he who doesn't know will be beaten with few..." (Note that that's a paraphrase.) Jesus also tells some Israelite town that "On the Day of Judgment it will be better off for Sodom and Gomorrah than for you." Note that there's clearly a different of degree. I have no doubt Sodom and Gomorrah were damned for their sins, but the Israelite town was even worse off."

All sins are not equal.


Are All Sins Equal?


"All that said, its pretty clear as well that Paul doesn't consider any kind of sin, including being a busybody (Which all theocrats are, by definition) anything to kid around about."


We aren't to be busybodies. We are to occupy until he comes.


"...no work at all, but acting like busybodies. 2Th 3:11..." Thomas, R. L., & The Lockman Foundation. (1998). New American Standard exhaustive concordance of the Bible: Updated edition. Anaheim: Foundation Publications, Inc.

"...περιεργάζομαι [periergazomai /per·ee·er·gad·zom·ahee/] v. From 4012 and 2038; GK 4318; AV translates as “be a busybody” once. 1 to bustle about uselessly, to busy one’s self about trifling, needless, useless matters. 1A used apparently of a person officiously inquisitive about other’s affairs." Strong, J. (2001). Enhanced Strong’s Lexicon. Bellingham, WA: Logos Bible Software.


"I didn't say all sins were equal."


Right.  I agree with you.


"To me its a personal liberty issue."


Are you a pothead?


"...The golden rule applies."


That ol' chestnut.

Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets [
Matt. 7:12].

"All right, when you meet somebody new, how are you going to treat him? You don’t know—you are not to judge—but if he is a dog or a swine, you had better know. You have to beware of phonies today. So what do you do? Make it a matter of prayer. “Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them.” This is the principle on which you should operate. “Therefore” is the most important word in the Golden Rule. It relates the Golden Rule to that which precedes it. That is, it postulates it on prayer. It all comes together in one package. Don’t lift out the Golden Rule and say that you live by it. Understand what the Lord is talking about. Only as we “ask, seek, and knock” are we able to live in the light of the Golden Rule." McGee, J. V. (1991). Vol. 34: Thru the Bible commentary: The Gospels (Matthew 1-13) (electronic ed.) (102–103). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.


"I may not like what someone is doing, but since I wouldn't want someone to interfere with my life if I wasn't hurting anyone else, I'll grant other people the same respect."


A Libertarian is an immoral conservative (Enyart).

"...[T]hat is honestly what I believe the Bible teaches."


You'd be wrong.

How ya doing with that Golden Rule?


Christian Ethics


Latest load of garbage from Mike’s ‘bully’ pulpit


Bloomberg: ban sparklers Jer 7:6, GWT


Bloomberg’s Latest ‘Nanny’ Move: Pushing People to Take the Stairs


[Former U.S. Rep. Allen West’s prepared remarks for Western Conservative Summit] "...[W]hen you start choosing government, and not God, you start believing some nutty things.

See, if you believe that the words “separation of Church and State” are in the Constitution, but the right to bear arms isn’t – you might be a liberal.

If you believe in the right to choose an abortion, but not the size of your soda – you might be a liberal.

If you believe in getting government out of the bedroom, unless it’s taxpayer subsidized birth control – you might be a liberal.

And if believe that Barack Obama can lower the ocean seas and “heal the planet,” you must be a liberal!..." Full text:
Former U.S. Rep. Allen West’s prepared remarks for Western Conservative Summit


Boomberg: New 'Health' Plan: Deliberately 'Slow' Elevators Make People Climb Stairs

Bloomberg Hints at Banning Air Vapors


Response to comment [from a Jew]: "...[P]eople should be free to burn alive in a building fire if that is their choice."


You don't care about intrusions on American's freedoms? Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10


Response to comment [from a Jew]: "I believe we were talking about fire safety, smoke alarms, fire codes...something of that sort? I'm not exactly sure how any of that is a commie intrusion."


Why punish people who take the elevators? Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10

Bloomberg's Latest Proposal to End Obesity: Make Elevators Slow So People Take the Stairs


Bloomberg Backlash: 2 Colorado lawmakers recalled for gun laws support

Wasted $350,000 on Colorado Recall


Can You Spot the Vital Gun


Safety Rule Violated at Mayor


Bloomberg’s Press Conference on Massive Seizure of Firearms?

"I said, 'Jill, if there's ever a problem, just walk out on the balcony here, walk out and put that double-barrel shotgun and fire two blasts outside the house...'" ~ Joe Biden


Bloomberg launching crusade against tanning salons


Update: Bloomberg Moves Forward With Styrofoam Ban

"They want to control you down to the last big gulp." ~ David Horowitz


Response to comment [from a Christian]: "I was more hitting SD here, but if government were to force people to have "accessible stairs" or install slower elevators, that would be an infringement on freedom."


If the government should control your healthcare as they are doing, why shouldn't they control your food? How about your travel? Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10, Jn 8:36


Wide Load Wants to Control Your Food


De Blasio Is Elected New York City Mayor in Landslide


[Banned] "Truth is hate to those who hate the truth." ~ Bob Enyart Mk 9:41, 13:7, 25:8, 40, Dan 10:13, Ps 105:15, Ro 14:4, Mk 6:11, Is 45:24, 54:17, Re 12:10, 12, Jud 1:9  

Bloomberg to Force Flu Vaccines for All NYC Children

Also see:

Greek values

Response to comment [from a Christian]: "That will be overturned i bet, if he gets it passed, just like it was overturned in Texas to force to parents to vaccinate their girls for hpv."


What does that say to your daughter? Ex 20:14 

SNL: Jane you ignorant slut

NY police officer threaten to ticket someone for washing a car in their own driveway  

Plastic-Foam Container Ban Approved by New York City Council

New York Council Adds E-Cigarettes to Smoking Ban

Shrinks Sound Alarm Over Bloomberg's Micro-Apartments


Bloomberg Claims Credit for Saving 'Literally' 9,200 Lives


NY Gov. Cuomo: Pro-Life, Pro-Gun, Pro-Marriage Conservatives 'Have No Place In The State'

De Blasio won't plow rich neighborhoods on the Upper East Side
'...[G]etting back at us' by not plowing: UES residents

De Blasio Backs Cuomo '100 percent': Tells Conservatives Get Out of New York

Bloomberg's New Job: UN Climate Change Envoy

Critics: Cuomo's 'Tax-Free' Plan for NY Is Not So Tax-Free

NY to issue identity papers to illegal aliens

Mayor cracks down on charter schools run by rival


Bloomberg believes he's earned his way to heaven

Police Turn Their Backs on Mayor During NYPD Funeral


DeBlasio's wife wears jeans to officer's funeral


Big Government: Gov. Andrew Cuomo Shuts Down Subway for a Little Snow


"We've reworded the national anthem--the land of the free--better safe than sorry. If that's the society you want, it leads to totalitarianism. The bigger the state, the more childlike you become. It's a natural tendency not to want to grow up." ~ Dennis Prager

Obama’s Peter Pan Economics

De Blasio to close schools for Muslim holidays  Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10, Ge 16:12, Jer 7:6 GWT


De Blasio gets green cards for illegals despite Obama amnesty injunction 2 Thess. 2:7, 8


Paper: You're 45% more likely to be murdered in de Blasio's Manhattan  

Empire State Building turns green for Muslim holiday  

No More Arrests for Public Boozing, Urinating in NYC Eph 5:18, 1 Co 13:5  

Mt 19:4, Deut 22:5

Also see:

Homosexuality will destroy this and any country and needs to be recriminalized


New York City Lets You Choose From 31 Different Gender Identities Mt 19:4, Deut 22:5

Lk 17:26


NYC Dirty

...Litter, Loiter, Urinate in Street 

NYC chain restaurants will now be required to use ‘salt icons,’ warning customers of too much salt

Also see:

Wide Load Wants to Control Your Food


Spartan Women

Is Michelle Obama Transgender?


New York City Spending $$$ to Boost Transgender Ideology Mt 19:4, Deut 22:5

NYC spiral

...Crackheads, bums, hookers


NYC subway rider smokes crack

...Homeless druggies invade playgrounds  

NYC Mayor calls for more Muslim migrants Ge 16:12, Jer 7:6, GWT


NYC: No longer safe for seniors to go out 2 Thess. 2:7, 8, Lev. 19:32; Prov. 16:31

Record number in NYC homeless shelters 

NYC mulls ban on flushable wipes  

The real reason for New York City's traffic nightmare  

Crucible View Post
You all will come up with any excuse to avoid the real reasons people become homeless. Whatever makes you feel like you are better than somebody else, I suppose


A high percentage of the homeless are on drugs or alcohol.


Crucible View Post
[Substance abusers Re 9:21] A lot of them get that way when they are on the streets. It takes the edge off of being homeless you self righteous, presumptuous fool.


Ad hominem (Eph 4:14).


New York State to establish hate crimes task force  


N.Y. Busted for Promoting And Covering Up Student Lessons Centered On Sympathizing With Islamic Terror Ge 16:12, Jer 7:6, GWT  

NYC government publishes app that helps more people easily collect food stamps


New York City Submits to Islam 

De Blasio compares self to Edison, Ford, Gandhi 

Democrats Are Under a Spiritual Death Watch Because Liberals Cannot Know Jesus

NY Guv Cuomo Pardons 18 Aliens Up for Deportation 

Vid: California Under Jerry Brown – Homeless Camp Explosion  

Companies in New York ‘open’ to new payroll tax system: state official

Town to Fine Drivers $200 For Taking GPS-Guided Shortcuts 

NYPD outraged over the demand of the NYC mayor to forcibly expand the number of Muslim recruits in their ranks

California Considers $1,000 Fine, Jail for Waiters Offering Plastic Straws 

California says it will ban crude from Trump offshore drilling plan   

Turnstile justice? Manhattan eases up on fare jumpers

California Gov. Endorses Dangerous Toilet to Tap Drinking Water 

Leftism and Degeneracy: A Beautiful Thing

Peter Thiel: Silicon Valley is a ‘totalitarian place’

NYC TB Surge

NY Churches Install Metal Detectors

Has the California backlash against liberal craziness finally begun?

Gov Cuomo Gives 35,000 Felons Right To Vote In New York Mere Months Before Election

800,000 people about to flee New York and California because of taxes, say economists

Vid: Junkies Take Over One San Fran Subway Station

What Leftists Stand For 

California to start recycling sewer water into tap water… and yes, it’s full of insane chemicals  

CA:  Workers Face ‘Buckets Of Feces And Needles’ As Homelessness Worsens

New York Times: Teaching Children to Delay Having Sex is ‘Anti-Science’

Bret Easton Ellis: Backlash brewing against leftist hysteria

Ca. Bill Wants To Drop Washington’s Birthday

Manhattan DA to stop prosecuting pot possession 

Starbucks employees, customers express concern over new policy: ‘I can’t see how this will work’

Obama, Clinton Pastors and US Bishop Who ‘Stole Show’ at Royal Wedding Set to March on White House to ‘Reclaim Jesus’ from Pres. Trump; ‘America First is Heresy Against Christ’

N.Y. Assembly passes single-payer universal health care legislation

The final nail in the ACLU’s coffin

Working-age Illinois Residents Are Fleeing the State Amid Debt Crisis

San Francisco Declared One of the ‘Filthiest Slums’ in the World 

When Right vs Left is Right vs Wrong  Black Pilled  

“20lbs Of Human Waste” – Major Medical Convention Abandons San Francisco Citing Street Safety

The Left Celebrates July 4 By Denouncing The First Amendment

Nearly 30 Shot, Four Fatally, over Weekend in Gun-Controlled Chicago 

San Francisco’s crisis looks like New York’s future

Chicago May Become Largest City in U.S. to Try Universal Basic Income

Sanctuary city spends $37K per transient

Chicago Named ‘Rat Capital’ Of America

If green energy is so amazing, why is California’s power grid about to crater?

De Blasio commits to opening four supervised injection sites

Ocasio-Cortez Campaigns With Sharia Compliant Gubernatorial Candidate

San Francisco Forms ‘Poop Patrol’ to Tackle Feces on City Streets

The Anatomy of the Communist Takeover of America

2 California Senators Declare War on the Christian Faith

Dem Who Compared Trump to Bin Laden Also Said ‘Nazis’ Work in White House 

Bill De Blasio Teams Up With London Mayor Sadiq Khan To Go After Big Oil | The Daily Caller

Crack Pipe Vending Machines Begin Appearing In New York

Cornell Orientation Packet Tells Students if They Are ‘Privileged’ or ‘Oppressed’

Why Liberal California is Now the Poverty Capital of America

Downtown LA Hit With Outbreak Of Flea-Borne Typhus 

Weak passwords banned in California from 2020

When Did They Become So Angry?

Why Leftists Feel Entitled to Block Highways, Shut Down Speakers, and Harass Public Officials

L.A. typhus outbreak adds fuel to the debates over homelessness and housing

San Francisco School Board President Cancels Pledge of Allegiance, Replaces it With Maya Angelou Poem

‘Typhus zone’: Rats and trash infest Los Angeles’ skid row, fueling disease

We’re Not Battling Craziness. We’re Battling Evil.

NYC Woman Brags About Being ‘Abortion Doula’ For Over 2,000 Women

Employees and execs are failing drug tests at shocking rates

The anti-Semitism is coming from the left

San Francisco Votes to Starve Itself of Water to Spite Trump; Backs Bay-Delta Plan

Popular Leftist Website Urges Readers to Cut Through Border Fences to Assist Migrant Caravans

Los Angeles Typhus Cases Hit 100 as Rat-Infested Slums Spread Disease 

As California Burns, Jerry Brown Takes Heat For Vetoing 2016 Wildfire Mitigation Bill

Activists fear Woolsey Fire may have released toxic materials at Santa Susana Field Lab

Northern Cal Air Quality Worst in World

DC Bans Churches From Handing Out Straws With Free Coffee

California following in the footsteps of Venezuela to disarm the masses, then enslave them to dictatorial tyranny

New York Times Salutes the Christmas Spirit of Hezbollah

This Dickens-Style Christmas Day Tour of ‘Liberal’ Los Angeles is Heartbreaking

Here’s the List: The Five Most Insane, Unhinged and Dangerous Liberal Actions of 2018

Islamic Community Patrols are now policing Muslim neighborhoods in New York City, shocking residents

New York Gov Cuomo Won’t Sign State Budget Without Provision Expanding Abortion Rights

Coming to a City Near You: Health Care For All (Including Illegal Aliens)

California Governor Newsom Vows ‘Sanctuary To All Who Seek It’ In Inauguration Speech

Starbucks Installs Needle-Disposable Boxes After Baristas Poked by Syringes, Find Drug Baggies and Blood All Over the Walls in Bathrooms

California’s Gavin Newsom Proposes Tax on Drinking Water in First Budget

De Blasio Goes Full Commie – Introduces Plan to Allow Government to Seize Private Property 

Lila Rose: NY Abortion Law Is ‘Cash Cow’ for ‘Abortion Industry’

Walsh: You Can’t Give A Lethal Injection To Criminals In New York But You Can Give It To Infants

Dustin Nemos and Mahgdalen Rose on New York’s Abortion Worship Dustin Nemos2  

California Wants to Teach Kindergartners There Are 15 Genders

After Legalizing Abortions Up to Birth, New York Now Considering Legalizing Assisted Suicide

Report: San Francisco Has More Drug Addicts Than High School Students

San Francisco Launches App To Track Homeless People

Sharia Police: Muslim Community Patrol in Brooklyn Driving Cars That Look Identical to NYPD Cruisers, Wear Outfits That Look Like Cops

Slum By The Bay

Video Shows Rats Inside L.A. City Hall Amid Typhus Outbreak That May Force Removal of the Gov’t Hub’s Carpets

NJ Voters Furious As Governor Murphy Prepares To Sign ‘Rain Tax’ Into Law

Rats, Public Defecation, & Open Drug Use: Our Major Western Cities Are Becoming Uninhabitable Hellholes

Anti-Semitic Attacks Fuel Continuing Rise in Hate Crimes in New York 

Parents Sue to Fight Anti-White, Anti-Male, Anti-Christian, Communist Indoctrination in California

Rats, Public Defecation And Open Drug Use: Major Western Cities Are Becoming Uninhabitable Hellholes

Total Backfire – AOC, Amazon and the Socialist Disaster

NY Democrats’ Health Care Law Spends $500m Taxpayer Money on Illegal Immigrants

The Four States of the Apocalypse

Pelosi and Cuomo Sign Gun Confiscation Bill into New York State Law

Warning Shot? Amazon Pulls Out Of Seattle Office Tower At Center Of Homeless Tax Debate

New York Mayor’s Wife ‘Loses’ $850 Million in Taxpayer Money

Targeting young hearts, minds with leftist children’s books

Vid: Los Angeles Office Workers Chase a Rat Through City Hall as City Battles Spread of Typhus in Homeless Camps, Public Buildings

New York City is edging toward financial disaster, experts warn

Mayor de Blasio: NYC will have ‘Meatless Mondays’ in all public schools

NYC Could Go Bankrupt for First Time in 40 Years

NY Aggressively Auditing Residents Fleeing State, Tracking Social Media, Phone Records

NYC to Use $11.6M Taxpayer Funds to Help Illegal Immigrants Fight Deportation

NYC Mayor De Blasio tells citizens: We own your bodies, and we can force you to be injected with anything we want

San Francisco’s public-poop problem is worse than ever 

San Francisco hands out 4.45 million needles each year, says report

Every liberal city in America is headed toward Venezuela

Wealthy Elites Freak Out As Homeless Hordes Take Over West Coast Neighborhoods

Millions Of Californians Will “Plunge Into Darkness” As PG&E Commits To Cut Power During Wildfire Season

NYC Schools Chief Accused Of Creating Environment “Hostile” To White People

There’s a trash and rodent nightmare in downtown L.A., with plenty of blame to go around

NYC Mayor De Blasio tells citizens: We own your bodies, and we can force you to be injected with anything we want

Illinois’ Reckless $45 Billion Capital Spending Binge Exposed

Doctor warns Los Angeles collapsing into Third World health status… the filth of progressivism has become undeniable

Oakland in California decriminalizes magic mushrooms and peyote

What California Schools Are Having 10 And 11 Year-Olds Do With Condoms Is Beyond Disgusting 

Medieval diseases spreading in Los Angeles prove twisted Democrat priorities endanger public health

Bloomberg Gives $500 Million to Nix Coal, Slow Natural Gas Production

California Poised To Spend $1 Billion On Healthcare For Undocumented Immigrants | Calmatters

In California, Illegals Come First; Californians Don’t Matter

Blue Wave: Los Angeles Typhus Cases Hit 100 as Rat-Infested Slums Spread Disease  

Christian School That Does Not Utilize Sodomite Sex Ed. Raided SWAT-Style – Being Targeted By State Of California To Allow Sexual Exploration Or Be Shut Down 

New York City set to become 1st city to fund abortion services

New York State To Issue Driver’s Licenses For Illegal Immigrants

New York City Unveils Largest LGBTQ+P For Pedophile 6-Color Rainbow Sodomite Pride Flag In Its History At Four Freedoms State Park

Conditions On The Streets Of San Francisco Are Comparable To “The Slums Of Mumbai, Delhi, Mexico City, Jarkarta, And Manila”

Bubonic Plague In LA: California On The Verge Of Becoming A Third World State

Austin joins San Francisco, Los Angeles and Seattle in accelerated collapse toward third world living conditions for the homeless, impoverished masse

CA city takes step toward Second Amendment Sanctuary

California’s Homeless Crisis Has Reached “Epic Proportions”

Berkeley bans natural gas

California’s Homeless Crisis Has Reached “Epic Proportions”

Trump Was Right: Orkin Lists Baltimore As One Of Most Rat-Infested US Cities

Baltimore’s Rat Problem is So Bad, Roads Are Collapsing

California Lawmakers Pass Resolution Blaming Religious People for High Suicide Rates in the LGBT Community


Attack on America:  A Christian Response by Bob Enyart    

“California Should Be Embarrassed” – State Passes Law Banning Trump From Ballot Unless Tax Returns Released

Raw human sewage all over the beaches of California

CA Department of Education Prepares Mandatory Anti-Israel Curriculum

...Radical High School Curriculum

Los Angeles faces an imminent bubonic plague outbreak due to rampant homelessness

“Human Tragedy” On The “Diseased Streets” Of San Francisco: “Worse Than Slums In Brazil & India”

The West Coast is a literal toilet: 80% of coastal areas infected with toxic feces (biosludge), warns Dr. Drew 

California School District Will Not Allow Parents To Opt Children Out Of Sodomite Content, Emails Show

San Francisco homeless stats soar: city blames big business, residents blame officials

Big Cities That Are Struggling With Hepatitis, Typhus, Mountains Of Human Feces And Millions Of Rats Are All Run By Democrats

Workers Exposed To ‘Trash & Bodily Fluids’ At L.A. City Hall Building, Citations Issued In Response To Typhus Case

‘Rats Have Taken Over the City’: Los Angeles Homeless Crisis Reaches Epidemic Levels

Silicon Valley In California Is Building A Chinese-Style ‘Social Credit System’ That Grows Larger And Stronger With Every App You Download And Use

The new face of fascism: 181 CEOs say profits & shareholders no longer their main concerns

Liberals Hate God, Patriots, Pay Attention.

How The Democratic Squad’s Socialist Ideals Ignore All Venezuela’s Warning Signs

Leprosy Could Be The Next Public Health Crisis To Hit Los Angeles

California state lawmakers pass bill requiring public universities to offer abortion pill on campus

In Communist California, the Only Acceptable Excuse to Avoid Mercury/Aluminum-Laden Vaccines Is Death.  Civil Disobedience is the Only Solution.

CA Senate Passes Resolution Telling Pastors to Embrace Sodomite Beliefs

California’s Travel Bans Are the Lamest Virtue-Signaling Tactic Yet Mad at Iowa for not being pro-Sodomite.

EPA to Block California From Setting Emissions Standards

NYC Schools: Students Can Join Greta for Climate Change Protest

Trump Administration Revokes California’s Ability to Set Its Emissions Standards

Trump Balks At California Governor’s Request For Homeless Aid

Doctor’s Updated Warning: Leprosy Spreading In Los Angeles Homeless Camps

Will Chicago Be The Largest US City To Declare Bankruptcy?

74 Percent Of Conservative Californians Are Looking Into Leaving

California becomes 1st state to require universities to offer abortion medication

Why Portland’s Homeless Problem Is the Worst in the Nation

Human Waste From Homeless People Seeps Into Miami Streets

NYC Exports Homeless to Other Cities

Leaving Illinois: “Does Anybody Care About People Like Us?”

California’s Prop 47 leads to rise in shoplifting, thefts, criminal activity across state

California Approves $3.2 Billion Bond For High Speed Train To Nowhere

New San Francisco DA okays hookers, peeing in public

Unintended Comedy: California boosts pot taxes, shocking unsteady industry

L.A.’s New Project Housing Homeless In Shipping Containers  

California DMV Rakes In $50 Million Per Year Selling Personal Information

California Farmer Fights Government Claim That Dirt Is a Pollutant

San Fran Loses Another Convention Over Skyrocketing Costs, Human Excrement

Muslim Community Patrol: Sharia Law Coming To Community Near You

Massive Flood Of Illegal Immigrants Descend On New York Motor Vehicles Offices To Get Drivers Licenses On Day One Of Democrats New Green Light Law

San Francisco Blows $94 Million This Year In Failed War On Human Excrement

Here’s How Bad San Francisco’s Poop Problem Got In 2019

Bloomberg Campaign Leveraged Prison Laborers To Make Campaign Phone Calls

“It’s The ‘Bill Clinton’ Of Cities”: Traveling Bankers Stunned By San Francisco’s Squalor

Homeowners In California Slapped with $20K Bill to Clean Up Homeless Camp

California Is Building Lots To Contain “Thousands” Living In Their Cars Across The State

Survey Finds People Who Identify as Left-Wing More Likely to Have Been Diagnosed With a Mental Illness

De Blasio Calls for Complete Gov’t Takeover Seconds After Bashing Gov’t Response to Pandemic

Rhode Island hunting down New Yorkers seeking coronavirus refuge

Despite NYC Hospital Bed Shortage, De Blasio, Democrats Oppose Christian Charity Setting Up Life-Saving Hospital in Central Park

Looting Wave Strikes New York City Amid Coronavirus Lockdown

New York Woman Arrested for Not Socially Distancing — Then Thrown into Jail Holding Cell with Two Dozen Women

Vid:  'Reduce the Death Toll and Save Lives’ – Drone Seen Flying Over NY Park Barking Orders at People to ‘Maintain Social Distancing’ 

After threatening to close churches for good, NYC will give 400K meals to Muslims for Ramadan

Judicial Watch sues to stop cash-handout to illegals

California’s ‘Worst of the Worst’ Bills: Blocking Parents from Kids’ Abortions and Trans Treatments

Halal: How Non-Muslims are Being Forced to Pay for Islamic Expansion

Newsom’s Budget Closes Veterans Nursing Home, But Gives $80 Million To Illegal Aliens

Illegal Aliens Jam Phone Lines as California Offers $500 Each in Coronavirus Relief

New York’s Mayor Goes After Jewish Residents Again

Chicago Mayor Begs Businesses To Stay as Major Retailer Mulls Abandoning City

Chicago Has 18 Murders In 24 Hours Making It The Most Violent Single Day The Liberal City Has Witnessed In Over 60 Years As Race Riots Rage

New York City Makes Unprecedented Move And Eliminates 600+ Plainclothes Police Force, Exposing New Yorkers To Drastic Uptick In Violent CrimeBegins

NYC shootings surge after NYPD’s anti-crime unit disbanded

New Yorkers will lose paid sick leave benefits if they travel to states with high Covid-19 infection rates says Governor Andrew Cuomo

LA City Council approves first step in replacing LAPD with community responders for non-violent calls

San Francisco Rent Drops Most On Record As People Flee For Suburbs

New York Covid Compliance Authority Issue Subpoenas Requiring Forced Depositions With Contact Tracers

Newsom orders all churches to stop singing, but his PlumpJack winery is open and fully booked for peak summer season

California now less than 90 days away from financial collapse… Anarchy to follow

Junkies Openly Shooting Up On The Streets Of Liberal Democrat Mayor Bill Di Blasio’s New York City As ‘Defunding The Police’ Wreaking Havoc

California Set To Pass The Nation’s First Wealth Tax Targeting The Ultra Rich

49 People Shot In Last 72 Hours In New York As City Hits Its “Expiration Date”

De Blasio’s New York: Bulletproof Vest Sales Are Skyrocketing In Parts Of The City

Hollywood’s Apocalypse NOW: Rich and famous are fleeing in droves as liberal politics and coronavirus turn City of Dreams into cesspit plagued by junkies and violent criminals

Slammed NYC Movers Turning Away Business As Residents Flee City 

Chicago Logs Whopping 52% Jump In Homicides From 2019: ‘Five Times Any Prior Year’

Chicago postal workers threaten to stop delivering mail after multiple employees shot on the job

Alexandra Ocasio Cortez Backing Plan For Complete Socialist Takeover Of New York City Including Taxing The Rich And Removing The Police 

California’s self-made disease and other commentary 

Gov. Cuomo: ‘I Don’t Care’ About Your Religion — ‘You Have to Follow the Rules of the State’

New York State would overstep in requiring HPV vaccine

New York Becomes First State to Demand Provable Negative Covid Test Results With Mandatory 3-Day Quarantine Lockdown

California judge slaps down Gov. Newsom’s unconstitutional covid lockdowns and mandates, issues injunction against further Newsom tyranny

4 NY sheriffs say they won’t enforce Gov Cuomo’s Thanksgiving Covid restrictions

Manhattan Will Conduct Military-Style Covid-1984 Civilian Checkpoints, Arrest Violators Over Thanksgiving Holiday

New York Sheriff: Politicians Had Officers ‘Stand Down’ to Rioters But Want to ‘Go After’ Law-Abiding Citizens

LA Mayor Bans Unnecessary Walking As Part Of New Covid-19 Restrictions

Gun Violence Has Killed 23 Times More Chicago Youth Than Covid

NY Mayor Bill de Blasio In Church This Morning Told People To Receive Covid-19 Vaccine With Pastor Joking About ‘666’ And The ‘Mark Of The Beast’ 

Chicago Teachers Union Tweets Reopening Schools Would Be “Racist, Sexist, And Misogynistic”…And Then Deletes It!

Chris Cuomo: Shut Up, Christians, Your Kind Aren’t Welcome In Public Life

NYC Restaurants Strike Back, Ban Cuomo From Dining Out

After barring New Yorkers from celebrating in Times Square, de Blasio celebrates New Year’s by dancing in Times Square

New York governor boosts sports betting, cannabis to help pandemic-battered economy 

Cuomo launches mass vaccine experiment on 1.4 million elders over the age of 75 

New York Governor Cuomo Caught Covering Up Shocking Fact That Covid Nursing Home Deaths Of Elderly Were Underreported By Nearly 50%

Cuomo Guilty Of Obstruction? GOP Rep Calls For Investigation Into Nursing Home Cover-Up

Gov. Andrew Cuomo Killed 10,000 New Yorkers By Executive Order, Then Lied About It And Tried To Hide It, Why Isn’t This The Scandal Of The Decade?

Cuomo aide said top infectious disease doctor spoke to governor ‘regularly,’ but doc denies it

Boston Public Schools Will Suspend Advanced Classes Because Too Many Students In Them Are White Or Asian

Four Democrat Governors Issued Similar Nursing Home Policies to Andrew Cuomo’s 

On Cuomo’s Orders, Records For The New York State Department of Health Intentionally Falsified To Conceal Mass Murder Of Covid Elderly

NYC mayor: Cuomo ‘can’t serve’ after sexual misconduct claims

Cuomo aide allegedly involved in hiding nursing home death count taught ‘ethics in government’ law school class

California to Teach Aztec Idolatry Just in Time for Annual Human Sacrifice Holiday

CasavonaGate: The Highly Orchestrated Takedown of Gov. Andrew Cuomo—Who and Why?

Cuomo Releases Vaccine Passport Called ‘Excelsior Pass’ Needed ‘To Gain Entry To Events And Businesses’

Red States Are Fighting Back Against The Reset – What Does This Mean For The Future?

Over 50% Of Liberal, White Women Under 30 Have A Mental Health Issue

California to Release 63,000 Violent and Repeat Felons Back Onto Streets to Create “Safer Prisons”

Aides to NY Gov. Cuomo “rewrote” official report on nursing home deaths in attempted cover-up

Welcome To The Socialist Paradise Of California

Walgreens Closes 17 San Francisco Stores Due To “Out Of Control” Shoplifting

Vid:  Cuomo Asked About Whether He Profited Off ‘The Backs of Dead New Yorkers’

In 2021 Post-Pandemic New York City, Homelessness, Mental Illness And Open Drug Use Skyrocket As Nearly Every Type Of Violent Crime On The Rise 

US economy will get monkeyhammered by insane policies like free universal rent, now announced in California

Leaked Emails Expose Executive Board Of National Psychologist Org Hatred Of ‘Narcissistic,’ ‘Paranoid,’ ‘Delusional’ Untreatable Conservative Americans

40% of residents plan to leave San Francisco as crime rises; 76% call for more police

The Bay Area Has Become An Absolute Paradise For Violent Criminals

Target To Close Stores Early In San Francisco Due To Chronic Shoplifting

The Culture War Has A New Target: Independence Day

The Radical Democrats Are Not Just Content to Ban All Free Speech, They Have Granted Themselves Permission to Murder Those Who Oppose Their Unconstitutional Policies

New York City Continues Meltdown From a Blowtorch of Violence

‘Cash For Junkies’ – California Dems Want To Pay Meth Addicts To Seek Treatment

Convicted Murderer Wins Election To Office In DC From Behind Bars

Insect Experts Want To Rename ‘Gypsy’ Moths Over Fears Term Is Offensive

“Down With Dictatorship” – Tens Of Thousands Of Cubans Take To Streets 

Watch: California Shoplifters Stroll Out Of TJ Maxx With Arms Full Of Merchandise

Nursing Home Killer Andrew Cuomo Says We Need To ‘Put People In A Car’ And ‘Drive Them To Get Covid Vaccine In Their Arm, That Is The Mission’ 

Bacon may disappear in California as pig rules take effect

San Fran DA Chesa Boudin Stands Up For Shoplifters And Drug Dealers

Bill de Blasio threatens to expand “vaccine passport” requirements in New York City: Are grocery stores next?

New York’s New Governor Just Threw Cuomo Under The Bus – Admits To 12,000 More Covid Deaths

‘Cash For Criminals’: San Francisco Will Start Paying People Not To Shoot Each Other

Walgreens and CVS stores in San Francisco forced to close

Newsom signs bills allowing children to hide sex operations and abortions from parents

Covid’s Willing Executioners

NYC Fast Resembling San Fran & Vancouver ‘Cities Of The Walking Dead’ As Junkies, Dealers Take Over Midtown Streets With Impunity 

NY Governor Preaches that Those Who Don’t Get Vaccine Aren’t Listening to What God Wants

Minneapolis residents plead for state assistance as officer exodus continues

California Now Bans State-funded Travel to One-third of America

California Bans Small Off-Road Gas Engines, Including Lawnmowers And Chainsaws

California Drove Truckers Out of Business. Now Store Shelves Are Empty 

Shoplifters Are Looting In Broad Daylight In Blue Cities, Police Hands Are Tied Under Democrat Leadership

Shots Fired As Flash Mob Raids Nordstrom In Upscale California Town

Flash mob smash-and-grabs continue at high-end stores in Los Angeles

‘Experts’ blasted for cautioning against use of term ‘looting’ to describe large-scale California thefts

Democratic cities that enacted bail reform see rise in crime, repeat offenses

‘Never Seen Anything Like It’: Los Angeles Residents Stunned As Violent Crimes Creep Into Wealthier Communities

California Is Hiding $300 Billion A Year In Spending From The Public, Claims It’s For The People’s Own Good

Los Angeles Police Union Boss Warns Tourists to Stay Away as City Descends Into Third-World Dystopia 

California to Impose Illegal and Inhumane New Mask Mandate 

CA Schools: Dropping D, F Grades Will Help Pandemic Era Students

12 large US cities have broken yearly homicide records so far – and they all have Democrat mayors 

Edina mayor: Our city is ‘under attack from mobile criminals’

Chicago Employee Paychecks Can’t Be Cashed

New York City chain saws down 1,000 trees to raise park 8-10 feet to address panic over 3mm sea level rise   

San Francisco Residents Reflect On Surge In Crime

California Dem Flips On Party Over Smash And Grab Robbery Epidemic

Thieves plunder Amazon packages from trains on wrong side of the tracks in LA

For Leftists, Your Freedom Is Their Misery – Your Slavery Is Their Joy

Americans Fleeing High-tax, High-crime, Democrat-run Blue States

California agrees to stop telling children to pray to Aztec gods in legal settlement

Taxes in California are projected to double as the failed state forces residents to pay $1,000 a month for Universal Sick Care 

Union Pacific Bashes LA’s Social Justice Reform, Threatens To Leave City Amid Soaring Train Thefts

Pittsburgh bridge collapsed because leftist leaders diverted money for support beams to “woke” causes instead 

‘It’s just crazy’: 12 major cities hit all-time homicide records

Police Group Blames ‘Left-Leaning Policies’ For Deadly Crime Spikes, ‘Vilification Of Law Enforcement’ 

Community Leader Goes Rogue, Exposes What Los Angeles Is Doing to the Homeless Ahead of Super Bowl

Biden’s America: Mass shoplifting now so bad that retail chains are having to close locations because they’re losing so much money 

Study: Covid Stimulus Checks Linked to Uptick in Opioid Overdoses

Sen. John Barrasso: Democrats Are Doing 2 Things About Crime: Making it Worse and Trying to Avoid Blame

The rat problem in Washington, DC, is so bad, two people got hantavirus

New Poll: Democrats Are Most Likely to Flee If U.S. Was Invaded

Liberal US cities change course, now clearing homeless camps

Colorado leftists would take all rights away from entire class of human beings

NYC chief medical officer calls whites ‘birthing people,’ blacks and Puerto Ricans ‘mothers’ 

Vid: NYC Mayor Adams Hopes to Lure Floridians Back to Empire State by Promising to Teach Sex to Kindergarteners 

NYC Toddler Mask Mandate Brought Back After Being Ruled Unconstitutional Hours Prior

City of Chicago to Spend $12.5 Million on Gas, Transit Handouts 

Washington State Is Banning Non-Electric Cars by 2030

USPS Stops Delivering Mail in Santa Monica, California After Multiple Carriers Assaulted

NY lieutenant governor resigns after arrest in federal probe

“People Are Afraid” – LA’s Crime Surge Migrates To Wealthy Zip Codes

Calif. City Will Use Taxpayer Dollars to Provide ‘Universal Income’ to ‘Transgender,’ ‘Non-Binary’ Residents, No Matter Their Income

NYC Mayor Eric Adams agrees progressive politics play a role in increased crime across American cities

Chicago Residents Fight To Reclaim Streets From Illicit Drug Dealings

Chicago keeps releasing murder suspects on electronic monitoring

‘We’re Taking Back Our Street” – Sacramento Man Barricades Street To Stop Out-Of-Control Crime

Chicago Mayor Urges ‘Call To Arms’ Over Supreme Court

Whistleblowers: Convicted criminals allowed to remain on streets after violating parole

The Arch Deceiver’s Final and Deadliest Trap

Democrat-Run D.C. Residents Report That “Violence Has Gotten Out of Control”… “It doesn’t feel like the city government is doing anything to help us”

California Spills Water into Ocean rather than letting Farmers Grow Rice 

California Votes To End Mandatory Reporting On Students Who Threaten Schools

California Shuts Off Water To Farmers To Save Fish

Vid: Letitia James Says New York will Pay for Housing and ‘Daycare’ for Women to Come to State to Abort Their Babies

LA City Council Votes To Ban Homeless Encampments Near Schools

“Truckpocalypse” begins in California this week as 70,000 truckers forced off the roads due to Democrat idiocracy 

Some states are handing out inflation rebates. Will that work? 

St. Paul mayor doubles down and expands guaranteed basic income payouts

The Façade Of California’s Economy Is About To Crumble

Starbucks Closing 16 Stores In Major Cities Due To ‘Increasing Threats’ From Bathroom Drug Dens

California to Pivot to Fossil Fuels to Avoid Blackouts

Committee Passes Bill to Make California a ‘Haven’ for Trans Surgeries & Drugs for Minors

Los Angeles County Enters CDC’s “High” Covid Alert: Another Mask Mandate 

San Francisco’s New DA Goes On Firing Spree After Voters Recall Soros-Backed Predecessor

Restaurant owner testifies crime has ‘become a daily part of life’ in Twin Cities

Supermarkets, Restaurants Hire Security, Limit Hours to Combat Crime 

“We’re Very Angry”: Fire-Stricken Liberals Freak After CA ‘Militia Group’ Provides Disaster Aid

Los Angeles to recycle biosludge into tap water; Angelenos will soon be drinking recycled diarrhea and urine from the tap

Spam goes on lockdown due to inflation in NYC

NYC Mayor Admits Illegal Aliens Who Fled Violent Drug Cartels Are Now Fleeing NYC Over Fears of Rampant Crime

US has 3rd highest murder rate in the world, unless you subtract the five biggest Democrat-run metropolitan cities, and then we’re 189th out of 193

U.S. attorney: Crime epidemic ‘far more disturbing’ than numbers show

Wisconsin School Votes to Ban ‘Political’ BLM and Sodomite Flags 

California set to ban the sale of all new gasoline cars

Two More States Fall in Line with California, Set to Ban Sale of Gas and Diesel Cars

LA Homeless Authority Doesn’t Want Anyone Saying The Word “Homeless”

California electric company admits it will never be able to charge everybody’s electric vehicles 

10 Facts Electric Vehicle Advocates Don’t Want You To Know

Light rail crime remains 200% higher than 2019

Democrats Are Demanding An Extra $50,000,000 For Food For Illegal Immigrants.

Calif. Becomes Sanctuary for Trans As Children Taking Puberty Blockers Increased Nearly 270%

Californians Told not to Charge EVs Days After Gas Car Sales Ban 

Stop Freaking Out About Drinking Recycled Poo-Water, Expert Says

NY Rule Leak: ‘Anyone with gun presumed to have it illegally’ – Guilty until proven innocent

Human waste fueled the huge algae bloom in San Francisco Bay. Fixing the problem could cost $14 billion

For the Left, religious beliefs aren’t the problem, Christian ones are

Blue States Have Worse Inequality Than Red Ones, New Census Data Shows

Illinois law will release those charged with second-degree murder without bail

Violence In California Reaches “Epidemic” Levels As Our Society Rapidly Deteriorates All Around Us

Schizophrenic Homeless Drug Dealers Are On a Rampage Taking Over The Streets Of San Francisco 

No resting in peace: Arlington National Cemetery goes left

Giant homeless encampments set to explode across US; Organized Retail Criminals (ORCs) unleash coordinated mass thefts and violence

Chicago declares itself a ‘sanctuary city’ for abortion, transgender surgeries

California’s Education Sexual Agenda

California School With ‘Social Justice Academy’ Has 19% Math Proficiency

Newsom Signs Package of Abortion Laws That Critics Decry as Enabling Infanticide

Group Using West Virginia Model to Create “New California” Serves Gavin Newsom Notice of Constitutional Default

Newsom signs 13 radical laws to expand abortion in California, recruit abortionists, legalize infanticide

New York Votes to Ban the Sale of Non-Electric Vehicles by 2035

Gov. Newsom To Lower Gas-Prices With Gas Tax-Hikes

San Francisco: No Free Healthcare For Straight White People 

Called to Account: MacArthur Highlights Newsom’s Unbiblical Worldview

A Quarter Of San Francisco’s Office Space Is Empty

Businesses Continue to Flee Big Cities Thanks to Lawless Democrats and Rise in Violent Crime

Shoplifting in California Is out of Control Due to Zero Consequences: District Attorney

Blue States Have Worse Inequality Than Red Ones, New Census Data Shows

Why the Salton Sea is turning into toxic dust

‘A Dumpster Fire On Top Of A Hurricane’: LA In Chaos As Racism, Corruption Scandals Mount

Tourists Shocked As Number Of Homeless Encampments Explodes In DC

Aide To New York Mayor: Illegal Immigration Is Destroying The City

Illinois Now Has The Worst Unemployment Rate In The Nation

Percentage Of Americans Who Say Local Crime Is Up Hits 50-Year-High

Portland Facing Homelessness ‘Catastrophe’: Mayor

New York:  New law banning landlords from doing criminal background checks on tenants set to pass

California Lawmakers May Shut Down More Prisons as State Faces Deficit

Year in Review: California Got Even Crazier in 2022

Excerpts For The Democrat-To-English Dictionary: Updated For 2023

Los Angeles Cancels Rent and Will Create Foreclosures. Govt Will Buy Up the Houses.

Jewish and evangelical ‘Leftugees’ making the exodus from Democratic states

Philadelphia’s Kensington neighborhood looks like a scene from the Walking Dead as grim photos show ‘tranq’ addicts shooting up in broad daylight on sidewalks

11 US cities — all governed by Democratic mayors — listed among 50 most dangerous in world 

Denver Is Now America’s Crime Capital 

Crime Ridden San Francisco Considers Creating A Red Light District

Billionaire investor slams San Francisco’s drug and homeless crisis as big tech flees the city 

Filthy homeless encampment is set up inside Chicago’s O’Hare Airport 

Minneapolis staffing ‘crisis’ spreads as workers shot at, assaulted

Study Reveals America’s Top ‘Dirtiest’ Cities Are Run By Democrats 

“It’s Effective”: NYC Shops Deploy Crime-Fighting Dogs To Deter Shoplifters

Conservative Entrepreneurs Step Up To Serve Customers Alienated by Leftist Corporations

Ret. Gen. Spalding: ‘Woke regime’ teaming up with ‘enemies’ of US

Deporting Fentanyl Dealers Violates Sanctuary City Policies, Says SF Supervisor 

’NY Health Committee passes Minor Consent Bill, which aims to allow minors to consent to STD-related vaccines without parental knowledge or consent

Walmart Set to Close All Stores in Portland amid Record-Breaking Retail Theft

Police quit woke Austin, TX, in droves

NY AG Letitia James to host Drag Queens for NYC kids

San Francisco Bay Area Bans Gas Furnaces and Water Heaters

France: Riots Ensue In Paris After Emmanuel Macron Uses Special Constitutional Powers To Force Through Retirement Age Bill Against The Wishes Of His People

Nolte: Democrat-Run City Bans New Gas Stations to Fight Climate Change

NYC hospital: Patients left lying in hallways and urine soaked floors

Democrat-led Colorado city bans the building of new gas stations in bid to tackle climate change 

Oregon Democrats Seek to Create Sanctuary State for Kids to Get Abortions and Sex Changes Without Parental Consent

Portland: Cracker Barrel Permanently Shuts Remaining Restaurants

Philadelphia will PAY pregnant women $1,000 a month to curb falling fertility rates

VC Banking Collapse Shows The Worst Isn’t Over For San Francisco

Baltimore Mayor Calls For Citywide Curfew After All Hell Breaks Out

Walmart Abandons Unprofitable Chicago Stores After Investing “Hundreds Of Millions” In City

Colorado gov. signs bills targeting pro-life pregnancy centers, protecting abortion and ‘sex changes’

NYC Mayor Adams, NYPD reintroduce robotic dogs despite previous backlash, security concerns

In Chicago Hundreds Of Teenagers Wreak Havoc

Big Box Retail Stores All Across America Are Being Forced To Close Down Due To Rampant And Brazen Shoplifting Largely In Democrat Controlled Cities 

California has mandated unlimited electricity “basic service” at fixed monthly rates for consumers 

NYC’s Vegan Mayor Eric Adams to Limit Amount of Meat People Can Eat to Combat Climate Change

Walmart, Target, Other Retailers Shutter Stores Due to Thefts 

More than 100 youngsters descend on Downtown Chicago to torch cars in ‘teen trend’ gathering 

“Digi-Dog” Police Robots set to take over New York City and “Police” any Protests about Big Government Tyranny or the Next Plandemic 

NYC will track food consumption

Murder rates jump another 10% in the biggest US cities since 2021: Memphis crowned homicide capital  

New York set to pass first statewide law banning gas in new construction

Murder rates jump another 10% in the biggest US cities since 2021: Memphis crowned homicide capital 

New York to Track Residents’ Food Purchases and Place ‘Caps on Meat’ Served by Public Institutions 

New York City sinking under weight of its skyscrapers, report warns

Mail Delivery Halted for an Entire Seattle Zip Code

Another San Francisco Retailer Closes-Old Navy to Shut Down Flagship Location After Almost 30 Years

State Farm Halts Home Insurance Sales In California

Crime-Ridden Los Angeles Reinstates Controversial Zero Bail Policy, Claiming Bail Infringes Constitutional Rights 

San Francisco Residents Say the City Has Descended into a Dystopian “Zombie Apocalypse”

Former NYC Hotel Worker Claims Illegal Immigrant Children Are Being Allowed to Drink and do Drugs

NYC shoplifting hit record highs: ‘We can’t stop them’

Crime-Ridden Chicago Approves $51 Million in Aid for Illegals

Community activists demand Chicago’s violence be treated as public health emergency

New Hampshire school district used federal Covid funds on Sodomite ‘pride’ event with drag show 

Allstate Drops California; Will Not Write New Insurance Policies Over Wildfires, Construction Costs

L.A. County passes out glass pipes used for smoking opioids, crack and methamphetamine

Giant Food Grocery Chain Struggles To Survive Amid Wave Of Thefts

NYC Mayor Eric Adams Suing Rural NY Counties for Refusing to Take Illegal Immigrants

San Francisco: Westfield stops making mortgage payments on its mall

Crime so out of control in San Francisco, stores are locking up candy

Over 1,000 sea lions, dolphins are getting sick and dying as toxic bloom off California coast expands

New York City Is a Democrat Hellhole

NYC: Migrants Outnumber New Yorkers in Homeless Shelters

Chicago’s air quality worst in the world, global index shows

Homelessness Skyrockets in Los Angeles; Over 75,000 on Streets in L.A. County

The puzzling rise of defendants too sick to stand trial in Washington

One-Third Of Seattle Residents May Flee City Over Crime, Costs

Maine passes nation’s 1st ‘right to food’ amendment

Los Angeles unhoused population reaches 75,000 amid humanitarian crisis

Homicides Soar 96% In Washington State After Passage Of Gun Restrictions

‘Vid: 'Zombified’ Tranq Addicts Swarm Streets of Democrat-Run Philadelphia

Woman posing as girl busts New York ‘healthcare’ group giving transgender drugs to kids

‘We Have No More Room’: NYC Announces New Shelter Limits for Illegal Immigrants

Random violent crime skyrockets in DC, robberies up 59%, violent crime up 36%

San Francisco Walgreens resorts to chaining freezers to stop shoplifters from stealing pizza and ice cream 

NYC Planning to House 1,000 Border Crossers in Mental Hospital Parking Lot

Illinois Governor Signs Bill Allowing Noncitizens to Become Police Officers

Former San Francisco Supervisor Warns California Reparations Plans Would Bankrupt State

Mayor Adams Now Supports Enhanced Border Control, Calls for State of Emergency Amidst Influx of Illegal Aliens in NYC

Situation in New York City is starting to look apocalyptic

NYC may house 95,000 migrants in Central Park and other parks

California Caught Colluding With CCP To Unleash ‘Deadly Pathogen’ on American Population 

Massachusetts Governor Declares Emergency Over Influx of Immigrants

Saint Louis Rioters are the Latest to Win a Huge Payout – Leftists Rewarded $4.9 Million following their Violent Protests in 2017 that Terrorized the City

Report: Chicago Officials Refuse to Disclose Millions Spent on Illegal Aliens

CA: Dozens of thieves ransack Nordstrom

Nordstrom Closes Shop In SF, Dollar Store Locks Up Merchandise

America’s Most Affluent Regions Are Dying Under Democrat Control

‘Flash-Mob’ Daytime Burglaries Strike Southern California Stores

Some Parts Of America Are Already On The Verge Of Being Ungovernable As Rampant Lawlessness Spreads Like Wildfire

‘Stay Home’: Feds Tell San Francisco Workers To Telecommute Due To Crime Wave

New York City plans to house migrants on an island in the East River

Seattle to Start Having Unarmed ‘Crisis Responders’ Deal With Some 911 Calls

New York Gov Kathy Hochul Hands Out Jobs to Illegal Aliens as 380,000 New Yorkers Remain Unemployed 

CA governor Newsom’s administration is funneling millions of taxpayer dollars into a nonprofit promoting “neogenders”

Chicago Lawmakers plans to house 300 new migrants in hotels

Theft In Nation’s Capital Forces Supermarket Chain To Remove Name-Brand Items From Shelves

Unprosecuted Crime, Economic Woes Turn Beverly Hills Into Ghost Town

California adds ‘Transgender History Month’ to the Sodomite calendar 

CA: Bill passes requiring parents to ‘affirm’ kids’ gender ‘transitions’

Psychedelics Decriminalization Bill Approved by California Assembly 

Vid: Philadelphia Another Democrat Hellhole

Soros-Backed Oakland DA Accuses Residents of Racism for Being Angry About Rampant Crime

‘Desperation will lead to chaos’: Chicago mayor tells residents to ‘sacrifice’ for illegal immigrants coming to the city

Seattle law enforcement tells citizens to give criminals ‘whatever they’re looking for’

New York City Mulls Reparations Task Force, Removing Statues Of Historical Figures Tied To Slavery

Seattle City Council Passes Ban on Public Drug Use

California’s controversial mental health courts to start up in October

NYC protestors block migrant bus, shout ‘You’re not welcome’

Chicago Mayor Proposes Government-Owned Grocery Store For ‘Racial Justice’

Minneapolis to play host to ‘Marxist School’

San Francisco mayor now wants homeless people to submit to drug testing before they can receive government services

Homeless Camp Just Popped Up on a Beverly Hills Sidewalk

New York Deploys National Guard To File Migrants’ Paperwork

Philadelphia Journalist Who Mocked Concern Over Violent Crime In Democrat Cities Shot Dead In Home

City of Portland Tells Residents Not to Call 911 ‘Except in Event of Life/Death Emergency’

New York City Hospitals and Medical Centers Are Being Overwhelmed by Illegal Immigrants

NYC Public Hospitals to Offer Chemical Abortions via Telehealth

DC Stores Display Framed Images of Toilet Paper to Stop Product Being Stolen

Shoppers wait 40 minutes for groceries at Walmart and Target. Retailers lock up products due to theft

Prostitution Booming in New York City Again

Google Abandons Building 15,000 Homes In San Francisco

CA: "Younger Voters Have Turned Against The Governor”: Berkeley Poll Reveals Record Number Disapprove Of Newsom

San Francisco Removes Homeless and Clean Streets Ahead of Visit by China’s Communist Dictator Xi

Things in Chicago Are So Bad That Venezuelan Illegals Are Fleeing Back to Venezuela

Memphis Police Chief Claims Crime Is So Bad Not Even The Army Can Stop It

NYC Mayor Adams Announces City will Reduce NYPD Officers to Below 30,000, Slash Education Department Due to Financial Impact of Illegal Aliens

Mayor Adams “Defunds the Police” — and More — to Pay for Migrant Services

California Facing Record $68 Billion Deficit, Potential ‘Fiscal Budget Emergency’: Legislative Analyst

Tech Bros Fight Back Against Democrat Socialist Who Blames “Capitalism” For Poop-Covered San Fran Streets 

Ann Landers column explaining: communism, socialism and fascism

Illegal Aliens Tossing $1 Million Per Month in ‘Free Food’ While Citizens Contend with Drastic Budget Cuts

Illegals Near NYC’s Floyd Bennett Field Going Door to Door Begging for Money, Food 

Vid: Christmas Eve In Lawless California As Youth Riot In Streets

California to Penalize Stores for Refusing to Provide “Gender-Neutral” Toy Sections for Children

Chicago Led Nation In Homicides For 12th Year In A Row, Murder-Rate Still 5x NYC’s

Covid has claimed about 105,000 lives in CA since 2020. In that same time period, 82,000 more Californians died from everything else than is typical

New York City High School Students Kicked Out of Class to Make Room For 2,000 Illegal Aliens

Encamped Immigrants Begin Overtaking Chicago’s O’Hare Airport: ‘We Need DC to Act’

Crime-ridden Chicago now embraces terrorism

California requires pharmacists to undergo DEI training bashing straight, white, Christian males for license renewal

San Francisco Put a Noncitizen in Office—This Is Part of the Left’s Plan to Demolish Our Republic

As NY AG Letitia James Launches the Globalist War on Beef, a Survival Company CEO Fights Back

Hochul to deploy National Guard, state police to combat NYC subway crime

NYC’s Green Rule Could Shutdown Upwards of 100 Pizza Joints in the City

Leftism Causes ‘Anxiety & Depression’, New Study Reveals 

Drone Video Reveals Massive NYC Migrant Tent City, Kept Under Wraps By Democrats & Media

Leftists:  They Just Want to Grab Your Stuff and Then Kill You

State Farm Insurance Drops 72,000 California Properties

Gavin Newsom Applauds Rollout Of AI Surveillance Network In California

NYC health advisory regarding the upward trend of human leptospirosis cases 

California in a jam after borrowing billions to pay unemployment benefits

New York Home Depot Hires Guard Dogs to Protect Customers From Illegal Aliens

NYC: Rat-Borne Disease Explodes Amid Squalid City Conditions

Vid: Houston Police Union Issues Warning That the Texas City is ‘Not Safe’ as ‘Many Suspected Murderers’ Are Walking the Streets

Which Major City Will Completely Collapse First? 

“Rat Urine” Disease Spreading In New York City

Illinois: Soaring unemployment, sky-rocketing debt and punishing taxes send residents fleeing

San Francisco Using Tax Dollars to Buy Vodka and Beer for Homeless Alcoholics

Newsom Forced To Slash California Budget, Blames Crippling Deficit On “Rain Bombs” And Tax Shortfalls

Oakland, CA removes traffic lights after thieves repeatedly steal copper wire

As Chicago Burns, Alderman Will No Longer Share Crime Alerts With Constituents Because They Create a Bad ‘Perception’

New Tax Scheme Would Charge Citizens Per Mile Driven – Rate Could Be Based on Car’s Fuel Efficiency

Florida Supreme Court Sides With DeSantis Over Removal Of Soros-Backed Prosecutor

Mobs Are Taking Over The Streets Of Major U.S. Cities On A Nightly Basis

CA: wealthy Liberals Plan To Block The Sun

Police expert predicts Minneapolis’ future: ‘crime skyrockets, cops leave’

California Reveals All Job Gains In 2023 Were Fake

Officials close popular San Diego beaches amid sewage-contaminated waters

CA: Thousands of Joshua trees are being shredded onsite to make room for solar panels

Thieves In Seattle Targeting EV Charging Stations Has Reached “Epidemic Proportions”

CA: Delivery Drivers Now Being Accompanied By Armed Guards Due To “Crime Concerns”

DC Enforces Youth Curfew “To Keep Young People Out Of Trouble”

Sacramento City Attorney Threatens Target with Criminal Charges if They Continue to Call Police For Theft Incidents

Hospital worker: California is pushing radical ‘LGBTQ ‘ training on state employees

‘Direct Assault On The Safety Of Children’: California Gov. Signs First Of It’s Kind Anti-Parental Notification Bill

“This Is The Final Straw”: Musk Announces SpaceX Moving From CA To Texas After Newsom Passes Anti-Parent Gender Law 

San Francisco’s Saks Department Store to Become ‘Appointment Only,’ Confirms Round of Layoffs

DEI is inextricably connected with an illiberal, authoritarian cult

Chicago Plans to Launch City-Run Grocery Stores 

‘Right-Wing Nazi’: A Lie of the 20th Century 

Oregon Reverses Liberal Drug Law After “Losing A Generation” To Addiction

Minnesotans speak out on rise in crime at congressional hearing: ‘Nothing is being done about it’

The 10 planks of communism and the 45 communist goals in 1963

New York City Mayor Eric Adams surrenders to federal authorities to face corruption charges

California passes law allowing Dutch-style cannabis cafes

San Francisco To Shutter 9% Of Public Schools As Budget Crisis Explodes

New York passes radical pro-abortion, pro-Sodomite ‘Equal Rights Amendment’

In-N-Out exec cites crime woes over Oakland location closure: ‘gunshots went through the store’

Survivor of Mao’s Cultural Revolution warns Americans about the ‘slavery of communism’

‘Manufactured Crisis’ James Simpson Exposes the Left’s War to Destroy America

Home Insurers Are Leaving California. The Wildfires Could Make It Worse.

California Imposes 1-Year Insurance Cancellation Freeze In Areas Ravaged By Wildfires

The LAFD is run by three lesbians named ‘Kirsten’

Blaming ‘Climate Change’ For L.A. Fires Only Makes Newsom Look Criminally Incompetent

Wildfire Woes: California Regulators Halted Palisades Fire Prevention Project- to Save Rare Shrub

California’s Huntington Beach Declares Itself ‘Non-Sanctuary City’

Washington State Seeking To Legalize Homeless Encampments

Chicago Mayor’s Office Improperly Blocked Access To Lavish ‘Gift Room’: Inspector General

GOP begins effort to recall all 66 DFL legislators who are boycotting legislative session

Trump Says He Will Investigate California’s High-Speed Rail Project 

