Hip Hop White House
['Burn a Bush’? Michelle Obama invites rapper Common to a poetry reading] "...Here’s an opportunity to relive your high-school poetry classes.
First Lady Michelle Obama has scheduled a poetry evening for Wednesday, and she’s invited several poets, including a successful Chicago poet and rapper, Lonnie Rashid Lynn, Jr., AKA “Common.” However, Lynn is quite controversial, in part because his poetry includes threats to shoot police and at least one passage calling for the “burn[ing]” of then-President George W. Bush..." Full text: 'Burn a Bush’? Michelle Obama invites rapper Common to a poetry reading
Would you call Michelle Obama a classy woman?
Response to comment [from a other]: "And the Republican politician Peter King at a time in his past supported IRA terrorists – He has been to the White House several times - what’s your point?"
Wouldn't it be nice to hear them
talk about black men staying with their wives to head up their families?
Do you feel me, yo?
"Well, I hate the fact that someone disrespectfully photoshopped the face of our President on the face of a monkey..."
Do you believe man came from a monkey?
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "...[E]veryone who hasn't worked in the system knows that white men don't have that problem."
Fatherless homes in the black community are a big problem. Perhaps the Obamas
could find time between
bad poetry parties to speak out on the issue.
[Abstract from the author: Michelle Gonzalez, et al. "Psychological Control Associated with Youth Adjustment and Risky Behavior in African American Single Mother Families."] "...A distinction between parental behavioral control and psychological control has been elucidated in the literature, yet far less is known about the role of psychological control in youth adjustment broadly or risky behavior in particular. We examined the interrelationship of maternal psychological control, youth psychosocial adjustment, and youth risk behaviors among African American single mother-youth (11-16-year old) dyads ( n = 194), families in which youth are more vulnerable to adjustment problems and risky behavior than Caucasian youth or youth from intact homes..." Michelle Gonzalez, et al. "Psychological Control Associated with Youth Adjustment and Risky Behavior in African American Single Mother Families." Journal of Child & Family Studies 20.1 (2011): 102. MasterFILE Premier. EBSCO. Web. 10 May 2011.
Response to comment [from other]: "Yeah, I feel you - Do you feel this? http://youtu.be/xlOIy6QEbes (respectful and tastefully done – rap starts 50 seconds into video).
I'm down with that bro'.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: [Michelle Obama] "Well she doesn't go round trolling websites."
How does this work,
you're a troll if you're on the Right but you're a cuddly bunny if you're on the
Response to comment [from other]: "Common isn't the same type of artist a 50 cent or Kanye West is. , but it's ok right? Because the world is black and white."
I thought the
above black or white.
There goes the neighborhood.
Response to comment [from other]: "Trolling] "...[i]t kinda works like this SD...."
I thought so.
"...You're a troll if you deliberately misrepresent people..."
If I did that, it would be trollish as you
"...[M]ake allegations towards other members sans evidence, misquote people out of context and link to own website etc...."
I never interrupt Barbarian while he makes
a fool of himself.
"...Left and Right really don't enter into it..."
Left and Right enter into it (Eccl 10:2).
"Glad to be of service..."
After you and
Cheese take your disputes to the U.N., comment on Michelle Obama. What do
you think of her? A little Spartan?
"She's a politicians wife...Flawed like the rest of us."
Too bad
she involves herself in policy.
"...Take this short history quiz. What time and place in history do the following statements describe?
People, especially the educated ones, have rejected traditional religion.
Cults from the East have been accepted.
Astrology is practiced.
Patriotism ahs declined.
Men practice manners which have previously been considered effeminate.
The upper class is consumed with the pursuit of pleasure.
Education stresses knowledge more than character, and produces masses of half-educated people.
Public athletic games have turned into professional contests.
Homosexuality is popular.
Men who want to watch dances by unclad women do not have to go far to find them.
The dramas of the day are full of seduction and adultery.
A women's' liberation movement has brought women into active roles in a culture which has previously been male oriented.
Motherhood is devalued, and the bearing of children is viewed an inconvenience.
Abortion is commonly practiced, as well as infanticide.
Choose the best answer from the following:
A. America, during the 1950s
B. Ancient Greece, during the later stages of its decline
C. America, today
(If you selected B or C, you are correct. Either one will do.)
The similarities between decadent Greece and present day America are stark and sobering...This was Greece near the end of her life (pg. 19-20, Overman)."
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "...[T]hat's why you noted and narrowed, your overwhelming concern for them on that point...."
If I am not concerned why did I bring it up? Are you concerned? Are you projecting your lack of concern on me?
[White dead beat dads] "Should the Speaker of the House be all over that one?"
Obama is the first black American President. He speaks ebonically when it serves him.
His wife bumps and grinds on the White House South lawn while encouraging people to get fit like a Spartan. She has invited a "poet" to the White House who encourages violence against authorities and former Presidents. Do you think this first family is serving as a fine example for black youth to emulate?
Response to comment [from other]: "What exactly is 'traditional religion'?"
Faith in God (Heb 11:1).
"...[T]eaching moral values etc is obviously a good thing..."
"...For the Hebrew, an objective, superhuman source of information was an absolute necessity in defining human values. This objective source was the Word of the personal-unlimited God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Understanding this superhuman source of information and applying it to their lives was critical to their well-being. That's how Moses, Solomon, and the Apostle Paul saw it. These men, and others like them, believed that to look within themselves, or to look within one's society , for the standards by which to measure values was to look in the wrong direction. Paul warned that those who measure themselves by themselves are unwise. Man was to look outward, to an objective instrument panel for successful flying in life. Not to understand this instrument panel (the Word of God) was to be uneducated, and to disregard it was foolish. And to say "man is the measure of all things" was stupidity, which explains why the study of Greek philosophy was not tolerated in Hebrew schools (pg. 46, Overman)."
"Are you against professional sport?"
"...Sparta...a place where "no one was allowed to live after his own fancy; but the city was a sort of camp, in which every man ...looked upon himself not so much born to serve his own ends as the interests of his country...[T]hey were to make themselves one with the public good, and, clustered like bees around their commander, be by their zeal and public spirit carried all but out of themselves, and devoted wholly to their country."
...[F]or Lycurgus and his city-state, there was simply no greater good than the good of the group as a while. In Sparta we find one of the most brazen examples of statism the world has ever known. Statism means the interests of the state provide the sole bases of human worth and moral values. In statism, what is good, moral, honorable, and just is defined in terms of the goals and aspirations of the state itself. Under such conditions, the state sets the standards of value, not only for human lives, but for every human activity. Such values are prescribed by the state, and are relative to the purposes of its self-serving existence.
In Sparta, the will of the state was supreme, and its inhabitants were virtually owed by the city-state from the cradle to the grave. The Spartan army provided the cohesive factor of the culture. To be "good" meant to be strong and brave. The measurement of a man's worth was found in how much he contributed to the strength of the group as a whole. And in the process, the individual was minimized (pg. 38-39, Overman)."
"Nothing wrong with women being liberated IMO...."
How do you like Michelle calling her
husband "stinky" in public and correcting him time and time again? Her mother lives in The White House.
"...As for the character of Spartan women, the Greek historian Plutarch described them as "bold and masculine, over bearing to their husbands (pg. 38, Overman)."
"...[H]ey buddy, you're the President. Get down to the Oval Office and call some leaders ( Michelle Obama)."
"People have always had a sex drive and it's pretty naive to think that promiscuity only existed with the introduction of strip clubs..."
Our culture is sex-obsessed. Greece was in the end, too.
"The dramas (as well as the films of today) are often hit or miss. Personally I don't want my viewing limited to Mary Poppins and the like..."
O be careful little eyes what you see
O be careful little eyes what you see
There's a Father up above
And He's looking down in love
So, be careful little eyes what you see
"Homosexuality is accepted now. If that equates to being 'popular' then that's your correlation."
Are you tolerant of the Christian view opposing homosexuality? You are a humanist. You value man's opinion over God's word (1 Cor 6:9).
"Not every woman wants to have children. That's hardly something to have 'just appeared'."
Europe is not reproducing itself. You don't see a problem with that?
"Homosexuality is accepted now..."
"...At seven years of age the Spartan boy was taken from his parents to be brought up by the state. He became part of a military training program which included the most severe forms of discipline.
Bearing pain and hardships silently was expected of all. Any signs of cowardice brought days of disgrace. By the age of twelve, they were required to sleep in the open air on a bed of broken rushes from the river band. Underclothing was not allowed, and only one garment was worn throughout the entire year. They knew no comforts of home, but lived in barracks until the age of thirty. These youngsters were often the homosexual objects of older men.
At the age of thirty a man was admitted to the rights of a citizen and allowed to dine with his elders, where he was required from his thirtieth year to his sixtieth to eat his main daily meal in the public dining hall, the food being deliberately small in amount in order to harden him for war (pg. 37-38, Overman)."
"Abortion is hardly new either..."
New morality is old sin.
"A newborn baby's cry broke the early morning air as another human life took breath. A baby boy was born. His deep brown eyes and wavy, coal-black hair bore unmistakable resemblance to his parents. His father and mother were pictures of robust health, and this baby boy seemed healthy, too. Yet, he was considerably smaller than normal, which caused the parents to exchange glances of concern. "We'll let the Council decide," the mother said.
It was the City Council's duty to determine the worthiness of children born into this society. Infants were brought before the Council for official inspection and formal approval. It was for the common good of the city as a whole. The highest standards of strength must be maintained. Even before they brought him to the Council, his parents knew what the outcome would probably be. And they were right. This child was deemed unfit for life.
Removing the baby from his parents (who willingly have him up), the officials took him to a high cliff and tossed him over the edge. His helpless wail was abruptly cut off by the impact of his tiny body upon the jagged rocks below. A fleeting echo remained but for a moment. Then all was silent once again. This grisly scene really happened. Not once, but many times over. The place was Sparta. The time was about 2,500 years ago. The cliff is on Mt. Taygetus, in southern Greece.
What happens in a culture where the dividing line between man and animal is blurry? The answer is: The two blend into one. People lose their sense of humanity, and act more like animals than men. Such was the case in ancient Sparta (pg. 37, Overman)."
Response to comment [from an atheist]: [Would you call Michelle Obama a classy woman?] "By far more classy than you, but that doesn't take much."
A drag queen
lecturing on class
(Deut 22:5, Mt 19:4).
Godly Girl
"You could stand to learn a thing or two from me."
You must live as the man God made you (Deut 22:5, Mt 19:4).
"I live as the person that I am. I also live as an honest and decent human being, you should try it some time."
You may fool yourself but you don't fool others. [Quote Persephone66: I'd spit in his eye, give him the finger, say a few things that I can't say here. Pretty much not hold back and let him know what I really think. And then I'll ride away on the invisible pink unicorn and visit the Flying Spaghetti Monster and share a barrel of bloodwine with him and Chancellor Gowron.]
You are in rebellion against God (Nu 14:9; Jos 22:19).
Response to comment [from other]: "I am not interested in your copy/pastes."
That was a hunt and peck and paste.
"We don't live in Greece from thousands of years ago..."
You don't think there is anything to learn from the assumptions we make?
"Trying to compare the modern West to an ancient Civilization is just flaming bizarre..."
We are more civilized.
"How would you like a man telling you you have no right to voice opinions in public?"
Isn't that what you call for every day?
Would you
shut down my signature and site if you could?
I'm sure TOLers would like us both to go away at this point.
"...Leave the debates et al to the menfolk..."
Too bad there aren't any menfolk.
"Fixation with sex is nothing new SD."
Liberals would like you to think that
they have something to teach you.
"Victorian times...."
Do you think Queen Victoria would have
approved of the William and Kate shack up?
"...[S]elf righteous prudes..."
Those who follow God's way are
prudes? God invented sex. His followers don't need tips from dysfunctional,
diseased fornicators (Jn
Response to comment [from other]: "You should be the one to want to either shut down your site or at least stop linking it to here...Not a threat just a heads up. I'd be happy to show you what I mean if you care..."
I share minimal information online.
Do you have theology or politics to discuss?
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "Unlike you, I don't need to fool anyone..."
You're projecting again.
A man dressing as a woman is not rebellion toward God's order?
Deut 22:5,
Mt 19:4,
1 Cor 6:9.
"I have yet to see sufficient proof that your god exists..."
You do not know God personally. Do you wonder why?
"...I care about as much for his order as I would that of the Jedi Council. Aside from that, I wear what I like."
Would you describe yourself as a little child or a
stinkin' brat? Mt 19:4.
"You do not know him personally..."
People who claim to know Jesus personally are lying? Jer 9:24, Phil 3:8.
"I'd say they are self deluded at best. How can you have a personal relationship with someone that may or may not have lived 2000 years ago? It's like saying you have a personal relationship with Sun Tzu because you read The Art of War."
How do you explained changed lives?
"Delusion. Or exchanging one "opiate" for another."
How can that be? The apostle Paul said:
"Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do
not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor
homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor
revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were
some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were
justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God (1
Co 6:8-11)."
The truth is--the gospel of Jesus Christ is powerful. It changes men. It did
then. I does now. Do you think Paul was lying?
Is that a picture of you (avatar)?
Response to comment [from other]: "You're a raging simpleton and you have no idea what you're commenting on....Think and investigate before you speak."
Call it what you'd like. It's not "poetry".
Response to comment [from other]: [We are more civilized.
"Define 'civilized'.
Us (Pr 8:36). Any human system could work with a God-fearing people. Every system fails without reverence and awe for God. Ex. 19:3–8 Deut. 26:16–19. Deut. 29:1–13; 1 Sam. 8:6.
Apparently, you need more convincing (Re 14:10).
[Too bad there aren't any menfolk. :peach:] "What?"
“It’s an evidence of decline, however, when women come
into positions of authority. It’s not a reflection on womanhood, but the
reflection is on manhood when womanhood takes the lead. It’s actually a sign of
weakness, the sign of a flabby age.” J. Vernon McGee
Deborah and Barak
[Do you think Queen Victoria would have approved of the William and Kate shack up?] "Who knows?"
[The Testimony of Great Men] "...From among the cloud of witnesses, further representing the intellect of the world, we appeal to England and we give the first place to speak, to Queen Victoria. An African Prince who was sent on an embassy with costly presents for Queen Victoria from an Ethiopian court, preferred a modest request that Her Majesty would tell him the secret of England's greatness and glory. Queen Victoria did not, like Hezekiah, show the ambassador her diamonds and her precious jewels and her rich ornaments, but handing him a beautifully bound copy of the Bible, said, "Tell the prince that this is the secret of England's greatness.' What a beautiful testimony from the Queen of England. Let me give another illustration of Queen Victoria's acceptance and faith in the teachings of the Bible. 'In a quiet cottage not far distant from Windsor Castle, the palace of the Queen, there lived some years ago, an aged Christian woman, who had seen nearly her hundredth year. The Queen having heard of this aged pilgrim decided to visit her. Great indeed was the joy of the old lady, as she looked on the face of her earthly sovereign. She exclaimed, 'What a joy, and what an honor to me that my Queen should come to see me.' Then she added joyfully, 'But I expect a greater joy, a greater honor still and that before long, I am going to see 'the King in His beauty,' Then softly and with much feeling, the aged saint enquired, 'May I venture to ask if your Majesty has such a hope?' Calmly, Queen Victoria the Sovereign of Great Britain and Empress of India, replied to the aged Pilgrim: 'Through Jesus Christ whose blood cleanseth from all sin, I have such a hope.'" The Testimony of Great Men
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "The same way you would dismiss the changed lives of Muslims."
Yet you see
their fruits (Mt
Jn 16:2).
Compare and contrast to the fruits of Bible believing Christians.
What Christianity Has Done for the World
"Now, now SD, when are you going to learn to play nice?"
Didn't Wiz' tell you? We're best friends now.
"Anyway, in Biblical times men wore dresses not trousers..."
22:5 deals with the issue of men dressing in
women’s clothing and vice versa. In this passage God commands that a woman is
not to wear that which pertains to a man and a man is not to wear that which
pertains to a woman, for all that do so are an “abomination...”
...Paul tells the Corinthian church that the way a person wears their hair is a
demonstration of rebellion against God’s order, and therefore a woman who cuts
her hair to appear as a man or a man who wears his hair long to appear as a
woman brings shame to them (1
Corinthians 11:3-15). The issue here is the
motive and attitude of the heart that is evidenced in the choice to rebel
against God’s standard for obedience.
These are principles we can use to reason an application. Whatever the
prevailing custom, men and women should wear gender-appropriate clothing,
dressing decently and in order (1
Corinthians 14:40). To apply the principles,
the Bible calls cross-dressing or transvestitism a choice that is a
demonstration of unbelief and rebellion against God and His order." Full text:
What does the Bible say about cross-dressing / transvestism? Is transvestitism a
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "Serpentdove, what do you think of heavy metal?"
I play music for hockey. There's no getting around
I've also been known to write "Ozzy" on my knuckles, why?
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "So what's the difference? Supposing militancy and terrorism are the only fruits of Islam they are mere trivialities compared to what you actually yearn for in the name of God..."
~ George Costanza
"You yearn for the day where every Non-Christian is cast into eternal torture whilst the few true believers ascend to a hive mind status with God..."
It's my hope that people get saved (2 Pe 3:9). They'll be worth the wait.
"The militancy of Islam is at best indistinguishable to what you propose and at worst, they got nothin' on your dreams."
For every truth there is Satan's counterfeit (Ga 5:9).
Response to comment [from other]: "Do you value the freedom afforded in Western society?"
We value freedom. Satan hates our open and free society
which is why he'd like to destroy it (Ge
12:3). He hates God's people which is why he is
out to destroy them. You should love freedom if for no other reason than Satan
hates it (Jn
8:36). You should love the Jews if for no other
reason than Satan hates them (De 7:6,7).
Do you believe American would be at the top of al Qaeda's hit list if we were
When you are feeling anti-Semitic by the way, you know who is speaking in your
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "First Lady Nancy Reagan consulted astrologers. Would you call her a classy woman?"
Start a Nancy Reagan thread.
Response to comment [from other]: [PM of loving concern] "Didn't George W Bush have Ozzy Osbourne over to the White House? I missed serpentdove's thread on that..."
Hi new best friend.
Response to comment [from other]: "I've never been, nor will be an anti Semite..."
There's hope.
Response to comment [from other]: "Time for those meds SD..."
You're just jealous because Wiz and I are best buddies
We've come to an understanding on all things (I won all of the debates). The
only dispute that remains is--and feel free to jump in--Who is better
Randy Rhoads or Eddie Van Halen?
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Why start a thread questioning
Michelle Obama's 'classiness' as if listening to hip-hop is beneath consulting
astrological charts (or metal and Ozzie for that matter).
You just pick and choose topics based on your biases."
Burning and killing Presidents. Praising cop killers.
Common went to Jeremiah Wright's racist Trinity United Church of Christ.
Ozzy is with a "y" by the way.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: [Ozzy] "I apologize, you're right there..."
You scared me. I thought you were the six-fingered man.
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "...You still do believe that those who could not be saved will be tortured for eternity and you still on that point believe it to be completely justified and entirely righteous. And that sir, is how a militant has nothing on your dreams."
The doctrine of hell is biblical (Ac 2:31). The good news of the gospel is that you do not need to go there (Lu 2:10,11,31,32).
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "...[Y]our thread just spirals away from topic and further and further from reality. A serpentdove free-for-all, as usual."
So? Jn 3:8.
Neither this guy nor Trudy Monk's killer belong at an
'Obama said chill, gonna get me impeached'
Gingrich: Gangs Have Increased By 40% Since Obama Was Elected
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Yes, like Jeremiah Wright, Bammys pastor for 20 years, he always just came right out and said us white folk are the devil."
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "[Racist thread] "And they're crawling out of the woodwork, aren't they?"
Aren't you the one that believes man came from
a monkey?
Ac 17:26
Darwin’s Plantation: Evolution’s Racist Roots
"...[M]ost people who think they hate science don't have any idea of what it's really about..."
[Barbarian] "...[I]f you hang out at those racist websites you tout, you'll never get better."
You're projecting again.
Response to comment [from other]: "I'm sure the bands you listen to sing
about things like abstinence, being anti-abortion, being a present father.
Or are you even able to listen to to music, what with your head
spinning...cracker lady"
Ac 17:26
Jeantel Piers Morgan Difference Between Ni66a And Ni66ger Black Ebonics
First Lady
Michelle Obama to release hip-hop album
'Selfies at Funerals' Blogger Retires After Obama's Mandela Memorial Pic
Obama Gives Queen an iPod of his Speeches
Obama meets with YouTube kids but refuses to meet Netanyahu
Obama Knocked for Chewing Gum in India: 'Ungainly Sight'
Obama’s April Fools’ Day joke: He taught Frank Underwood Is 57:4
Netanyahu: Threatens Survival of Israel
'Increases risk of horrific war'
First Lady Michelle Obama
does ‘Evolution of Mom Dancing’ sequel with Jimmy Fallon
Response to comment [from a Christian]: