US Department of Agriculture
Big Ag'
Big Food, End Times Food Control Am 8:5, Re 13:11-17
[Wide Load Wants to Control Your Food] "Michelle Obama has warned that the government can and will step in. No one gets off the hook on this one, Obama said in a presentation this week...
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "Are you calling Michelle Obama "wide load"?"
"Wide load"..."Big rig" pick. Michelle says French fries are her favorite food. She is free to eat them but we are not. Is there any area of our lives that Leftists are not attempting to control?
"Big government makes for a small citizen (Prager)."
Response to comment [from And what's wrong with a wide load anyway?"
What's wrong with food control anyway? Re 13:11-17. When you look at Michelle, do you see a class act or a large derrièred control freak?
Response to comment [from a Christian]: I see an attractive control freak, derrier and all. Michelle's problem is not in her rear end but what's in her top end.
You think?
Response to comment [from an atheist]: Isn't gluttony a sin?
Why? Does she want to eat the
world now with those fries? Did I miss
Stop it now.
She s a lovely lady. You ve seen the garden right?
And you may be right-- an atheist quoting the Bible
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: …[S]he's not sinfully obese
No, her kids are.
It was terribly worrisome.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "IMO...I've always thought toy "prizes" in greasy kid "meals" was a pretty sick way to sell burgers."
Too bad Leftists want their opinions put into policies and regulations. Christians are about freedom to choice (Jn 8:36).
"Jonah Goldberg reminds us
that the original fascists were really on the Left,
and that liberals from Woodrow Wilson to FDR to
Hillary Clinton have advocated policies and
principles remarkably similar to those of Hitler's
National Socialism and Mussolini's Fascism.
Contrary to what most people think, the Nazis were
ardent socialists (hence the term "National
Socialism"). They believed in free health care and
guaranteed jobs. They confiscated inherited wealth
and spent vast sums on public education. They purged
the church from public policy, promoted a new form
of pagan spirituality, and inserted the authority of
the state into every nook and cranny of daily life.
The Nazis declared war on smoking, supported
abortion, euthanasia, and gun control. They loathed
the free market, provided generous pensions for the
elderly, and maintained a strict racial quota system
in their universities--where campus speech codes
were all the rage. The Nazis led the world in
organic farming and alternative medicine. Hitler was
a strict vegetarian, and Himmler was an animal
rights activist... (Sleeve of his book, Liberal
Fascism by Jonah Goldberg)."
"Baltimore-- The Baltimore City
Health Department issued its first environmental
citation for repeat violations of the city's trans
fat ban.
The Health Department issued Healthy Choice, a food
facility in the 400 block of Lexington Street, a
$100 fine on Thursday.
"It was the second time they were found with a high
trans fat level in their ingredients," said Health
Department agent Juan Gutierrez..." Full text:
Baltimore Hands Out First Trans Fat Citation
"The British government has reportedly started in 2003 a campaign to reduce sodium by setting targets to reduce the levels of sodium in 80 food categories while the health department of New York City followed suit through menu labeling, ban on trans fat and restriction on smoking. A report of the Institute of Medicine (IOM) suggests a cut on sodium through the use of sodium crystals, herbs and spices..." Jacobson, Michael F. "2010: The Year of Salt." Nutrition Action Health Letter 37.1 (2010): 2. MAS Ultra - School Edition. EBSCO. Web. 4 Nov. 2010. Rev. 13:11 17.
"I do think that many of us
came into this expecting all the
change we talked about
happening all at once..." ~ Michelle Obama
Want to recognize your country again?
Response to comment [from other]: "What's your point? That you expect quick fixes?"
Much damage has already been done in this freak show called America. Will we recognize her again after Obama's "transformation"? He says it's "all at risk"--Good.
[Law curbs McDonald's Happy
Meal toys] "San Francisco has become the first major
U.S. city to pass a law that cracks down on the
popular practice of giving away free toys with
unhealthy restaurant meals for children...
The San Francisco law would allow toys to be given
away with kids' meals that have less than 600
calories, contain fruits and vegetables, and include
beverages without excessive fat or sugar..."
Full text
Big Rig take your Big Mac soon?
Wide Load wants your bake sale goods. Does she need anymore : cupcakes? Jer 5:8.
Wide Load does not fight evil so
fights French fries.
Rev. 13:11 17
Spartan Women
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "Is reducing childhood obesity really such a bad thing?"
No one voted for Michelle Obama (Mt 7:3-5). Why is she involved in policy and food control? Rev. 13:11 17
Food Police Reject Homemade Lunch
Rev. 13:11 17
Spartan Women
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "I'm getting pretty uncomfortable with this new theme of attacking the First Lady..."
I'm getting pretty uncomfortable with The First Lady involving herself in policy decisions. Rev. 13:11 17 No one voted for Michelle Obama.
"What's next? Are we going to start attacking the girls, too?"
Why does she talk about their BMI?
Flip Wilson umm hmm
State Bans Bake Sales
Rev 13:11-17
Spartan Women
Michelle Obama names obesity as greatest national
security threat
Spartan Women
"She's got a great ass..." ~ Vincent Hanna, Heat
Response to comment [from : "I have not seen a public school lunch in 22 years. I remember them (ick) but have NO clue what they are like now..."
I was just in a lunch room at a local high school. They had a Subway. That is capitalism. If wide load gets her way, it will be gone soon. Rev. 13:11 17
Big brother to log drinking habits, waist size, weight, cholesterol, BMI...
European Commission to criminalize nearly all seeds and plants not registered with government
Log your workout online: "...[P]articipants
can begin logging their workouts, which will garner
prizes for numbers of days participated, as well as
weekly random-drawing prizes and eligibility to win
larger sweepstakes.
...[R]egistrants can get tips about exercise and
nutrition, find motivational information and compete
against friends, neighbors and fellow Coloradans.
"We're trying to make this really accessible and fun
and appealing," says Tracy Faigin Boyle, vice
president of marketing and communications at
LiveWell, which has partnered with its founding
funder, challenge sponsor Kaiser Permanente, on the
event..." Full text:
Colorado Get Movin' Challenge
a statewide effort for health
Also see:
Greek values
Response to comment [from other]: "Do you do telemarketing too?"
You love
the Marxist.
Eccl 10:2,
Jn 10:10
Spartan women
Obama of Borg presidential pledge
Michelle's Newest Initiative: Using Hip-Hop to Fight
Also see:
Hip Hop White House
Schools Sending Fat Letters To Parents About Overweight Children
Michelle O hypes 'drink more water' plan--on September 11th
Response to comment [from other]: "I asked if you do telemarketing..."
Town forces couple to rip out 17-year-old vegetable
First lady enlists Sesame Street characters to
promote healthy eating
Obama using food-stamp cash to fund Michelle s
Let s Move
Feds fund 'restaurant-based intervention' to change
how kids order food
Also see:
If the government should control your healthcare as
they are doing, why shouldn't they control your
food? How about your travel?
Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10, Jn 8:36
Law Wants To Regulate Pizza
EPA Bans Most Wood-Burning Stoves
Survey: Number of American Farms Declining
State Control of Your Children
Michelle O: Moms 'Confused and Bewildered' by
Grocery Shopping
Man faces $75,000 a day in EPA fines for building
stock pond on his property
Revolt: KY school district drops lunch program
Atlanta: 'We're expected to hire food police'
Second Grader Writes to Michelle O: You 'Ruined' Taco Tuesday
Univision host fired for first lady comment says White House complained
Supreme Court justices question gov't program forcing raisin growers to turn over crop
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "From serpent's source: Presidential Approval President Barack Obama Approve 51% Disapprove 47%..."
You shall not
follow the masses in doing evil (Ex 23:2).
Michelle O Jokes About Running for President
Michelle Obama Tells Graduates to 'Shape the Revolution Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10
Teacher threatened with fine for violating Michelle O s school snack
School board members get a taste of Michelle O
...Cold chicken patty on rock-hard bun
Police Shut Down Girls' Lemonade Stand for No Permit
Kids caught selling salt and sugar
Michelle O's school lunch rules to expand to day-ay-don't cares [Enyart]
Teachers granted power to 'confiscate and destroy' unhealthy school lunches
"America hasn t always treated
your people and your heritage with dignity and
~ Michelle
to tribal youth
Ac 17:26
Recommended reading:
the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection,
or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the
Struggle for Life
you re trying to pick an issue that you want to
tackle, that s a pretty good place to start -- with
your emotion."
Michelle Obama, The Girl Up Leadership Summit
"If it feels good do it--do it in the road--just
what they need to hear."
~ Michael Savage
Eccl 10:2,
Jn 10:10
Teen s senior year photo shoot at Taco Bell goes
Pizza Hut Song
Obamacare Allows Companies to Punish Fat Employees
Ruling: New Jersey Casino Can Regulate
Waitresses Weight
Obese to Wear Waist Sensors for Federal Study
Russian TV Trashes Michelle O
Feds Move on Meat
...All Food Must List Total Calories
Re 13:11 17
Govt Bans Growing Food, Forces Family to Destroy
Front Yard Garden — Now They re Fighting Back
FL Attorney Says Growing Vegetables Not a
Fundamental Right
Privatization of Water as an Owned Commodity
Rather Than a Universal Human Right
AeroFarms, the future of feeding cities
UN: Tax meat until too expensive to eat
Bayer-Monsanto merger is five-alarm threat to
food and farms: Legal experts
The war against your garden
[Was Michelle born a man,
Pothead daughter
thread isn't about whether the First Lady
wears pearls and a pillbox hat. It's
about you being a racist.
Eph 4:14
Tactics of the Left
Woman Stunned To Receive Arrest Warrant For
Selling Homemade Tamales In Neighborhood
EU Food and Farming Regulator (EFSA) Creates
Plant Health Loophole for Banned Weed
Vid: Why Are Russia and China Buying Up All
of America s Food?
Single Mom Faces Jail For Selling Food On
Reality TV: Michelle Obama
to judge child chef competition
Michelle Obama to Bring Order Out of the
Chaos That Hubby Will Create
Obama [Gog]
Michelle Obama: Trump Wants to Feed Crap
to Your Kids
Farmer faces $2.8 million fine for plowing
own field
Monsanto In Court Again As Powerful New
Herbicide Accidently Kills 3.6 Million Acres
Of Crops
Vid: Good Samaritans Shutdown, Ticketed for
Feeding Homeless During Thanksgiving Holiday
Dozen arrested for feeding homeless in San Diego
Bezos Buying up Grocery Stores and Newspapers
Monsanto Attacks Organic Farming The Common Sense Show
Stronghold of all the world s seeds in the Global Seed Vault reaches the one million mark
Government says no to self-reliant citizens: Rainwater collection criminalized
Chinese to Weaponize Food on a Global Scale
Banning of Home Gardens, Cash & Gold Grand Solar Minimum
California Insurrection Will Lead to Food As a Weapon
An Estimated 150-200 Million Pigs Have Been Hit By A Global Plague Of Biblical proportions
Trade War Crushes American Farmers, Income Collapses Most Since 2016
Only 30% Of US Corn Fields Have Been Planted, 5 Year Average Is 66%
Farm Crisis: Suicides Spike In Rural America As Trade War Deepens
Arkansas Hardest Hit By Trade War, Farmers Now Resort To Desperation Loans For Survival
Grass Gestapo Out Of Control: $30K Fine & Potential Foreclosure For Too-Long Lawn
Banana-targeting fungus
may cause apocalyptic scenario for the fruit
According To The Feds, 19 Million Acres Of Farmland Went Un-Planted With Crops This Year
2019 the hardest year for U.S. farmers, survey says
Why You Should Not Drink Bottled Water — The Global Agenda to Privatize a Human Right
Global Authorities Brace For Worldwide Protein Shortage After Quarter Of Earth s Pigs Wiped Out
The Next Shoe In The Farm Crisis Drops: Bankruptcies Soar 24%
Dramatic cold spell sweeping across half the USA is already causing catastrophic food crop failures
Food prices are skyrocketing, and economists are worried
California Passes Insane New Law Limiting Personal Water Usage With Massive Fines
Midwest farmers face a crisis. Hundreds are dying by suicide.
Walmart blocks customers from buying garden seeds, claiming seeds aren t essential supplies
Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer prohibits the public from buying garden seeds still allows them to purchase Lotto tickets
Vid: Big Family Homestead on dumping milk
Smithfield pork plant latest to close amid coronavirus, raising more concerns about U.S. food supply
Beef Prices Explode To Record Highs As More Stores Limit Meat Purchases
Wendy s Pulls Burgers From Some Restaurants Amid Nationwide Meat Shortage
U.S. Faces Meat Shortages as Pork, Other Protein Exports to China Soar
US grocery costs jump the most in 46 years, led by rising prices for meat and eggs
Grocery store prices have increased at the greatest rate in 46 years: Report
US food prices see historic jump and are likely to stay high
Lawsuit Accuses Nation s Top Meatpackers Of Conspiring To Boost The Price Of Beef
More Food Shortages Loom With Outbreaks at 60 U.S Plants
Coronavirus Surge Challenges Struggling Food Supply
US Farmer Sentiment Dives As Ag Input-Costs Skyrocket
Largest Pork Company in the US Shuts Down California Plant Due to High Costs
Massive Farmer Protests Continue in the Netherlands, Leading to Empty Shelves
Hostile Takeover of Global Food System Already in Process, Ice Age Farmer Tells RFK, Jr.
Ireland Joins Canada and Netherlands and Targets Farmers with Carbon Emissions Cuts
...Culling cows to fight “climate change”
Inflation has pushed South Florida farmers to breaking point: “It’s pretty bleak”
Net Zero is a deliberate attack on global food supply
Netherlands to shut down 11,200 farms to meet climate goals
“Forever chemicals” from biosludge fertilizers threaten existence of farms in Maine
Crop failures now at crisis levels worldwide as the United Nations declares war on fertilizer
Stable fertilizer supply key to stopping surge in food prices
Dutch farmers plan fresh protests as nitrogen ‘science’ is called into question
Trudeau’s Federal Agents Raid Private Farms to Ensure Compliant Nitrate Levels
Farmers join civilians in mass demonstrations, Germany
UN Food Official Warns Fertilizer Affordability Crisis Could Slash Global Grain Production By 40%
Netherlands to close up to 3,000 farms to comply with EU rules
Dutch Government Demands ‘Compulsory Purchase’ of 3,000 Farms
German farmers ordered to slash nitrogen fertilizer usage to comply with EU green tyrants
What’s Really Driving Netherlands’ Plan to Shut Down 3,000 Farms?
Farmer reveals the real reason for the egg shortage
Meet the Green Energy Group Behind the Study That’s Driving Calls To Ban Gas Stoves
Whistleblower Reveals What is Behind the Mass Attacks on US Food Facilities
Hogs are running wild in the U.S.—and spreading disease
Canadian Farmer Forced To Dump 30K Liters of Milk
Historic Upset in Netherlands: Farmer’s Movement
Hundreds of Tractors Protest EU Great Reset Plan to Cut Farm Animals
Farmers will be ordered to feed cows ‘methane suppressants’ to stop them belching
Largest U.S. Egg Producer Posts 718% Profit Hike Igniting Call to ‘Break Up Big Ag’
Amish Farmer Threatened for Not Giving Up Traditional Farming
New York Mayor Goes To War Against Meat And Dairy As Climate Agenda Escalates
Controversial mRNA Technology Now Targeting Livestock
Netherlands Land Grab: Dutch farmers prepare for a battle
Farmers Set to Abandon US Wheat Crops at Highest Rate Since 1917
John Kerry and "President Biden" Regime Target Small Farms in Their Ongoing Climate Crusade
John Kerry says farmers need to stop growing food in order to achieve “net zero” climate goals
Destruction of farming is front and centre in the fight against climate change, John Kerry says
South Dakota farmers face land seizures
Iowa’s Industrial Hog Farms Are Killing the State’s Fish With Animal Waste and Agrochemicals
Doug Casey on How the War on Farmers Could Trigger a Famine
Dutch government declares a state of emergency to stop farmer protest
Ireland Proposes Culling 200,000 Cows to Meet “Climate Goals”, Farmers Push Back
Dutch farmers’ party prepares for power as gov’t of WEF favorite Mark Rutte collapses
14 U.S. Cities Sign WEF Treaty To Ban Meat, Diary, Private Cars by 2030
Whole Cows CEO: “I’ll Shut Down the Company Before We Ship a Single Bag With mRNA-Injected Meat”
Stop demonising farmers and let farmers farm, Australian rural charity says
Texas mogul sold 130,000 acres of farmland to a Chinese billionaire
Netherlands: MP is being prosecuted for two counts of sedition for encouraging civil disobedience
Agenda 2030’s goal is “no farmers, no food”
EU states hoarding Russian fertilizer intended for poor countries
Foreigners Bought 3.4 Million Acres of U.S. Forest, Farm Land in 2022, Officials Say
Destroying Farmland To Reduce Population
The Italian resistance to tyranny makes its voice heard
German farmers gain some ground but will not stop protesting until the government capitulates
...Tens of thousands protest left-wing government policies, block highways
German railways join farmers’ protest; mainstream media accused of concealing protests’ true scale.
German tractors clog Berlin as farmer protests reach climax
Why Has Bill Gates Spent $113 Million on Nebraska Farmland?
WHO ‘Declares War’ on Food Supply to ‘Fight Climate Change’
Scottish farmers’ protest: “Farmers are getting pushed to the limit – We’ve had enough”
Brussels: Rubber Bullets Fired At Farmers Protesting Outside EU Parliament
...Leaders pushing to restrict and eliminate farms and farmers
MEP Christine Anderson: It’s governments who are the extremists, not the farmers
EU postpones tougher regulations to appease anger
Farmers in Europe are protesting because they are being destroyed, Dutch MP says
European farmers’ protests: The fight back against the war on farming
EU Drops Key Provisions In 2040 Climate Proposal
Spain: Riot police are used to crush farmers’ protests
Farmers’ protests are spreading across the world
Europe: Farmers losing their livelihoods are fighting back
Climate Agenda Set To Push Food Prices Even Higher, Analysts Say
WEF Pushes Ban on Home-Grown Food to ‘Fight Climate Change’
The Globalists’ war against humanity includes the war against farming and local food security
Spanish police fire rubber bullets at farmers’ protests near Madrid
Over 140,000 Farms Lost In 5 Years
Oregon Shuts Down Small Farms En Masse "To Protect The People”
Jeff Bezos Vows to Destroy Farming Industry with $1 Billion Investment
UK: Chicken owners required to register with government
A turf war threatens to break out after the EU takes the Irish government to court
Fake meat: It’s all part of a plan to control the entire food supply
Climate change cult targets livestock; Northern Ireland slaughters cows at a younger age to comply
Shocking Map Reveals Vast US Farmland Owned by Chinese Government
Europe: Farmer Movements the Vanguard Against ‘Degrowth’ Green Agenda
Idaho’s 500,000-acre curtailment order: must immediately cease irrigating crops
Why Has China Purchased Farmland Near 19 Different Military Bases Inside The United States?
US Farmers Hoard Corn Like It’s 1988
UK: Farmers are being paid to leave crops rotting in the ground or to “plant” food for the birds
The Rockefeller Foundation and the destruction of global agriculture
How Big Tobacco Engineered Our Food to Addict Children
Now Meat Processing Plants Are Targeted To Shut Down
US Cattle Crisis Worsens As Nation’s Herd Size Continues Alarming Side Into Abyss