
Response to comment [from a Muslim]: "[W]e stone them to death for it."

[Don't Answer Loaded Questions by Ray Comfort] "How do you answer this question (asked by homosexuals who believe that they were born with same sex preference): "Did you choose to be a heterosexual?" It's important not to answer this question with a yes or a no. This is because it's loaded, similar to "Do you still beat up your mother? Yes or no." Their question equates heterosexuality with homosexuality, when the Bible does no such thing. Instead of a yes or no, point to 1 Corinthians 6:9-10: "Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators nor idolaters nor adulterous nor homosexuals...will inherit the kingdom of God." Explain that each of these practices are sins in God's eyes, and they are sins that we choose. We choose to be a fornicator, or to be an adulterer, and we choose to be a homosexual. Then take the person through the Ten Commandments to show him that he's in big trouble on Judgment Day, despite his sexual preference. That's what you see happening in "Audacity." (Learn more about the movie at www.AudacityMovie.com.)" Ray Comfort on Facebook

Lev 18:22, 20:13, 1 Ki 14:24, Ro 1:24, 26, 27


Egalitarian society


Sign of the Times

Baker Faces Jail Time for Refusing to Bake Cake for Sodomite Wedding

Green Berets in Negligees

War on Christians

Change You Can Believe In

Political Terrorism





University bans gender pronouns  

Putin   has not phoned Elton John,  says Kremlin

Christian Daycare Workers Fired for Refusing to Call a Little Girl a Boy 

Sarah Silverman Trolls Christmas: ‘Jesus Was Gender Fluid!’

Homosexuality is: forbidden (Lev. 18:22), considered an abomination (1 Kin. 14:24), punishment for (Lev. 20:13), unclean (Rom. 1:24, 26, 27).

Why North Carolina Lawmakers Banned Sodomite Non-Discrimination Policies  

San Fransicko mayor bars city workers’ travel to North Carolina over transgender bathroom law

aCultureWarrior View Post

I wonder how many North Carolinians called the degenerate Mayor of San Franswishco and personally thanked him/her/it?

We can buy things from North Carolina.  

Mississippi gov. signs law allowing service denial to gays

Sodomite Student Wins Battle to Run For Prom King 

Bruce Springspeen Cancels North Carolina Concert over Sodomite Law

Kasich: I wouldn’t have signed North Carolina 'bathroom' law

Bryan Adams refuses to play in Miss. over Sodomite bathroom law

Ringo Starr Cancels NC Concert

Cirque du Solei Cancels North Carolina Shows Over Public Facilities Act

patrick jane View Post

Cirque De Solei is all gay anyway.

Federal appeals court sides with transgender teen, says bathroom case can go forward

Target Stores Open Women’s Bathrooms, Changing Rooms to Sodomite Men

Wild fight breaks out at gender-neutral bathroom in Los Angeles

Sodomites sue N.C. after being turned away from fertility clinic


Baker Faces Jail Time for Refusing to Bake Cake for Sodomite Wedding

500,000 boycott Target over trans bathroom policy

Ktoyou View Post

Starting to think transvestites are worse now.

Next stop, age of consent.

Get 'em before 8 or it's too late. ~ Pedophile moto

North Carolina Lawmaker: ‘Keep Our State Straight’

Target Boycott Crosses 1 Million Signers, Stock Sinks by $1.5 Billion

eider View Post

Oh Goody goody!  A Christian who keeps the old laws?...

God's law is perpetual and ongoing (Mt 5:18). When did God nail do not murder, do not commit adultery to the cross? Mal 4:4-6, Mt 24:14 :smokie:

Recommended reading:

The Plot (an overview of the Bible) by Bob Enyart

Target’s Stock Down 5 Percent, Brand Damaged, by Public Rebuke to Pro-Transgender Bathroom Rules

North Carolina transgender law violates civil rights law: U.S.

Trans rebel tour of NC

US sues North Carolina over transgender bathroom law

Sodomite Princess

Obama Forces All Schools To Create Transgender-Ready Mixed-Sex Bathrooms, Locker Rooms

Texas Lt. Gov. accuses Obama of 'blackmail' on transgender bathrooms

‘We Are Coming Out’: More Than 100 Pastors, Deacons and Church Leaders Reveal They Are ‘Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer/Questioning, and Intersex’

Confusion: Woman mistaken as trans in Walmart bathroom

...'You need to leave' Pr 29:2

GOP Lawmaker Calls for ‘Civil Disobedience’ on Sodomite Bathroom Directive

Obama Cites Scripture To Defend Sodomite Bathrooms Laws Is 5:20

God “Absolutely” Approves of Homosexuals says Joel Osteen  

Ohio School District Sues Feds for Demanding that Students Have Access to Opposite-Sex Locker Rooms 

aCultureWarrior View Post

I'm not defending Osteen's overall Christian doctrine, I'm just setting the record straight that he doesn't (based on what I've read) defend homosexuality.

If Olsteen ever preached the gospel, six people would remain in his church (2 Pe 2:1).

Democrats, Sodomite activists’ sinister plan to crack down on Christian schools

First Sodomite Reality Dating TV Show to Debut in Fall

Mainstream now means teaching Sodomite life choices to second-graders.

Joe Biden performs his first marriage - between two men

No Scientific Evidence That People Are Born Gay or Transgender, Johns Hopkins Researchers Say

Florida School Allows Boy to Run for Homecoming Queen After First Rejecting Request 

MrDante View Post

[No Scientific Evidence That People Are Born Gay or Transgender, Johns Hopkins Researchers Say] This has been debunked so many times.

I can believe Jesus or I can believe you. I'm going with Jesus. 

Jesus is a John's Hopkins researcher?

"Men study science as god not the God of science." ~ Adrian Rogers

...[T]he fact remains that the article you linked has been debunked many times over.

Homosexuality is an abomination (1 Kin. 14:24).

Gay pride flag launched into space 'to spread peace'

Britain to pardon men convicted under anti-gay laws

Supreme Court to rule in Virginia transgender case  

Minnesota Judge: Medicaid Coverage Ban for Transgender Surgeries Unconstitutional Mt 19:4, Deut 22:5

Sodomite buys "homophobic" family’s dinner Gen. 25:29–34

BuzzFeed Is Trying To Destroy One Of TV’s Most Famous Christian Couples

ok doser View Post

Homosexual sex is always a sin, period.  Heterosexual sex is a sin unless it is between husband and wife.

kiwimacahau View Post

I disagree.

Disagree all you'd like (Ex 20:14, Re 22:11). Most people do (Mt 7:14). Payday someday (1 Co 6:9-10).


The Blame Game by Adrian Rogers

kiwimacahau View Post

Still taking scriptures out of context I see.

Let the reader decide (Eph 4:14).

Homosexuality is no more inherently sinful than is heterosexuality.

God calls homosexuality an abomination (Lev 18:22, 20:13, 1 Ki 14:24, Ro 1:24, 26, 27 ). What do you call it?

MLB rookie hazing rules ban dressing as women 

Magazine: 9-Year Old Transgender 

Lawsuits pile up against Obama new trans rule Mt 19:4, Deut 22:5

Ellen Sends Strong Warning Message to Christians On Her Latest Show

kiwimacahau View Post

Christians are not under the Judaic laws.

When did God nail do not murder , do not commit adultery to the cross? :smokie: Mt 5:18



Sodomite George Michael's Depravity


Everything She Wants ~ Wham

Last Christmas ~ Wham Pr 20:6

Boy Scouts of America to begin accepting transgender boys 

California Lawmakers Want ‘Third Gender Option’ for Drivers’ Licenses 

...“Male, Female, or Nonbinary”?” 

Trans sues school after refused to let wear boy's uniform Mt 19:4, Deut 22:5

UN Gay Rights Envoy: Religious Freedom ‘Not an Absolute Right’

Boy Scouts Welcome First Trans Member Mt 19:4, Deut 22:5

NFL warns Texas that its proposed ‘bathroom bill’ could jeopardize its chances to host future Super Bowls

First Trans Doll to Hit Market

kiwimacahau View Post

[Ezekiel 16:49]

"IV. The Punishment (16:27, 35–58)
A. She will be given over to her enemies (16:27) : She will be handed over to the Philistines, who also will be shocked by her conduct.
B. She will be stripped naked before them (16:37–41): The many nations that have been her lovers will destroy her.
C. She will be repaid for her sins (16:35–36, 42–52): God will pour out all his jealous anger on her.
D. She will be restored (16:53) : When God’s anger is spent, he will bring her back.
E. She will be ashamed for her sins (16:54–58): Her wickedness will be exposed to the world." Willmington, H. L. (1999). The Outline Bible (Eze 16:29–58). Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House Publishers.

Angel4Truth View Post

[Jud 7 ] In a similar way, Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding towns gave themselves up to sexual immorality and perversion.

About where we are now.

"III. The Historical Examples of Apostasy (1:5–6, 7b, 11): Jude lists six such examples.
A. The nation of Israel (1:5): Apostasy caused by unbelief.
B. Fallen angels (1:6): Apostasy caused by rebellion.
C. Sodom and Gomorrah (1:7b): Apostasy caused by sexual immorality.
D. Cain (1:11a): Apostasy caused by religious perversion.
E. Balaam (1:11b): Apostasy caused by financial greed.
F. Korah (1:11c): Apostasy caused by rejection of divine authority." Willmington, H. L. (1999). The Outline Bible (Jud 4–11). Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House Publishers.

Breitbart News May Boot Milo Yiannopoulos Over Sex Comments

kiwimacahau View Post

...[M]any Christians support equal rights for gays...

If one claims to be a Christian, we can reasonably expect him to follow Christ. 1 Co 5:11

[Lev 18:22, 20:13, 1 Ki 14:24, Ro 1:24, 26, 27 ] Jesus never once spoke of homosexuals...

Jn 1:1

Trump administration poised to change transgender student bathroom guidelines Mt 19:4, Deut 22:5

kiwimacahau View Post

 "Changing the law will not make Transgender folk cease to exist..."

The administration is addressing the law (Ps 33:12). Only the gospel can change a man's heart (Mt 15:19, 1 Cor. 15:1–4).

[Jn 1:1] You are confusing the eternal word with the bible.

Jn 1:14

Did Jesus exist before being born? Jn 1:1-3


Christmas Eve 2015 by Darrell Ferguson
Ps. 119:9, 11

Fight Erupts in Trump Administration Sodomite Students’ Rights
Mt 19:4, Deut 22:5

kiwimacahau View Post

[Sodomites Mt 19:4, Deut 22:5 ] Transgender folk are not necessarily homosexual. That you are unaware of this shows a depth of ignorance...

Eph 4:14
The wickedness of Sodom ([Ex 20:14] heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13]) was notorious (Gen. 13:13).

kiwimacahau View Post

 They were infamous for inhospitality.

When you die and go to hell, it won't be because you confused the salad fork for the dinner fork (1 Co 6:9-10).

As a reminder kiwimacahau is number 68 on Satan, Inc. (TOL Heretics list) in "The 'Jesus is not God' people (Non-trinitarians) category.

Some dogs just don't want to take a bath (Deut. 23:18).

Boy pretending to be a girl wins girls state title Mt 19:4, Deut 22:5

aCultureWarrior View Post

I see that you're still stuck on Jewish laws.

I see you're still stuck on stupid (Mal 4:4-6, Mt 24:14).

"Don't get stuck on stupid." ~ General Honore


The Plot (an overview of the Bible) by Bob Enyart

Who's the Intolerant One? Mt 19:4, Deut 22:5

aCultureWarrior View Post

Obviously you're confused with relative laws from the bible and those of moral absolutes...

God's law is perpetual and ongoing (Mt 5:18). When did God nail do not murder, do not commit adultery to the cross? :smokie:Mal 4:4-6, Mt 24:14


Theology Thursday: The Bible's Criminal Code by Bob Enyart

[God's law is perpetual and ongoing (Mt 5:18). ]  ...not relative laws.

Laws come from God not man (1 Ti 1:8-10, Ac 5:29).

I see that you're still very confused over laws that were only relative to the Jewish theocracy...

I see that you're still stuck on stupid (Mal 4:4-6, Mt 24:14).

"Don't get stuck on stupid." ~ General Honore

"Law without penalty is only advise." ~ Adrian Rogers

aCultureWarrior View Post

Your lackluster insults are as lame as your knowledge of Christianity...

The law is for the lawless (1 Ti 1:9).

Disney first 'exclusively gay moment' hits screens in 'Beauty and Beast'

kiwimacahau View Post

And still we gentiles are not under Jewish law.

Who is we? 1 Ti 1:9

Theater refuses to show 'Beauty and the Beast' over Sodomite character

North Carolina lawmakers reach deal to repeal transgender bathroom law 

Burlow Beanie View Post

But how will homosexuality destroy the country? You neglected to mention that.

A few housekeeping items: Download housekeeping 1

I've borrowed the title for this thread from a member of another theology debate site. But, yes--homosexuality is a crime punishable by death (Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10). Homosexuality is: forbidden (Lev. 18:22), considered an abomination (1 Kin. 14:24), punishment for (Lev. 20:13), unclean (Rom. 1:24, 26, 27). :vomit:

robert4818 View Post
Please. Give us the chain of events. How does this happen?

And typically in these threads Sodomites come out of the woodwork to defend their actions. Of course Sodomites destroy others. This is what we call in the Greek--a no brainer (Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10).

robert4818 View Post
Ok, but still, how does it destroy the country?

The Sodomite hurts himself and his family (1 Co 6:18); but, he also defiles the land (Hos. 4:1-3).

"If God doesn't judge America, He'll have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah.” ~ Billy Graham

Aagcobb View Post
Since the US is not a theocracy, homosexuality is not a crime and its not forbidden.

Laws come from God not man (1 Ti 1:8-10, Ac 5:29). Are you a Sodomite (heterosexual [Lev. 20:10-12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13])?

simplicio View Post
What a wonderful theology. Stone the gays...

Gay means joyful. Eze 13:19, Lk 9:26 Are you a Sodomite (heterosexual [Lev. 20:10-12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13])?


The Bible's Criminal Code

Kastewart View Post

...[S]ome Christians around here get huffy when such obvious parallels between Christianity and Islam are drawn.

:CRASH:Islam is a perversion of Christianity (Ga 5:9).


How the Vatican Created Islam

The Vatican Creation of Islam for the Persecution of Jews & Christians

Hitler's Pope: Pope Pius XII

Mithraism and the Catholic Church

simplicio View Post

A surprising number seem to accept the view of sin and grace of Islam...

I suppose when you won't humble yourself before God, you run around calling :straight:a Christian :yawn: a Muslim (2 Ti 4:3).

simplicio View Post
It is a wonderful theology, to be divinely ordained to stone miscreants.

It's wonderful to be nicer than God. :idunno:


Capital Punishment

Nicer than God , The Bible's Criminal Code  by Bob Enyart  

Nouveau View Post
That is part of the gay agenda. To destroy the functional family unit which extends to destroying the culture.

That's what Sodomites (heterosexual [Lev. 20:10-12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13]) do--steal, kill and destroy (Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10).

Aagcobb View Post

Laws come from God not man (1 Ti 1:8-10, Ac 5:29). Are you a Sodomite (heterosexual [Lev. 20:10-12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13])?] Not in the United States they don't...

When America is judged; remember, in a small part :listen: it's because of you (Mt 12:36, Ps 50:21, Pr 23:7).

dneh View Post
All the more reason to reject your religion as barbaric.
:yawn: You're projecting again (Eph 4:14, Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10). Drink up. Fornicate on (Re 22:11).

Burlow Beanie View Post

How does being gay affect someone else's family unit exactly?

Lev 18:22, 20:13, 1 Ki 14:24, Ro 1:24, 26, 27


Oh Yeah: And Bake Us A Cake by Bob Enyart

HRG View Post

Laws come from God not man

You removed the scripture from my quote (Eph 4:14). You must be :olinger: a CathOlic (Jud 11).  :freak:

Laws come from God not man (1 Ti 1:8-10, Ac 5:29).

Not in a modern democratic republic.

Tolpuddlematyr View Post

[LBQXYZ] Firstly, what has transgender got to do with homosexuality?

A perv is a perv. Mt 19:4, Deut 22:5, 1 Co 6:9-10

Kastewart View Post

Why do you think some Christians refuse to obey scripture the way ISIS Muslims do...?

:CRASH: Muslims do not obey the scriptures (Jn 16:2). They're all dying soon, anyway--an insult to even Satan. They will not fit into his one world government/religion.

dneh View Post

[Are you a Sodomite (heterosexual [Lev. 20:10-12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13])?] Why does he need to be either?

He doesn't have to be; but, he is responsible for his view and support for the Sodomite (Pr 23:7, Mt 12:36, Heb 13:4).

Burlow Beanie View Post

...Just like how the bible is no longer used to support racism, there will be a day when you will work out how the bible never said homosexuality was wrong!

Why would God care about your skin color? :dizzy: Ac 17:26 You equate skin color with sodomy? :squint:

Burlow Beanie View Post
[Sodomites destroy families (Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10)] Doesn't answer the question...

God says husband and wife are honorable (Heb 13:4). You say anything goes. We'll see who's right when you give an account (1 Pe 4:5). :Popcorn:

Aagcobb View Post
That is your theological belief...

Jn 8:37

robert4818 View Post
So, you what the Christian equivalent of Sharia law...

:yawn: Islam :CRASH:is a perversion of Christianity (Ga 5:9). Laws come from God not man (1 Ti 1:8-10, Ac 5:29).

Burlow Beanie View Post

[Pro-Sodomite (Ge 13:13): heterosexual [Lev. 20:10-12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13])] ...[L]aws are to stop you stepping on other people's rights-all you want is the right to discriminate based on sexual preference.

Knock yourself out (Re 22:11). Payday someday (Heb 13:4).

Burlow Beanie View Post

...I thought Jesus had swept away all the old testament stuff...

You thought wrong. God's law is perpetual and ongoing (Mt 5:18). When did God nail do not murder, do not commit adultery to the cross? :smokie:Mal 4:4-6, Mt 24:14 Tolpuddlematyr View Post

I know of several posters here who are homosexual and there is at least one who is transgender. You may not like the fact that they exist...

simplicio View Post

...Those county clerks who abet criminal activity ought to be punished along with the Sodomites!

2 Ti 3:12, Matt. 14:3–-12

Tolpuddlematyr View Post
God doesn't exist. Even if he did he has no place in determining secular social policy.

There is a God and you are accountable to him (Ps 14:1).

I certainly am not accountable to those who claim to speak for him and want to order my life around their beliefs about him...

You have no fear of the Lord. Good luck with that (Ps 36:1). :juggle:

Burlow Beanie
View Post

Funny how being gay is so much more important to you guys...

We won't hold your hand on your way to hell (1 Co 6:9-10). You're going to find out one day that you are not God (1 Co 15:31).

juglans1 View Post

...[W]hat would Paul have thought of Jesus if they'd ever met[?]...

:dizzy: Acts 9:1–19

Tolpuddlematyr replied
More relevant is my lack of fear of those sanctimonious busy-bodies?

We give out the word of God (Ac 20:20). :Poly: What men do with it is their business (1 Co 6:9-10).

Burlow Beanie replied
[We won't hold your hand on your way to hell (1 Co 6:9-10).] I think you need your hand held back to reality.

Not interested in your world (1 Jn 2:15, 1 Pe 2:11).

WendyWrites replied

Christ Himself refused to stone a woman for adultery.

The woman had no accusers. They were all doing the same thing.

I prefer God's rule and reign (Ex. 18:13-26). You prefer Satan's rule and reign (2 Thess. 2:3-12, Jn 8:44, 2 Co 4:4). Your time is almost up. Hope you had a fun go of it (Is. 9:6, 7).  

joyous song replied
And stoning was the punishment for breaking the Sabbath.

We don't have a Sabbath day. We have a Sabbath Lord (Co 2:16). :straight:

Aagcobb View Post

[Laws come from God not man (1 Ti 1:8-10, Ac 5:29)] Not in the United States they don't...

America is post-Christian (Ps 144:15) We've elected a child-killing serial adulterer to the highest office in the land (Pr 8:36, Ex 20:14, Pr 1:26).

Aussieguy replied
Show me a quote where the bible specifically prohibits [sodomy]…

“How does God feel about sexual sin? Go visit Sodom.” ~ Adrian Rogers 2 Pe 2:6

U.S. court rules 1964 civil rights law protects Sodomites from bias 

"Either homosexuality or Christianity will be in the closet." ~ Bob Enyart

Homosexuality is: forbidden (Lev. 18:22), considered an abomination (1 Kin. 14:24), punishment for (Lev. 20:13), unclean (Rom. 1:24, 26, 27).

juglans1 View Post

[Barry Manilow admits he a Sodomite] Perhaps you ought to ask Barry Manilow and other closet dwellers about closets.

Social pressure would have been a good thing for him. Because our culture favors the sexual sinner, now he feels comfortable headed straight for hell (1 Co 6:9-10).

View Post

[Lev 18:22, 20:13, 1 Ki 14:24, Ro 1:24, 26, 27] I'm still looking for that rationale that says that criminalizing homosexuality would somehow prevent destruction of any nation.

You're looking for the Lord the way a bank robber is looking for a police officer (Jn 8:37).

Burlow Beanie View Post

What happened to not casting the first stone?

Institute the death penalty for adultery (Lev. 20:10-12). You didn't think he really meant to say serve her glazed chicken in prison for life, did you? No one would bring an accusation as they had all committed adultery, too. Sort of didn't think about that when they brought her to Jesus.

By the way, he's free to forgive. Government's job is to implement the law.

That a bit inconvenient for you?

Law is convenient for everyone. We are lawless in our nation (Is 5:20).

I don't care what the bible says on it.

Right (Jn 8:37).

Come up with an argument to prove what you say.

My arguments are based on scripture (Ac 20:20)--his word you could care less about (Re 22:11).

HRG View Post
You base all of your arguments on your interpretation of a particular religious text.

:yawn: "Every verse of the Bible means exactly what the author intended it to mean..." Full text: How to Interpret the Bible by Darrell Ferguson Eph 4:14



Dove Debuts Bizarre Advertisement Featuring Transgender ‘Mom’ 

Europe Opens Concentration Camp for Sodomites  

kiwimacahau View Post

Once again we are not under Jewish law...

God's law is perpetual and ongoing (Mt 5:18). When did God nail do not murder, do not commit adultery to the cross? Mal 4:4-6, Mt 24:14


Theology Thursday: The Bible's Criminal Code by Bob Enyart



The Plot (an overview of the Bible) by Bob Enyart

Caitlyn Jenner Tells Diane Sawyer: 'Peace in My Soul' Is 48:22

Sodomites Protest Chick-Fil-A Again

U.S. top court rejects 'gay conversion' therapy ban challenge  

View Post 

[Sodom, Gomorrah 1 Co 6:9-10] If you want to live 'back in the day'...

Mal 3:6

[Image of Jesus Ex 20:4] Ah ha! So you contaminated my post with your writing, [Sodom, Gomorrah 1 Co 6:9-10] and passed it as my own for a deception?

I'm not here to teach you English 101 (Eph 4:14).

Gosh, what a big mouth...

Eph 4:14

eider View Post

Ah, yawning serpentdove...

A few housekeeping items:

Abbreviation for:

ad hominem ()
payday someday ()
Trump train ()
Swamp creature ()
Antichrist ()
Green pass holder ()
End of the world as we know it ()
foul spirits ()
Greasy gracers ()
Shape shifters ()
Ears to hear ()
Becoming a beast (), etc.

Arthur Brain View Post

 ...[Y]ou're here to spam up the forum with links and general fruitcakery.

"Truth is hate to those who hate the truth." Jn 14:6 ~ Bob Enyart

eider View Post

[End of the world as we know it ()] Wot?!

REM waterski song


Planet X

kiwimacahau View Post

....Sodom's crime was inhospitality...

Image result for eat pasta emoticon
kiwimacahau View Post

...[T]he sin of Sodom was inhospitality.

 eider View Post

[Sexual sin same as confusing dinner folk with salad fork Ex 20:14] Thank you for that info...

Ro 1:32

California Must Provide Trans Prisoners With Compression Underwear

eider View Post

[Ex 20:14] Hmm, why do you do that? Stuff bits of junk in?

Bits of junk God's word Jn 8:37

eider View Post

...[N]ot Ex 20:14 from the Old Covenant...

God's law is perpetual and ongoing (Mt 5:18). When did God nail do not murder, do not commit adultery to the cross? Mal 4:4-6, Mt 24:14


Theology Thursday: The Bible's Criminal Code by Bob Enyart

...[Y]ou selected...

It's a yes or no question. When did God nail do not murder, do not commit adultery to the cross? Mal 4:4-6, Mt 24:14

Queue jeopardy theme eider View Post

[Enyart crimes]

Your topic is off-limits here (Mal 2:14).

eider View Post

The reputation of your named mentor...

I'm pro-marriage (Eph. 5:25–33).

...could not possibly be off limits!

Look at the fate of any member who attempted to address this topic. Use the Google (George Bush). Is 29:21

A broken clock is right twice a day. 1 Pe 4:5

eider View Post

I'm pro-marriage...

You removed the scripture from my quote (Eph 4:14).

I'm pro-marriage (Eph. 5:25–33).

... I'll say a prayer for your poor spouse.

Pr 15:29, Heb 13:4

So you're married...

You say prayers for spouses while not knowing if one is married? Rom. 7:2, 3  

[God's law is perpetual and ongoing (Mt 5:18). When did God nail do not murder, do not commit adultery to the cross? Mal 4:4-6, Mt 24:14 ] I'm going to call it quits with you...

Good luck with that (1 Co 6:9-10, Heb 13:4).

kiwimacahau View Post

[Law of Moses Ex. 20:1–26, Deut. 4:13, 23, Josh. 8:30–35, See: The Plot (an overview of the Bible) by Bob Enyart] Levitical law was never for gentiles.

The law is for the lawless (1 Ti 1:9).

Sodomite Smith Opens up About His Sexual Sin

Target Doubles Down On ‘Gay’ Pride Despite Losses In Bathroom War

Meet the Father and Daughter Who Used to Be Mother and Son  

Top Private School Brings in Skirts for Boys Amidst ‘Surge’ in ‘Trans Children’

Patriots to Sponsor ‘Gay Bowl 17’ This October

Margaret Court Says Tennis is 'Full of Lesbians'

Tennis Pro Martina Navratilova Wants Arena Renamed After Traditional Marriage Controversy

Church of England to Vote on Offering 'Baptism' for Transgender People to Mark New Identity  

Parents Shocked by Adult Drag Queen Performance – at Grade School Talent Show

tourist View Post

While I believe that it's impossible to legislate morality that incident seems criminal and those responsible should be prosecuted. I'm not sure what this has to do with homosexuality.

We all had to go to homo school in college (Eph 4:14).


Deut 22:5, Mt 19:4

DJ2 View Post

That's why we legislate morality, if we didn't those who break the law (legislation) would be on the streets causing chaos.

"Sin that used to slink down the back alley now struts in the street." Lk 17:28 ~ Adrian Rogers

California Senate Passes Bill Allowing Third Gender Option on IDs 

JosephsDreams View Post

We legislate it, we can not reliably enforce it.

Jesus isn't resigning. Laws come from God not man (1 Ti 1:8-10, Ac 5:29).

DJ2 View Post

[ Jesus isn't resigning. Laws come from God not man (1 Ti 1:8-10, Ac 5:29).] What is your point?

That Jesus reigns and laws come from God not man.

DJ2 View Post

[Laws come from God not man (1 Ti 1:8-10, Ac 5:29). ] Laws do come from man and God expects us to obey them. This is Christianity 101 (Romans 13).

Laws come from God. It is for man to figure them out.


Romans 13 Outline

notuptome View Post

Our commission is to be witnesses and to disciple the world not criminalize them.

Homosexuality is: forbidden (Lev. 18:22), considered an abomination (1 Kin. 14:24), punishment for (Lev. 20:13), unclean (Rom. 1:24, 26, 27).

DJ2 View Post

[Laws come from God not man (1 Ti 1:8-10, Ac 5:29). It is for man to figure them out.] I am truly sorry but I cannot understand your point. Could you stop speaking in generalities.

Are you a humanist? If you break God's law, he's got a punishment for you (1 Ti 1:9).


The Bible's Criminal Code by Bob Enyart

notuptome View Post

...Abraham would have the Lord to spare Sodom for even 10 righteous men.

Do you believe Sodomites ([Ex 20:14] heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13]) are righteous? :squint:

DJ2 View Post

What is there to judge?

What does a murderer need? A hug? What does an adulterer need? To be made president?

[Are you a humanist? If you break God's law, he's got a punishment for you (1 Ti 1:9).] There are human made laws and they must be obeyed.

Ac 5:29

"Government is supposed to be a terror to evil works. What happens when they are a terror to good works?" ~ Chuck Missler

Did you not read the 2nd sentence of my post, "to act accordingly"? "Hugs", of course not, "made president" of course not. Accordingly means whatever is deemed necessary to punish the offence.

What is necessary?

Whatever the penalty of the broken law requires?

What penalty should the murderer receive? What penalty should the Sodomite receive?

tourist View Post

[What penalty should the murderer receive? What penalty should the Sodomite receive?] Forgiveness from God if they are truly sorry as Jesus paid the penalty.

In a court of law what penalty should the murder receive? What penalty should the adulterer receive?

 In a court of law a person convicted of murder would be sentenced according to the law of that particular state.

What should the law be? Should the murderer get orange glazed chicken for life? Should the adulterer be elected to the highest office in the land? You have a vote. Do child-killing serial adulterers get your support?

Even though there are some state statutes regarding adultery they at not enforced.

We are all informed about the just-a-system in Sodom aka America. I'm asking you about what the law should be. Is 5:20 If you plan to judge the angels (1 Co 6:3)--not starting out so hot.  

Dude653 View Post troll post

Title from another thread.

Homosexually is a judgment from God (Ro 1:28).

Jesus loves you (Jn 3:16). Jesus is willing to save you (2 Pe 3:9). Repent (Eze 18:30-32; Ac 17:30). Believe (Mk 9:23).

Dude653 View Post This is a news forum....Stop posting nonsense that is not news...

Are you a Sodomite ([Ex 20:14] heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13])?

View Post [Lev 18:22, 20:13, 1 Ki 14:24, Ro 1:24, 26, 27 ] Perhaps you should join Westboro Baptist. I'm sure you would fit right in there.

God loves fags.

We have a homo church down the road with a rainbow display outside that reads, Everybody welcome. Seriously everybody. At our church we welcome Sodomites as well. Our saying is come as you are, leave forever changed (Jn 3:16).


J7 View Post That would be a transgender Church then...

Deut 22:5, Mt 19:4

joycomesinthemorning View Post ...[S]in should never be glamorized. Quote Originally Posted by joycomesinthemorning View Post [Westboro Baptist] ...[W]atch the language.

Westboro Baptist uses the term fag. The God hates fag church. The proper term is Sodomite ([Ex 20:14] heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13]).  Nothing glamorous about living in rebellion toward God (Ga 6:7). :idunno:

"God loves you but he will live without you." ~ J. Vernon McGee

Public Libraries Hosting ‘Drag Queen Story Hour’ for Children

Biology no longer the only factor in birth certificates

Doctors Back NHS-Funded ‘Womb Transplants’ for Transgender People

Transgender ‘Sam Doll’ Aims to Teach Children in Canada About ‘Gender Identity’

Church of England Votes in Favour of ‘Marking’ Gender Transitions with Religious Ceremony

N.C. Pride Parade Rescheduled To Accomodate Yom Kippur … When Jews Read That Un-P.C.

 “Abomination” Part of Leviticus

Here’s a Look at Gov’t Efforts to Advance Transgender Identity

Burlow Beanie View Post

As a Christian you don't have to worry about all those things forbidden...

When did God nail do not murder, do not commit adultery to the cross? :smokie: Mal 4:4-6, Mt 24:14 

I think it was a Thursday.

Payday someday (Re 22:11). :burnlib:

Scary. Why should I take your claims seriously? Just because you believe?

:yawn: Who cares what I believe? Eph 4:14. What has God said? :Poly: Ac 20:20 

Figments can't say anything.

Good luck with that (Jn 3:36). :juggle: 

[Re 22:11] Oh don't worry about me.

God is just (Deut. 32:4). We have no reason to worry (Phil 4:6). 

…[T]here's no reason to suggest what you believe is actually true.

:yawn: Who cares what I believe (Eph 4:14). What has God said? Ac 20:20

I file Christian beliefs along with all other religious beliefs under nonsense.

We know (Mt 7:6).  

simplicio View Post

...[M]aybe we ought to let you be His spokesman, and make homosexuality a crime.

Homosexuality is a crime punishable by death.

Homosexuality is: forbidden (Lev. 18:22), considered an abomination (1 Kin. 14:24), punishment for (Lev. 20:13), unclean (Rom. 1:24, 26, 27).

When "thus sayeth the Lord" becomes "this sayeth Serpeantdove"…

"When I speak from the word of God, I speak with the authority of any apostle or prophet." ~ Adrian Rogers Mt 18:18 

[Homosexuality is a crime punishable by death.  Homosexuality is: forbidden (Lev. 18:22), considered an abomination (1 Kin. 14:24), punishment for (Lev. 20:13), unclean (Rom. 1:24, 26, 27).] Nothing. Nothing at all.  What do you believe God has said?


 :noway: "I think he's talking to you." :freak: ~ Homer Simpson Eph 4:14  

["When I speak from the word of God, I speak with the authority of any apostle or prophet." ~ Adrian Rogers Mt 18:18] I guess we can add Serpentdove to the list of Simon, Andrew, James…

Of course. People say, in bible times…. What do they mean? :dizzy: We are in bible times. Prov. 28:1 

Burlow Beanie View Post

[Eph 4:14] That was written by a person-possibly Paul or possibly not. Not by any god.

2 Tim. 3:16 :dizzy:


Inspired Scripture  

You'd have to be hopelessly gullible to accept that without evidence.

You have internal testimony (Ro 2:15), external testimony (Ps 19:1) and the scriptures (Jas 1:18). Therefore you are without excuse (Ro 1:20).

Nothing written on my heart.  No handiwork of god there…. No truth in evidence …therefore you are without evidence.

Your heart is hardened (Ro 1:28).  Now, you await wrath (Heb 10:27).

 No it isn't. I'm just not gullible.  What wrath? Another imaginary bullet for me to dodge?

You are gullible enough to believe that you can live like a reprobate without consequences (Ps 14:1, Ga 6:7-8).

...[H]ow will homosexuality destroy the country?

Sodomites (heterosexual [Lev. 20:10-12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13]) have destroyed the country (Is 5:20, Jn 10:10).


America Will Not Repent

No they haven't.

Payday someday (Matt. 10:15).  

simplicio View Post

[O]ur Lord says....

Jn 8:44, Eph 4:14 

Burlow Beanie View Post

Do you not have any respect for people?

I have no respect for those who choose to live in rebellion (Is 5:20, Jn 10:10). 

Ok, but what about me?

What about you? :squint: 2 Tim. 3:8  

America View Post

All Christians sin…

We are freed from sin’s dominion (1 Jn 3:9). :straight: You remain a slave (Jn 8:34). :reals:

…[A]nd will continue to do so.

 :yawn: You’re projecting again (Re 22:11, Eph 4:14). :noway:  A believer does not live habitually in sin (1 Jn 3:9). :dizzy:

Why doesn't this represent rebellion?

We are friends of God (Jn 15:15, Eph 2:19). :straight:You are a friend of the world (1 Jn 2:15).  

I'm not in rebellion.

Today, I'm still permitted to disagree with you (Heb. 6:7, 8). Not sure about tomorrow.

Burlow Beanie View Post

...Until such time as you can prove a deity to be in rebellion of exists, then you have no right to claim anyone is in rebellion of one.

Talk less about your rights and more about your responsibilities (Matt. 13:13-15).

Bored of this now.

Jesus loves you (Jn 3:16). Jesus is willing to save you (2 Pe 3:9). Repent (Eze 18:30-32; Ac 17:30). Believe (Mk 9:23). 

Rocklin Parents Grill School Board Over Transgender Discussions In Kindergarten

simplicio View Post

...[W]hat if the poor man chooses the wrong Christian church?

Choose a bible church (Jn 16:13). 

Burlow Beanie View Post

…I have nothing to repent…

Why would you repent to a God you don’t believe in? :idunno: Ps 53:1

…not to be saved from.

If you believe there is no hell (Rev. 21:8), then you’re all set. :thumb: 

Burlow Beanie View Post

Waste my time worrying about obvious nonsense?

You don’t worry (Ro 3:18). You have no peace (Is 48:22)--but you don’t worry.

Will you answer a question? Were you raised a Christian by a Christian family or did you come to it later in life?

I thought I was a Christian my whole life. I learned after receiving Christ as my savior, that I never was (Jn 1:12). It freaked me out for a moment to realize that if I’d been hit by a Mack truck, I’d have died and gone to hell. But, God is good. He gave me time to figure out that I didn’t have what it took to live (Is 43:2).

America View Post

I too would have ignored this if I were in your shoes. If you have no respect for people who choose live in rebellion, then you have no respect for Christians.

We’ve been humbled. :straight:You will be (Jas 4:6). :burnlib:

…[O]ne of the reasons people are frequently skeptical of Christian claims: y'all are frequently unwilling to believe what you say…

:yawn:  The church could always use one more hypocrite. :noway: Come on in. Eph 4:14

stiggywiggy View Post

You want to toss millions of gay people into jail?

Why would we reward them with orange glazed chicken for life? :dizzy:

Homosexuality is: forbidden (Lev. 18:22), considered an abomination (1 Kin. 14:24), punishment for (Lev. 20:13), unclean (Rom. 1:24, 26, 27).

I haven't read through this thread, but hopefully no one is defending your totalitarian idea.

:yawn: You’re projecting :noway: again (Is 5:20, Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10).

Are you a Sodomite ([Ex 20:14] heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13])? :smokie:

Yeah right, I'm a Sodomite because I don't want to throw millions of homosexuals into jail...

:yawn: Strawman (Eph 4:14). 

Mike McK View Post

Homosexuals need the Gospel, not jail.

Is that what you’d say for murders? adulterers? Eze 13:19


Theology Thursday: The Bible's Criminal Code by Bob Enyart

Burlow Beanie View Post

I do have peace…

Fool yourself. :idunno: You don’t fool me (Is 48:22).

simplicio View Post

[Is that what you’d say for murders? adulterers? Eze 13:19] And who is more in need of the gospel than sinners?...

:chz4brnz:It’s a yes or no question.  Do you want murders to live? Do you want adulterers to live? Do you have a daughter?

Do you really have a heart of stone?

:yawn: You’re projecting again :noway: (Eph 4:14).

 Warn your daughter about the views of her culture (Jer 16:2).

Mike McK View Post

[Do you want murders to live? Do you want adulterers to live?] Adulterers, yes. Murderers, no.

You must be nicer than God (Lev. 20:10-12). :idunno: Are you an adulterer? 1 Co 6:9-10

simplicio View Post

…[Y]ou left out of the quote the scriptural references...

:yawn: I'm not here to teach you English 101 (Eph 4:14).

Burlow Beanie View Post

Your bible drivel is irrelevant to me...

That'll come up again (Re 20:11). :scripto:

simplicio View Post

...[Y]ou find it useful to demonstrate your ideas as anchored in scripture, the Word...

:yawn: Who cares what I think? Eph 4:14. What has God said? :Poly: Ac 20:20

simplicio View Post

[Sexual sin (adultery [Lev. 20:10–12], homosexuality [Lev. 20:13])] What is the appropriate punishment?

Death. You prefer making such a one president? :greedy: Is 5:20

Mike McK View Post

If you want to pretend to be an old covenant Israelite...

When did God nail do not murder, do not commit adultery to the cross? Mal 4:4-6, Mt 24:14

Are you a Sodomite heterosexual ([Lev. 20:10-12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13])?

juglans1 View Post

But Matt 5:17-19 clearly says that if they are without sin then they should stone all adulterers (including remarried divorcees)...


“Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill. For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled. Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. For I say to you, that unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven (Mt 5:17-20).”

Mike McK View Post

...[T]here is no one without sin.

Let the inmates run the country (Is 5:20, Eze 13:19). :idunno:


America Will Not Repent 

juglans1 View Post

…[T]he adulteress wasn't stoned, since even Jesus said that he wasn't without sin (Mark 10:18).

Jesus was like all men yet without sin (Heb 4:15). You’re not a Christian (2 Pe 2:1). They deny that Jesus Christ came in a real body. Such a person is a deceiver and an antichrist (2 Jn 1:7).

So Jesus said to him, “Why do you call Me good? No one is good but One, that is, God (Mk 10:18).”

Jesus did not say do away with the death penalty (Mt 5:18). :dizzy: Rather, he said:  “He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her (Jn 8:7b).”

Mike McK View Post

[When did God nail do not murder, do not commit adultery to the cross? Mal 4:4-6, Mt 24:14] Nobody claimed he did.

God's law is perpetual and ongoing (Mt 5:18).

Mike McK View Post

All was accomplished by Christ on the cross.

When did God nail do not murder, do not commit adultery to the cross? :smokie:

Reply to Dwight Brooks   

[Sodomite so-called marriage] …Where can it be proven that women marrying women, women living with women, finding comfort in each other because they have been abused and hurt by men or a good man that respects and teaches women about God daily…

Because God says so.

The wickedness of Sodom ([Ex 20:14] heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13]) was notorious (Gen. 13:13).

You slicing my post…

:yawn: Eph 4:14

Jesus loves you (Jn 3:16). Jesus is willing to save you (2 Pe 3:9). Repent (Eze 18:30-32; Ac 17:30). Believe (Mk 9:23).

[SerpentDove] What kind of name is that?

My name (Eph 4:14).  :skeptic: Don’t like it?  :idunno: I’m getting a new one soon (Re 2:17). :rapture:

Prof sounds alarm over same-sex ‘studies’ on children

California adopts ‘bordello’ plan for long-term care centers

Playboy Announces First Transgender Playmate 

Disney Channel’s First Gay Storyline

Disney shows gay kiss in a children’s cartoon for first time

Basketball coach denied job because 'no longer gay' 

Left Erupts over Trans-Jenner Bathrooms Labels at Texas Cafe

California Becomes First State to Legalize 'Nonbinary' Gender on Documents

School ‘Transitioned’ 11-Year-Old Girl to Transgender Boy Behind Parents Back

Danica Roem wins in Virginia, becoming first openly transgender state representative 

7th grade teacher suspended after parent reveals fury over graphic lesson on transgender surgeries given to 11-year-old children

Cross-Dressing ‘Queer Role Models’ Read to Toddlers to Stop ‘Hate Crimes’ 

Nursery Schools Begin Rolling Out Transgender Lessons for 2-Year-Olds

Barbie Promotes Sodomite Agenda With ‘Love Wins’ T-Shirts

Palm Springs Becomes First City Council in Nation to Be All Homosexual, Bisexual or Transgender

8-year-old drag queen: "If you want to be a drag queen and your parents don’t let you, you need new parents!"   

Report: Entire Family Turns Transgender 

CA:  Judge rules in favor of a Christian baker who refused to bake a Sodomite wedding cake   

dneh View Post

So homosexuals in the US should be put to death?

You must be nicer than God (Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10). :juggle:

 No wonder increasing numbers of Americans are rejecting this religious hatred. 

:yawn: "Truth is hate to those who hate the truth." ~ Bob Enyart

dneh View Post

Far nicer. The god you seem to worship is a monster…

Tell him that to his face (1 Co 6:9-10, Heb 13:4). 

“Lil Transgender” Shop Sells Fake Penises For Little Girls

Oregon Court Upholds $135,000 Fine Against Christian Bakers Who Refused to Bake Gay Wedding Cake

Study Shows 27% of Teens in California Are Considered ‘Gender Nonconforming’

Vice President Mike Pence’s Aspen Neighbors Hang ‘Make America Gay Again’ Banner Outside Residence

Boy, 10, founds drag club for kids 

Court rules transsexual woman can't be 'mother' 

Homosexuality Splits Mennonite Church

Trans inmate seeks rare transfer to female prison 

California just mandated Sodomite indoctrination of all children in public schools, and parents have no choice to opt out  

Supremes allow law exempting Christians from homosexual promotion

Grammar school bans teachers calling pupils ‘girls’ to not offend transgender children

US Teachers Replace American Flags With Sodomite Rainbows In Classroom

Jesuit-Run Georgetown Approves Sodomite-Only Housing

Iowa lawsuit pits gay rights against religious freedom 

California Gov. Jerry Brown To Force Schools To Show Kids ‘Gay Sex’ As Part Of Sodomite-Inclusive Curriculum

Catholic Georgetown to Offer Sodomite Housing to Students

Abercrombie Kids Launches Genderless Fashion Line For Children

Same-sex active-duty couple marries at West Point

Pro-Sodomite Meghan McCain: ‘Young Republicans Aren’t Going to Stand’ for Evangelicals’ Anti-LGBTQ ‘Crap’ 

Oscars nominate transgenders

Indoctrination:  Grade School Uses “Porn-Peddling” Columnist, Gender Unicorn To Teach “Sexual Attraction” and Gender Identity To Toddlers  

Reply to Sandra Balance

If we invite homosexual friends to family events, is that approving of homosexuality?

Church discipline is for those naming the name of Christ (1 Co 5:12–13). 

Study: Gender-bending chemicals found in plastic

Judge issues key ruling on Sodomite wedding cakes 

Pro-Sodomite Walgreens   

Reply to @rotwyler @doggoneit

You are trying to shove your beliefs onto others Just Like Islam!

Does Christianity look like Islam to you?  :dizzy: Ga 5:9.  Satan was hoping it would (2 Co 4:4).

:CRASH:Mohammad, the rapist pedophile lies in his grave.  Jesus died and rose again to set you free from sin (Mt 1:21).  :straight:He won’t force you to love him.

…[W]hat two adults do in the privacy of their own home is not your business.

TMI (Eph 5:12).  :granite: It’s God’s business.  Payday someday (1 Co 6:9-10). :smokie:

I would bet my idea of what is disagrees with yours.

I would bet you:  steal, kill and destroy in all you do (Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10).  :think: Payday someday (1 Co 6:9-10). :juggle:

…Bible thumpers try to shove their beliefs on everyone else as if it is the only path.

You’re welcome (Jn 14:6). :thumb:

…[You] go your way I'll go mine.

No argument there (Re 22:11).

…I value personal freedom…

You are free--to obey (Mt 5:18).

What kind of duke shut shit?  Free to obey?

Something about do not murder, do not commit adultery that you don’t get? :smokie: Mal 4:4-6, Mt 24:14.  God's law is perpetual and ongoing (Mt 5:18).  :Poly: It’s made for a persons such as yourself (1 Ti 1:9) who remains under God’s wrath (Jn 3:36).

I’m not under law like you (Jn 8:34).  I’m under grace.

…[Y]ou are not judge over me.

I serve the one who is.  He’ll be your savior or he’ll be your judge.  Your choice.  :idunno:

Sodomite Pastor Celebrates Her New Gender

Reply to @WolverineTongue

How come you hasbarats always tell such easily disprovable lies about old [Mohammad]?



How the Vatican Created Islam  

The Vatican Creation of Islam for the Persecution of Jews & Christians  

Hitler's Pope:  Pope Pius XII  

ACLU Sues Alabama to Force Sex Change on Driver’s Licenses of ‘Transgender’ Residents 

Reply to Aurelus Grove@AurGrove

Pretty sure I ain’t a danger to the nation.

Homosexuality is: forbidden (Lev. 18:22), considered an abomination (1 Kin. 14:24), punishment for (Lev. 20:13), unclean (Rom. 1:24, 26, 27). 

Reply to Aurelus Grove@AurGrove

I’m homosexual.  I understand that it goes against your beliefs.

:yawn: Who cares what I believe (Eph 4:14).  What has God said? :Poly:

…We would simply have to agree to disagree on that.

Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10

Jesus loves you (Jn 3:16). Jesus is willing to save you (2 Pe 3:9). Repent (Eze 18:30-32; Ac 17:30). Believe (Mk 9:23).

In my church, we don’t really hold that belief.

:yawn: Who cares what your church believes? Eph 4:14.  What has God said and do you give a damn? :Poly: Lev 18:22, 20:13, 1 Ki 14:24, Ro 1:24, 26, 27

It is simply how I am.

Did Lady Gaga tell you that?  You found a Luciferian to agree with you (Is 5:20). :idunno: Payday someday (1 Co 6:9-10).

Our beliefs don’t align, and we both hold faithfully to our beliefs.

No argument here (Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10).  :idunno: You will learn that you’re not God (Lk 19:27).

Jesus loves you (Jn 3:16). Jesus is willing to save you (2 Pe 3:9). Repent (Eze 18:30-32; Ac 17:30). Believe (Mk 9:23).  

…[E]ither way, at least we could come to an understanding.

What kind of understanding?  :o You come to:  steal, kill and destroy (Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10).  I’m here to stop you (Ro 1:16).

I assure you, I’m no harm to you or the nation.

Lie of the day (Ingraham). Is 5:20  

"If God doesn't judge America, He'll have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah.” ~ Billy Graham

I’m afraid I just don’t agree with that sentiment.

"You are free to choose.  You are not free not to choose.  No choice is a choice.  You are free to choose but you are not free to choose the consequences of that choice." ~ Adrian Rogers

Olympics:  ‘USA Today’ Wants Sodomite Ice Skating   

Baptists Agree to Start Hiring Homosexuals for Mission Service 

Repy to Racist ghost of groyper@racistdeadguys89

Modern Christianity is a joke.

2 Ti 3:5 

Sodomite community irate as US Education Secretary says bathroom segregation is by gender, not gender identity

Transvestite actor gains popularity

Kansas GOP:  Transgender Resolution

Reply to @SweatyWeegie

Wrong! Didn't realize you’re a hateful bigot.

:yawn: Eph 4:14

“Truth is hate to those who hate the truth.” ~ Bob Enyart

'Love, Simon' review: Coming-out comedy landmark teen classic

Second Circuit Appeals Court: Title VII Protects Gay People, May Go to Supreme Court 

Transvestite surgeries on rise

Delaware Proposal Would Let Kindergarteners ‘Choose’ Their Sex And Race

Parent Backlash as Cross-Dressing Men Sent Into Primary Schools to ‘Promote Tolerance’

Dems to let same-sex couples buy children

United Methodist Clergy Woman Loses License for Officiating Same-Sex ‘Wedding’

The same group that murders babies with “abortion mills” now claims to offer transgender hormone “treatments” for Sodomite youth

Opposing Factions Join to Push Confirmation of Homosexual Trump Appointee

California Lawmakers: Faith Practices can be Punished as Fraud

4-H LGBTQ:  Transgender revolution in rural America 

ACLU, Lambda Legal Sue Ohio to Obtain Birth Certificate Change for Those With Gender Dysphoria

2 Years After Pro-Sodomite Bathroom Announcement, Target Still Hasn’t Learned Its Lesson

Sodomite bathrooms to be forced on 4-H kids in another state

Anchorage voters first in the nation to reject bathroom bill

Sodomite Claims Discrimination After Being Booked Into Male Section Of Jail

Caitlyn Jenner to so-call marry transgender student 47 years his junior

LA Soccer Team Removes Fans Over Anti-Gay Chants

Pro-Sodomite Baptist Church Dis-Fellowshipped

Pence Swears in Sodomite Ambassador

Pulse survivor and others gather to celebrate ‘freedom’ from being a Sodomite

Sodomite cinema 

23 Major League Baseball Teams to Promote Sodomites:  ‘LGBT Pride’ Nights

Poll: LGBT Population in U.S. Estimated at 4.5%

patrick jane said: 

How should we punish gays?

Sodomites heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13]? Death (Deut. 13:6–10; Deut. 17:5).

Interplanner said: 

Rather than going on to punishment, the first step is the collection of points at which science in modern times is an abject failure and is manipulated…
The death penalty shall not be remitted (Num. 35:31).

Church sued for refusing to host Sodomite event

Judge Rules Christian Baker Does Not Have to Make Gay Wedding Cake

New video explodes major lie of homosexuality 

School’s suspension of privacy rights headed to Supremes?

Hawaii Governor Signs Bill Banning Help for Homosexual Youth, Claims ‘Sexual Orientation Is Not an Illness’

Gay Christian Conference Accused of Pushing Sodomite Agenda on Churches

Supremes: You Don't Have to Bake that Cake

Sodomite adoption fight looms after Supreme Court’s Sodomite cake ruling

Anglican Church votes in favor of Sodomite marriage

Libraries push cross-dressing with ‘Drag Story Hours’ 

Reply to Mark Luke John  

“I wrestled with sex and gender from my teens into my early 20s. [I'm a demonic Lutheran pervert who's now] more honest and authentic-- and live what god is calling me to be.”

God calls you to live as he made you (Deut 22:5, Mt 19:4).  

Kit the Coyote View Post [Conversion therapy for Sodomites] The basic issue is the vast majority of mental health professionals as represented by over 30 professional organizations worldwide have condemned conversion therapy as ineffective and likely to do more harm to the subject than benefit…

They could get an honest job (Is 5:20).  Psychiatry has little to offer.  It’s a heart issue. 
Kit the Coyote View Post …[T]he opinions of the authorities in the field are relevant... "Men study science as god not the God of science." ~ Adrian Rogers 
Quote Originally Posted by Kit the Coyote View Post …as far as the law is concerned.

Laws come from God not man (1 Ti 1:8-10Ac 5:29). The law is for the lawless (1 Ti 1:9).

Who Is A Bigger Threat To The Sodomite Community, Chick-fil-A…Or ISIS?

Trinity Western University Loses Religious Freedom Fight

Vikings hosting unprecedented Sodomite inclusion summit

Supreme Court: Lower Court Must Rehear Christian Florist Sodomite Wedding Case

Drag queen-for-children agenda invades Small Town, USA

Federal Government Resources Used to Promote Sodomite Pride

US ambassador to host surprise Sodomite event

“Pro-choice” California doesn’t believe GAY people should have a choice at all – counseling professionals to be fined and jailed

Paris Makes Rainbow Crosswalks Permanent in Honor of Sodomites

Transgender Model to Compete in 2018 Miss Universe Beauty Pageant

Only two thirds of Generation Z identify as ‘exclusively heterosexual’ 

Ashdod, Israel:  Residents protest against Pride Parade: ‘Sodom and Gommorah’

Church Mounts Billboard Atop Sodomite Bar Telling Community ‘God Takes Pride in You’

CDC Survey: Spike in homosexuality among American youth due to indoctrination

‘Drag Queen Story Hour’ Brings Perversion To Children All Across America

Planet Fitness Gym Bans Women for Refusing to Shower with Sodomite Men

Episcopal Church Expands Rights for Sodomite So-Called Marriage

Sodomite Prisoner Moved to Woman’s Prison Caught Sexually Assaulting Inmates

Lesbians demand ‘L’ be removed from LGBT

TV Gets Its First Sodomite Superhero

More Sodomite Candidates Running Than Ever

4-H exec who pushed Sodomite agenda gets booted

Transvestite Wins VT

A California Mayor Faces Resignation Demands After Writing Piece About ‘Straight Pride’

Colleges offer ‘Queering the Bible’ classes

Oklahoma for Sodomites

E! Orders Bisexual Dating Show Hosted by Sodomite

Kids are being advised to freeze reproductive tissue before puberty if they show signs they may want to become Sodomites

Lesbians Sue Christian Senior Center Over Biblically-Based Policy Banning Same-Sex Cohabitation

Bert and Ernie are Sodomites, ‘Sesame Street’ writer says

Number of Sodomites living with HIV jumps 70 percent in Georgia

Christian University to Allow Same-Sex Relationships between Students

Texas school petition wants boys to be able to wear makeup and express themselves in a safe environment

New California Law Allows Children to Get Transgender Treatments Without Parental Consent

BBC publishes video showing 6-year-olds being made to write gay love letters to promote diversity

‘Jesus Can Change Anyone’: These Ex-Sodomites are Bringing a Freedom March of Hope to L.A.

Anchorage:  City Tries to Require Women's Shelter to Accept Sodomites in Shower 

South Florida city making news for electing an all-Sodomite city commission

Klavan: Male Teacher Punished For Refusing To Watch Trans Student Change In The Locker Room 

Tampa Gay Therapy Ban Under Legal Fire for Blocking Minors from ‘Getting the Help They Seek’

Vid:  Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade Features First Same-Sex Kiss in Parade’s History

Mom Dresses 6-Year-Old Son As Girl, Threatens Dad For Disagreeing

Vid:  Drag Queen Admits To ‘Grooming’ Children At Library ‘Story Hour’ Events 

President of Sodomite Dating App Grindr Says Marriage Is ‘Between Man And Woman’

Virginia Teacher Sacked For Misgendering Transgender Student

Canada’s Supreme Court rules that Sodomite's rights come before your religious beliefs

Reply  auto_turret

[Sodomites] Hang them…

The punishment for adultery (Lev. 20:10) and Sodomy Lev. 20:13) is death.  

The wickedness of Sodom ([Ex 20:14] heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13]) was notorious (Gen. 13:13).

Boy Scouts to Declare Bankruptcy

San Francisco Creates World’s First ‘Transgender District,’ Paid for with Taxpayer Money

Pasadena Tournament of Roses Parade Chooses First Sodomite Rose Queen

Sodomite Navy 'couple' recreate the iconic New York WWII kiss

Lesbian ‘Batwoman’ Series Gets Green Light at CW

Evangelical groups hop on the Sodomite bandwagon

Appeals court gives Trump a win on transgender military service

Renowned Johns Hopkins psychiatrist says that transgendered men don’t become women, they become feminized men impersonators

Dozens of trans-regretters now ‘out of the closet’

Sodomite Video Game Exhibition Opens In Berlin

Sodomite Shep YouTube

10-Year-Old Boy ‘Drag Kid’ Photographed With Naked Adult Sodomite

Presbyterian Church In America (PCA) Becomes Latest Christian Denomination To Accept Transgenders And Same-Sex Unions • Now The End Begins

Pastor ousted after preaching that ‘love warns

Dangerous New Trans Push For Puberty Blockers Of Young Children

Starbucks Howard Schultz Tells Anti-Gay Marriage Christian Stockholders To ‘Sell Your Shares’ And Go Invest In Another Company

CCCU vice chair admits there is ‘risk’ associated with its Sodomite compromise

Lansdale PA Mayor Proclaims February 2nd As ‘Inclusion Day’ To Commemorate ‘Drag Queen Story Fun Time’ Sodomite Indoctrination of School Children

United Methodist Church vote keeps gay clergy, marriage bans

Corporate attack on traditional marriage ‘more like a betrayal’

Parents Caught Openly Discussing ‘Tucking’ And ‘Packing’ Penises For Toddlers They Desperately Want To Believe Are Transgender

Houston drag queen storytime reader charged with child sex assault

Almost 70 percent of Americans OK with gay presidential candidate, poll finds

Doctors Give 8-Year-Old Girls Testosterone, Claim They’re ‘Transgender’

Sodomite Activists Seek Control of Maine Mental Health Professionals

It’s Not The Equality Act, It’s The Homosexual Supremacy Act

Rising Gay Democratic Star Pete Buttigieg Says That Christianity ‘Must Move To A More Inclusive Vision’ To Accommodate The Sodomite Community

Texas Family Court Demands 8-Year-Old Boy Be Chemically Castrated Against Father’s Wishes

CDC admits HIV is exploding among transgender women… total silence from left-wing media, just like with the spread of anal cancer among homosexuals

Corporate coercion The Human Rights Campaign is dictating Sodomite policies to the majority of America’s biggest companies

Why Are Christian Adoption Agencies Placing Children In Homes With Sodomite Parents? 

Houston, Texas: Drag Queen Story Hour Provides Child Sex Offender & Transgender Prostitute To Groom Your Kids

Bud Light reveals rainbow bottle for Pride Month

Vid:  Chips Ahoy Goes Full SJW – Promotes “Drag Moms” in Bizarre Mother’s Day Advertisement

Eleven-year-old ‘Drag Kid’ now a spokeschild for Converse shoes

New Gillette Ad Features Dad Teaching Sodomite Daughter How to Shave

‘Drag 101’ course for teens to be taught at Ohio public library 

Disturbing Video Surfaces Of Childrens’ Drag Show, With Touchy-Feely Adults

Kids Give Cash to Sodomite “Performers” at Public Library

Discovery Family Show ‘My Little Pony’ To Introduce Lesbian Couple

Daughter of famed sci-fi author reveals sexual horrors she suffered growing up in a Sodomite home

Popular Online Home Schooling Resource Quietly Promotes Sodomite Lifestyle to Children

Police In Spokane Washington Use Rooftop Snipers To Protect ‘Drag Queen Story Hour’ While Baptist Pastor Preaching The Gospel Is Arrested

Family Sues Ontario School Over Gender Indoctrination

Cartoon Wars: LGBT Content Expands Across Kids Programming

Actual demonic energy now channeling out of Sodomites as humans morph into creatures from hell, right in front of children

Oreo Launch ‘LGBT Edition’ Cookies, Lectures Children on Transgender Pronouns

Whole Foods sponsors Sodomite Story Hour to indoctrinate children with perversion, pedophilia and transgenderism 

National conference teaches librarians how to sneak Sodomites past parents

Pro-Sodomite Netflix says, ‘We’re here, we’re queer’

Trans Activist Jessica Yaniv Applies For Permit to Host Semi-Nude Pool Party with Children – Parents Excluded

Gillette CEO: $8 billion loss is ‘price worth paying’ 

‘One Million Moms’ Boycotts Whole Foods Market for Sponsoring Drag Queen Hour

Illinois Passes Law Forcing All State Schools To Begin Teaching Sodomite History Lessons To ‘Neutralize Religion’ In The Classroom

Sodomite Hollywood Designer Describes Dramatic ‘Damascus Road’ Conversion to Christianity

IL Governor Signs Bill Mandating Sodomite History Curriculum in All Public Schools

Meanwhile, This Is What Sodomite Organizations Are Doing to Society

Veggie Tales’ Creator Says Christian Media Will Soon Be Forced to Cover Sodomite Topics for Kids

Watch As Parents Boo Christian Street Preacher Dorre Love As He Confronts The Pedophiles At Sodomite Story Hour And Stands Up For The Children

Why do so many “trans” pushers turn out to be pedophiles?

Pro Sodomite 'Bachelor in Paradise’ ABC Program

Obama Judge Rules Medicaid Must Pay For Transgender Sex Reassignment Surgery

Sodomite Model Teddy Quinlivan the New Face of Chanel Beauty

McKrae Game, former conversion therapy leader, comes out as a homosexual and apologizes to the Sodomite community

Texas Town Votes to Ban Sodomite Story Hour

Straight People Are Rejecting Transgenders: Activists Demand Government Intervenes

Credit union for Sodomite community Superbia gets green light 

FDA: Thousands of Deaths Associated With Drugs Given to ‘Trans’ Children

Newly passed California resolution blames ‘religious groups’ for Sodomite suicides

Supreme Court to Decide Sodomite Cases Amid Partisan Scrutiny

U.S. Supreme Court weighs major gay, transgender employment rights case

Supreme Court to Decide if Men Who Dress Like Women, Homosexuals Can Be Fired From Workplace

Wolves and Heretics Jonathan Cahn  

Hillary, Chelsea Asked if Person With Beard & Penis Can Identify as a Woman

Warren Says Gender-Reassignment Surgery Is Now A Right

Victory for Doctors Who Didn’t Want to Violate Their Own Beliefs with Gender Transition Operations

Canada:  Sodomite Rights Come Before Your Religious Beliefs 

‘Start Your Day With Maximum Gay:’ Kellogg’s Launches Sodomite Cereal

NCAA Big Sky Conference Names Biological Male Transgender Runner Jonathan ‘June’ Eastwood ‘Female Athlete Of The Week’ At University Of Montana

Universities now demanding total obedience to Sodomites for businesses before they are allowed to operate on campus 

DHS set to reverse Obama’s pro-Sodomite adoption policy

From ‘Schitt’s Creek’ to ‘Batwoman,’ Sodomite characters on U.S. TV are at an all-time high

Sodomite Activist Group GLAAD Is Now Demanding That 20% Of All Television Characters Be Sodomites by 2025

New census data: About 1 million Sodomite households in US

Sprite Sodomite Ad Proves There Is A War On For Children’s Hearts, Minds, & Bodies

Kentucky minister says ‘Christians must take back rainbow’ 

A Quarter Of Kids Treated At Sodomite Clinics May Just Be Autistic, New Study Finds 

US recalls ambassador to Zambia after he criticized jailing of Sodomite couple: Report

Teen Vogue Posts Guide to Sodomy on Christmas

Texas megachurch votes to leave UMC over homosexuality debate 

For First Time Ever, Sodomites Will Be Featured In Super Bowl LIV Ad, Marking The Ongoing Relentless Push By Global Elites To Normalize Perversion

Sesame Street is Making it Possible for Kids to See Sodomites Without Having to Go to The Local Library

Marshall Middle School In Minnesota Embroiled In Controversy After Hanging Sodomite Pride Flag In Cafeteria And Banning Family Flag

‘Death Threats For Me And My Family’: Missouri Lawmaker Trying To Ban Sodomites From Reading To Kids Says He’s Faced ‘Vitriol’ And ‘Hate’

Saying That The Sodomite Pride Flag Is The “Only Rainbow That Matters” Candy Giant Mars Wrigley Will Sell Gray Skittles In June To Benefit GLAAD

SCOTUS’s Transgender Ruling Firebombs The Constitution

Sports Illustrated Putting a Transgender Fake Woman On Its Swimsuit Issue Cover  

Transgender Satanist anarchist wins Republican nomination for county sheriff

Oreo Releases New Rainbow Cookies To Celebrate Partnership with Sodomite Advocacy Group PFLAG 

Major case testing Sodomite and religious rights goes before U.S. Supreme Court

New Commercial Celebrating 50th Anniversary Of Cadbury Creme Egg Features 2 Sodomites Kissing

‘Black Lives Matter at School’ Teaches Young Children to Be Transgender and Queer ‘Affirming’

The GayBCs Is A New Story Book To Indoctrinate Impressionable Young Children Into The Homosexual And Transgender Lifestyle

Washington Supreme Court opens door to forcing religious organizations to hire Sodomites

Biden Signs Executive Order to Make Transgender Surgery Free for Military on Taxpayer Dime

"President" Joe Biden Secretary Of State Blinken Authorizes US Diplomatic Missions To Begin Flying Sodomite Flag At US Embassies And Consulates

Veggie Tales Creator, Phil Vischer, Says Christians Shouldn’t Oppose Transgenderism

New ‘Rainbow Index of Churches in Europe’ measures Sodomite inclusivity of Christian denominations  

Scotland’s Largest Teacher’s Union to Host “Transgender Jesus” Play for Students

Cinotti’s Bakery In Jacksonville Florida Under Fire By Sodomite Activists After Pro-Heterosexual Post During Pride Month Sparks Outrage 

Supreme Court rules Christian foster agency can’t be forced to place kids with Sodomites

Hungary moving to protect its children from transgenderism and homosexuality while U.S. kids are exposed to the worst of both 

Boy Scouts lost 2 million members since lifting ban on gay youth; now mired in sex abuse claims

Mom Says Naked Transgender ‘with Beard & Penis’ Got in Hot Tub with 6-Year-Old

PCA takes first vote on banning ordination of Sodomites

Womens’ Rights Group Urge Newsom To End Prison Transgender-Mixing After Numerous Attacks, Rapes

Student body president faces impeachment for saying gays and lesbians must be ‘born again’ 

Biden nominates first openly-gay woman to serve as US ambassador

Journal of Medical Ethics study says parents should lose custody of children for opposing transgender drugs, surgeries 

Judge rejects churches’ challenge to Virginia’s Sodomite antidiscrimination law 

Church Installs First Transgender Bishop during Woke Ceremony in San Francisco

What is Queer Theory and How Are Churches Embracing It Either Intentionally or Inadvertently

North Carolina lieutenant governor faces resignation calls after terming homosexuality as ‘filth’

30% of millennials identify as Sodomites 

Memphis Christian School Under Attack For Affirming Christian Values

"President Biden" admin memo details plan to weaken religious liberty protections in favor of Sodomite lobby

New York University Faculty Member: Trans Activism Part of ‘Communist Revolution’

Texas AG Investigating Pharmaceutical Companies That Promote Hormone Blockers for Kids

RNC Announces ‘Pride Coalition,’ Partnership With Log Cabin Republicans Ahead of Midterm  

92% of Sodomite community has received at least one covid jab, and many now demonstrate aggressive personality changes consistent with brain damage 

Sodomites can now have babies via surrogacy inside Israel

Pro-Sodomite NASCAR

Drag Queen Story Hour For Children Comes To Church

Iranian Regime’s Execution of Gay Men Denounced by Iranian-American Activists

"President Biden": Florida bill addressing sex, gender conversations in classrooms is ‘hateful attack’ on gay children

Florida Democrats protest anti-Sodomite grooming law by chanting ‘gay, gay, gay’

Buttigieg Husband Recites Sodomite ‘Pledge’ With Youth Camp in Viral Video

Sodomites sue Florida over new law that bans grooming in K-3 classrooms

Oklahoma State University hosts ‘Drag Queen Story Hour’ for kids as young as 2-years-old 

School District Grants Funds To Middle School To Pay For Sodomite Show

European Union: ‘The Future of Europe is Queer’ 

Kuwait summons US embassy official over tweets that ‘support homosexuality’

Oak Lawn United Methodist Church to self-appoint Sodomite pastors after bishop denies request

The Sodomite Christian Church Now Has Their Own Hymnal Called ‘Songs For The Holy Other’ That Makes God A Sinner And A Liar  

'Pride In The Park' Event Targeting Children Will Feature Satanists Performing ‘Unbaptisms’ On The Kids 

UAE bans Disney-Pixar film over same-sex relationship characters

Pride Comes Before The Fall TyGreen

Sodomite Protesters in Berlin Demand that Ukraine isArmed to ‘Make Pride in Mariupol Possible’ 

These Violent Facts About Sodomites Are Real, Even Biden’s DOJ Forced to Admit Inconvenient Truth

These Violent Facts About Sodomites:  Even DOJ Forced to Admit Inconvenient Truth

Pro-family activists convinced Texas GOP to openly reject Sodomite agenda in party platform

Protesters march in Belgrade against planned gay Pride event

Scientific journal calls for suppression of research contradicting Sodomite ideology 

Yeshiva Univ. has a 1st Amendment right to deny official status to a Sodomite student group

American Babylon and the Sodomite plague

Miami-Dade School Board Ends Sodomite Month Recognition

400 Republican insiders sign letter endorsing Democrats’ same-sex ‘marriage’ bill 

Jewish university suspends all clubs after Supreme Court allows forced recognition of Sodomite group

Maine school board ordered to pay father $40k after blacklisting him for exposing obscene Sodomite books

High School Football Players Are Being Sodomized By Their Fellow Teammates

The Shooting At Club Q In Colorado Springs Has Nothing To Do With The Fact That The Sodomite Movement Targets And Sexualizes Young Children 

Kroger had to pay $180,000 to workers who were fired after they wouldn’t wear Sodomite pride symbols

German bishop announces new guidelines forcing priests to accept homosexuality, transgenderism

Church of England bows to pressure and will allow blessings of same-sex civil unions for the first time

Sodomite flag on altar of ‘church of woke’ triggers almighty court battle

$20 Million Worth Of Super Bowl Ads Entitled ‘He Gets Us’ Will Feature A Cool, Hip Jesus Preaching The Laodicean ‘Love Gospel’ To Sodomite Viewers 

Percentages of Americans identifying as Sodomites doubles over past decade: Gallup

The ‘Jesus Revolution’ Movie And All The Other Current Media Promotions Of This ‘Another Jesus’ Are Paving The Way For Acceptance of Homosexuality in Churches

Florida Becomes First State To Push Back Against Sodomites

Homosexuals Sue Christian Activist for Criticizing Test Tube Baby Trafficking

Evangelical Anglican clergy opposed to CofE’s blessing of same-sex marriage launch new group

‘Pride’ month actually something much more sinister, commentator warns

Quebec students tear down, trample school 'pride' flag in protest of Sodomite agenda

Regime Supporters in Uganda March for ‘Anti-Homosexuality Act’

Over 5,000 congregations break away from United Methodist Church over pro-Sodomite stance

Tucker Carlson: ‘Pride’ is a ‘religious war’ that may bring same fate as Sodom and Gomorrah

Four in 10 Brown University students claim they’re Sodomites

Japanese Man Who Identifies as a Dog, Takes First Public Stroll After $16,000 Transformation, Forms Bonds with Other Canines

A California hospital executive and professor claimed children can identify as a mythology-inspired creature

Fr. James Martin says Christ raising Lazarus from dead is ‘invitation’ for Sodomites to ‘come out’ 

Canada: Million Person March organizer announces new nationwide protests against Sodomite agenda

Namibia rejects EU treaty that could impose anti-life, pro-Sodomite agenda on African nations 

Russia’s supreme court bans Sodomite movement 

Vancouver Island hospital announces ‘2SLGBTQIA ‘ nurse despite staffing crisis across Canada 

Indigenous, trans, 2 spirit Laurier University professor says ‘quality of life is not gonna change’ until ‘Two Spirit’ is added to LGBTQ acronym

College Sodomite group claims The Bible is ‘Christian fake news’

DEI Exodus Gains Steam Across Corporate America 

Ghana MP defends law banning sodomy, Sodomite promotion

Iraq Iraq’s parliament has passed a law banning same-sex relations and transgenderism. The measure was condemned by pro-Sodomite US and UK. 

Sodomites: From “Furry” Conventions In 18 Different States In 2024, To The Nonsensical Claim Of 81 Genders

Pro-Sodomite Minneapolis parish hosts homosexual man’s ‘cabaret’ about his dead ‘husband’ 

Australian Sodomite promotes bestiality to high schoolers

‘Pride Month’ Tests One's Commitment To The Truth Of God’s Word

...Nnon-stop, relentless promotion of perversion

"Pride" celebrates sin

Canada: Alberta’s Danielle Smith says conservatives must embrace homosexual ‘couples’ as ‘nuclear families’

British founder of Sodomite ‘pride’ group charged with over 30 counts of child sex crimes

Hezbollah’s Leader Hassan Nasrallah’s message to ‘Queers for Palestine’

Republic of Georgia parliament ignores EU threats, passes sweeping anti-Sodomite bill

Radical trans activist group sued for failing to protect abuse victim

Canadia: A Sodomite Rights Activist Calls for Removal of ‘Savior’ from Core Christian Beliefs
