ALEC (American Legislative Exchange Council)
NEA (National Education Association)
Get Your Kids out of the Godless Public Schools
Godless Indoctrination Zones
"You don't reform a brothel. You close it." ~ Bob
[6th Graders Asked: How Comfortable Are You At A Gay
Bar? |] “A teacher is under fire after giving a quiz to 6th-grade
students asking how comfortable they are in situations such as meeting a
“female-to-male transsexual.”
Haltom City, Texas students at North Richland Middle
School were given multiple scenarios and asked to rate how they feel would be
with each situation on a scale of 1 through 4…” Full text: 6th
Graders Asked: How Comfortable Are You At A Gay Bar? Pr
22:6, Is 5:20, Lk 17:2
SeventhDay View
Should the public schools be teaching moral teachings which
is a parental responsibility?
The public schools shouldn’t be teaching anything
“You don’t reform a brothel.
You close it.” ~ Bob Enyart
New Jersey Schools Are Pushing 9-Year-Old Kids to Join in March 14th Anti-Gun Walkout Protests
Calif. Public School Caught Working With Islamic Terror Front Group
Baltimore too Poor to Heat Schools But Spends $100K to Send Students to Gun Protest
Did School Book Fair Try to Indoctrinate First Graders?
Veteran academics warn college students are going off the rails
Parents to pull kids from public schools to protest ‘graphic, gender-bending’ sex ed
Parents Can’t Opt Out of Sodomite Ed Class
Schools are removing analogue clocks from exam halls as teenagers ‘cannot tell the time’
Florida High School Facing Backlash After Sexually Explicit Homework Assignment
65% of Public School 8th Graders Not Proficient in Reading
Armed teachers become a reality in Georgia
Illinois Senate Approves Bill Requiring Public Schools to Teach Sodomite History
School board warned about ‘illegal, obscene’ classroom instruction
School board stunner: There is no ‘biological sex’
Ray Comfort’s new movie ‘solves’ the school shooting riddle
Virginia School Board To Teach Children That Gender Is A Social Construct
Colorado school nurses can dispense marijuana
Florida School Drops Common Core – Soars To Number One
Muslims ‘proselytizing’ at U.S. school assemblies
1 school, of thousands, drops company providing porn to kids
Middle School Opposes Pro-Life Club, Faces Potential Civil Rights Lawsuit
US Schools Ban Christian Prayer Before Football Games Because of ‘Complaint’
Muslim Arab Nation Spends Millions Sneaking Anti-Israel and Pro-Islam Propaganda into US Schools
Some Parents Outraged After Drag Queen Speaks At School Career Day
To Expand Access to Emergency Contraception, Some Colleges Try Vending Machines
Boys can have periods too, children to be taught in latest victory for transgender campaigners
Homeschooling Skyrockets as Parents Wake Up to Left-Wing Social Engineering
Liberals cheer as New Jersey to require all schools to teach Sodomite history
School Teaches 5-Year-Olds About Transgenderism Without Telling Parents
NJ hires the first K-9 officer team to patrol schools full-time
Missouri House approves Bible class in public schools
School Gives Transgender Classes to 6-Year-Olds, Despite Parents’ Objections
No child will be left unindoctrinated
Judge Rules High School Girls Must Shower With Boys. Girls Have No Right To “Visual Bodily Privacy”
“It’s Pornography” Parents Outraged as California Targets Kindergartners With Transgender Propaganda
Pennsylvania School Stops Principal from Saying ‘God Bless America’ After Pledge
Calif. approves new sex ed guidance; critics say it is too explicit, morally corrupt
College Board president pushing ‘adversity score’ is same man behind controversial Common Core program
U.S. school fails Christian student for refusing Islamic prayer
Middle School Invites Drag Queens To ‘Teach’ Students How ‘People are Different’ – Target stores donating $100,000 to promote Sodomite lifestyle to school children
Law would let schools diagnose kids ‘mentally ill’
Transgender Teacher Accused of Showing ‘Coming Out’ Video to 5-Year-Olds
Sen. Schumer wants to outlaw bulletproof backpacks that help protect children from violence
TMLC Uncovers Tax-Payer Funded Islamic Propaganda Forced On Teachers
Illinois Passes Law Requiring Pro-Sodomite Classes in Middle School
Colorado public school forces girls to follow Islamic dress code on a school field trip to a mosque
Sodomite re-training now begins in Kindergarten
SPLC-Inspired ‘Diversity Inventory’ Leaves Students ‘Traumatized’
Children’s Book Publisher Promotes Bisexuality, Political Activism At School Fair
Surprise ‘coming out’ as Sodomite middle school assembly angers parents
Texas School District Mandates Teaching Kids How to Sodomite One Another
Turn The Page or Lose Your Children to Indoctrination
School Passes Out Flyer To Seven-Year-Olds Discussing ‘Implants, Pills, Condoms And More’
Seclusion and isolation rooms misused in Illinois schools
School Survey Asks 6th Graders If They’re Transgender, ‘Non-Binary,’ Pansexual
Harvard Law Professor Wants To Ban Homeschooling For Being ‘Dangerous’
Children And Society
Is going to school in person obsolete? Cuomo wonders why ‘old model’ persists –
Are we seeing the collapse of public education? One can hope
California Education System Set To Resurrect Baal Worship
Glenn Beck reveals newly approved CA school curriculum
Vid: Oregon school board may require classrooms to fly BLM, pride flags
Exposing what ALEC is – and how it’s pushing to make 5G a reality
Lessons From A North Korean Defector: US Schools Have Become Brainwashing Center
Teachers told to give fake curriculum to parents who complain of ‘indoctrination’
Largest Teachers’ Union Quietly Scrubs Pro-CRT Agenda Items From Website
School Board Hires BLM Leader Accused of Sexually Abusing Multiple Children
Tearful Virginia Teacher Resigns At School Board Meeting, Denounces “Highly Politicized Agendas”
Rhode Island Teachers’ Union Sues Mother For Daring To Ask To See Her Kindergartener’s Curriculum
In America, Public School Teachers Are Now Training Their Students To Follow ANTIFA And To Pledge Allegiance To The LGBTQ P For Pedophile Sodomite FlagArizona school board president’s secret dossier on parents who oppose CRT and mask mandates
Republicans flip school boards across US as parents revolt against mask mandates, CRT
Leaked Audio Reveals How California Teachers Recruit Kids Into Sodomite Clubs
Two Minnesotans banned from school district after asking about sexual abuse scandal
"President Biden" targets pre-schools that don’t teach Sodomite indoctrination
Erie, PA, Teacher Calls for Religious Exempted Unvaccinated To Be Shot & Killed
District Tells Students To Cast Spells On People Who Say ‘All Lives Matter’
NEA Board Member Suggests Unvaccinated with Religious Exemptions Deserve to Die
“Woke” schools now using the same grooming tactics that are used by predators to seduce kids
Education Department Will Keep Trump-Era Effort To Catalog Teacher Sex Crimes
School illegally resurrects segregation for ‘families of color’
Sodomite literature dominates American Library Association’s top 10 ‘most challenged’ books list
Are “Social Justice” Programs in Schools Taking the Place of the 3R’s?
Virginia teachers fire back after school district mulls implementing more ‘equitable’ grading system
Fourth School Accused of Secretly Helping Children Turn Transgender
37,000 Teachers Use Left-Wing ‘News Literacy Project’ to Indoctrinate Children
Schools Embrace BLM ‘Week of Action,’ Teach Students to ‘Disrupt Western Nuclear Family Dynamics’
CA School Creates ‘Transition Closet’; Allows Students To ‘Swap Out’ Of Clothes ‘Parents Approve Of’
Minneapolis teachers union president: ‘Our fight is against capitalism’
DeSantis: FSA testing to end in Florida schools
American public education is now a Sodomite porn advocacy hub
School District Caught Ordering Teachers to Hide ‘Gender Transitions’ from Parents
K-3 ‘SEL’ Curriculum in Delaware County Includes ‘Jacob’s New Dress’
‘Erections & Ejaculations’ Homework Assignment, 10 Year Old Girl Instructed To Go Home & Ask Her Dad
Red States see tidal wave of bills aiming to restrict sex and gender lessons for kids
Florida rejects 41% of math textbooks for including CRT, most aimed at K-5 students: ‘Impermissible’
Probe at Colonia High School Looks At Possible Link Between School and Brain Tumors
Lakeville principal promoted Sodomite protest for 10-year-olds
More Secret Gender Transition Closets Discovered In Public Schools
71% Of Elementary School Math Textbooks In Florida Contained ‘Woke Indoctrination’
Leaked video, documents reveal Sodomite indoctrination in private schools across America
Illinois school district defends After School Satan Club
NY Teachers Fulfill Requirements for Learning to Indoctrinate Students
Republicans say they have proof FBI targeted concerned parents
Children’s drag queen dance party draws outrage in New England
‘Woke’ School Caught Encouraging Children to Become ‘Sex Workers’
School district to begin ‘anti-bias education’ for kindergartners
Missouri AG subpoenas seven school districts over gender, critical race theory surveys
Over $200K being spent on drag queen shows at NYC schools
WA School Board Director to Teach Sex Ed Class to Children at Sex Shop
National teachers union convention promotes leftist agenda
Almost 200 educators across the country charged with felonies related to child abuse
Education Consulting Firm Seeks to Promote K-12 ‘Queer Mathematics’
NEA head teaches fellow educators how to brainwash children
Licensure changes ask teachers to make students ‘agents of social change’
Oklahoma Officials Respond To Teacher Quitting Over CRT Ban
CA School District Textbook Claims There Are Eight Genders
Public Schools Brainwashing Children to Eat Bugs
NJ Department Of Education Threatens Schools That Refuse To Promote Gender Identity To Minors
School district now requires parental consent for name, pronoun changes
Mother shames ‘groomer’ school board with graphic description of drag show
Hastings kids have access to ‘Gender Queer’ book with perverted pictures
Student Test Scores Are Plunging
Florida To Revoke Licenses Of K-3 Teachers Who Discuss Gender Identity, Sexuality
Scannable Teacher Badges Direct Teens to Explicit Sex Guides
Southern Poverty Law Center Takes Aim at School Boards, Local Elections With New PACs
Mural at Michigan Middle School Sparks Outrage Over Transvestite Flag and Demon Face
Every 24-Hours A Teacher is Arrested for Child Sex Crimes, Report Reveals
Drag Queen and Middle School Teacher Makes Sexual Remarks in Front of Students
Colorado approves adding Sodomite language into history curriculum
With States Hands-Off, Homeschooling Takes Off
Cambridge University dean says Jesus could have been transgender
Cambridge sermon claims Jesus’ wound is a vagina; Savior is trans
Mother Hires Deprogrammer to Help Daughter ‘Unlearn’ Woke College Indoctrination
Texas Parent Shocks School Board With Graphic Library Books
Experts: Burnsville district can now conceal students’ gender identity from parents
Minnesota teacher helps students hide gender transitions using class survey
Connecticut Makes Climate Change Curriculum Compulsory in Public School Classrooms
Maine School Secretly Gender-Transitioned 13-Year-Old Girl
Public school enrollment tanked by over 1 million students during pandemic
Major University Spends Over $18 Million on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Staff
Minnesota Teachers Will Be Required to Affirm CRT and Gender Ideology
High school student suspended, arrested for saying only two genders
Democrat New Jersey governor says new law will train kids to spot ‘disinformation’
Maine Community Votes Out School Board Members for Backing Policy to Hide Kids’ Gender Transitions
Project Veritas Exposes Non-Profit That Hides Critical Race Theory In School Curriculum
Even "Christian" schools buying into Common Core
To Increase Equity, School Districts Eliminate Honors Classes
Condom Scavenger Hunt Part of New School Assignment Workbook
Not a single student can do math at grade level in 53 Illinois schools. For reading, it’s 30 schools
DeSantis exposes ‘pornography’ in Florida children’s books
Sarah Huckabee Sanders signs law restricting Sodomite ideology, CRT, sexual materials in schools
Elementary school teacher says confusing kids about gender is ‘the goal’
California school forces students to watch sexualized drag show led by their peers
Oregon high school sparks fury after asking students to write x-rated ‘sexual fantasy’
Nearly 6,000 public schools hide students’ ‘gender transition’ from parents
Maryland teacher brags about loving ‘communism’ and ‘indoctrinating’ students in TikTok rant
Stanford Law School Suspends Diversity Dean After She Doubles-Down On Duncan Debacle
U.S. House passes ‘Parents Bill of Rights’
Utah becomes first state to require parental consent for children to use social media
Pennsylvania Schools to Exclude Parents from Child’s ‘Gender Transition Plan’
Graphic Novel Depicting Students Shooting Teacher Found in Florida Middle School Libraries
UK: recording exposes homosexual teacher’s bullying of students
UK: Largest Teachers Union in United Kingdom Votes to Have Drag Queen Grooming Hour in All Schools
Judge denies activist’s attempt to hide radical curriculum from public
Greatest betrayal in nation deceptively unleashed on millions
Rantz: Middle school hosted ‘disturbing’ licking game with staff and students
The Left’s Religion Is The Sodomite Lifestyle And Their Churches Are Our Public Schools
Florida Bans Instruction on Gender Identity, Sexual Orientation in K-12 Classrooms
Gov. Ivey Replaces Alabama Education Director Over ‘Woke’ Training Book
Vid: Mayor Confronts School Board After Discovering ‘Filth’ and ‘Pornographic’ Materials in School
The Impact of Pushing Transgender Ideology on Children in Schools instead of Scientific Facts
Teacher goes nuclear on parents after showing a woke movie to her class
Dallas School District Installs AI Surveillance to Monitor Student Behavior
Canadian elementary students forced to watch drag show in school gym to celebrate Sodomite month
UNESCO Is A Key Vehicle For Injecting Occult ‘Spirituality’ Into Classrooms Worldwide
Middle School Students Stage Rebellion Against Sodomite Indoctrination
School boards can now circumvent voters in renewing property tax levies
Aussie Academics: Scaring School Children Improves their Climate Behaviour
New Jersey Schools Report More Than 4,200 Percent Increase In Nonbinary Students In Four Years
Families Clash With Schools Over Sodomite Propaganda
Ohio fifth-graders forced to create Native American pagan idols in class, write about their ‘powers’
Midwest teachers trade tips on ‘subversively and quietly’ transitioning kids without telling parents
Washington School District: Students Cannot Opt out of Sodomite Lessons
Planned Parenthood is banned across Saskatchewan after supplying 9th graders with explicit card game
Nation’s largest teachers union votes to officially promote child sex changes
UK: Glastonbury resident schools Council on Agenda 2030
Climate and the state of the world
Seattle public schools will offer ‘gender affirming care’ to students at no cost
‘You Will Not Bully Us’: California School Board Shuts Down State Superintendent
Taxpayer Funded “Queer” Middle School
Progressive watchdog groups sue Okla. for approving nation’s first religious charter school
NJ’s New ‘Equity Rules’ Place Children in Sex Ed Class Based on Gender Identity, Not Biology
Austin School District Shuttles Students to Sodomite Parade
Tennessee teacher apologizes for creative writing assignment about killing someone
NY AG, Education Chief: Schools Can’t Ban ‘Lewdness’ from Classrooms
School Board Fires Satan-Worshipping Non-Binary Teacher
Parent Slams California School For Holding ‘No Whites Allowed’ Kids Playdate
Oklahoma School Hires Drag Queen Principal Once Arrested For Child Porn, Drugs
LA School District Launches Virtual Sodomite Club for Kindergarten Through Age 11 Students
American Christians increasingly ‘outsource’ discipleship of their children to ‘experts’
LA elementary schools to celebrate National Coming Out Day with a week of Sodomite lessons
200 Maryland Public Schools Have Less Than 5% Students Proficient In Math
‘Wizard’ running for school board seat endorsed by Pennsylvania Democrats
Dr. James Lindsay warns Minnesotans of ‘indoctrination, brainwashing’ in public schools
Universities Celebrate the Mass Murder of Jews
University Draws Backlash After Students Offered Extra Credit to Attend Pro-Palestinian Event
Minnesota teacher called for Israel’s eradication at socialist rally
New Jersey To End ‘Basic Skills Test’ Requirement For Government-School Teachers
George Washington University Suspends Students for Justice in Palestine Chapter
100 Harvard profs come out against efforts to stop campus antisemitism
University of Virginia hosted seminar teaching medical students how to start ‘gender clinics’
Ohio Whistleblower Says Schools Hiring Professionals to Push Big Pharma Drugs on Children
One in five young Americans believes the Holocaust is a myth, poll finds
Calls grow for ouster of Penn, Harvard, MIT presidents after antisemitism House hearing
“Resign In Disgrace!” – Ackman Takes Aim At Harvard President As PhD Plagiarism Allegations Appear
Lawmakers Introduce Bipartisan Legislation Demanding Harvard, MIT Presidents Resign
Chicago Moves To Eliminate “High-Achieving” School Programs
NY Times Blasts Harvard’s Gay In Detailed Plagiarism Review As Scandal Spirals Out Of Control
76 Christian Universities Caught Promoting Abortion and Planned Parenthood
University of Minnesota professor: ‘I hope you seek to dismantle the United States’
American College Students Openly Support Campaign To Kill Jews
Kansas High School Approves Satan Worship Club Despite Pushback from Students, Parents
Austrian university severs ties with Harvard over antisemitism concerns
The hostile takeover of education in Minnesota
Defund Universities That Allow, Ignore Antisemitism, US Senator Says
76 Christian Universities Caught Promoting Abortion and Planned Parenthood
The firing of University of Wisconsin-La Crosse Chancellor Joe Gow
Harvard President’s Resignation is the Tip of the DEI Iceberg
California school district pushing pro-Sodomite books, movies on children as young as kindergarten
California Schools Create Trans-Indoctrination Lesson Plans For K-12
US congressional panel seeks documents from Harvard in antisemitism probe
House committee probing Cornell, Harvard, MIT, Penn tax-exempt status over antisemitism
Harvard partners with Palestinian university that calls to genocide Jews
NYC Elementary School Lists ‘Palestine’ on Map Instead of Israel
San Francisco School District Pushes Anti-Israel Propaganda onto Students
UC Santa Cruz Critical Race and Ethnic Studies Dept. Engaged in “Anti-Zionist Advocacy”
‘Persistent, threatening’ Jew-hatred at American U, federal complaint alleges
‘Every hostage poster on campus has been defaced,’ says Jewish student suing Harvard
Public Education’s Alarming New 4th ‘R’: Reversal Of Learning
Berkeley Professor Urges Israel to be Dismantled at German Event, Sparking Outrage
NYC teachers caught using communist website to teach 3rd graders
Harvard produces ‘whiny snowflakes’, says major donor as he withdraws funding
School Assignment Asks Children To ‘Declare Independence’… From Their Parents
Calling Evil Good And Good Evil On College Campuses
Harvard to host radical professor who defended Hamas massacre
England: Tedros the Terrorist tries to push WHO’s Pandemic Treaty using university students
Harvard stalls, as Penn preps to hand anti-Semitic documents over to House
Not A Single Child Tested Proficient In Math In 67 Illinois Schools
Minnesota School District Allows Muslim Families to Opt Out of Sodomite Curriculum
Canadian Grandmother’s Fight Against a Small-Town Pervs Teaching Her 11-Year-Old Granddaughter
Grooming: sexualization of children has replaced education
New "President" Biden Regulation Would Force Gov’t Schools To Bow Before ‘Gender Identities’
Texas high school to take 22 years to review all sexually explicit books in library
School boards are silencing parents who object to pornographic materials in their child’s education
Teacher prays before school begins; all hell breaks loose
School district wants administrator who can ‘examine’ the presence of ‘Whiteness’
NYC kindergarteners learn ‘not all boys’ ‘have a penis’ during HIV/AIDS lessons for children
Rutgers Professor Claims it is ‘Homophobic’ to Point Out How Hamas Brutalizes Somomites
Two out of three US colleges require DEI-related classes for graduation: Speech First report
Rochester counselor blows whistle on trans ‘guidelines’ that district was ‘trying to hide’
Anti-communism education bill signed by DeSantis
Mandatory Sodomite indoctrination at school causes huge uproar
Student reportedly forced into Hindu rituals at Chicago school granted class action status
Title IX Rules: 6 More States Sue Biden Admin Over “Radical And Illegal” Changes
Christian group kicked off campus for requiring its leaders to be Christian
Seattle may close 20 public elementary schools amid mass exodus of students
Federal Court Rules Maryland Parents Cannot Opt Children Out of Sodomite Lessons
Illinois Schools Will Soon Be Required To Indoctrinate Students With Man-Made ‘Climate Change’
A Nationwide Teacher Shortage Is Costing Schools $4 Billion Per Year
While Chicago Schools Fail Students, Teachers Union Demands Climate Action Contract
Louisiana Becomes First State to Require the Ten Commandments be Displayed in all Public Classrooms
Violence Against Teachers Rises To ‘Crisis’ Levels
Idaho parents block woke DEI curriculum from being introduced to K-5 students
Fifth Graders Now Enlisted as Homosexual Groomers
Canada: University offers ‘drag’ classes for kids at anti-family summer camp on a remote island
Student’s Diploma Withheld After Praising Jesus In His Graduation Speech
US Jewish Groups Condemn Anti-Zionist Resolutions Considered by American Federation of Teachers
Now the other national teachers’ union is considering anti-Israel resolutions
California high school pulls its ‘LGBTQ resources’ webpage for students after facing backlash
Rochester Public Schools threatened with lawsuit over district’s transgender policy
Columbia U president resigns after months of criticism over lacking response to anti-Israel protests
University of Maryland will allow a pro-Palestinian group to hold a rally on campus on October 7
“The Bible is Gonna Be Back in Classrooms Here” – Oklahoma State Superintendent
‘Crushing’ discrimination against Jews, Israelis at Columbia U
Yale Divinity Students Forced To Read From Witch’s “Spell” At Orientation
‘Eradicate America’: Students for Justice in Palestine Calls for ‘Total Collapse’ of the US
Harvard’s New ‘Queer’ Course Sparks Outcry From Experts
Macalester College’s education department among list of ‘CorruptED’ institutions
Florida school district must restore books with Sodomite content under settlement
Notre Dame president’s inauguration celebration includes former Planned Parenthood executive
Teachers union conference to feature sessions on ‘pronoun usage,’ ‘2SLGBTQIA+’ ideology
The University of Southern California is hosting a “demonic” drag show called “Drag me to hell”
Lawsuit Filed After School Forces Fifth Graders To Recruit Kindergarteners Into Gender Ideology
Virginia Schools Quietly Pull Sodomite Book Over Explicit Content Debate
Gov’t Schools Spent $3.2B Tax Dollars Fighting Against Parents Last Year Alone, Study Reveals
The Life Of National Geographic’s Trans Poster Child Showcases Why Parents Need To Biblically Lead
J.D. Vance was a poster boy for Yale law school, the school won’t congratulate him on his victory
Florida removed over 4,500 explicit Sodomite books from schools last year: report
Michigan Dems Push For ‘Radical’ Sex Ed Changes Before Control of State House Flips To GOP
Teacher resigns after video threatening Trump voters circulates online and sparks backlash
University of Michigan student gov impeaches anti-Israel leaders
Islam taught in NJ Schools: Teachers Converted, Trained to Enforce Sharia and Indoctrinate Children
Texas proposal would give schools the option to use Bible teachings in lessons
Teacher union exodus reaches nearly double-digit percentage since 2018
Bible removed From Texas school district due to state law banning ‘sexually explicit’ content
Ability To Read, Write, Or Do Math Is No Longer Required To Teach In New Jersey
Top Law Professor Calls Gov’t Education An Unconstitutional Establishment of Religion
Trump memo puts Walz administration on notice re: ethnic studies
(American Legislative Exchange Council)